Test Report


Test Report

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 Prufbericht—Nr.:                         50284938 001                                   Auftrags-Nr_:             168124505                Seite 1 von 27
  Test report No.:                                                                       Order No.:                                         Page 1 of 27
 Kunden—Referenz—Nr.:                     N/A                                            Auftragsdatum:           23.07.2019
 Client reference No.:                                                                   Order date.:
 Auftraggeber:                            Edifier International Limited
 Client:                                  P.O. Box 6264 General Post Office Hong Kong
 Priufgegenstand:                         Powered Bookshelf Speakers
  Test item:
 Bezeichnung / Typ—Nr.:                   $1000MK II
 Identification / Type No.:
                                          (Trademark: EDFIFIER)
 Auftrags—Inhalt:                         FCC and IC approval
 Order content:
 Priifgrundlage:                          CFR47 FCC Part 15: Subpart C Section 15.247                              RSS—247 Issue 2 February 2017
  Test specification:                     CFR47 FCC Part 15: Subpart C Section 15.207                              RSS—Gen Issue 5 April 2015
                                          CFR47 FCC Part 15: Subpart C Section 15.209                              RSS—102 Issue 5 March 2015
                                          CFR47 FCC Part 2.1091

 Wareneingangsdatum:                        19.07.2019
 Date of receipt:
 Prifmuster—Nr.:                          A000960611—005
 Test sample No.:

 Prifzeitraum:                            01.08.2019 — 14.08.2019
  Testing period:
                                                                                                            Please refer to photo documents
 Ort der Priifung:                        TUV Rheinland (Shenzhen)
 Place of testing:                        Co., Ltd.

 Priiflaboratorium:                       TUV Rheinland (Shenzhen)
 Testing laboratory:                      Co., Ltd.

 Prufergebnis*:                           Pass
 Test result*:
 gepriift von / tested by:                                                                 kontrolliert von / reviewed by:

                                       lt [z                                                                               AjJoae {lov
      16.09.2019                 Alex Lan / Senior Project Engineer                            16.09.2019             Winnie Hou / Technical Certifier

         Datum                 Name/Stellung                 Unterschrift                          Datum            Name/Stellung              Unterschrift
          Date                 Name/Position                   Signature                            Date            Name/Position                Signature

 Sonstiges / Other:

 IC: 10004A—EDF92                  HVIN: S1000MK II

 Zustand des Priifgegenstandes bei Anlieferung:                                               Prufmuster vollstandig und unbeschadigt
 Condition of the test item at delivery:                                                      Test item complete and undamaged:
               1 = sehr gut               2 = gut             3 = befriedigend                                      4 = ausreichend           5 = mangelhalt
               P(ass) = entspricht 0.g. Prifgrundlage(n)      F(ail) = entspricht nicht 0.g. Priifgrundlage{(n)     N/A = nicht anwendbar     N/T = nicht getestet
               1 = very good              2 = good            3 = satisfactory                                      4 = sufficient            5 = poor
               P(ass) = passed a.m. test specifications(s)    F(ail) = failed a.m. test specifications(s)           N/A = not applicable      N/T = not tested

        Dieser Priifbericht bezieht sich nur auf das o0.g. Priifmuster und darf ohne Genehmigung der Priifstelle nicht
          auszugsweise vervielfaltigt werden. Dieser Bericht berechtigt nicht zur Verwendung eines Prifzeichens.
This test report only relates to the a. m. test sample. Without permission of the test center this test report is not permitted to be
vO4                              duplicated in extracts. This test report does not entitle to carry any test mark.
      TUV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd., East of F/1, F/2 — F/4, Building 1, Cybio Technology Building, No. 6 Langshan No. 2 Road, North
                                       Hi—tech Industry Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P.R. China
                                                                http://www .tuv.com


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                                   Test Summary
   RESULT:  Pass
   RESULT:  Pass
5.1.3 99% BANDWIDTH
   RESULT:  Pass
   RESULT:  Pass
   RESULT:   Pass
   RESULT:  Pass
   RESULT:   Pass
   RESULT:  Pass
   RESULT:    Pass
   RESULT:  Pass
   RESULT:  Pass


