Letter of Agency


Cover Letter(s)

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                                   APPENDIX B

[Date] April 20, 2017
To whom it may concern,

                                   Letter of Agency

do hereby authorize Intertek Testing Services (Stella Yang) to act on our
behalf in front of the Federal Communications Commission with respect to
all matters relating to certification of equipment under Part 15 and/or Part
95 of the FCC Rules until further notice.

          l further certify that no party (as defined in §1.2002(b) of CFR 47,
2007) to this application, including myself, is subject to a denial of federal >
benefits, that includes FCC benefits, pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—
Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C., 862.


          thore (. 221. 42
[Name)] shaona Cai
[Title]    Vice preside

                                                                          ,Guangdong China
To whom it may concern,
                            Request for Permanent Confidentiality
                               Under FGG Part 15 Coi
                                 rcci         zeorxisstxk

       Requestis hereby submited by GUANGDONG 1c i                chno.0oy inpustria couttD
 to withnold permanenty from publc evew certin partons ofthe applcationfor equipmentcefcaton forte
 referenced FCC identffer, This reauestfor confidentalty s mad pursuant to 47 GFR § 0.497(0)and 0.459 of
the FCC Rules,In parteular, the folowing sectons of the appliation are to bekept permanently confidental and
                       suaNGDoNG                scHNotooy inpustRIAL Co..tD
reserves the right to discern which parties can obtain access to these information:
       Detailed Block diagrams
       Detailed OperationalfFunctional Description
The retionale for request for contfidentialty is as followings:
This information represents intellectual property of GUANGDONG FEILUN TECHNOL
                   \..L.TD and it is subject to compettion. We have invested considerable
time and materials in research and development to produce the referenced product
Disclosure of the permanently confidential portions ofthis application to competitors would
not only give them significant compeliive advantages in developing similar products, but
would also disclose successful implementation of unpublished, leading edge technology
developed by us

If you have questions or need furtherinformation, please contact the undersigned
  gor C
       i   Cai
Vee weiden


    Intertek C&E Management System                                                Page 1 of 4
                                                                                  Document No.:
    Regional Management System (RMS)                 Operations (OP)

                                                 Revision Date: N/A                              v
    Issue Date                                                                    Approved by: Nicholas Abbondante
                                                 Effective Date:
                                         CERTIFICATION AGREEMENT
                              U.S. FEDERAL COMMUNICATION COMMISSION ("FCC")

            THIS AGREEMENT made the 19               day of 4                , 20 17   by and between INTERTEK

    TESTING SERVICES NA, INC. ("INTERTEK") having offices at               70 Codman Hill Rd, Boxborough, MA 01719

    And     GUANGDONG FEILUN TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD                                                  having offices at
                                            (Client Company Name)                                                       f
    Laimei Industrial District,Fengxiang Chenghai, Shantou city.Guangdong,China
                                              (Client‘s Company Address)


             Whereas, INTERTEK provides a service for evaluating whether products provided by the Client comply with
    designated standards or specified requirements. Subject to the terms of this Certification Agreement, products found
    to be in compliance by INTERTEK may be eligible for inclusion on a list maintained by INTERTEK.

             Whereas, the Client desires to submit or has submitted certain devices, equipment, materials or systems
    manufactured by or for the Client to INTERTEK for evaluation in order that the product may be considered for
    Certification by INTERTEK.

            Whereas, if the submitted productis found to be eligible for Certification this Certification Agreement shall be
    executed by INTERTEK and the Client setting forth the terms and conditions to which the parties hereto must adhere.

