E-field probe Calibration


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                                The microwavevision comp:my/

   COMOSAR E—Field Probe Calibration Report

                                                  Ref: ACR.261.1.13.SA¥ATU.A

               LONGCHANG ROAD,
              PROVINCE, P.R. CHINA
                     SERIAL NO.: SN 37/08 EP80

                         Calibrated at SATIMO US
                 2105 Barrett Park Dr. — Kennesaw, GA 30144

                                    * aA
                                   Calibration CERT #2246.02



    This document presents the method and results from an accredited COMOSAR Dosimetric E—Field
    Probe calibration performed in SATIMO USA using the CALISAR / CALIBAIR test bench, for use
    with a SATIMO COMOSAR system only. All calibration results are traceable to national
    metrology institutions.

 ({ [_s \               COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                   Bef. ACK261.1.13.8ATU .A

                                  Name                               Function                          Date                  Signature
Prepared by :               Jérome LUC                         Product Manager                    9/18/2014                   fi/

Checked by :                 Jérdme LUC                        Product Manager                    9/18/2014                   fi'
Approved by :          Kim RUTKOWSKI                           Quality Manager                    9/18/2014                 im Aattharh

                                                                        Customer Name
                                                                       Shenzhen Morlab
                                          i    radourses               Communications
                                      Distribution :                   Tecunology Co..

   Issue                  Date                                                          Modifications
     A                  9/18/2014                 Initial release

                                                              Page: 2/10

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                be releasedin whole or part without written approval ofSATIMO.

     ([(      \                   COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                        Ref: ACR.261 1.13.8ATU.A

                                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS

1       Devige UNAGeF TESE.......:....s:ssss.ssvsesrsressuriernvararvansrsprenan k Carsasarprenensey ns ensersape en es er6es 4
>       ~—Product DeSCNIPDUON :: .. .. ... .. medlnir n rerrrna o evin n eda Pn (nvina hn ierpe (ebaranvap e vapalc l aenaraaany 4
      2.1       General Information                                                                                                                     4
3       ~Measurement MetltoG _ .....;....... .. :: :—.051 mm it resrirecnisiabean sn ies ta i rearitink dn rantanaea¥phees 4
      3.1       Linearity                                                                                                                               4
      3.2       Sensitivity                                                                                                                             5
      3.3       Lower Detection Limit                                                                                                                   5
      3.4       Isotropy                                                                                                                                5

      3.$       Boundary Effect                                                                                                                         5

4       ~—Measurement UNHCETEAINEY . ....... ssm 001051Tyzsstrsvrreririberrsbenvaven ie rensedy brr ib sn saeas se y rrpaes 5
5       Calibration MeaSHFCMENE RESUILS .......................0000.s1.02210—ivsresvvsrsvrsrratrrrserirrrversririerses 6
      5.1       Sensitivity in air                                                                                                                      6
      5.2       Linearity                                                                                                                               7.
      5.3       Sensitivity in liquid                                                                                                                   7
      5.4       Isotropy                                                                                                                                8
&—      ALASL OF EQUIDMGRAN ... .. ... ...... .. .02 0. ootvseperr es en ons (orernernrane ns Figyn iroriinvaaniy nb in virensansapdiogee 10

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 ({f ; \                  COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                 Ref: ACR.

1               DEVICE UNDER TEST

                                                      Device Under Test
      Device Type                                                   COMOSAR DOSIMETRIC E FIELD PROBE
      Manufacturer                                                  Satimo
      Model                                                         SSES5
      Serial Number                                                 SN 37/08 EP80
      Product Condition (new / used)                                Used
      Frequency Range of Probe                                      0.7 GHz—3GHz
      Resistance of Three Dipoles at Connector                      Dipole 1: R1=1.426 MQ
                                                                    Dipole 2: R2=1.475 MQ
                                                                    Dipole 3: R3=1.459 MQ

A yearly calibration interval is recommended.



Satimo‘s COMOSAR E field Probes are built in accordance to the IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C
and CEI/IEC 62209 standards.

                            Figure 1 — Satimo COMOSAR Dosimetric Efield Dipole

      Probe Length                                                   330 mm
      Length of Individual Dipoles                                  4.5 mm
      Maximum external diameter                                     8 mm
      Probe Tip External Diameter                                   5 mm
      Distance between dipoles / probe extremity                    2.7 mm

          3      MEASUREMENT METHOD
The IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C, CENELEC ENS0361 and CEI/IEC 62209 standards provide
recommended practices for the probe calibrations, including the performance characteristics of
interest and methods by which to assess their affect. All calibrations / measurements performed meet
the fore mentioned standards.

