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Test Report

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Test Report for FCC
                                                                                         FCC ID :ZKE-ICAMM300

           Report Number                 ESTRFC1810-002

                  Company name           Iris ID, Inc.
                                         512, Daerung Post Tower 1st Suite, 288, Digital-ro, Guro-gu,
  Applicant           Address            Seoul South Korea

                     Telephone           +82-2-3289-5313

           Contact person                Mr Dae-Sung Noh

                   Product name          Portable Data Collection Terminal

   Product           Model No.                  iCAM M300             Manufacturer           Iris ID, Inc.

                      Serial No.                  None               Country of origin         KOREA

  Test date               2018-08-29 ~ 2018-09-27                     Date of issue          17-Oct-18

    Testing                        347-69, Jungbu-daero 147beon-gil, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si,
   location                                    Gyeonggi-do 467-811, R. O. Korea

  Standard                           FCC PART 15 Subpart C(15.225), ANSI C 63.10(2013)

                     Result                          Complied

 Measurement facility registration number                659627

  Tested by                Senior Engineer I.K. Hong                      (Signature)

Reviewed by              Engineering Manager K.B. Lee                     (Signature)

Abbreviation       OK, Pass = Complied,       Fail = Failed, N/A = not applicable
  * Note
  - This test report is not permitted to copy partly without our permission
  - This test result is dependent on only equipment to be used
  - This test result based on a single evaluation of one sample of the above mentioned
  - Marketing Model name : RP1600

Report Number : ESTRFC1810-002                           EST-P25-IO2-F04 (2016.01.01)            Page 1 of 16

  1. Laboratory Information   …………………………………………………………………………… 3
  2. Description of EUT    ………………………………………………………………………………                        4
  3. Test Standards   …………………………………………………………………………………… 6
  4. Measurement condition     …………………………………………………………………………                      7
  5. 20dBm Bandwidth      ………………………………………………………………………………… 9
    5.1 Procedure ……………………………………………………………………………………… 9
    5.2 20dBm Bandwidth Set up ……………………………………………………………………                        9
    5.3 Measurement Data ……………………………………………………………………………                           9
  6. Frequency Tolerance      ……………………………………………………………………………                      10
    6.1 Procedure     ……………………………………………………………………………………… 10
    6.2 Equipments lists ………………………………………………………………………………                          10
    6.3 Frequency stability Data   ……………………………………………………………………                    11
  7. Measurement of radiated emission   …………………………………………………………… 12
    7.1 Radiated emission limits, general requirements   ………………………………………… 12
    7.2 Measurement equipment      …………………………………………………………………… 12
    7.3 Environmental conditions   …………………………………………………………………… 12
    7.4 Test data(9 kHz ~30 MHz)    ………………………………………………………………… 13
    7.5 Test data(30 MHz ~ 1 GHz)    ………………………………………………………………… 14
    7.6 Test data(Above 1 GHz)     ……………………………………………………………………                    15
  8. Measurement of conducted emission     ………………………………………………………… 16
    8.1 Measurement equipment      …………………………………………………………………… 16
    8.2 Environmental conditions …………………………………………………………………… 16
    8.3 Test data   ………………………………………………………………………………………                            17
  Appendix 1. Special diagram
  Appendix 2. Antenna Requirement

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1. Laboratory Information
1.1 General
  This EUT (Equipment Under Test) has been shown to be capable of compliance with the applicable
  technical standards and is tested in accordance with the measurement procedures as indicated in
  this report.ESTECH Lab attests to accuracy of test data. All measurement reported herein were
  performed by ESTECH Co., Ltd.
  ESTECH Lab assume full responsibility for the completeness of these measurements and vouch for
  the qualifications of all persons taking them.

1.2 Test Lab.

  Corporation Name : ESTECH Co., Ltd.

