FCC ID: YY3-14244R

Test Report

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                                                                               Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                      Page 1 of 16 Pages

                                  TEST REPORT
   1. Applicant

         Name                               : Handheld Group AB
         Address                            : Kinnegatan 17A S-531 33 Lidköping, Sweden

      2. Products

         Name                               : Mobile Computer
         Model                              : NAUTIZ X4
         Manufacturer                       : POINTMOBILE CO.,LTD

      3. Test Standard                      : FCC CFR 47 Part 15C, section 15.225 / RSS-210 A2.6

      4. Test Method                        : ANSI C63.4-2003

      5. Test Results                       : Positive

      6. Date of Application                : January 16, 2014

      7. Date of Issue                      : June 20, 2014

  T           by                                                         A    v     by

  Jong-gon Ban                                                           Tae-Seung Song
  ICT Infrastructure                                                     ICT Infrastructure
  Technology Center                                                      Technology Center
  Senior Engineer                                                        Manager
 The test results contained apply only to the test sample(s) supplied by the applicant, and this test report
shall not be reproduced in full or in part without approval of the KTL in advance.

723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                         Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                      Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                    Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                           Page 2 of 16 Pages

   Test Report revision History
   Revision           Date                   Comments

   00                 2014-06-20             Initial Version

723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)            Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                         Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                                                                              Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                                                                     Page 3 of 16 Pages

                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. ADMINISTRATIVE INFORMATION ........................................................................................4

1.1.     Applicant (Client) .............................................................................................................................................. 4

1.2.     Manufacturer Data (only if different from Appicant) ..................................................................................... 4

1.3.     Testing Laboratory Data ................................................................................................................................... 4

2. EUT INFORMATION ...............................................................................................................5

2.1.     General Description of the EUT ....................................................................................................................... 5

3. SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ............................................................................................6

4. MEASUREMENT & RESULTS ...............................................................................................7

4.1.     Occupied Bandwidth (20dB/99%) .................................................................................................................... 7

       4.1.1.      Test Procedure ......................................................................................................................................... 7

       4.1.2.      Test Results .............................................................................................................................................. 7

4.2.     Frequency Stability ........................................................................................................................................... 8

       4.2.1.      Test Procedure ......................................................................................................................................... 8

       4.2.2.      Limits ........................................................................................................................................................ 8

       4.2.3.      Test Results .............................................................................................................................................. 8

4.3.     Electric Field Strength ...................................................................................................................................... 9

       4.3.1.      Test Procedure (9kHz to 30MHz) ............................................................................................................. 9

       4.3.2.      Requirements : 15.209, 15.225 .............................................................................................................. 10

       4.3.3.      Test Results ............................................................................................................................................ 11

4.4.     AC Conducted Emissions ............................................................................................................................. 12

       4.4.1.      Test Procedure ....................................................................................................................................... 12

       4.4.2.      Limits ...................................................................................................................................................... 12

       4.4.3.      Sample calculation ................................................................................................................................. 13

       4.4.4.      Photograph for the test configuration ..................................................................................................... 13

       4.4.5.      Test Results ............................................................................................................................................ 14

5. TEST EQUIPMENTS ............................................................................................................16

 723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                                                                              Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
 http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                                                                           Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                                    Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                           Page 4 of 16 Pages

1. Administrative Information
1.1. Applicant (Client)
   Company Name                   Handheld Group AB

    Address                       Kinnegatan 17A S-531 33 Lidköping, Sweden

   Contact Person

    Name                          Jerker Hellstrom

    E-mail                        j.hellstrom@handheldgroup.com

    Phone                         +46(0)510-54 7170

1.2. Manufacturer Data (only if different from Appicant)
   Company Name                   POINTMOBILE CO.,LTD
                                  Gasan-dong, B-9F Kabul Great Valley 32, Digital-ro9-gil, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul,
   Contact Person

