Operational Description


Operational Description

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Antenna Kit                                       Texas Instruments          DN611
board 15 - 2400-2480 MHz                                                         1 / 12

                                                        Test Report
OTA Test Results for Frequency 2400.000 MHz
OTA Evaluation Results:

Total Radiated Power       -1.70 dBm
Peak EIRP                  4.33 dBm
Directivity                6.03 dBi
Efficiency                 -1.70 dB
Efficiency                 67.59 %
Gain                       4.33 dBi
NHPRP 45°                  -3.56 dBm
NHPRP 45° / TRP            -1.85 dB
NHPRP 45° / TRP            65.24 %
NHPRP 30°                  -5.29 dBm
NHPRP 30° / TRP            -3.59 dB
NHPRP 30° / TRP            43.77 %
NHPRP 22.5°                -6.55 dBm
NHPRP 22.5° / TRP          -4.85 dB
NHPRP 22.5° / TRP          32.71 %
UHRP                       -3.24 dBm
UHRP / TRP                 -1.54 dB
UHRP / TRP                 70.18 %
LHRP                       -6.96 dBm
LHRP / TRP                 -5.26 dB
LHRP / TRP                 29.82 %
Front/Back Ratio           9.89
PhiBW                      171.4 deg
PhiBW Up                   129.7 deg
PhiBW Down                 41.7 deg
ThetaBW                    80.0 deg
ThetaBW Up                 39.9 deg
ThetaBW Down               40.1 deg
Boresight Phi              45 deg
Boresight Theta            45 deg
Maximum Power              4.33 dBm
Minimum Power              -11.30 dBm
Average Power              -1.41 dBm
Max/Min Ratio              15.63 dB
Max/Avg Ratio              5.74 dB
Min/Avg Ratio              -9.89 dB
Best Single Value          3.68 dBm
Best Position              Phi = 30 deg; Theta = 60 deg; Pol = Ver

07-07-2010                                                                    20:01:24
                                                           Richard Wallace    Rev: A

Antenna Kit                                                             Texas Instruments                                                                                       DN611
board 15 - 2400-2480 MHz                                                                                                                                                                2 / 12

 Azimuth    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation
  (deg)       0 deg       15 deg       30 deg       45 deg       60 deg       75 deg       90 deg       105 deg      120 deg      135 deg     150 deg       165 deg      180 deg
               (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)        (dB)          (dB)         (dB)
     0.00         0.13         0.26         1.32         0.96         1.59         1.57         1.73         1.17         0.33        -1.68        -4.21        -9.33        -5.84
    15.00         0.43         1.11         2.42         2.64         3.36         2.94         2.86         1.67        -0.17        -2.17        -4.56        -9.45        -5.35
    30.00         0.67         1.97         3.22         3.98         3.83         3.26         2.18         0.71        -1.52        -3.14        -4.71        -9.77        -5.14
    45.00         0.66         2.70         3.76         4.33         3.47         2.59         0.67        -1.20        -2.42        -3.43        -4.16        -9.68        -5.47
    60.00         0.76         3.17         3.83         3.98         2.31         1.08        -1.62        -3.13        -3.08        -3.70        -3.90        -9.03        -5.43
    75.00         0.87         3.28         3.75         3.02         0.55        -1.47        -4.65        -4.98        -4.34        -3.97        -3.35        -7.83        -5.39
    90.00         0.88         3.17         3.64         2.20        -0.63        -3.66        -6.12        -6.83        -5.86        -4.32        -3.20        -6.94        -5.14
   105.00         0.85         2.80         3.79         1.73        -0.52        -4.50        -7.87        -8.69        -7.50        -5.42        -3.27        -6.01        -4.56
   120.00         0.78         2.42         3.97         2.05         0.13        -4.88        -8.61        -7.31        -7.60        -7.25        -3.52        -5.40        -4.03
   135.00         1.02         2.35         4.04         2.54         0.95        -4.46        -8.26        -6.25        -7.57        -8.44        -4.76        -4.96        -3.79
   150.00         1.41         2.44         3.66         2.95         1.29        -3.41        -7.24        -6.49        -6.94        -7.98        -6.76        -4.94        -3.79
   165.00         1.61         2.42         2.83         2.44         0.28        -3.07        -6.43        -6.46        -5.10        -8.61        -9.15        -5.42        -3.76
   180.00         1.68         1.93         1.51         0.71        -1.78        -5.03        -7.76        -6.75        -4.36        -8.83       -11.30        -6.04        -3.87
   195.00         1.63         1.12        -0.26        -2.43        -4.28        -7.10        -6.65        -7.14        -5.39        -7.02       -11.13        -6.83        -4.49
   210.00         1.35         0.03        -2.08        -4.69        -4.97        -4.66        -3.28        -3.82        -4.33        -5.39        -8.33        -7.02        -4.99
   225.00         1.15        -0.89        -3.23        -4.14        -3.73        -2.97        -2.37        -2.28        -3.49        -5.57        -6.00        -6.91        -5.00
   240.00         0.90        -1.44        -3.34        -3.63        -3.00        -2.31        -2.63        -2.71        -5.00        -6.83        -4.99        -6.37        -4.99
   255.00         0.83        -1.63        -3.56        -4.26        -3.63        -2.75        -3.37        -3.53        -7.50        -7.32        -4.36        -6.30        -5.17
   270.00         0.79        -1.78        -3.72        -5.54        -4.84        -3.87        -4.64        -4.85        -8.30        -6.19        -3.95        -6.91        -5.93
   285.00         0.43        -2.22        -3.75        -6.52        -5.24        -4.34        -4.79        -5.46        -7.19        -5.00        -3.37        -7.91        -6.42
   300.00        -0.02        -2.65        -3.61        -7.01        -5.70        -4.01        -4.57        -4.88        -5.86        -4.45        -2.87        -9.01        -7.11
   315.00        -0.34        -2.74        -3.14        -7.02        -5.95        -4.10        -4.75        -5.05        -4.73        -4.30        -2.92       -10.03        -7.23
   330.00        -0.44        -2.33        -1.90        -5.66        -5.01        -4.58        -4.37        -5.00        -3.02        -3.89        -3.01       -10.41        -6.92
   345.00        -0.31        -1.25        -0.33        -2.81        -1.78        -2.30        -1.25        -2.33        -0.72        -2.42        -3.27        -9.84        -6.14
   360.00         0.02        -0.14         0.89         0.03         0.64         0.80         1.00         0.55         0.14        -1.40        -3.55        -9.29        -5.84