  Head Office : Suite 1015 World Meridian II, 123 Gasan Digital 2-ro, Geumcheon-gu,
               Seoul 153-759, R. O. Korea

  EMC/Telecom/Safety Test Lab : 347-69, Jungbu-daero 147beon-gil, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si,
                                 Gyeonggi-do 467-811, R. O. Korea

1.3 Official Qualification(s)

  MSIP : Granted Accreditation from Ministry of Information & Communication for EMC, Safety
         and Telecommunication
  KOLAS : Accredited Lab By Korea Laboratory Accreditation Schema base on CENELEC
  FCC : Conformity Assessment Body(CAB) with registration number 659627 under
        APEC TEL MRA between the RRA and the FCC
  VCCI : Granted Accreditation from Voluntary Control Council for Interference from ITE

Report Number : ESTRFC1810-002                     EST-P25-IO2-F04 (2016.01.01)           Page 3 of 16

2. Description of EUT
2.1 Summary of Equipment Under Test
Product               :   Portable Data Collection Terminal
Model Number          :    iCAM M300
Serial Number         :   NONE
Manufacturer          :   Iris ID, Inc.
Country of origin     :   KOREA
Operating Frequency   :   13.56 MHz
Antenna Type          :   PCB Patten Antenna
Modulation Type       :   ASK
Channel               :   1 ch
Power Rating          :   DC 3.7 V
Receipt Date          :   2-Apr-18

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3. Test Standards
Test Standard : FCC PART 15 Subpart C(15.225)
  This Standard sets out the regulations under which an intentional, unintentional, or incidental
  radiator may be operated without an individual license. It also contains the technical
  specifications, administrative requirements and other conditions relating to the marketing of Part
  15 devices.

Test Method : ANSI C 63.10 (2013)
  This standard sets forth uniform methods of measurement of radio-frequency (RF) signals and
  noise emitted from both unintentional and intentional emitters of RF energy in the frequency range
  9 kHz to 40 GHz. Methods for the measurement of radiated and AC power-line conducted radio
  noise are covered and may be applied to any such equipment unless otherwise specified by
  individual equipment requirements. These methods cover measurement of certain decides that
  deliberately radiate energy, such as intentional emitters, but does not cover licensed transmitters.
  This standard is not intended for certification/approval of avionic equipment or for industrial,
  scientific, and medical (ISM) equipment These method apply to the measurement of individual
  units or systems comprised of multiple units

Summary of Test Results
                    Applied Satandard : 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C
   Standard               Test Type               Result               Remark                  Limit
    15.203           Antenna Requirement          Pass           Meet the requirement
    15.207      AC Power Conducted Emission       Pass           Meet the requirement
                      Radiated Emission                                                    15,848 uV/m
   15.225(a)                                      Pass           Meet the requirement
                    (13.553 ~13.567) MHz                                                     at 30 m
                      Radiated Emission
                                                                                            334 uV/m
   15.225(b)          (13.410 ~13.553 ,           Pass           Meet the requirement
                                                                                             at 30 m
                    13.567 ~ 13.710) MHz
                      Radiated Emission
                                                                                            106 uV/m
   15.225(c)          (13.110 ~13.410 ,           Pass           Meet the requirement
                                                                                             at 30 m
                    13.710 ~ 14.010) MHz
                     Apply section 15.209
   15.225(d)     (out side band of the 13.110     Pass           Meet the requirement
                         ~14.010) MHz
   15.225(e)          Frequency stability         Pass           Meet the requirement
   15.215(c)           20dB Bandwidth             Pass           Meet the requirement

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4. Measurement Condition
4.1 EUT Operation.
     -The EUT was tested, under transmission / receiving

     1. Normal communication with RF OUT Frequeny(13.56 MHz).

4.2 Configuration and Peripherals

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4.3 EUT and Support equipment
       Equipment Name                   Model Name                   S/N               Manufacturer
                                                                                                           (FCC ID)
    Portable Data Collection
                                         iCAM M300                  NONE                Iris ID, Inc.       EUT
            Cradle                    iCAM M300-CRST                NONE               Iris ID, Inc.

4.4 Cable Connecting
                    Start Equipment                         End Equipment             Cable Standard
             Name                     I/O port          Name            I/O port   Length      Shielded
    Portable Data Collection
                                      Power            Adapter              -         2.0     Unshielded

Report Number : ESTRFC1810-002                         EST-P25-IO2-F04 (2016.01.01)                 Page 7 of 16

5. 20 dB Bandwidth
5.1 Procedure
   The transmitter output was connected to the spectrum analyzer. The bandwidth of the fundamental
   frequency was measured by spectrum analyzer. The 20 dB bandwidth is defined as the bandwidth at 20 dB
   below from peak power point.