    Name                          Chloe Kim

    E-mail                        chloe.kim@pointmobile.co.kr

    Phone                         +82 70 7090 2642

1.3. Testing Laboratory Data
  The following list shows all places and laboratories involved for test result generation.
   Company Name                   Korea Testing Laboratory

    Address                       723 Haean-ro, Sangnok-Gu, Ansan-Si, Gyeounggi-Do, 426-901 KOREA

   Contact Person

    Name                          Jong-gon Ban

    E-mail                        banjg@ktl.re.kr

    Phone                         +82-31-500-0133

    Fax                           +82-31-500-0149

723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                             Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                          Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                                 Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                        Page 5 of 16 Pages

2. EUT Information
2.1. General Description of the EUT
The following section lists all specifications of EUT (Equipment Under Test) involved in test. Additionally, KTL has
received sufficient documentation from the client and/or manufacturer to perform the tests

   General Information
   FCC ID & Model Number           FCC ID: YY3-14244R, Model Number: NAUTIZ X4

   IC Number & Model Number        IC Number: 11695A-14244R, Model Number: 14244-GSM-R

   Antenna Type                    Internal Antenna

             NX4‐2DGQ‐R‐E          BT, WiFi, GSM, UMTS, RFID, GPS, Camera, 2D scanner, Qwerty Key
             NX4‐2DGN‐R‐E          BT, WiFi, GSM, UMTS, RFID, GPS, Camera, 2D scanner, Numeric Key

   Antenna Type                    Internal Antenna

   Frequency Range                 13.56 MHz

   Field Stregth                   55.3 dBuV/m@3m

   Battery                         Li-ion, 3.7 V (4000 mAh)

   Date(s) tested                  2014.01.28 ~ 2014.02.21

 723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                           Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
 http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                        Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                                     Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                            Page 6 of 16 Pages

The following table represents the list of measurements required under the FCC CFR47 Part 15.225 & RSS-210

      FCC Rules             IC Rules                        Test Items                      Results     Remarks

       15.225(a)        RSS-210 A2.6 (a)   Electric Field Strength –Fundamental Emission     Pass           -

                          RSS-210 A2.6
     15.225(b)(c)(d)                          Electric Field Strength- Outside the Band      Pass           -

     15.225/15.209      RSS-210 A2.6 (a)     Electric Field Strength-Spurious Emission       Pass           -

       15.225(e)          RSS-210 A2.6                 Frequency Tolerance                   Pass           -

         15.207          RSS-Gen 7.2.4             AC Line Conducted Emission                Pass           -

            -               Gen 4.10               Receiver Spurious Emissions               Pass

723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                             Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                          Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                           Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                  Page 7 of 16 Pages

4. Measurement & Results
4.1. Occupied Bandwidth (20dB/99%)

4.1.1. Test Procedure
   Measurement procedures were implemented according to the method of ANSI C63.4: 2003 13.1.7 “Occupied
   bandwidth measurements” and Annex H.6 “Occupied bandwidth measurements”.
   The spectrum analyzer RBW was set as follows and VBW the video bandwidth shall be set to a value at least
   three times greater than the RBW.
    The occupied band measurement function was used of the spectrum analyzer.

4.1.2. Test Results

                   Frequency (MHz)           20dB Bandwidth (kHz)    99% Bandwidth (kHz)

                         13.56                        37.97                     428.2

723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                       Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                    Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                               Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                      Page 8 of 16 Pages

4.2. Frequency Stability
 4.2.1. Test Procedure

   Measurement procedures were implemented according to the test method of ANSI C63.4: 2003 Annex H5.
   Place the de-energized EUT in the temperature test chamber. Supply the EUT with nominal ac voltage, or
   install a new or fully charged battery in the EUT. An antenna was connected to the antenna output connector of
   the EUT if possible.
   The frequency counter was connected to the measurement antenna with a suitable length of coaxial cable. The
   environmental chamber set to the highest temperature specified in applicable regulation. Allow sufficient time
   for the temperature of the chamber to stabilize.
   Turn the EUT on and measure the EUT operating frequency at startup, and two, five, and ten minutes after
   The measurements were performed that the temperature chamber set to reduce the lowest temperature
   specified in applicable regulation.

