Test Report_FCC_MPE


Test Report

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  Report Number:            F690501/RF—RTLO13503                                             Page:      1      of     7

                             TEST REPORT

                             FCC CFR 47 part 1, 1.1307(b), 1.1310

                                         FCC ID: YZP—VL3010

 Equipment Under Test                 _: Telematics Modem
 Model Name                          : LTD—VL3010
 Applicant                           : LG Innotek Co., Ltd.
 Manufacturer                        : LG Innotek Co., Ltd.
 Date of Receipt                     : 2018.12.18
 Date of Test(s)                     : 2018.12.20 ~2019.01.31
 Date of Issue                       : 2019.02.12

In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the standards specified above.

 Tested By:                                                        Date:                     2019.02.12

                                Murphy     Kim

                                                                   Date:                     2019.02.12

                               Hyunchae You

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, except in full, withoutprior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Ltd. (Gunpo Laboratory) 4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitp/ww.sasgroup.kr
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                       Tel. +82 31 428 5700 /Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

  Report Number:            F690501/RE—RTLO13503                                               Page:      2      of       7

                                               Table of Contents                                                  Page

  1. G@NQrAl INfOFMAtION ————————o————nommnnnnnnoonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneenes                        3

  2. RF EXPOSUL® EV&IUAtION ———————————————nnnnnmoooneenenmnononnnnnnomnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnenc                            5

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitpIworw.sgsgroup ke
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

  Report Number:            F690501/RE—RTLO13503                                               Page:      3       of    7

1. General information

1.1. Testing Laboratory

SGS Korea Co., Ltd. (Gunpo Laboratory)
     —Wireless Div. 4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807
All SGS services are rendered in accordance with the applicable SGS conditions of service available on
request and accessible at http//www.sqs.com/en/Terms—and—Conditions.aspx.
Phone No.          : +82 31 688 0901
Fax No.            :1 +82 31 688 0921

1.2. Details of applicant

Applicant           :   LG Innotek Co., Ltd.
Address             :   26, Hanamsandan Sbeon—ro, Gwangsan—gu, Gwangju, 62229, Korea
Contact Person      :   Jeong, In—Chang
Phone No.           :   +82 62 950 0332

1.3. Details of manufacturer

Company             :   Same as applicant
Address             :   Same as applicant

1.4. Description of EUT

 Kind of Product                Telematics Modem

 Model Name                     LTD—VL3010

 Power Supply                   DC 4.0 V

                                CDMA BCO: 824 lie ~ 849 it
                                CDMA BC1: 1 850 lik ~1 910 10
                                LTE Sand 2: 1 850 10e ~ 1910 1i
 Frequency Range                LTE Sand 4: 1 710 i0 ~1 755 i0
                                LTE Sand 5: 824 ie ~ 849 10
                                LTE Sand 18: 777 Mik ~ 787 10
 Antenna Type                   Dipole Antenna

                                824 Mk ~849 Mk:     4.5    dBi,
                                1850 Mk ~1 910      Mk:   2.0 dBi,
 Antenna Gain
                                1710 Mk ~1 755      Mk:   2.0 dBi,
                                777 k ~787 k:       4.5    dBi

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807     Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

  Report Number:            F690501/RE—RTLO13503                                                Page:          4      of

1.5. Test report revision

 Revision             Report number                 Date of Issue                              Description

     0           F690501/RF—RTLO13503                 2019.02.12                                  Initial

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807          hitpIworw.sgsgroup ke
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

  Report Number:            F690501/RF—RTLO13503                                               Page:      5        of

2. RF Exposure Evaluation
2.1. Environmental evaluation and exposure limit according to FCC CFR 47 part 1,
1.1307(b), 11310

                                                   Magnetic Field
 Freque?m?)/ Range          ;fiflg&r\fi:\‘)              St(':/r:g)th           Pow(en;'w?c;;sny          Average Time

                                 (A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure

      0.3 —3.0                   614                      1.63                     *100                        6

      3.0 — 30                  18427                    4.89/f                   *900/"                       6

      30 — 300                   61.4                    0.163                      1.0                        6

     300 — 1 500                  —                         —                      17300                       6

  1 500 — 100 000                 —                         —                        5                         6

                             (B) Limits for General Population/Uneontrolled Exposure

      0.3 —1.34                  614                      1.63                     *100                       30

      1.34 — 80                 824/                     2.197                    *180/°                      30

      30 — 300                   27.5                    0.073                      0.2                       30

     300 — 1 500                  —                         —                     11500                       30

  1 500 — 100 000                 —                         —                       1.0                       30

2.1.1. Friis transmission formula: Pd = (Pout*G)/(4*pi*R‘)
    Where Pd = power density in mW/er‘
           Pout = output power to antenna in 1i
           G = gain of antenna in linear scale
           R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm

Pd the limit of MPE, 1 iier. If we know the maximum gain of the antenna and the total power input to the
antenna, through the calculation, we will know the distance where the MPE limit is reached.

