User Manual


Users Manual

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MancalEation1.0, Oc 2011

Edfer bnomatonalLtd.
                                                                                                               Mukltimedia Speaker
Sue tero
180 For, Tover i.
Uppo Conte,
60 Oveenmmay
Fona Korg
To: sns2500 caco
Fae +ese asce roen
©2011 Edter btomatonalLintes Alrgts rsenved
Pirted in Giea
For hanasd t ttricl improvement and stem uparadenfommaton cartaed heran may be sitjet t chango
o tna to tna wihout prorratce
Preducts f Este wl e custoize to ifret anpleatons, Rtires an svatons shoun on ¥is manualmay
h alglydifeent om actalproduct f any frence s fund, heacval posuct provals                       User manud |Marcel utisatw| Manua! do ussaro |Beensngsaratirg [ Marsal olerte

|        Important safety instruction                                                                                                 Unpack the Box & Connectivity
|   WAANING To redieth iol re o lt stod, d rt apose ts pparatusto rin or misure                  ecxcomtents:
|   Ned  bean hn tthe olheSte ie aned m waitcs slhate maf n un
    coanes mdnt Beatyes Ne uhion a ohne arrarnan pemonleonnoceiepon
|   sefom m esoandieoo                                                                                       Pover sich (uthindated

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    11 BGedtahoeiacemtenedtadb
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                                                        L                                         Connectivity:
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       Prreearnh oldeaite  P Teg tPRARTLTNE
                     upinaie         Neuen         oc  l   in t toanhavemmatt
                                                           mbernain    50mc i e opoet
       EieRecieS          onl  un  oi   en                                                                                               1,Comecthe stetespate l o theSpener

    1 REYiRGpin t i mphnct ce mil ie dni t dcerec dac l enudepente                                                                          Out poon e backot h ssbnooke
|                                                                                                                                        2,Comect e renote cartolto h 0B3 comedor
            Ohnely it tcsant paRadetoie pecid ye randaci, o lt w e apus: Than acarlskse                                                     por at e backot h subnoodr
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|                                                                                                                                           speateronathe mOn/Of sutch on h bckpanel.
|           e apoalfis poics Ti raingncaes ttis eslt t o dere t obhasetltvats trospt
            tb B o rov piblhn ohesnt o ‘ura it fon vantol ie doal eoce ropesty o pvncte      |                                           A, Pyour Blatooh doves t the "Eier E2350fr
|           t natanide et nawal ues Torein yd t is e e en adctetaapteo on terealr
    um se tepmiamipetnel No on titapodabreminimeninengars                                    |                                              Bhetoth audo stearing oto e 35mn ine n
|                                                                                            |                                              loated onthebackofthe subnooteor auciay
                                                                                                                                            ioitbated on e wiredrencie
            1iengentsaOee tmcitedchara lcA us bendesipsin nc a uybath ds t oae n aley        }                                           5. Adusthemaste voline and bass vimmer beaed
                                                                                                                                            on he backofthesubvoote o a conorate xd

2. Wiedtm
                           ‘   1: StyourBuetothenibld daves(compter,moble phone,tabltet,) to sefr and se the "cdfer ES350®
                                 derc en e comectonis made,thIgt ns located onh topo the subnaner un and on the vired
uen                        |     contolerallhinge o.
4 Speteroupst              |   3 Mpgone doi:
s. oc                          3,Dscannect yordevc fom h *Gdfer E3350"when changngta ow nput source.
6. Ns volme contel
7. Uiht hias poveinfctor       a en sng audo sigasfom the Ini and naing a suich t yourBctot erabed devce and n audo oupet is
8 Heaighore cupt                 proticd:Tam h E3350 ot and back on agan
9.35mm sereias AlXiput         a 1 bo th indcatorltts e l (bth on subwterand ied contole and there is o ud outptand yor
10.Mredcontole comedtr           Buetootenabledaiestows that ts caeted o the "Rater E3350Mease dscomect and recomect he
                                 Bueteoth on your Buetooth evbled deic.
                               1: ThBuetot recerispemanenly turmed on and sercingorth Bbetooth erbled eve paredvth "Eier
                                  E3950 Blmoat s h pinary inutslecion en h E3250 is ured onand pared
                      Bheton erable derc isfound o pied uin th E3350the n3 Sm jick wl bthe et atonatc
                                  sdeded oo
                               3.Ifan udserce is conmededto he ALXutxk onthe ied renot convolit E2350 wl actonatcaly play
                                  this sgrl and the indator lt on the subnoolr and renot cortelwl urre. hen dscomeced fom the ALX
                                  inh sptem ilastonatialy sdethe pared Buetooth erbled deie oh comeced Ininrput
                               Note: a The efecie rangeis 10n.
                                        8 P1 code o comecionis 0000 frequred.



