Test Report

FCC ID: YSD-5840-SS-1122

Test Report

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                                   Washington Laboratories, Ltd.

                                                          for the

                                    SubSurface Profiler (SSP)
                                   FCC ID: YSD-5840-SS-1122

                                    REPORT# 15412-01 REV 2

                                                      Prepared for:

                                              Reutech Mining
                                                   PO Box 686
                                 Stellenbosch, Capetown 7599

                                                      Prepared By:
                                  Washington Laboratories, Ltd.
                                               7560 Lindbergh Drive
                                        Gaithersburg, Maryland 20879

Certificates and reports shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written permission of Washington Laboratories, Ltd

                                                            FCC Part 15.211 Certification
Reutech Mining                                                               Test Report
SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                December 2018

               FCC Part 15.211 Certification Test Report
                                       for the
                                 Reutech Mining
                             SubSurface Profiler (SSP)

                            FCC ID: YSD-5840-SS-1122

                              DECEMBER 12, 2018

                        WLL REPORT# 15412-01 REV 2

                                     Prepared by:

                                    Mike Violette
                                    Test Engineer

                                    Reviewed by:

                                   Steven D. Koster

WLL Report 15412REV 2                                                                   - ii

                                                                     FCC Part 15.211 Certification
 Reutech Mining                                                                       Test Report
 SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                        December 2018

This report has been prepared on behalf of Reutech Mining to support the attached Application for
Equipment Authorization. The test report and application are submitted for an Intentional Radiator
under Part 15.211 (09/2018) of the FCC Rules and Regulations. This Certification Test Report
documents the test configuration and test results for the Reutech Mining SubSurface Profiler
(SSP) .
Testing was performed in an abandoned turnpike tunnel located near 3300 Pump Station Road,
Waterfall, PA. Washington Laboratories, Ltd. has been accepted by the FCC and approved by
ANAB under Certificate AT-1448 as an independent FCC test laboratory.
The Reutech Mining SubSurface Profiler (SSP) complies with the limits for a Tunnel Radio
Station FCC Part 15.211.

 Revision History                 Description of Change                           Date

 REV 0                 Initial Release                                   DECEMBER 12, 2018
 REV 1                 Comments addressed                               DECEMBER 18, 2018

 REV 2                 Comments addressed                               May 29, 2018

 WLL Report 15412REV 2                                                                           - iii

                                                                                                      FCC Part 15.211 Certification
 Reutech Mining                                                                                                        Test Report
 SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                                                         December 2018

Abstract .....................................................................................................................................iii
Table of Contents ....................................................................................................................... iv
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................. v
List of Figures............................................................................................................................. v
List of Photographs ..................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
1       Introduction..................................................................................................................... 1
  1.1      Compliance Statement ................................................................................................. 1
  1.2      Test Scope ................................................................................................................... 1
  1.3      Contract Information ................................................................................................... 1
  1.4      Test Dates.................................................................................................................... 1
  1.5      Test and Support Personnel ......................................................................................... 1
  1.6      Abbreviations .............................................................................................................. 2
2       Equipment Under Test..................................................................................................... 3
  2.1      EUT Identification & Description ................................................................................ 3
  2.2      Test Configuration....................................................................................................... 5
  2.3      Test Location............................................................................................................... 5
  2.4      Measurements ............................................................................................................. 8
     2.4.1 References ............................................................................................................... 8
  2.5      Measurement Uncertainty ............................................................................................ 9
3       Test Equipment ............................................................................................................. 11
4       Test Results ................................................................................................................... 12
  4.1      Radiated Emissions: (FCC Part §15.211) ................................................................... 12
     4.1.1        Test Procedure ................................................................................................... 12
  4.2      AC Conducted Emissions .......................................................................................... 23

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                                                                                               FCC Part 15.211 Certification
 Reutech Mining                                                                                                 Test Report
 SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                                                  December 2018