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1           GENERAL REMARKS ..........................................................................................................................5
1.1         COMPLEMENTARY MATERIALS ............................................................................................................5

2           TEST SITES........................................................................................................................................ 5
2.1         TEST FACILITIES ................................................................................................................................ 5
2.2         LIST OF TEST AND MEASUREMENT INSTRUMENTS ................................................................................6
2.3         TRACEABILITY ................................................................................................................................... 8
2.4         CALIBRATION..................................................................................................................................... 8
2.5         MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ............................................................................................................8
2.6         LOCATION OF ORIGINAL DATA ............................................................................................................8
2.7         STATUS OF FACILITY USED FOR TESTING ............................................................................................8

3           GENERAL PRODUCT INFORMATION .....................................................................................................9
3.1         PRODUCT FUNCTION AND INTENDED USE ............................................................................................9
3.2         RATINGS AND SYSTEM DETAILS ..........................................................................................................9
3.3         INDEPENDENT OPERATION MODES ....................................................................................................12
3.4         NOISE GENERATING AND NOISE SUPPRESSING PARTS ......................................................................12
3.5         SUBMITTED DOCUMENTS ..................................................................................................................12

4           TEST SET-UP AND OPERATION MODES..............................................................................................13
4.1         PRINCIPLE OF CONFIGURATION SELECTION .......................................................................................13
4.2         TEST OPERATION AND TEST SOFTWARE ...........................................................................................13
4.3         SPECIAL ACCESSORIES AND AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT .........................................................................13
4.4         COUNTERMEASURES TO ACHIEVE EMC COMPLIANCE .......................................................................13
4.5         TEST SETUP DIAGRAM .....................................................................................................................14

5           TEST RESULTS ................................................................................................................................ 16
5.1         TRANSMITTER REQUIREMENT & TEST SUITES....................................................................................16
    5.1.1     Antenna Requirement................................................................................................................16
    5.1.2     Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power ................................................................................17
    5.1.3     99% Bandwidth..........................................................................................................................18
    5.1.4     Conducted Spurious Emissions Measured in 100 kHz Bandwidth............................................19
    5.1.5     Radiated Spurious Emission .....................................................................................................20
    5.1.6     20dB Bandwidth ........................................................................................................................21
    5.1.7     Carrier Frequency Separation ...................................................................................................22
    5.1.8     Number of Hopping Frequency .................................................................................................23
    5.1.9     Time of Occupancy....................................................................................................................24
    5.1.10      Conducted Emission on AC Mains........................................................................................25

6           SAFETY HUMAN EXPOSURE ..............................................................................................................26
6.1         RADIO FREQUENCY EXPOSURE COMPLIANCE ....................................................................................26
    6.1.1     Electromagnetic Fields ..............................................................................................................26

7           PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE TEST SET-UP ...............................................................................................27


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8       LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................................... 27


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1 General Remarks

1.1 Complementary Materials
 All attachments are integral parts of this test report. This applies especially to the following appendix:
 Appendix A: Photographs of the Test Set-up
 Appendix B: Test Results of Conducted Testing
 Appendix C: Test Results of Radiated Testing & AC Mains Conducted Emission

2 Test Sites

2.1 Test Facilities
 TÜV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
 East of F/1, F/2 - F/4, Building 1, Cybio Technology Building, No. 6 Langshan No. 2 Road, North Hi-
 tech Industry Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P.R. China

 FCC Registration No.: 694916
 IC Registration No.: 25069

 The tests at the test sites have been conducted under the supervision of a TÜV engineer.