 4.2.2. Limits

                  Test items                          Variation ranges                   Limit

           Temperature variations                      -20℃ to +50℃                    +/- 0.01%
      Power supply Voltage variations                  85% to 115%                     +/- 0.01%

 4.2.3. Test Results

          Temperatures            Voltage          Measured Frequency               Deviation
              (℃)                  (VDC)                 (MHz)                        (Hz)
                 +50                3.7                   13.559510                    -490
                 +40                3.7                   13.559539                    -461
                 +30                3.7                   13.559541                    -459
                 +20                 3.7                  13.559519                    -481
                 +10                3.7                   13.559501                    -499
                  0                 3.7                   13.559521                    -479
                 -10                3.7                   13.559537                    -463
                 -20                3.7                   13.559609                    -391
                 +20                3.55                  13.559560                    -440
               +20                4.255                13.559575                       -425
        *The lowest extreme voltage for the EUT is 3.55VDC.d

723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                         Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                      Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                                Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                       Page 9 of 16 Pages

4.3. Electric Field Strength

 4.3.1. Test Procedure (9kHz to 30MHz)

 Test Set-up

  Test Procedure

   The EUT was placed on a non-conductive table located on a large open test site.
   The loop antenna was placed at a location 3m from the EUT. Radiated emissions were measured with the loop
   antenna both parallel and perpendicular to the plane of the EUT loop antenna.

   The limit is converted from microvolts/meters to decibel microvolts/meter. Sample calculation:
   Corrected Amplitude = Raw Amplitude(dBuV/m) + ACF (dB) + Cable loss (dB) – Distance correction factor

   The spectrum analyzer is set to:
   Frequency Range = 9 kHz ~ 1GHz
   -RBW = 9kHz for (9kHz ~ 30MHz), 120kHz (30MHz ~ 1GHz)
   -Trace Mode = max hold
   -Detector Mode = peak / Quasi-peak
   -Sweep Time = auto

723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                           Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                        Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                               Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                    Page 10 of 16 Pages

4.3.2. Requirements : 15.209, 15.225

   Except as provided elsewhere in this subpart, the emissions from an intentional radiator shall not exceed the
   field strength levels specified in the following table:

                                                     Field Strength
               Frequency (MHz)                                                  Distance (Meters)
                  0.009 -0.490                       2400F(kHz)uV/m                    300
                  0.490 -1.705                      24000F(kHz)uV/m                     30
                   1.705 - 30                                30uV/m                     30
                     30 - 88                                  100 **                     3
                    88 - 216                                  150 **                     3
                   216 - 960                                  200**                      3
                   above 960                                  500                        3
       ** Except as provided in paragraph (g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating under
       this Section shall not be located in the frequency bands 54-72 MHz, 76-88 MHz, 174-216 MHz or 470-806
       MHz. However, operation within these frequency bands is permitted under other sections of this Part, e.g.,
       Sections 15.231 and 15.241.

   Operation within the band 13.110 – 14.010 MHz

   (a) The field strength of any emissions within the band 13.553–13.567 MHz shall not exceed 15,848 microvolts/
       meter at 30 meters.
   (b) Within the bands 13.410–13.553 MHz and 13.567–13.710 MHz, the field strength of any emissions shall not
       exceed 334 microvolts/meter at 30 meters.
   (c) Within the bands 13.110–13.410 MHz and 13.710–14.010 MHz the field strength of any emissions shall not
       exceed 106 microvolts/meter at 30 meters.
   (d) The field strength of any emissions appearing outside of the 13.110–14.010 MHz band shall not exceed the
       general radiated emission limits in§ 15.209.

