Test report


Test Report

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                                     EMI − T E S T R E P O R T
                                                     - FCC Part 15.249, RSS-210 -

                  Type / Model Name                 : Protero-915

                 Product Description                : Wireless vibration sensor

                                Applicant           : Elero GmbH Antriebstechnik

                                  Address           : Maybachstraße 30

                                                      73278 Schlierbach


                          Manufacturer              : Elero GmbH Antriebstechnik

                                  Address           : Maybachstraße 30

                                                      73278 Schlierbach


       Test Result according to the standards
       listed in clause 1 test standards:

                                                                                                            09. April 2019
        Test Report No. :                          T43669-00-04JP               ______________________________________________________________________________________________

                                                                                                                 Date of issue

                                                           The test report merely corresponds to the test sample.
                                                           It is not permitted to copy extracts of these test results
                                                           without the written permission of the test laboratory.

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                                  File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 1 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                                                                                Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19

       1     TEST ST AND ARDS                                                                            3

       2     EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST                                                                        4

       2.1     Photo documentation of the EUT                                                            4
       2.2     Equipment category                                                                        4
       2.3     Short description of the equipment under test (EUT)                                       4
       2.4     Variants of the EUT                                                                       4
       2.5     Operation frequency                                                                       4
       2.6     Transmit operating modes                                                                  4
       2.7     Antenna                                                                                   4
       2.8     Power supply system utilised                                                              4
       2.9     Peripheral devices and interface cables                                                   4
       2.10    Determination of worst case conditions for final measurement                              4

       3     TEST RESULT SUMM ARY                                                                        5

       3.1     Final assessment                                                                          5

       4     TEST ENVIRONMENT                                                                            6

       4.1     Address of the test laboratory                                                            6
       4.2     Environmental conditions                                                                  6
       4.3     Statement of the measurement uncertainty                                                  7
       4.4     Measurement protocol for FCC and ISED                                                     8

       5     TEST CONDITIONS AND RESULTS                                                              10

       5.1     Field strength of fundamental                                                           10
       5.2     Out-of-band emission, radiated                                                          11
       5.3     Bandwith                                                                                13

       6     USED TEST EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES                                                      15

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                   File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 2 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                            Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19

The tests were performed according to following standards:

FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15, Subpart A - General (October 2018)

FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15, Subpart C - Intentional Radiators (October 2018)
   - Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.209      Radiated emission limits, general requirements
   - Part 15, Subpart C, Section 15.249      Operation within the bands 902 - 928 MHz, 2400 - 2483.5 MHz,
                                             5725 - 5875 MHz, and 24.0 - 24.25 GHz

RSS-210 Issue 9, August 2016                       Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Radio Standards
                                                   Specifications - Licence-exempt Radio Apparatus: Category I

RSS-Gen Issue 5, April 2018                        Spectrum Management and Telecommunications Radio Standards
                                                   Specifications - General Requirements and Information for the
                                                   Certification of Radio Apparatus

ANSI C63.10: 2013                                  Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                        File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 3 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                                 Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19

    2.1   Photo documentation of the EUT
External pictures of EuT:
Refer to document T43669-00-00JP Attachment B
Inhternal pictures of EuT:
Refer to document T43669-00-00JP Attachment C
    2.2   Equipment category
Radio transceiver

    2.3   Short description of the equipment under test (EUT)
The Protero-915 is a battery-operated, wireless vibration sensor for retractable arm awnings. It is used for protection
of awnings against damage due to strong winds or other mechanical effects.
Part numbers of the product are 289650901 and 289660901.

Number of tested samples:             1
Serial number:                        none

    2.4   Variants of the EUT
Two variants of the product are available. The difference is the color of the housing, a white version and a grey
version exists.