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2.2 List of Test and Measurement Instruments

Table 1: List of Test and Measurement Equipment

                               TÜV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.
 Radiated Emission
     Equipment        Manufacturer           Model No.          Serial No.      Cal. Until
 EMI Test Receiver        R&S                  ESR7              102022        2019-08-19
    Bilog Antenna        TESEQ               CBL6112D             51321        2019-08-29
 Conducted Emissions
     Equipment        Manufacturer           Model No.          Serial No.      Cal. Until
 EMI Test Receiver        R&S                 ESR3               102428        2019-08-19
    Artificial Mains
                          R&S                 ENV216                 102333    2019-08-19
 Radio Spectrum Testing
     Equipment        Manufacturer           Model No.          Serial No.      Cal. Until
                     Rohde & Schwarz         CMW270                  101375    2019-08-30
 Connectivity Tester
   Signal Analyzer   Rohde & Schwarz          FSV 40                 101441    2019-08-30
    Vector Signal
                     Rohde & Schwarz        SMBV100A                 263301    2019-08-30
  Signal Generator   Rohde & Schwarz       SMB100A                   115186    2019-08-30
          OSP        Rohde & Schwarz        OSP 150                  101017    2019-12-20
      Control PC          DELL            OptiPlex 7050             FTJZ9P2       N/A
    Test Software    Rohde & Schwarz    WMS32 (V10.40.10)              N/A        N/A
     Power Meter     Rohde & Schwarz          NRP2                   107105    2019-12-20
  Wideband Power
                     Rohde & Schwarz         NRP-Z81                 105350    2019-12-20
 Unwanted Emission Testing
     Equipment        Manufacturer           Model No.          Serial No.      Cal. Until
  Signal Generator   Rohde & Schwarz         SMB100A             180840        2019-08-30
   Wideband Radio
   Communication     Rohde & Schwarz         CMW500                  165339    2019-08-30
   Signal Analyzer   Rohde & Schwarz          FSV 40                 101440    2019-08-30
  System Controller
                     Rohde & Schwarz          SCI-100           S10010036          N/A
      Filterbank     Rohde & Schwarz          CDMA                   100751    2019-08-30
      Filterbank     Rohde & Schwarz           GSM                   100811    2019-08-30
          OSP        Rohde & Schwarz         OSP 120                 102041       N/A
          OSP        Rohde & Schwarz         OSP 150                 101385       N/A
     Pre-amplifier   Rohde & Schwarz         SCU08F1                08320030   2019-08-30
       Amplifier     Rohde & Schwarz         SCU-18F                 180079    2019-08-30
       Amplifier     Rohde & Schwarz         SCU40A                  100450    2019-09-03
  Trilog Broadband
       Antenna         Schwarzbeck           VULB9162                 192      2019-09-02
  (30 MHz - 1 GHz)


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    Antenna (1 -18    ETS-LINDGREN            3117          00218719   2019-09-02
  Wideband Ridged
  Horn Antenna (12-       Steatite         QMS-00208         18312     2019-09-02
       18 GHz)
  Wideband Ridged
  Horn Antenna (18-       Steatite         QMS-00880         19066     2019-09-02
       40 GHz)
                       Schwarzbeck         VUBA 9117          357      2019-09-02
  (30 MHz - 1 GHz)
    Double Ridged
   Broadband Horn
                       Schwarzbeck        BBHA 9120 D        01760     2019-09-02
   Antenna (1 – 18
   Broadband Horn
  Antenna (15 – 40     Schwarzbeck         BBHA 9170         00862     2019-09-02
    Test software     Rohde & Schwarz   EMC32 (V10.40.00)     N/A          N/A
     Control PC             Dell          OptiPlex 7050     36NW9P2        N/A


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2.3 Traceability
 All measurement equipment calibrations are traceable to NIM (National Institute of Metrology) or where
 calibration is performed in other countries, to equivalent nationally recognized standards organizations.

2.4 Calibration
 Equipment requiring calibration is calibrated periodically by the manufacturer or according to
 manufacturer’s specifications. Additionally all equipment is verified for proper performance on a regular
 basics using in house standards or comparisons.

2.5 Measurement Uncertainty
 The estimated combined standard uncertainty for radiated emissions and conducted emissions
 measurements as below table

 Item                                                                 Extended Uncertainty
 Conducted Emission                                                   ± 2.74 dB
 Radiated Emission (30-1000MHz)          Field strength (dBµV/m)      4.27dB
 Radiated Emission (above 1000MHz)       Field strength (dBµV/m)      4.46dB
 Radio Spectrum                                                       ± 1.5 dB

2.6 Location of Original Data
 The original copies of all test data taken during actual testing were attached at Appendix A & B & C of
 this report and delivered to the applicant. A copy has been retained in the TÜV Rheinland (Shenzhen)
 file for certification follow-up purposes.

