Test Report (DFS)


Test Report

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                                          FCC PART 15.407
                                              TEST REPORT

                              Grandstream Networks, Inc.
                          126 Brookline Ave., 3rd Floor Boston, MA 02215, USA

                                         FCC ID: YZZGSC3510

            Report Type:                                         Product Type:
           Original Report                                       SIP Two-Way Interco m Speaker

            Report Number:                RSZ190511002-00E

            Report Date:                  2019-05-29

                                           Robin Zheng
            Reviewed By:                   RF Engineer

                                           Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)
                                           No.69 Pulongcun, Puxinhu Industry Area,
                                           Tangxia, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
            Test Laboratory:
                                           Tel: +86-769-86858888
                                           Fax: +86-769-86858891

Note: This test report is prepared for the customer shown above and for the device described herein. It may not be duplicated or
used in part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan). This report must not be
used by the customer to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by A2LA* or any agency of the Federal
Government. * This report may contain data that are not covered by the A2LA accreditation and are marked with an asterisk “*”.

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                                                       Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

                                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................3
 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) .....................................................................................3
 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................................3
 TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................3
 TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................................................................3
SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................................................................4
  DESCRIPTION OF TEST CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................................4
  EUT EXERCISE SOFTWARE ..........................................................................................................................................4
  EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................4
  SUPPORT EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ....................................................................................................................4
  EXTERNAL CABLE........................................................................................................................................................4
SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...............................................................................................................................5

APPLICABLE STANDARDS........................................................................................................................................6
  DFS REQUIREMENT .....................................................................................................................................................6
  DFS MEASUREMENT SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................................10
  SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM .........................................................................................................................................10
  CONDUCTED METHOD ...............................................................................................................................................11
  RADIATED METHOD ...................................................................................................................................................12
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................12
TEST RESULTS ..........................................................................................................................................................13
  DESCRIPTION OF EUT ................................................................................................................................................13
  TEST EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS .........................................................................................................................13
  RADAR WAVEFORM CALIBRATION ............................................................................................................................14
  TEST ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS .........................................................................................................................14
CHANNEL MOVE TIME AND CHANNEL CLOSING TRANSMISSION TIME .............................................16
 TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................16
 TEST RESULTS ...........................................................................................................................................................16
NON-OCCUPANCY PERIOD ...................................................................................................................................21
 TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................21
 TEST RESULT .............................................................................................................................................................21

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                        Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

Product Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)

                        EUT Name:      SIP Two-Way Intercom Speaker
                        EUT Model:     GSC3510
                   Multiple Models:    GSC3505
                Rated Input Voltage:   DC 48V from POE
                External Dimension:    215.3 mm(L)*215.3 mm(W)* 68.7mm(H)
                EUT Received Date:     2019.5.15

This report is prepared on behalf of Grandstream Networks, Inc. in accordance with Part 2-Subpart J,
Part 15-Subparts E of the Federal Communications Commission’s rules.

The objective is to determine compliance with FCC Part 15, Subpart E, section 15.407 Dynamic
Frequency Selection (DFS) for devices operating in the bands 5250-5350 MHz, 5470-5725 MHz.

Test Methodology
FCC KDB 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v02.

Test Facility
The Test site used by Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) to collect test data is located
on the No.69 Pulongcun, Puxinhu Industry Area, Tangxia, Dongguan, Guangdong, China.

The test site has been approved by the FCC under the KDB 974614 D01 and is listed in the FCC Public
Access Link (PAL) database, FCC Registration No. : 897218,the FCC Designation No. : CN1220.

The test site has been registered with ISED Canada under ISED Canada Registration Number 3062D.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                       Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

Description of Test Configuration
The EUT was configured for testing in an engineering mode which was provided by the manufacturer.

EUT Exercise Software
The test was performed under: DOS command, which was provided by the manufacturer.