Table 1: Device Summary ........................................................................................................... 3
Table 2: Clocks and Oscillators ................................................................................................... 4
Table 3: Expanded Uncertainty List ............................................................................................ 9
Table 4: Test Equipment List .................................................................................................... 11
Table 5: Spectrum Analyzer Settings ........................................................................................ 15

Figure 1. System Diagram........................................................................................................... 5
Figure 2. Tunnel Entrance ........................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3. Tunnel Entrance ........................................................................................................... 7
Figure 4. Tunnel Entrance ........................................................................................................... 8
Figure 8. 3m Pre scan Maximum EUT orientation Horizontal (Peak) ........................................ 13
Figure 9. 3m Pre scan Maximum EUT orientation Vertical (Peak) ............................................ 14
Figure 10. Horizontal Emissions. EUT positioned 364m Inside Tunnel ..................................... 16
Figure 11. Vertical Emissions. EUT positioned 364m Inside Tunnel ......................................... 17
Figure 12. Ambient Vertical...................................................................................................... 18
Figure 13. Spurious Horizontal Radiated Field Strength 30-200MHz ........................................ 19
Figure 14. Spurious Vertical Radiated Field Strength 30-200MHz ............................................ 20
Figure 15. Spurious Horizontal Radiated Field Strength 1-10GHz............................................. 21
Figure 16. Spurious Vertical Radiated Field Strength 1-10GHz ................................................. 22

 WLL Report 15412REV 2                                                                                                               -v

                                                                           FCC Part 15.211 Certification
      Reutech Mining                                                                        Test Report
      SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                         December 2018


The Reutech Mining SubSurface Profiler (SSP) complies with the requirements for a Tunnel Radio
Station under FCC Part 15.211.

1.2     TEST SCOPE
Tests for radiated and conducted emissions were performed. All measurements were performed in
accordance with the 2014 version of ANSI C63.4. and the 2013 version of ANSI C63.10. The
measurement equipment conforms to ANSI C63.2 Specifications for Electromagnetic Noise and Field
Strength Instrumentation.

 Customer:                        Reutech Mining
 Address                          PO Box 686
                                  Stellenbosch, Capetown 7599

 Purchase Order Number:           Invoice request - Refer to PO44384
 Quotation Number:                70341

1.4     TEST DATES
Testing was performed on the following date(s):        20 September 2018

Washington Laboratories, LTD           Mike Violette
Customer Representative                Jan de Beer

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                                                             FCC Part 15.211 Certification
      Reutech Mining                                                          Test Report
      SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                           December 2018

                A     Ampere
                ac    alternating current
              AM      Amplitude Modulation
            Amps      Amperes
               b/s    bits per second
              BW      BandWidth
               CE     Conducted Emission
               cm     Centimeter
              CW      Continuous Wave
               dB     deciBel
                dc    direct current
              EMI     Electromagnetic Interference
             EUT      Equipment Under Test
               FM     Frequency Modulation
                G     giga – prefix for 109 multiplier
               Hz     Hertz
                IF    Intermediate Frequency
                 k    kilo – prefix for 103 multiplier
             LISN     Line Impedance Stabilization Network
                M     Mega – prefix for 106 multiplier
                m     Meter
                 µ    micro – prefix for 10-6 multiplier
               NB     Narrowband
               QP     Quasi-Peak
               RE     Radiated Emissions
               RF     Radio Frequency
              rms     root-mean-square
               SN     Serial Number
              S/A     Spectrum Analyzer
                 V    Volt

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                                                                  FCC Part 15.211 Certification
      Reutech Mining                                                               Test Report
      SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                December 2018