            Whereas, for the purpose of this Agreement, the Client may be either, or any combination of, the Applicant,
    the Grantee, or the Responsible Party

            NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein expressed and other lawful and
    valuable consideration, the parties hereto agree as follows:

    1:      DEFINITIONS

            1A      Agent. The term Agent shall mean the party authorized by the Applicant to sign the certification
             1.2     Applicant. The term Applicant shall mean the party making certification application.
             1.3     Certification Report. The term Certification Report shall mean the document prepared by
    INTERTEK designated as such, which identifies the Applicant, the Agent, the Grantee, the Responsible Party and
    the Product, and specifies INTERTEK Requirements for the Product, including the type and form of any marking
    which must be used on or in connection with the Product and related information.
             1.4      Post—Market Surveillance. Post—market surveillance activities conducted by Telecommunication
    Certification Body (TCB) in accordance with ISO/IEC 17065 and 47 CFR Section 2.962(g)(2).
             1.6     Grantee. The term Grantee shall mean the party to whom the grant of authorization is issued.
             1.6     INTERTEK Requirements. The term INTERTEK Requirements shall mean (a) the requirements
    contained in the Certification Report, (b) the standard(s), if any, applicable to the Product, (c) the terms of this
    Certification Agreement, and, (d) any requirements separately applied as a condition of the Certification. Certifications
    performed by the Intertek TCB under the terms of this Agreement shall comply fully with existing FCC rules and
    regulations, including but not limited to 47 CFR 2.962 and 47 CFR68.162.

Intertek C&E Management System                                                   Page 2 of 4
                                                                                 Document No.:
 egional M Management System ( RMS) )              0 perations
                                                         ti     OoP
                                                               (OP)              RFT—AMER—TCE—OP—19¢

                                               Revision Date: N/A
Issue Date: 06—19—2014                                                           Approved by: Nicholas Abbondante
                                               Effective Date: 12/24/2014

         17      Certification. The term Certification shall mean the process which is authorized INTERTEK TCB to
review and grant an application for certification to the FCC rules.
        1.8     Product. The term Product shall mean a Client‘s device, equipment, material or system that has
been submitted for testing or evaluation found to be in compliance with FCC‘s rules, certification procedures and
approved to issue FCC grant of equipment authorization.
        1.9     Responsible Party. The term Responsible Party is the Grantee or, if the Product is modified by
other than Grantee or a party under Grantee‘s authority, the modifier becomes the Responsible Party.


        2.       Testing and Evaluation. INTERTEK is an independent laboratory providing testing and evaluation
services to determine whether representative samples of a Product comply with designated national and international
standards, specifications and/or codes. The Client understands and agrees that INTERTEK has only tested or
evaluated the submitted Product samples and does not guarantee or warrant the quality or compliance of all units of
the Product manufactured or produced by the Client. The Client further acknowledges that as an independent
laboratory, INTERTEK assumes no responsibility for the design of the Product.
         2.2    Client Obligations. Client shall inform INTERTEK in writing of any modifications made to the
Product. The Product will not be eligible for Certificationif it has been modified or changed by the Client after testing
or evaluation. The Client agrees to keep a record of all complaints made known to the client, relating to a Product‘s
compliance with INTERTEK‘s Requirements and to make these records available to INTERTEK, if requested. The
Client warrants that a quality control program is established and maintained to ensure Product compliance with the
INTERTEK Requirements.
         2.3      Reservation of Rights. Intertek reserves the right, upon reasonable notice to the Client, to re—
evaluate the Product. This re—evaluation may be the result of Follow—up Service, or other information that raises a
question concerning the conformance of the Product to Intertek Requirements.                                  §
         2.4      Revision or Withdrawal of the INTERTEK Requirements. INTERTEK reserves the right, upon
reasonable notice to the Client, to revise or withdraw the INTERTEK Requirements, as required to maintain
conformance with FCC rules and regulations governing the product. If the INTERTEK Requirements are revised, the
Client shall be entitled to continue Certification of the Product upon a demonstration to the satisfaction of INTERTEK
that the Product complies with the revised INTERTEK Requirements. If the INTERTEK Requirements are withdrawn,
the Client‘s right to the Certification of the Product shall terminate pursuant to the terms of Article 6 of this Certification
Agreement. In the case of a revision or withdrawal of INTERTEK Requirements, INTERTEK shall provide a notice
specifying a date by which the Product must meet the revised INTERTEK Requirements or for such termination.
         2.5     Third Parties The Client agrees that INTERTEK has entered into a contractual relationship with the
Client to perform testing or evaluation services on the Product. INTERTEK agrees to perform such services with
due care. INTERTEK does not guarantee or warrant that third parties will accept or recognize the results obtained by
INTERTEK or the INTERTEK certification of the Product.


