RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                      Report No. : UL05420141126FCC027-1

             RF Exposure Evaluation Declaration

                                      Product Name: GPS Tracker
                                      Model No.:             ES610
                                      FCC ID:                 YR8ES610

                                          Applicant : eSky Wireless Inc.
                         Address : 22-303,328 Xinghu Street,Suzhou,China

                               Date of Receipt : 26-11-2014
                               Issued Date :            05-01-2015
                                Report No. :            UL05420141126FCC027-1
                               Report Version : V1.0

The test results relate only to the samples tested.
The test results shown in the test report are traceable to the national/international standard through the calibration of
the equipment and evaluated measurement uncertainty herein.
This report must not be used to claim product endorsement by TAF, CNAS or any agency of the Government.
The test report shall not be reproduced except in full without the written approval of Unilab Corporation.

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                                                       Report No. : UL05420141126FCC027-1

     RF Exposure Evaluation Declaration
                                               Issued Date : 05-01-2015
                                               Report No. : UL05420141126FCC027-1

Product Name :          GPS Tracker
Model No. :             ES610
Applicant :             eSky Wireless Inc.
Address :               22-303,328 Xinghu Street, Suzhou, China
Manufacturer :          eSky Wireless Inc.
Address :               22-303,328 Xinghu Street, Suzhou, China
EUT Voltage             MIN: 6.0V, NOR:12V, MAX: 42V
Brand Name :            eSky
Applicable Standard :   FCC OET Bulletin 65 Supplement C (Edition 01-01)
Test Result :           Complied
Performed Location :    Unilab (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd.
                        FCC 2.948 register number is 714465
                        No.1350, Lianxi Road, Pudong New District, Shangha, China

Documented By :
                               (Technical Engineer: Andy Wei)

Reviewed By :
                                (Senior Engineer: Forest Cao)

Approved By :
                                    (Supervisor: Eva Wang)

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                                                         Report No. : UL05420141126FCC027-1

1. EUT Description
                  Product Name:                         GPS Tracker
                     Model Name:                           ES610
                Hardware Version:                      ES110-MB-H103
                 Software Version:                      LLB0003.1.4
             RF Exposure Environment:                    Uncontrolled


                  Support Band:                    GSM850/ PCS 1900
                                          GSM 850: 824.2MHz to 848.8MHz
               Tx Frequency Range:
                                         PCS 1900: 1850.2MHz to 1909.8MHz
                                          GSM 850: 869.2MHz to 893.8MHz
               Rx Frequency Range:
                                         PCS 1900: 1930.2MHz to 1989.8MHz
                Type of modulation:                        GMSK

                  Antenna Type:                            Internal
                                                       GSM 850: 2dBi
               Antenna Peak Gain:
                                                       PCS 1900: 2dBi

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                                                               Report No. : UL05420141126FCC027-1

2. RF Exposure Evaluation
2.1 Limits
   According to FCC 1.1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate
   the environment impact of human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation as specified in
    Frequency           Electric Filed     Magnetic Filed        Power Density     Average Time
    Range(MHz)          Strength           Strength              (mW/cm2)          (Minutes)
                        (V/m)              (A/m)
    (A)Limits for Occupation/Control Exposures
    300-1500            --                 --                    F/300             6
    1500-100,000        --                 --                    5                 6
    (B)Limits for General Occupation/UnControlled Exposures
    300-1500            --                 --                    F/1500            6
    1500-100,000        --                 --                    1                 30
   F= Frequency in MHz

   Friis Formula
   Friis transmission formula: Pd = (Pout*G)/(4*Pi*R2)

   Pd = power density in mW/cm2
   Pout = output power to antenna in mW
   G = gain of antenna in linear scale
   Pi = 3.1416
   R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm

   Pd id the limit of MPE, 1 mW/cm2 . If we know the maximum gain of the antenna and the total
   power input to the antenna, through the calculation, we will know the distance r where the
   MPE limit is reached.

2.2.Test Procedure
   Software provided by client enabled the EUT to transmit and receive data at lowest, middle
   and highest channel individually.
   The temperature and related humidity: 18℃and 45% RH.

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                                                                Report No. : UL05420141126FCC027-1

2.3.Test Result of RF Exposure Evaluation

This device is evaluated by mobile device with general population/uncontrolled exposure condition
For this device, the calculation is using the most conservative values, and the results are as follows:
                         Maximum                                  Calculated
             Antenna                   Average       Average
                          Output                                RF Exposure at   MPE Limit
Test Mode     Gain                      Power         EIRP
                          Power                                    d = 20cm      (mW/cm2)
              (dBi)                     (dBm)         (mW)
                          (dBm)                                   (mW/cm2)
                2        32.81      23.81      381.1       0.076                    0.55
                2        30.30      21.30      213.8       0.043                    1.00
The averaged power calculated method are shown as below:
Averaged power=Maximum burst averaged power(1 Tx Slot)-9dB
Duty cycle =12.5%
Average EIRP Power=Average Power+Antenna Gain

                                          Peak        Average    RF Exposure
                ERP         EIRP                                                 MPE Limit
Test Mode                                 EIRP         EIRP            at
               (dBm)       (dBm)                                                 (mW/cm2)
                                          (mW)         (mW)        d = 20cm
              31.57     33.72       2355.0       296.5       0.059                  0.55
              31.97     34.12       2582.3       325.1       0.064                  0.55
             ---------  28.88        772.7        97.3       0.019                  1.00
             ---------  28.95        785.2        98.9       0.020                  1.00
The frame-averaged power calculated method are shown as below:
Average EIRP=Peak EIRP-9dB
Duty cycle =12.5%

This device can pass RF exposure limit.

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Document Created: 2015-01-06 18:20:49
Document Modified: 2015-01-06 18:20:49

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