User Manual


Users Manual

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Important Safety Instructions .............................................................................................1
    Safety .......................................................................................................................................................................................1
    Warning ..................................................................................................................................................................................2

What’s in the Box ...................................................................................................................4
Identifying the Parts .............................................................................................................5
    Main Unit ...............................................................................................................................................................................5
    Wire Subwoofer...................................................................................................................................................................5
    Remote Control ...................................................................................................................................................................6

Preparations ..........................................................................................................................6
    Prepare the Remote Control ...........................................................................................................................................6
    Replace the Remote Control Battery ...........................................................................................................................6
    Placement and Mounting ................................................................................................................................................7
    Wall Mounting (if using option-B) ................................................................................................................................7

Connections ...........................................................................................................................8
    Use the OPTICAL Socket ...................................................................................................................................................8
    Use the COAXIAL Socket ..................................................................................................................................................8
    Use the AUX Socket............................................................................................................................................................8
    Connect Power.....................................................................................................................................................................9

Pairing the Wireless Subwoofer with the Main Unit ..........................................................9
    Automatic pairing ...............................................................................................................................................................9
    Manual pairing .....................................................................................................................................................................9

Basic Operation ...................................................................................................................10
    Standby/ON ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
    Select Modes ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
    djust the Volume .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
    Select a Preset Sound Effect ........................................................................................................................................ 10

AUX/OPTICAL/COAXIAL Operation ...................................................................................10
Bluetooth Operation ...........................................................................................................11
    Pair Bluetooth-enabled Devices ................................................................................................................................. 11
    Listen to Music from Bluetooth Device ................................................................................................................... 11

USB Operation .....................................................................................................................12
Specifications ......................................................................................................................13

                        Important Safety Instructions
                                                                and a third grounding prong. The wide
                   CAUTION                                      blade or the third prong is provided for
              RISK OF ELECTRIC SHOCK                                     
                   DO NOT OPEN
                                                                into your outlet, consult an electrician for
   CAUTION: TO REDUCE THE RISK OF ELECTRIC                      replacement of the obsolete outlet.
   SHOCK, DO NOT REMOVE COVER (OR BACK).                   10   Protect the power cord from being walked
   NO USER-SERVICEABLE PARTS INSIDE. REFER                      o n o r p i n c h e d p a r t i c u l a r l y a t p l u g s,
                                                                convenience receptacles, and the point
        The lightning flash with arrowhead                      where they exit from the apparatus.
        symbol, within an equilateral triangle,                      
        is intended to alert the user to the                    by the manufacturer.
        presence of uninsulated “dangerous                 12                Use only with the cart, stand,
        voltage” within the product’s enclosure                                !     
        that may be of sufficient magnitude as                              by the manufacturer, or sold with
        to constitute a risk of electric shock to                           the apparatus. When a cart or
        persons.                                                            rack is used, use caution when
        The exclamation point within an                         moving the cart/apparatus combination to
        equilateral triangle is intended to                     avoid injury from tip-over.
        aler t the user to the presence of                 13   Unplug the apparatus during lightning
        important operating and maintenance                     storms or when unused for long periods of
        (servicing) instructions in the literature              time.
        accompanying the appliance.                        14   Refer all servicing to qualified personnel.
Safety                                                          Servicing is required when the apparatus
                                                                has been damaged in any way, such as
1 Read these instructions – All the safety                      power supply cord or plug is damaged,
   and operating instructions should be read                    liquid has been spilled or objects have
   before this product is operated.                             fallen into the apparatus, the unit has been
2 Keep these instructions – The safety and                      exposed to rain or moisture, does not
   operating instructions should be retained                    operate normally, or has been dropped.
   for future reference.
                                                           15        This equipment is a Class II or double
3 Heed all warnings – All warnings on the                       insulated electrical appliance. It has been
   appliance and in the operating instructions                  designed in such a way that it does not
   should be adhered to.                                        require a safety connection to electrical
4 Follow all instructions – All operating and                   earth.
   usage instructions should be followed.                  16   The apparatus shall not be exposed to
5 Do not use this apparatus near water –                        dripping or splashing. No objects filled with
   The appliance should not be used near water                  liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the
   or moisture – for example, in a wet basement                 apparatus.
   or near a swimming pool and the like.                   17   Minimum distance around the apparatus
6 Clean only with a dry cloth.                                  for sufficient ventilation is 5cm.
7 Do not block any ventilation openings.                   18   The ventilation should not be impeded
   Install in accordance with the manufacturer’s                by covering the ventilation openings with
   instructions.                                                items, such as newspapers,table-cloths,
8 Do not install near any heat sources such as                  curtains, etc…
   radiators, heaters, stoves, or other apparatus          19   No naked flame sources, such as lighted
                                   candles, should be placed on the apparatus.
9. Do not defeat the safety purpose of the                 20   Batteries should be recycled or disposed of
   polarized or grounding plug. A polarized                     as per state and local guidelines.
   plug has two blades with one wider than                 21   The use of apparatus in moderate climates.
   the other. A grounding plug has two blades


