Test Report


Test Report

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                                    TEST REPORT
               Test Report No. : UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0
Manufacturer                 :   Access-IS

Model No.                    :   OCR640

FCC ID                       :   ZEROCR640

IC Certification No.         :   9653A-OCR640

Technology                   :   RFID – 13.56 MHz

Test Standard(s)             :   FCC Part 15.225: 2011 Subpart C;
                                 Industry Canada RSS-210 Issue 8 December 2010 & RSS-Gen Issue
                                 3 December 2010

1.     This test report shall not be reproduced in full or partial, without the written approval of UL VS LTD.
2.     The results in this report apply only to the sample(s) tested.
3.     The sample tested is in compliance with the above standard(s).
4.     The test results in this report are traceable to the national or international standards.
5.     Version 5.0 supersedes Test Report Serial Number RFI-RPT-RP82375JD01A V4.0. The original test
       report was issued under the previous company name of RFI Global Services Ltd

                        Date of Issue:                       16 July 2015

                        Checked by:

                                                              Ian Watch
                                                  Senior Engineer, Radio Laboratory

                        Issued by :
                                                             John Newell
                                                           Quality Manager,
                                                             UL VS LTD

                                                             This laboratory is accredited by UKAS.
                                                             The tests reported herein have been
                                                             performed in accordance with its terms
                                                             of accreditation.

Pavilion A, Ashwood Park, Ashwood Way, Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG23 8BG, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)1256 312000
Facsimile: +44 (0)1256 312001

TEST REPORT                                    SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                               ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

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TEST REPORT                                                                            SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                             ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

Table of Contents
1. Customer Information................................................................................................................ 4
2. Summary of Testing................................................................................................................... 5
    2.1. General Information                                                                                                             5
    2.2. Summary of Test Results                                                                                                         5
    2.3. Methods and Procedures                                                                                                          6
    2.4. Deviations from the Test Specification                                                                                          6
3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) .................................................................................................... 7
    3.1. Identification of Equipment Under Test (EUT)                                                                              7
    3.2. Description of EUT                                                                                                        7
    3.3. Modifications Incorporated in the EUT                                                                                     7
    3.4. Additional Information Related to Testing                                                                                 8
    3.5. Support Equipment                                                                                                         8
4. Operation and Monitoring of the EUT during Testing ............................................................. 9
    4.1. Operating Modes                                                                                            9
    4.2. Configuration and Peripherals                                                                              9
5. Measurements, Examinations and Derived Results ...............................................................10
    5.1. General Comments                                                                                        10
    5.2. Test Results                                                                                            11
        5.2.1. Transmitter AC Conducted Spurious Emissions                                                       11
        5.2.2. Transmitter Fundamental Field Strength                                                            14
        5.2.3. Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions                                                           16
        5.2.4. Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions                                                          19
        5.2.5. Transmitter 20 dB Bandwidth                                                                       21
        5.2.6. Transmitter Frequency Stability (Temperature & Voltage Variation)                                 22
6. Measurement Uncertainty ........................................................................................................23
7. Report Revision History ...........................................................................................................24
Appendix 1. Test Equipment Used ..............................................................................................25

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TEST REPORT                                   SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                              ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

1. Customer Information
Company Name:      Access-IS
Address:           18 Suttons Business Park
                   RG6 1AZ
                   United Kingdom

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TEST REPORT                                                             SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                          ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

