Test report - SAR exemption analysis


Test Report

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                    FCC SAR report analysis for Platinium IS4
                      Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator

        Reference:                      137359-676558-AR-SAR

        Version:                        B

        Status:                         Approved

        Date:                           19/Jul/2016

        Customer:                       SORIN CRM SAS
                                        Parc d'Affaires NOVEOS
                                        4 avenue Réaumur
                                        92140 Clamart

        Products:                       Platinium IS4 Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator

        Author:                         Zorica COROLLEUR

        Technical Manager:              Marc CANCOUET

                              This document shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of the LCIE.
This document contains results related only to the items tested. It does not imply the conformity of the whole production to the items tested.

                        PUBLICATION HISTORY
VERSION     DATE           AUTHOR                 MODIFICATION
A           30-Jun-16      Z.COROLLEUR            Creation of document
B           19-Jul-16      Z.COROLLEUR            Corrections after TCB review

                 FCC SAR report analysis for Platinium IS4 Implantable Medical Devices

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1.      INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................4

2.      RELATED DOCUMENTS ..............................................................................................................5
     2.1.      APPLICABLE STANDARDS .................................................................................................5
     2.2.      REFERENCE DOCUMENTS .................................................................................................5

3.      SORIN PLATINIUM IMD ................................................................................................................6
     3.1.      GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM ..............................................................................6
     3.2.      GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPLANTABLE MEDICAL DEVICE ...................................7
     3.3.      SCHEMATIC OF IMD ............................................................................................................8
     3.4.      CHARACTERISTICS OF IMD ...............................................................................................8

4.      TESTS RESULTS ........................................................................................................................10
     4.1.      RESULTS OF RADIATED OUTPUT POWER ....................................................................10
     4.2.      RF CONDUCTED OUTPUT POWER ..................................................................................10
        4.2.1        RUNNING MODE ..........................................................................................................10
        4.2.2        TEST CONDITIONS .....................................................................................................10
        4.2.3        TEST SETUP ................................................................................................................10
        4.2.4        The access point for these RF measurements ........................................................11
        4.2.5        TEST EQUIPMENT LIST ..............................................................................................13
        4.2.6        GRAPHICS & RESULTS ..............................................................................................13

5.      CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................15

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          This document presents the results of tests performed on two SORIN PLATINIUM
          Implantable Medical Devices (IMD) to prove that all models are excluded of SAR

          The PLATINIUM IS4 Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator is compliant according to FCC
          part 95I standards.

 Hereafter is the list of models name and FCC ID:

         Models                                                    FCC ID

       CRT-D 1744                                         FCC ID YSGCRTD1744

     SonR CRT-D 1844                                   FCC ID YSGCRTDSOR1844

               CRT-D 1744                                                   SonR CRT-D 1844

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        2.      RELATED DOCUMENTS

[A1]   KDB 865664 D02       RF Exposure Compliance Reporting and Documentation Considerations
[A2]   47 CFR Part95I       Medical Device Radiocommunication Service (MedRadio)
[A3]   47 CFR PART15        Radio frequency devices


[R1]   137359-676558B                    Radio Test report of PLATINIUM 4LV CRT-D 1744
[R2]   137359-676558E                    Radio Test report of PLATINIUM 4LV SonR CRT-D 1844
[R3]   MISC3286A                         Tune up procedure

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         The purpose of the paragraph is to provide a high-level description of the structure and
         operation of the following sub-systems of Sorin Remote Monitoring System: the Smartview
         Monitor and the Implantable Medical Device.

         The Smartview Monitor (SM) is intended to collect patient’s clinical data from an
         Implantable Medical Device (IMD) and transfer them to data management system (Back
         Office server).

         The IMD is implanted into the patient’s body. The Smartview Monitor is installed at patient
         home and is intended to collect data from the IMD remotely in absence of physician
         according to scheduled operation.

         The Implantable Medical Device uses two wireless RF bands:

                 ISM band (2.45 GHz) for communication initialization (implant wake-up) receiver

                 MedRadio (402-405 MHz) band for data transfer Implantable Medical Device (IMD)
                  and transfer them to data management system (Back Office server).

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                  PLATINIUM 4LV IMD is declined in 2 models:

                                              CRT-D 1744
                                            SonR CRT-D 1844

                  All models are an implantable cardioverter defibrillator for the recognition and treatment of
                  ventricular tachycardia and fibrillation, with ventricular resynchronization, in patients with
                  spontaneous or inducible tachyarrhythmias.
                  Each IMD is equipped with an accelerometer to allow adaptation of pacing to suit the
                  patient’s activity, and provide high energy shocks (42 J) for enhanced safety, as well as
                  automatic lead measurements to monitor system integrity.

Type          Model              FCC Number              photos                            Leads connection

         CRT-D 1744            YSGCRTD1744


       SonR CRT-D 1844       YSGCRTDSOR1844

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         3.3.      SCHEMATIC OF IMD

              All models are using the same architecture: Battery, Capacitor and RF hardware. The only
              difference is the dimension of antenna and the numbers of leads.

