Users Manual_Part 7


Users Manual

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 Voice control                                                                                                                                     en | 65

12.2 How voice control works                         ff Playing media (audio)                          Certain commands are combined with names or
                                                        –– Start playback of a song, audiobook or      numbers, e.g. “Call <number>”. Say the dis-
12.2.1 The main menu                                       podcast                                     played command and the desired number or
As soon as you start voice control, the main                                                           name.
menu appears:                                                Notes:
                                                             ff For each operating mode there is a     12.2.3 Opening the menu for an
                                                                separate menu containing further                operating mode
                                                                commands (see the section entitled     For each operating mode there is a separate
                                                                “Opening the menu for an operating     menu containing further commands.
                                                                mode” (page 65)).                      To open the menu for an operating mode,
                                                             ff If a voice command opens a sub-        ff say the corresponding command:
                                                                menu, you can return to the previ-        –– “Phone”
                                                                ous menu by saying “Back”.                –– “Navigation”
                                                                                                          –– “Media”
                                                     12.2.2 Saying voice commands
                                                     The available voice commands are shown in the     12.2.4 Selecting from a list
In the main menu you will find a selection of        display. The device reads out the available       If you have various items at your disposal they
voice commands that you can use directly for         options. After that, a beep indicates that the    will be displayed in a list (e.g. various navigation
the most important functions:                        device is ready to accept your voice command.     destinations or various music tracks for media
ff Telephone                                                                                           playback).
    –– Call a contact                                        Note:
    –– Dial a number                                         When the device reads out the avail-
ff Navigation                                                able options, you may interrupt it by
    –– Enter an address for route guidance                   tapping 5. The beep sounds
    –– Select a point of interest for route gui-             immediately, and the device is ready to
       dance                                                 accept your voice command.
    –– Start route guidance to the home address
    –– Select one of the previous destinations for   Say the displayed command to select the corre-
       route guidance                                sponding function, for instance, “navigate to
    –– Cancel the current route guidance session     home” to start route guidance to the stored
                                                     home address.

 66 | en                                                                                                  Voice control | Steering wheel remote control

To select the desired item,                        13 Steering wheel                                Button     Function
ff say the number of the corresponding list
   item, e.g. “Three”.                                remote control                                  /        During radio/media playback:
                                                                                                               Short press:
           Note:                                                                                               ff Radio: switch to the next/previ-
           To scroll up or down in the list, say            Note:                                                 ous preset
           “Previous page” or “Next page”.                  When smartphone integration is ena-                ff Media: skip to the next/previous
                                                            bled, some of the steering wheel                      title
12.3 Help for voice control                                 remote control buttons may not work.               Long press:
To obtain help with the voice control system,                                                                  ff Radio: adjust the frequency
ff say “Help”.                                     You can also operate frequently used functions                 continuously (after you release
                                                   using the steering wheel remote control:                       the button, the radio tunes to the
                                                                                                                  next station automatically.)
                                                   Button    Function
                                                                                                               ff Media: Fast forward/Rewind
                                                   MODE          Notes:                                             Notes:
                                                                 ff Not during an active phone                      ff Not during AUX or external
                                                                    call                                                DVD playback
                                                                 ff Not during activated voice                      ff Not during an active phone
                                                                    control                                             call
                                                             Short press:                                           ff Not during activated voice
                                                             Switch between the radio and avail-                        control
                                                             able media sources.                               Open the Calls menu
                                                             Long press:                                       When there is an incoming call:
                                                             Switch between radio/media play-                  answer the call
                                                             back and navigation.
                                                                                                               When there is an incoming call:
                                                             Mute the device / cancel mute                     reject the call
                                                   VOL. ±    Adjust the volume                                 During an active phone call: end the
                                                                                                                    If the voice control system is
                                                                                                                    already active, the voice control
                                                                                                                    session will end.

Steering wheel remote control | Points of interest – symbol overview                                                                      en | 67

Button    Function                                    14 Points of interest –                           Symbol Description
          Short press:
          Activate voice control
                                                         symbol overview                                        Art centre & exhibition

              Notes:                                                                                            Bowling
                                                       Symbol Description
              ff Voice prompts from the
                  device will be skipped if the                   Hotel, guest house, hostel, camping
                  voice control system is
                  already activated                               Car dealer
              ff Not when the smartphone                                                                        Cinema
                  integration function is active.                 Car repair facilities
          Long press:                                                                                           Golf course
          Activate the voice control system on
          the connected mobile phone                              Parking area
                                                                                                                Yacht basin
              If the voice control system is                      Parking area and motel
              already active, the voice control
              session will end.                                   Parking area and kiosk
                                                                                                                Ice rink
              ff Not during an active phone                       Parking area and WC
                  call, or during an incoming                                                                   Ski lift
                  call, or while the user is trying
                                                                  Parking area and filling station
                  to make a call or is dialling.                                                                Sports centre
              ff The device’s voice control
                  cannot be activated if the                      Parking area, filling station and
                  voice control system on the                     motel
                  connected mobile phone is                       Restaurant and motel
                  already activated.
              ff Activating the voice control                     Filling station
                  system on the connected                                                                       Embassy
                  mobile phone is only avail-                     Car hire facilities
                  able, if the connected mobile                                                                 Town hall
                  phone supports it.