                                     Table 1: Device Summary

                              Item Radar sensing device for determining subsurface features in
                                    mines and tunnels
                      Manufacturer: Reutech Mining
                             FCC ID: YSD-5840-SS-1122
                              Model: SubSurface Profiler (SSP)
  Serial Number of Unit Tested: 2017B1/012
                           Model: 5840-SS-1000V01.00
                    FCC Rule Parts: §15.211
               Frequency Range: 278.125 MHz to 1.001 GHz
         Maximum Output Power: 58.9 mW (17.7 dBm)
                    Modulation: Swept Frequency CW
        FCC Emission Designator: N/A
                           Keying: Manual
              Type of Information: None
             Number of Channels: N/A
              Power Output Level Fixed
 Highest TX Spurious Emission: <40dBuV/m
 Highest RX Spurious Emission: <40dBuV/m
                Antenna Connector       • Antenna boresight gain 4.65 dB
                                        • 60° half power beam width
                     Antenna Type Integrated
                   Interface Cables: None
             Maximum Data Rate N/A
          Power Source & Voltage: 15VDC Battery Supply

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                                                                  FCC Part 15.211 Certification
   Reutech Mining                                                                  Test Report
   SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                   December 2018

                                Table 2: Clocks and Oscillators

       Frequency (MHz)         Source
                               Vectron VC-820-EAE-FAAN-40M000000 Crystal Oscillator
       40MHz                   (XO)
                               Used by the DDS and CC3100 Wi-Fi
                               Vectron VC-820-EAE-FAAN-40M000000 Crystal Oscillator
       10MHz                   (XO) via AD9513 800 MHz Clock Distribution IC
                               Used by the STM32F407 Processor
                               Vectron VC-820-EAE-FAAN-40M000000 Crystal Oscillator
       1.25MHz                 (XO) via AD9513 800 MHz Clock Distribution IC
                               Used by the LT8601 DC/DC converter

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                                                                       FCC Part 15.211 Certification
      Reutech Mining                                                                    Test Report
      SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                     December 2018

                                     Figure 1. System Diagram

The SubSurface Profiler (SSP) was set up in an abandoned turnpike tunnel in Waterfall, PA. The unit was
set up 363 meters from the opening of the tunnel and arranged for maximum emissions at the tunnel
opening. The device was set for continuous transmission and was communicating with a companion tablet
that receives the image data from the SSP. The EUT sweep could not be stopped for testing.
Both the swept signal and the WiFi transmitter were operating simultaneously.

Measurements herein were performed in an abandoned turnpike tunnel in Waterfall, PA. Images of the
tunnel entrance are shown in the following figures.

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                                                           FCC Part 15.211 Certification
   Reutech Mining                                                           Test Report
   SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                            December 2018

                               Figure 2. Tunnel Entrance

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                                                           FCC Part 15.211 Certification
   Reutech Mining                                                           Test Report
   SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                            December 2018

                               Figure 3. Tunnel Entrance

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                                                                     FCC Part 15.211 Certification
      Reutech Mining                                                                  Test Report
      SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                   December 2018

                                    Figure 4. Tunnel Entrance

2.4.1   References
ANSI C63.2 (Jan-2016) Specifications for Electromagnetic Noise and Field Strength Instrumentation
ANSI C63.4 (Jan 2014) American National Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise
Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz
ANSI C63.10 (Jun 2013) American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of
Unlicensed Wireless Devices

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                                                                             FCC Part 15.211 Certification
      Reutech Mining                                                                          Test Report
      SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                           December 2018

All results reported herein relate only to the equipment tested. The basis for uncertainty calculation uses
ANSI/NCSL Z540-2-1997 (R2002) with a type B evaluation of the standard uncertainty. Elements
contributing to the standard uncertainty are combined using the method described in Equation 1 to arrive
at the total standard uncertainty. The standard uncertainty is multiplied by the coverage factor to determine
the expanded uncertainty which is generally accepted for use in commercial, industrial, and regulatory
applications and when health and safety are concerned (see Equation 2). A coverage factor was selected
to yield a 95% confidence in the uncertainty estimation.