2.7 Status of Facility Used for Testing
 The TÜV Rheinland (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. Test facility located at East of F/1, F/2 - F/4, Building 1, Cybio
 Technology Building, No. 6 Langshan No. 2 Road, North Hi-tech Industry Park, Nanshan District,
 Shenzhen, P.R. China is listed on the US Federal Communications Commission list of facilities
 approved to perform measurements.


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3 General Product Information

3.1 Product Function and Intended Use
 The EUT is a 2.1 wireless speaker system which supports Bluetooth 5.0 (BDR&EDR) technology.

 For details refer to the User Manual, Technical Description and Circuit Diagram.

3.2 Ratings and System Details

Table 2: Technical Specification of EUT

 Technical Specification            Value
 Kind of Equipment                  Powered Bookshelf Speakers
 Type Designation                   S1000MKⅡ
 FCC ID                             Z9G-EDF92
 IC                                 10004A-EDF92
 HVIN                               S1000MKⅡ
 Operating Frequency                2402 - 2480 MHz
 Operating Voltage                  AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz
 Testing Voltage                    AC 120V, 60Hz
 Type of Modulation                 GFSK, π/4DQPSK, 8DPSK
 Channel Number                     BDR & EDR mode:79 channels
 Channel Separation                 BDR & EDR mode:1MHz
 Wireless Technology                Bluetooth 5.0
 Antenna Type                       Integral Antenna
 Max. Antenna Gain                  2.59 dBi


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Table 3: RF Channel and Frequency of Bluetooth

     RF    Frequency   RF    Frequency   RF    Frequency   RF    Frequency
   Channel   (MHz)   Channel   (MHz)   Channel   (MHz)   Channel   (MHz)
      00       2402.00    20       2422.00       40   2442.00   60   2462.00
      01       2403.00    21       2423.00       41   2443.00   61   2463.00
      02       2404.00    22       2424.00       42   2444.00   62   2464.00
      03       2405.00    23       2425.00       43   2445.00   63   2465.00
      04       2406.00    24       2426.00       44   2446.00   64   2466.00
      05       2407.00    25       2427.00       45   2447.00   65   2467.00
      06       2408.00    26       2428.00       46   2448.00   66   2468.00
      07       2409.00    27       2429.00       47   2449.00   67   2469.00
      08       2410.00    28       2430.00       48   2450.00   68   2470.00
      09       2411.00    29       2431.00       49   2451.00   69   2471.00
      10       2412.00    30       2432.00       50   2452.00   70   2472.00
      11       2413.00    31       2433.00       51   2453.00   71   2473.00
      12       2414.00    32       2434.00       52   2454.00   72   2474.00
      13       2415.00    33       2435.00       53   2455.00   73   2475.00
      14       2416.00    34       2436.00       54   2456.00   74   2476.00
      15       2417.00    35       2437.00       55   2457.00   75   2477.00
      16       2418.00    36       2438.00       56   2458.00   76   2478.00
      17       2419.00    37       2439.00       57   2459.00   77   2479.00
      18       2420.00    38       2440.00       58   2460.00   78   2480.00
      19       2421.00    39       2441.00       59   2461.00   --     --


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Table 4: Frequency Hopping Information

   Technical Specification      Description
                                Hereby we declare that the frequency range of this device is
                                2402-2480MHz. This is according the Bluetooth Core
  Hopping Range                 Specification V2.1 + EDR for devices which will be operated in
                                the USA. This was checked during the Bluetooth Qualification
                                Example of a 79 hopping sequence in data mode:

  Hopping Sequence
                                69,62,71,64, 7,25,27,66,57,70,74,61,78,63,10,41,05,43,
                                The input bandwidth of the receiver is 1MHz. In every
                                connection one Bluetooth device is the master and the other
                                one is the slave. The master determines the hopping sequence.
                                The slave follows this sequence. Both devices shift between
                                RX and TX time slot according to the clock of the master.