2. Summary of Testing
2.1. General Information
Specification Reference:           47CFR15.225
Specification Title:               Code of Federal Regulations Volume 47 (Telecommunications) 2011:
                                   Part 15 Subpart C (Radio Frequency Devices) - Section 15.225
Specification Reference:           47CFR15.107 and 47CFR15.109
Specification Title:               Code of Federal Regulations Volume 47 (Telecommunications) 2011:
                                   Part 15 Subpart B (Radio Frequency Devices) - Sections 15.107 and 15.109
Specification Reference:           47CFR15.209
Specification Title:               Code of Federal Regulations Volume 47 (Telecommunications) 2011:
                                   Part 15 Subpart C (Intentional Radiators) - Section 15.209
Specification Reference:           RSS-Gen Issue 3 December 2010
Specification Title:               General Requirements and Information for the Certification of Radio
Specification Reference:           RSS-210 Issue 8 December 2010
Specification Title:               Licence-exempt Radio Apparatus (All Frequency Bands):
                                   Category I Equipment.
Site Registration:                 FCC: 209735; Industry Canada: 3245B-2
Location of Testing:               UL VS LTD, Unit 3 Horizon, Wade Road, Kingsland Business Park,
                                   Basingstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8AH, United Kingdom
Test Dates:                        07 July 2011 to 16 July 2012

2.2. Summary of Test Results
FCC Reference (47CFR)             IC Reference            Measurement                                    Result
Part 15.207                       RSS-Gen 7.2.4           Transmitter AC Conducted Emissions
                                  RSS-Gen 4.8
Part 15.225(a)(b)(c)(d)                                   Transmitter Fundamental Field Strength
                                  RSS-210 A2.6
Part 15.209(a)/                   RSS-Gen 4.9
                                                          Transmitter Radiated Emissions
15.225(d)                         RSS-210 A2.6
Part 15.209(a)/                   RSS-Gen 4.9             Transmitter Band Edge Radiated
15.225(c)(d)                      RSS-210 A2.6            Emissions
Part 2.1049                       RSS-Gen 4.6.1/4.6.3     Transmitter 20 dB Bandwidth
                                  RSS-Gen 4.7             Transmitter Frequency Stability
Part 15.225(e)
                                  RSS-210 A2.6            (Temperature & Voltage Variation)
Key to Results

   = Complied          = Did not comply

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TEST REPORT                                                           SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                        ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

2.3. Methods and Procedures
Reference:                    ANSI C63.4 (2009)
Title:                        American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise
                              Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range
                              of 9 kHz to 40 GHz
Reference:                    ANSI C63.10 (2009)
Title:                        American National Standard for Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices

2.4. Deviations from the Test Specification
For the measurements contained within this test report, there were no deviations from, additions to, or
exclusions from the test specification identified above.

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TEST REPORT                                                      SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                 ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

3. Equipment Under Test (EUT)
3.1. Identification of Equipment Under Test (EUT)
Brand Name:                               Access-IS
Model Name or Number:                     OCR640
Serial Number:                            ENG001
Hardware Version Number:                  ENG001
Software Version Number:                  RFID : 1.16
                                          Camera : 2.04
FCC ID:                                   ZEROCR640
IC Certification Number:                  9653A-OCR640

Brand Name:                               Access-IS
Model Name or Number:                     OCR640
Serial Number:                            AKEAUSK870/1
Hardware Version Number:                  ENG001
Software Version Number:                  RFID : 1.16
                                          Camera : 2.04
FCC ID:                                   ZEROCR640
IC Certification Number:                  9653A-OCR640

Description:                              USB/DC cable
Brand Name:                               Access-IS
Model Name or Number:                     MICR Host cable
Serial Number:                            Not marked or stated

Description:                              120 VAC 60 Hz Power supply
Brand Name:                               Ideal Power
Model Name or Number:                     SA06-12S05R-V
Serial Number:                            Not marked or stated

3.2. Description of EUT
The equipment under test was an RFID ePassport reader.

3.3. Modifications Incorporated in the EUT
No modifications were applied to the EUT during testing.

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TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                     ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

3.4. Additional Information Related to Testing
Tested Technology:                       RFID
Category of Equipment:                   Transceiver
Channel Spacing:                         Single channel device
Transmit Frequency Range:                13.56 MHz
Power Supply Requirement:                Nominal             120 VAC 60 Hz
                                         Minimum             102 VAC 60 Hz
                                         Maximum             138 VAC 60 Hz
Tested Temperature Range:                Minimum             -20°C
                                         Maximum              50°C

3.5. Support Equipment
The following support equipment was used to exercise the EUT during testing:

Description:                             Dell Laptop
Brand Name:                              Dell
Model Name or Number:                    D410
Serial Number:                           2836C2J

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TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                       ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

4. Operation and Monitoring of the EUT during Testing
4.1. Operating Modes
The EUT was tested in the following operating mode(s):
    •   Constantly transmitting and receiving at maximum power with a modulated carrier in RFID test
    •   Frequency tolerance tests were performed with the EUT transmitting an un-modulated carrier. All
        other tests were performed with the EUT transmitting with normal modulation.