          3.1    —LNEARITY
The evaluation of the linearity was done in free space using the waveguide, performing a power
sweep to cover the SAR range 0.01 W/kg to 100W/kg.

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    ({ L.+ \                COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                  Ref: ACR.

         3.2       SENSITIVITY
The sensitivity factors of the three dipoles were determined using a two step calibration method (air
and tissue simulating liquid) using waveguides as outlined in the standards.

         3.3       LOWER DETECTION LIMIT
The lower detection limit was assessed using the same measurement set up as used for the linearity
measurement. The required lower detection limit is 10 mW/kg.

         34     ISOTROPY
The axial isotropy was evaluated by exposing the probe to a reference wave from a standard dipole
with the dipole mounted under the flat phantom in the test configuration suggested for system
validations and checks. The probe was rotated along its main axis from 0 — 360 degrees in 15 degree
steps. The hemispherical isotropy is determined by inserting the probe in a thin plastic box filled
with tissue—equivalent liquid, with the plastic box illuminated with the fields from a half wave dipole.
The dipole is rotated about its axis (0°%—180°) in 15° increments. At each step the probe is rotated
about its axis (0°%—360°).

         3.5       BOUNDARY EFFECT
The boundary effect is defined as the deviation between the SAR measured data and the expected
exponential decay in the liquid when the probe is oriented normal to the interface. To evaluate this
effect, the liquid filled flat phantom is exposed to fields from either a reference dipole or waveguide.
With the probe normal to the phantom surface, the peak spatial average SAR is measured and
compared to the analytical value at the surface.


The guidelines outlined in the IEEE 1528, OET 65 Bulletin C, CENELEC ENS0361 and CEI/IEC
62209 standards were followed to generate the measurement uncertainty associated with an E—field
probe calibration using the waveguide technique. All uncertainties listed below represent an
expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95% confidence level using a coverage factor
of k=2, traceable to the Internationally Accepted Guides to Measurement Uncertainty.
 Uncertainty analysis of the probe calibration in waveguide

                                                 Uncertainty           Probability                ha                  f          Standard
         ERRORSOCRCES                             value (%)            Distribution             Distsor              C        Uncertainty (%)
 Incident or forward power                           3.00%              Rectangular                 \@      |        1             1.732%

 Reflected power                                     3.00%              Rectangular                 \/3_    |        1             1.732%

 Liquid conductivity                                 5.00%              Rectangular                 \/§     |        1             2.887%

 Liquid permittivity                                 4.00%              Rectangular                 \/5     |        1             2.309%

 Field homogeneity                                   3.00%              Rectangular                 \/5     ‘        1             1.732%

 Field probe positioning                             5.00%              Rectangular                 J§      |        1             2.887%

 Field probe linearity                               3.00%              Rectangular                 af3     |        1             1.732%

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 ([£. \                   COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                   Ref: ACR.261 1.13.8ATU.A

  Combined standard uncertainty                                                                                                   5.831%
      Expanded uncertainty                                                                                                         12.0%
    95 % confidence level k =2


                                                   Calibration Parameters
   Liquid Temperature                                                21 °C
   Lab Temperature                                                   21 °C
   Lab Humidity                                                      45 %

       5.1        SENSITIVITY IN AR

                                    Normx dipole Normy dipole Normz dipole
                                     1 (uV/(V/m))| 2 (uV/(V/Am)y) 3 (uV/(V/m)‘)
                                            5.18                    5.82                   5.33

                                     DCP dipole 1           DCP dipole 2            DCP dipole 3
                                           (mV)                    (mV)                   (mV)
                                            129                     106                     120

Calibration curves ei=f(V) (i=1,2,3) allow to obtain H—field value using the formula:

                                      Calibration curves
                934—                                                                          3e
                so0—                                                                   ez

           € 6O0—                                            ~t<>4
           &                                              2Af//                                                   Dipole 1
           32 400—                                sXA
                                                —|=>                                                             Dipole
                                                                                                                   ipole 2
           uj                           _A                                                                        Dipole 3

                200—      /

                  1 73/                                                                            i
                  0.00 0.05 0.10 015 0.20 0.225 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60                067
                                                      Voltage (¥)

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                                            COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                  Ref: ACR.261.1.13.SATU.A

     5.2                          LINEARITY

           Linearity Error (dB)

                                  0. 25—
                                  A. 75—
                                  ©1.00—,          i
                                        0         100       200         300      400          500      600       700           824
                                                                              E—Field (V/m)

       Linearity:1+/1.99% (+/—0.09dB)