                                   Equation 1: Standard Uncertainty

                                     a2       b2     c2
                             uc = ±      2
                                           +     2
                                                   +    2
                                                          + .......
                                    diva     divb divc
        Where uc         = standard uncertainty
                a, b, c,..      = individual uncertainty elements
                Diva, b, c      = the individual uncertainty element divisor based on the probability
                                Divisor = 1.732 for rectangular distribution
                                Divisor = 2 for normal distribution
                                Divisor = 1.414 for trapezoid distribution

                                   Equation 2: Expanded Uncertainty

                                                  U = ku c
        Where U                 = expanded uncertainty
                k               = coverage factor
                                k ≤ 2 for 95% coverage (ANSI/NCSL Z540-2 Annex G)
                uc              = standard uncertainty
The measurement uncertainty complies with the maximum allowed uncertainty from CISPR 16-4-2.
Measurement uncertainty is not used to adjust the measurements to determine compliance. The expanded
uncertainty values for the various scopes in the WLL accreditation are provided in Table 3 below.

                                  Table 3: Expanded Uncertainty List

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                                                                  FCC Part 15.211 Certification
   Reutech Mining                                                                  Test Report
   SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                   December 2018

Scope                       Standard(s)                                           Expanded
Conducted Emissions         CISPR11, CISPR22, , CISPR32, CISPR14, FCC Part 15     ±2.63 dB
Radiated Emissions          CISPR11, CISPR22, , CISPR32, CISPR14, FCC Part 15     ±4.55 dB

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                                                                        FCC Part 15.211 Certification
      Reutech Mining                                                                     Test Report
      SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                      December 2018

Table 4 shows a list of the test equipment used for measurements along with the calibration information.

                                    Table 4: Test Equipment List

 Test Name:          Conducted Emissions Voltage Test Date:                                 09/20/2018
 Asset #             Manufacturer/Model          Description                                Cal. Due
                                                 EXA                        SPECTRUM
 823                 AGILENT - N9010A                                                       4/21/2019
 125                  SOLAR - 8028-50-TS-24-BNC          LISN                               5/23/2019
 126                  SOLAR - 8028-50-TS-24-BNC          LISN                               5/23/2019
 53                   HP - 11947A                        LIMITER TRANSIENT                  2/1/2019

 Test Name:          Radiated Emissions                 Test Date:                          09/21/2018
 Asset #             Manufacturer/Model                 Description                         Cal. Due
                                                        EXA                 SPECTRUM
 823                  AGILENT - N9010A                                                      4/21/2019
 626                  ARA - DRG-118/A                    ANTENNA HORN                       10/7/2018
 26                   EMCO - 3110B                       ANTENNA BICONICAL                  1/5/2019
 28                   EMCO - 3146                        ANTENNA LOG PERIODIC               12/13/2018
 558                  HP - 8447D                         AMPLIFIER                          2/9/2019
                                                        0.5m SMA-SMA RF Coaxial
 885                 UTUTIFLEX Micro Coax                                       04/09/2019
 892                 SMA-SMA RF Coaxial Cable           SMA-SMA RF Coaxial Cable            04/09/2019

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                                                                        FCC Part 15.211 Certification
      Reutech Mining                                                                     Test Report
      SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                      December 2018

The plots below show the results of testing for compliance with a Tunnel Radio System in accordance
with FCC Part 15.211 (9/2018).

Emissions must meet the general radiated emissions of 15.209.
Per guidance received from the FCC, restricted band frequencies do not apply to 15.211

4.1.1   Test Procedure
Pre-scans were performed at a distance of 3m to determine worst-case orientation of the device, which
was with the roller long dimension perpendicular to the tunnel opening as shown in the test setup photo.
The procedure was to monitor the emissions at the tunnel entrance until the quasi-peak levels dropped
below the 15.209 limit. This distance was found to be 1193 feet or 364 meters. The measurement antenna
was set up at the same location during the pre-scan and the final data measurement.