4.2. Configuration and Peripherals
The EUT was tested in the following configuration(s):
    •   A laptop PC running customer specific test software (Iscape) was used to control the transceiver
        function of the EUT during testing via the MICR Host cable. The camera function was enabled during
        all tests.
    •   AC conducted emissions tests were performed with a dummy load attached to the antenna port in
        accordance with FCC KDB 174176.
    •   A modified USB cable with DC breakout was used for voltage extremes tests. This cable was
        connected to a bench power supply in order to vary the voltage to the EUT.
    •   The unit has two integral antennas with two identical transmit paths as shown in the block diagram
        below. The carrier is continually switched between the two paths.
    •   Antenna #2 was used to make the measurements as it emitted a higher level RF field strength than
        Antenna #1.

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TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                        ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

5. Measurements, Examinations and Derived Results
5.1. General Comments
Measurement uncertainties are evaluated in accordance with current best practice. Our reported expanded
uncertainties are based on standard uncertainties, which are multiplied by an appropriate coverage factor to
provide a statistical confidence level of approximately 95%. Please refer to Section 6: Measurement
Uncertainties for details.

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TEST REPORT                                                   SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

5.2. Test Results
5.2.1. Transmitter AC Conducted Spurious Emissions
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                  David Doyle                   Test Date:       13 July 2012
Test Sample Serial No:          AKEAUSK870/1

FCC Part:                       15.207
Test Method Used:               As detailed in ANSI C63.10 Section 6.2 referencing ANSI C63.4

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):               23
Relative Humidity (%):          52

Results: Live - Quasi Peak

  Frequency              Line         Level           Limit           Margin            Result
    (MHz)                            (dBµV)          (dBµV)            (dB)
     0.191               Live         42.7            64.0              21.3           Complied
     0.501               Live         45.8            56.0              10.2           Complied
     0.573               Live         43.6            56.0              12.4           Complied
    10.073               Live         44.5            60.0              15.5           Complied
    10.145               Live         44.6            60.0              15.4           Complied
    10.361               Live         44.0            60.0              16.0           Complied
    10.469               Live         39.5            60.0              20.5           Complied
    10.505               Live         44.2            60.0              15.8           Complied
    10.572               Live         43.2            60.0              16.8           Complied

Results: Live - Average

  Frequency              Line         Level           Limit           Margin            Result
    (MHz)                            (dBµV)          (dBµV)            (dB)
     0.501               Live         43.9            46.0              2.1            Complied
     0.573               Live         43.4            46.0              2.6            Complied
     2.360               Live         41.7            46.0              4.3            Complied
     2.643               Live         37.4            46.0              8.6            Complied
     2.715               Live         39.4            46.0              6.6            Complied
     2.787               Live         38.3            46.0              7.7            Complied
     3.003               Live         39.6            46.0              6.4            Complied
     3.071               Live         38.5            46.0              7.5            Complied
     3.359               Live         39.1            46.0              6.9            Complied
     3.431               Live         38.7            46.0              7.3            Complied

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TEST REPORT                                            SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                       ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

Transmitter AC Conducted Spurious Emissions (continued)
Results: Neutral - Quasi Peak

