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NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual

NFC Smartcard Module
Installation Manual

                               CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT   v0.2.3

NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual

1. Introduction
This document describes the hardware of the NFC smartcard module (NSM). The readers of this document
would benefit if they have prior knowledge of the specifications mentioned in References section.

2. References
The readers of this document shall have knowledge on the following specifications

USB CCID rev1.1 : Specification for Integrated Circuit Cards Interface Devices

ISO/IEC 14443-2 : Radio frequency power and signal interface

ISO/IEC 14443-3 : Initialisation and anti-collision

ISO/IEC 14443-4 : Transmission protocol

Mifare contactless card (Classic 1K, Classic 4K and Ultralight) datasheets

ISO/IEC 7816-3 : Electronic signals and transmission protocols

ISO/IEC 7816-4 : Inter-Industry commands for interchange

NSM USB/Serial software reference manual

3. FCC Statement
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired

No changes shall be made to the equipment without the manufacturer’s permission as this may void the user’s
authority to operate the equipment

It is the responsibility of the product manufacturer to ensure compliance with FCC Part 15B with the NFC Smart
Module integrated into their product.

The host product using NSM module shall have the following text on a permanent label.

Contains FCC ID : ZERNSM01

The label should be on a visible location outside the enclosure of the product.

                                            CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT                                           v0.2.3

NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual

4. Product pictures

4.1. Contactless NSM board – Top view


                                             Smartcard Add-on

     NOTE: The host connector connects to a 30 way FFC cable from the host system. This connector
     has the USB D+/- signals, Serial interface TX/RX signals and the Power and Ground. For more
     information on this connector pinout see Host connector section. The user can configure which
     interface the NSM shall use to communicate with the host. For more information on host
     interface selection see Host Interface Selection section.

                                     CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT                                           v0.2.3

NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual

4.2. Contactless NSM board


                               CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT   v0.2.3

NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual

4.3. Typical Hardware Setup
The following diagram and pictures shows a typical setup for NSM module.

                                             USB or Serial

                                              NSM module

                       Antenna #0                                     Antenna #1

                                        CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT                      v0.2.3

NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual
The following pictures show a typical setup. Note that the antenna and the Serial/USB host shown in the
pictures are for illustration only. The actual size and shape of the user’s antenna and host system may vary.

                  Antenna #0

                                                                                                    USB Host

                   Antenna #1

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NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual

5. Installation
5.1.    Hardware Prerequisites
The following section shows the hardware required for the installation.

       Serial or USB host system where the NSM module will connect to.
       NFC module and 30 way host FFC cable

   Antenna and two U.FL coax cables – If two antennas are used then there will be two set of antenna boards
    and four coax cables

    NOTE: The Antenna and the U.FL coax cables can be supplied by Access IS or the user can design
    the antenna using the support provided by Access IS. U.FL cables are widely available from
    electronics stores like RS/Farnell.

                                         CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT                                          v0.2.3

NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual
5.2. Hardware Installation Steps
The following details the installation steps with diagrams.

1, Turn OFF power for the host system before starting the installation

2, Connect the host system to the NFC module using the 30 way FCC cable as shown below. Please refer to Host
connector section for the connector location and its pinouts.

                                                                           Host system

                                 NFC module

                                              CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT                                    v0.2.3

NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual
3, Connect the antenna to the NFC module using the coax cables.

                                           Antenna #0

                                                                                                      NSM Module

                                           Antenna #1

  NOTE : Antenna coax cables are polarised. Connect the corresponding connectors with +ve
  markings and ground (triangle) markings on the antenna and NSM module

  NOTE : If single antenna operation is enabled, then firmware uses only Ant #1 – Port J8 and J9. Ant
  #0, port J2 and J3 are disabled.

4, After the connections are done, select/verify the correct host interface selection on HOST_IFSEL_IO pins.
Please refer to Host Interface Selection for HOST_IFSEL_IO pin settings.