 Azimuth    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation
  (deg)       0 deg       15 deg       30 deg       45 deg       60 deg       75 deg       90 deg       105 deg      120 deg      135 deg     150 deg       165 deg      180 deg
               (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)        (dB)          (dB)         (dB)
      0.0        -6.33        -7.74       -10.01       -17.39       -18.10       -12.82        -9.34        -6.18        -5.64        -8.61        -8.98       -13.83        -6.86
     15.0        -5.78        -6.23        -9.06       -12.35       -17.09       -12.83        -7.88        -5.80        -6.66       -10.18        -9.26       -13.84        -6.78
     30.0        -4.69        -3.80        -5.26        -6.10       -10.78       -11.94        -7.96        -7.04        -8.80       -11.53        -9.31       -14.00        -7.77
     45.0        -3.46        -1.25        -1.80        -3.20        -7.19       -10.61        -8.36        -9.51        -9.78       -11.37        -8.30       -15.22        -9.66
     60.0        -2.21         0.57         0.21        -1.61        -5.46        -9.41        -9.18       -10.61        -9.62       -10.50        -8.47       -16.15       -12.00
     75.0        -1.11         1.80         1.74        -0.32        -4.00        -8.00        -9.66       -11.07       -10.43       -10.20        -8.62       -14.68       -13.20
     90.0        -0.57         2.32         2.49         0.52        -2.98        -7.67        -9.57       -12.99       -12.19        -9.33        -7.65       -11.89       -11.17
    105.0        -0.53         2.07         2.70         0.51        -2.91        -8.19       -10.31       -14.14       -14.25        -8.94        -5.78        -9.02        -8.44
    120.0        -1.02         1.09         2.08        -0.32        -3.68        -8.79       -10.97       -12.85       -20.34       -10.80        -5.13        -7.40        -6.43
    135.0        -1.59        -0.39         0.77        -2.24        -4.65        -9.04       -11.26       -10.13       -13.53       -12.70        -5.91        -6.01        -5.36
    150.0        -2.20        -1.77        -1.06        -3.61        -5.27        -8.23       -10.73        -8.19        -8.15        -9.55        -7.53        -5.52        -4.77
    165.0        -3.32        -2.83        -2.62        -3.55        -4.91        -7.28        -9.86        -8.17        -6.67        -9.03        -9.63        -5.70        -4.39
    180.0        -4.21        -3.39        -3.66        -3.68        -4.54        -7.18        -8.83        -9.72        -7.87       -11.40       -12.25        -6.32        -4.65
    195.0        -4.82        -4.21        -4.78        -5.47        -5.71        -8.46        -9.40       -11.36       -11.19       -13.20       -12.00        -7.42        -5.95
    210.0        -4.88        -5.40        -6.86        -8.32        -9.07       -10.73       -10.93       -11.28       -14.42       -13.44       -10.37        -8.41        -7.78
    225.0        -4.11        -6.92        -8.89        -9.65        -9.16       -10.21       -11.14       -11.44       -16.60       -19.66       -10.22        -8.89        -9.86
    240.0        -3.21        -7.39        -9.95        -9.51        -7.72        -9.07        -9.77       -13.16       -16.57       -18.74       -11.10        -8.71       -11.58
    255.0        -2.21        -6.93       -11.26       -10.37        -8.05        -8.43        -9.17       -14.60       -15.85       -17.66       -11.90        -8.86       -14.19
    270.0        -1.49        -6.03       -11.76       -11.22        -8.74        -8.25        -8.92       -12.32       -16.63       -19.56       -10.47        -9.28       -16.22
    285.0        -1.43        -5.44       -10.88       -11.81        -9.88        -8.61        -8.62        -9.74       -15.49       -13.62        -8.12        -9.75       -13.92
    300.0        -2.02        -5.36        -9.07       -12.42       -11.65        -9.79        -8.54        -8.56       -11.52        -9.35        -6.83       -10.39       -11.83
    315.0        -3.07        -5.74        -7.96       -12.49       -14.33       -10.84        -8.45        -8.14        -7.82        -7.41        -6.44       -11.33        -9.98
    330.0        -4.38        -6.35        -7.45       -12.13       -15.36       -12.22        -8.84        -7.92        -6.02        -7.26        -6.62       -12.39        -8.49
    345.0        -5.72        -7.27        -8.13       -12.93       -15.37       -12.41        -9.03        -7.55        -5.23        -7.78        -7.31       -13.06        -7.18
    360.0        -6.22        -7.77       -10.03       -15.51       -16.55       -12.39        -9.11        -6.65        -5.50        -8.31        -8.25       -13.40        -6.75

