Users Manual_Part 6


Users Manual

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 54 | en                                                                                                                Navigation

ff In navigation mode, tap   6.   ff Tap the relevant option:
                                     ff On:
                                        The system issues the point of interest
                                        warning by displaying a symbol.
                                     ff On and beep:
                                        The system issues the point of interest
                                        warning by displaying a symbol and mak-
                                        ing a beep sound.
                                     ff Off:
                                        No point of interest warning is issued.
                                                                                  ff Tap Delete MyPOIs and confirm by tapping
ff Tap My POIs.                   ff Tap    .                                           .
                                                                                  ff Tap .
                                           Tap 6 to close the options display.             Note:
                                                                                           Tap 6 to close the options display.
                                  8.12.4 Deleting your own points of
                                           interest from the device               8.13 Enabling the keypad lock while
                                  ff In navigation mode, tap 6.                          driving
                                                                                  You can set the keypad lock in the system set-
                                                                                  If the Lock keypad while driving setting is ena-
ff Tap POI warning.                                                               bled, you will only be able to access the keypad
                                                                                  while the vehicle is stationary.
                                                                                  For further details on this, please read the sec-
                                                                                  tion entitled “Enabling the keypad lock while
                                                                                  driving” (page 15).

                                  ff Tap My POIs.                                          When the Lock keypad while driving
                                                                                           setting is enabled, certain features of
                                                                                           the device’s navigation and smart-

 Navigation                                                                                                                                  en | 55

        phone integration functions are disa-             Note:                                                containing the navigation system’s
        bled to avoid driver distraction.                 Tap 6 to close the options display.                  map data is removed, you will not be
                                                                                                               able to use the navigation function.
8.14 Selecting the geo coordinate                 8.15 Updating the map data                                ff If the map data was not loaded
       format                                                                                                  successfully, please contact your
You can set the format in which geo coordinates           Note:                                                Suzuki dealer.
are specified.                                            For information about map data
ff In navigation mode, tap 6.                             updates please refer to                  8.16 Retrofitting the navigation func-
                                                                                                   If the device is not originally equipped with the
                                                  You can update the map data by loading new       navigation function, it may be possible for you to
                                                  map data onto the device from an SD card.        have it retrofitted. Please contact your Suzuki
                                                                                                   dealer regarding this.
                                                          Note:                                    The navigation software for your device is sup-
                                                          For details on handling SD cards,        plied on an SD card. Please follow the instruc-
                                                          please read the section entitled “Con-   tions below to install the navigation software:
                                                          necting/inserting external devices and
                                                          data storage devices” (page 23).                  Note:
ff Tap Geo coordinate format.                                                                               For details on handling SD cards,
                                                  ff Insert the SD card containing the map data             please read the section entitled “Con-
                                                     into the SD card slot 3.                               necting/inserting external devices and
                                                  The compatibility of the map data is checked              data storage devices” (page 23).
                                                  and confirmed.
                                                                                                   ff Insert the SD card containing the navigation
                                                          Note:                                       software into the SD card slot 3.
                                                          If the map data is incompatible, the     The compatibility of the navigation software is
                                                          device will not respond.                 checked and confirmed.

                                                  The map data is loaded onto the device.                   Note:
ff Tap the relevant option:                                                                                 If the navigation software is incompat-
   ff DD: Decimal degrees                                 Notes:                                            ible, the device will not respond.
   ff DM: Degrees and minutes                             ff Please do not remove the SD card
   ff DMS: Degrees, minutes and seconds                      from the device. If the SD card

 56 | en                                                                                                                    Navigation | Telephone

The navigation software is loaded onto the            9 Telephone                                  9.1 Starting phone mode
                                                                                                   9.1.1 Opening the phone menu
           Note:                                         Road safety                               To open the phone menu,
           If the navigation software was not            Using the hands-free facility while       ff tap the Call area in the Home menu.
           loaded successfully, the device will          driving can be dangerous, since your      The phone menu is displayed:
           restart without the navigation function.      attention is reduced during a telephone
           In this case, please try again. If the        conversation.
           problem persists, please contact your
           Suzuki dealer.                                Important note:
                                                         Ensure that you follow the regulations
                                                         in areas where there might be a risk
                                                         because of interference by the mobile
                                                         phone or a risk of a dangerous situa-

