

Test Report

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                                  TEST REPORT
                                No. ECIT—2013—0118—RF
                                    Client        : eSky Wireless Inc.

                              Production : GSM (GPRS) /GPS
                                                     quad—band GPS tracker

                            Model Name : ES110

                                      FCC ID: YR8ES110

                   Hardware Version:                 ES110__MB_H103

                    Software Version: 130412V110ATGDGSTA4O

                             Issued date: 2013—08—15

The test results in this test report relate only to the devices specified in this report. This report shall not be
reproduced except in full without the written approval of ECIT Shanghai.

Test Laboratory:
ECIT Shanghai, East China Institute of Telecommunications
Add: 7F, G Area, No.668, Beijing East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, P. R. China
Tel: (+86)—021—63843300, E—Mail:



1.       TEST LABORATORY ......................................................................................................................... 3

1.1.     TESTING LOCATION ........................................................................................................................ 3

1.2.     TESTING ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................................... 3

1.3.     PROJECT DATA .................................................................................................................................. 3

1.4.     SIGNATURE ......................................................................................................................................... 3

2.       CLIENT INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 4

2.1.     APPLICANT INFORMATION ........................................................................................................... 4

2.2.     MANUFACTURER INFORMATION ................................................................................................ 4

3.       EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT (AE) ............................. 5

3.1.     ABOUT EUT ......................................................................................................................................... 5

3.2.     INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF EUT USED DURING THE TEST ........................................ 5

3.3.     INTERNAL IDENTIFICATION OF AE USED DURING THE TEST ........................................... 5

3.4.     STATEMENTS ...................................................................................................................................... 5

4.       REFERENCE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................. 6

4.1.     REFERENCE DOCUMENTS FOR TESTING ................................................................................. 6

5.       SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ....................................................................................................... 7

6.       TEST EQUIPMENTS UTILIZED ...................................................................................................... 8

7.       TEST ENVIRONMENT..................................................................................................................... 10

ANNEX A: MEASUREMENT RESULTS .................................................................................................. 12

A.1 OUTPUT POWER (§22.913(A)/§24.232(C)) ........................................................................................ 12

A.2 99%OCCUPIED BANDWIDTH (§2.1049(H)(I)) ................................................................................ 14

A.3 -26DB EMISSION BANDWIDTH (§22.917(B)/§24.238(B)) ............................................................... 18

A.4 BAND EDGE AT ANTENNA TERMINALS (§22.917(B)/§24.238(B)) .............................................. 22

A.5 RADIATED ............................................................................................................................................. 24

ANNEX B DEVIATIONS FROM PRESCRIBED TEST METHODS ...................................................... 30

                                                                    Page 2 of 30

—=>~     East China Institute of Telecommunications             No.EC!T—2013—0118—RF
CL/      ——_—____—

 1. Test Laboratory
 1.1. Testing Location

  Company Name:            ECIT Shanghal, East China Institute of Telecommunications
  Address:                 7F, G Area,No. 668, Beijing East Road, Huangpu District, Shanghal,
                           P. A. Ghina
  Postal Gode:             200001
  Telephone:               0082163848300
  Fax:                     co862163843301
   FCC Registration NO.:   489729
 1.2. Testing Environment

  Normal   Temperature:     15—35°C
  Extreme Temporature:      —80/+60°C
  Relative Humidity:        20—75%

 1.3. Project data

  Project Leader:             Lijrenquan
  Testing Start Date:         07,03,2013
  Testing End Date:           08,16,2018
 14. Signature

       4+ 9m
        Wang daming                                                    (Reviewedthis test
     (Testing Engineer)                                                      report)

                                        Zheng Zhongbin
                                    Director otthe laboratory
                                 (Approved this test report)

                                        Page 3 of 30


2. Client Information
2.1. Applicant Information
 Company Name:       eSky Wireless Inc.
 Address /Post:      22-303,328 Xinghu Street,Suzhou,China
 Country:            China

2.2. Manufacturer Information
 Company Name:       eSky Wireless Inc.
 Address /Post:      22-303,328 Xinghu Street,Suzhou,China
 Country:            China