• Caution:                                                       DO NOT INGEST BATTERY,CHEMICAL
-   Use of controls or adjustments or                            BURN HAZARD
    performance of procedures other than                         The remote control supplied with this
    those described herein, may result in                        product contains a coin/button cell battery.
    hazardous radiation exposure or other                        If the coin/button cell battery is swallowed,
    unsafe operation.                                            it can cause severe internal burns in just
-   To reduce the risk of fire or electric shock,                2 hours and lead to death. Keep new and
    do not expose this apparatus to rain or                      used batteries away from children. If the
    moisture. The apparatus must not be                          batter y compar tment does not close
    exposed to dripping or splashing and                         securely, stop using the product and keep
    objects filled with liquids, such as vases,                  it away from children. If you think batteries
    must not be placed on apparatus.                             might have been swallowed or placed
-   The mains plug/appliance coupler is used                     inside any part of the body, seek immediate
    as the disconnect device, the disconnect                     medical attention.
    device must remain readily operable.
-   Danger of explosion if battery is incorrectly
    replaced. Replace only with the same or
    equivalent type.

Warning                                                      Correct Disposal of this product. This marking
•   The battery (batteries or battery pack) shall            indicates that this product should not be
    not be exposed to excessive heat such as                 disposed with other household wastes
    sunshine, fire or the like.                              throughout the EU. To prevent possible
                                                             harm to the environment or human health
•   Before operating this system, check the
                                                             from uncontrolled waste disposal, recycle it
    voltage of this system to see if it is identical
                                                             responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of
    to the voltage of your local power supply.
                                                             material resources. To return your used device,
•   Do not place this unit close to strong                   please use the return and collection systems
    magnetic fields.                                         or contact the retailer where the product was
•   Do not place this unit on the amplifier or               purchased. They can take this product for
    receiver.                                                environmental safe recycling.
•   Do not place this unit close to damp areas
    as the moisture will affect the life of the
    laser head.
•   If any solid object or liquid falls into the
    system, unplug the system and have it
                                                             We hereby declares that this product is in
    checked by qualified personnel before
                                                             compliance with the essential requirements
    operating it any further.
                                                             and other relevant provisions of Directive
•   Do not attempt to clean the unit with                    2014/53/EU.
    chemical solvents as this may damage the
    finish. Use a clean, dry or slightly damp
•   When removing the power plug from the
    wall outlet, always pull directly on the plug,           The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are
    never yank on the cord.                                  registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth
•   Changes or modifications to this unit not                SIG, Inc. We are the licensee to use such marks.
    expressly approved by the party responsible              Other trademarks and trade names are those of
    for compliance will void the user’s authority            their respective owners.
    to operate the equipment.
•   The rating label is pasted on the bottom or
    back of the equipment.
•   This equipment complies with FCC radiation               M a n u f a c t u re d u n d e r l i ce n s e f ro m D o l by
    exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled            Laboratories. Dolby and the double-D symbol
    environment. This equipment should be                    are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.
    installed and operated with minimum distance
    20cm between the radiator & your body.


For U.S. models

                                        FCC Information
Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.”
• This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,
    pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection
    against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can
    radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
    may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
• However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this
    equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
    determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the
    interference by one or more of the following measures:
- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio / TV technician for help.
• This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two
(1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired

• IC Notice:
This device complies with Canada Industry licence-exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference. and (2) this device must accept any
interference. Including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
CAN ICES-3 (B) / NMB-3 (B)

Avis d’Industrie Canada
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exem pts de
licence L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes:
(1) I'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) I'utillsateur de I'appareil doit accepterbrouillage
radioélectrique subi meme si le brouillage est susceptible d'encompromettre le fonctionnement. mauvais
fonctionnement de I'appareil.