 Azimuth    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation
  (deg)       0 deg       15 deg       30 deg       45 deg       60 deg       75 deg       90 deg       105 deg      120 deg      135 deg     150 deg       165 deg      180 deg
               (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)        (dB)          (dB)         (dB)
      0.0        -0.98        -0.49         0.99         0.89         1.54         1.41         1.37         0.29        -0.93        -2.66        -5.96       -11.24       -12.66
     15.0        -0.75         0.22         2.10         2.50         3.32         2.83         2.48         0.81        -1.27        -2.91        -6.36       -11.41       -10.85
     30.0        -0.82         0.64         2.56         3.53         3.68         3.12         1.74        -0.09        -2.42        -3.83        -6.55       -11.84        -8.57
     45.0        -1.46         0.45         2.34         3.48         3.07         2.38         0.09        -1.89        -3.31        -4.20        -6.27       -11.10        -7.55
     60.0        -2.29        -0.28         1.35         2.57         1.52         0.68        -2.46        -3.99        -4.17        -4.72        -5.76        -9.96        -6.51
     75.0        -3.48        -2.11        -0.57         0.32        -1.33        -2.56        -6.30        -6.21        -5.56        -5.15        -4.88        -8.83        -6.17
     90.0        -4.57        -4.34        -2.69        -2.75        -4.42        -5.85        -8.72        -8.03        -7.01        -5.96        -5.13        -8.61        -6.39
    105.0        -4.81        -5.31        -2.76        -4.40        -4.26        -6.93       -11.53       -10.15        -8.53        -7.98        -6.84        -9.03        -6.85
    120.0        -3.93        -3.38        -0.55        -1.72        -2.20        -7.14       -12.38        -8.74        -7.84        -9.78        -8.63        -9.73        -7.74
    135.0        -2.42        -0.95         1.28         0.79        -0.45        -6.31       -11.28        -8.53        -8.83       -10.48       -11.10       -11.65        -8.97
    150.0        -1.07         0.37         1.87         1.86         0.20        -5.14        -9.83       -11.38       -13.09       -13.19       -14.69       -13.97       -10.73
    165.0        -0.07         0.88         1.37         1.18        -1.28        -5.15        -9.07       -11.34       -10.29       -19.02       -19.02       -17.45       -12.47
    180.0         0.38         0.42        -0.06        -1.25        -5.06        -9.11       -14.37        -9.79        -6.91       -12.33       -18.37       -18.09       -11.71
    195.0         0.51        -0.38        -2.15        -5.41        -9.81       -12.79        -9.93        -9.20        -6.71        -8.22       -18.53       -15.78        -9.92
    210.0         0.17        -1.44        -3.84        -7.15        -7.12        -5.89        -4.10        -4.68        -4.78        -6.13       -12.59       -12.65        -8.23
    225.0        -0.38        -2.13        -4.60        -5.58        -5.19        -3.88        -2.99        -2.84        -3.71        -5.74        -8.06       -11.29        -6.71
    240.0        -1.23        -2.71        -4.41        -4.92        -4.78        -3.34        -3.57        -3.12        -5.31        -7.12        -6.21       -10.16        -6.06
    255.0        -2.16        -3.15        -4.36        -5.48        -5.57        -4.12        -4.69        -3.88        -8.18        -7.74        -5.20        -9.82        -5.75
    270.0        -3.10        -3.83        -4.46        -6.90        -7.12        -5.84        -6.66        -5.70        -8.99        -6.40        -5.05       -10.69        -6.36
    285.0        -4.15        -5.02        -4.68        -8.04        -7.07        -6.37        -7.11        -7.49        -7.88        -5.64        -5.14       -12.51        -7.28
    300.0        -4.35        -5.98        -5.07        -8.48        -6.98        -5.35        -6.79        -7.32        -7.24        -6.14        -5.10       -14.68        -8.89
    315.0        -3.64        -5.76        -4.88        -8.48        -6.63        -5.13        -7.17        -7.99        -7.65        -7.21        -5.48       -15.88       -10.52
    330.0        -2.69        -4.53        -3.31        -6.77        -5.43        -5.40        -6.29        -8.10        -6.03        -6.56        -5.49       -14.77       -12.10
    345.0        -1.78        -2.49        -1.12        -3.25        -1.98        -2.75        -2.05        -3.89        -2.61        -3.91        -5.45       -12.65       -12.85
    360.0        -1.16        -0.96         0.53        -0.09         0.55         0.59         0.55        -0.37        -1.25        -2.39        -5.35       -11.42       -13.11

07-07-2010                                                                                                                                                                           20:01:24
                                                                                   Richard Wallace                                                                                   Rev: A

Antenna Kit                Texas Instruments    DN611
board 15 - 2400-2480 MHz                            3 / 12

Theta = 90, Phi = 0

Theta = 90, Phi = 90

Theta = 0, Phi = 0

07-07-2010                                       20:01:24
                              Richard Wallace    Rev: A

Antenna Kit                Texas Instruments    DN611
board 15 - 2400-2480 MHz                            4 / 12

Theta = 90, Phi = 180

Theta = 90, Phi = 270

Theta = 180, Phi = 0

07-07-2010                                       20:01:24
                              Richard Wallace    Rev: A

Antenna Kit                                       Texas Instruments          DN611
board 15 - 2400-2480 MHz                                                          5 / 12

OTA Test Results for Frequency 2440.000 MHz
OTA Evaluation Results:

Total Radiated Power       -1.71 dBm
Peak EIRP                  4.09 dBm
Directivity                5.81 dBi
Efficiency                 -1.71 dB
Efficiency                 67.42 %
Gain                       4.09 dBi
NHPRP 45°                  -3.61 dBm
NHPRP 45° / TRP            -1.90 dB
NHPRP 45° / TRP            64.55 %
NHPRP 30°                  -5.36 dBm
NHPRP 30° / TRP            -3.65 dB
NHPRP 30° / TRP            43.15 %
NHPRP 22.5°                -6.61 dBm
NHPRP 22.5° / TRP          -4.90 dB
NHPRP 22.5° / TRP          32.37 %
UHRP                       -3.20 dBm
UHRP / TRP                 -1.48 dB
UHRP / TRP                 71.04 %
LHRP                       -7.09 dBm
LHRP / TRP                 -5.38 dB
LHRP / TRP                 28.96 %
Front/Back Ratio           8.60
PhiBW                      188.0 deg
PhiBW Up                   75.9 deg
PhiBW Down                 112.1 deg
ThetaBW                    45.9 deg
ThetaBW Up                 24.9 deg
ThetaBW Down               21.0 deg
Boresight Phi              120 deg
Boresight Theta            30 deg
Maximum Power              4.09 dBm
Minimum Power              -11.41 dBm
Average Power              -1.53 dBm
Max/Min Ratio              15.50 dB
Max/Avg Ratio              5.62 dB
Min/Avg Ratio              -9.88 dB
Best Single Value          2.88 dBm
Best Position              Phi = 90 deg; Theta = 30 deg; Pol = Hor

07-07-2010                                                                    20:01:24
                                                           Richard Wallace    Rev: A

Antenna Kit                                                             Texas Instruments                                                                                       DN611
board 15 - 2400-2480 MHz                                                                                                                                                                6 / 12