                                  Page 4 of 30

t         East China Institute of Telecommunications                No.ECIT—2013—0118—AF
EL/       _ ________—

3. Equipment Under Test (EUT) and Ancillary Equipment (AE)
3.1. About EUT
  EUT Description                    GSM (GPRS) /GPS quad—band GPS tracker
  Model name                         esi1o
  rec ip                             vrsesito
  Frequency                          esmesorsoorieco/ts00
  Extreme Temperature                amsvc
  Nominal Voltage                    tev
  Extreme High Votage                sev
  Extreme Low Voltage                av
Note: Photographs of EUT are shown in ANNEX A of thistest report
3.2. Internal Identification of EUT used during the test

  EUT      SNoriMEI          HW Version                SW Version              Date of receipt
  Nos      ses«se0o0273      ESt10_MB_H1o3             1soetavitoatapast       2018.07—03
           920                                         40

"ELIT ID: is used to idently the test sample in the lab interally

3.3. Internal Identification of AE used during the test

  as i‘          Description
  a€i            RF cable
  Aco            Dummy Battery

*AE ID: is used to identy the test sample in the lab internally.
34. Statements
The product ES110 , supporting GSWGPS, manufactured by eSiy Wireless a new product
for testing.

ECIT has verffed that the complance of the tested device specife in section 5 of this test report
is suecessfully evaluated according to the procedure and test methods as defined in type
certfication requrement sted in section 5 of this test report.

                                           Page 5 of 30


4. Reference Documents

4.1. Reference Documents for testing
The following documents listed in this section are referred for testing.

 Reference                Title                                                    Version
 FCC Part 24              PERSONAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICES                         V 10.1.09
 FCC Part 22              PUBLIC MOBILE SERVICES                                   V 10.1.09
 ANSI-TIA-603-C           Land Mobile FM or PM Communications Equipment            2004
                          Measurement and Performance Standards
 ANSI C63.4               Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from     2003
                          Low-Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the
                          Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz
 KDB971168                Procedures for Compliance Measurement of the             2010
                          Fundamental Emission Power of Licensed Wideband (> 1
                          MHz) Digital Transmission Systems

                                           Page 6 of 30



 Item          Test items                      FCC rules            result

  1          Output Power                22.913(a)/24.232(c)         Pass

  2          Emission Limit             2.1051/22.917/24.238         Pass

  3       Conducted Emission                  15.107/15.207          Pass

  4     99%Occupied Bandwidth                  2.1049(h)(i)          Pass

  5     -26dB Emission Bandwidth        22.917(b)/§24.238(b)         Pass
          Band Edge at antenna
  6                                      22.917(b)/24.238(b)         Pass

                               Page 7 of 30


6. Test Equipments Utilized

Climate chamber
                                                   Serial                     Calibration
 No.           Equipment           Model                       Manufacturer
                                                  Number                       Due date

   1         Climate chamber       SH-641        92012011        ESPEC        2014-08-12

Radiated emission test system
The test equipments and ancillaries used are as follows.

                                                     Serial                   Calibration
       No.          Equipment        Model                     Manufacturer
                                                    Number                     Due date

       1                            CMU200           123102        R&S        2013-09-10
                    on Tester

       2           Test Receiver     ESU40           100307        R&S        2013-11-07

       3                           VULB9163        19-162515   Schwarzbeck    2014-11-11

       4           Ridged Guide     ETS-3117       00135885        ETS        2014-04-29

       5           Ridged Guide     ETS-3117       00135890        ETS        2014-04-28

       6           Test receiver     ESCI            101235        R&S        2013-11-07

       7                            ENV216           101380        R&S        2013-11-07

                                           Page 8 of 30


                     VHF-UHF      SWB-VUBA9                    SCHWARZBE
       8                                            9117-266                  2013/11/11
                    broad band       117                          CK

       9           antenna(18.0     3160_09         LM6321                    2013/11/22

       10                            SCU18           10155         R/S        2013/11/03
       11                            SCU18           10146         R/S        2013/11/03

       12          antenna(18.0     3160_09        00086671                   2014/06/15