68 | en                                                                                    Points of interest – symbol overview

Symbol Description                     Symbol Description                        Symbol Description
          Community centre                     Shopping centre                           Sport airport

          Hospital, medical service            Book store                                Border crossing

          Emergency, medical service           Motorcycle, e-bike & bike store           Ferry

          Library                              Grocery store                             Train station

          School                               Amusement park                            Travel agency

          University                           Historical monument                       Business facility

          Post office                          Tourist office                            Bank

          Pharmacy                             Museum                                    ATM cash dispenser

          Police                               Park

          Court house                          Place of worship

          Restaurant                           Tourist attraction

          Café                                 Winery

          Shopping                             Airport, airline access

                                                                                                                                                     en | 69

Certification information is available at            FCC Statement                                          ff Consult the dealer for help.                                 This devices complies with Part 15 of the FCC
                                                     Rules. Operation is subject to the following two       RF exposure:
                                                     conditions:                                            The equipment complies with FCC RF exposure
For the European Union                               (1) This device may not cause harmful interfer-        limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment.
Hereby, Robert Bosch Car Multimedia GmbH             ence and                                               This equipment must be installed and operated
declares that the radio equipment type “52R0”        (2) This device must accept any interference           with a separation distance of at least 20 cm
is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU.          received, including interference that may cause        from all persons.
The full text of the EU declaration of conformity    undesired operation                                    The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must
is available at the following internet address:                                                             not be co-located or operating in conjunction                                  This equipment has been tested and found to            with any other antenna or transmitter.
                                                     comply with the limits for a Class B digital
Radiation information:                               device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.          Changes or modifications not expressly
   Frequency band: 2400 MHz – 2480 MHz               These limits are designed to provide reasonable        approved by the party responsible for compli-
   Radiated power [EIRP]: Bluetooth < 10 mW          protection against harmful interference in a           ance could void the user’s authority to operate
   Hints / restriction: Internal antenna             residential installation. This equipment gener-        the equipment.
User operation: It is not permitted to disassem-     ates, uses and can radiate radio frequency
ble the device. Disassembly of the device may        energy and, if not installed and used in accord-
result in electrical shock or fire.                  ance with the instructions, may cause harmful
Restriction:                                         interference to radio communications. However,         This product is protected by certain intellectual
   Restricted areas: This device is permitted to     there is no guarantee that interference will not       property rights of Microsoft. Use or distribution
   be used only in cars; the device is not permit-   occur in a particular installation.                    of such technology outside of this product is
   ted to be used in hazardous atmospheres.                                                                 prohibited without a license from Microsoft.
                                                     If this equipment does cause harmful interfer-
                                                     ence to radio or television reception, which can       Apple, Apple CarPlay, Siri and iPhone are trade-
                                                     be determined by turning the equipment off and         marks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and
                                                     on, the user is encourage to try to correct the        other countries.
                                                     interference by one of the following measures:
                                                     ff Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.         MirrorLink™ is a trademark of the Car Connec-
                                                     ff Increase the separation between the equip-          tivity Consortium LLC. Unauthorized use is
                                                         ment and receiver.                                 strictly prohibited.
                                                     ff Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
                                                         circuit different from that to which receiver is   Android and Android Auto are trademarks of
                                                         connected.                                         Google Inc.