  Poveroaps            : rs oi x2 (ho + N =10%, o=idly                                M Notallspeatersfunction:
                                                                                          Phease is chc t hspeater ies arcommeded sn thn checithe Unin conedors e remrse;
                      oi s oi(+ t =t0%, o=eon)                                            dhedk alboi ie audo souce i atait
  Sgnilto roseraie    zesam                                                           M Onesatelitespeakerdoes notfunction when playing CD rom computer
  Dstorien            soss                                                              Thiind o pheromena is rone o happen on newconpitrsstens that o salelte dosnofncionuhen
  bputsenstity        Un n A: som + Sont             Si€ som + stt                      plafeg CD,bat soten versfrewhenplyig WX ormaed es. Thi mal daet theftcomecton of
                                                                                        0M an sound card that onechamd o sigrlisshotedt the grond.Flase refr to he mnca o
                      Ausi: RR:SSon : Sont           t asom+ sont                       0M and ound card t adust h ie comecton
  bpsttpe             Bhetot [AK                                                      M System does not workatal
  Freqserg response   At: roote—20te           on sote~rsoe                             1: Peasechedf poveis comecid, and h wlloutis sutced on
  Mustnen:            Yolme adusinent on weed convolBass adusinet on hesubwocer         2. Peas ched the anpiteis l in STBY node
                                                                                        3. ease hedc he mstervme urned to miizun
  Bass uit            5 nch (13tra,Magretcaly Stelded50.                                4Pras chedtheaudout catle is correced corecly
  Marange uit         2¥irch (Zorn},MagreiclyShidted, 4                                 5, ease chedt hre is sipalfom audo surce
  Trecterunt          @190 s onMagretcalyStlded4.                                     M Noise coming from speaters:
  Oirenion            Subreec 218() x 199(x 2940) mm                                    Anolfer eeut of is prodact genenes ie nose, uhle h bckgrandnase ofsane CO/DVD lyeror conputer
                                                                                        sound car are o ighPlease lep the ptem i aciv madeand renove h audosourc, n sund can be herd
                      Sueite:960) x 234(x1180) am                                       at 1 mte avayran tsyiem, thenthre sn proben withts rodict
  Ne / Gosseigh        a1t975.1%0                                                     M Magneticinterference:
                                                                                        This pte s conplte agrtcalystielded,and can b laced rear TV or mortorBsce magetofthe
                                                                                        subneolerdiveris lage,sone nagrtim letageis nevtable when h sptemsto doeto he montar, and
                                                                                        is recanmended t eepa 1 metrdsarcbtveen h speater pten and monto o TV et
                                                                                      TBR fyou have any further questions or concems regarding Edifer Products:
                                                                                          Plasevst ou vebste at iaadfercom,orenllRdfe Sppor olather asitaceat manedercon,
                                                                                          Iyouprfr, you ma contc usb hone,Tol Free: 1877—£0FIER (394—3037)

§rimeimimimimimmnmmmniniminninnimitmimmmminiinmiemimmimn                                   mirmimimim


     AVERTSSEMENT:Adednide s iss ncendasoude chcs deciass.nepaseposer ce apprel a lue ou                Contenu de Femballage:
     Nss ari nds pot atr dxpac           pitatie e eaul o ond uoc uis td nitae hsn oo                               inempte ainentation

     nsit fraa ninErghs in C d poanae twit mntineet o mt ie ooratn c ntoneen
     ie prdeperumuce in Yaitbre sigrmntren onun doveni naurt voe ied