       13            Amplifier                      1405286       MITEQ       2014/06/09

       14            Amplifier       SCV26           10025         R&S        2013/11/09

Conducted test system

 No.             Name               Type             SN        Manufacture   Cal. Due Date

  1         Spectrum Analyzer      FSQ26           101096         R&S         2013-10-17

             Universal Radio
  2          Communication        CMU200           123102         R&S         2013-09-10
  3         DC Power Supply       ZUP60-14                     TDL-Lambda     2013-11-30

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t         East China Institute of Telecommunications              No.ECIT—2013—0118—AF
EL/       _ ________—

          Weinsche! power
                                     1870A           10264        Weinschel        2018—12—15

7. Test Environment

Shielding Roont1 (8.0 meters=3.0 meters=2.7 meters) did not exceed following limits along the
conducted RF performance testing
                Temperature                                 Min. = 15 ‘C, Max= 80 °C
                 Relative humidity                               Min. = 20 %, Max. = 60 %
              Shielding effectveness                                     > 11048
            Ground system resistance                                   «os o
            Uniformiy old sengin                       Between 0 and 6 6B,from BOMHz to
                                                                        moo us
Gontrol room did not exceed folowing Imits along the EMG testing
             Temperature                              Min. = 15 °C, Max. «35 °C
              Relative humidity                                Min. »80%, Max.     60.%
          Shielding effectiveness                                 > 11048
            Electricalinsulation                                   > 10 k0
          Ground system resistance                                     «os o
Fully—inechoic chambert (6.8 meters3.08 meters3.53 meters) did not exceed follwing Iimits
slong the EMG testing
               Temperature                            Min. « 15 C, Max. = 30 °C
              Relative humidity                                Min. » 30 %, Max. 60 %
           Shielding effectiveness                                     > 110 48
             Electricalinsulation                                      > 10 ko
          Ground system resistance                                     «os o
          Uniformity of feld strength                  Between 0 and 6 dB, from BOMHz to 2000
Fully—inechoio chamber? (Tapered Section: 8.75 meters>3.66 meters«3.66 meters, Rectanguiar
Section: 7.92 meters3.97 meters3.66 meters) did not exceed follwing limits along the EMG
                Temperature                                   Min. = 15 ‘C, Max, = 80 °C

                                             Page 10 of 30


    Relative humidity                                Min. = 35 %, Max. = 60 %

 Shielding effectiveness                                    > 110 dB

   Electrical insulation                                     > 10 k

Ground system resistance                                     < 0.5 

                                               Between 0 and 6 dB, from 30MHz to
Uniformity of field strength

                               Page 11 of 30


A.1 OUTPUT POWER (§22.913(a)/§24.232(c))
A.1.1 Summary
During the process of testing, the EUT was controlled Rhode & Schwarz Digital Radio.
Communication tester (CMU-200) to ensure max power transmission and proper modulation.
This result contains peak output power and EIRP measurements for the EUT. In all cases, output
power is within the specified limits.

A.1.2 Conducted
A.1.2.1 Method of Measurements
The EUT was set up for the max output power with pseudo random data modulation.
The power was measured with Rhode & Schwarz Spectrum Analyzer FSQ(peak).
These measurements were done at 3 frequencies, 1850.2 MHz, 1880.0MHz and 1909.8MHz for
PCS1900 band; 824.4MHz, 836.6MHz and 848.8MHz for GSM850 band. (bottom, middle and top
of operational frequency range).
These measurements were done at 3 frequencies, 1852.4 MHz, 1880.0MHz and 1907.6MHz for
WCDMA Band II; 826.4MHz, 836.6MHz and 846.6MHz for WCDMA Band V. (bottom, middle and
top of operational frequency range).
                                                                    Nominal Peak outpu power
          GSM850                          Power step

           GPRS                               3                               33

                                                                    Nominal Peak outpu power
          GSM1900                         Power step

           GPRS                               3                               30
Test Procedure:
The transmitter output power was connected to calibrated attenuator, the other end of which was
connected to signal analyzer. Transmitter output power was read off the power in dBm. The power
outputs at the transmitter antenna port was determined by adding the value of attenuator to the
signal analyzer reading.
GSM Test Condition:
        RBW                     VBW                    Sweep time                  Span