                                                         ff To connect a mobile phone via                  Notes:
                                                            Bluetooth®, please refer to the                ff If provided by your mobile phone,
                                                            section entitled “Connecting/insert-              the Calls list will show the number
                                                            ing external devices and data stor-               or contact name of the caller.
                                                            age devices” (page 23).                        ff If no mobile phone is connected,
                                                         ff Your mobile phone may not support                 the Select Bluetooth device menu is
                                                            all the hands-free phone features                 displayed. For more information
                                                            that are provided by the device.                  about the Select Bluetooth device
                                                                                                              menu, please refer to the section
                                                                                                              entitled “Opening the Select Blue-
                                                                                                              tooth device menu” (page 26).
                                                                                                   The phone status is displayed beside the name
                                                                                                   of the connected mobile phone at the top:
                                                                                                   ff      : Reception (signal strength)

 Telephone                                                                                                                                      en | 57

ff     : Roaming (when you are in a roaming            9.2 Answering/rejecting a call                  9.4 Dialling a number
   area)                                               This notification appears when you receive an   ff In the phone menu, tap the Dial pad tab, if
ff     : The low battery status will be displayed      incoming call:                                     necessary.
   on screen when the connected phone’s bat-                                                           ff Enter the number.
   tery charge is low.                                                                                 ff Tap to call the number you entered.
Under the Calls tab, the list of calls is displayed:                                                   ff Enter the first digits of the number.
ff : Incoming calls                                                                                    The number of matches corresponding to the
ff : Outgoing calls                                                                                    entered digits is displayed beside the   sym-
ff : Missed calls                                                                                      bol.
For each call, the time or date is displayed.                                                          ff Tap     to display the numbers from your
In the case of missed calls, the number of con-                                                           contacts that match what you have entered.
nection attempts is displayed in front of the          9.2.1 Answering a call                          ff Tap the desired number.
time/date.                                             ff Tap .                                        The selected number is called.
For more information about the Calls menu,
please refer to the section entitled “Calling an       9.2.2 Rejecting a call                          9.5 Calling a contact from the
entry in the call list” (page 57).                     ff Tap  .                                              phone book
                                                                                                       ff In the phone menu, tap the Contacts tab, if
When you switch to the Contacts tab, you can           9.3 During the current call                         necessary.
call the number of a stored contact.                                                                   ff Tap the desired contact.
Please refer to the section entitled “Calling a        9.3.1 Ending the call                           If there are several numbers of equal priority
contact from the phone book” (page 57).                ff Tap  .                                       stored for the contact, all these numbers will be
When you switch to the Dial pad tab, you can           9.3.2 Muting the call                           ff Tap the desired number.
dial a number.                                         ff Tap .                                        The number is called.
Please refer to the section entitled “Dialling a
number” (page 57).                                     9.3.3 Switching the call to the                 9.6 Calling an entry in the call list
                                                              mobile phone                             The call list stores the numbers that have been
                                                       ff Tap .                                        dialled and the numbers of received calls.

 58 | en                                                                                                                                        Telephone

           Note:                                   9.7.1 A second incoming call                         9.7.2 Switching between two calls
           A maximum of 60 items are stored in     If you receive a second call during your current     If there are two simultaneous calls, the following
           the call list.                          call, the following notification appears:            display appears:

ff In the phone menu, tap the Calls tab, if nec-
ff Tap the desired number.
The number is called.

