Users Manual_Part 5


Users Manual

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 Navigation                                                                                                                                en | 45

                                               z         button: Decrease map scale                   vehicle always appears at the top in map
  60 61 62 63 64   65 66 67    68   69 70 71
                                               {     Clock time                                       view),
                                               |     Distance to the destination                   and whether
                                                                                                   ff a 2D map is shown or
                                               !     Estimated arrival time
                                                                                                   ff a 3D map is shown.
                                               "     Estimated time to the destination
                                                                                                   ff In the map view, tap the compass x to
                                               8.7.3 Repeating the current naviga-
                                                                                                      switch between these modes:
                                                       tion announcement
                                                                                                      –– 3D map aligned with the driving direction
                                               ff During active route guidance, tap the driving
                                                                                                      –– 2D map aligned with north
                                                  manoeuvre symbol in the map view y.
                                                                                                      –– 2D map aligned with the driving direction
                                               8.7.4 Changing the map scale
    75        74         73           72
                                               To increase or decrease the map scale when in
                                                                                                            ff You can also change the map orien-
                                               map view,
o      button: Increase map scale                                                                              tation in the navigation and map
                                               ff tap    o or       z.
p  Switch between the route overview map                                                                       settings (see the section entitled
   and the map of the area around the vehi-                                                                    “Selecting the map orientation”
   cle                                                                                                         (page 48)).
                                                        If automatic zoom is enabled (see the
q TMC message                                                                                               ff You can also activate the 3D map
                                                        section entitled “Enabling automatic
r Name of the current road                                                                                     view in the navigation and map
                                                        zoom” (page 49)): If you manually
                                                                                                               settings (see the section entitled
s Name of the next road (only when                      change the map scale, the automatic
                                                                                                               “3D map view – on/off” (page
   approaching)                                         zoom function is suspended for around
t Current map scale                                     30 seconds.
u Vehicle position                                                                                 8.7.6 Displaying TMC messages
v Lane guidance                                                                                    ff In the map view, tap the TMC symbol q.
w Current route                                8.7.5 Changing the map view mode
                                                                                                   A list containing the current TMC messages is
                                               You can choose whether
x Compass                                                                                          displayed.
                                               ff the map aligns with north (in this case, north
y Distance to the next driving manoeuvre,
                                                  always appears at the top in map view),
		 visual driving recommendations (The                                                                      Note:
                                               ff the map always aligns with your heading (in
   driving manoeuvre is displayed symboli-                                                                  While a route guidance session is
                                                  this case, the area that lies ahead of the
   cally as you approach it.)                                                                               active, you have these options:

 46 | en                                                                                                                                        Navigation

           ff Tap On route to display only mes-     To do so,                                                      Note:
              sages that concern your current       ff tap Replace destination or Add as way-                      If you tap a point on the map where
              route.                                   point.                                                      several symbols overlap, a list of the
           ff Tap All to display all current mes-                                                                  corresponding points of interest is
              sages.                                If no route guidance session is active, you can                displayed. Select the desired point of
ff Tap on a message to display details about this   set the location as your destination.                          interest from the list.
   message.                                         ff Tap Set as destination.
                                                                                                          To search for points of interest near a location
8.7.7 Changing the displayed sec-                   The system calculates the route to the new            on the map,
         tion of the map                            destination.                                          ff tap the location on the map.
During active route guidance, you can choose                                                              ff Tap POIs around.
whether                                             8.7.9 Viewing details of a location                   The available point of interest categories are
ff the map should show the entire route or                   on the map                                   displayed. Continue reading the section entitled
   whether                                          ff Tap the location on the map.                       “Selecting a point of interest and starting route
ff the map should show the area around the          ff Tap Details.                                       guidance” (page 41).
   vehicle.                                         The details view of the location is displayed (see
                                                    the section entitled “Location details view”          8.8 Route guidance settings in the
                                                    (page 42)).                                               Route menu
ff In the map view, tap the button p to switch
   between the modes.
                                                    8.7.10 Selecting a point of interest                  8.8.1 Opening the Route menu
8.7.8 Selecting a destination or                              from the map
                                                    You can select a point of interest from the map                Note:
         waypoint from the map
                                                    or search for points of interest near a location on            The Route menu is only available when
You can pick a location shown on the map as a
                                                    the map. Then you can view the details of a point              a route guidance session is active.
destination or waypoint.
ff Long tap the location on the map.                of interest and set it as your destination, if
                                                    desired.                                              ff Tap     in the Home menu.
If a route guidance session is active, you can                                                            or:
ff replace the current destination,                 To view details of a particular point of interest,
                                                                                                          ff Tap     in the map view.
ff set the location as a waypoint.                  ff tap the symbol of the point of interest on the
                                                       map.                                               or:
                                                    The details view of the location is displayed (see    ff Tap the Route tab in the Destinations menu.
                                                    the section entitled “Location details view”
                                                    (page 42)).