          Product Overview                                                                                  GB
                                                     1       2          3              4
          Main Unit
          Front View

                                                                     6 7 8   9


          1.     Button                                      6. STANDBY Indicator
               Switch the unit between On and                   In STANDBY mode: Light up Red.
               Standby mode.                                 7. AUX 1 / AUX 2 Indicator
          2. SOURCE Button                                      In AUX 1 mode: Light up Green.
             Select the input source.                           In AUX 2 mode: Flash in Green.
          3. MUTE button                                     8. OPTICAL Indicator
             Mute or resume the sound.                          In OPTICAL mode: Light up Orange.
          4. VOL – / + Button                                9. HDMI '6/$5*0/ Indicator
             Adjust the volume.                                 In HDMI ARC mode: Light up White.
          5. Remote Control Sensor
             Receive signal from the remote control.

          Rear View

               8                                                                                  8

                                         1   2   3       4       5               6 7

          1. SUBWOOFER OUT Socket                            5. AUX 1 (BD/DVD) Socket
          2. AC~Socket                                          Connect to an external audio device.
             Connect a power cord.                           6. AUX 2 (BD/DVD) Socket
          3. OPTICAL (TV/BD/DVD) Socket                         Connect to an external audio device.
             Connect to an external audio device.            7. HDMI Socket
          4. SERVICE ONLY Socket                             8. Wall Bracket Screws
             The USB socket is for service only. It is
             not designed to charge smartphones,
             tablets or similar devices.

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GB           Subwoofer

             Remote Control
             1.     Button
                  Switch the unit between On and
                  Standby mode.
                                                     1   2
             2. DEFAULT Button
                Press to resume the default sound
                effect setting.
             3. VOL + / – Buttons                        4
                Adjust the volume.                   3
             4. BASS – / + Buttons
                Adjust the bass sound level.
             5. MUTE Button                              6
                Mute the unit or resume the sound.
             6. TREBLE – / + Buttons
                Adjust the treble sound level.
             7. AUX 1/ 2 Button
                Switch between AUX 1 / AUX 2
                                                     8   9
             8. HDMI ARC Button
                Press to switch to HDMI ARC mode.
             9. OPTICAL Button
                Press to switch to OPTICAL mode.


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          Preparation                                                                                                           GB

          First-time Use of Remote Control
          The unit has a pre-installed lithium CR2025 battery.
          Remove the protective tab to activate the remote control battery.

          Battery Replacement for the Remote Control
          1. Gently push the tab of the battery tray in and
             slide it free from the remote control.
          2. Replace with a new CR2025 battery.

          3. Slide the tray back into the remote control.
             There will be a click once it is back in place.

               Handling the Battery
               t Improper or incorrect use of batteries may cause corrosion or battery leakage, which could cause fire,
                  personal injury or damage to property.
               t Only use the battery type indicated in this manual.
               t Do not install new batteries with used ones and do not mix different types of batteries.
               t Do not dispose of used batteries as domestic waste. Dispose of them in accordance with local

               Handling the Remote Control
               t Do not drop the remote control.
               t Do not allow anything to impact the remote control.
               t Do not spill water or any liquid on the remote control.
               t Do not place the remote control on a wet object.
               t Do not place the remote control under direct sunlight or near sources of excessive heat.
               t Remove the battery from the remote control when not in use for a long period of time, as corrosion or
                  battery leakage may occur and result in physical injury, and / or property damage, and / or fire.
               t When the battery is exhausted, the remote control will not function.

          Remote Control Operation
          t   The remote control sensor on the front
               unit is sensitive to the remote control’s                                    30°      30°
               commands up to a maximum of 6 metres                                          Max. 6 m
               away and within a maximum of a 60° arc.
          t   Please note that the operating distance
               may vary depending on the brightness of
               the room.


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GB           Wall Mounting

                 t Installation must be carried out by qualified personnel only. Incorrect assembly can result in severe
                    personal injury and property damage (if you intend to install this product yourself, you must check
                    for installations such as electrical wiring and plumbing that may be buried inside the wall). It is the
                    installer’s responsibility to verify that the wall will safely support the total load of the soundbar.
                 t Additional tools (not included) are required for the installation.
                 t Do not overtighten screws.
                 t Keep this instruction manual for future reference.
                 t Use an electronic stud finder to check the wall type before drilling and mounting.