5.2 20dB Bandwidth setup
   The spectrum analyzer is set to as following
   RBW: 50 Hz
   VBW: 50 Hz
   Span: 5 kHz
   Sweep:suitable duration based on the EUT specification

   20dB Bandwidth Test Instruments

                  Decription                          Model           Serial Number     Cal. Due Data

                 Signal Analyzer                      FSV40               100939          27-Dec-18

5.3 Measurement Data

Report Number : ESTRFC1810-002                   EST-P25-IO2-F04 (2016.01.01)              Page 8 of 16

6. Frequency Tolerance
6.1 Procedure
      The frequency stability of the transmitter is measured by:
      a) Temperature: The temperature is varied from -20 ℃ to +50 ℃ using an environmental chamber.
      b) Primary Supply Voltage: The primary supply voltage is varied from 85 % to 115 % of the voltage normally at the
         input to the device or at the power supply terminals if cables are not normally supplied.
        The frequency tolerance of the carrier shall be maintained within ±0.01 % of the operating frequency.

6.2 Equipment lists
      The following test equipments are used during test
                        Decription                                Model              Serial Number       Cal. Due Data
                      Signal Analyzer                             FSV40                  100939            27-Dec-18
                 Temp./Humidity Chamber                         SM-150-2                 04-TH24           26-Dec-18

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6.3 Frequency stability Data

   Operting Frequency :              13,560,593 Hz
   Reference Voltage :                      3.70 VD.c.
   Deviatin Limit :                       ± 0.01 %

       Voltage            Power   Temperature               Frequency          Deviation
         (%)              (Vdc)      (℃)                       (Hz)               (%)
         100                      +20 ℃(Ref)                13,560,593         0.000000
         100                         -20                    13,560,090         -0.003709
         100                         -10                    13,560,064         -0.003901
         100                          0                     13,560,055         -0.003967
         100              3.70        10                    13,559,995         -0.004410
         100                          20                    13,559,989         -0.004454
         100                          30                    13,560,015         -0.004262
         100                          40                    13,559,766         -0.006099
         100                          50                    13,559,988         -0.004461
         85               3.15        20                    13,560,012         -0.004284
         115              4.26        20                    13,560,029         -0.004159

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7. Measurement of radiated disturbance
   The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 m above the ground at a 10 m semi-anechoic chamber . The
   table was rotated 360° to determine the position of the highest radiation.Then antenna is a loop antenna is fixed at 1 m
   above the ground to determine the maximum value of the field strength. Both parallel and perpendicular of the antenna
   are set to make the measurement. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the
   table was turned from 0° to 360° to find the maximum reading. The test receiver system was set to Peak Detect
   Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum Hold Mode.
7.1 Radiated emission limits, general requirements
    Except as provided elsewhere in this Subpart, the emissions from an intentional radiator
    shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:
           Frequency             Field strength @30 m         Field strength @30 m                  Field strength @3m
              (MHz)                      (uV/m)                      (dBuV/m)                            (dBuV/m)
          Below 13.110                     30                           29.5                                69.5
       13.110 ~13.410                     106                           40.5                                80.5
       13.410 ~ 13.553                    334                           50.5                                90.5
       13.553 ~ 13.567                  15,848                           84                                  124
       13.567 ~ 13.710                    334                           50.5                                90.5
       13.710 ~ 14.010                    106                           40.5                                80.5
         Above 14.010                      30                           29.5                                69.5
   * dBuV/m=20*log(uV/m)             * Distance factor=40dB / decade(15.31(f))
7.2 Measurement equipments
      Equipment Name                       Type             Manufacturer          Serial No.
                                                                                                      Calibration date
          TEST Receiver                     ESCI7          ROHDE & SCHWARZ           100916               31-Oct-18
        Logbicon Antenna                  VULB 9168          SCHWARZBECK            9168-193              12-Oct-18
            Turn Table                    DT3000-2t        Innco System GmbH          N/A                     -
          Antenna Mast                   MA4000-EP         Innco System GmbH          N/A                     -
          Antenna Master &                                                         CO2000/641
         Turn table controller
                                          CO2000-P         Innco System GmbH       /28051111/L

          Loop Antenna                    HFH2-Z2          ROHDE & SCHWARZ           100188              21-Aug-20