 Azimuth    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation
  (deg)       0 deg       15 deg       30 deg       45 deg       60 deg       75 deg       90 deg       105 deg      120 deg      135 deg     150 deg       165 deg      180 deg
               (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)        (dB)          (dB)         (dB)
     0.00         0.18         0.15         0.44         0.57         0.68         0.70         1.13         0.43        -0.88        -2.63        -5.16       -10.36        -6.30
    15.00         0.22         1.01         1.68         2.11         2.60         2.27         2.36         1.27        -0.77        -2.43        -4.63        -9.66        -6.57
    30.00         0.33         1.93         2.64         3.28         3.08         2.71         2.10         0.90        -1.53        -2.45        -4.50        -8.77        -6.83
    45.00         0.61         2.63         3.35         3.58         2.75         2.10         0.71        -0.67        -2.66        -2.84        -4.64        -8.87        -7.06
    60.00         0.72         3.05         3.70         3.55         1.87         0.44        -2.07        -2.97        -3.88        -3.72        -4.50        -9.94        -7.24
    75.00         0.70         3.09         3.80         3.04         0.50        -2.24        -4.63        -5.38        -5.32        -4.65        -4.00       -11.02        -7.10
    90.00         0.29         2.86         3.77         2.33        -0.58        -3.66        -5.39        -7.13        -6.18        -4.58        -3.80       -11.36        -7.41
   105.00        -0.09         2.47         3.84         1.84        -0.29        -3.23        -5.83        -7.99        -6.65        -5.29        -4.18       -10.90        -7.63
   120.00        -0.41         2.10         4.09         2.05         0.60        -2.61        -6.49        -7.47        -6.45        -6.33        -5.11        -9.50        -7.47
   135.00        -0.20         1.80         4.09         2.48         1.39        -1.81        -6.35        -6.26        -5.91        -6.22        -5.81        -8.22        -7.89
   150.00         0.11         1.75         3.81         2.90         2.03        -0.79        -5.18        -5.63        -5.94        -5.96        -6.17        -6.59        -7.93
   165.00         0.57         1.76         3.06         2.82         1.67        -0.35        -4.07        -5.40        -6.28        -6.95        -6.95        -5.71        -7.46
   180.00         0.75         1.66         2.16         1.86        -0.09        -1.78        -5.11        -5.91        -6.97        -9.17        -8.14        -5.33        -6.45
   195.00         0.46         1.11         1.15        -0.05        -2.88        -6.00        -8.35        -9.14        -9.91        -8.74        -7.63        -5.64        -5.47
   210.00        -0.02         0.40         0.21        -1.97        -4.33        -6.37        -5.56        -9.27       -11.41        -7.43        -5.64        -6.22        -4.80
   225.00        -0.44        -0.37        -0.32        -2.20        -3.22        -3.88        -3.78        -6.84        -8.77        -7.49        -4.22        -6.54        -4.81
   240.00        -0.43        -0.80        -0.60        -2.11        -2.40        -2.80        -2.64        -5.44        -7.03        -7.00        -3.44        -6.47        -5.00
   255.00         0.00        -0.99        -1.08        -2.36        -3.16        -2.60        -1.97        -3.46        -4.56        -5.00        -2.92        -6.64        -5.22
   270.00         0.77        -0.98        -1.67        -3.28        -4.98        -3.69        -2.36        -2.79        -2.86        -3.47        -2.79        -7.74        -5.28
   285.00         1.41        -1.00        -2.57        -4.57        -7.08        -4.84        -3.01        -2.71        -2.45        -3.48        -3.46        -9.64        -5.76
   300.00         1.46        -1.27        -2.93        -5.53        -8.15        -5.99        -3.90        -3.04        -2.71        -4.61        -4.50       -10.79        -6.23
   315.00         1.35        -1.57        -3.11        -6.07        -9.03        -6.88        -5.18        -3.71        -3.20        -6.57        -5.09       -10.83        -6.43
   330.00         1.12        -1.43        -2.26        -5.30        -6.79        -6.80        -5.23        -4.61        -3.22        -6.49        -5.23       -11.31        -6.55
   345.00         0.63        -0.92        -0.93        -3.11        -3.32        -4.30        -2.23        -2.91        -2.02        -4.66        -5.21       -11.06        -6.55
   360.00         0.27        -0.14        -0.04        -0.28        -0.40        -0.37         0.39        -0.15        -1.09        -3.13        -5.22       -10.81        -6.20

