15_SDL0 UserMan


Users Manual

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                                 Stages Cycling, LLC
       Stages Dash™              www.stagescycling.com
     Owner’s Manual              1-800-778-7218


                                 Sales, Accounting, Customer Support: 606 SE 9th Ave,
                                 Portland, OR 97214

                                 Design, Manufacturing, Engineering: 5335 Sterling Dr,
                                 Boulder, CO 80301

                                 This product is ANT+™ certified and complies with the
                                 following specified ANT+ Device Profiles:

{Translated language here}

                                 TSS (TRAINING STRESS SCORE ®), NP (NORMALIZED
                                 POWER ®), and IF (INTENSITY FACTOR ®) are trademarks
                                 of TrainingPeaks, LLC and are used with the permission.
                                 Learn more at http://www.trainingpeaks.com.

                                 T-score™ and Adjusted Power™ are trademarks of
                                 Today’s Plan Pty Ltd.


Contents                                                                                         Navigation in Ride ..................................................... 10
Device Description .......................................................... 4                     Viewing Data Pages .............................................. 10
   Dash Schematic ........................................................... 4                     Accessing the Ride Menu in a Ride ....................... 10
   Charging Dash ............................................................. 4                    Ride Data Recording ............................................. 10
   Installing the Mount.................................................... 4                    Data Pages ................................................................ 10
   Installing/Removing Dash ........................................... 5                           Editing Pages ......................................................... 11
Initial Setup ..................................................................... 5               Split Screen Mode ................................................. 11
   Power On/Off .............................................................. 5                    Orientation ........................................................... 11
Connecting to GPS........................................................... 6                      Adding/Deleting Pages ......................................... 11
Activity Profiles ............................................................... 6                 Enable/Disable Pages............................................ 11
   Changing Activity Profiles ........................................... 6                      Data Fields ................................................................ 11
   Renaming Activity Profiles .......................................... 6                          Data Field Categories ............................................ 11
   Enable/Disable an Activity Profile ............................... 6                             Data Fields List ...................................................... 11
   Creating/Deleting an Activity Profile .......................... 7                               Displayed Units for Data Fields ............................. 13
   Backlight Setting ......................................................... 7                    Span ...................................................................... 13
   Data Recording ............................................................ 7                    Totaling ................................................................. 14
   Power and Cadence Zeros........................................... 7                          Editing Data Fields .................................................... 14
   Alerts ........................................................................... 7             Resizing Fields ....................................................... 14
       Alert Categories....................................................... 7                 Riding a Workout ...................................................... 14
       Alert Notice ............................................................. 8                 Using Workout Target Fields ................................ 14
       Alert Trigger Types .................................................. 8                     Upcoming Laps...................................................... 14
       Movement Alerts .................................................... 8                       Upcoming Text ...................................................... 15
Connecting to Sensors .................................................... 8                        Navigating Laps ..................................................... 15
   Bluetooth and ANT+ Sensors ...................................... 8                           Breadcrumb Trail ...................................................... 15
       Manual Entry ........................................................... 8                Altitude Profile.......................................................... 15
   Stages Power Meter .................................................... 9                  Training Zones .............................................................. 15
       NFC Tap to Pair........................................................ 9                 Power Zones ............................................................. 15
       Dual Channel Reception .......................................... 9                          Setting FTP ............................................................ 15
       High Speed .............................................................. 9               Power Zone Calculation Method .............................. 15
   Zero Resetting a Power Meter .................................... 9                              Stages Power Zones .............................................. 15
   Sensors Already Saved to Dash ................................... 9                              Coggan Power Zones ............................................ 15
Riding with Dash ............................................................. 9                 Heart Rate Zones ...................................................... 15
   Start a Ride .................................................................. 9                Setting FThr........................................................... 15
       Pausing a Ride ......................................................... 9                Heart Rate Zone Calculation Method ....................... 16
       Ending a Ride......................................................... 10                    Stages Heart Rate Zones ....................................... 16
   Laps ........................................................................... 10              Friel Heart Rate Zones .......................................... 16


   20min Test................................................................. 16                    Weight .................................................................. 18
   Estimate FTP or FThr ................................................. 16                         Age ........................................................................ 18
   Manual Entry of Power or Heart Rate Zones ............ 16                                         Gender .................................................................. 18
Ride Uploading .............................................................. 16                     Other Attributes ................................................... 18
   .fit Export................................................................... 16             Language ................................................................... 18
   USB ............................................................................ 16           Updating Firmware ................................................... 18
       Stages Sync ............................................................ 17               Factory Reset ............................................................ 19
       USB Mass Storage ................................................. 17                  Widgets ......................................................................... 19
   BLE ............................................................................. 17          Text Editor ................................................................ 19
Ride History ................................................................... 17              Large Number Editor ................................................ 19
   Selecting a Ride ......................................................... 17                 Small Number Editor ................................................ 19
   Records...................................................................... 17           Stages Link .................................................................... 19
   Totals ......................................................................... 17        Stages Link App ............................................................. 19
Settings.......................................................................... 17         Stages Sync ................................................................... 19
   Units .......................................................................... 17        Technical Specifications ................................................ 19
   Sleep .......................................................................... 18        Device Care ................................................................... 20
   Backlight Level........................................................... 18              Troubleshooting............................................................ 20
   Time Zone.................................................................. 18             Trademark and Licenses ............................................... 20
   Time Format .............................................................. 18              Warranty .......................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
   System Alerts ............................................................ 18              Index ............................................................................. 21
   Rider Attributes ......................................................... 18


⚠ Warning
See Important Product Information insert provided with         Charging Dash
product for important safety and product information.

⚠ Warning
Recycling/Disposal of device and battery: This device
includes a lithium ion battery. In compliance with your
local laws and regulations, please contact local
authorities for end of life disposal of this product and
battery. See Important Product Information insert or
Stages help site for further detailed information.

Device Description
Dash Schematic                                                 To charge your Dash, lightly lift the rubber dust cover
                                                               ① to allow access to the Micro-USB port ②, insert the
                                                               Micro-USB plug ③, and insert USB plug into certified
                                                               USB 2.0 5V wall-mounted charger or USB 2.0 port on
                                                               your computer④.

                                                               Installing the Mount

             On/Off - Start/Stop Button: Press to
         /   power device on, then press to start/stop
             an activity. To power the device off, hold
             button for 3s.
             Lap: Select to mark a new lap, return to
             previous page within the menu
                                                                ① Thumb Tab
             Up: Scrolls to previous menu item or
 ③                                                              ② Main Arm
                                                                ③ 2.5mm Hex Key (not provided)
             Enter: Selects item in menu or activity
 ④                                                              ④ M2.5 Cap Head Screws (x2)
             Down: Scrolls to next menu item or page            ⑤ Handlebar Clamp Ring
                                                               1. Position Handlebar Clamp Ring ⑤ to the right of the
             Mount Locations (x2): Two rear                       stem and between any cables and the 31.8mm
 ⑥           mounting locations allow for use in                  handlebar
             portrait or landscape mode                        2. Insert the two M2.5 screws ④ into the holes of the
             USB Dust Cover: When installed                       clamp ring ⑤ and use a 2.5mm hex key ③ to
 ⑦           properly, protects the Micro-USB Plug                loosely tighten ring on handlebars
             from the elements
                                                               3. Adjust mount to preferred angle
             Micro-USB port: For device charging and
             data transfer

4. Tighten screws ④ to 2 Nm.
Installing/Removing Dash

                                                               1. With the Dash removed from the mount, insert the
                                                                  loop end of the lanyard into the hole on the
                                                                  unused mounting location on the Dash.
                                                               2. Pull the lanyard cord end through the loop.