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The Route menu is displayed:                     8.8.4 Displaying destination infor-                           Note:
                                                           mation                                              If your current route goes directly to
                                                 ff In the Route menu, tap Destination info.                   the ultimate destination, you can add
                                                 Your current destination is displayed in the                  the new point of interest as a waypoint
                                                 details view (see the section entitled “Location              or replace the ultimate destination with
                                                 details view” (page 42)).                                     the new point of interest.
                                                 ff Tap      to return to the Destinations menu.               If your current route already goes via a
                                                                                                               waypoint to the ultimate destination,
                                                 8.8.5 Displaying the route list                               you can either replace the waypoint or
                                                 ff In the Route menu, tap Show route list.                    the ultimate destination with the new
                                                 The route sections up ahead on your journey are               point of interest.
For the available settings and options, please   ff Tap     to return to the Destinations menu.       ff In the Route menu, tap POIs at destination
refer to the following sections.                                                                         or POIs on route.
                                                 8.8.6 Displaying the list of way-                    The available point of interest categories are
         Note:                                             points                                     displayed. Continue reading the section entitled
         In the Destinations menu, tap     to    ff In the Route menu, tap Waypoints.                 “Selecting a point of interest and starting route
         return to the map view.                 The waypoints and destination of the active          guidance” (page 41).
                                                 route guidance session are displayed.
8.8.2 Cancelling route guidance                  ff Tap an item to view the details for the respec-   8.8.8 Blocking route sections
ff In the Route menu, tap Stop guidance.            tive waypoint/destination (see the section        You can block route sections that lie up ahead
The currently active route guidance session is      entitled “Location details view” (page            on your route and thus exclude them from the
cancelled and the map of the area around the        42)).                                             route. The navigation system automatically
vehicle is displayed.                                                                                 calculates a suitable alternative route.
                                                 8.8.7 Searching for a point of inter-
8.8.3 Muting navigation announce-                         est on the route or near the                Selecting route sections to block
          ments                                           destination                                 ff In the Route menu, tap Block route list.
ff In the Route menu, tap Mute guidance or       During an active route guidance session, you         The route sections up ahead on your journey are
   Unmute guidance to activate or cancel mute    can select a point of interest on your route or      displayed.
   respectively.                                 near your destination as the destination.

 48 | en                                                                                                                              Navigation

           Note:                                    8.9 Specifying guidance and map                8.9.2 Displaying points of interest
           You can block an individual route sec-         settings                                       on the map
           tion or several consecutive route sec-   With the guidance and map settings you can
           tions.                                   specify route guidance and map view options.

ff Tap the desired route section.                   8.9.1 Opening the guidance and
                                                             map settings
Or:                                                 ff In navigation mode, tap 6.
If you want to block several route sections:
ff Tap the first route section you want blocked.
ff Tap the final route section you want blocked.
All route sections between the two selected
sections are blocked.                                                                              ff Tap Show POIs on map.
ff Tap Recalculate route.                                                                          ff Tap the desired categories.
The route is recalculated and displayed in the                                                     The map shows points of interest from the cat-
map view.                                                                                          egories whose checkbox contains a check mark.
                                                                                                   ff Tap .
           Tap      to cancel the operation. You    ff Tap Guidance and map settings.                      Note:
           will return to the Destinations menu.                                                           Tap 6 to close the options display.
Unblocking blocked route sections                           Note:
You can unblock route sections that you previ-              Tap 6 to close the options display.    8.9.3 Selecting the map orientation
ously blocked.
ff In the Route menu, tap Unblock route list.
The route is recalculated and displayed in the
map view.

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ff Tap Map orientation.                           8.9.4 3D map view – on/off                       8.9.5 Enabling automatic zoom
                                                  Instead of the normal view from above, the 3D    When automatic zoom is enabled, the navigation
                                                  map view displays a perspective view.            system automatically adapts the map scale to
                                                                                                   the route conditions (e.g. it zooms into the map
                                                                                                   in urban areas or when approaching a junction
                                                                                                   or a pending driving manoeuvre and zooms out
                                                                                                   of the map on long straight-ahead stretches of

ff Tap the relevant item:
   ff Heading up:
      Map aligned with your heading               ff Tap 3D map.
   ff North up:                                   3D map view is activated when the check mark
      Map aligned with north                      is displayed in the checkbox.

         Notes:                                            Notes:
         ff You can also change the map orien-             ff You can also activate 3D map view    ff Tap Autozoom.
            tation while in the map view (see                 while in the map view (see the       Automatic zoom is enabled when the check
            the section entitled “Changing the                section entitled “Changing the map   mark is displayed in the checkbox.
            map view mode” (page 45)).                        view mode” (page 45)).               ff Tap .
         ff If the North up option is selected,            ff If 3D map view is activated, the
            3D map view is not available.                     North up option is not available.             Note:
ff Tap    .                                       ff Tap    .                                               Tap 6 to close the options display.

         Note:                                             Note:
         Tap 6 to close the options display.               Tap 6 to close the options display.