723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                            Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                         Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                                        Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                              Page 11 of 16 Pages

 4.3.3. Test Results
                                              13.553 MHz – 13.567 MHz
                           Ant.      Reading Correction Emission
          Frequency                                                    Limit             Margin   Measurement
                           Pol.       Level   Factor      Level
            (MHz)                                                    (dBµV/m)             (dB)      Distance
                           H/V      (dBµV/m)   (dB)     (dBµV/m)
             13.56          V         44.5        10.8         55.3           104         48.7        @3m

             13.56          H         31.9        10.8         42.7           104         61.3        @3m

                                      13.410 MHz – 13.553 MHz & 13.567 MHz – 13.710
                           Ant.      Reading Correction Emission
          Frequency                                                       Limit     Margin        Measurement
                           Pol.        Level     Factor      Level
            (MHz)                                                       (dBµV/m)     (dB)           Distance
                           H/V      (dBµV/m)      (dB)     (dBµV/m)
                -            -          -           -            -             -              -         -

                -            -          -           -            -             -              -         -

                                   13.110 MHz – 13.410 MHz & 13.710 MHz – 14.010 MHz
                           Ant.      Reading Correction Emission
          Frequency                                                      Limit     Margin         Measurement
                           Pol.       Level      Factor     Level
            (MHz)                                                      (dBµV/m)      (dB)           Distance
                           H/V      (dBµV/m)      (dB)    (dBµV/m)
                -            -          -           -            -             -              -         -

                -            -          -           -            -             -              -         -

                                                    9 kHz - 1 GHz
                           Ant.      Reading Correction Emission
          Frequency                                                          Limit       Margin   Measurement
                           Pol.       Level   Factor        Level
            (MHz)                                                          (dBµV/m)       (dB)      Distance
                           H/V      (dBµV/m)   (dB)      (dBµV/m)
             27.12          V         18.0         8.4         26.4          49.5         23.1        @3m

             27.12          H         22.1         8.4         30.5          49.5         19.0        @3m

             40.68          V         36.0        -17.8        18.2          40.0         21.8        @3m

             627.42         V         22.9         -6.7        16.2          46.0         29.8        @3m

Level Corrected = Reading level + Correction factor (dB/m)
Corrected factor = Antenna factor + Cable loss – Pre-amplifier (when using a pre-amplifier)

       1. Measurement was done over the frequency range from 9 kHz to 30MHz. The EUT was rotated and the antenna
          was changed to Horizontal and Vertical polarization for maximum response
       2. Measurement was done over the frequency range from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz. The EUT was rotated and the
          antenna was changed to a range of height of from 1 m to 4 m above the ground plane for maximum response.
      3. Pre-amplifier was used in the range between 30 ~ 1000 MHz.

Remark: Noise floor of 30 ~ 1000 MHz : <20 dBμV at 3m distance

 723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                                Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
 http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                             Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                                 Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                      Page 12 of 16 Pages

4.4. AC Conducted Emissions
4.4.1. Test Procedure
     Conducted emission measurements on the EUT were performed by "AC Power Line Conducted Emissions
     Testing" procedure as per ANSI C63.4. The EUT was set up on a wooden table 0.8 meters height, 1.0 by 1.5
     meters in size, placed in the shielded enclosed with a side of wall of which constituted a vertical conducting
     surface of 2.2 m x 3.1 m in size to maintain 40 cm from the rear of EUT

     LISN(Line Impedance Stabilization Network, ROHDE & SCHWARZ, ESH3-Z5, 50 ohm / 50 µH) was installed
     and electrically boned to the conducting ground plane. The EUT was connected to the LISN using a typical
     power adapter.
     One of two 50 ohm output terminals of the LISN was connected to the EMI Receiver (ROHDE & SCHWARZ,
     ESCI, 9 kHz to 3 GHz) and the other was terminated in 50 ohms. Measurements were again performed after
     interchanging such a connection oppositely.
     The frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz was examined and the remarkable frequencies were
     measured with Quasi-peak and Average values using the EMI receiver instrument (ROHDE & SCHWARZ,
     ESI, 9 kHz to 3 GHz ; Detector Function ; CISPR Quasi-Peak & Average). The 6 dB bandwidth of the
     Receiver was set to 9 kHz

     The position of connecting cables of the EUT was changed to find the worst case configuration during
     measurements. The maximum emission level from the EUT occurred in such configuration as shown in the
     following photograph.