    2.5   Operation frequency
918.3 MHz

    2.6   Transmit operating modes
     -    TX-Mode 918.3 MHz (continuous transmission with duty cycle >98%)
     -    RX-Mode 918.3 MHz

    2.7   Antenna
Integral antenna.

    2.8   Power supply system utilised
Power supply voltage, Vnom                         :   3 VDC (Battery supplied)

    2.9   Peripheral devices and interface cables
The following peripheral devices and interface cables are connected during the measurements:

-    none                                                     Model : --

    2.10 Determination of worst case conditions for final measurement
Measurements have been made in all three orthogonal axes to locate at which position of the EUT produce the
maximum of the emissions. All measurements were made in worst case position

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                             File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 4 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                                      Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19


         FCC Rule Part                RSS Rule Part                          Description                     Result

              15.207                  RSS-Gen, 8.8             AC power line conducted emissions        not applicable*
              15.215                  RSS-Gen, 6.7                         Bandwidth                        passed
              15.249                  RSS-210 B.10               Field strength of fundamental              passed
                                     RSS-Gen, 8.9 &
        15.249 & 15.209                                          Out-of-band emission, radiated             passed
                                      RSS210 B.10
*not applicable EuT is battery supplied

  3.1     Final assessment

The equipment under test fulfills the EMI requirements cited in clause 1 test standards.

This testreport replaces the report T43669-00-00JP.

Date of receipt of test sample               :     acc. to storage records

Testing commenced on                         :     18 September 2018

Testing concluded on                         :     15 October 2018

Checked by:                                                                      Tested by:
                             Gegenfurtner                                                              Juergen Pessinger
                                                                                                       2019.04.09 09:36:55
                             2019.04.09                                                                +02'00'
                             09:38:54 +02'00'
                Klaus Gegenfurtner                                                            Jürgen Pessinger
                Teamleader Radio                                                                Radio Team

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                                 File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 5 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                                          Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19

 4.1     Address of the test laboratory

           CSA Group Bayern GmbH
           Ohmstrasse 1-4
           94342 STRASSKIRCHEN

 4.2     Environmental conditions

During the measurement the environmental conditions were within the listed ranges:

Temperature:                                       15-35 ° C

Humidity:                                           30-60 %

Atmospheric pressure:                              86-106 kPa

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                     File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 6 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                              Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19

 4.3     Statement of the measurement uncertainty

The data and results referenced in this document are true and accurate. It is noted that the expanded measurement
uncertainty corresponds to the measurement results from the standard measurement uncertainty multiplied by the
coverage factor k = 2. The true value is located in the corresponding interval with a probability of 95 % The
measurement uncertainty was calculated for all measurements listed in this test report acc. to CISPR 16-4-2 /
11.2003 „Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling – Uncertainty in EMC measurements“ and is documented in
the quality system acc. to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025. For all measurements shown in this report, the measurement
uncertainty of the test laboratory, CSA Group Bayern GmbH, is below the measurement uncertainty as defined by
CISPR. Therefore, no special measures must be taken into consideration with regard to the limits according to
CISPR. Furthermore, component and process variability of devices similar to that tested may result in additional
deviation. The manufacturer has the sole responsibility of continued compliance of the device.

                                                                                Confidence    Calculated
       Measurement Type                            Range
                                                                                Level (%)     Uncertainty

       AC Conducted Spurious Emissions             0.15 MHz to 30 MHz           95%           ± 3.29 dB

       20 dB Bandwidth                             Center frequency of EuT      95%           ± 2.5 x 10-7

       99% Occupied Bandwidth                      Center frequency of EuT      95%           ± 2.5 x 10-7

       Radiated Spurious Emissions                 9 kHz to 30 MHz              95%           ± 3.53 dB

       Radiated Spurious Emissions                 30 MHz to 1000 MHz           95%           ± 3.71 dB

       Radiated Spurious Emissions                 1000 MHz to 10000 MHz        95%           ± 2.34 dB

       Peak conducted output power                 Center frequency of EuT      95%           ± 3.53 dB

       Conducted Spurious Emissions                9 kHz to 10000 MHz           95%           ± 2.15 dB

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                        File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 7 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                                 Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19

 4.4      Measurement protocol for FCC and ISED
   4.4.1     General information

CSA Group Bayern GmbH is recognized as wireless testing laboratory under the CAB identifier:

                                                       FCC: DE 0011
                                                       ISED: DE0009

   4.4.2     General Standard information

The test methods used comply with ANSI C63.10 - "Testing Unlicensed Wireless Devices".    Justification

The equipment under test (EUT) is configured in a typical user arrangement in accordance with the manufacturer's
instructions. A cable is connected to each available port and either terminated with a peripheral using the appropriate
impedance characteristic or left unterminated. Where appropriate, cables are manually manipulated with respect to
each other thus obtaining maximum disturbances from the unit.     Radiated emission (electrical field 30 MHz - 1 GHz)