1. Install mount to proper specification (see Installing
   the Mount).
2. Orient device in either portrait or landscape
   position and line up with mount.
3. Make sure lip of the mount is behind the aluminum
   mounting rail.
4. Slide Dash downward until the thumb tab audibly
   clicks tab into place.

                                                               3. Slip the elastic side of the lanyard over the thumb
                                                                  tab and mount arm.
                                                               4. Make sure the lanyard is completely clear of the
                                                                  thumb tab.
                                                               5. Install the Dash onto mount (Installing/Removing

                                                               Initial Setup
                                                               When powering on the Dash for the first time, you will
                                                               be prompted with a few questions to set up the Dash.
                                                               These settings can always be changed from the Settings

5. Check to make sure the thumb tab is properly                Power On/Off
   seated in the mounting slot.                                   •   To power ON the Dash: Press .
6. To remove, pull back on thumb tab and pull up on               •   To power OFF the Dash: Press and hold       for
   dash. The Dash should come out easily, if you are                  3s.
   forcing it, pull further back towards the bike with
   the thumb tab.

To install the included safety lanyard (recommended):

Language Selection                                              settings that allow you to set up the Dash for different
Select your preferred language for set up. If your              types of riding, different bikes, or both. Up to 12 unique
language is not listed, it may be available to download         activity profiles can be configured.
from www.stagescycling.com.
                                                                Changing Activity Profiles
See Also: Settings > Language

Time Zone Selection
Select your default time zone.

See Also: Settings > Time Zone

Select your preferred units for display. Display pages
can later be configured to show a combination of units
based on your preference.

See Also: Settings > Units
                                                                From Home Screen:
Power Meter?                                                       1. From the home screen, select Activity and use
If you will be using a power meter with Dash, select yes.              the enter button to toggle selection.
Your selection here will help Dash set up your default             2. The selected activity profile will be visible in
activity profiles.                                                     Ride panel of the home screen.
See Also: Connecting to Sensors                                 From Main Menu:
Heart Rate Monitor?                                                1. Go to Main Menu > Activity Settings > Enter to
If you will be using a heart rate monitor with Dash,                  change > Select Activity Profile.
select yes. Your selection here will help Dash set up              2. From here, the chosen Activity Profile’s menu
your default activity profiles.                                       will be displayed.
                                                                   3. Use the lap button to return to the previous
See Also: Connecting to Sensors                                       screen once any changes are completed.

Connecting to GPS                                               Renaming Activity Profiles
                                                                    1. Go to Main Menu > Activity Settings > Select
To locate GPS satellites, Dash must be in clear view of
the sky.                                                               Activity Profile > Rename.
                                                                    2. Enter new Activity Profile name (max 10
1. Turn on the Dash.                                                   characters).
2. Place Dash in clear view of the sky.
3. Unless GPS is disabled, Dash should lock on to GPS           See Also: Using the Text Editor, Stages Link™
   satellites in a minute or less.                              Enable/Disable an Activity Profile
Note: When you connect your Dash to GPS for the first           Enabled Activity Profiles have a   listed next to them in
time, have travelled a long distance since last GPS             the activity profile list.
connection, or have drained the battery completely, it          To enable or disable an activity profile, go to: Main
may take up to 3 minutes to lock on to GPS satellites.          Menu > Activity Settings > Select Activity Profile >
See Also: Activity Profiles > Data Recording >                  Status Enable/Disable
Continuous with GPS Off
                                                                •   Enable: Enabled activity profiles are available for
                                                                    use on rides and can be selected from the home
Activity Profiles                                                   screen.
An Activity Profile is a group of paired sensors (See           •   Disable: Disabled activity profiles will still be saved
Connecting to Sensors), Data Pages, and specific                    on the device and can be selected from the activity

       menu to use in a ride, but will not be visible from       Power and Cadence Zeros
       the home screen for quick selection.                      While riding, Dash can either include zero values (which
                                                                 occur while coasting) in average calculations or ignore
Creating/Deleting an Activity Profile
                                                                 them. These settings apply only to activity data
To add or delete an Activity Profile, use the Dash
                                                                 collected while using a power meter or cadence sensor.
Manager in Stages Link.
                                                                 To update these settings, go to: Main Menu > Activity
Backlight Setting                                                Settings > Select Activity Profile > Recording > Enabled
The LCD backlight setting for your activity profile can be       Option:
found by going to: Main Menu > Activity Settings >
Select Activity Profile > Backlight > Enabled Option:                          Includes zero values in average
                                                                  Include      calculations for power (W) and cadence
 Off            No Backlight                                                   (RPM)
 On             Backlight always on                                            Excludes zero values in average
                Automatically turns on backlight based            Ignore       calculations for power (W) and cadence
                on ambient light                                               (RPM)
                Automatically turns on backlight based                         Excludes zero values in average
 Auto + 10                                                        Ignore
                on ambient light and stays on for 10s on                       calculations for power (W), includes
 Seconds                                                          Power
                button press                                                   values for cadence (RPM)
 10s                                                                           Excludes zero values in average
 Button         Backlight stays on for 10s on button              Ignore
                                                                               calculations for cadence (RPM), includes
 Push           press                                             Cadence
                                                                               values for power (W)
                                                                 See Also: Connecting to Sensors
See Also: Backlight Level
Data Recording                                                   Alerts notify the rider when specific conditions are met
Data recording options determine when the Dash unit              and can be set for various data related triggers (to set
will automatically stop recording data during a ride.            device alerts, see System Alerts). Alerts are specific to
To update these settings, go to: Main Menu > Activity            each activity type and can be set within the activity
Settings > Select Activity Profile > Recording > Enabled         profile settings.
Option:                                                          1. Go to: Main Menu > Activity Settings > Select
                  Records all data when user is moving              Activity Profile > Alerts.
                  (GPS detected movement), pauses                2. Notice shows which alert is currently being edited.
 GPS Pause        recording when user is stopped or              3. To select an alert to edit, press the enter button
                  when user presses the start/stop                  on Notice and select the Alert from the List.
                  Records all data when user is moving,
                                                                 Alert Categories
                  or when power, cadence, or speed are                          Alert triggered each user specified
 Sensor                                                           Time
                  detected. Pauses when all are 0 or                            amount of time
 Pause                                                                          Alert triggered every time a specified
                  when user presses the start/stop                Kilojoule
                  button                                                        amount of kJs are accumulated
                  Records all data regardless of user                           Alerts triggered every time a specified
 Continuous       activity, can only be paused when the                         amount of Calories are burned
                  user presses the start/stop button                            Alert triggered every time power is out
 Continuous       Disables the GPS chip and records all                         of specified range.
 with GPS         data regardless of user activity (good                        Alert triggered when HR is out of
                                                                  Heart Rate
 Off              for indoor riding), can only be paused                        specified range
                  by push of the start/stop button                              Alert triggered when speed is out of
                                                                                specified range