                                Additionally the type of connection is set up at the beginning of
                                the connection. The master adapts its hopping frequency and
                                its TX/RX timing according to the packet type of the connection.
  Receiver input bandwidth
                                Also the slave of the connection will use these settings.

                                Repeating of a packer has no influence on the hopping
                                sequence. The hopping sequence generated by the master of
                                the connection will be followed in any case.

                                That means a repeated packet will not be send on the same
                                frequency, it is send on the next frequency of the hopping


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3.3 Independent Operation Modes
 The basic operation modes are:
 A. On
     1. Bluetooth transmitting mode (BDR & EDR mode)
             a) Low Channel
             b) Middle Channel
             c) High Channel
 B. On, Transmitting on Hopping channel
 C. On, Bluetooth connecting mode
 D. Off

3.4 Noise Generating and Noise Suppressing Parts
 Refer to Circuit Diagram for further details.

3.5 Submitted Documents
 - Application Form                              - FCC/IC Label and Location Info
 - Block Diagram                                 - Photo Document
 - Schematics                                    - User Manual
 - Technical Description


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4 Test Set-up and Operation Modes

4.1 Principle of Configuration Selection
 Radio Spectrum:          The equipment under test (EUT) was configured at its highest power output in
 order to measure its highest possible radiation and conducted level. The test modes were adapted
 accordingly in reference to the instructions for use.

 Emission:         The equipment under test (EUT) was configured to measure its highest possible
 radiation level. The test modes were adapted accordingly in reference to the instructions for use.

4.2 Test Operation and Test Software
 Test operation refers to test setup in chapter 5. All testing were performed according to the procedures
 in ANSI C63.10: 2013.

4.3 Special Accessories and Auxiliary Equipment

Table 5: List of Accessories and Auxiliary Equipment

      Description           Manufacturer               Model                      S/N
    iPhone6S PLUS               Apple               ML6D2 CH/A             C35QJ76JGRWM
      DVD Player               KENUO                 DVD-966S             2003010805086710
    Audio Analyzer               R&S                  SB3493                      N/A

4.4 Countermeasures to Achieve EMC Compliance
 The test sample which has been tested contained the noise suppression parts as described in the
 Technical Construction File (TCF).
 No additional measures were employed to achieve compliance.

                                                                                    A TUVRheinland®

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4.5 Test Setup Diagram
 Diagram of Measurement Configuration for Radiation Test (Below 1GHz)

                                                         Ant. Tower
                   EUT&            4       m
                   Support Unjts   _

                               Lfl/lurn Table


                                        Ground Plane

                                         Test Receiver

                                                         ||       8 &
                                                                        & G
                                                                              & a

 Diagram of Measurement Configuration for Radiation Test (Above 1GHz)

                                                            Ant. Tower
                   EUT&                f"*fl
                   Support Units

                                       Turn Table

                      15 n;I

                                          Ground Plane

                                           Test Receiver

                                                            A TUVRheinland®

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 Diagram of Measurement Configuration for Mains Conduction Measurement

                   EUT &
                   Support stand
                   _                                   I
                                                  Ground plane
                    Testreceive       [    '

 Diagram of Measurement Configuration for Conducted Transmitter Measurement


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5 Test Results

5.1 Transmitter Requirement & Test Suites

5.1.1 Antenna Requirement
RESULT:                                                                                          Pass

Test Specification
Test standard                             :   FCC Part 15.247(b)(4) and Part 15.203
                                              RSS-Gen Clause 8.3

According to the manufacturer declared, the EUT has an integral antenna, the directional gain of
antenna is 2.59 dBi, and the antenna connector is designed with permanent attachment and no
consideration of replacement. Therefore the EUT is considered sufficient to comply with the provision.

Therefore the EUT is considered sufficient to comply with the provision.

Refer to EUT Photo for further details.