5, If the product using the NSM module has a host cable, then a ferrite is required to be attached to the host
cable. Please refer Cable Ferrite Specification for the characteristics of the required ferrite and the location of
the ferrite on the host cable.

   NOTE : The cable ferrite is required to meet the FCC emissions requirement. The user should ensure
   that the cable ferrite is fitted in accordance to the specifications outlined in this manual. Failure to
   do so might void the FCC certification.

                                           CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT                                               v0.2.3

NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual
6, Power up the host system or connect the host adapter to the USB/Serial port. Now, the NFC module and the
smart card module should start working. If the host interface is USB, then NSM module shall start enumerating
as a HID device and a smartcard reader as shown below.

7, Application software can now communicate to NSM module through USB interface or through serial
communication (See Serial Communication Settings).

5.3. Software Setup
Depending on the host interface selected, please refer USB or Serial software reference manual.

                                         CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT                                          v0.2.3

NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual
6. Cable Ferrite Specification
Each NSM module is shipped with a cable ferrite. This ferrite is required on the host cable (if any) to get the
emissions levels within the acceptable limits. The cable is passed through the ferrite without any loops. The
electrical specification of the ferrite is given below.

The recommended ferrite is from Wurth electronics, Part number – 74 271 111.

The ferrite should be located close to the device (using the NSM module) and it should be spaced 100mm from
the device. The position of the ferrite can be critical with regards to the attenuation of radiated emissions. The
following diagram shows a typical installation.

     To Device

                                                                                                          To Host

                                         100 mm

                                           CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT                                              v0.2.3

NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual

7. Hardware Connections and Pinouts
There are three connectors that provides interface to the NSM module. Each of these connectors are described
in detail on the following sections.

7.1. Host connector
The host connector provides interface to the NSM host. Further, it also has additional signals that are brought
out of the module for host mode selection and for future expansion. The following diagram shows the location
of the 30 way FFC host connector and the pin#1 location.

                                    PIN #1

The following table shows the pinouts for the host connector.

  Pin #      Signal Type                Signal                                 Description
  1       Ground               GND                       Ground signal
  2       3V3 CMOS input       HOST_IFSEL_IO2            Host interface selection input – sampled during reset
  3       3V3 CMOS input       HOST_IFSEL_IO1            Host interface selection input – sampled during reset
  4       3V3 CMOS input       HOST_IFSEL_IO0            Host interface selection input – sampled during reset
  5       Ground               GND                       Ground signal
  6       3V3 CMOS input       CAN1_RX                   CAN host receiver line – Not used
  7       3V3 CMOS output      CAN1_TX                   CAN host transmitter line – Not used
  8       Ground               GND                       Ground signal
  9       Open collector       I2C0_SCL                  External I2C interface – Not used
  10      Open collector       I2C0_SDA                  External I2C interface – Not used

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NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual
  11      Ground                GND                      Ground signal
  12      3V3 CMOS output       SPI0_CS1                 External SPI interface slave select 1 – Not used
  13      3V3 CMOS output       SPI0_CS0                 External SPI interface slave select 0 – Not used
  14      3V3 CMOS output       SPI0_SCK                 External SPI interface clock – Not used
  15      3V3 CMOS output       SPI0_MOSI                External SPI interface MOSI – Not used
  16      3V3 CMOS input        SPI0_MISO                External SPI interface MISO – Not used
  17      Power input           5V0                      5V power input
  18      USB data lines        USB D-                   USB D- signal
  19      USB data lines        USB D+                   USB D+ signal
  20      Power input           5V0                      5V power input
  21      3V3 CMOS output       DEBUG_UART_RTS_n         Debug UART RTS signal, active low
  22      3V3 CMOS input        DEBUG_UART_CTS_n         Debug UART CTS signal, active low
  23      3V3 CMOS input        DEBUG_UART_RX            Debug UART Receiver line
  24      3V3 CMOS output       DEBUG_UART_TX            Debug UART Transmitter line
  25      Power input           5V0                      5V power input
  26      3V3 CMOS output       HOST_UART_RTS_n          Serial host UART RTS signal, active low
  27      3V3 CMOS input        HOST_UART_CTS_n          Serial host UART CTS signal, active low
  28      3V3 CMOS input        HOST_UART_RX             Serial host UART Receiver line
  29      3V3 CMOS output       HOST_UART_TX             Serial host UART Transmitter line
  30      Power input           5V0                      5V power input