                Alert triggered when cadence is out of            Bluetooth and ANT+ Sensors
                specified range                                       1. The Dash can be paired to Bluetooth and ANT+
                Alert triggered when a change in                         sensors, including power meters, heart rate
                movement occurs                                          monitors, speed and cadence sensors, as well as
                                                                         smart trainers and other bio-sensors. To pair to
Alert Notice                                                             a Bluetooth or ANT+ sensor:
•    Tone: Short beep whenever alert is triggered.                    2. First activate or wake the sensor up
•    Overlay: On screen message for 3s or until button                        • Heart rate monitor: Put the sensor on.
     press.                                                                   • Speed/Cadence sensors: Either move or
•    Both: Short beep and on screen message for 3s                                pass by the corresponding magnet.
     when alert is triggered.                                                 • Power meter: Rotate the sensor.
•    None: No alert set.                                              3. Go to Main Menu > Activity Sensors > Add
                                                                         Sensor > BLE or ANT Sensors.
Alert Trigger Types
                                                                              • A list of sensors available to the Dash
•    Every: Triggers whenever a set total is reached.
                                                                                  will populate
•    Above/Below: Triggers whenever data is collected
                                                                      4. Select a sensor and then choose from the
     outside of the set range.
                                                                         following options:
Movement Alerts                                                               • Cancel: Cancels selection and sensor
•    Ride Start Alert: Asks the user to start a ride when                         will not be added.
     riding conditions are met (speed greater than                            • Confirm: Adds sensor to the currently
     10kph).                                                                      selected activity profile.
     o Both: Audio tone and on screen message for 3s                          • Enabled Activities: Adds sensor to all
         when alert is triggered.                                                 currently enabled activity profiles.
     o Overlay: On screen message for 3s when alert is                        • Add to All: Adds sensor to every activity
         triggered, or until any button push.                                     profile.
     o None: No notification for alert at any time.
                                                                  Manual Entry
•    Pause Tone: Audio tone when pause or resume is
                                                                  ANT+ sensors have simple ANT+ IDs that can be entered
                                                                  and saved to the Dash without using the search
•    Pause Overlay: On screen message is displayed for
                                                                  function. If the sensor has a visible ANT+ ID, it can be
     3s when pause or resume is detected.
                                                                  added directly into the activity sensors list:

Connecting to Sensors                                             1. Go to: Main Menu > Activity Sensors > Add
Sensors include power meters, heart rate monitors,                   Sensors > Manual Entry.
smart phones, or any other wireless transmitting device           2. Select Sensor Type, then use the arrow buttons
that use ANT+ or Bluetooth® to transfer data.                           to select the correct sensor category.
                                                                  3. Press the enter button to confirm selection, then
For the Dash to find and connect to a sensor during a                select Confirm.
ride, the sensor must first be paired to the current              4. Locate the ANT+ ID number on your sensor and
Activity Profile. Once a sensor is paired to an activity             enter it into the number field.
profile, the Dash will remember it until it has been                 • Use the arrow buttons          to change the digit
deleted from the activity profile’s sensor list.                        and then use the enter button to advance to
When pairing a sensor, first select the Activity Profile in             the next digit.
which you will be using the sensor.                                  • Note that if your sensor ID is shorter than the
                                                                        number of fields, it should be preceded by 0s.
To select a different Activity Profile, see Changing
Activity Profiles.                                                See Also: Large Number Editor


Stages Power Meter                                             Zero Resetting a Power Meter
Stages Power Meters paired to Dash have additional             The zero reset process, also referred to as calibration or
functionality available explained in the following             zero offset calibration, resets the zero value on your
sections:                                                      power meter for improved accuracy. Please refer to the
                                                               manufacturer for instructions on the zero reset process
NFC Tap to Pair                                                for your power meter. To initiate a zero reset from the
You can pair your Stages Power meter via BLE, ANT+, or         Dash:
NFC (tap to pair). To use tap to pair:
                                                               1. Ensure sensor is transmitting and paired to Dash.
1. Go to: Main Menu > Activity Sensors > Add
                                                                  • For a Stages Power meter, orient the power
                                                                     meter vertically with no weight on the pedals.
2. Touch the back of the Dash to your Stages Power
                                                               2. Select Zero Reset from the home screen, or go to:
                                                                  Main Menu > Activity Sensors > Select Power
3. Wait for the beep to confirm the pairing is
                                                                  Sensor > Zero Reset.
                                                               3. A screen prompt will return Success with the
Dual Channel Reception                                            value(s) from the power meter or Failure if it
When you pair to a Stages Power Meter, the Dash                   cannot complete the zero reset process.
automatically pairs to BLE and ANT simultaneously and
                                                               Sensors Already Saved to Dash
records data from both to ensure the best data
                                                               Once a sensor is paired to any activity profile, it will
connectivity. If you wish to use a 3rd party app to
                                                               appear in the list of saved devices found here: Main
connect to a Stages Power Meter via Bluetooth, you will
                                                               Menu > Activity Sensors > Add Sensor > Saved Sensors.
need to disable the Bluetooth connection to your power
meter.                                                         A previously paired sensor does not need to be present
                                                               to pair to an additional Activity Profile. Simply select it
To enable or disable the Bluetooth connect, go to: Main
                                                               from this list and the sensor will be added to the current
Menu > Activity Sensors > Select Stages Power Meter >
                                                               activity profile. Sensors already paired to Dash will not
Bluetooth > Enabled / Disabled
                                                               appear in ANT or BLE search lists!

                                                               Riding with Dash
                                                               Start a Ride
                                                               First confirm that the desired Activity Profile is selected
                                                               and listed under the word Ride on the home screen. If
                                                               not, see Changing Activity Profiles.

                                                               •    Press the     button to begin recording.
                                                               •    During a ride, all the settings in the current Activity
                                                                    Profile apply; see Activity Profiles for more
High Speed
High speed mode is a special feature available only on         Pausing a Ride
Stages Power meters connected via Bluetooth®. It is not        Pressing the start/stop button    will manually pause
recommended to use this mode for normal riding, as it          the ride. When a ride is paused, no data is recorded
will drain battery from the power meter quickly and            from sensors, so all averages and totals will not change.
uses up a significant amount of memory on the Dash. It         This can be useful when stopping for longer periods.
is most useful for brief recordings, such as analyzing         •    To resume a ride, simply press start/stop       again
short efforts (e.g. durations under 3 minutes).                     or select Resume Ride from the on screen
To turn high speed mode on or off, go to: Main Menu >               message.
Activity Settings > Select Activity Profile > High Speed

    •   After being paused for a long duration, the Dash           Navigation in Ride
        will automatically go to sleep. Press /        to          Viewing Data Pages
        wake up the Dash and resume the ride where                 By default, all rides begin on Page 1. Use the arrow
        you left off or save the ride if it has already
                                                                   buttons       during a ride to change data pages in the
        been completed.
                                                                   current Activity Profile.
    •   All previously recorded data will be retained
        upon entering sleep mode and can be saved or               Accessing the Ride Menu in a Ride
        deleted by ending the activity. However, after 3           The settings that can be changed are available in a
        hours of sleep, the Dash will save the current             smaller Ride menu.
        ride and power off completely.
                                                                       •   To access the Ride Menu during a ride, Press
See Also: Sleep                                                            to Pause the Ride > Ride Menu.
                                                                       •   To exit the Ride Menu and return to the ride
Note: Manually pausing a ride with the start/stop
                                                                           screen, press the lap button or select Ride.
button is slightly different than pauses triggered by
conditions in the ride, see Data Recording for more

Ending a Ride
Pressing   will display a Ride Paused on screen
message with the following options:

•   Resume Ride: Continues recording ride.
•   End Ride and Save: Displays a brief ride summary
    and saves the activity to memory. Once ride is
    saved, a more in-depth summary of the ride is
    available that can be navigated using arrow
    buttons      .                                                 From the Ride Menu, you can:
•   End Ride and Delete: Discards the ride from
                                                                   •    Manage sensors
    memory, returns to home screen.
                                                                   •    Change Backlight Setting or Level
Laps                                                               •    Adjust Recording Settings
Laps allow the rider to keep track of specific segments            •    Change Alerts
of a ride through use of the lap button . At ride start,           •    Change Units
the first lap also starts recording Lap Totals and                 •    Enable/Disable High Speed Mode
Averages. Each time the rider presses the lap button,
                                                                   Note: Not all Main Menu options are available in a
the lap re-starts and begins recording averages and
totals from the beginning of the current lap. Laps are
very useful for riding a workout, as well as keeping track         Ride Data Recording
of more specific parts of rides, such as pacing up a               Ride data is recorded to the Dash as frequently as it is
climb.                                                             available. For more information on when data recording
                                                                   is paused, see Data Recording. The Stages .rde file,
•   Upon pressing the lap button, a new lap will begin
                                                                   when used with Stages Link, allows more data than
    automatically and any lap-based data fields will
                                                                   standard file formats to be saved. See .fit Export for
    restart to include only the current lap.
                                                                   conversion to the industry standard FIT file.
•   A small summary of the previous lap will be shown
    with an overlay message.                                       Data Pages
•   All lap data will be saved into the ride file for post-        Data Pages consist of up to 16 fields of customizable
    ride evaluation.                                               size and content. Each activity profile is allowed up to 5


data pages, with a wide range of configuration options            To disable a page, go to: Main Menu > Activity Settings
to view all of your preferred data metrics with ease.             > Edit Pages > Disable/Enable

Editing Pages                                                     Data Fields
All pages in an activity profile can be customized by             Data fields make up the ride data pages and can be
changing the field size, metric, span, and totaling of the        customized by size and data displayed.
field. Data pages can be edited within the unit, as well
as in Stages Link in the Dash Manager Tab. Configuring            Data Field Categories
pages in Stages Link is a simple process that allows for          A metric refers to data recorded from a sensor or GPS
you to preview each configuration before syncing them             that gives information about the ride to the rider.
to the Dash.                                                      Metrics have been categorized to make them easier to
                                                                  find when editing a field. The categories are:
To edit pages of the current Activity Profile, go to: Main
Menu > Activity Settings > Edit Pages                             •   Power: All metrics related to data gathered from a
                                                                      power meter.
See Also: Changing Activity Profile                               •   Heart Rate: All metrics related to data gathered
Split Screen Mode                                                     from a heart rate monitor.
Creates data pages with a split view so that half of the          •   Time/Cadence: All metrics related to a timer or
screen stays the same while the other half changes as                 cadence sensor.
you change pages. Note that split screen mode                     •   Movement: All metrics related to GPS data or
permanently changes the layout of your data pages, so                 speed sensor.
it is recommended to set up an Activity Profile                   •   Shifting: All metrics related to electronic shifting.
dedicated to this mode before using this option.                  •   Workout: All metrics related to workout targets
                                                                      and laps.
To enable split screen mode, go to: Main Menu >                   •   Widgets: All preset fields.
Activity Settings > Select Activity Profile > Edit Pages >        •   Special: All metrics related to the Dash or other
Split Scn > On                                                        sensor types.
Orientation                                                       Data Fields List
Page layout can be set to Landscape or Portrait.                  The following items can be selected for any data field.
•    Landscape: 4x4 grid of data fields                           Some metrics cannot fit in the smallest 1x1 field, so
•    Portrait: 2x8 grid of data fields                            they do not have that size as an option:

Note that changing the orientation permanently
changes some data fields to fit the page, so it is
recommended to set up an Activity Profile dedicated to
this mode before changing this option.

To change your screen orientation, go to: Main Menu >
Activity Settings > Select Activity Profile > Edit Pages >
Orientation > Landscape or Portrait

Adding/Deleting Pages
To add or delete a page, use the Dash Manager in
Stages Link.

Enable/Disable Pages
Pages can be disabled to avoid having to view them
when in a ride. Enabled pages are indicated by a in
the page list.


                          Power                                                         Heart Rate
                                                                  Data Field   Displayed               Definition
      Item    Displayed              Definition
                                                                 Heart Rate       bpm      Heart rate from heart rate data
Power            W        Power reading in watts                                  %FT      Heart rate reading in percent of
                 LR                                              %FThr
LR Balance                Left/Right power balance (%:%)                           hr      set FThr
                                                                                  %hr      Heart rate as a percent of user
                 P        Current power zone based on            %hrMax
Power Zone                                                                        Mx       set max heart rate
                 Zn       programed zones and FTP setting
                                                                                  HR       Heart rate zone based on zone
               W/lb or    Ratio of power to user set body        HR Zone
w/kg                                                                              Zn       settings and FThr
                W/kg      weight
                                                                                           Heart rate efficiency as a ratio of
                          Pedal smoothness calculation                            HRP
Pedal            Pdl                                             HR-P Eff.                 NORMALIZED POWER to heart
                          (%:%) from Left – Right power                           Eff
Smooth           Sm                                                                        rate
                                                                                  HR       TRAINING STRESS SCORE
                          Torque effectiveness calculation       Hr-TSS
                  T                                                               TSS      calculation from heart rate data
Torque Eff.               (%:%) from Left - Right power
                 Eff                                                              HR       T-score calculation from heart
                          data                                   Hr-TScore
                                                                                  TSc      rate data
Norm Power       NP       NORMALIZED POWER                                        HR
Adjusted         Adj                                             HR Batt                   Heart rate monitor battery level
                          Adjusted power                                          Bat
Power            W                                                                         Estimated calories burned from
                          INTENSITY FACTOR calculation           Calories         Cal
INTENSITY                                                                                  heart rate data
                 IF       from NORMALIZED POWER to
                          FTP ratio
                                                                  Data Field   Displayed              Definition
                  T       T-score calculation from power
T-Score                                                          Ride Time     H:MM:SS     Recorded ride time
                 Scr      data
                                                                               H:MM:SS     Time of day (no AM / PM for 24h
                          Total work in kilojoules from          Time of Day
Energy           kJ                                                            AM or PM    time)
                          power data
                                                                 Elapsed       H:MM:SS     Elapsed time, including time
                 %        Power reading in percent of set
%FTP                                                             Time           Elapsed    spent stopped or paused
                FTP       FTP
                                                                 Cadence         rpm       Cadence in rotations per minute
PM Battery                Power meter battery level (%)          Time          H:MM:SS
                 Bat                                                                       Time spent pedaling during ride
                                                                 Pedaling        Pdl
                                                                 Time          H:MM:SS
                                                                                           Time spent coasting during ride
                                                                 Coasting        Cst


                          Movement                                                                 Special
 Data Field    Displayed               Definition                  Data Field     Displayed                        Definition
Distance        mi or km    Elapsed distance                                              %
                                                               Battery                                 Battery remaining on Dash
                mph or                                                                   Bat
Speed                       Current speed
                   kph                                                                                 Temperature reading from
                                                               Temperature          O
                                                                                        F or OC
Elevation        ft or m    Current elevation                                                          internal sensor
Total Ascent    ft or m     Total ascent during ride                                                   Current Latitude coordinate
                                                               Latitude                  Lat
Total                                                                                                  from the GPS
                ft or m     Total descent during ride
Descent                                                                                                Current Longitude coordinate
                                                               Longitude                 Lon
                           Average ascent speed in vertical                                            from the GPS
VAM               VAM
                           meters per hour                     Satellites               nSV            Number of Satellites connected
Vertical        f/s or m/s Vertical speed in feet or meters    GPS Accuracy             GPS            GPS accuracy level
Speed                      per second                                                                  Percent of muscle oxygen
Gradient           %       Current gradient                    SMO2                                    saturation based on SMO2
Heading           NSEW     Heading based on GPS data                                                   sensor data
                                                                                                       Total hemoglobin mass based on
                                                               tHb                      g/dL
                          Workout*                                                                     SMO2 sensor data
   Data Field Displayed                 Definition
 Target Power       W       Target power during workout        Displayed Units for Data Fields
 Target P           P       Target power zone during           The following data fields can be displayed in multiple
 Zone               Zn      workout                            unit configurations:
 Target HR        bpm       Target HR during workout
 Target HR         HR       Target heart rate zone during              Metric                  ft/mi/lb     m/km/kg m/km/lb
 Zone               Zn      workout                                     W/kg                    W/lb          W/kg         W/lb
 Target                                                               Distance                   mi            km          km
                  rpm       Target cadence during workout
 Cadence                                                                Speed                   mph           kph          kph
 Planned Lap                Planned lap time during                   Elevation                  ft             m           m
 Time                       workout
                                                                    Total Ascent                  ft           m            m
 Time Left in      To
                            Time left in lap during workout
 Lap               Go                                               Total Descent                 ft           m            m
 Current Lap #     Lap      Current lap number during ride
                                                                   Vertical Speed               f/s           m/s          m/s
 RPE              RPE       Rate of perceived exertion
*All workout metrics will have the word “Target”                    Temperature                 deg F         deg C        deg F
beneath them in the data field.                                See also: Units
                                                               Span is the period of time over which the metric is
                                                               calculated. Some metrics include limited options for
                                                               Span, while the full list of span options includes:

                                                               •     1 Second
                                                               •     3 Second
                                                               •     10 Second (Power and Heart Rate)
                                                               •     30 Second (Power and Heart Rate)
                                                               •     1 Minute
                                                               •     1 Hour (kJs, Calories, TSS, T-Score)
                                                               •     Lap
                                                               •     Ride


Span is indicated in the data field unless it is for Ride or        Tip: Start editing the field size from the upper left
1s, for those metrics by convention span is left out as it          corner and move across the page from there. Since
is clear if the data pertains to the whole ride or is               resizing fields requires shifting other fields on the page,
instantaneously changing.                                           starting in this corner will ensure that previously
                                                                    adjusted fields aren’t affected by field size changes that
Totaling                                                            follow.
Totaling is the way in which a metric is calculated over
the setting span. List of possible totaling values:                 Riding a Workout
                                                                    Workouts are ordered laps with prescribed effort that
•    Average: The average rate of a metric over the
                                                                    help a rider train properly. Stages Link can provide
     selected span, e.g.: 3s Average Power.
                                                                    workouts and sync them to the Dash via USB (Stages
•    Maximum: The maximum average of the metric
                                                                    Sync™) or Bluetooth (Stages Link App).
     over the selected span, e.g.: Max 30s Power.
•    Total: The accumulated total amount of a metric                All workout data is saved directly to the ride file when
     over the selected span, e.g.: kJs in this Lap.                 riding the workout.
•    Per H: The rate at which something is accumulating
                                                                    To select a workout to ride:
     in an hour (kJs, Calories, TSS, T-Score) , e.g.:
                                                                     1. Go to: Main Menu > Workouts.
     Calories per Hour.
                                                                     2. Choose from:
For example, if the metric Power is selected, and the                    • Training Calendar: Lists all workouts coming up
Span selected is 1 minute, Totaling could show either a                     from your Stages Link training calendar by date.
current 1 minute average or a maximum 1 minute                           • Workouts: Lists all workouts unassociated with
power achieved during the ride.                                             a training calendar like a 20min FTP Test.
                                                                     3. Select a workout from either of these lists to view
Editing Data Fields                                                      an on screen message with a description of the
From the Edit Data Fields menu, both the individual                      workout.
data field metrics and the page layout can be updated.               4. Select Ride to begin a ride with the selected
To access a data field menu:                                             workout file.

1. Go to: Main Menu > Activity Settings > Select                    Using Workout Target Fields
   Activity Profile > Edit Pages.                                   To set up a target field, select metrics from the
2. Use the arrow buttons       to scroll to the page you            Workout category of the Data Fields menu.
   would like to edit and press the enter button to                 Workout category options:
   edit the selected page.                                          1. Target Lap: Current workout lap
3. Use the arrow buttons       to scroll to the metric              2. Target Power: Current workout power range
   field you would like to update and press the enter               3. Target Heart Rate: Current workout heart rate
   button to enter the menu for the selected field.                    range
Resizing Fields                                                     4. Target Cadence: Current workout cadence range
1. From the data field menu, select Field Size.                     5. Target RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) : Current
2. This will return to the data page with Height and                   workout effort prescription
   Width options shown in an overlay message to                     6. Target Lap Time: Current lap time prescription
   adjust the field size.                                           7. Upcoming Laps
3. Select either Height or Width and press enter to                 8. Upcoming Text
   toggle through the options for height and width.                 Upcoming Laps
4. Once you are happy with the field size, select                   The upcoming lap data field will display a preview of the
   Confirm to save changes and return to the data                   current and next steps of a workout (depending on the
   field menu.                                                      size of the data field). This will include the Lap, Time,
                                                                    Power, Heart Rate, Cadence, and RPE prescribed for the

Upcoming Text                                                    metrics, such as TSS, T-Score, and IF. If you are training
Workout files can also have a short text associated with         with a power meter, you should enter an FTP value
them, which can be used for additional advice,                   here.
reminders, or the whole workout can be based on this
                                                                 To update your FTP setting, go to: Main Menu > Zones
text. Using the Upcoming Text field shows the
                                                                 > Power > FTP.
descriptions associated with a workout on screen for
current and upcoming laps                                        See Also: Small Number Editor

Navigating Laps                                                  Power Zone Calculation Method
Within a workout, laps can be programmed to                      The Dash comes preloaded with two options for
automatically end after completing the duration or to            calculating power training zones based on FTP.
continue until lap press. At any point during any lap,
you can advance from the current lap to the next lap of          To update your zone calculation preference, go to:
                                                                 Main Menu > Zones > Power > Method > Stages or
the workout by pressing the lap button .
Breadcrumb Trail
                                                                 Stages Power Zones
The breadcrumb trail is a widget that can be added to a
                                                                   Zone         % of FTP
data page which shows the path ridden so far in the
                                                                   Zone 1       0-59%
ride. This can be useful for finding your way back to the
                                                                   Zone 2       60-79%
                                                                   Zone 3       80-90%
Altitude Profile                                                   Zone 4       91-104%
The altitude profile shows an altitude plot of your                Zone 5       105-120%
                                                                   Zone 6       121%+
current ride.

Training Zones                                                   Coggan Power Zones
                                                                   Zone         % of FTP
Training zones divide up levels of effort into categories
                                                                   Zone 1       0-55%
based on physiological effects of each intensity level.
                                                                   Zone 2       56-75%
Zones are used when programming specific workout
                                                                   Zone 3       76-90%
targets and can be set separately for both power and               Zone 4       91-105%
heart rate. You can utilize training zones when training           Zone 5       106-120%
with a power meter or heart rate monitor.                          Zone 6       121-150%
To edit or view training zones for power or heart rate,            Zone 7       150%+
go to: Main Menu > Zones.
                                                                 Heart Rate Zones
Power Zones                                                      Heart rate zones are calculated based on percentage of
Power zones are calculated based on percentage of                your Functional Threshold Heart Rate (FThr) and are
your Functional Threshold Power (FTP) and are                    commonly used for workout targets in order to give a
commonly used for workout targets in order to give a             range of intensity for an interval.
range of intensity for an interval.
                                                                 To view or edit heart rate zone settings, go to: Main
To view or edit your power zone settings, go to: Main            Menu > Zones > Heart Rate.
Menu > Zones > Power.
                                                                 Setting FThr
Setting FTP                                                      Functional threshold heart rate (FThr) is an
Functional Threshold Power (FTP) is the maximum                  approximation of your highest sustainable heart rate for
wattage you can sustain for a long duration, usually 1           an hour effort. This number is the basis for setting your
hour. This number is the basis for setting your power            heart rate training zones, as well as calculating several
training zones and calculating several power based               heart rate based metrics that can be displayed in your