Spurious emissions from the EUT are measured in the frequency range of 30 MHz to 1000 MHz using a tuned receiver
and appropriate broadband linearly polarised antennas. Measurements between 30 MHz and 1000 MHz are made
with 120 kHz/6 dB bandwidth and quasi-peak detection. Table top equipment is placed on a 1.0 X 1.5 m non-
conducting table 80 centimetres above the ground plane. Floor standing equipment is placed directly on the
turntable/ground plane. The setup of the equipment under test is established in accordance with ANSI C63.10.The
interface cables that are closer than 40 centimetres to the ground plane are bundled in the center in a serpentine
fashion so that they are at least 40 centimetres from the ground plane. Cables to simulators/testers (if used in this
test) are routed through the center of the table and to a screened room located outside the test area. The antenna is
positioned 3, 10 or 30 metres horizontally from the EUT and is repeated vertically. To locate maximum emissions
from the test sample the antenna is varied in height from 1 to 4 metres and the EUT is rotated 360 degrees.
The final level in dBµV/m is calculated by taking the reading from the EMI receiver (Level dBµV) and adding the
correction factors and cable loss factor (dB). The FCC or CISPR limit is subtracted from this result in order to provide
the limit margin listed in the measurement protocol.

The resolution bandwidth setting:
30 MHz – 1000 MHz:           RBW: 120 kHz

           Frequency              Level            +   Factor   =     Level      -   CISPR Limit   =
              (MHz)               (dBµV)                 (dB)       (dBµV/m)          (dBµV/m)       (dB)
              719.0               75.0             +     32.6   =   107.6    -        110.0        = -2.4

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                            File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 8 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                                       Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19     Radiated emission (electrical field 1 GHz - 40 GHz)

Radiated emissions from the EUT are measured in the frequency range 1 GHz up to the maximum frequency as
specified in 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart A, Section 15.33, using a spectrum analyser and appropriate linearly polarized
antennas. Table top equipment is placed on a 1.0 X 1.5 metre non-conducting table, 1.5 metre above the ground
plane. Floor standing equipment is placed directly on the turntable/ground plane. The setup of the equipment under
test is following set out in ANSI C63.10. The interface cables that are closer than 40 centimetres to the ground plane
are bundled in the center in a serpentine fashion so they are at least 40 centimetres from the ground plane. Cables
to simulators/testers (if used in this test) are routed through the center of the table and to a screened room located
outside the test area. Measurements are made in both the horizontal and vertical polarization planes in a fully anechoic
room using a spectrum analyzer set to max peak detector function and a resolution 1 MHz and video bandwidth
3 MHz for peak measurement. The conditions determined as worst case will then be used for the final measurements.
When the EUT is larger than the beam width of the measuring antenna it will be moved over the surface for the four
sides of the equipment. Where appropriate, the test distance may be reduced in order to detect emissions under
better uncertainty and are calculated at the specified test distance.

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                         File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 9 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                                    Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19

 5.1     Field strength of fundamental
For test instruments and accessories used see section 6 Part CPR 2.
5.1.1    Description of the test location

Test location:                OATS 1
Test distance:                3m

5.1.2    Photo documentation of the test set-up

Refer to document T43669-00-00JP Attachment A

5.1.3    Applicable standard

According to FCC Part 15.249 and RSS 210, B.10

EMI test receiver settings:
30 MHz – 1000 MHz:                RBW: 120 kHz         Detector: quasi-peak

5.1.4    Test result

                        Reading       Reading      Correct.    Correct.     Level    Level
    Frequency                                                                                 Limit          Dlimit
                         Vert.          Hor.        Vert.       Hor.        Vert.    Hor.
      (MHz)                                                                                 (dBµV/m)         (dB)
                        (dBµV)        (dBµV)        (dB)        (dB)      (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)

      918,26           55,4        62,1       29,2       28,8       84,6             90,9       94,0          -3,1
Note: The correction factor includes cable loss and antenna factor.

Limit according to FCC Part 15C, Section 15.249(a) and RSS-210 B.10:

                 Frequency                                        Field strength of fundamental
                   (MHz)                                      (mV/m)                         dB(µV/m)
                   902 - 928                                    50                                94
                2400 - 2483.5                                   50                                94
                  5725-5875                                     50                                94
                24000 - 24250                                  250                               108

The requirements are FULFILLED.