7.2. Host Interface Selection
The NSM module will select the host interface depending on the HOST_IFSEL_IOx signal values during reset. The
following table shows the different modes of operation based on the HOST_IFSEL_IOx signal.

  HOST_IFSEL_IO2        HOST_IFSEL_IO1       HOST_IFSEL_IO0                      Operating mode
  Host adapter – J9    Host adapter – J8    Host adapter – J7
  0                    0                    0                     USB mode
  0                    0                    1                     Serial mode
  0                    1                    0                     USB mode
  0                    1                    1                     USB mode
  1                    0                    0                     USB mode
  1                    0                    1                     USB mode
  1                    1                    0                     Serial Bootloader mode –Used for firmware
    1                   1                     1                   USB Bootloader mode – Used for firmware
If host adapter board is used, then the “0” in the above table denotes jumper installed and “1” denotes jumper

Note that if any of the HOST_IFSEL_IO pins are left floating, then the module reads that pin as “1”.

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NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual
7.3. Serial Communication Settings
In serial mode, the module by default uses the following serial communication settings.

          Parameter                     Value
  Baud Rate                   115200
  Data format                 8 bits
  Parity                      None
  Stop bits                   1
  Flow Control                RTS/CTS

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NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual

7.4. NFC connectors
The NSM module can be configured to use dual antenna or single antenna. The antenna ports are shown in the
table below.

              Connector                                                 Description
  J2                                    Antenna #0 Positive end
  J3                                    Antenna #0 Ground end
  J8                                    Antenna #1 Positive end
  J9                                    Antenna #1 Ground end

If one of the antennas is not available, then, the pair of ports for that antenna can be left unconnected. There is
no need for port termination.

If the module is configured for single antenna, then Antenna #0 is disabled. (Ports J2 and J3 are disabled). The
module uses Antenna #1 (Ports J8 and J9) for NFC communication.

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NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual

7.5. NFC Antenna
The NFC antenna is a simple LC circuit tuned to 13.56MHz. The following diagram show the circuit of the


                Phase angle @13.56 MHz = 0 degree,                                    Antenna
                                                                      C2         L
                           +/- 10 degree                                               loop

The Antenna is tuned to resonate at 13.56MHz with a phase angle tolerance of +/-10 degrees. The following
graph shows the impedance and phase for a typical antenna tuned to 13.56MHz.

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NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual
The following table provides information on the maximum and minimum values for the NFC antenna

                   Parameter                   Minimum             Typical         Maximum
    Impedance @13.56MHz                     800 Ohms         1500 Ohms          -
    Phase @ 13.56MHz                        -10 Degrees      0 Degrees          +10 Degrees
    Antenna Coil inductance                 700nH            1200nH             2000nH
    Antenna Coil Q                          15               25                 35
    Antenna Gain                            0.6 (-2.21 dB)   0.7 (-1.54 dB)     0.8 (-0.96 dB)
    Antenna maximum size                    -                -                  11cm x 15cm

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NFC Smartcard Module
Hardware Installation Manual

8. Revision
   Revision                                         Description
     0.0      Initial version
     0.1      Antenna tuning and dimensions added
     0.2      Installation section added
    0.2.0     NFC only version
    0.2.1     Pictures updated
              UL review comments incorporated
    0.2.2     Changed wording on Cable Ferrite specification
    0.2.3     Cable ferrite added into installation and its location shown

                                     CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT                   v0.2.3

Document Created: 2015-05-13 11:53:06
Document Modified: 2015-05-13 11:53:06

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