data fields. If you are training with a heart rate monitor,        Estimate FTP or FThr
you should enter an FThr value here.                               If you are new to training with a power meter or heart
To enter your FThr, go to: Main Menu > Zones > Heart               rate monitor, Stages Link will estimate your values
Rate > FThr.                                                       during account creation. When you are ready, we
                                                                   recommend performing a threshold test. Having an
See Also: Small Number Editor                                      accurate threshold value will assure that training zones
                                                                   and other metrics are calculated correctly.
Heart Rate Zone Calculation Method
The Dash comes preloaded with two preset options for               See Also: 20min Test
calculating heart rate training zones based on FThr.
                                                                   Manual Entry of Power or Heart Rate Zones
To update your zone calculation preference, go to:                 Custom zones can also be configured in Stages Link and
Main Menu > Zones > Heart Rate > Method > Stages or                synced to your Stages Dash.

Stages Heart Rate Zones                                            Ride Uploading
    Zone      % of FThr                                            Rides are stored on the Dash in an .rde (Stages Ride
    Zone 1    0-64%                                                File) format. Completed activities can be uploaded and
    Zone 2    65-84%                                               synced via Bluetooth (Stages Link App) or USB (Stages
    Zone 3    84-91%                                               Sync or USB Mass Storage drag and drop). Additionally,
    Zone 4    92-99%                                               Stages Link allows the automatic uploading (“Data
    Zone 5    100-104%                                             Broker” services) of ride files to 3rd party sites for
    Zone 6    105%+                                                premium users.

                                                                   .fit Export
Friel Heart Rate Zones
                                                                   The Dash records data into an .rde (Stages Ride File) file
    Zone      % of FThr
                                                                   format that allows it to log more data than other bike
    Zone 1    0-81%
                                                                   computers. Since this format is designed to be used
    Zone 2    82-89%
                                                                   with Stages Link and may not work with all other third
    Zone 3    90-93%
                                                                   party sites, an option is included to convert all files to
    Zone 4    94-99%
                                                                   the .fit format upon completion of the activity. With
    Zone 5    100-102%
    Zone 6    103-106%                                             this option enabled, all files will be stored on the device
    Zone 7    107%+                                                as .fit in the fit files USB directory on the device.

                                                                   REMINDER: Stages Link provides Data Brokering services
20min Test                                                         to premium users, which allows the automatic
If you do not know your FTP or FThr, you can choose the            uploading of rides to supported 3rd party sites.
20min Test from the Workouts list in order to calculate
                                                                   To change .fit export setting, go to: Main Menu >
your values. This is a commonly used test to estimate
                                                                   Settings > .fit Export.
functional threshold power by performing a 20-minute
all-out effort. This test will require the usage of a power        •     Keep .rde: Saves only the Stages Ride File.
meter or a heart rate monitor.                                     •     Keep .fit: Saves only the .fit file and deletes Stages
                                                                         Ride File.
•     For FTP, your FTP will be 95% of your 20min power
                                                                   •     Keep Both: Keeps both .fit and .rde (not
•     For FThr, your FThr will be your highest 20min
      average heart rate.                                          USB
To perform the test, go to: Main Menu > Workouts >                 To download your ride data via USB, use the provided
Select Workout > 20min Test.                                       USB 2.0 cord to plug the Dash into a USB 2.0 port on
                                                                   your computer. This will enable USB Mode on your Dash


allowing you to select files manually from the Dash                  To view a summary of a past ride, go to: Main Menu >
storage in the activities folder.                                    Ride History > Select ride.

Stages Sync                                                          Records
Download and install the Stages Sync desktop                         The records page brings up a list of your all-time best
application to your computer to automatically sync your              efforts.
files to Stages Link. Once installed, Stages Sync will
upload all new files from the device to Stages Link. For             To view all-time records, go to: Main Menu > Ride
more information, see Stages Sync.                                   History > Records.

USB Mass Storage                                                     Totals
When plugged into your computer, the Dash will enter                 The totals page brings up a list of all totals completed,
USB mode automatically and display USB Enabled on                    such as time, distance, and calories burned to date.
the screen. On your computer, follow on screen                       To view all-time totals, go to: Main Menu > Ride History
prompts to view the contents of the device.                          > Totals.
•     By default, files are saved in the .rde format and
      saved into the Activities directory.                           Settings
•     If .fit Export is enabled, rides will be saved into the
      fit files directory.


To utilize Bluetooth data transfer on your Dash, you
must first install the Stages Link App to your compatible
mobile device.

1. Download and install the Stages Link app.                         The settings menu is where you will find system
2. Initiate phone pairing on the Dash by going to:                   settings, rider attributes, and other items that apply to
   Main Menu > Activity Sensors > Phone.                             all aspects of the Dash and are not specific to certain
3. On your mobile device, enable Bluetooth and                       activity profiles.
   search for available devices.                                     To access the settings menu, go to: Main Menu >
4. Select Stages Dash from the Bluetooth menu.                       Settings.
5. Confirm pairing from the Bluetooth on screen
   message on the Dash display.                                      Units
                                                                     Dash allows for Imperial, metric, or a mix of both units.
Ride History                                                         For a complete list of units, see Displayed Units for Data
The ride history section includes individual ride and lap            Fields.
totals information, personal records, and cumulative
                                                                     •    ft/mi/lb – Imperial units for all data fields.
totals from all rides.
                                                                     •    m/km/kg – Metric units for all data fields.
To view the ride history menu, go to: Main Menu > Ride               •    m/km/lb – Mixed units uses metric units for
History.                                                                  distance calculations and imperial units for body
                                                                          weight and temperature.
Selecting a Ride
Completed ride data can be viewed in the ride history.               To update your default units setting, go to: Main Menu
Each ride history summary will include a ride total                  > Settings > Units.
summary, as well as individual lap summaries.

Sleep                                                            Alert Categories:
When not in a ride, or a ride is paused, the Dash will
                                                                   GPS               GPS fix and signal loss alerts
enter a sleep state after a period of inactivity. Options                            Button press and ride pause alerts
for sleep time are:                                                Pause
                                                                                     Related: Data Recording
 • 5 Minutes                                                                         Sensor pairing alerts
 • 30 Minutes                                                      Sensor
                                                                                     Related: Connecting to Sensors
 • Never                                                           Key Press         Key press tones
                                                                   Lap               Lap button press alerts
To update your sleep time preference, go to: Main
                                                                   Battery           Low battery alert for Dash unit
Menu > Settings > Sleep.                                           On/Off            Power on/off alerts
Backlight Level
The backlight brightness can be set by updating to your          Rider Attributes
preference from off to 100% brightness.                          Your personal attributes can also be found within the
                                                                 settings menu.
To update your backlight brightness level, go to: Main
Menu > Settings > Screen.                                        Weight
                                                                 To set your weight, go to: Main Menu > Settings >
Time Zone                                                        Weight.
The time zone for the device can be updated by going
to: Main Menu > Settings > Time Zone > Select time               Age
zone.                                                            To set your weight, go to: Main Menu > Settings > Age.