        3.1     Advertising. INTERTEK shall allow the Client to refer to INTERTEK and the certification in
advertising and promotional material for the Product, contingent upon the Client obtaining the prior, express, written
approval of INTERTEK.
        3.2     Post—Market Surveillance. As a part of the certification of the Product, the Client‘s Product may be
selected for market surveillance purpose according to FCC post—market surveillance guidelines. If selected, Client
shall cooperate with the INTERTEK TCB representative which requires the TCB to perform post—market surveillance
activities based on type testing of products that the TCB has certified. If selected, Client agrees to reimburse
INTERTEK for its services in accordance with the current fee schedule and any shipping expenses.
        33       INTERTEK TCB may not grant a waiver of the FCC rules, or certify equipment for which the
Commission rules or requirements do not exist, or for which the application of the rules or requirements is unclear.

    In}ertek C&E Management System                                                Page 3 of 4
                                                                                  Document No.:
    Regional Management System (RMS)                 Operations (OP)              RFT—AMER—TCE—OPA$
                                                                                     —    —    —OP—19¢
|                                                Revision Date: N/A
| Issue Date: 06—19—2014                                                          Approved by: Nicholas Abbondante
                                                 Effective Date: 12/24/2014

             4.1     Indemnification. The Client agrees to hold INTERTEK harmless and to defend and indemnify
    INTERTEK against any liability, loss, or damage from claims, demands, costs (including legal fees), or judgments
    arising out of any grossly negligent or intentional acts of the Client or Client authorized third parties relating to the
             4.2     Liability. INTERTEK will not, under any circumstances, be liable to the Client for any indirect, special,
    punitive, or consequential damages, or any third party claims which may arise as a result of the services provided in
    this Certification Agreement. The maximum aggregate liability of INTERTEK for damages in connection with this
    Certification Agreement shall not exceed $100,000


             5.1 Remedial Action. In the event that INTERTEK detects any deviation or variance in the Product from
    INTERTEK requirements, or improper or unauthorized use of INTERTEK name, upon written notice to the Client
    INTERTEK reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to take such action as it deems necessary, including but not
    limited to
             (a) Requiring the Client, at its own expense, undertake corrective action to ensure that the Product
                 complies with INTERTEK requirements;
             (b) Notification of FCC;
             (c)     Termination of this Certification Agreement pursuant to Article 6;
             (d)     Compliance with any applicable statutes, rules or regulations.
             5.2     Suspension. Upon a Client‘s failure to comply with any of the requirements of this Certification
    Agreement or Certification Report, INTERTEK may issue a letter to notify the Client of the nature of the failure. In the
    event that the Client fails to take corrective action to resolve the cause of suspension, this Certification Agreement
    shall be terminated pursuant to Article 6


             6.1     Termination By The Client. The Client may, for any reason, terminate this Certification Agreement,
    as to any Product, upon not less than sixty (60) days written notice to the other party. Such notice shall designate a
    termination date and the notice period shall be deemed to commence upon the date of mailing of the notice to the
    other party by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested.
             6.2     INTERTEK Right To Terminate. If INTERTEK determines that the Productfails to comply with the
    INTERTEK requirements, the Client will be given a thirty (30) day cure period to remedy the breach. Such cure period
    may be extended as mutually agreed upon by the Parties. In the event the breach is not remedied within thirty (30)
    days or other mutually agreed upon cure period, INTERTEK may terminate this Certification Agreement, as to any
    product. INTERTEK may terminate this Certification Agreement, as to any Product, without prejudice to any other
    rights or remedies that INTERTEK may have, upon either of the following:
             (a)     The Client is in breach pursuant to Article 7.3;                                                        f
             (b)     Sixty (60) days after the Client receives written notice in the eventof: (i) the filing of a voluntary or
                     involuntary petition in bankruptcy; (ii) the making of any arrangement or composition with creditors
                     by the Client; (iii) the appointment of a receiver for the Client; or (iv) the voluntary or involuntary
                     liquidation of the business of the Client;
             (c)     Upon sixty (60) days‘ notice prior to the anniversary date of this Agreement, for any reason.

             6.3     Client Obligations Upon Termination. Upon termination of this Certification Agreement, the Client
             (a)     Continue to honor the terms of Article 4 of this Certification Agreement concerning indemnification
                     and liability, which terms shall survive the termination of this Certification Agreement;
             (b)     Pay any remaining outstanding charges owing to INTERTEK.

\ Intertek C&E Management System                                                      Page 4 of 4
                                                                                      Document No.:
    Regional Management System (RMS)                  Operations (OP)

                                                  Revision Date: N/A
    Issue Date: 06—19—2014                                                            Approved by: Nicholas Abbondante
                                                  Effective Date: 12/24/2014


              7.A     Confidentiality. Without written authorization from the Client, INTERTEK will not voluntarily disclose
    to third parties, other than the FCC, confidential and proprietary information which the Client provides to INTERTEK.
    ‘This obligation shall not apply to information which is already available to the public or acquired from other sources
     without confidentiality restrictions. INTERTEK agrees that this obligation to maintain confidentiality shall survive the
     terminationof this Certification Agreement.
              7.2     Subpoena. If INTERTEK is served with a Subpoena, Court Order, or similar document requesting
     the disclosure of confidential or proprietary information supplied to INTERTEK by the Client, INTERTEK shall
     promptly notify the Client. In the event that the Client chooses to contest the request, INTERTEK shall cooperate with
    the Client. The responsibility for contesting the request shall rest solely with the Client. If the Client declinesto contest
    the request or is not successful in contesting the request, INTERTEK will provide the requested information. Any
    costs incurred by INTERTEK in responding to the request, including reasonable attorney‘s fees, shall be reimbursed
    by the Client immediately upon invoicing by INTERTEK.
              74      Fees. Charges will be billed to the Client or a designated payor. Payment shall be due within forty—
    five (45) days from receipt of invoices and the Client shall be considered in breach, if the charges are not paid within
    sixty (60) days.
              7.4     No Assignment. The rights running to the Client under this Certification Agreement may not be
    assigned to or acquired by any other person or corporation without INTERTEK‘s written authorization, except for
    assignments or delegations arising from internal administrative reorganization (including, but notlimited to, mergers
    and acquisitions of Client, its parent company, or their affiliates). Client shall not delegate or assign this Certification
    Agreement without the prior consent of INTERTEK. INTERTEK shall consider the Client to be the sole point of contact
    for all matters related to this Agreement.
              7.5     Term. This Certification Agreement shall continue in effect for a period of one year from the date flrst
    above written and shall automatically be renewed thereafter for periods of one year, unless the termination rights
    provided for in this Certification Agreement are exercised.
              7.6     Jurisdiction. This Certification Agreement shall be interpreted in accordance with and governed by
    the laws of the jurisdiction within which the INTERTEK office stated in the opening paragraph is located.

    Intertek Testing Services NA, Inc.                     GUANGDONG FEILUN TECHNOLOGY INDUSTRIAL CO..LTD
                                                                                     (Client Company Name)

    By                                                           By: shaona cai
              (Authorized INTERTEK Individual)                         (Proprietor, Partner, or Authorized Officer—Signature)

    By:____Nicholas Abbondante_____________                      By 6('1110 n& _(
                                                                           (Name of Authorized Individual—Printed)

    Title:    TCBManager _____                                   Title:_Vice president

    Date Signed                                                  Date Signed:        Zm { ‘ /1’- M

Document Created: 2017-04-29 11:37:31
Document Modified: 2017-04-29 11:37:31

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