15_DRW528 UserMan r2


Users Manual

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        Raptor Pro

User’s Guide for Model DRW528 v2124-01

Warnings & Precautions
Important Safety Instructions                                     • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
 •   Read and follow all instructions.                            • Increase the separation between the equipment and
 •   Keep these instructions for future reference.                  receiver.
 •   Heed all Warnings.                                           • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
 •   Intended for children ages 14 and higher. Adult                different from that to which the receiver is connected.
     supervision is required.                                     • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
 •   Only use attachments/accessories specified by the              technician for help.
     manufacturer.                                                • This device complies with FCC RF radiation
 •   Before flying, always check the body, rotors, and              exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
     battery for any damage or obstructions.                        environment. This transmitter must not be co-located
 •   Battery should be free from cracks or swelling.                or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
 •   Keep the rotors clear of any obstructions and body             transmitter
     parts to avoid potential damage and injury.
 •   Manufacturer and dealer assume no liability for              • fly part:This equipment should be installed and
     accidental damages from improper use or installation           operated with a minimum distance of 20cm
     of parts, or from damage incurred from worn or                 between the radiator & your body. This transmitter
     broken parts.                                                  must not be co-located or operating in
 •   Pilots are responsible for their actions and any               conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
     damage caused from improper use.
 •   Pilots should keep the craft in sight at all times
     during flight. If you lose sight of the craft at any time,     Additional Warnings & Precautions
     power down and cease flight immediately.
 •   Only fly in large, open areas that are free from             • WARNING: To reduce the risk of fire or electric
     obstacles or potential hazards, such as trees, power           shock, do not expose this apparatus to rain, moisture,
     lines, ceiling fans, and the like.                             dripping, or splashing.
 •   Flying over bodies of water is not recommended.              • CAUTION: Use of controls or adjustments or
 •   Flying at night is not recommended.                            performance of procedures other than those specified
 •   Never try to retrieve the craft from areas you cannot          may result in personal injury.
     safely reach, such as rooftops or trees.                     • WARNING: Changes or modifications to this unit
 •   Never launch the craft from your hand.                         not expressly approved by the party responsible for
 •   Never leave the craft unattended while it is powered           compliance could void the user’s authority to operate
     on or while the battery is charging.                           the equipment.
                                                                  • CAUTION: Danger of explosion if battery is
FCC Warnings                                                        incorrectly replaced. Replace only with the same or
Warning: Changes or modifications to this unit not                  equivalent type.
expressly approved by the party responsible for                   • Lithium batteries, like all rechargeable batteries, are
compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the           recyclable and should be recycled or disposed of
equipment.                                                          according to state and local guidelines. They should
                                                                    never be disposed of in normal household waste,
This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.                 and they should never be incinerated, as they might
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)           explode. Contact your local government for disposal
this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)             or recycling practices in your area.
this device must accept any interference received,                • WARNING: Shock hazard - Do Not Open.
including interference that may cause undesired                   • Battery shall not be exposed to excessive heat such as
operation.                                                          sunshine, fire, or the like.
                                                                  • Keep new and used batteries away from children. If
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to                   the battery compartment does not close securely, stop
comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,                using the product and keep it away from children.
pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are            • If you think batteries might have been swallowed or
designed to provide reasonable protection against                   placed inside any part of the body, seek immediate
harmful interference in a residential installation. This            medical attention.
equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio                  • Do not mix old and new batteries.
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in                • Completely replace all old batteries with new ones.
accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful               • Do not mix alkaline, standard (carbon-zinc), or
interference to radio communications. However, there is             rechargeable (ni-cad, ni-mh, etc) batteries.
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a                • Batteries should be recycled or disposed of as per
particular installation. If this equipment does cause               state and local guidelines.
harmful interference to radio or television reception,            • Only use the included power supply/power charger or
which can be determined by turning the equipment off                a UL/ETL certified power supply of the same power
and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the                output specifications.
interference by one or more of the following measures:

Table of Contents
Eagle 3 Pro Wi-Fi Drone                          Sky Rider View App
  FAA Information: Flying Your Drone Under         Free Download – 16
  the Special Rule for Model Aircraft – 4          Connect to Wi-Fi – 16
  Features – 4                                     Smartphone Holder – 17
  Includes – 4                                     Virtual Reality Mode – 17
  Diagram & Specifications – 5
                                                 Parts & Repair
Rotor Guards                                       Parts Replacement – 18
  Rotors Stowed – 6
  Rotors Deployed – 6                            Troubleshooting
                                                   Troubleshooting Guide – 19
Remote Control
  Functions – 7                                  Customer Support
  Battery Installation – 8                         Contact Information – 20
                                                   International Support – 20
Charging the Battery                               Warranty – 20
  Information & Procedure – 9

  Remote Link & Calibration – 10
  Flight Controls – 11
  When You’re Finished Flying – 11
  Trim Adjustment & Countering Drift – 12
  Gyroscope Recalibration – 13
  Remote Trim Reset – 13
  Tips for Safe Operation – 14
  Speed Setting – 14
  Headless Mode – 14
  Auto-Spin – 15
  Orbit – 15
  Flips – 15


Eagle 3 Pro Wi-Fi Drone
FAA Information: Flying Your Drone Under the Special
Rule for Model Aircraft
To fly under the Special Rule for Model Aircraft you must:
   •• Fly for hobby or recreation ONLY
   •• Register your model aircraft
   •• Fly within visual line-of-sight
   •• Follow community-based safety guidelines and fly within the programming of a
      nationwide community-based organization
   •• Fly a drone under 55 lbs. unless certified by a community-based organization
   •• Never fly near other aircraft
   •• Notify the airport and air traffic control tower prior to flying within 5 miles of an airport
   •• Never fly near emergency response efforts
You alone are responsible for safely and responsibly flying your drone. For more
information on FAA Rules and Guidelines for flying Unmanned Aerial Systems please visit:

Features                                            Includes
   •• 360° flips & tricks                             •• USB charging cable
   •• 6-axis gyroscope                                •• Rechargeable lithium polymer battery
   •• Free app for Wi-Fi viewing                      •• 2.4GHz remote control: requires 4 AA
   •• Adjustable angle Wi-Fi camera                      batteries (not included)

   •• 3 speeds                                        •• Detachable smartphone cradle

   •• Control distance: up to 328 feet                •• Screwdriver

   •• LED navigation lights                           •• User’s Guide

   •• Operating time: 5-7 minutes
   •• Charge time: approx. 120 minutes


Diagram & Specifications
 •• Folded Dimensions (LWH): 93 x 135 x 38mm / 3.6 x 5.3 x 1.5 in.
 •• Unfolded Dimensions (LWH): 171 x 135 x 22mm / 6.7 x 5.3 x .87 in.
 •• Weight: 77g / 2.72oz / 0.17lb

                                                    Power On/Off
                                                                        Foldable Rotor

           Camera (front)
                                                               Battery Compartment
              LED Lights                                            (underside)
      Blue LEDs indicate the front
              of the craft.
      Green flashing LEDs indicate
          the rear of the craft.


Rotor Guards
The rotor guards can be folded for flight or for easy stowage.

Rotors Stowed

Rotors Deployed


Remote Control

     Speed                                                      Start/Landing
  Press to adjust                                                 Press to start
the speed setting.                                               rotors and take
                               Power Switch                     off automatically.
   Auto-Spin                                                      Press again to
                                                                  land and stop
     Press to
automatically spin
 the drone. Press
and hold for orbit.
 Move the Right
 Stick to cancel.

                                 Trim Reset
                              Press to reset trim
                              settings to default.