  Frequency         Line         Level         Limit           Margin          Result
    (MHz)                       (dBµV)        (dBµV)            (dB)
      0.150        Neutral       47.5           66.0            18.5          Complied
      0.501        Neutral       46.9           56.0            9.1           Complied
      9.830        Neutral       41.6           60.0            18.4          Complied
      9.861        Neutral       47.5           60.0            12.5          Complied
      9.956        Neutral       40.3           60.0            19.7          Complied
     10.028        Neutral       40.8           60.0            19.2          Complied
     10.145        Neutral       47.7           60.0            12.3          Complied
     10.181        Neutral       42.8           60.0            17.2          Complied
     10.244        Neutral       41.7           60.0            18.3          Complied
     13.565        Neutral       53.3           60.0            6.7           Complied

Results: Neutral - Average

  Frequency         Line         Level         Limit           Margin          Result
    (MHz)                       (dBµV)        (dBµV)            (dB)
      0.285        Neutral       43.0           50.7            7.7           Complied
      0.501        Neutral       44.2           46.0            1.8           Complied
      0.573        Neutral       43.7           46.0            2.3           Complied
      9.713        Neutral       40.3           50.0            9.7           Complied
     10.001        Neutral       41.5           50.0            8.5           Complied
     10.140        Neutral       41.7           50.0            8.3           Complied
     10.212        Neutral       41.9           50.0            8.1           Complied
     10.284        Neutral       41.7           50.0            8.3           Complied
     10.568        Neutral       40.1           50.0            9.9           Complied
     13.560        Neutral       48.5           50.0            1.5           Complied

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TEST REPORT                                                                                                                                                       SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                                                                                                              ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

Transmitter AC Conducted Spurious Emissions (continued)
                                        FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage with 2-Line-LISN Live                                                                                FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage with 2-Line-LISN Neutral

                      80                                                                                                                                80

                      75                                                                                                                                75

                      70                                                                                                                                70

                      65                                                                                                                                65

                                                                                  FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains QP                                                                                            FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains QP
                      60                                                                                                                                60

                      55                                                                                                                                55

                                                                                  FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains AV                                                                                            FCC Part 15 Class B Voltage on Mains AV
                      50                                                                                                                                50

                      45                                                                                                                                45
      Level in dBµV

                                                                                                                                        Level in dBµV
                      40                                                                                                                                40

                      35                                                                                                                                35

                      30                                                                                                                                30

                      25                                                                                                                                25

                      20                                                                                                                                20

                      15                                                                                                                                15

                      10                                                                                                                                10

                       5                                                                                                                                 5

                       0                                                                                                                                 0
                       150k   300   400 500      800 1M              2M      3M      4M 5M 6              8 10M             20M   30M                    150k   300   400 500       800 1M             2M       3M      4M 5M 6              8 10M              20M   30M
                                                              Frequency in Hz                                                                                                                    Frequency in Hz

                                                             Live                                                                                                                          Neutral

Note: These plots are pre-scans and for indication purposes only. For final measurements, see
accompanying tables.

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TEST REPORT                                                            SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                         ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

5.2.2. Transmitter Fundamental Field Strength
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                        Crawford Lindsay                 Test Date:        07 July 2011
Test Sample Serial No:                ENG001

FCC Part:                             15.225(a)(b)(c)(d)
Test Method Used:                     As detailed in ANSI C63.10 Section 6.4

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                     29
Relative Humidity (%):                33

Results: Quasi Peak

  Frequency           Antenna             Level            Limit at 30 m        Margin             Result
    (MHz)             Polarity          (dBµV/m)             (dBµV/m)            (dB)
      13.56          90° to EUT            39.3                84.0              44.7             Complied