Time Format                                                      Gender
The time format can be either 12h based or 24h based.            To set your gender, go to: Main Menu > Settings >
To update your time format preference, go to: Main
Menu > Settings > Time Fmt.                                      Other Attributes
                                                                 For training attributes, see FTP and FThr.
System Alerts
System Alerts are tones and on screen notifications for          Language
various operations on the Dash.                                  To set your language preference, go to: Main Menu >
                                                                 Settings > Language.
To update your system alerts, go to: Main Menu >
Settings > System Alerts.                                        Additional languages are also available for download.
                                                                 For more information, visit www.stagescycling.com.

                                                                 Updating Firmware
                                                                 Dash firmware updates can be completed via Bluetooth
                                                                 or USB connection to your computer. Updating
                                                                 firmware is an important way to stay on top of new
                                                                 features, bug fixes, and improvements. A Stages Link
                                                                 account is recommended in order to take advantage of
                                                                 the full range of features built into both Stages Dash
                                                                 and Stages Link. Stages Dash owners will always be able
                                                                 to access Dash management features in Link for free.
All alerts have the following notification options:                  •    To update via Bluetooth, see Stages Link App.
     1. Tone: Audio tone alert.                                      •    To update via USB connection, see Stages Sync.
     2. Overlay: On screen message alert.
     3. Both: Audio tone and visual alert.
     4. None: No notification for alerts.

Factory Reset                                                      Stages Link
Factory rest will restore all factory defaults and take you        The Dash is designed to fully integrate with the Stages
through the initial setup menu again. Using this option            Link online training platform. Through the Dash tab on
will remove all saved sensors, user data, and ride totals          Stages Link, you may set up activity profiles, customize
from the device.                                                   data pages, update settings, as well as use the training
To perform a factory reset, go to: Main Menu > Settings            platform to follow a training plan, sync workouts, and
> Factory Reset.                                                   analyze rides. Dash updates can then be synced to Dash
                                                                   via Stages Sync (USB) or the Stages Link app (Bluetooth).
Widgets                                                            To learn more, go to www.stagescycling.com/Link or to
Text Editor                                                        create an account, go to www.stages-link.com.

                                                                   Stages Link App
                                                                   The Stages Link app is a mobile application that works in
                                                                   conjunction with the Dash and your Stages Link account
                                                                   and utilizes the Dash’s Bluetooth connection to your
                                                                   smart phone. The Stages Link app can be used to
                                                                   automatically upload completed activities, sync
                                                                   workouts, update Dash settings (changed in the app or
                                                                   on Stages Link), and update Dash firmware.

                                                                   To download the Stages Link app, go to:
The text editor widget allows customization of Activity
Profile and Sensor names. While using the text editor,             Once installed, follow on screen instructions to pair the
the button functions are as follows:                               Dash with your device. To enable phone pairing on the
                                                                   Dash, go to: Main Menu > Activity Sensors > Phone.
     Scrolls letter selection up
     Scrolls letter selection down
     Advances to the next character                                Stages Sync
     Changes the list of letters to choose from                    Stages Sync is a desktop application for both Mac® and
     Long Press: Save and Exit                                     Windows® operating systems that works in conjunction
     Long Press: Cancel and Exit                                   with the Dash and your Stages Link account via USB
                                                                   connection to your computer. The Stages Sync desktop
Once you have completed your changes, press and hold               application can be used to upload completed activities,
the lap button to save your changes.                               sync workouts, update Dash settings (changed in Stages
                                                                   Link), and update Dash firmware.
Additionally, activity profile and sensor names can be
edited on Stages Link in the Dash manager tab.                     To download Stages Sync, go to: www.stages-
Large Number Editor
The large number editor functions exactly like the text            Technical Specifications
editor, but is restricted to numerical inputs.
                                                                     Weight            120g
Small Number Editor                                                  Resolution        240x400
The small number editor allows the user to quickly edit              Battery           Rechargeable lithium-ion battery
numbers less than 1000. To use the small number                      Battery Life      24-30h, typical usage
                                                                     Charging          Input: 5V, Rate: 500mA, Charge time:
editor, press the arrow buttons    to change the digit,
                                                                     Information       3h, Capacity: 1700mAh
then use the enter button to save.
                                                                     Radio             2.4 GHz ANT+, Bluetooth LE, NFC


  Water Rating      IP67                                          This document may contain trademarks or registered
                                                                  trademarks of Stages Cycling, LLC as represented by the
Device Care                                                       use of ™ and ® respectively. All rights reserved. Stages
                                                                  Dash™, Stages Link™, Stages Sync™, and Stages Power®
Operating use temperature range: Recommend from -
                                                                  are trademarks of Stages Cycling, LLC.
20C to 50C (-4F to 122F).                                         ANT+™ is a trademark of Dynastream Innovations Inc.
Charging temperature range: Recommend from -20C                   Bluetooth® is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG,
to 40C (-4F to 104F).                                             Inc.
                                                                  Mac® is a registered trademark of Apple Inc.
Periodic cleaning: Use only a water dampened cloth to
                                                                  Windows® is a registered trademark of Microsoft in the
wipe off dirt and debris. Never use any harsh cleaning
                                                                  US and other countries.
chemicals that may damage the plastic housing. No                 Other trademarks and names are owned by their
submersion, no spraying of any liquid or water into               respective owners.
device seals, and no harsh scrubbing/scratching of
                                                                  Legal and Regulatory Information
Maintenance: Internal items of the Dash unit cannot be            This is viewable within the Dash unit by going to:
serviced. No items are serviceable and no attempt                 Main Menu > Settings > About.
should be made to adjust or alter any internal items.
Water resistance: The Stages Dash is designed to                  For warranty details, visit our website FAQ page at
provide excellent water resistance and tested to resist           http://www.stagescycling.com/support.
dust and water ingress up to the IP67 standard (up to 1
meter). This provides outstanding water resistance for
cycling conditions on-road and off. Please keep in mind
                                                                  Copyright © 2017 Stages Cycling, LLC
this is an electronic device and the overall condition and
age of a specific device can diminish its water

⚠ Battery Warning: Only power adaptors with output
of 5VDC, and maximum 500mA, should be used to avoid
device damage and/or electrical fire. The use of USB
splitters and hubs, or other voltage DC output than
5VDC, should be used with extreme caution. It’s also
recommended to use only direct plug-in sources, or
splitters and hubs with only one device inserted for

If the device or display is frozen, you can perform a hard
reset by pressing and holding the power button /
for 10 seconds. To reset the device back to factory
defaults, see Factory Reset.

To search our full list of troubleshooting topics,
frequently asked questions, or submit a support
request, please visit: support.stagesdash.com.

Trademark and Licenses
The Stages Dash™ and Stages Power® devices may be
protected by USA or foreign patents or patents pending.


Activity Profiles, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 18        Ride History, 16
Age, 18                                                 Records, 7, 16
Alerts, 7, 8, 17                                        Totals, 10, 16
   System Alerts, 7, 17                              Sensors, 6, 7, 8, 9, 17
auto-pause. See Sensor Pause                            ANT, 8, 9, 19
Backlight, 7, 17                                        Bluetooth, 8, 13, 18, 19
Calories, 12                                            Heart Rate, 6, 7, 11, 12, 14, 15
Charging, 4                                             Power Meter, 6, 9
Data Fields, 10, 11, 12, 13, 17                      Sleep, 10, 17
Data Pages, 6, 10                                    Sensor Pause, 7
Data Recording, 6, 7, 10, 17                         Span, 13
   High Speed, 8                                     Stages Link, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19
   Power and Cadence Zeros, 7                        Stages Sync, 18, 19
Factory Reset, 18, 19                                Time Zone, 6, 17
Firmware, 18                                         Torque effectiveness, 11
FThr, 12, 15, 18                                     Totaling, 13
FTP, 11, 13, 14, 15, 18                              Training Zones, 14
Gender, 18                                              Heart Rate Zones, 15
GPS, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 17                               Power Zones, 11, 14
Heart Rate Monitor. See Sensors                      T-Score, 11, 14
Language, 5, 6, 18                                   TSS, 11, 12, 14
Laps, 10, 14                                         Units, 6, 12, 17
LR Balance, 11                                       VAM, 12
Mount, 4                                             Warranty, 21
NORMALIZED POWER, 11, 12                             Weight, 18
Orientation, 11                                      Workout, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Pedal smoothness, 11                                 Zero Reset, 9
Power Meter. See Sensors


                                                   Important Product Information
Stages® Cycling, LLC
Customer Support: 606 SE 9th Ave, Portland, OR 97214

Product Name: Stages Dash™
Model Name: SDL0
IC ID: 9327A-SDL1

All warnings and cautions indicated by this icon ⚠ below must be followed and understood before using this product. Failure to following
warnings may result in injury to persons or property, with potential for events resulting in death.