Remarks:            none

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                            File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 10 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                                       Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19

 5.2      Out-of-band emission, radiated
For test instruments and accessories used see section 6 Part SER 2, SER 3.
5.2.1     Description of the test location

Test location:                   OATS 1
Test location:                   Anechoic chamber 1

Test distance:                   3m

5.2.2     Photo documentation of the test set-up

Refer to document T43669-00-00JP Attachment A

5.2.3     Applicable standard

According to FCC Part 15.209 and RSS Gen, 8.9

Instrument settings:
30 MHz – 1000 MHz:                    RBW:             120 kHz           Detector: quasi-peak
1000 MHz – 10 GHz                     RBW:             1 MHz             Detector: peak

5.2.4     Test result

TX mode
                        Reading       Reading      Correct.   Correct.      Level    Level
    Frequency                                                                                 Limit             Dlimit
                         Vert.          Hor.        Vert.      Hor.         Vert.    Hor.
      (MHz)                                                                                 (dBµV/m)            (dB)
                        (dBµV)        (dBµV)        (dB)       (dB)       (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)

        50,00*             4,8           3,9        14,2         13,2        19,0       17,1       40,9         -21,9
        250,00*            3,6           4,7        12,9         13,1        16,5       17,8       46,0         -28,2
        500,00*            3,6           3,9        21,4         21,1        25,0       25,0       46,0         -21,0
        1836,60           58,0          60,4        -11,7        -11,7       46,3       48,7       54,0          -5,3
        2754,90           55,9          53,4         -9,8        -9,8        46,0       43,6       54,0          -8,0
        3673,20           54,4          52,9         -8,8        -8,8        45,5       44,1       54,0          -8,5
        5509,80           42,6          45,5         4,5         4,5         47,1       50,0       54,0          -4,0
        6428,10           40,2          41,6         6,7         6,7         46,9       48,3       54,0          -5,7
        7346,40             --          41,1          --         7,1          --        48,2       54,0          -5,8
     9183,00            --         41,5         --       10,3       --    51,8                     54,0          -2,2
*no emissions above background noise found in the frequency range 30-1000MHz
Note: The correction factor includes cable loss and antenna factor.

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                               File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 11 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                                          Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19

RX mode
                        Reading       Reading      Correct.   Correct.     Level    Level
    Frequency                                                                                Limit            Dlimit
                         Vert.          Hor.        Vert.      Hor.        Vert.    Hor.
      (MHz)                                                                                (dBµV/m)           (dB)
                        (dBµV)        (dBµV)        (dB)       (dB)      (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m)

       50,00*              4,8           3,9        14,2       13,2        19,0       17,1       40,9         -21,9
      250,00*              3,6           4,7        12,9       13,1        16,5       17,8       46,0         -28,2
      500,00*              3,6           3,9        21,4       21,1        25,0       25,0       46,0         -21,0
      1097,40             59,3          55,1        -14,9      -14,9       44,4       40,2       54,0          -9,6
      2047,50             59,9          54,9        -12,2      -12,2       47,7       42,7       54,0          -6,3
      3219,30             53,0          52,6         -9,0       -9,0       44,0       43,6       54,0         -10,0
     4992,00           49,8        44,2        3,8       3,8        53,6  48,0                   54,0          -0,4
*no emissions above background noise found in the frequency range 30-1000MHz
Note: The correction factor includes cable loss and antenna factor.

Limit according to FCC Part 15C, Section 15.209 and RSS-Gen:

                                 Frequency                                   Limits               Measurement
                                   (MHz)                                    (µV/m)                distance (m)
                                   30 - 88                                    100                         3
                                  88 - 216                                    150                         3
                                 216 - 960                                    200                         3
                                 Above 960                                    500                         3

The requirements are FULFILLED.

Remarks:            The measurement was performed up to the 10th harmonic (10 GHz).

                    Above 1GHz the peak values are below the average limit. Therfore no average measurement

                    was conducted.