9.6.1 Tone dial feature (DTMF)
During a current call, you can generate DTMF
ff Tap     .
ff Enter a number.
                                                   ff Tap    to answer the second call.                 To switch between the two calls,
9.7 Second call                                                                                         ff tap .
You can manage two calls simultaneously if you              Notes:
answer another call during your current call.               ff To reject the second call, tap       .   To end the currently active call,
                                                            ff If you answer the second call, your      ff tap      .
                                                               current call is automatically inter-     The call that is on hold will be activated auto-
                                                               rupted and the connection put on         matically.
                                                                                                                 Even if the person you are calling ends
                                                                                                                 the active call, the call that is on hold
                                                                                                                 will be activated automatically.

 Telephone                                                                                                                                         en | 59

9.8 SMS text messages                                      Notes:                                      9.9 Activating the voice control
                                                           ff If you wish, you can have the system         system of the connected mobile
9.8.1 Reading an incoming text                                read the message aloud. To do so,            phone
      message                                                 tap      . Please note that this func-
                                                              tion is not available in all system               Note:
        Note:                                                 languages.                                        This function is only available if the
        You can enable or disable the display-             ff To call the message sender, tap .                 connected mobile phone supports
        ing of incoming text messages. For                                                                      voice control.
        further details on this, please read the   9.8.2 Incoming text message dis-
        following section.                                   play – on/off                             ff Long-tap 5.
                                                   ff In telephone mode, tap 6.                        The speech recognition screen is displayed:
The following notification appears when an
incoming text message arrives:

                                                   ff Tap Display incoming text message.
                                                   Displaying of incoming text messages is enabled     To stop the active voice control session,
                                                   when the check mark is displayed in the check-      ff tap     .
To display the text message,                       box.
ff tap      .                                      ff Tap 6 to close the menu.                         To active a new voice control session,
The text message is displayed.                                                                         ff tap      .
To close the text message,
ff tap .                                                                                               To exit voice control,
                                                                                                       ff tap      .

 60 | en                                                                                                         Telephone | Smartphone integration

9.10 Further settings                               The telephone settings are displayed.           10 Smartphone integra-
9.10.1 Ringtone of the mobile phone                                                                    tion
           Note:                                                                                    You can connect a smartphone to the device via
           This function is only available if the                                                   Apple CarPlay, MirrorLink™ or Android Auto™.
           connected mobile phone supports it.
                                                                                                            Road safety
For incoming calls, you can also use the ringtone                                                           Using smartphone applications while
of your mobile phone.                                                                                       driving can be dangerous, since your
ff In telephone mode, tap 6.                                                                                attention is reduced.
                                                    ff Tap Sort order.                                      Park your vehicle before you use smart-
                                                    ff Tap the desired option, First name or Last           phone applications.
                                                    ff Tap 6 to close the menu.                             Note:
                                                                                                            The phone charging level may not
                                                                                                            progress as expected, depending on
                                                                                                            the Android Auto functions that are
                                                                                                            activated and how often they are used.
                                                                                                            In some cases, if several features are
                                                                                                            activated simultaneously and draw a
ff Tap Use phone ringtone.                                                                                  significant amount of current, the
Your mobile phone’s ringtone is used when the                                                               charge level may even decrease.
check mark is displayed in the checkbox.
ff Tap 6 to close the menu.                                                                                 Notes:
                                                                                                            ff Information about which smart-
9.10.2 Phone-book sort order                                                                                   phones the device supports is avail-
You can select the order in which the phone-                                                                   able at
book entries are displayed.                                                                                 ff To connect a smartphone via smart-
ff In telephone mode, tap 6.                                                                                   phone integration, please read the
                                                                                                               section entitled “Connecting a
                                                                                                               smartphone via smartphone inte-
                                                                                                               gration” (page 27).