 Azimuth    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation
  (deg)       0 deg       15 deg       30 deg       45 deg       60 deg       75 deg       90 deg       105 deg      120 deg      135 deg     150 deg       165 deg      180 deg
               (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)        (dB)          (dB)         (dB)
      0.0        -5.94        -7.79       -10.66       -18.15       -16.37       -11.29        -8.87        -7.65        -7.54        -7.39        -8.79       -13.71        -6.86
     15.0        -5.79        -6.11        -8.46       -10.59       -13.82       -10.84        -7.83        -6.13        -7.48        -7.42        -8.64       -13.56        -6.99
     30.0        -4.19        -3.24        -3.70        -4.57        -7.82        -9.42        -7.35        -6.11        -8.01        -8.29        -9.16       -12.29        -7.58
     45.0        -2.59        -0.86        -0.50        -1.74        -5.14        -8.61        -7.51        -8.17        -9.51        -8.52        -8.57       -11.67        -8.77
     60.0        -1.39         0.88         1.34        -0.14        -3.94        -7.74        -8.67        -9.19        -8.83        -7.89        -7.60       -13.11       -10.26
     75.0        -0.80         1.70         2.42         0.67        -3.08        -7.02        -8.59        -9.80        -8.82        -7.93        -7.47       -15.17       -12.17
     90.0        -0.94         1.91         2.88         0.94        -2.92        -6.87        -9.05       -11.74       -10.65        -8.13        -7.48       -18.20       -16.43
    105.0        -1.46         1.57         2.71         0.47        -3.53        -7.80        -9.80       -14.74       -12.70        -8.95        -7.18       -16.09       -20.67
    120.0        -2.22         0.73         1.96        -0.58        -4.43        -8.16       -10.28       -14.28       -18.07       -10.28        -6.83       -11.79       -15.17
    135.0        -3.08        -0.86         0.49        -2.06        -5.01        -7.24       -10.13       -11.10       -15.00       -10.31        -6.97        -9.74       -11.91
    150.0        -4.44        -2.60        -1.15        -3.40        -4.38        -6.09        -9.43        -8.82        -9.50        -8.60        -7.28        -7.93        -9.53
    165.0        -5.63        -4.04        -2.14        -3.44        -3.42        -4.98        -8.32        -8.61        -7.98        -8.46        -8.16        -7.28        -7.92
    180.0        -6.23        -4.44        -2.49        -3.10        -3.06        -5.09        -7.99       -10.52        -9.18       -10.43        -9.85        -7.65        -7.21
    195.0        -5.81        -4.47        -3.13        -4.18        -4.39        -6.83        -8.79       -13.69       -11.89        -9.49       -10.72        -9.33        -6.89
    210.0        -4.68        -4.57        -4.58        -6.41        -7.61        -9.79       -10.49       -13.77       -14.03        -8.93       -10.80       -12.52        -6.92
    225.0        -3.70        -5.11        -6.17        -8.10        -8.25        -9.92       -10.93       -14.66       -17.21       -11.65       -12.95       -18.03        -7.78
    240.0        -2.71        -5.48        -7.89       -10.13        -8.48        -9.91       -10.06       -15.78       -18.63       -13.84       -15.99       -18.15        -9.05
    255.0        -1.52        -5.18        -8.92       -13.05       -10.48       -10.33       -10.49       -17.87       -16.16       -11.57       -11.90       -14.69       -10.47
    270.0        -0.47        -4.35        -8.54       -13.15       -13.24       -10.93       -11.04       -15.58       -13.92       -10.05        -9.45       -15.48       -11.57
    285.0         0.14        -3.65        -7.59       -11.41       -13.95       -11.05       -10.45       -12.13       -10.62        -9.49        -9.25       -17.57       -14.26
    300.0        -0.10        -3.62        -6.80        -9.82       -13.57       -10.94        -9.62        -9.90        -8.76        -9.75       -10.05       -16.80       -14.98
    315.0        -0.81        -4.00        -6.52        -8.96       -12.94       -10.66        -9.38        -8.87        -7.11       -10.37       -10.86       -15.21       -11.68
    330.0        -2.02        -4.83        -6.79        -8.80       -11.90       -10.54        -9.65        -8.70        -7.04        -9.73       -10.36       -14.36        -9.24
    345.0        -3.89        -6.43        -7.89       -10.41       -12.26       -11.05        -9.28        -8.56        -7.33        -8.65        -9.28       -13.87        -7.75
    360.0        -5.45        -7.66       -10.19       -14.61       -15.02       -11.33        -8.77        -7.90        -7.64        -8.06        -8.78       -14.09        -6.93

 Azimuth    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation
  (deg)       0 deg       15 deg       30 deg       45 deg       60 deg       75 deg       90 deg       105 deg      120 deg      135 deg     150 deg       165 deg      180 deg
               (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)        (dB)          (dB)         (dB)
      0.0        -1.04        -0.61         0.09         0.51         0.59         0.42         0.67        -0.30        -1.94        -4.40        -7.62       -13.06       -15.53
     15.0        -1.03         0.07         1.24         1.87         2.50         2.06         1.92         0.40        -1.82        -4.08        -6.83       -11.93       -16.94
     30.0        -1.56         0.36         1.49         2.50         2.71         2.44         1.58        -0.07        -2.64        -3.76        -6.32       -11.32       -14.85
     45.0        -2.22         0.05         1.04         2.06         1.98         1.71         0.00        -1.52        -3.66        -4.21        -6.89       -12.09       -11.93
     60.0        -3.42        -1.01        -0.07         1.14         0.55        -0.27        -3.14        -4.15        -5.55        -5.81        -7.42       -12.81       -10.25
     75.0        -4.63        -2.53        -1.86        -0.72        -2.01        -4.00        -6.86        -7.33        -7.89        -7.41        -6.59       -13.12        -8.72
     90.0        -5.80        -4.20        -3.56        -3.29        -4.37        -6.48        -7.84        -8.97        -8.10        -7.11        -6.23       -12.37        -7.99
    105.0        -5.78        -4.81        -2.56        -3.86        -3.09        -5.10        -8.06        -9.02        -7.88        -7.74        -7.21       -12.46        -7.85
    120.0        -5.08        -3.59        -0.02        -1.38        -1.04        -4.03        -8.83        -8.49        -6.76        -8.56        -9.98       -13.36        -8.27
    135.0        -3.35        -1.59         1.60         0.61         0.26        -3.28        -8.70        -7.98        -6.48        -8.37       -12.09       -13.52       -10.08
    150.0        -1.77        -0.24         2.14         1.74         0.90        -2.30        -7.22        -8.47        -8.47        -9.36       -12.60       -12.34       -13.04
    165.0        -0.62         0.43         1.50         1.64         0.06        -2.18        -6.11        -8.22       -11.17       -12.25       -13.11       -10.90       -17.45
    180.0        -0.22         0.43         0.34         0.19        -3.15        -4.51        -8.25        -7.76       -10.97       -15.17       -13.00        -9.16       -14.40
    195.0        -0.71        -0.30        -0.88        -2.16        -8.20       -13.60       -18.51       -11.01       -14.27       -16.72       -10.57        -8.07       -11.00
    210.0        -1.83        -1.27        -1.55        -3.91        -7.08        -9.01        -7.24       -11.18       -14.85       -12.76        -7.21        -7.37        -8.95
    225.0        -3.21        -2.15        -1.63        -3.49        -4.85        -5.12        -4.71        -7.62        -9.44        -9.60        -4.84        -6.85        -7.87
    240.0        -4.31        -2.60        -1.50        -2.86        -3.63        -3.74        -3.51        -5.86        -7.34        -8.01        -3.69        -6.77        -7.18
    255.0        -5.32        -3.07        -1.85        -2.75        -4.04        -3.40        -2.63        -3.62        -4.88        -6.08        -3.51        -7.37        -6.75
    270.0        -5.28        -3.66        -2.67        -3.75        -5.68        -4.60        -2.99        -3.03        -3.22        -4.54        -3.85        -8.54        -6.45
    285.0        -4.56        -4.40        -4.21        -5.58        -8.08        -6.03        -3.88        -3.24        -3.17        -4.73        -4.79       -10.41        -6.42
    300.0        -3.74        -5.07        -5.22        -7.55        -9.62        -7.67        -5.25        -4.04        -3.95        -6.19        -5.92       -12.04        -6.85
    315.0        -2.73        -5.27        -5.76        -9.21       -11.29        -9.24        -7.26        -5.29        -5.47        -8.91        -6.43       -12.80        -7.98
    330.0        -1.77        -4.09        -4.15        -7.87        -8.38        -9.18        -7.17        -6.76        -5.55        -9.29        -6.82       -14.28        -9.90
    345.0        -1.26        -2.36        -1.91        -4.01        -3.92        -5.32        -3.18        -4.29        -3.53        -6.87        -7.37       -14.29       -12.75
    360.0        -1.09        -0.99        -0.48        -0.45        -0.55        -0.73        -0.17        -0.94        -2.18        -4.82        -7.73       -13.56       -14.32