4.4.2. Limits

       Except as shown in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, for an intentional radiator that is designed to be
       connected to the public utility (AC) power line, the radio frequency voltage that is conducted back onto the
       AC power line on any frequency or frequencies within the band 150 kHz to 30 MHz shall not exceed the
       limits in the following table, as measured using a 50 µH/50 ohms line impedance stabilization network
       (LISN). Compliance with the provisions of this paragraph shall be based on the measurement of the radio
       frequency voltage between each power line and ground at the power terminal. The lower limit applies at the
       boundary between the frequency ranges.

                                                                 Conducted Limits (dBuV)
                 Frequency (MHz)
                                                     Quasi-peak                       Average
                      0.15-0.5                           66 to 56 *                  56 to 46 *
                        0.5-5                               56                           46
                        5-30                                60                           50
          Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                             Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                          Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                                 Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                      Page 13 of 16 Pages

4.4.3. Sample calculation

         The emission level measured in decibels above one microvolt (dB㎶) was converted into microvolt (㎶) as
         shown in following sample calculation.
           For example :

                   Measured Value at            0.1860 MHz        47.6 dB㎶ @ Q-Peak mode
                   + Correct factor *                             10.0 dB
                   = Conducted Emission                           57.6 dB㎶

         * Correct factor is adding RF cable loss and Attenuation

4.4.4. Photograph for the test configuration

                       <Shielded room >

                               LISN               W ooden table
                                                     h=0.8 m
                 A C 110 V ,
                    50 H z

                                                                     R eceiver


723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                          Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                       Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                                     Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                          Page 14 of 16 Pages

4.4.5. Test Results

        Final Result 1(L1-Quasi-Peak)
               Frequency     Quasi     Meas.     Bandwidth   Line   Corr.   Margin    Limit   Comment
                 (MHz)       Peak      Time        (kHz)            (dB)     (dB)    (dBuV)
                            (dBuV)     (ms)
                 0.186000      57.6     1000.0       9.000   L1      10.0      6.6     64.2   -
                 0.280500      51.2     1000.0       9.000   L1       9.8      9.6     60.8   -
                 0.379500      44.3     1000.0       9.000   L1       9.9       14     58.3   -
                 0.469500      39.5     1000.0       9.000   L1      10.0       17     56.5   -
                 0.595500      33.1     1000.0       9.000   L1      10.0     22.9     56.0   -
                27.118500      37.4     1000.0       9.000   L1      10.0     22.6     60.0   -

        Final Result 2(L1-Average)
               Frequency    Average    Meas.     Bandwidth   Line   Corr.   Margin    Limit   Comment
                 (MHz)      (dBuV)     Time        (kHz)            (dB)     (dB)    (dBuV)
                 0.186000      43.2     1000.0       9.000   L1      10.0     10.9     54.1   -
                 0.280500      35.7     1000.0       9.000   L1       9.8     15.1     50.8   -
                 0.379500      24.6     1000.0       9.000   L1       9.9     23.7     48.3   -
                 0.469500      22.8     1000.0       9.000   L1      10.0     23.8     46.6   -
                 0.663000      20.2     1000.0       9.000   L1       9.9     25.8     46.0   -
                27.118500      35.7     1000.0       9.000   L1      10.0     14.3     50.0   -

723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                                 Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                              Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                                     Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                          Page 15 of 16 Pages