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                                                            FCC Part 15.211 Certification
   Reutech Mining                                                            Test Report
   SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                             December 2018

            Figure 5. 3m Pre scan Maximum EUT orientation Horizontal (Peak)

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                                                                      FCC Part 15.211 Certification
    Reutech Mining                                                                     Test Report
    SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                      December 2018

               Figure 6. 3m Pre scan Maximum EUT orientation Vertical (Peak)

The EUT was placed 364 meters inside the tunnel and oriented for maximum emissions that were
determined at a 3m scanning distance.
Receiving antennas were mounted on a tripod. The height of the antenna was set to 2 meters. The height
of the antenna was scanned, but the emissions did not noticeably vary.
Both the horizontal and vertical field components were measured.

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                                                                       FCC Part 15.211 Certification
    Reutech Mining                                                                      Test Report
    SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                       December 2018

The emissions were measured using the following resolution bandwidths:

                                Table 5: Spectrum Analyzer Settings

 Frequency Range                   Resolution Bandwidth             Video Bandwidth
 30MHz-1000 MHz                    120kHz                           >100 kHz
 >1000 MHz                         1 MHz                            1MHz (Peak)

Cable correction, pre-amplifier and antenna factors were input into the spectrum analyzer. The spectrum
analyzer readings in dBuV represent the actual field strength in dBuV/m.
Peak readings are shown in the following figure. The peak-to quasi-peak difference was determined to be
approximately 6.2 dB. The maximum level of emissions was found at 293.5 MHz with a quasi-peak value
of 41.2 dBuV/m. The remaining marker represent the Peaks in the remainder of the transmit band.
Regrettably the display table was not ‘turned off’ when the scan was saved, however, the market table
shows the peak emissions.

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                                                            FCC Part 15.211 Certification
   Reutech Mining                                                            Test Report
   SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                             December 2018

           Figure 7. Horizontal Emissions. EUT positioned 364m Inside Tunnel

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                                                             FCC Part 15.211 Certification
   Reutech Mining                                                             Test Report
   SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                              December 2018

             Figure 8. Vertical Emissions. EUT positioned 364m Inside Tunnel

WLL Report 15412-01 REV 2                                                       Page-17 of 23-

                                                                    FCC Part 15.211 Certification
    Reutech Mining                                                                   Test Report
    SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                    December 2018

                                   Figure 9. Ambient Vertical

Spurious emissions were measured from 30 MHz to 10 GHz. Emissions over-the-limit were identified as
ambient emissions.

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                                                                    FCC Part 15.211 Certification
    Reutech Mining                                                                   Test Report
    SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                    December 2018

             Figure 10. Spurious Horizontal Radiated Field Strength 30-200MHz

Spurious emissions were measured from 30 MHz to 10 GHz. Emissions over-the-limit were identified as
ambient emissions.

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                                                                    FCC Part 15.211 Certification
    Reutech Mining                                                                   Test Report
    SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                    December 2018

              Figure 11. Spurious Vertical Radiated Field Strength 30-200MHz

Spurious emissions were measured from 30 MHz to 10 GHz. Emissions over-the-limit were identified as
ambient emissions.

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                                                                      FCC Part 15.211 Certification
    Reutech Mining                                                                     Test Report
    SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                      December 2018

               Figure 12. Spurious Horizontal Radiated Field Strength 1-10GHz

Fundamental emission of WiFi device present on the plot at 2.4 GHz.

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                                                                      FCC Part 15.211 Certification
    Reutech Mining                                                                     Test Report
    SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                      December 2018

                Figure 13. Spurious Vertical Radiated Field Strength 1-10GHz

Fundamental emission of WiFi device present on the plot at 2.4 GHz.

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                                                                      FCC Part 15.211 Certification
      Reutech Mining                                                                   Test Report
      SUBSURFACE PROFILER (SSP)                                                    December 2018

The EUT is powered by rechargeable batteries. The charger was measured for compliance to the conducted
emissions requirements of FCC Part 15B. The device does not operate while charging.

 WLL Report 15412-01 REV 2                                                               Page-23 of 23-

Document Created: 2860-09-13 00:00:00
Document Modified: 2860-09-13 00:00:00

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