7.3 Environmental Condition
   Test Place                    : 10 m Semi-anechoic chamber
   Below 1 GHz
   Temperature (°C)              : 23.5 ℃
   Humidity (% R.H.)             : 47.8 % R.H.
   Test Place                    : 3 m Semi-anechoic chamber(3 m)
   Above 1 GHz-N/A
   Temperature (°C)              :
   Humidity (% R.H.)             :

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7.4 Test data(9 kHz ~ 30 MHz)

Test Date : 11-Sep-18                                             Measurement Distance :              3m
                         Vertical              Correction Factor                Result Value(Quasi-Peak)
 Frequency     Reading             EUT Height
                         Position              Ant Factor Cable               Limit   Result           Margin
   (MHz)        (dB㎶)             Position (m)
                         [Angle]                 (dB)      (dB)             (dB㎶/m) (dB㎶/m)             (dB)
                                              Below 13.110 MHz
 Noise Floor      -          -         -         -        19.41       0.4      69.5          -             -
                                           13.110 MHz to 13.410 MHz
 Noise Floor      -          -         -         -        19.30       0.5      80.5          -             -
                                           13.410 MHz to 13.552 MHz
 Noise Floor      -          -         -         -        19.30       0.5      90.5          -             -
                                           13.553 MHz to 13.567 MHz
  13.5600       33.69      360 °       X        0.8       19.62       0.4     124.0        53.75        70.25
                                           13.567 MHz to 13.710 MHz
 Noise Floor      -          -         -         -        19.30       0.5      90.5          -             -
                                           13.710 MHz to 14.010 MHz
 Noise Floor      -          -         -         -        19.30       0.5      80.5          -             -
                                            14.010 MHz to 30 MHz
 Noise Floor      -          -         -         -        19.12       0.8      69.5          -             -

               *The 30 m limit was converted to 3 m Limit using square factor(x) as it was found by
               measurements as follows;
               *3 m Limit(dBuV/m) = 20log(X)+40log(30/3)= 20log(15848)+40log(30/3) = 124 dBuV
Remark         *3 m Limit(dBuV/m) = 20log(X)+40log(30/3)= 20log(30)+40log(30/3) = 69.5 dBuV

               * The EUT was measured for the worst case by rotating of antenna angle.
               * The EUT performed at X,Y,Z and recorded the worst data in the report.

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7.5 Test data(30 MHz ~ 1 000 MHz)
Test Date :   11-Sep-18                                     Measurement Distance :          3m
                                                Correction Factor                 Result Value(Quasi-peak)
Frequency     Reading      Position   Height
  (MHz)        (dB㎶)        (V/H)      (m)   Ant Factor     Cable               Limit          Result       Margin
                                                (dB)         (dB)             (dB㎶/m)        (dB㎶/m)         (dB)
  41.30        17.69          H        1.2       13.20          0.95           40.00           31.85            8.15
  84.60         0.11          V        1.4        8.69          1.37           40.00           10.17        29.83
  136.60       14.28          H        1.6       12.38          1.76           43.50           28.42        15.08
  334.90       11.15          V        1.6       14.25          2.86           46.00           28.26        17.74
  480.00       13.42          H        1.0       17.40          3.45           46.00           34.27        11.73
  888.00        3.06          H        1.8       23.39          4.91           46.00           31.36        14.64

              H : Horizontal, V : Vertical
              *Result Value = Reading + Antenna + Cable loss
Remark        *Correction Factor = Ant Factor + Cable
              *The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 120 kHz for
               Quasi-peak detection

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7.6 Test data (Above 1 GHz) - N / A
Test Date :                                                       Measurement Distance :            3m
                                                        Correction Factor                         Result Value
Frequency       Reading        Position   Height
  (MHz)          (dB㎶)          (V/H)      (m)      Ant Factor        Cable            Limit            Result        Margin
                                                       (dB)           (dB)           (dB㎶/m)          (dB㎶/m)          (dB)
                                           Peak(RBW:1 MHz VBW:1 MHz)

                                          Average(RBW:1 MHz VBW:10 Hz)