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5.1.2 Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power
RESULT:                                                                                                Pass

Test Specification
Test standard                            :   FCC Part 15.247(b)(1)
                                             RSS-247 Clause 5.4(b)
Basic standard                           :   ANSI C63.10: 2013
                                             FHSS<0.125W(Maximum peak conducted output
Limits :                                     power)
                                             < 4 W (e.i.r.p.)
Kind of test site                        :   Shielded Room

Test Setup
Date of testing                          :   14.08.2019
Input voltage                            :   AC 120V/60Hz
Operation mode                           :   A.1
Test channel                             :   Low / Middle / High
Ambient temperature                      :   25 ℃
Relative humidity                        :   56 %
Atmospheric pressure                     :   101 kPa

Table 6: Test Result of Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power

                         Channel        Measured Peak Output Power              Limit
     Test Mode          Frequency
                                             (dBm)             (W)               (W)
                           2402              3.21            0.00209
        BDR                2441              3.19            0.00208           < 0.125
                           2480              3.15            0.00207
                           2402              3.51            0.00224
        EDR                2441              3.73            0.00236           < 0.125
                           2480              3.61            0.00230
Note: The cable loss is taken into account in results and the maximum e.i.r.p. is 6.23 dBm less than


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5.1.3 99% Bandwidth
RESULT:                                                                          Pass

Test Specification
Test standard                          :   RSS-Gen Clause 6.7
Basic standard                         :   ANSI C63.10: 2013
Kind of test site                      :   Shielded Room

Test Setup
Date of testing                        :   09.08.2019
Input voltage                          :   AC 120V/60Hz
Operation mode                         :   A.1
Test channel                           :   Low / Middle / High
Ambient temperature                    :   25 ℃
Relative humidity                      :   56 %
Atmospheric pressure                   :   101 kPa

Table 7: Test Result of 99% Bandwidth

                       Channel Frequency         99% Bandwidth   Limit
     Test Mode
                            (MHz)                    (kHz)       (kHz)

                             2402                      870
        BDR                  2441                      870         /
                             2480                      865
                             2402                      1200
        EDR                  2441                      1200        /
                             2480                      1195

For the measurement records, refer to the appendix B


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5.1.4 Conducted Spurious Emissions Measured in 100 kHz Bandwidth
RESULT:                                                                                          Pass

Test Specification
Test standard                           :   FCC Part 15.247(d)
                                            RSS-247 Clause 5.5
Basic standard                          :   ANSI C63.10: 2013
Limits                                  :   20dB (below that in the 100kHz bandwidth within the band
                                            that contains the highest level of the desired power);

Kind of test site                       :   Shielded Room

Test Setup
Date of testing                         :   08.08.2019
Input voltage                           :   AC 120V/60Hz
Operation mode                          :   A.1
Test channel                            :   Low / Middle / High
Ambient temperature                     :   25 ℃
Relative humidity                       :   56 %
Atmospheric pressure                    :   101 kPa

Test results of 100kHz Bandwidth of Frequency Band Edge by Conducted method refer to following test
plot, and compliance is achieved as well.

For the measurement records, refer to the appendix B.


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5.1.5 Radiated Spurious Emission
RESULT:                                                                                            Pass

Test Specification
Test standard                            :   FCC Part 15.247(d) & FCC Part 15.205
                                             RSS-247 Clause 3.3
Basic standard                           :   ANSI C63.10: 2013
Limits                                   :   Refer to 15.209(a) of FCC part 15.247(d)
                                             RSS-Gen Table 6 & Table 7
Kind of test site                        :   3m Semi-anechoic Chamber

Test Setup
Date of testing                          :   01.08.2019 - 08.08.2019
Input voltage                            :   AC 120V/60Hz
Operation mode                           :   A.1, B
Test channel                             :   Low / Middle / High
Ambient temperature                      :   23 ℃
Relative humidity                        :   56 %
Atmospheric pressure                     :   101 kPa

During the pretest the EUT was rotated through three orthogonal axes to determine the attitude that
maximizes the emissions. After that the EUT was manually handled to find the orientation that has the
maximum emission, which is the orientation shown in the test set-up photos.