             1. Remove the screws from the main unit.

             2. Attach the wall brackets to the main unit with the screws removed from the main unit.

             3. Drill 2 parallel holes (Ø 3-8 mm each according to wall type) in the wall. The distance
                between the holes should be 764 mm.

                                                                  764 mm

                                                              Wall (Front view)


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          4. Firmly fix 1 dowel (included) into each hole in the wall if necessary.
                                                                      Solid wall (i.e., Solid brick,
                                                                      Solid concrete, Solid wood,
                                                                      Solid wooden battens)

                                                                      Drywall, Plaster wall,
                                                                      Lath wall, etc.

          5. Insert 1 screw (included) into each dowel. Be sure to leave a 5 mm gap between the
             wall and the screw’s head. Lift the unit over the heads of the screws and slot into place.

                                                                            5 mm

                                                                            25-30 mm


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GB           Speakers Placement

                                                                                    t The subwoofer should
                                                                                       be within 5 metres of
                                                                                       the soundbar in an
                                                                 SUBWOOFER             open area (the closer
                                                                                       the better).
                                                                                    t Do not put anything
                                                                                       on the top of the

             Soundbar carries most of the dialogue as well as music and effects.
             t   If your TV is placed on a table, you can place the soundbar on the table directly in front
                  of the TV stand, centred with the TV screen.
             t   If your TV is attached to a wall, you can mount the soundbar on the wall directly below
                  the TV screen.

             A subwoofer is designed to reproduce powerful low bass effects (explosions, the rumble of
             spaceships, etc.).
             t   The performance of a subwoofer is directly related to its placement in the listening
                  room. Experiment with placement before choosing a final location for your subwoofer.
                  Find the location where the bass performance is best.


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          Connections                                                                                                           GB

              This section involves various methods of connecting the product to other external components. Ensure
              all audio connections of the unit are connected before connecting to the mains power socket.

          Method 1: Optical Connection
          Use an optical cable (not included) to connect the soundbar’s OPTICAL socket to the
          OPTICAL OUT socket of the external device. The simplest option is to connect your
          soundbar directly to your TV. If you connect the soundbar to another external device (e.g.
          Blu-Ray player), you will hear the sound from that device through the soundbar.
          1. After connection, press          button on the unit or remote control to switch the unit on.
          2. Press SOURCE on the unit or OPTICAL on the remote control to select OPTICAL to play
             audio from your input device.

                                                    Rear View of the Soundbar

                                                                2        1
                                                                                   Optical cable (not included)


                                     Set-top Box

                            Blu-ray Player / DVD Player Satellite               Game               Video
                                    / Recorder          Receiver               Console            Camera

              The unit may not be able to decode all digital audio formats from the input source. In this case, the unit
              will mute. This is NOT a defect. Ensure that the audio setting of the input source (e.g. TV, game console,
              DVD player, etc.) is set to PCM (Refer to the user manual of the input source device for its audio setting
              details) with Optical input.


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GB           Method 2: HDMI Hub Connection

                 t Ensure HDMI cables that can support the ARC function are used.
                 t HDMI-CEC will be called different names by different manufacturers – please refer to your owner’s
                    manual for details on setting up HDMI-CEC and ARC.
                 t While using a HDMI cable for ARC function, CEC (Consumer Electronics Control) provides
                    interoperability between the unit and various devices (e.g. TV). However, this unit is not guaranteed to
                    fully operate with all HDMI-CEC enabled devices. This is NOT a defect.

             Using Your TV as a Hub
             The ARC (Audio Return Channel) function allows sound to travel to and from your ARC-
             compliant TV to your soundbar through a single HDMI connection. To enjoy the ARC
             function, please ensure that your TV is both HDMI-CEC and ARC compliant and set up
             accordingly. When correctly set up, the CEC feature allows you to adjust the volume output
             (VOL +/– and MUTE) of the soundbar with the TV remote control. When you switch your TV
             on/off with your remote control, your soundbar will also be switched on/off. Be patient that
             it might take a few seconds for your TV to tell your soundbar to switch on or off.
             Use this method to connect all your devices into your TV.
             1. Connect an HDMI cable (not included) from your soundbar’s HDMI ARC (TV) socket to
                the HDMI (ARC) socket on your ARC-compliant TV.
             2. After connection, press           button on the unit or remote control to switch the unit on.
             3. Press SOURCE on the unit or HDMI ARC on the remote control to select HDMI ARC
                mode to play audio from your input device.