              H : Horizontal, V : Vertical
              *Reading = receiver reading + Amplifier Gain
              *CL = Cable Loss-Amplifier Gain
              *The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of spectrum analyzer is 1 MHz and 10 Hz for average detection at
              frequency above 1 GHz.
              *This test does not require because the highest operating frequency of the EUT is less than 108 MHz.
Remark        *Application method of the highest frequency is in the following
              *Highest frequency of the EUT is less than 108 MHz, the measurement shall only be made up to 1 GHz.
              *Highest frequency of the EUT is between 108 MHz and 500 MHz, the measurement shall only be made up to 2 GHz.
              *Highest frequency of the EUT is between 500 MHz and 1 GHz, the measurement shall only be made up to 5 GHz.
              *Highest frequency of the EUT is above 1 GHz, the measurement shall be made up to 10 times the highest frequency
              or 40 GHz,

Report Number : ESTRFC1810-002                           EST-P25-IO2-F04 (2016.01.01)                     Page 14 of 16

8. Measurement of conducted disturbance
   The continuous disturbance voltage of AC Mains in the frequency from 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz was
   measured in accordance to FCC Part 15 & ANSI C 63.10 (2013) The test setup was made
   according to FCC Part 15 & ANSI C 63.10 (2013) in a shielded Room. The EUT was placed on a
   non-conductive table at least 0.8 m above the ground plan. A grounded vertical reference plane
   was positioned in a distance of 0.4 m from the EUT. The distance from the EUT to other metal
   surfaces was at least 0.8 m. The EUT was only earthen by its power cord through the line
   impedance stabilizing network. The power cord has been bundled to a length of 1.0 m. The test
   receiver with Quasi Peak detector complies with CISPR 16.

8.1 Measurement equipments
                                                                                   Next Calibration
    Equipment Name           Type             Manufacturer        Serial No.
      TEST RECEIVER              ESPI       Rohde & Schwarz         100005            31-Oct-18
           LISN             ESH3-Z5         Rohde & Schwarz       836679/025          31-Oct-18
       Pulse Limiter        ESH3Z2          Rohde & Schwarz          NONE             31-Oct-18

8.2 Environmental Condition
   Test Place          : Shielded Room
   Temperature (°C)    : 22.6 ℃
   Humidity (% R.H.) : 48.3 % R.H.

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8.3 Test data
Test Date :      11-Sep-18
               Correction Factor                    Quasi-peak Value                     Average Value
 Frequency                          Line
   (MHz)        Lisn      Cable    (H/N)    Limit       Reading        Result    Limit     Reading       Result
                (dB)      (dB)             (dB㎶)         (dB㎶)         (dB㎶)    (dB㎶)       (dB㎶)         (dB)

   0.17         0.16      0.15      H      65.06         48.24         48.55    55.06       35.61        35.92
   0.17         0.09      0.16      N      64.77         47.12         47.37    54.77       39.53        39.78
   0.21         0.16      0.20      H      63.21         50.74         51.10    53.21       38.24        38.60
   0.26         0.09      0.20      N      61.40         39.14         39.43    51.40       37.39        37.68
   0.34         0.16      0.20      H      59.15         35.29         35.65    49.15       34.21        34.57
   0.42         0.09      0.21      N      57.45         36.23         36.53    47.45       27.27        27.57

              H : Hot Line, N : Neutral Line
 Remark       *Correction Factor = Lisn + Cable
              *Result = Correction Factor + Reading

Report Number : ESTRFC1810-002                      EST-P25-IO2-F04 (2016.01.01)             Page 16 of 16

Appendix 1. Special diagram
                                    RBW    9 kHz
                                    MT     1 s
                   Att 10 dB AUTO   PREAMP OFF
dBµV    80           1 MHz                         10 MHz

        70                                                           SGL
1 PK
CLRWR   Quasi-PK

2 AV    60
CLRWR   CISPR-AV                                                     TDF









        150 kHz                                             30 MHz

                                    RBW    9 kHz
                                    MT     1 s
                   Att 10 dB AUTO   PREAMP OFF
dBµV    80           1 MHz                         10 MHz

        70                                                           SGL
1 PK
CLRWR   Quasi-PK

2 AV    60
CLRWR   CISPR-AV                                                     TDF









        150 kHz                                             30 MHz

Appendix 2. Antenna Requirement


According to §15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no
antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the
device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a
unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply
with the provisions of this Section. The manufacturer may design the unit so that
a broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna
jack or electrical connector is prohibited.



The transmitter has an PCB Patten Antenna.

Document Created: 2018-11-19 17:18:34
Document Modified: 2018-11-19 17:18:34

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