Testing was carried out within frequency range 9kHz to the tenth harmonics.

For the measurement records, refer to the appendix C.


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5.1.6 20dB Bandwidth
RESULT:                                                                                 Pass

Test Specification
Test standard                           :   FCC Part 15.247(a)(1)
                                            RSS-247 Clause 5.1(a)
Basic standard                          :   ANSI C63.10: 2013
Kind of test site                       :   Shielded Room

Test Setup
Date of testing                         :   09.08.2019
Input voltage                           :   AC 120V/60Hz
Operation mode                          :   A.1
Test channel                            :   Low / Middle / High
Ambient temperature                     :   25 ℃
Relative humidity                       :   56 %
Atmospheric pressure                    :   101 kPa

Table 8: Test Result of 20dB Bandwidth

                        Channel           20dB            2/3 of 20dB
     Test Mode         Frequency        Bandwidth         Bandwidth
                         (MHz)            (kHz)              (kHz)
                          2402              930             620.000
        BDR               2441              930             620.000       /
                          2480              930             620.000
                          2402              1300            866.667
        EDR               2441              1295            863.333       /
                          2480              1295            863.333

For the measurement records, refer to the appendix B.


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5.1.7 Carrier Frequency Separation
RESULT:                                                                                               Pass

Test Specification
Test standard                            :   FCC Part 15.247(a)(1)
                                             RSS-247 Clause 5.1(b)
Basic standard                           :   ANSI C63.10: 2013
Limits                                   :   ≥ 25kHz or 2/3 of 20dB bandwidth, whichever is greater
Kind of test site                        :   Shielded Room

Test Setup
Date of testing                          :   09.08.2019
Input voltage                            :   AC 120V/60Hz
Operation mode                           :   B
Test channel                             :   Low / Middle / High
Ambient temperature                      :   25 ℃
Relative humidity                        :   56 %
Atmospheric pressure                     :   101 kPa

Table 9: Test Result of Carrier Frequency Separation

                                                              Channel             Limit
    Test Mode             Channel            Frequency                                                Result
                                                             Separation           (kHz)
                        Low Channel          2402.024752
                                                               980.198                                Pass
                     Adjacency Channel       2403.004950
                       Middle Channel        2441.024752                     ≥ 25kHz or 2/3 of
         BDR                                                   980.198                                Pass
                     Adjacency Channel       2442.004950                     20dB bandwidth

                       High Channel          2479.024752
                                                               980.198                                Pass
                     Adjacency Channel       2480.004950
                        Low Channel          2402.024752
                                                                   1010                               Pass
                     Adjacency Channel       2403.034653
                       Middle Channel        2441.024752                     ≥ 25kHz or 2/3 of
         EDR                                                       1010                               Pass
                     Adjacency Channel       2442.034653                     20dB bandwidth

                       High Channel          2479.024752
                                                                   1010                               Pass
                     Adjacency Channel       2480.034653

 The limit is maximum 2/3 of the 20 dB bandwidth: 885.1 KHz.
 For the measurement records, refer to the appendix B.


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5.1.8 Number of Hopping Frequency
RESULT:                                                                                   Pass

Test Specification
Test standard                           :    FCC part 15.247(a)(1)(iii)
                                             RSS-247 Clause 5.1(d)
Basic standard                          :    ANSI C63.10: 2013
Limits                                  :     15 non-overlapping channels
Kind of test site                       :    Shielded Room

Test Setup
Date of testing                         :    09.08.2019
Input voltage                           :    AC 120V/60Hz
Operation mode                          :    B
Ambient temperature                     :    25 ℃
Relative humidity                       :    56 %
Atmospheric pressure                    :    101 kPa

Table 10: Test Result of Number of Hopping Frequency

                          Measured Quantity of Hopping
    Frequency Range                                               Limit      Result
    2402 to 2480 MHz                        79                     15       Pass

 For the measurement records, refer to the appendix B.