                                                            HDMI Cable (not included)

                                      TV                                                Rear View of the Soundbar

                             Set-top Box   Blu-ray Player / DVD   Satellite    Game        Video
                                            Player / Recorder     Receiver    Console     Camera

                 The unit may not be able to decode all digital audio formats from the input source. In this case, the unit
                 will mute. This is NOT a defect. Ensure that the audio setting of the input source (e.g. TV, game console,
                 DVD player, etc.) is set to PCM (Refer to the user manual of the input source device for its audio setting
                 details) with HDMI input.


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          Method 3: AUX Connection                                                                                 GB
          1. Use a 3.5 mm to RCA stereo audio cable (not included) or a 3.5 mm to 3.5 mm stereo
             audio cable (included) to connect the soundbar’s AUX 1/ AUX 2 socket to the AUDIO
             OUT /HEADPHONES sockets of the external device.
          2. After connection, press           button on the unit or remote control to switch the unit on.
          3. Press SOURCE on the unit or AUX 1 / AUX 2 on the remote control repeatedly to select
             AUX 1 / AUX 2 to play audio from your input device.

                                                  Rear View of the Soundbar

             3.5 mm to RCA Stereo                                              3.5 mm to 3.5 mm Stereo
             Audio Cable (not included)                        OR              Audio Cable (included)

                                    Set-top Box

                                  Blu-ray Player / DVD   Satellite    Game      Video      MP3 Player or
                                   Player / Recorder     Receiver    Console   Camera      Mobile Device

              Ensure the colours on the cable plugs match with the colours on the input and output sockets.


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GB           Connecting the Subwoofer to the Soundbar
             Connect the subwoofer cable into the SUBWOOFER OUT sockect of the soundbar.

                         Rear View of the Soundbar

                                                                            Front View of the Subwoofer

             Connecting to the Mains Supply
             The soundbar is designed to operate with the supplied mains cable.

                 t   Connecting the unit to any other power source may damage the unit.
                 t   Ensure all audio connections of the unit are connected before connecting to the mains power socket.
                 t   Make sure the mains plug is firmly inserted into the mains socket.
                 t   To switch the unit off completely, remove the mains plug from the mains socket.
                 t   Please turn the unit off completely to save energy when not in use.
                 t   The mains cable are designed for this JVC soundbar only. DO NOT use the mains cable for other

                                  Rear View of the Soundbar

                                                                                           To the
                                                                                     mains socket

             Unwind the mains cable to its full length. Connect the end of the cable to the AC~ Socket
             at the rear of the unit and then connect the mains plug to the mains socket. Make sure the
             mains plug is fully inserted into the mains socket.


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          General Operation                                                                                  GB

          Standby / ON
          When you first connect the unit to the mains socket, the unit will be in Standby mode.
          t   Press    on the unit or on the remote control to switch the unit on.
          t   Press on the unit or on the remote control again to switch the unit back to Standby
               mode. The Power Indicator will light up red.

          Automatic Power Off Function
          The unit automatically turns to Standby mode after about 15 minutes if the TV or the
          external unit is disconnected, switched off or the volume is too close to mute.

               t To switch the unit off completely, remove the mains plug from the mains socket.
               t Please turn the unit off completely to save energy when not in use.

          Selecting Modes
          Press SOURCE on the unit repeatedly to select between AUX 1, AUX 2, OPTICAL, and
          HDMI ARC mode.

               t press AUX 1/ AUX 2 on the remote control to select AUX 1 and AUX 2 mode.
               t press OPTICAL on the remote control to select OPTICAL mode.
               t press HDMI ARC on the remote control to select HDMI ARC mode.

          Adjusting the Speaker Level Settings and Effects
          Adjusting the Volume
          t   Press VOL + / – to adjust the volume.
          t   If you wish to turn the sound off, press MUTE on the remote control. Press MUTE again,
               or press VOL + / – on the unit or on the remote control to resume normal listening.

