Users Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                     iOS App User Manual

Install our iPhone/iPad app from AppStore by searching "Wireless Tag List".
Use the 12 digit serial numbers on your Ethernet Tag Manager to create a login. Keep the serial number
in a safe place.

   In the login screen, tap             Fill in the serial number            Tap "Create" button in the
 "Create a login to access Tag          (case insensitive), login            upper right corner to
 Manager" button.                       email (used to recover               create an account.
                                        password), and choose a              Uncheck "Allow creating
                                        password.                            more accounts..." unless
                                                                             you plan to create multiple
                                                                             logins to access the same
                                                                             Tag Manager.

Follow this step to associate each new Tags with the Tag Manager. For motion sensor tag, pull out
the white battery insulation tape. For water/soil moisture sensors, dip the tip into water to wake it
from sleep state (a light will flash for ~2 minutes; please search & associate during this time).

In the tag list screen, tap            An unassociated tag                   When an unassociated tag
"+" button at the lower                periodically broadcasts               is found, its information is
right corner.                          information about itself              displayed. Assign a name
                                       when powered on. Click                and comment (optional) to
                                       "Scan" button to receive              the tag, then tap
                                       this information.                     "Associate".

You can edit tag names, comments and assign pictures to each Wireless Sensor Tag.

                                   Assign Picture

Tap the picture icon in             Take the picture and use            The picture is now assign
each Tag's screen to bring          finger to move or scale.            to the tag, and will be
up the camera, or delete                                                automatically visible on
the picture if you already                                              other devices accessing
have one for the tag.                                                   the same tag list in a few

                                      Edit Name

In the tag list screen, tap   Tap at the right end of    The new name is now
on the tag you want to        "Edit name:" row to edit   assigned to the tag, and is
edit to open the tag          the tag name, and tap      automatically propagated
screen.                       "Done".                    to all other devices
                                                         accessing the same tag

Motion sensor, temperature monitoring, and out-of-range notification are turned off until they are
needed to conserve battery. Follow the steps below to turn them on/off as needed.

                                    Motion Sensor

Tap the tag of interest on           Instead of                           When motion sensor is
the list screen to open the          arming/disarming motion              armed, the tag on the list
details screen, and tap the          sensor for each tag                  will have a black
keypad icon at the bottom.           individually, you can also           background.
                                     tap the keypad icon in the
                                     tag list screen to
                                     arm/diarm all motion
                                     sensor tags.

                              Temperature Monitoring

Open the temperature                The temperature sensor       Turn on "Monitor
sensor options for each             often needs calibration to   Temperature", choose
tag individually by tapping         remove an offset. In the     notification settings you
the gear icon at the                "Calibrate Temperature at    want, and tap "Save". The
bottom.                             Tag" section, set the        tag will notify you when
                                    correct current              the temperature exceeds
                                    temperature, and tap the     upper or lower limits, or
                                    "Calibrate" button.          returned to normal range.

                              Out-of-Range Notification

Tap the refresh icon at the    Tap the gear icon at the       Set the notification
bottom of tag list screen,     bottom right corner to         methods you want and tap
and choose any of the          open "Out of Range             "Save".
"Update every ..." options.    Options" for specific tag or
Longer interval results in     all tags on list.
longer battery life but
longer the out-of-range
notification delay, and vice

Tune the sensitivity and responsiveness of the motion sensor to suit your application. In motion
detection mode, choose to remember moved state indefinitely or reset to armed state after a
while. In door/gate mode, choose the threshold angle (23 degree is recommended for automatic
garage doors, 2~5 degree for regular doors), or choose to get notified only when door is opened
for too long.
Choose to get notified by emails, tweets, speech, or whether to make tag beep upon motion.
Set the schedule to automatically arm or disarm the motion sensor at certain time of the day, and
days of the week.