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5.1.9 Time of Occupancy
RESULT:                                                                                          Pass

Test Specification
Test standard                           :    FCC part 15.247(a)(1)(iii)
                                             RSS-247 Clause 5.1(d)
Basic standard                          :    ANSI C63.10: 2013
Limits                                  :    < 0.4s
Kind of test site                       :    Shielded Room

Test Setup
Date of testing                         :    09.08.2019
Input voltage                           :    AC 120V/60Hz
Operation mode                          :    B
Test channel                            :    Low / Middle / High
Ambient temperature                     :    25 ℃
Relative humidity                       :    56 %
Atmospheric pressure                    :    101 kPa
Table 11: Test Result of Time of Occupancy

                                                   Pulse width      Measured
   Test Mode         Channel     Data Packet                                       Limit (s)
                                                      (ms)         Dwell time(s)

                                     DH1               0.395              0.126

        BDR            2441          DH3               1.660              0.266     < 0.4s

                                     DH5               2.924              0.312

                                     2DH1              0.401              0.128

        EDR            2441          2DH3              1.648              0.264     < 0.4s

                                     2DH5              2.906              0.310

Dwell time = Pulse width x (Hopping rate / Number of channels) x Period
Period = 0.4 x 79 (channel) = 31.6 seconds


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5.1.10              Conducted Emission on AC Mains
RESULT:                                                                  Pass

Test Specification
Test standard                           :   FCC Part 15.207(a)
                                            RSS-Gen Clause 8.8
Basic standard                          :   ANSI C63.10: 2013
Frequency range                         :   0.15 – 30MHz
Limits                                  :   FCC Part 15.207(a)
                                            RSS-Gen Table 4
Kind of test site                       :   Shielded Room

Test Setup
Date of testing                         :   07.08.2019
Input voltage                           :   AC 120V/60Hz
Operation mode                          :   C
Earthing                                :   Not connected
Ambient temperature                     :   25 ℃
Relative humidity                       :   56 %
Atmospheric pressure                    :   101 kPa

For the measurement records, refer to the appendix C.


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6 Safety Human Exposure

6.1 Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance

6.1.1 Electromagnetic Fields
RESULT:                                                                                           Pass

Test Specification
Test standard                              :   CFR47 FCC Part 2.1091
                                               RSS-102 Issue 5 March 2015
                                               FCC KDB Publication 447498 v06
Limit                                      :   CFR47 FCC Part 1.1310

The separation distance of the EUT should be 50mm.The measured maximum conducted power of the
EUT is 3.73dBm ≈ 2.36 mW , which is far below the SAR exclusion threshold level 96mW (Appendix A,
SAR Test Exclusion Thresholds for 100 MHz – 6 GHz and ≤50 mm), hence the EUT is
excluded from SAR evaluation according to FCC KDB publication 447498 D01: Mobile and Portable RF
Exposure. Guidance v06.

The separation distance of the EUT should be 50mm.The measured maximum specified e.i.r.p of the
EUT is 6.23dBm ≈ 4.20mW, which is far below the SAR exclusion threshold level 309mW, hence the
EUT is excluded from SAR evaluation according to RSS-102 Issue 5 section 2.5.1.


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7 Photographs of the Test Set-Up
For photographs of the test set-up, refer to the appendix A.

8 List of Tables
Table 1: List of Test and Measurement Equipment.......................................................................6
Table 2: Technical Specification of EUT........................................................................................9
Table 3: RF Channel and Frequency of Bluetooth ......................................................................10
Table 4: Frequency Hopping Information ....................................................................................11
Table 5: List of Accessories and Auxiliary Equipment.................................................................13
Table 6: Test Result of Maximum Peak Conducted Output Power .............................................17
Table 7: Test Result of 99% Bandwidth ......................................................................................18
Table 8: Test Result of 20dB Bandwidth .....................................................................................21
Table 9: Test Result of Carrier Frequency Separation ................................................................22
Table 10: Test Result of Number of Hopping Frequency ............................................................23
Table 11: Test Result of Time of Occupancy ..............................................................................24

Document Created: 2019-09-19 14:56:13
Document Modified: 2019-09-19 14:56:13

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