 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807     hitpIworw.sgsgroup ke
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                        Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

  Report Number:            F690501/RF—RTLO13503                                                                     Page:      6             of      7

2.1.2. Test Result of RF Exposure Evaluation

    Test Item _: RF Exposure Evaluation Data
    Test Mode : Normal Operation

2.1.3. Output Power into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance

                  Power Index table

                    1. Maximum output Power (Target Power, Tolerance)

                                                                        Target Power            Tolerance

                                      LTE B2, B4, B5, B13                   23                    £2.7

                                      (CDMA BCO, BC1                        24                  +1.7/—3.7

                      oht®. 2017. Al Rights Reserve                                                             @ LG Innotek

— Maximum tune up tolerance
                                                Output Average                   Antenna                    Power Density              20.
   Channel        Fre?;;ncy                    Power to Antenna                        Gain                    at 20 cm             I('H;WC'E
                                                        (dB m)                         (dBi)                   (wh/ct)

     1013           824.70                               25.7                           4.5                   0.208 320          0.549 800

— Maximum tune up tolerance
                                                Output Average                   Antenna                    Power Density              h:
   Channel        Fre?;;ncy                    Power to Antenna                        Gain                    at 20 on             I(-n:VrJT/l:I:E
                                                    (dB m)                             (dB i)                   (wW/ct)

      25           1 851.25                              25.7                           2.0                   0.117 147                   1

The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
report cannot be reproduced, except in full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Ltd. (Gunpo Laboratory)                4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea, 15807              hiftou/www.sqsgroup.kr
RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                                       Tel. +182 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370                 A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

  Report Number:              F690501/RE—RTLO13503                                               Page:      7             of     7

LTE Band 2
— Maximum tune up tolerance
                                     Output Average                Antenna           Power Density                anls
    Channel        Fre((]l:;ncy     Power to Antenna                 Gain                at 20 on               :‘];;,7;;
                                           (dBm)                     (dBi)               (xit/cn‘)

        18607       1 850.70                25.7                      2.0               0.117 147                    1

LTE Band 4
— Maximum tune up tolerance
                                     Output Average                Antenna           Power Density                 anls
    Channel        Fre((]l:;ncy     Power to Antenna                 Gain                at 20 cn               :-1:1;!’/1(::;
                                           (dB m)                    (dB i)              (1h/cn‘)

        19957       1710.70                 25.7                      2.0               0.117 147                     1

LTE Band 5
— Maximum tune up tolerance
                                     Output Average                Antenna           Power Density                 .0.
    Channel        Fre((]l:;ncy     Power to Antenna                 Gain                at 20 on               :‘;7;;
                                           (dBm)                     (dBi)               (1h/cn‘)

        20407        824.70                 25.7                      4.5               0.208 320            0.549 800

LTE Band 13
— Maximum tune up tolerance
                                     Output Average                Antenna           Power Density                 anls
    Channel        Fre((m:e)ncy     Power to Antenna                 Gain                at 20 cn               :';’7:;
                                           (dB m)                    (dBi)               (1h/cnt)
        23205        779.50                 25.7                      4.5               0.208 320            0.519 667


— The power density Pd (5th column) at a distance of 20 en calculated from the friis transmission formula is
far below the limit of 1 mW/ow.

                                          — End of the Test Report —
 The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise stated. This test
 report cannot be reproduced, exceptin full, without prior written permission of the Company. This test report
 does not assure KOLAS accreditation.
SGS Korea Co., Lid. (Gunpo Laboratory)   4, LS—ro 182beon—gil, Gunpo—si, Gyeanggi—do, Korea, 15807       Aflp:/nwwsasgroup.kr

 RTT5041—19(2017.07.10)(0)                         Tel. +82 31 428 5700 / Fax. +82 31 427 2370           A4(210 mm x 297 mm)

Document Created: 2019-02-15 17:05:09
Document Modified: 2019-02-15 17:05:09

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