07-07-2010                                                                                                                                                                           20:01:24
                                                                                   Richard Wallace                                                                                   Rev: A

Antenna Kit                Texas Instruments    DN611
board 15 - 2400-2480 MHz                            7 / 12

Theta = 90, Phi = 0

Theta = 90, Phi = 90

Theta = 0, Phi = 0

07-07-2010                                       20:01:24
                              Richard Wallace    Rev: A

Antenna Kit                Texas Instruments    DN611
board 15 - 2400-2480 MHz                            8 / 12

Theta = 90, Phi = 180

Theta = 90, Phi = 270

Theta = 180, Phi = 0

07-07-2010                                       20:01:24
                              Richard Wallace    Rev: A

Antenna Kit                                       Texas Instruments          DN611
board 15 - 2400-2480 MHz                                                         9 / 12

OTA Test Results for Frequency 2480.000 MHz
OTA Evaluation Results:

Total Radiated Power       -1.97 dBm
Peak EIRP                  3.66 dBm
Directivity                5.63 dBi
Efficiency                 -1.97 dB
Efficiency                 63.57 %
Gain                       3.66 dBi
NHPRP 45°                  -3.69 dBm
NHPRP 45° / TRP            -1.72 dB
NHPRP 45° / TRP            67.33 %
NHPRP 30°                  -5.41 dBm
NHPRP 30° / TRP            -3.44 dB
NHPRP 30° / TRP            45.30 %
NHPRP 22.5°                -6.65 dBm
NHPRP 22.5° / TRP          -4.68 dB
NHPRP 22.5° / TRP          34.00 %
UHRP                       -3.58 dBm
UHRP / TRP                 -1.62 dB
UHRP / TRP                 68.93 %
LHRP                       -7.04 dBm
LHRP / TRP                 -5.08 dB
LHRP / TRP                 31.07 %
Front/Back Ratio           10.41
PhiBW                      183.2 deg
PhiBW Up                   50.8 deg
PhiBW Down                 132.4 deg
ThetaBW                    55.8 deg
ThetaBW Up                 27.6 deg
ThetaBW Down               28.2 deg
Boresight Phi              135 deg
Boresight Theta            30 deg
Maximum Power              3.66 dBm
Minimum Power              -12.11 dBm
Average Power              -1.85 dBm
Max/Min Ratio              15.77 dB
Max/Avg Ratio              5.52 dB
Min/Avg Ratio              -10.25 dB
Best Single Value          3.23 dBm
Best Position              Phi = 30 deg; Theta = 60 deg; Pol = Ver

07-07-2010                                                                    20:01:24
                                                           Richard Wallace    Rev: A

Antenna Kit                                                             Texas Instruments                                                                                       DN611
board 15 - 2400-2480 MHz                                                                                                                                                               10 / 12

 Azimuth    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation
  (deg)       0 deg       15 deg       30 deg       45 deg       60 deg       75 deg       90 deg       105 deg      120 deg      135 deg     150 deg       165 deg      180 deg
               (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)        (dB)          (dB)         (dB)
     0.00        -0.55        -0.10         0.46         0.97         1.44         1.24         0.72        -0.42        -1.52        -2.04        -3.31        -7.07        -4.83
    15.00        -0.90         0.47         1.64         2.29         3.13         2.84         2.61         1.13        -0.69        -1.88        -3.41        -6.74        -5.09
    30.00        -1.38         0.98         2.31         3.18         3.41         3.36         2.67         0.99        -0.89        -2.12        -2.84        -6.53        -5.20
    45.00        -1.59         1.45         2.59         3.19         2.53         2.46         1.33        -0.16        -1.31        -2.10        -3.32        -6.85        -5.05
    60.00        -1.59         1.81         2.55         2.68         0.97         0.77        -1.33        -1.97        -2.63        -3.11        -3.77        -6.98        -4.72
    75.00        -1.56         1.99         2.52         2.09        -0.81        -1.98        -4.78        -4.65        -5.02        -4.45        -3.66        -6.86        -4.66
    90.00        -1.03         2.05         2.60         1.42        -1.86        -5.21        -7.07        -8.49        -7.15        -4.77        -3.72        -7.17        -5.37
   105.00        -0.36         2.06         3.04         1.57        -1.02        -5.41        -7.40        -9.69        -8.95        -5.97        -4.27        -8.32        -6.56
   120.00         0.22         1.95         3.48         2.20        -0.18        -4.77        -7.18        -7.47        -9.57        -8.85        -5.72        -9.68        -7.80
   135.00         0.50         1.83         3.66         2.67         0.28        -4.22        -6.72        -5.78        -8.11        -8.46        -7.72       -10.52        -8.21
   150.00         0.68         1.65         3.40         2.62         0.49        -3.11        -6.44        -5.80        -6.47        -6.14        -8.44       -10.16        -7.43
   165.00         0.77         1.50         2.72         2.07         0.67        -1.96        -5.89        -7.05        -5.73        -5.62        -7.34        -8.39        -6.35
   180.00         0.84         1.01         1.33         0.68        -0.30        -2.28        -6.26        -8.21        -6.31        -5.25        -6.66        -6.64        -5.44
   195.00         0.74         0.23        -0.39        -1.25        -2.53        -4.74        -8.01        -8.04        -5.68        -4.36        -6.43        -5.86        -4.77
   210.00         0.62        -1.00        -1.61        -2.60        -3.59        -6.02        -5.95        -6.48        -4.09        -3.42        -5.82        -5.65        -4.52
   225.00         0.44        -2.28        -2.26        -2.47        -2.28        -3.25        -3.38        -4.40        -3.07        -3.36        -5.10        -6.42        -4.75
   240.00         0.18        -3.50        -2.86        -2.16        -1.57        -1.68        -1.56        -2.71        -2.59        -3.60        -5.12        -8.34        -5.48
   255.00        -0.07        -3.99        -4.03        -2.40        -2.34        -1.53        -1.19        -1.70        -2.26        -3.76        -6.25       -11.07        -5.80
   270.00        -0.12        -3.96        -5.53        -3.26        -4.11        -2.83        -2.19        -2.00        -2.51        -4.81        -8.49       -12.11        -5.46
   285.00         0.26        -3.44        -6.11        -4.60        -6.05        -4.76        -4.10        -3.40        -3.97        -6.79        -9.68       -10.57        -5.26
   300.00         0.61        -2.71        -5.80        -5.78        -7.57        -6.75        -5.74        -4.99        -6.21        -8.75        -8.97        -8.99        -5.34
   315.00         0.60        -2.33        -4.86        -5.99        -8.02        -7.76        -6.60        -5.98        -7.18        -7.97        -6.74        -8.53        -5.31
   330.00         0.44        -1.74        -3.09        -5.17        -6.56        -6.95        -6.09        -6.27        -6.28        -6.54        -4.76        -8.07        -5.05
   345.00         0.14        -1.02        -1.25        -2.55        -2.33        -3.86        -3.12        -4.54        -4.21        -4.32        -3.77        -7.99        -4.78
   360.00        -0.37        -0.20        -0.14         0.28         0.36         0.30        -0.34        -1.31        -2.26        -2.52        -3.55        -6.98        -4.80