Battery warnings and device care:
This device contains a lithium-ion battery. The below guidelines must be followed in order to maintain expected useful life of the device, and to
reduce risk of damage to device or personal injury.
⚠ Battery Warning: Only power adaptors with output of 5V DC, and maximum 500mA, should be used to avoid device damage and/or electrical
fire. The use of USB splitters and hubs, or other voltage DC output than 5VDC, should be used with extreme caution. It’s also recommended to
use only direct plug-in sources, or splitters and hubs with only one device inserted for charging.
Operating use temperature range: Recommend from 0C to 55C (32 to 131F).
Charging and storage temperature range: Recommend from 10C to 40C (50F to 104F).

     •     Keeping clean and drying the device from moisture is recommended. Keeping USB port and cover dry and free of debris is critical to
           the life of product and safety of consumers.
     •     Internal items of the Dash unit cannot be serviced. No items are serviceable and no attempt should be made to adjust or alter any
           internal items.
     •     Do not expose device to high heat environments over the recommend temperatures, which includes leaving the device in an
           unattended vehicle in direct sunlight.
     •     Never expose this device or battery to open flames, incineration, sharp or piercing objects, chemicals, or the battery to water.
     •     Never expose battery to children, or allow them to chew or swallow any portion as chemical burns, injury, or death may result.

⚠ Recycling/Disposal of device and battery Warning: This device includes a lithium ion battery. This device must not be mixed with general
household waste. For proper treatment, recovery and recycling, please take this product(s) to designated collection points where it will be
accepted free of charge. In compliance with your local laws and regulations, please contact local authorities for end of life disposal of this
product and battery. WEEE and other compliance information is available, see Stages Cycling® help site for further information.

Health Warning:
Before beginning exercise or modifying any exercise program, consult your physician. If you have a pacemakers or other internal electronic
devices, also consult your physician before using any wearable exercise device.

Navigation Hazards:
The Stages device may have features that show and recommend off-road/trail routes, please use extreme caution when following directions
that are not navigationally marked or suggest routes that are dangerous. Always be aware of safety hazards whether on-road or off-road. This
device does not authorize anyone to disregard traffic laws or other regulations. Always be aware of hazards while momentarily viewing on-
screen data. Come to a complete stop before using this device, which includes any manipulation of menus or data viewing.

California Proposition 65
The enclosed hardware and its packaging contain chemicals the State of California has found to cause cancer, birth defects or reproductive

FCC Compliance Statement:
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These
limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses,
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to
radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause

harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to
try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate
the equipment.

Industry Canada Statement:
This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) this device may not cause interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée
 aux deux conditions suivantes :
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le

CE Compliance Statement:
Europe – EU Declaration of Conformity
This device complies with the essential requirements of the RED Directive 2014/53/EU. The following test methods have been applied in
order to prove presumption of conformity with the essential requirements of the RED Directive 2014/53/EU:
ETSI EN 300330-1 V2.1.1
EN 300328 V2.1.1
EN 301489-1 V2.2.0
EN 301489-3 V2.1.1
EN 301489-17 V3.2.0
EN 300440 V2.1.1
EN 62479:2010
EN 60950-1

This device is a 2.4 GHz wideband transmission system (transceiver), intended for use in all EU member states and EFTA countries, except in
France and Italy where restrictive use applies. In Italy the end-user should apply for a license at the national spectrum authorities in order to
obtain authorization to use the device for setting up outdoor radio links and/or for supplying public access to telecommunications and/or
network services. This device may not be used for setting up outdoor radio links in France and in some areas the RF output power may be
limited to 10 mW EIRP in the frequency range of 2454 – 2483.5 MHz. For detailed information the end-user should contact the national
spectrum authority in France. Hereby, Stages Cycling declares that these products are in compliance with the essential requirements and other
relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU.
European Union Directive 2011/65/EU on the Restriction of the Use of Certain Hazardous Substances in Electrical and Electronics Equipment,
commonly known as RoHS 2.

(1) One year limited warranty. In all cases a Return Authorization Number (RA#) must be issued by Stages Cycling before any product is returned for
warranty inspection and service.

Stages Cycling warrants the Stages Cycling-branded hardware product and accessories contained in the original packaging ("Stages Cycling
Product") against defects in materials and workmanship when used normally in accordance with Stages Cycling's published guidelines for a
period of ONE (1) YEAR from the date of original retail purchase by the end-user purchaser ("Warranty Period"). This warranty only applies to
the original owner and is not transferable.
This warranty applies to Stages Cycling branded products including but not limited to crank arms when packaged or sold with Stages Cycling
hardware. Manufacturers, suppliers, or publishers, other than Stages Cycling, may provide their own warranties to you but Stages Cycling, in so
far as permitted by law, provides their products "AS IS". Stages Cycling does not warrant that the operation of the Stages Cycling Product will
be uninterrupted or error-free. Stages Cycling is not responsible for damage arising from failure to follow instructions relating to the Stages
Cycling Product's use. Stages Cycling's published guidelines include but are not limited to information contained in technical specifications,
user manuals and service communications.
This warranty does not apply: (a) to consumable parts, such as batteries or protective coatings that are designed to diminish over time,
unless failure has occurred due to a defect in materials or workmanship; (b) to cosmetic damage, including but not limited to scratches and
dents; (c) to damage caused by use with another product; (d) to damage caused by accident, impact, abuse, misuse, fire, earthquake or other
external cause; (e) to damage caused by operating the Stages Cycling Product outside Stages Cycling's published guidelines; (f) to damage
caused by service, modifications or alterations performed by anyone other than Stages Cycling or an authorized Stages Cycling Service
Provider (h) to defects caused by normal wear and tear or otherwise due to the normal aging of the Stages Cycling Product, or (i) if any serial
number has been removed or defaced from the Stages Cycling Product.
Stages Cycling may restrict warranty service to the country where Stages Cycling or its Authorized Distributors originally sold the Stages Cycling

KCC Statement [in Korean]:

NCC Statement [in Chinese]:

Software license Agreement:
Please read and understand the below statement. By using the Stages Dash electronic device, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
Stages Cycling, LLC is allowing the use of this device, a limited license to use the software provided within this device. All rights and ownership
are the property of Stages Cycling. LLC, protected under US copyright and international copyright laws. You are not allowed to modify, reverse
engineer, translate all or parts of this software, or reconfigure or export into other useable forms. All source code and architecture are the
property of Stages Cycling, LLC. Exporting this software, or device holding this software, is not allowed to any country in violation of export
control laws of the USA or in violation of other countries applicable export control laws.

Document Created: 2017-04-17 18:03:24
Document Modified: 2017-04-17 18:03:24

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