 70 | en

HERE EUROPE B.V.                                  LICENSE GRANT                                         You may not transfer the Database to third par-
END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT                        HERE grants you a non-exclusive license to use        ties, except when installed in the system for
PLEASE READ THIS END USER LICENSE                 the Database for your personal use or, if applica-    which it was created or when you do not retain
AGREEMENT CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE              ble, for use in your business’ internal opera-        any copy of the Database, and provided that the
HERE DATABASE                                     tions. This license does not include the right to     transferee agrees to all terms and conditions of
                                                  grant sub-licenses.                                   this Agreement and confirms this in writing to
NOTICE TO THE USER                                                                                      HERE. Multi-disc sets may only be transferred or
                                                                                                        sold as a complete set as provided by HERE and
AGREEMENT FOR SALE – BETWEEN YOU AND              The Database is restricted for use in the specific    not as subset thereof.
HERE EUROPE B.V. (“HERE”) FOR YOUR COPY           system for which it was created. Except to the
                                                  extent explicitly permitted by mandatory laws         LIMITED WARRANTY
INCLUDING ASSOCIATED COMPUTER SOFT-               (e.g. national laws based on the European Soft-       HERE warrants that, subject to the warnings set
WARE, MEDIA AND EXPLANATORY PRINTED               ware Directive (91/250) and the Database              out below, for a period of 12 months after acqui-
DOCUMENTATION PUBLISHED BY HERE                   Directive (96/9)), you may not extract or reuti-      sition of your copy of the Database, it will per-
(JOINTLY ”THE DATABASE”). BY USING THE            lize substantial parts of the contents of the Data-   form substantially in accordance with HERE’s
DATABASE, YOU ACCEPT AND AGREE TO ALL             base nor reproduce, copy, modify, adapt, trans-       Criteria for Accuracy and Completeness existing
TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS END USER             late, disassemble, decompile, reverse engineer        on the date you acquired the Database; these
LICENSE AGREEMENT (”AGREEMENT”). IF YOU           any portion of the Database. If you wish to           criteria are available from HERE at your request.
DO NOT AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREE-          obtain interoperability information as meant in       If the Database does not perform in accordance
MENT, PROMPTLY RETURN THE DATABASE,               (the national laws based on) the European             with this limited warranty, HERE will use reason-
ALONG WITH ALL OTHER ACCOMPANYING                 Software Directive, you shall grant HERE rea-         able efforts to repair or replace your noncon-
ITEMS, TO YOUR SUPPLIER FOR A REFUND.             sonable opportunity to provide said information       forming copy of the Database. If these efforts do
                                                  on reasonable terms, including costs, to be           not lead to performance of the Database in
OWNERSHIP                                                                                               accordance with the warranties set out herein,
                                                  determined by HERE.
The Database and the copyrights and intellec-                                                           you will have the option to either receive a rea-
tual property or neighboring rights therein are   The Database includes information provided
                                                  under license to HERE from third parties and is       sonable refund of the price you paid for the
owned by HERE and its licensors. Ownership of                                                           Database or to rescind this Agreement. This
the media on which the Database is contained is   subject to the supplier terms and copyright
                                                  notices set forth at the following URL:               shall be HERE’s entire liability and your sole
retained by HERE and/or your supplier until you                                                         remedy against HERE. Except as expressly
have paid in full any amounts due to HERE and/                              provided in this section, HERE does not warrant
or your supplier pursuant to this Agreement or    TRANSFER OF LICENSE                                   nor make any representations regarding the use
similar agreement(s) under which the Database                                                           of results of the use of the Database in terms of
is provided to you.

                                                                                                                                                       en | 71

its correctness, accuracy, reliability, or other-     based on a warranty, even if HERE has been           the European Union or Switzerland where you
wise. HERE does not warrant that the Database         advised of the possibility of such damages. In       acquired the Database shall apply. In all other
is or will be error free. No oral or written infor-   any event HERE’s liability for direct damages is     cases, or if the jurisdiction where you acquired
mation or advice provided by HERE, your sup-          limited to the price of your copy of the Data-       the Database cannot be defined, the laws of the
plier or any other person shall create a warranty     base.                                                Netherlands shall apply. The courts competent
or in any way increase the scope of the limited       THE LIMITED WARRANTY AND LIMITATION OF               at your place of residence at the time you
warranty described above. The limited warranty        LIABILITY, SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, DO           acquired the Database shall have jurisdiction
set forth in this Agreement does not affect or        NOT AFFECT OR PREJUDICE YOUR STATUTORY               over any dispute arising out of, or relating to this
prejudice any statutory legal rights that you may     RIGHTS WHERE YOU HAVE ACQUIRED THE                   Agreement, without prejudice to HERE’ right to
have under the legal warranty against hidden          DATABASE OTHERWISE THAN IN THE COURSE                bring claims at your then current place of resi-
defects.                                              OF A BUSINESS.                                       dence.
If you did not acquire the Database from HERE         WARNINGS
directly, you may have statutory rights against       The Database may contain inaccurate or incom-        © 1987 HERE. All rights reserved.
the person from whom you have acquired the            plete information due to the passage of time,        For more information on HERE products
Database in addition to the rights granted by         changing circumstances, sources used and the         and maps, please visit
HERE hereunder according to the law of your           nature of collecting comprehensive geographic
jurisdiction. The above warranty of HERE shall        data, any of which may lead to incorrect results.
not affect such statutory rights and you may          The Database does not include or reflect infor-
assert such rights in addition to the warranty        mation on - inter alia - travel time and may not
rights granted herein.                                include neighborhood safety; law enforcement;
LIMITATION OF LIABILITY                               emergency assistance; construction work; road
The price of the Database does not include any        or lane closures; road slope or grade; bridge
consideration for assumption of risk of conse-        height, weight or other limits; road conditions;
quential, indirect or unlimited direct damages        special events depending on the navigation
which may arise in connection with your use of        system brand you possess.
the Database. Accordingly, in no event shall                                                               © 2014 SUZUKI MOTOR CORPORATION
                                                      GOVERNING LAW                                        All rights reserved.
HERE be liable for any consequential or indirect      This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of
damages, including without limitation, loss of                                                             No part of this document may be reproduced or
                                                      the jurisdiction, in which you reside at the date    transmitted in any form or by any means, elec-
revenue, data, or use, incurred by you or any         of acquisition of the Database. Should you at
third party arising out of your use of the Data-                                                           tronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without
                                                      that moment reside outside the European Union        the express written permission of Suzuki Motor
base, whether in an action in contract or tort or     or Switzerland, the law of the jurisdiction within   Corporation.

Part number: 39103-62R00


Document Created: 2017-06-08 16:15:40
Document Modified: 2017-06-08 16:15:40

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