               A  nece tdphiwrte
               eaeinime    Psiis   M
                                     ntenond dua dhatnes.
                                   wnlonkcint(ataed hn
                                                                 seechnatnihovier Cns

     iifimtcioectnunce             weninene    en
                                   Woonbantedeiine               pmnsonk
                                                                 incontaeet [r(r:::m)n
     Masfamnind      uh           mnenemenimens
     unsrs, mouame
     $E               iommpoyeees
                      M   Vc                                                                                                                                                         %]
     HMarei      uce
     Eim msstaainons  t                                                                                                                   HaneldeTuilssiwr       ie  ce mccotene
                                                                                                                                                                 rtaudo35 en 35 in
     1 eenmaaanataranaarnes
          eneooonc npeuew is ccetsue h o aitesemoimwe i
        feriemnnenomanen                         enninnnemniionke
                                                                                                                                             1: Bancher e cile d hastparla stelte, au porta
        Pereraaneo                   h nPsnemmmearamnn ie
                            nssamoaespatameeiis                              un                                                                «SpeaerOut Frtie dcasson d grves
     it enmnare
                                                                                                                                             2. Brache s iiomnande se portconrecr D89
        ARRRRR TNEATSmc tmtierooaoeunmimane sninsdstaind                                                     _                                  A Tartieducasson de bsses
                                                                                                                                             3. Bancre e cordon almeniaton dans s rse nure,
     © ooaireons
            nsnenstenesenns      oo eneoe areolsnzn                                                                                             alinme ie astarr aec rtempwprncalOn /
                                                                                                                                                O sul parreas artre

     £>     foinroninanenmaancarraumninss
            Emradncarmaed ce ot C   yc se ue Eeepcpndt e d e id anc se is ntapes                                                             4 Assode re plhire Blooh aee 1 Bthr
                                                                                                                                                E3950 pourl steanig audoBltootouie
            norecaonimimnenienmeooo uesd «
            Tenmoresnr o un stt hre uic nncorie nds Preunel itutss
                                                                                                                                                35 mem state a Farre dcalson de basses oude

                                                                                                                                                Tenirte aailare stuéesr s icommande are
             Us un pot eCs o mm agpre dcvie
             (manite                     ies 1 dadl tm cng ® d o e ncrste wmctoner stest                                                     5, lz e voime princpaleebeston de égage ces
                                                                                                                                                basses stt Fare i calsondesbasses i un
                                                                                                                                                riea codotbl.

                                     reressopus‘sqo09 is uenosien ured Noo n e
                                                        ‘wot opims onpappameden e moy
svenisesaniep suBa|rogoosse uensnedum onbedhnd j uaumrbgnuoine sovomips sumsts o y
  ooo posumng is Lrbsey adra pomap apmusesiaui soseq ap uessm 1 ns unlat j ube s
 wousnbnuie umupe osceaenapimuscaapi w p ynyanainp anid o agoaiweis opre manos ons c
                                                   wousntaruamoqwomnps on t avours
 uio uis aaaump i ap t e on toccene gonss o yoisgpsu uensabedhd uromis 2
   sooss s aungesoseeso arbsal anesod snnpuoiuis toomnns a1> osee 3 mupan| t ucss s
uooandurs parddep pmpaiu t snoor s i i uamund veleap purpe is yoomnis noxbon o1 1