     5.3                           SENSITIVITY IN LIQUID

  Liquid                              Frequency             Permittivity         Epsilon (S/m)              ConvE
                                       (MHz +/—
  HLA450                                   450                 42.47                   0.86                  8.24
   BL450                                   450                 57.64                   0.98                  8.48
  HL750                                     750                42.34                   0.89                  6.71
   BL750                                    750                55.73                   0.96                  6.96
  HL850                                     835                42.56                   0.88                  6.73
   BL850                                    835                55.26                   0.96                  6.99
  HL900                                     900                41,59                   0.96                  6.11
  BL900                                     900                55.98                   1.03                  6.31
  HL1750                                   1750                39.94                   1.37                  5.42
  BL1750                                   1750                51.52                   1.46                  5.51
  HL1800                                   1800                40.17                   1.37                  5.33
  BL1800                                   1800                52.04                   1.48                  5.46
  HL1900                                   1900                39.80                   1.42                  6.00
  BL1900                                   1900                52.53                   1.50                  617
  HL2000                                   2000                38.83                   1.43                  4.92
  BL2000                                   2000                53.16                   1.52                  5.11
  HL2450                                   2450                38.84                   1.82                  4.80
  BL2450                                   2450                52.02                   1.94                  4.96
  HL2600                                   2600                38.46                   1.95                  4.65
  BL2600                                   2600                 51.97                  2.17                  4.78


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 (([«    \              COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                   Ref: ACR.261.1.13.SATU.A

        5.4   ISOTROPY
HL900 MHz
— Axial isotropy:                                0.05 dB
— Hemispherical isotropy:                     —_0.09 dB

                                                 Isotropy curves

HL1800 MHz
— Axial isotropy:                                0.07 dB
— Hemispherical isotropy:                        0.10 dB

                                                 Isotropy curves

                                   40—                                        +
                                      10 os   d% d4 42 o0    drtanabsnstrorosi0

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 ((L. \                COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                    Reff ACR—2OIA 15SATUA

HL2450 MHz
— Axial isotropy:                                 0.07 dB
— Hemispherical isotropy:                         0.11 dB

                                                  Isatropy curves

                                                                                 Dpole at 0t
                                                                                 Dllear 20°
                                                                                 Dpal at 67
                                                                                 Done a 30

                                     to os   os   o«   d2 ao ooemansosvrosom‘b

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                           COMOSAR E—FIELD PROBE CALIBRATION REPORT                                                   Ref: ACR.261.1.13.SATU.A

        6    LIST OF EQUIPMENT

                                                 Equipment Summary Sheet

    Equipment                 Manufacturer / Identification No        Current                                           Next Calibration
    Description                   Model                        ‘| Calibration Date                                            Date
                                         f                                             [Validated. No cal             Validated.        No   cal
    Flat Phantom                      Satimo                SN—20/09—SAM71             Fequired.                      Fequired.
                                        f                                              Validated. No cal              Validated.        No   cal
COMOSAR Test Bench                  Version 3                         NA               required.                      required.

  Network Anatyzer            RROC®8SChWare                      gr49o132                        0212014                       o2r2o16
                                         §                                              Characterized prior to |Characterized prior to
   Reference Frobe                    satime                 EP 94 SN $7i08             test. No cal required. |test. No cal required.

      Multimeter                 Keithley 2000                     1188656                       1112013                       11/2016

   Signal Generator             Agilent E4438C                 MY49070581                        1212013                       12/2016

            o                                                                           Characterized prior to\Characterized prior to
       Amplificr                  Aethercomin                      SN 048               test. No cal required. |test. No cal required.

     Power Meter                  HP E4418A                    US38261498                        1172013                       11/2016

    Power Sensor                 HP ECP—E26A                    US37181460                        1172013                      1112016

  Directional Coupler           Narda 4216—20                       01386               Characterized prior to |Characterized prior to
                                                                                        test. No cal required. test. No cal required.
                                                                             Validated. No cal                        Validated. No cal
     Waveguide                  Mega Industries            O69Y¥7—158—13—712 required.                                Fequired.

       :        id                          ;                               Validated. No cal                         Validated. No cal
Waveguide Transition            Mega Industries            O69Y7—158—13—701 required.                                 required.

                                                                                       Validated. No cal              Validated. No cal
Waveguide T ermination          Mega Industries            069Y7—158—13—701
                                                                                       required.                      required.
Temperature / Humidity
                              Control Company                     11—661—9                        372014                       372016

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Document Created: 2014-09-26 10:10:18
Document Modified: 2014-09-26 10:10:18

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