1. The limit is specified at a test distance of 30 metres. However, as specified by FCC Section 15.31 (f)(2),
   measurements may be performed at a closer distance and the measured level corrected to the specified
   measurement distance by using the square of an inverse linear distance extrapolation factor (40
2. A transducer factor on the measuring instrument was used to extrapolate the results at 3 metres to a
   distance of 30 metres. A distance extrapolation factor of 40 dB was used.
3. The fundamental field strength was maximised when the tips of the measurement antenna were
   positioned at 90°/270° with respect to the direction of the EUT.
4. Pre-scan measurements were performed using a spectrum analyser with a peak detector and
   measurement bandwidth of 10 kHz. The fundamental field strength was maximized by rotating the
   measurement antenna and EUT. A peak level of 20.4 dBµV/m was recorded and shown on the pre-scan
   plot below. The peak level was also compared to requirements of the spectrum mask. The spectrum
   analyser was then switched to test receiver mode and the final measurement on the maximized level
   was performed. In accordance with ANSI C63.10 Clause and CISPR 16-1-1, a quasi-peak
   detector was used in conjunction with a measurement bandwidth of 9 kHz and 0.2 second sweep time. A
   quasi-peak level of 19.3 dBµV/m was recorded. The difference between the peak level of 20.4 dBµV/m
   and quasi-peak level of 19.3 dBµV/m was due to the fact that the EUT was not transmitting with a 100%
   duty cycle.
    Note: An additional 20 dB has been added to attain the final value shown in the table; this is to account
    for a transducer factor that was not included during the original measurement.
                                  i.e.: 19.3 dBuV/m + 20 dB = 39.3 dBuV/m

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TEST REPORT                                                                                    SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                     ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

Transmitter Fundamental Field Strength (continued)

                                             Marker 1 [T1]               RBW   10 kHz   RF Att   10 dB
                               Ref Lvl                20.44 dB V/m       VBW   30 kHz
                               60 dB*              13.56300601 MHz       SWT   25 ms    Unit     dB V/m




                          30 15225BE                                                                      IN1
                             1MAX                                                                         1MA






                               Start 13.06 MHz                100 kHz/                   Stop 14.06 MHz

                        Title:       82375JD01
                        Date:        7.JUL.2011   10:33:51

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TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                        ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

5.2.3. Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                        David Doyle                     Test Date:       16 July 2012
Test Sample Serial No:                AKEAUSK870/1

FCC Part:                             15.225(d) & 15.209(a)
Test Method Used:                     As detailed in ANSI C63.10 Sections 6.3, 6.4 and 6.5 referencing
                                      ANSI C63.4
Frequency Range:                      9 kHz to 1000 MHz

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                     25
Relative Humidity (%):                47


1. Limits below 30 MHz are specified at a test distance of 30 metres, whilst below 0.49 MHz they are
   specified at a test distance of 300 metres. However, as specified by FCC Section 15.31 (f)(2),
   measurements may be performed at a closer distance and the measured level corrected to the specified
   measurement distance by using the square of an inverse linear distance extrapolation factor
2. A transducer factor on the measuring instrument was used to extrapolate the results at 3 metres to a
   distance of 30 metres where required. A distance extrapolation factor of 40 dB was used.
3. Final measurement values include corrections for antenna factor and cable losses.
4. The emission shown at approximately 13.56 MHz is the fundamental.
5. All emissions on the 9 kHz to 150 kHz plot were investigated and found to be radiating from the test site
6. All other emissions shown on the pre-scan plots were investigated and found to be >20 dB below the
   applicable limit or below the measurement system noise floor.
7. Measurements in the range 30 MHz to 1 GHz were performed in a semi-anechoic chamber (RFI Asset
   Number K0001) at a distance of 3 metres. The EUT was placed at a height of 80 cm above the reference
   ground plane in the centre of the chamber turntable. Maximum emission levels were determined by
   height searching the measurement antenna over the range 1 metre to 4 metres.