                                                          ©ysoong ondum jandd azon ns
  wrenong orenswwnn is repsieen x asee3 mans t owistb aniou nooong aauedue prndte          arry spunos yop mepawep o1
  ananartsop uosap seeA us io (ury opveum y i sasse o vosen osrase svnfaaapsis          inyman ause us o ooms onl s
                                 semunieiocees 1 udn sp e e 5s is "userng semeduca                        srtsn snes s
        pundd srony uocoun mnpage i aamp ault o w vopre insp on seov ty a                sommpurep ntopacome wloy t
                                                                      abeuzeda                     meey sunorapmiep s
                      (soiiep saosap afvwsnananbsosee mmo fardde ano apowng e                                  »ua‘s
                                                                     qmrdicsnonmny‘e                  mpntaneyues s
                                                 ror wiop areyspimunon yns i somsqop                     sbtneaan c
     cesme p esa is anus nouuny vouta argen im uesouses uhy x asee2 mgra* mwcomags
       mapopay nod (ansn enmod soout in narup) goorng anueduc» oride anos mfi 1                  ory spmunon y ononyg 2
                                                                                                      soseg s ty ‘1

                                                                   wrooron|g @


                                                                                                                                                        EneEe Seces
Pussarc desorie        oims oilx 2 ho + N =10%, 0=t                                          Tous ies hautparleursne fonctionnent pas
                                                                                             Vulerabrd vier s es clles t hasepafeson comeésde maniesécarstepus irfe ies comedeurs
                       sir s on ho + 1 =t0%o=soll                                            «ts (Unesn ) sortimersi, véic aus s a un it ds source aude.
Rapport sgnlu but      2ssam                                                                 Un des Haut—parlears nefonctionne paslors e la lecture un CD surfordinateu:
Dstorion               sosm                                                                  C tpe e hinanineet uscptie d se roduresrdenemreat sptines lrdraturs un stt n fectorne
Sershindentrte         Entéede lgn: D6850m : Somt            S ASom + sonv                   pastor dealecire un C nas e stime fontonnee rs di ecurede ies omatis en IAL,Colet
                                                                                             prncpalnent 00 un dtat d connen dCD—R0M e de acart s un caral dsst rel l masseVeiler
                       Ent ue DGSSOmt Sont                   5it 5on+ stt                    vousrilreau nandelda CD—AOMtd a cate on pouréger la conetn di.
Tpe dentie:            Buetot /A                                                             Le systime ne fonetionne pas du tout:
Riponse n riouerce:    06: roove—20ie           s sote~raote                                 1    Veutes  ersfappara es banché ts a pisemuiles soutenson.
Righge                 Pgtage i vahme su i ticommande Rae,riglagedesbases sls cssn dbasses   2.   Veuteziiersl voime prrepa es rigas minmum.
                                                                                             3.   Veutesiersl citle dente ud es coredenentbarché.
Unté de basses         5 powes(13tma, bindage magnéique, 52                                  4    Veuteziter s1y a un sgral dla soure auco
Ynté dehiea deganne:   2% posces(Tonn), inéage magntine, 19                                  5.   Yeutesihersh source udes meete.
Unté desams            @19nn dine de son, bindagemagnéique, 42                               1y a du brutdans es haut—parieurs:
Oienson                Casson ds basses: 248(x 199(x 234(am                                  Udgapenentd Fanpifatsr de c podut t ce pede buitalrs uis but d fond d crais es VCODID
                                                                                             ou h carte on de Forirtesotap es eulz see sstine on mode ctf o reterlasurceaudo. S uon
                       Sacite: 960 x 23400 xt18(P) mm                                        soonlstertendy 1 mitrdhyptine,los il a uen robline rece produt.
Poidset/bout           aita 5 ite                                                            Interrence magnétique:
                                                                                             C sptineestentirenenprotig magnitqvenen et pst re lt prisune TV ou un nontevs, Mal pusaue
                                                                                             Tairandu cassonde bssesesttopgos, un itede magnétoneestinvtatle rsque Fapareestopprisdo
                                                                                             montear et es recaninandédgarder 1 mitededotaneentre e sstinehautpatea et is monteo o postede T.
                                                                                             Sivous aver dautres questions ou préoccupations concernant es Produts Edtfer:
                                                                                             Veule consuternotr ste Ineme: waadfercon, ou emoyez un courtela RdfeSpport pourdaantage dide
                                                                                             man@efercom,S voprfire, vous poornous cortcter pa tlighore,Numir Gatit: 147—EDFIER G30—3027).

Document Created: 2011-12-15 11:38:03
Document Modified: 2011-12-15 11:38:03

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