        1MHz                    1MHz                      300ms                 10MHz

Measurement results:
                                  GPRS 850 (GMSK 1 Slot)

       Channel/fc(MHz)                 Peak power (dBm)                 AV power (dBm)

                                         Page 12 of 30


      Mid 189/836.4             32.9                       32.7

      Low 128/824.2             33.0                       33.0

      High 251/848.8            33.0                       32.9

                       GPRS 1900 (GMSK 1 Slot)

     Channel/fc(MHz)      Peak power (dBm)            AV power (dBm)

      Mid 661/1880              29.6                       29.5

     Low 512/1850.2             28.8                       28.7

     High 810/1909.8            29.4                       29.3

Conclusion: PASS

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A.2 99%Occupied Bandwidth (§2.1049(h)(i))

A.2.1 Occupied Bandwidth Results
Similar to conducted emissions; occupied bandwidth measurements are only provided for selected
frequencies in order to reduce the amount of submitted data. Data were taken at the extreme and
mid frequencies of GSM850, PCS1900, WCDMA BANDII and WCDMA BANDV.
Test Procedure:
The EUT output RF connector was connected with a short cable to the signal analyzer, RBW was
set to about 1% of emission BW, VBW >= 3 times RBW, 99% bandwidth were measured, the
occupied bandwidth is delta frequency between the two points where the display line intersects the
signal trace.
Test result:

                                                                       99% Occupied
        Test channel                  Frequency (MHz)

           Mid 189                          836.4                         246.795

          Low 128                           824.2                         248.397

          High 251                          848.8                         246.795
Conclusion: PASS

GPRS 850

                           Channel 189-Occupied Bandwidth (99%)

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                   Channel 128-Occupied Bandwidth (99%)

                   Channel 251-Occupied Bandwidth (99%)


    Test channel     Frequency (MHz)             99% Occupied Bandwidth(KHz)

      Mid 661             1880                             248.397

      Low 512            1850.2                            246.795

      High 810           1909.8                            248.397
Conclusion: PASS
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GPRS 1900

            Channel 661-Occupied Bandwidth

            Channel 512-Occupied Bandwidth

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                   Channel 810-Occupied Bandwidth

Conclusion: PASS

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A.3 -26dB Emission Bandwidth (§22.917(b)/§24.238(b))

A.3.1 -26dB Emission Bandwidth
Similar to conducted emissions; occupied bandwidth measurements are only provided for selected
frequencies in order to reduce the amount of submitted data. Data were taken at the extreme and
mid frequencies of GSM850, PCS1900.
Test Procedure:
The table below lists the measured -26dBc BW. Spectrum analyzer plots are included on the
following pages.
Test results:

                                                                  –26dBc Emission
       Test channel              Frequency (MHz)

         Mid 189                       836.4                          317.308

         Low 128                       824.2                          318.910

        High 251                       848.8                          315.705
Conclusion: PASS

GPRS 850

                      Channel 189- Emission Bandwidth (-26dBc BW)

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                     Channel 128- Emission Bandwidth (-26dBc BW)

                     Channel 251- Emission Bandwidth (-26dBc BW)


                                                          –26dBc Emission
      Test channel            Frequency (MHz)
        Mid 661                     1880                      315.705

        Low 512                    1850.2                     320.513

       High 810                    1909.8                     312.500
Conclusion: PASS
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GPRS 1900

            Channel 661- Emission Bandwidth (-26dBc BW)

            Channel 512- Emission Bandwidth (-26dBc BW)

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                   Channel 810- Emission Bandwidth (-26dBc BW)

Conclusion: PASS

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A.4 Band Edge at antenna terminals (§22.917(b)/§24.238(b))
The magnitude of each spurious and harmonic emission that can be detected when the equipment
is operated under the conditions specification in the instruction manual and/or alignment
procedure, shall not be less than 43+10log (Mean power in watts) dBc below the mean power
output outside a license’s frequency block(-13dBm).
Test procedure:
The RF output of the transceiver was connected to a signal analyzer through appropriate
attenuation. In the 1MHz bands immediately outside and adjacent to the frequency block a
resolution bandwidth of at least one percent of the emission bandwidth of the fundamental
emission of the transmitter may be employed.