Equipment Modifications

Support Equipment List and Details

          Manufacturer                Description            Model               Serial Number

            ThinkPad                    Laptop               E450             PF-0MR8KV 16/08
             Huawei               Wireless Router        HG8245Q2                    N/A

Note: The mater AP model: HG8245Q2, FCC ID: QISHG8245Q2

External Cable

                          Shielding                   Length
      Cable Description                Ferrite Core                  From Port                To
                            Type                       (m)
                                                                     RJ45 Port of           GPON
         RJ45 Cable          No             No          10
                                                                      Notebook             Terminal

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                                   Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

The following result table represents the list of measurements required under the CFR §47 Part 15.407(h),
and KDB: 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v02

               Items                                 Description of Test                         Result

                                                 UNII Detection Bandwidth                     Not applicable

                                       Initial Channel Availability Check Time (CAC)          Not applicable
           Requirements                   Radar Burst at the Beginning of the CAC             Not applicable
                                             Radar Burst at the End of the CAC                Not applicable

                                                     Channel Move Time                          Compliant
                                            Channel Closing Transmission Time                   Compliant
                                                   Non-Occupancy Period                         Compliant

          Radar Detection                       Statistical Performance Check                 Not applicable

        1) Not applicable: the EUT is a client unit without radar detection.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)             Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

DFS Requirement

CFR §47 Part 15.407(h)

FCC KDB 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v02

FCC Part 15.407 DFS Test Report                                              Page 6 of 22

   Table 3: DFS Detection Thresholds for Master Devices and Client Devices With Radlar
Mazimum Transmit Power                                            Value
                                                                  (See Notes 1. 2. and 3)
EIRP 2 200 milliwat                                               61 dBm
EIRD 200 milliwat and                                             62 dBm
power spectral density < 10 dBmvMite
EIRP    200 milliwatt that do not meetthe power spectral          64 dBm
density requirement
Note 1: Thi is thelevel at ie mput of he eceiverassuming a 0 dreceive aneuna
Note 2: Throughouthesetet procedures anadditional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of thtest
transmission waveforms to accourfor variations in measurement equipment. Thi will ensure that the
test signalis at oabove the detection threshold levelto igger a DFS response
NoteS: EIRP is based on the highest antenna gain. For MIMO devices refeto KDB Publication 66291 1

                         Table 4: DFS Response Requirement Values
Parameter                                                              Value
 Ton—occupancy period                                                  Minimum 30 minutes
Channel Availability Check Time                                        60 seconds
Channel Move Time                                                      10 seconds
                                                                       See Note1
Channel Closmg Transmission Time                                       200 mailliseconds > an
                                                                       agsregate of 60
                                                                       milliseconds over
                                                                       remaining 10 second
                                                                       See Notes 1 and 2.
UNII Detection Bandwids                                                Minimum 100%of the U—
                                                                       power bandwidih. See
                                                                       Note 3.
Note T. Chamel Mow Te and the Chamel Clong Tramsmission Time should be performed with
Radar Type 0. The measurement timing beainsat the end ofthe Radar Type 0 bucst
Note The Channel Closing Pransmission Time is comprised. of 200 millieconds strting at
the beginaing of the Chamel Move ie plus anyadditional intermittent control signals required
to facilitate a Chamne! move (an agaregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10
second period. The ageregnte duration of control signals will not sount quiet periods in between
Note 3: During the U—NZIDorection Bandwidth detection test,radar type 0 should be used. For
each frequency step the minimum percentage of detection is 90 percent. Measurements are
performedwith no data traffic

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)   Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)   Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                    Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

DFS Measurement System
BACL DFS measurement system consists of two subsystems: (1) The radar signal generating subsystem
and (2) the traffic monitoring subsystem.

System Block Diagram

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                       Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

Conducted Method

                            Setup for Master with injection at the Master

                             Setup for Client with injection at the Master

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                       Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

                             Setup for Client with injection at the Client

Radiated Method

Test Procedure
A spectrum analyzer is used as a monitor verifies that the EUT status including Channel Closing
Transmission Time and Channel Move Time, and does not transmit on a Channel during the Non-
Occupancy Period after the diction and Channel move.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                               Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

Description of EUT
The calibrated radiated DFS detection threshold level is set to -64 dBm is more stringent.