        Final Result 1(N-Quasi-Peak)
               Frequency     Quasi     Meas.     Bandwidth   Line   Corr.   Margin    Limit   Comment
                 (MHz)       Peak      Time        (kHz)            (dB)     (dB)    (dBuV)
                            (dBuV)     (ms)
                 0.181500      53.3     1000.0       9.000     N      9.9     35.5     64.4   -
                 0.258000      48.1     1000.0       9.000     N      9.8     39.3     61.4   -
                 0.343500      41.8     1000.0       9.000     N     10.0     29.6     59.1   -
                 0.658500      31.6     1000.0       9.000     N      9.8     27.4     56.0   -
                 1.531500      29.7     1000.0       9.000     N      9.9     32.0     56.0   -
                27.118500      42.0     1000.0       9.000     N     10.0     29.7     60.0   -

        Final Result 2(N-Average)
               Frequency    Average    Meas.     Bandwidth   Line   Corr.   Margin    Limit   Comment
                 (MHz)      (dBuV)     Time        (kHz)            (dB)     (dB)    (dBuV)
                 0.181500      22.0     1000.0       9.000     N     10.0     32.4     54.4   -
                 0.262500      17.8     1000.0       9.000     N      9.8     33.5     51.3   -
                 0.366000      11.1     1000.0       9.000     N     10.0     37.4     48.5   -
                 0.550500       9.4     1000.0       9.000     N     10.0     36.6     46.0   -
                27.118500      39.1     1000.0       9.000     N     10.2     10.9     50.0   -

723, Haean-ro, Sangnok-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA (426-910)                                 Tel. : +82-31-5000-133
http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                              Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

                                                                               Report No.: 14-002520-01-05
                                                                                    Page 16 of 16 Pages

    No.                Equipment                Manufacturer         Model        S/N
                                                                                                   Due date
     1             Spectrum Analyzer                Agilent          E4407B    US41443316         03-11-2015

     2            Synthesized Sweeper                HP              83620A    3250A01653         03-03-2015

     3         Digital RF Signal Generator          Agilent          E4438C    US41460859         02-18-2015

     4              Signal Generator                 R&S            SMIQ O3     DE22348           02-14-2015

     5        PSA Series Spectrum Analyzer          Agilent          E4448A    US44300484         02-19-2015

     6              DC Power Supply                 Agilent          E4356A    MY41000296         02-11-2015

     7              DC Power Supply                 Agilent          E3645A    MY40000851         02-11-2015

     8              AC Power Supply                 Agilent          6811B     MY41000446         02-07-2015

     9                Oscilloscope                  Agilent         DSO6054A   MY44001104         01-22-2015

    10             Directional Coupler              Agilent          87300C    MY44300126         03-04-2015

    11             Directional Coupler              Agilent           773D     MY28390213         03-04-2015

    12               VHF Attenuator                  HP               355D     2522A45959         03-04-2015

    13              Coaxial Attenuator            Weinschel          56-20       N8527            03-04-2015

    14              Coaxial Attenuator              Agilent          8491B       50109            03-04-2015

    15                Power Divider                  HP              11636A      09084            03-07-2015

    16                Power Spliter                  HP              11667A      21063            03-04-2015

    17           Temp/Humidity Chamber             ESPEC             SH-641     92007482          01-14-2015
               Function/Arbitrary Waveform
    18                                              Agilent          33250A    MY40015758         05-20-2014
    19                EMI Receiver                   R&S             ESIB26      100280           03-12-2015

    20                Pre-Amplifier                  HP              83017A    MY39500982         02-19-2015
    21                Pre-Amplifier                                   310        284609           01-08-2015
    22             Biconi-Log Antenna            Schwarzbeck        VULB9168    9168-181          05-14-2015

    23          Double Ridge Wave Guide         ETS-Lindgren          3115     9012-3595          10-21-2014

    24             Active Loop Antenna              EMCO              6502      9011-2541         10/18/2015

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http://www.ktl.re.kr                                                                        Fax. : +82-31-5000-149

Document Created: 2018-08-12 04:19:00
Document Modified: 2018-08-12 04:19:00

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