  Left Control Stick         Trim Adjustment             Right Control Stick
   Increase Throttle:      Press to enter Trimming                Pitch:
      push forward         Mode. Indicator will blink,   push forward/backward
   Decrease Throttle:      then move right control              Roll/Bank:
     push backward         stick to adjust Pitch and         push left/right
                                   Roll trim.
       Yaw/Spin:                                         Press once, then move
                            Press and hold to finish
    push left or right                                   the stick left or right to
                              Trimming Mode, or
                                                          perform a flip in that
Press for Headless Mode.   wait 3 seconds to finish


Remote Control
Battery Installation

                       1.5V AA           1.5V AA

                       1.5V AA          1.5V AA

                             4x AA batteries

                       1.5V AA           1.5V AA

                       1.5V AA          1.5V AA


Charging the Battery
Information & Procedure
The craft’s battery must be charged before it can be flown. To avoid risk of injury or damage,
be sure the craft and remote control are both powered OFF and remove the battery
from the craft when charging. Charging time is approximately 120 minutes. Charge fully
before use for best performance.
Connect the USB charging cable (included) to the USB port of a powered ON computer or
USB power adapter (not included), then connect the charging plug to the battery plug.
While charging, the cable will display a red light.
When charging is complete, the light will turn OFF.

                    Be sure to correctly match the plug to the charging
                                port or damage may occur.
                    REMINDER: Do not charge overnight. Do not leave
                            unattended while charging.


Remote Link & Calibration
Before flying, the craft and the remote must be linked together and the gyroscopes on the
craft must be allowed to calibrate.
Begin with the battery installed, the battery compartment closed, and the craft and
remote powered OFF.

Step 1
Power ON the craft and place it on a flat
surface. This is necessary for the craft’s
gyroscopes to properly align. The lights on
the craft will blink as it searches for a signal
from the remote.
Be sure the craft and yourself are facing
the same forward direction, this will help
with orientation while flying.

Step 2
Power ON the remote. The light on the remote will blink as it searches for the signal from
the craft. When the remote and the craft have linked, an audible chime will sound and the
lights on the remote and the craft will turn solid.

Step 3
Push the Left Control Stick (throttle) fully
forward, then fully rearward, and wait for a
chime. When this last chime has sounded, the
gyroscopes on the drone are calibrated, and
the craft is ready to fly.

Step 4
Press the Start/Landing button to start the
rotors. The drone will take off and hover at a
set altitude. Use the controls sticks to fly.
Press the Start/Landing button again to automatically land the drone and stop the rotors.


Flight Controls

                                        Yaw                                  Pitch


  Yaw                                                         Pitch

         Left Stick controls Altitude                Right Stick controls Pitch (forward/
           (power) and Yaw (spin).                     backward) and Roll (left/right).

When You’re Finished Flying
After landing, keep the Left Control Stick (throttle) in the lowest position and wait for the
rotors to stop spinning. Power OFF the remote BEFORE powering OFF the craft. This will
ensure that no signals are accidentally sent by the remote, reducing the chance of injury.
After this is done, it is safe to pick up and power OFF the craft.


Trim Adjustment & Countering Drift
Even after a craft is calibrated, it may still drift while airborne. To counter this effect you can
adjust the trim for better control. However, adjusting the trim may not entirely eliminate
drifting. Air currents and other factors can still affect the craft’s handling.

Making Trim Adjustments
Press the Trim button to enter Trimming Mode, indicated by a blinking indicator light on
the remote. While in Trimming Mode, move the Right Control Stick ONCE in the opposite
direction of the drift.
For example, if the craft is drifting forward, enter Trimming Mode and pull rearward on the
stick to correct. If the craft is drifting right, pull left. The remote will chime once for each
adjustment. It may take multiple adjustments to set the trim to your liking.
When you are finished making adjustments, press the Trim button to exit Trimming Mode.
You can also wait 3 seconds and Trimming Mode will finish automatically.
 To avoid potential damage, adjust the trim while attempting a stable hover and adjust one
trim setting at a time to avoid confusion.
Note: While in Trimming Mode, the Right Control Stick only makes trim adjustments
and does not control the direction of the craft. You must exit Trimming Mode to resume
normal flight controls. The Left Control Stick is not affected by Trimming Mode.

   Press to enter and exit                                                     Move Right
      Trimming Mode.                                                        Control Stick to
                                                                            adjust Pitch and
                                                                           Roll trim. Remote
                                                                           will chime once for
                                                                           each adjustment.


Gyroscope Recalibration                               Remote Trim Reset
If the craft is having difficulty flying or is        If you are still having difficulty flying, it may
behaving erratically, it’s gyroscopes may             help to reset the trim adjustments on the
need to be recalibrated. Do not attempt to            remote. Do not attempt to do this while
do this while flying, safely land the craft           flying, safely land the craft first.
first and place it on a flat surface.
                                                      Press the Reset button on the remote. The
Note: The craft and the remote should                 remote will chime once to indicate that the
already be linked together.                           trim has been reset to default.
Pull down and inwards on both control
sticks for 2-3 seconds. When the LED lights
have stopped blinking and turn solid the
recalibration is complete and the craft is
ready to fly.


Tips for Safe Operation
   •• It is recommended to only fly in large, open spaces that are free of obstacles like
      power lines, trees, ceiling fans, etc.
   •• When flying indoors avoid walls and ceilings, as the craft may be drawn towards them
      if closer than 2-3 feet.
   •• Stand behind the craft when first taking off, so that you and the craft are facing the
      same “forward” direction. This will help with orientation when the craft is airborne.
   •• Novice pilots should move the controls slowly and deliberately to get used to the
      craft’s flying characteristics. Try using one control at a time.
   •• Practice basic flight operations like take off, hovering, and landing.
   •• If you get into trouble or if anything obstructs the rotors, cut power immediately and
      safely clear the obstruction. Check for possible damage before flying again.

Speed Setting
Press the Speed button on the remote to change the craft’s speed setting.
   •• Low: Provides smooth and predictable control of the craft. The remote will chime once
      to indicate the low speed setting.
   •• Medium: The craft will move and respond faster to all control inputs. The remote will
      chime twice to indicate the medium speed setting.
   •• High: Highest setting for maximum performance. The remote will chime three times to
      indicate the high speed setting.

Headless Mode
Before using Headless Mode be sure you and the craft are facing the same “forward”
direction, otherwise the craft will not fly correctly. To activate Headless Mode, press down
on the Left Control Stick on the remote control. The LED lights will quickly flash while
Headless Mode is ON. Press the button again to deactivate Headless Mode.
While Headless Mode is active the craft will fly in whatever direction the Right Control
Stick is moved, regardless of where the front of the craft is pointing. For example, if the
front of the craft was pointed straight ahead but is now pointed right 90°, when you push
forward on the stick the craft will fly forwards as if it was still pointed straight ahead. This
can be useful if you become disoriented while flying and cannot visually determine which
direction the craft is facing.


Press the Auto-Spin button to activate Auto-Spin. The drone will begin spinning (yawing) in
a clockwise direction. Press the Auto-Spin button again or move the Right Control Stick in
any direction to cancel Auto-Spin.
Use the Left Control Stick to control the altitude of the craft while in Auto-Spin.

Before activating Orbit Mode, be sure that there is ample clear space around the craft, and
no obstacles will obstruct its flight path.
Press and hold the Auto-Spin button to activate Orbit Mode. The drone will begin flying in a
circular path from its starting point.

Before attempting a flip, be sure that there is ample clear space around the craft, ideally
9-10 ft. in all directions. It is not recommended to attempt to flip around or through any
obstacles, as this may result in unintended damage.
To perform a flip, press down on the Right Control Stick, then move the stick left or right,
and the craft will perform a flip in the same direction.


Sky Rider View App
The Sky Rider View app will display the image from the craft’s camera
on your smartphone’s screen, allowing you to capture images and
video of your flights. Connect your smartphone to the craft’s Wi-Fi
signal and start flying!

Free Download
Scan the appropriate QR code with your smartphone or search for
“Sky Rider View” in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.             Android

Connect to Wi-Fi
NOTE: Wi-Fi control may be interrupted by interference from other
nearby Wi-Fi equipment.
Before beginning, make sure your phone’s Wi-Fi is enabled and the
craft is powered ON.
   •• From your smartphone, open the Wi-Fi settings menu, then
      search for and select DRW528xxx to connect to the craft.             Apple
   •• Once connected, open the app. You will see the image from the
      craft’s camera and the camera controls at the top of the screen.

              1        2          3        4        5        6

                  1. Take Photo                     4. Flip Camera 180°
                  2. Take Video                     5. VR Mode
                  3. Photo/Video Gallery            6. Controls ON/OFF


Smartphone Holder

        To release, pinch
        at arrows and
        pull upwards on
        the holder,

Virtual Reality Mode
VR Mode splits the phone’s screen for use in
a VR headset (not included). Use VR Mode to
give a friend a fully immersive, point-of-
view flying adventure.
Press the 3D Mode (VR) button on the
screen to turn this feature ON or OFF.


Parts & Repair
REMINDER: Pilots are responsible for any damage caused by improper use.

Parts Replacement
Standard parts such as extra batteries and remotes are available online for purchase when
in stock. However, any non-standard parts such as cameras, screws, bodies, etc. can be
ordered by placing an inquiry with our parts department at: partsinfo@dpiinc.com.


Troubleshooting Guide
PROBLEM                POSSIBLE CAUSES             SOLUTION
Craft does not         •• No power to remote       •• Check remote batteries,
respond to controls.      or craft.                   replace if needed.
                       •• Poor contact between     •• Check craft battery, be
                          power plugs.                sure it is fully charged.
                       •• Craft is out of range.   •• Be sure the power plugs
                                                      are firmly connected.
                                                   •• Be sure the remote has
                                                      an unobstructed line of
                                                      sight to the craft.
                                                   •• Remain within the
                                                      remote’s 300 ft. range.

Craft is difficult     •• Gyroscopes may           •• Perform Gyroscope
to control or flies       be misaligned.              Recalibration (see pg. 13).
erratically.                                       •• Power OFF remote and
                                                      craft and reconnect
                                                      (see pg. 10).

Craft drifts           •• Trim not set or needs    •• Adjust trim settings
while in flight.          adjustment.                 (see pg. 12).
                                                   •• Reset Trim Settings if
                                                      need be (see pg. 13).

Craft suffers from     •• Damage to body,          •• Repair or replace parts
mechanical trouble.       rotors or other major       as needed.

LED lights ON but      •• Low battery power.       •• Recharge the battery.
craft does not
respond to controls.


Customer Support
Contact Information                               Warranty
Website: www.gpx.com                              See included 30 Day Warranty for warranty
                                                  information. Warranty and the most up-to-
Email Support: prodinfo@dpiinc.com
                                                  date version of this User’s Guide can also be
Email Parts: partsinfo@dpiinc.com                 found at: www.gpx.com

Phone Support: 1-888-999-4215

International Support
To download this User’s Guide in English, Spanish, and French, or to get answers to
frequently asked questions, visit the support section at: www.gpx.com
Para descargar este Manual del Usuario en inglés, español y francés, o para obtener
respuestas a preguntas frecuentes, visite la sección de apoyo en: www.gpx.com
Pour télécharger ce guide de l’utilisateur en anglais, espagnol ou français, ou pour obtenir
des réponses à des questions fréquemment posées, consultez la rubrique d’assistance sur:


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Document Created: 2018-06-15 10:07:09
Document Modified: 2018-06-15 10:07:09

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