Tap the gear icon at the             You can choose sensitivity           When door/gate mode is
bottom of tag list to open           (50% is recommended to               enabled, you can choose
the Options screen for all           eliminate false alarms in            the threshold angle, when
motion sensor tags on the            most environment), and               tag orientation changes
list, or on the details              responsiveness ("Slow" is            more than this, the door is
screen for each tag to               12x the delay and battery            deemed open, when tag
open the Options screen              life of "Fast") that best suit       orientation returns within
for that individual tag.             your application.                    this threshold, it is
                                                                          deemed closed.

                              Notification Settings

When not in door/gate             When in door/gate mode,     You can choose to be
mode, after movement is           you can choose to be        notified by email, have the
detected, by default the          notified only when it is    system post a tweet on
system remembers the tag          been open for longer than   your Twitter account, beep
has been moved                    a certain time period.      or speak on your phones,
indefinitely. Instead you                                     or make the tag beep.
can choose to have the tag
automatically reset to
armed state after a while.

                             Arm/Disarm Scheduling

Each tag has two sets of auto-arming/disarming schedule, each for specified days of the week
(mutually exclusive). Specify time of day to disarm (for example, in the morning), and arm (for
example, after dark), for each of the checked days of the week.

Every wireless sensor tag has a beep function to help you find missing tags. Attach the tag to key
chains, put inside your wallet, or strap to TV remote controls, and never waste time looking for
these items again.

In the tag list screen, tap           Beep the tag by tapping               You can choose beep until
on the tag you want to                on the speaker button at              moved, for 5,10,15,20,30
beep. The tag details                 the upper right corner. To            seconds, or indefinitely
screen opens.                         change beep options,                  beep until stopped by the
                                      scroll down until you see             stop beep button at the
                                      "Beep option". Tap on it to           bottom of the tag details
                                      choose the option.                    screen.

Each tag automatically logs temperature and each time it is moved, opened or closed, so you can
always check what happened while you were away.

                                      Door Stats

In the tag detail screen,            For every day in the past 2         When you tap on
scroll down and tap on               months (when there is               anywhere on the graph for
"Door Stats" button.                 data available), number of          a particular date, a detail
                                     times door is opened and            history for that day is
                                     average duration vs. time           displayed. You can sort by
                                     of the day are displayed.           time of the day, how long
                                                                         the door has been open,
                                                                         or event type (opened or

                                Temperature Stats

                                 In the tag detail screen,                                      For every day in the past 2
                                 scroll down and tap on                                         months (when there is
                                 "Temperature Stats"                                            data available),
                                 button.                                                        temperature at that tag
                                                                                                and battery voltage vs.
                                                                                                time of the day are

This device complies with Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. Oper ation is subject to the following two conditions:

 1. This device may not cause har mful inter fer ence.

 2. This device must accept any inter fer ence r eceived, including inter fer ence that may cause undesir ed oper ation.

Modifications: Any modifications made to this device that ar e not appr oved by Cao Gadgets LLC may void the author ity gr anted to the user by the FCC to oper ate this


NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pur suant to Par t 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits ar e designed

to pr ovide r easonable pr otection against har mful inter fer ence in a r esidential installation. This equipment gener ates, uses and can r adiate r adio fr equency ener gy

and, if not installed and used in accor dance with the instr uctions, may cause har mful inter fer ence to r adio communications. However , ther e is no guar antee that

inter fer ence will not occur in a par ticular installation. If this equipment does cause har mful inter fer ence to r adio or television r eception, which can be deter mined by

tur ning the equipment off and on, the user is encour aged to tr y to cor r ect the inter fer ence by one or mor e of the following measur es: - Reor ient or r elocate the

r eceiving antenna. - Incr ease the separ ation between the equipment and r eceiver . - Connect the equipment into an outlet on a cir cuit differ ent fr om that to which the

r eceiver is connected. - Consult the dealer or an exper ienced r adio/TV technician for help.

© 2010-2012 Cao Gadgets LLC

Document Created: 2019-06-25 03:16:42
Document Modified: 2019-06-25 03:16:42

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC