RF Expourse Info


RF Exposure Info

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1.1 General Information

 Client Information
 Applicant:                          ShenZhen Foscam Intelligent Technology Co., Limited
 Address of applicant:               9/F, Block F5, TCL International E City, No.1001 ZhongShanyuan Rd.,
                                     NanShan District, Shenzhen, China,

 Manufacturer:                       ShenZhen Foscam Intelligent Technology Co., Limited
 Address of manufacturer:            9/F, Block F5, TCL International E City, No.1001 ZhongShanyuan Rd.,
                                     NanShan District, Shenzhen, China,

 General Description of EUT:
 Product Name:                       Optical Zoom PTZ IP Camera
 Trade Name:                         FOSCAM
 Model No.:                          FI9926P
                                     R2 Plus、R2 Plus VX、Z2、Z2 VX、FI9926P、FI9926P VX、R2P、
 Adding Model(s):                    R2P VX、R4 Plus、R4 Plus VX、R4P、R4P VX (Note“VX”represent
                                     the software version ,which “X”can be from 0 to 9)
 FCC ID:                             ZDEFI9926P
 Rated Voltage:                      DC5V

 Technical Characteristics of EUT:
 Support Standards:                  802.11a, 802.11n(HT20) , 802.11n-HT40, 802.11ac-VH80
 Frequency Range:                    5150-5250MHz, 5725-5850MHz
 RF Output Power:                    9.80dBm (Conducted)
 Type of Modulation:                 QPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM
 Data Rate:                          6-54Mbps, up to 200Mbps
 Quantity of Channels:               15
 Type of Antenna:                    External Antenna
 Antenna Gain:                       2.0dBi
 Support Standards:                  802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n
 Frequency Range:                    2412-2462MHz for 802.11b/g/n-HT20
 RF Output Power:                    9.84dBm (Conducted)
 Type of Modulation:                 CCK, OFDM, QPSK, BPSK, 16QAM, 64QAM
 Data Rate:                          1-11Mbps, 6-54Mbps, up to 150Mbps
 Quantity of Channels:               11 for 802.11b/g/n-HT20
 Channel Separation:                 5MHz
 Type of Antenna:                    External Antenna
 Antenna Gain:                       2.0dBi

1.2 Standard Applicable

According to §1.1307(b)(1) and KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06, system operating under
the provisions of this section shall be operating in a manner that the public is not exposed to radio frequency
energy level in excess limit for maximum permissible exposure.

(a) Limits for Occupational / Controlled Exposure

                                Electric Field      Magnetic Field                              Averaging Times
         Frequency range                                                  Power Density
                                Strength (E)         Strength (H)                                | E |2, | H |2 or
             (MHz)                                                        (S) (mW/cm2)
                                   (V/m)                (A/m)                                      S (minutes)
              0.3-3.0                614                  1.63                (100)*                    6
              3.0-30               1842/f                4.89/f              (900/f)*                   6
              30-300                 61.4                0.163                  1.0                     6
             300-1500                 /                     /                 F/300                     6
           1500-100000                /                     /                    5                      6

(b) Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure

                                Electric Field      Magnetic Field                              Averaging Times
         Frequency range                                                  Power Density
                                Strength (E)         Strength (H)                                | E |2, | H |2 or
             (MHz)                                                        (S) (mW/cm2)
                                   (V/m)                (A/m)                                      S (minutes)
             0.3-1.34                614                  1.63                (100)*                   30
              1.34-30               824/f                2.19/f              (180/f)*                  30
              30-300                 27.5                0.073                  0.2                    30
             300-1500                 /                     /                 F/1500                   30
           1500-100000                /                     /                    1                     30
       Note: f = frequency in MHz: * = Plane-wave equivalents power density

1.3 MPE Calculation Method

S = (30*P*G) / (377*R2)
S = power density (in appropriate units, e.g., mw/cm2)
P = power input to the antenna (in appropriate units, e.g., mw)
G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator,
  the power gain factor is normally numeric gain.
R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna (in appropriate units, e.g., cm)

1.4 MPE Calculation Result

For WIFI2.4GHz:
Maximum Tune-Up output power: 9.84 (dBm)
Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal: 9.64 (mW)
Prediction distance: >20(cm)
Prediction frequency: 2462 (MHz)
Antenna gain: 2.0 (dBi)
Directional gain (numeric gain): 1.58
The worst case is power density at prediction frequency at 20cm: 0.003(mw/cm2)
MPE limit for general population exposure at prediction frequency: 1 (mw/cm2)

For WIFI5.1GHz:
Maximum Tune-Up output power: 9.80 (dBm)
Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal: 9.55 (mW)
Prediction distance: >20(cm)
Prediction frequency: 5200 (MHz)
Antenna gain: 2.0 (dBi)
Directional gain (numeric gain): 1.58
The worst case is power density at prediction frequency at 20cm: 0.003(mw/cm2)
MPE limit for general population exposure at prediction frequency: 1 (mw/cm2)

For WIFI5.8GHz:
Maximum Tune-Up output power: 9.40 (dBm)
Maximum peak output power at antenna input terminal: 8.71 (mW)
Prediction distance: >20(cm)
Prediction frequency: 5785 (MHz)
Antenna gain: 2.0 (dBi)
Directional gain (numeric gain): 1.58
The worst case is power density at prediction frequency at 20cm: 0.003(mw/cm2)
MPE limit for general population exposure at prediction frequency: 1 (mw/cm2)

Result: Pass

Document Created: 2018-10-24 18:56:48
Document Modified: 2018-10-24 18:56:48

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