GPRS 850

                         Channel 128- LOW BAND EDGE BLOCK

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            Channel 251- HIGH BAND EDGE BLOCK

GPRS 1900

            Channel 512- LOW BAND EDGE BLOCK

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                           Channel 810- HIGH BAND EDGE BLOCK

Conclusion: PASS
A.5.1 ERP
A.5.1.1 GSM ERP
A. Description
This is the test for the maximum radiated power from the EUT.
Rule Part 24.232(c) specifies, "Mobile/portable stations are limited to 2 watts e.i.r.p. Peak power"
and 24.232(c) specifies that "Peak transmit power must be measured over any interval of
continuous transmission using instrumentation calibrated in terms of an rms-equivalent voltage."
Rule Part 22.913(a) specifies ” The ERP of mobile transmitters and auxiliary test transmitters must
not exceed 7 Watts.”
A. Method of Measurement
The measurements procedures in TIA-603C-2004 are used.
1. EUT was placed on a 1.5 meter high non-conductive stand at a 3 meter test distance from the
receive antenna. A receiving antenna was placed on the antenna mast 3 meters from the EUT for
emission measurements. The height of receiving antenna is 1.5m. The test setup refers to figure
below. Detected emissions were maximized at each frequency by rotating the EUT through 360°
and adjusting the receiving antenna polarization. The radiated emission measurements of all
transmit frequencies in three channels (High, Middle, Low) were measured with peak detector.

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2. The EUT is then put into continuously transmitting mode at its maximum power level during the
test. And the maximum value of the receiver should be recorded as (Pr).
3. The EUT shall be replaced by a substitution antenna. The test setup refers to figure below.

In the chamber, an substitution antenna for the frequency band of interest is placed at the
reference point of the chamber. An RF Signal source for the frequency band of interest is
connected to the substitution antenna with a cable that has been constructed to not interfere with
the radiation pattern of the antenna. A power (PMea) is applied to the input of the substitution
antenna, and adjust the level of the signal generator output until the value of the receiver reach the
previously recorded (Pr). The power of signal source (PMea) is recorded. The test should be
performed by rotating the test item and adjusting the receiving antenna polarization.
4. A amplifier should be connected to the Signal Source output port. And the cable should be
connect between the Amplifier and the Substitution Antenna.
The cable loss (Pcl) ,the Substitution Antenna Gain (Ga) and the Amplifier Gain (PAg) should be
recorded after test.
The measurement results are obtained as described below:
Power(EIRP)=PMea+ PAg + Pcl + Ga
5. This value is EIRP since the measurement is calibrated using an antenna of known gain (2.15
dBi) and known input power.
6. ERP can be calculated from EIRP by subtracting the gain of the dipole, ERP = EIRP -2.15dBi.
GSM 850-ERP 22.913(a)
                                            Power Step                   Burst Peak ERP (dBm)

            GPRS                                  3                         ≤38.45dBm (7W)
Measurement result

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Frequency                                                Ga Antenna    Peak ERP
              PMea (dBm)      Pcl (dB)     PAg (dB)                                Polarization
  (MHz)                                                  Gain(dBd)     (dBm)

   824.2        -33.13         3.05         -69.40          3.11          30.11         H

   836.6        -33.02         3.05         -69.40          3.11         30.42          H

   848.8        -33.38         3.05         -69.40          3.11         29.86          H

Frequency: 824.2MHz
Peak ERP(dBm)= PMea(-32.60dBm) - Pcl(3.05dB) - PAg(-69.4dB) - Ga (3.11dBd) = 30.54dBm
PCS 1900-EIRP 24.232(c)
                                         Power Step                   Burst Peak ERP (dBm)

            GPRS                              3                           ≤33dBm (2W)
Measurement result