 Azimuth    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation
  (deg)       0 deg       15 deg       30 deg       45 deg       60 deg       75 deg       90 deg       105 deg      120 deg      135 deg     150 deg       165 deg      180 deg
               (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)        (dB)          (dB)         (dB)
      0.0        -6.66        -8.68       -11.01       -17.92       -17.00       -12.42        -9.65        -7.41        -6.72        -7.02        -6.54       -11.10        -5.82
     15.0        -7.56        -8.38       -11.04       -15.54       -15.40       -11.38        -8.90        -6.50        -6.76        -7.53        -7.56       -10.77        -5.88
     30.0        -7.15        -5.30        -6.36        -7.24       -10.60       -10.63        -8.45        -7.32        -8.01        -9.18        -7.56       -10.50        -6.47
     45.0        -6.00        -2.72        -2.85        -3.50        -7.58       -10.08        -9.56       -10.30       -10.23       -10.39        -8.27       -11.15        -7.48
     60.0        -4.81        -0.66        -0.42        -1.51        -5.95        -9.08       -11.40       -11.30       -10.81       -10.18        -8.08       -12.04        -8.30
     75.0        -4.08         0.37         1.00        -0.37        -4.71        -8.39       -11.42       -11.62       -11.39        -9.71        -8.09       -12.76        -9.24
     90.0        -3.26         0.90         1.80         0.21        -3.98        -8.86       -11.55       -15.24       -12.52        -9.23        -7.65       -12.34       -10.71
    105.0        -2.57         0.83         1.85        -0.04        -4.36       -10.36       -12.42       -17.97       -13.29        -9.19        -6.93       -11.75       -12.21
    120.0        -2.53        -0.08         0.94        -1.24        -5.26       -12.19       -13.53       -15.46       -17.73       -12.09        -7.11       -11.58       -13.10
    135.0        -3.09        -1.66        -0.78        -2.94        -6.86       -11.92       -13.19       -12.43       -15.28       -11.53        -8.26       -12.29       -12.51
    150.0        -4.41        -4.13        -3.40        -4.92        -7.74        -9.74       -11.85       -10.62        -8.91        -7.84        -9.42       -13.22       -10.51
    165.0        -6.06        -6.17        -4.98        -5.71        -6.86        -8.12       -10.86       -10.97        -7.46        -7.66       -10.79       -13.07        -8.45
    180.0        -7.66        -6.84        -4.82        -5.79        -5.61        -7.69       -10.92       -12.86        -9.03        -9.54       -13.85       -12.69        -6.77
    195.0        -7.68        -6.65        -5.17        -6.92        -6.16        -8.63       -12.33       -13.22       -11.18       -11.23       -15.67       -12.63        -5.56
    210.0        -5.83        -6.39        -6.26        -9.20        -8.24       -10.25       -13.90       -12.83       -13.50       -13.36       -14.34       -12.34        -4.86
    225.0        -4.06        -6.71        -8.48       -11.89        -9.00        -9.52       -12.71       -14.78       -14.92       -15.07       -13.71       -12.43        -5.00
    240.0        -2.66        -7.48       -11.70       -15.50        -9.84        -9.50       -11.44       -18.29       -14.53       -12.01       -13.26       -13.39        -6.09
    255.0        -1.76        -7.81       -16.21       -17.59       -12.76        -9.56       -11.70       -18.96       -12.27       -10.20       -12.91       -16.35        -7.57
    270.0        -1.18        -7.43       -14.91       -15.62       -15.05        -9.39       -11.33       -16.17       -10.97       -11.13       -14.43       -15.59        -8.42
    285.0        -0.64        -6.20       -11.84       -15.48       -16.91        -9.93       -10.89       -13.00       -10.47       -13.82       -19.42       -12.92        -9.29
    300.0        -0.50        -5.09        -9.44       -14.76       -18.25       -11.20       -10.27       -10.57       -10.06       -13.53       -15.67       -11.91        -9.98
    315.0        -1.02        -4.96        -7.68       -12.79       -17.06       -12.01        -9.78        -9.43        -8.94        -9.93       -10.80       -10.99        -8.73
    330.0        -2.08        -5.37        -6.67       -11.34       -14.43       -12.24        -9.54        -8.59        -8.08        -7.82        -7.99       -10.28        -7.35
    345.0        -3.57        -6.43        -7.28       -11.68       -13.54       -12.93        -9.64        -8.04        -7.35        -6.88        -6.81       -10.73        -6.34
    360.0        -5.85        -7.69        -9.91       -14.38       -16.29       -13.06        -9.89        -7.96        -6.80        -6.97        -6.37       -10.35        -5.88

