Part15B S-DoC


Cover Letter(s)

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                           Supplier‘s Declaration of Conformity

Responsible party details
Gompany name       seaven, uio
Address            5001 Dat Camon.Inne CAsr518.USA
GontactPerson      SatyName
Enai               whn@iope com
Phone No           omsee3e
Factis             ce2seie

Product details
Product              vua
Brand name           seaven
Modelname            vuta
Manstactuer          seaven uio
Address              5001 Dat Camon.Inne CAsr518.USA
W hareby decare thatthe equipmentbeaingth trade name and model nuriber specfadabove was tested anfiming to
the applestle CC Rulesunder he most accurate measorement standards possle,andthatalthe necessary stps have
been taken and arein frce t assure that producton unis of the same equipment wil contive to comply wih the
Commissin‘ requements
Applied Studarts                                                                           Report No
UntadStates OFR 7 Pan 15 Subpat 6 Elecamagnets Emssons (Uninentanal Redator)               aesmsronsi0
Th productcomplaswPar 15 o the FGO Rules, Operation x subjectto the fofoving two condians: (1)ths device may
not cavse harntulinteferance, and (2) hi device muntacceptany nerlerence reenived. includn inteference that may
eause undesied aperatin

                                                                    Pint rame: Salk Namic
                                                                    Oate ot: 0927 2018

Document Created: 2018-03-27 16:03:26
Document Modified: 2018-03-27 16:03:26

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