Smartphone integration                                                                                                           en | 61

       ff Please visit Apple’s website to learn        voice commands – internet connec-            gation app on your iPhone and there
          more about features available for            tivity is required for this. Perfor-         is a route guidance session already
          CarPlay:                                     mance may vary depending on data             active on the device’s navigation
            connectivity.                                system, that route guidance session
       ff The local availability of Apple Car-      ff The smartphone manufacturers are             will be cancelled automatically (and
          Play depends on the support of               responsible for the content and              vice versa).
          Apple. Information about the local           functions of smartphone applica-          ff Audio output:
          availability of Apple CarPlay is avail-      tions. The device merely provides            The audio output of the connected
          able at:                                     the option to display and operate            iPhone (such as announcements
            these applications.                          from a navigation app) will be mixed
          availability/#applecarplay-               ff For information on using smart-              with the current audio output of the
          applecarplay                                 phone applications on your smart-            device (such as currently playing
       ff If you connect an Apple iPhone via           phone, please read your smart-               media).
          smartphone integration, you will not         phone’s instruction manual.
          be able to select iPod as a media         ff For safety reasons, you cannot            Notes about MirrorLink™ fea-
          source.                                      access some applications while the        tures:
       ff Apple CarPlay uses the Siri applica-         vehicle is moving.                        ff Telephone functions:
          tion, for which internet connectivity                                                     If the connected smartphone is not
          is necessary. Performance may vary        Notes about Apple CarPlay                       connected via Bluetooth® too, you
          depending on data connectivity.           features:                                       will not be able to use the device as
       ff Please visit Google’s website to          ff Telephone functions:                         a hands-free set. In this case, audio
          learn more about the features avail-         To use a connected iPhone for tele-          input and output happens via the
          able for Android Auto:                       phoning, use the telephone app of            speaker and microphone of your
                 your iPhone. The device’s telephone          smartphone.
       ff Information about the local availabil-       functions are not available. If you try   ff Audio output:
          ity of Android Auto is available at          to access the device’s telephone             –– The audio output of the con-
                functions, you will be automatically             nected smartphone (such as
          Most features will not work if you           redirected to the telephone app of               announcements from a naviga-
          use Android Auto in a country where          your iPhone.                                     tion app) will be mixed with the
          it is not currently available.            ff Navigation functions:                            current audio output of the
       ff You can use the talk to Google func-         You can only use one navigation                  device (such as currently playing
          tion to control Android Auto through         system at a time. If you start a navi-           media).

62 | en                                                                                                                              Smartphone integration

             –– When connected via Mirror-                       from a navigation app) will be audi-      10.3 Smartphone integration set-
                Link™, the Bluetooth® audio                      ble at a higher volume, and the                 tings
                player feature may not be avail-                 current audio output of the device        Selecting an item in the smartphone integration
                able; in this case, please use the               (e.g. currently playing media) will       settings list will activate the respective feature.
                MirrorLink™ audio player                         be heard at a lower volume. When
                instead.                                         connected via Android Auto, the
                                                                 Bluetooth® audio player feature will
          Notes about Android Auto™                              not be available; in this case, please
          features:                                              use the Android Auto audio player
          ff Telephone functions:                                instead.
             If the smartphone is connected via
             the USB port but not via Bluetooth®,    10.1 Calling up the smartphone dis-
             you will not be able to use the               play
             device as a hands-free set. In this     ff Tap the Connect area in the Home menu.
             case, audio input and output take       Your smartphone’s user interface is displayed.        10.3.1 Android™ connection priority
             place via the speaker and micro-                                                              Android connection priority is used if a smart-
             phone of your smartphone. For                    Note:                                        phone supports both Android Auto and Mirror-
             telephony features like calling and              Certain types of smartphones may             Link™. If this is the case, the user has complete
             SMS, the smartphone needs to be                  provide various compatible applica-          freedom to choose which feature they would like
             paired via Bluetooth®.                           tions. For further details on this, please   to use. The user can select the respective fea-
          ff Navigation functions:                            read the next section.                       ture and will then be shown a pop-up notifica-
             You can only use one navigation                                                               tion that asks them to reconnect the smart-
             system at a time. If you start using    10.2 Selecting a particular applica-                  phone via USB in order to use the selected
             Android Auto navigation on your                tion on a smartphone                           feature.
             smartphone and a route guidance         Certain types of smartphones may provide
             session is already active on the        various compatible applications.
             device’s navigation system, that        To select an application,
             active route guidance session will      ff tap        in the Home menu.
             be cancelled automatically (and vice    The list of compatible applications is displayed.
             versa).                                 ff Tap the desired application.
          ff Audio output:                           The selected application’s user interface is
             The audio output of the connected       displayed.
             smartphone (e.g. announcements