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TEST REPORT                                               SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                          ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions (continued)
Results: Quasi Peak

  Frequency      Antenna          Level          Limit            Margin          Result
    (MHz)        Polarity       (dBµV/m)       (dBµV/m)            (dB)
   114.391       Horizontal       33.8          43.500            9.700          Complied
   126.612        Vertical        33.5          43.500            10.000         Complied
   257.594        Vertical        28.4          46.000            17.600         Complied
   308.000        Vertical        40.2          46.000            5.800          Complied
   336.022        Vertical        41.9          46.000            4.100          Complied
   360.014        Vertical        42.3          46.000            3.700          Complied
   364.017        Vertical        39.5          46.000            6.500          Complied
   420.024        Vertical        41.5          46.000            4.500          Complied
   480.025       Horizontal       40.6          46.000            5.400          Complied
   532.010        Vertical        41.7          46.000            4.300          Complied

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TEST REPORT                                                                                                                                                                                           SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

Transmitter Radiated Spurious Emissions (continued)

                                            Marker 1 [T1]                                               RBW           300 Hz                RF Att              10 dB                                 Marker 1 [T1]            RBW    10 kHz    RF Att       10 dB
         Ref Lvl                                              24.51 dB V/m                              VBW             1 kHz                                                         Ref Lvl                  25.78 dB V/m    VBW    30 kHz
          70 dB*                                       60.17539081 kHz                                  SWT                  8 s            Unit                dB V/m                 70 dB*               13.52929178 MHz    SWT   760 ms     Unit         dB V/m
    70                                                                                                                                                                           70
         10 kHz                                                                                                                                100 kHz                                                         1 MHz                           10 MHz
                                                                                                                                          A007FCC                         A                                                                                            A

    60                                                                                                                                                                           60 A007FCC

    50                                                                                                                                                                           50

    40                                                                                                                                                                   IN1     40                                                                                   IN1
          1MAX                                                                                                                                                           1MA           1MAX                                                                           1MA

    30                                                                                                                                                                           30

    20                                                                                                                                                                           20

                                                                                                                                                                         TDF                                                                                          TDF
    10                                                                                                                                                                           10

     0                                                                                                                                                                            0

   -10                                                                                                                                                                          -10

   -20                                                                                                                                                                          -20

   -30                                                                                                                                                                          -30
         Start 9 kHz                                                                                                                              Stop 150 kHz                        Start 150 kHz                                                     Stop 30 MHz

  Date:                             16.JUL.2012        07:50:22                                                                                                                Date:          16.JUL.2012   08:31:53

                                                  FCC Part 15.109 Radiated Emissions Class B 30MHz-1GHz 3m






                             55                                                                               FCC Part 15 Class B Field Strength QP 3M


           Level in dBµV/m









                              30M          50M   60M         80M       100M                            200M           300M         400M    500M          800M     1G

                                                                                       Frequency in Hz

Note: These plots are pre-scans and for indication purposes only. For final measurements, see accompanying

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TEST REPORT                                                        SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                      ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

5.2.4. Transmitter Band Edge Radiated Emissions
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                       Crawford Lindsay               Test Date:      07 July 2011
Test Sample Serial No:               ENG001

FCC Part:                            15.225(c)(d) & 15.209(a)
Test Method Used:                    As detailed in ANSI C63.10 Section 6.9.2

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                    29
Relative Humidity (%):               33

Results: Quasi Peak Lower Band Edge

    Frequency               Level                 Limit                Margin                Result
      (MHz)               (dBµV/m)              (dBµV/m)                (dB)
      13.11                  -1.2                  29.5                 30.7                Complied

Results: Quasi Peak Upper Band Edge

    Frequency               Level                 Limit                Margin                Result
      (MHz)               (dBµV/m)              (dBµV/m)                (dB)
      14.01                  -0.8                  29.5                 30.3                Complied

1. A transducer factor on the measuring instrument was used to extrapolate the results at 3 metres to a
   distance of 30 metres where required.
2. A transducer factor on the measuring instrument was used to extrapolate the results at 3 metres to a
   distance of 30 metres where required. A distance extrapolation factor of 40 dB was used.
3. The band edge emission plot shown below is low by a factor of 20 dB, due to the absence of a
   transducer factor at the time of measurement. An additional 20 dB has been subsequently added to any
   band edge measurements, for comparisons with the limit, when determining compliance.