WLAN traffic is generated by software “Tfgen”, software is used by IP and Frame based systems for
loading the test channel during the In-service compliance testing of the U-NII device. Datapakge
streamed from the Access Point to the Client using the software “Tfgen”.

Test Equipment List and Details

                                                                      Serial      Calibration    Calibration
       Manufacturer             Description           Model
                                                                     Number          Date         Due Date
                            NI PXI-1042 8-Slot
    National Instruments                             PXI-1042     VOBX40FBD           N/A            N/A
                            Arbitrary Waveform
    National Instruments                             PXI-5421          N/A            N/A            N/A
    National Instruments      RF Upconverter         PXI-5610          N/A            N/A            N/A

          ASCOR                 Upconverter          AS-7202           N/A            N/A            N/A

          Agilent            Spectrum Analyzer       E4440A       SG43360054       2019-01-04    2020-01-04

           Ditorn            Splitter/Combiner       D3C4080         SN2244           N/A            N/A

          TDK RF                horn antenna        HRN-0118         130 084       2019-01-05    2022-01-04

     ETS LINDGREN               horn antenna           3115        000 527 35      2019-01-05    2022-01-04

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan) attests that all calibrations
have been performed, traceable to National Primary Standards and International System of Units (SI).

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)            Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

Radar Waveform Calibration

Test Environmental Conditions

              Temperature:            27.3 C
         Relative Humidity:            54 %
            ATM Pressure:            100.7 kPa

     The testing was performed by Elena Lei on 2019-05-21.

Plots of Radar Waveforms

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)              Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

                                      5270 MHz: Radar Type 0

                                      5510 MHz: Radar Type 0

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                           Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

Test Procedure
Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time should be performed with Radar Type
0. The measurement timing begins at the end of the Radar Type 0 burst. repeat using a long pulse radar
type5 waveform.

The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning of
the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate a Channel
move (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second period. The aggregate
duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.

The aggregate channel closing transmission time is calculated as follows:

Aggregate Transmission Time = N*Dwell Time

N is the number of spectrum analyzer bins showing a device transmission Dwell Time is the dwell time
per bin (i.e. Dwell Time = S/B, S is the sweep time and B is the number of bin, i.e. 8192)

Test Results

                 Frequency        Bandwidth
                                                    Radar Type                Results
                   (MHz)            (MHz)

                    5270              40              Type 0                 Compliant
                    5510              40              Type 0                 Compliant

Please refer to the following tables and plots.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)   Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

5270 MHz
Type 0 radar channel move time result:

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                             Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

Type0 radar channel closing transmission time result:

                                 Aggregate              Limit for Aggregate
          Transmission       Transmission Time          Transmission Time
          After 200ms        After 200ms Delay          After 200ms Delay
                                    (ms)                        (ms)
               Yes                  7.324                        60                     Pass

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)   Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

5510 MHz
Type 0 radar channel move time result:

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                             Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

Type0 radar channel closing transmission time result:

                                 Aggregate              Limit for Aggregate
          Transmission       Transmission Time          Transmission Time
          After 200ms        After 200ms Delay          After 200ms Delay
                                    (ms)                        (ms)
               Yes                  7.324                        60                     Pass

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)                       Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

Test Procedure
Measure the EUT for more than 30 minutes following the channel close/move time to very that the EUT
does not resume any transmissions on this channel. Provide one plot to demonstrate no transmission on
the channel for the non-occupancy period (30 minutes observation time)

Test Result

              Frequency(MHz)                                        Spectrum Analyzer Display

                    5270                             40          No transmission within 30 minutes

                    5510                             40          No transmission within 30 minutes

     Please refer to the following plots.

                                                 5270 MHz

                                            30 minutes

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Dongguan)             Report No.: RSZ190511002-00E

                                              5510 MHz

                                        30 minutes

                                  ***** END OF REPORT *****

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Document Created: 2019-07-11 05:44:10
Document Modified: 2019-07-11 05:44:10

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