         3.4.      CHARACTERISTICS OF IMD

 Software identification:
-Software version: ROM V2Build 27

 Equipment information:
- Modulation: 2FSK
- Transmit operating mode:         Multiples antenna
                                   Single antenna

- Number of transmit chains:       1          2

- Number of receiver chains:       1          2

- Antenna type:                    Integral         External

- Type of the equipment:           Stand-alone equipment             Plug-in radio device     Combined

- Temperature range:     Tmin:     -20°C            0°C              25°C
                         Tnom:      37°C
                         Tmax:     +35°C            55°C             45°C

- Test source voltage:   Vmin:     207V/50Hz        2.5Vdc
                         Vnom:     230V/50Hz        2.62Vdc
                         Vmax:     253V/50Hz        3.24Vdc

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- Type of power source:               Battery (Lithium-Ion)            Internal power supply
                                      External power supply            Car Charger

- Test sequence/test software used:
- Duty Cycle:                     Continuous duty        Intermittent duty       Continuous operation
- Equipment type:                 Representative production model         Pre-production model

Operating frequency range:
                     Frequency Band (MHz)
     2400MHz to 2483,5MHz
      5150MHz to 5350MHz
      5470MHz to 5725MHz
       402MHz to 405MHz

-Channel plan:
   Channel            Frequency (MHz)
  Cmin: 0                    402.15
    1                        402.45
    2                        402.75
    3                        403.05
    4                        403.35
  Cnom:5                     403.65
    6                        403.95
    7                        404.25
    8                        404.55
  Cmax: 9                    404.85

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     4.        TESTS RESULTS

    Below are the measured Radiated EIRP Powers, for details please refer to EMC test report.

                                                         Reference to test     Max measured    EIRP Limit
    Models                      FCC ID                                           EIRP(µW)         (µW)
  CRT-D 1744           FCC ID YSGCRTD1744                137359-676558B            0,028          25
SonR CRT-D 1844      FCC ID YSGCRTDSOR1844               137359-676558E            0,035          25


     4.2.1 RUNNING MODE

        The EUT is set in the following mode during tests:

        - Continued transmission with modulation on an assigned channel at the highest power


        Test performed by                          : Stéphane PHOUDIAH
        Date of test                               : 2016/04/07
        Ambient temperature                        : 22°C
        Relative humidity                          : 40%

     4.2.3 TEST SETUP
        - The Equipment under Test is installed:

            In the climatic chamber
            On a table
            In an anechoic chamber

        -Measurement is performed with a spectrum analyzer

            On the EUT 50 ohms conducted access
            With a test fixture

        -Spectrum analyzer setup detail:
        RBW: 1 MHz
        VBW: 3 MHz
        Detector type: peak
        Sweep time: 1.9µs

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           The spectrum analyzer marker peak function is used to find the maximum RF conducted output

           Since all models use the same RF circuit and have identical RF characteristics (such as output
           power, Tx frequencies and modulations…etc) the tests were performed directly on one identical
           representative RF circuits mounted on SORIN workbench (note: SORIN workbench is a special
           test fixture provided by SORIN for controlling the testing mode and access to the EUT RF port for
           SORIN Implantable Medical Devices series and as shown below in the picture)

Photograph for RF conducted output power


             All two models are using the same architecture: Battery, Capacitor and RF hardware. The only
             difference is the dimension of the antenna and the numbers of leads.
             The hardware components are soldered on flex PCB. The flex PCB is folded and integrated in the
             IMD. Therefore testing one representative RF circuit is enough to cover all 8 modules’ RF
             conducted characteristics.

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        The flex PCB is folded and
        integrated in IMD.

        The access point for these RF measurements is illustrated in internal photos exhibit.

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              HYBRID RF PART (BOTTOM VIEW)                                 HYBRID RF PART (TOP VIEW)

               RF feedthrough connection                               RF feedthrough connection

      Above figures show RF feedthrough pads on PCB for antenna connection and all RF traces on the
      PCB were designed for standard 50 ohm system. For reliable RF measurements, SORIN has
      installed a UFL connector directly on the antenna contact point for us to verify the actual RF output
      power to the antenna. The above setup pictures also show that the measurement system uses 50
      ohm coaxial cable for connecting the EUT to spectrum analyzer. Therefore, the load impedance
      seen by the EUT (Equipment Under Test) is at optimum 50 ohm for max power output and cable
      loss has been considered and added back to the reading.

 DESCRIPTION                     MANUFACTURER                MODEL         N° LCIE    Cal_Date     Cal_Due
  EMI test receiver                      R&S                   ESR         A2642010    2015/05     2016/05
                                    Teledyne & MINI       920-0202-024 &
RF cable & Attenuator                                                      A5329674    2015/10     2016/10
                                       CIRCUITS              FW-20+

      Since all models share the same RF circuit and have identical RF characteristics, the following
      conducted power measurement result is applicable to all models.

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                           Temperature                                                    Tnom
                              Voltage                                                     Vnom
                             Channel                                    Cmin              Cnom         Cmax
                RF conducted output power (dBm)                         -6.62             -6.33        -7.58
                 RF conducted output power (mW)                          0.22              0.23        0.17

All measurements are recorded in test reports listed in 4.1.

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        Since the test results, as reported in the previous section, demonstrate that both conducted
        and EIRP power plus 0.5dB tuneup tolerance are less than 1 mW, we would like to request
        FCC to grant SAR test exemption to all 8 of these applications according to FCC KDB
        447498 section 4.2.4, as reprinted below. Thank you.

        KDB 447498 section 4.2.4:
        4.2.4. Transmitters implanted in the body of a user
        When the aggregate of the maximum power available at the antenna port and radiating
        structures of an implanted transmitter, under all operating circumstances, is ≤ 1.0 mW,
        SAR test exclusion may be applied. The maximum available output power requirement and
        worst case operating conditions must be supported by power measurement results and
        fully justified in a SAR analysis report, in lieu of the SAR measurement or numerical
        simulation, according to design and implementation requirements of the device.

                          END OF DOCUMENT

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Document Created: 2016-07-27 11:05:12
Document Modified: 2016-07-27 11:05:12

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