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TEST REPORT                                                                                  SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                   ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

Transmitter Radiated Emissions at Band Edges (continued)

                                             Marker 1 [T1]           RBW   10 kHz     RF Att   10 dB
                              Ref Lvl                -21.19 dB V/m   VBW   30 kHz
                              60 dB*               13.11000000 MHz   SWT   25 ms      Unit     dB V/m
                                                                             1 [T1]     -21.19 dB V/m A
                                                                                      13.11000000 MHz
                                                                             2 [T1]     -20.78 dB V/m
                                                                                      14.01000000 MHz

                         30 15225BE                                                                     IN1
                            1VIEW                                                                       1MA





                                 1                                                               2

                              Start 13.06 MHz                 100 kHz/                 Stop 14.06 MHz

                       Title:        82375JD01
                       Date:         7.JUL.2011   10:34:36

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TEST REPORT                                                                                       SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                                                           ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

5.2.5. Transmitter 20 dB Bandwidth
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                            Crawford Lindsay                                          Test Date:           07 July 2011
Test Sample Serial No:                    ENG001

FCC Part:                                 2.1049
Test Method Used:                         As detailed in ANSI C63.10 Section 6.9.1

Environmental Conditions:

Temperature (°C):                         29
Relative Humidity (%):                    33


                                                      20 dB Bandwidth

                                                Delta 1 [T1]            RBW   10 kHz       RF Att      10 dB
                                Ref Lvl                     -0.58 dB    VBW   30 kHz
                                30 dB*                32.86573146 kHz   SWT   15 ms        Unit        dB V/m
                                                                                  1 [T1]       0.70 dB V/m A
                                                                                           13.54206413 MHz
                           20    D1 20.44 dB*
                                                                                  1 [T1]            -0.58 dB
                                                                                           32.86573146 kHz

                                                        1                     1
                            0       D2 0.44 dB*                                                                 IN1
                                1VIEW                                                                           1MA







                                Center 13.56 MHz                  10 kHz/                     Span 100 kHz

                         Title:         82375JD01
                         Date:          7.JUL.2011   10:44:19

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TEST REPORT                                                              SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                           ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

5.2.6. Transmitter Frequency Stability (Temperature & Voltage Variation)
Test Summary:

Test Engineer:                          Crawford Lindsay                 Test Date:      11 July 2011
Test Sample Serial No:                  ENG001

FCC Part:                               15.225(e)
Test Method Used:                       As detailed in ANSI C63.10 Section 6.8.1 and 6.8.2

Environmental Conditions:

Ambient Temperature (°C):           20
Ambient Relative Humidity (%):      30

Results: Maximum frequency error of the EUT with variations in ambient temperature

                                                           Time after Start-up
Temperature (°C)
                            0 minutes                2 minutes            5 minutes              10 minutes
         -20           13.558373 MHz            13.558394 MHz           13.558401 MHz           13.558405 MHz
           20          13.558372 MHz            13.558370 MHz           13.558368 MHz           13.558366 MHz
           50          13.558384 MHz            13.558374 MHz           13.558366 MHz           13.558363 MHz

Frequency with Worst        Frequency Error          Frequency          Limit (%)     Margin (%)      Result
   Case Deviation                (Hz)                 Error (%)
        13.558405                  33                 0.009757            0.01        0.000243       Complied

Results: Maximum frequency error of the EUT with variations in nominal operating voltage
at an ambient temperature of 20°°C
             Nominal         Measured
 Supply                                    Frequency       Frequency
            Frequency        Frequency                                   Limit (%)    Margin (%)      Result
Voltage (V)                                Error (Hz)       Error (%)
              (MHz)            (MHz)
     102        13.558372    13.558366           6         0.000044         0.01       0.009956      Complied
     120        13.558372    13.558372           0               0          0.01         0.01        Complied
     138        13.558372    13.558366           6         0.000044         0.01       0.009956      Complied

1. All measurements performed at extremes were referenced to the frequency measured at nominal
   temperature and nominal voltage.