 Smartphone integration | Rear-view camera                                                                                                       en | 63

         Notes:                                     11 Rear-view camera                                 11.1.1 Guide lines – on/off
         ff Android connection priority only                                                            The superimposed guide lines project the
            applies if the MirrorLink™ and                                                              dimensions of the vehicle onto the section of
            Android Auto features are available              Note:                                      road behind.
            on the same smartphone. One                      This function is only available if the     ff Tap 6.
            feature, i.e. either MirrorLink™ or              vehicle is equipped with a rear view
            Android Auto, can be chosen at a                 camera.
         ff A change to the Android connection      The picture from the rear-view camera is auto-
            priority setting only takes effect      matically shown on the display for as long as the
            after the smartphone is discon-         reverse gear is engaged.
                                                             Road safety
10.3.2 Enabling the keypad lock                              When reversing, if you only look at the
          while driving                                      picture provided by the rear-view cam-
You can set the keypad lock in the system set-               era, you may fail to notice other road     ff Tap Guide lines.
tings.                                                       users or objects outside the picture       The guide lines are shown when the check mark
If the Lock keypad while driving setting is ena-             and may cause an accident.                 is displayed in the checkbox.
bled, you will only be able to access the keypad             Therefore, please always also pay
while the vehicle is stationary.                             attention to your vehicle’s surround-               Note:
For further details on this, please read the sec-            ings.                                               Tap 6 to close the settings.
tion entitled “Enabling the keypad lock while
driving” (page 15).                                 11.1 Picture settings for the rear-
                                                         view camera
         This function applies to the Apple                  Note:
         CarPlay and Android Auto features but               You can only change the settings while
         does not apply to the MirrorLink™                   the reverse gear is engaged.

 64 | en                                                                                                                 Rear-view camera | Voice control

11.1.2 Adjusting the picture bright-               12 Voice control                                              Note:
         ness and contrast                                                                                       When voice control is active, the cur-
ff Tap 6.                                                                                                        rently available voice commands are
The settings for the rear-view camera are dis-              Note:                                                shown on the display. To ensure the
played.                                                     This feature is only available if the                device correctly recognises your com-
                                                            selected system language supports                    mand, please say the command as it is
                                                            voice recognition. To select a system                shown in the display.
                                                            language, please read the section                    The device can, however, also recog-
                                                            entitled “Setting the language”                      nise other corresponding commands
                                                            (page 20).                                           (e.g. “satnav” instead of “navigation”).

                                                                                                        12.1 Voice control – start/stop
                                                            Important note:                             To start voice control,
                                                            Please understand that voice recogni-       ff tap 5.
                                                            tion errors are inherent in the process.
ff Tap Brightness or Contrast.                              Neither Suzuki nor its suppliers shall      To stop voice control,
The picture from the rear-view camera is dis-               be liable for any damages arising out of    ff say “Cancel”.
played.                                                     errors in the voice recognition process.
ff Tap or to decrease or increase the                       Voice recognition performance                        Note:
   value.                                                   depends on the user’s pronunciation                  To stop voice control, you can also
                                                            and accent.                                          tap     4.
           Tap 6 to close the settings or tap      Using the voice control feature, you can select
               to return to the settings for the   many of the device’s functions by means of
           rear-view camera.                       spoken commands.
           The settings are also closed when you   Voice control is available for the following oper-
           disengage the reverse gear.             ating modes:
                                                   ff Telephone
                                                   ff Navigation
                                                   ff Playing media (audio)

Document Created: 2017-04-04 16:40:14
Document Modified: 2017-04-04 16:40:14

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