Frequency                                                Ga Antenna    Peak EIRP
              PMea (dBm)      Pcl (dB)     PAg (dB)                                Polarization
  (MHz)                                                  Gain(dBi)     (dBm)

  1850.2        -43.66         3.54         -69.40          -2.9         27.25          H

  1880.0        -43.46         3.54         -69.40          -2.9         27.35          H

  1909.8        -43.87         3.54         -69.40          -2.9         27.04          H

Frequency: 1850.2MHz
Peak EIRP(dBm)= PMea(-41.99dBm) - Pcl(3.54dB) - PAg(-69.4dB) - Ga (-2.9dB)+2.15dBi=28.92dBm
Note: testing in several polarization direction, the worst case was shown.

A.7.2 EMISSION LIMIT (§2.1051/§22.917§24.238)
A.7.2.1 GSM Measurement Method
The measurement procedures in TIA-603C-2004 are used.
The spectrum was scanned from 30 MHz to the 10th harmonic of the highest frequency generated
within the equipment, which is the transmitted carrier that can be as high as 1910 MHz. The
resolution bandwidth is set as outlined in Part 24.238 and Part 22.917. The spectrum is scanned
with the mobile station transmitting at carrier frequencies that pertain to low, mid and high
channels of PCS1900 and GSM850.
The procedure of radiated spurious emissions is as follows:
1. EUT was placed on a 1.5 meter high non-conductive stand at a 3 meter test distance from the

                                         Page 26 of 30


receive antenna. A receiving antenna was placed on the antenna mast 3 meters from the EUT for
emission measurements. The height of receiving antenna is 1.5m. The test setup refers to figure
below. Detected emissions were maximized at each frequency by rotating the EUT through 360°
and adjusting the receiving antenna polarization. The radiated emission measurements of all
non-harmonic and harmonics of the transmit frequency through the 10th harmonic were measured
with peak detector.

2. The EUT is then put into continuously transmitting mode at its maximum power level during
the test. And the maximum value of the receiver should be recorded as (Pr).
3. The EUT shall be replaced by a substitution antenna. The test setup refers to figure below.

In the chamber, an substitution antenna for the frequency band of interest is placed at the
reference point of the chamber. An RF Signal source for the frequency band of interest is
connected to the substitution antenna with a cable that has been constructed to not interfere
with the radiation pattern of the antenna. A power (PMea) is applied to the input of the
substitution antenna, and adjust the level of the signal generator output until the value of the
receiver reach the previously recorded (Pr). The power of signal source (PMea) is recorded. The
test should be performed by rotating the test item and adjusting the receiving antenna
4. The Path loss (Ppl) between the Signal Source with the Substitution Antenna and the
Substitution Antenna Gain (Ga) should be recorded after test.
A amplifier should be connected in for the test.
The Path loss (Ppl) is the summation of the cable loss and the gain of the amplifier.
The measurement results are obtained as described below:
Power(EIRP)=PMea+ Ppl + Ga
5. This value is EIRP since the measurement is calibrated using an antenna of known gain (2.15
dBi) and known input power.