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TEST REPORT                                                          SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                        ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

6. Measurement Uncertainty
No measurement or test can ever be perfect and the imperfections give rise to error of measurement in the
results. Consequently the result of a measurement is only an approximation to the value of the measurand
(the specific quantity subject to measurement) and is only complete when accompanied by a statement of
the uncertainty of the approximation.
The expression of uncertainty of a measurement result allows realistic comparison of results with reference
values and limits given in specifications and standards.
The uncertainty of the result may need to be taken into account when interpreting the measurement results.
The reported expanded uncertainties below are based on a standard uncertainty multiplied by an appropriate
coverage factor such that a confidence level of approximately 95% is maintained. For the purposes of this
document “approximately” is interpreted as meaning “effectively” or “for most practical purposes”.

                                                                                 Confidence     Calculated
Measurement Type                                Range
                                                                                 Level (%)      Uncertainty
AC Conducted Spurious Emissions                 0.15 MHz to 30 MHz               95%            ±3.25 dB
20 dB Bandwidth                                 13 MHz to 14 MHz                 95%            ±0.92 ppm
Frequency Stability                             13 MHz to 14 MHz                 95%            ±0.92 ppm
Radiated Spurious Emissions                     9 kHz to 30 MHz                  95%            ±3.53 dB
Radiated Spurious Emissions                     30 MHz to 1000 MHz               95%            ±2.94 dB
Transmitter Fundamental Field Strength          13 MHz to 14 MHz                 95%            ±3.53 dB

The methods used to calculate the above uncertainties are in line with those recommended within the
various measurement specifications. Where measurement specifications do not include guidelines for the
evaluation of measurement uncertainty the published guidance of the appropriate accreditation body is

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TEST REPORT                                                     SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                  ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

7. Report Revision History
Version         Revision Details
Number          Page No(s)   Clause   Details
4.0             -            -        Previous Version
5.0             14 & 19      -        Corrected previously reported emissions levels by +20 dB

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TEST REPORT                                                         SERIAL NO: UL-RPT-RP82375JD01A V5.0

VERSION 5.0                                                                    ISSUE DATE: 16 JULY 2015

Appendix 1. Test Equipment Used
UL          Instrument           Manufacturer        Type No.    Serial No.    Date            Cal.
No.                                                                            Calibration     Interval
                                                                               Due             Months
A067        LISN                 Rohde & Schwarz     ESH3-Z5     890603/002    08 Jun 2013     12
A1817       Antenna              EMCO                3115        00075694      12 May 2013     12
A1830       Pulse Limiter        Rohde & Schwarz     ESH3-Z2     100668        25 Feb 2013     12
A1834       Attenuator           Hewlett Packard     8491B       10444         Calibrated      -
                                                                               Before use
A553        Antenna              Chase               CBL6111A    1593          15 Feb 2013     12
E013        Environmental        Sanyo               ATMOS       None          Calibrated      -
            Chamber                                  chamber                   Before use
G0543       Amplifier            Sonoma              310N        230801        15 Oct 2012     3
K0001       5m RSE Chamber       Rainford EMC        N/A         N/A           31 Aug 2012     12
M1068       Thermometer          Iso-Tech            RS55        93102884      10 Nov 2011     12
M1229       Digital Multimeter   Fluke               179         87640015      21 Jun 2012     12
M1273       Test Receiver        Rohde & Schwarz     ESIB 26     100275        03 Feb 2013     12
M1379       Test Receiver        Rohde & Schwarz     ESIB 7      100330        20 Oct 2012     12
M1568       Magnetic Loop        Rohde & Schwarz     HFH2-Z2     879284/2      27 Jan 2013     12
S0539       PSU                  Kikusui             PCR 1000L   13010170      Calibrated      -
                                                                               Before use

NB In accordance with UKAS requirements all the measurement equipment is on a calibration schedule. All
equipment was within the current or previous calibration period on the date of testing.

                                            --- END OF REPORT ---

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Document Created: 2015-07-16 08:21:31
Document Modified: 2015-07-16 08:21:31

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