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                             File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 12 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                                        Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19

 5.3     Bandwith
For test instruments and accessories used see section 6 Part MB.
5.3.1    Description of the test location

Test location:                AREA4

5.3.2    Photo documentation of the test set-up

Refer to document T43669-00-00JP Attachment A

5.3.3    Applicable standard

According to FCC Part 15, Section 15.215(c) and RSS-Gen 6.7:

Spectrum analyser settings:
See attached plots

   5.3.4     Test result

                                                           20dB                       99%
                                                         Bandwidth                 Bandwidth
                                                           [MHz]                     [MHz]
                                    918.3                  0.128                     0.123

The requirements are FULFILLED.

Remarks:            For detailed test result please refer to following test protocols.

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                            File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 13 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                                      Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19

   5.3.1     Test protocols
                                                                  20 dB bandwidth
                                                                                         * RBW    3 kHz   Delta 2 [T1 ]
                                                                                           VBW 10 kHz                -0.06 dB
                                      Ref    105.4 dBµV        * Att    0 dB               SWT 115 ms        128.000000000 kHz

                                            Offset   18.4 dB                                              Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                      100                                                                           68.40 dBµV
                                                                                                             918.228000000 MHz    A

                                                                                     3                    Marker 3 [T1 ]
                               1 PK   90
                                                                                                                    88.76 dBµV
                                                                                                             918.254000000 MHz


                                                                                 1          2
                                               D1 68.76 dBµV


                                      50                                                                                         3DB





                                      Center 918.3 MHz                               100 kHz/                       Span 1 MHz

                               Date: 25.SEP.2018          08:53:29
                                                                            OBW 99%
                                                                                          * RBW   3 kHz   Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                           VBW 10 kHz               89.08 dBµV
                                      Ref    105.4 dBµV        * Att        0 dB           SWT 60 ms         918.255000000 MHz

                                            Offset   18.4 dB                                              OBW123.000000000 kHz
                                      100                                                                 Temp 1 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                                                    69.24 dBµV        A

                                                                             1                               918.229000000 MHz
                               1 PK   90
                                                                                                          Temp 2 [T1 OBW]
                                                                                                                    69.44 dBµV
                                                                                                             918.352000000 MHz

                                                                       T1                          T2


                                      50                                                                                          3DB





                                      Center 918.3 MHz                               50 kHz/                       Span 500 kHz

                               Date: 25.SEP.2018          08:56:34

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                                                            File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 14 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                                                                          Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19

All test instruments used are calibrated and verified regularly. The calibration history is available on request.

   Test ID       Model Type                        Equipment No.      Next Calib.    Last Calib.   Next Verif.    Last Verif.
   CPR 2          ESVS 30                           02-02/03-05-006   06/06/2019      06/06/2018
                  VULB 9168                         02-02/24-05-005   18/04/2019      18/04/2018
                  NW-2000-NB                        02-02/50-05-113
                  KK-EF393/U-16N-21N20 m            02-02/50-12-018
                  KK-SD_7/8-2X21N-33,0M             02-02/50-15-028

   MB             FSP 30                            02-02/11-05-001   09/10/2019      09/10/2018

   SER 2          ESVS 30                           02-02/03-05-006   06/06/2019      06/06/2018
                  VULB 9168                         02-02/24-05-005   18/04/2019      18/04/2018
                  NW-2000-NB                        02-02/50-05-113
                  KK-EF393/U-16N-21N20 m            02-02/50-12-018
                  KK-SD_7/8-2X21N-33,0M             02-02/50-15-028

   SER 3          FSP 40                 02-02/11-11-001              17/10/2019      17/10/2018
                  AMF-6D-01002000-22-10P 02-02/17-15-004
                  3117                   02-02/24-05-009              08/05/2019      08/05/2018
                  18N-20                 02-02/50-17-003
                  NMS111-GL200SC01-NMS11 02-02/50-17-012
                  BAM 4.5-P              02-02/50-17-024
                  NCD                    02-02/50-17-025
                  KK-SF106-2X11N-6,5M    02-02/50-18-016

CSA Group Bayern GmbH                                                               File No. T43669-00-04JP, page 15 of 15
Ohmstrasse 1-4  94342 STRASSKIRCHEN  GERMANY
Tel.: +49(0)9424-94810  Fax: +49(0)9424-9481440                                                          Rev. No. 5.1, 2018-11-19

Document Created: 2019-05-22 14:02:05
Document Modified: 2019-05-22 14:02:05

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