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Sm       East China Institute of Telecommunications                No.ECIT—2013—0118—RF
EL/      —_—_—_______2°22
8. ERP can be calculated from EIRP by subtracting the gain of the dipole, ERP = EIRP —2. 150B
A7.24.Measurement Limit
Port 24,238 and Part 22.917 specify that the powerof any emission outside of the authorized
operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below the transmiting power (P) by a factor of at
least 4+ 10 og(®) 08.
The specifcation that emissions shall be attenuated below the transmiter power (P) by at least 43
+ 10 log (P) dB, ranslates in the relevant poswerrange (1 to 0.001 W)to 13 iBm. At 1 W the
specifed minimum attenuation becomes 49 dB and relative to a 30 dBm (1 W) carer becomesa
Imit of —13dBm. At0.001 W (0 dBm)the minimum attenvation is 13.0B, which again yields a Imt
of —13 dBm. in this way a translation of the specifcation from relatve to absolute terms is carried
A. Measurement Results
Radiated emissions measurements were made only atthe upper, middle, and lower carier
frequencies of the PCS1900 band (1850.2 MHz, 1880 MHz and 1909.8 MHz) and GSMBSO band
(824.2MH, 836.6MHz, 848.GMH). t was decided that measurements at these three cartier
requencies would be suffcient to demonstrate complance wiemissions Imils becauseit was
seen that althe signifcant spurs oocur well outside the band and no radlation was seen from a
cartlerin one black of the PS 1900 ,GSMBS0 into any of the other blocks. The equipment must
stil, however, meet emisions requirements with the carrer at al frequencies over which itis
capable of operating and itis the manufasturer‘s responsibliy to verly this.
A7.2.1.3 Measurement Results
       Frequency               Channet           Frequency Range               Result
                                   Low              3OVHz~10GHz                    P
       asmsso                     Middle            3OVHz~10GHz                    P
                                  High              3OVHz~10GHz                    P
                                   Low              30VHz—20GHz                    P
       ash1900                    Middle            30VHz—20GHz                    P
                                  High              30VHz—20GHz                    P
GSM Mode Channel 128
Final result:
Frequens      PMea      Path          Antenna|   Coecto E:‘:            Limit          Polarizat
 y(MHz)       (dBm)     Loss             cain     n68m uie               (dBim            on
 ieime       so4           2.05            an       2.15       15           43            v
 2oo         s4.76         2.05            an       2.15       sr2          43            v
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t         East China Institute of Telecommunications       No.ECIT—2013—0118—AF

 sasas       ases       ao7      as           215     480        a8        H
 «pore       saso       ast      a7           215     488        a8        v
 siare       «880       «25      44           215     450        a8        v

GSM Mode Channel 190
Final resutt:
Frequens     PNMea    Path     Anterna     Correot| ep,        Limit    Polarizat
 y (MHz)     (dBim)   Loss       gein       n98m on             (dBm)      on
 18r28       aper       ai8      49           215     aas        a8        v
 7eaoa       ssice      «25      47           215     s1         a8        v
 ssssa       sose       «4s       s           215     470        a8        v
 smoad       «sse       ses      428          215     aas        a8        v

GSM Mode Channel 251
Final result:
Frequens     PNMea    Path     Anterna     Correct| Pesk
                                                    ep,        Limit    Polarizat
 y (MHz)     (dBim)   Loss       gein       n98m on             (dBm)      on
 1eark       ar01       «.04     49           215     ass        a8        v
 sssre       «sois      44       47           215      49        a8        v
 Tesss       sase       «es       s           215     s16        a8        v
 seous       ses        ses      428          215     «2s        a8        v

GSM Mode Channel 512
Final resutt:
Frequens     PNMea    Path     Antenna     Correot| Pesk
                                                    ciop       Limit    Polarizat
 y (MHz)     (dBim)   Loss       gein       n9Bm oge,           (dBm)      on
 sroos       «sizs      «42      «2           215     s16        a8        v
 meooa       somi       se       a5           215     487        a8        v
 r2oste      css        ais      448          215     ass        a8        v

GSM Mode Channel 661
Final result
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           East China Institute of Telecommunications             No.ECIT—2013—0118—AF
EL/        _ ________—

Frequens        Puw     Path       Antenna|   Correcto Z:fi            Lmit     Polarizat
 y(MHz)        (dBim)   Loss         Gain      M EM       Giny         (dBim      on
 37596         46.56      4.59       2          2.15       47.           418      V

 75204         5123       5.09       85         2.15       485           418      H

 19150.2       ~45.96     8.50       4148       2.15       40.           418      H

GSM Mode Channel 810
Final result

Frequenc        Pm      Path       Antenna|   Gorrectio   ET:fi        Limit    Polarizat
 y (MHz)       (dBm)    Loss         Gain      n dBm      (dBm)        (dBm)      on

 38198         4825       43         72         2.15       485           418      V

  5730         «S144      §.71       108        2.15       518           418      V

Conclusion: PASS

ANNEX B Deviations from Prescribed Test Methods
No deviation from Prescribed Test Methods.
                                 me——eND OF REPORT****

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Document Created: 2013-08-29 14:44:26
Document Modified: 2013-08-29 14:44:26

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