          Adjusting the Bass Volume Level
          Press BASS + / – repeatedly to adjust the bass volume level.

          Adjusting the Treble Volume Level
          Press TREBLE + / – repeatedly to adjust the treble volume level.


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GB           AUX / Optical / HDMI Operation
             There are OPTICAL / AUX 1 / AUX 2 and HDMI ARC sockets located at the rear of the unit.
             1. Before connecting to the mains socket, ensure all the connections are completed.
             2. While in the On mode, press SOURCE on the unit repeatedly to select between AUX 1,
                AUX 2, OPTICAL, and HDMI ARC mode.

                 t press AUX 1/ AUX 2 on the remote control to select AUX 1 and AUX 2 mode.
                 t press OPTICAL on the remote control to select OPTICAL mode.
                 t press HDMI ARC on the remote control to select HDMI ARC mode.

             3. Operate your audio device directly for playback features.

                 While in OPTICAL/HDMI ARC mode, if there’s no sound output from the unit, ensure that the audio
                 setting of the input source (e.g. TV, game console, DVD player, etc.) is set to PCM (Refer to the user
                 manual of the input source device for its audio setting details) with OPTICAL/HDMI input.


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          Maintenance                                                                                                 GB

                 Ensure the unit is fully unplugged from the mains socket before cleaning.

          t     To clean the units, wipe the case with a slightly moist, lint-free cloth.
          t     Do not use any cleaning fluids containing alcohol, ammonia or abrasives.
          t     Do not spray aerosol at or near the unit.

          Hints and Tips
          If a problem does occur, it may often be due to something very minor. The following table
          contains various tips. If you require additional assistance please click on the link for Support
          Norway:                      Sweden:
          Denmark:                 Finland:

               Problem                         Solution
               No power.                       t Ensure the mains plug is connected.
                                               t Make sure that you select the On mode.
               The remote control does         t   Use the remote control near the unit.
               not function.                   t   Point the remote control at the remote sensor on the unit.
                                               t   Replace the battery in the remote control with a new one.
                                               t   Remove any obstacles between the remote control and
                                                    the unit.
               Loud hum or noise is            t The plugs and sockets are dirty. Wipe them with a cloth
               heard.                             slightly moistened with alcohol.
               No sound from                   Please try either one of the solutions below:
               the soundbar and                t Make sure that the unit is not muted. Press MUTE or
               subwoofer.                         VOL +/– button to resume normal listening.
                                               t Press on the unit or on the remote control to switch the
                                                  soundbar to standby mode. Then press the button again
                                                  to switch the soundbar on.
                                               t Unplug the soundbar from the mains socket, then plug it
                                                  in again. Switch on the soundbar.
                                               t Ensure the audio setting of the input source (e.g. TV, game
                                                  console, DVD player, etc.) is set to PCM mode while using
                                                  digital (e.g. HDMI, OPTICAL) connection.
                                               t The unit may not be able to decode all digital audio
                                                  formats from the input source. In this case, the unit will
                                                  mute. This is NOT a defect.

               The unit does not               t The unit may freeze up during use. Switch the unit off and
               respond when pressing              then on again at the mains socket to reset the unit.
               any buttons.


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Sound Bar
Power Supply ............................................................................................................................................... AC120V~ 60Hz
Power Consumption ...................................................................................................................................................... 30 W
Output Power ............................................................................................................................................................ 30 W x 2
USB Socket............................................................................................................................................................... 5V == 0.5A
Audio input sensitivity ............................................................................................................................................... 700mV
Frequency Response .................................................................................................................................. 120Hz - 20KHz
Unit Dimension (W x H x D)..............................................................................................................952 x 63 x 65.7 mm
Speaker Impedance ...................................................................................................................................................." # $ %

Version .................................................................................................................................................................................. V 4.2
Maximum power transmitted ..............................................................................................................................<20 dbm
Frequency bands............................................................................................................................2402 MHz ~ 2480 MHz

Remote Control
Distance ...................................................................................................................................................................................6m
Angle .......................................................................................................................................................................................30°
Battery Type ..................................................................................................................................................................CR2025
•     Design and specifications are subject to change without notice.
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Document Created: 2017-09-21 10:00:23
Document Modified: 2017-09-21 10:00:23

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