 Azimuth    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation    Elevation
  (deg)       0 deg       15 deg       30 deg       45 deg       60 deg       75 deg       90 deg       105 deg      120 deg      135 deg     150 deg       165 deg      180 deg
               (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)         (dB)        (dB)          (dB)         (dB)
      0.0        -1.77        -0.75         0.14         0.91         1.38         1.04         0.31        -1.39        -3.08        -3.70        -6.12        -9.26       -11.74
     15.0        -1.95        -0.14         1.39         2.22         3.06         2.68         2.29         0.31        -1.92        -3.26        -5.52        -8.92       -12.87
     30.0        -2.71        -0.19         1.68         2.76         3.23         3.18         2.32         0.30        -1.83        -3.08        -4.63        -8.75       -11.17
     45.0        -3.55        -0.65         1.13         2.14         2.08         2.21         0.96        -0.60        -1.90        -2.79        -5.00        -8.87        -8.73
     60.0        -4.40        -1.81        -0.50         0.60        -0.02         0.30        -1.78        -2.51        -3.34        -4.06        -5.78        -8.61        -7.22
     75.0        -5.11        -3.07        -2.76        -1.55        -3.08        -3.11        -5.84        -5.63        -6.16        -5.99        -5.61        -8.16        -6.52
     90.0        -5.01        -4.27        -5.13        -4.71        -6.00        -7.66        -8.99        -9.53        -8.64        -6.69        -5.97        -8.74        -6.87
    105.0        -4.36        -4.02        -3.15        -3.52        -3.73        -7.08        -9.04       -10.39       -10.95        -8.79        -7.66       -10.94        -7.94
    120.0        -3.06        -2.34        -0.06        -0.41        -1.80        -5.64        -8.33        -8.22       -10.29       -11.63       -11.35       -14.20        -9.32
    135.0        -2.00        -0.74         1.73         1.28        -0.65        -5.03        -7.84        -6.83        -9.04       -11.41       -17.03       -15.27       -10.22
    150.0        -0.93         0.32         2.38         1.78        -0.22        -4.17        -7.92        -7.54       -10.14       -11.02       -15.39       -13.12       -10.37
    165.0        -0.24         0.68         1.91         1.28        -0.17        -3.16        -7.55        -9.30       -10.57        -9.87        -9.94       -10.19       -10.50
    180.0         0.18         0.24         0.12        -0.43        -1.82        -3.76        -8.08       -10.03        -9.62        -7.28        -7.58        -7.88       -11.23
    195.0         0.07        -0.77        -2.15        -2.62        -4.99        -7.02       -10.01        -9.61        -7.13        -5.36        -6.98        -6.89       -12.59
    210.0        -0.49        -2.49        -3.42        -3.67        -5.41        -8.08        -6.71        -7.63        -4.62        -3.88        -6.48        -6.70       -15.77
    225.0        -1.47        -4.23        -3.44        -3.00        -3.32        -4.42        -3.92        -4.81        -3.36        -3.66        -5.75        -7.68       -17.32
    240.0        -3.00        -5.71        -3.47        -2.37        -2.27        -2.46        -2.03        -2.83        -2.88        -4.28        -5.85        -9.97       -14.31
    255.0        -4.97        -6.33        -4.31        -2.54        -2.76        -2.28        -1.60        -1.78        -2.72        -4.88        -7.31       -12.60       -10.57
    270.0        -6.78        -6.55        -6.06        -3.52        -4.48        -3.92        -2.76        -2.17        -3.18        -5.97        -9.77       -14.70        -8.53
    285.0        -7.04        -6.71        -7.46        -4.97        -6.42        -6.33        -5.12        -3.90        -5.08        -7.76       -10.17       -14.36        -7.44
    300.0        -5.85        -6.46        -8.27        -6.37        -7.96        -8.69        -7.63        -6.40        -8.52       -10.50       -10.01       -12.10        -7.16
    315.0        -4.45        -5.77        -8.06        -7.01        -8.60        -9.80        -9.44        -8.59       -11.95       -12.37        -8.91       -12.17        -7.94
    330.0        -3.13        -4.22        -5.60        -6.37        -7.34        -8.48        -8.71       -10.11       -10.97       -12.48        -7.57       -12.06        -8.92
    345.0        -2.27        -2.49        -2.49        -3.12        -2.68        -4.43        -4.21        -7.12        -7.09        -7.84        -6.76       -11.28        -9.99
    360.0        -1.82        -1.05        -0.63         0.13         0.27         0.09        -0.85        -2.37        -4.14        -4.45        -6.76        -9.66       -11.38

07-07-2010                                                                                                                                                                           20:01:24
                                                                                   Richard Wallace                                                                                   Rev: A

Antenna Kit                Texas Instruments    DN611
board 15 - 2400-2480 MHz                           11 / 12

Theta = 90, Phi = 0

Theta = 90, Phi = 90

Theta = 0, Phi = 0

07-07-2010                                       20:01:24
                              Richard Wallace    Rev: A

Antenna Kit                Texas Instruments    DN611
board 15 - 2400-2480 MHz                           12 / 12

Theta = 90, Phi = 180

Theta = 90, Phi = 270

Theta = 180, Phi = 0

07-07-2010                                       20:01:24
                              Richard Wallace    Rev: A

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                                  Mailing Address: Texas Instruments, Post Office Box 655303, Dallas, Texas 75265
                                                 Copyright © 2010, Texas Instruments Incorporated

Document Created: 2010-10-14 13:04:53
Document Modified: 2010-10-14 13:04:53

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