 50 | en                                                                                                                              Navigation

8.9.6 Lane guidance – on/off                      8.9.7 Voice guidance – on/off                   When you approach a driving manoeuvre, the
When lane guidance is enabled, the system         You can enable/disable the driving recommen-    display will show the symbol for the driving
displays the appropriate lane on multi-lane       dation announcements that the system makes.     manoeuvre, the distance to the driving manoeu-
roads.                                                                                            vre, and the name of the next road.

                                                  ff Tap Voice guidance.
ff Tap Lane guidance.                             Voice guidance is enabled when the check mark   ff Tap Display driving recommendations.
Displaying of lane recommendations v is           is displayed in the checkbox.                   Displaying of visual driving recommendations in
enabled when the check mark is displayed in the   ff Tap .                                        the map view is enabled when the check mark is
checkbox.                                                                                         displayed in the checkbox.
ff Tap .                                                  Note:                                   ff Tap .
                                                          Tap 6 to close the options display.
           Note:                                                                                          Note:
           Tap 6 to close the options display.    8.9.8 Visual driving recommenda-                        Tap 6 to close the options display.
                                                           tions in other operating
                                                           modes– on/off                          8.9.9 Acoustical traffic information
                                                  You can choose to have visual driving recom-    You can enable/disable announcements about a
                                                  mendations in the map view y.                   changed traffic situation ahead of you:
                                                                                                  ff If a route guidance session is active: The
                                                          Note:                                      announcements focus on the calculated
                                                          The visual driving recommendations         route.
                                                          shown in the home menu are persis-      ff If no route guidance session is active: The
                                                          tent.                                      announcements focus on the area you will

 Navigation                                                                                                                               en | 51

   most probably cross according to your previ-   8.10.1 Opening the route options
   ous route.                                     ff In navigation mode, tap 6.

                                                                                                ff Tap the relevant option:
                                                                                                   ff Fastest:
ff Tap Acoustical traffic information.            ff Tap Route options.                               The journey time is minimised.
Acoustical traffic information is enabled when                                                     ff Optimised:
the check mark is displayed in the checkbox.              Note:                                       Optimised combination of the shortest
ff Tap .                                                  Tap 6 to close the options display.         and fastest route.
                                                                                                   ff Shortest:
8.10 Specifying custom route                      8.10.2 Selecting the basic type of                  The distance is minimised.
      options                                              route
You can use custom route options to define your   You can set the basic type of route.          ff Tap    .
requirements for the system’s choice of route.
The system takes these requirements into                                                                 Note:
account when calculating the route.                                                                      Tap 6 to close the options display.

                                                                                                8.10.3 Activating dynamic route
                                                                                                       guidance with TMC

                                                                                                         If TMC is not supported in your recep-
                                                                                                         tion area or by the current station, you
                                                  ff Tap Route type.                                     will not be able to experience these

 52 | en                                                                                                                                       Navigation

When dynamic route guidance is activated, the       ff Seasonal roads                                   8.11 Displaying information on the
system takes the latest traffic announcements       ff Restricted roads                                        current position
into account and may automatically recalculate                                                          ff In navigation mode, tap 6.
the route during route guidance.

                                                    ff Tap the relevant option.                         ff Tap Position and GPS info.
ff Tap Dynamic guidance.                            The corresponding road and transport type is        A map of the area around your position and the
Dynamic route guidance is enabled when the          avoided when the check mark is displayed in the     following information are displayed:
check mark is displayed in the checkbox.            checkbox.                                           ff Current road
ff Tap .                                                                                                ff Current city
                                                             Note:                                      ff Longitude
           Note:                                             In some cases, the navigation system       ff Latitude
           Tap 6 to close the options display.               may use a road or transport type that is   ff Altitude
                                                             to be avoided in order to enable you to    ff GPS information
8.10.4 Avoiding certain types of                             reach your destination.
          road and transport                                                                            ff Tap     .
You can select which types of road and trans-       ff Tap    .
port should, if possible, be avoided in the route                                                                Note:
calculation:                                                 Note:                                               Tap 6 to close the options display.
ff Motorways                                                 Tap 6 to close the options display.
ff Toll roads                                                                                           8.12 Your own points of interest
ff Ferries                                                                                              In addition to the points of interest stored in the
ff Train transport                                                                                      navigation data, you can also store your own
ff Unpaved roads

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points of interest and point of interest warnings    csv file, be sure to insert only points of interest   8.12.2 Loading your own points of
on the device.                                       that belong to the same category and use the                 interest onto the device
Point of interest warnings may, for instance,        name of the category as the file name.
contain the location of sharp bends.                                                                               Note:
                                                     You may create up to four additional levels of                When you load a new file, any of your
8.12.1 Data format                                   categories and subcategories if you create a                  own points of interest that are already
The file containing your own points of interest      corresponding folder structure. The name of a                 stored on the device will be deleted.
must comply with the WGS84 standard.                 folder will be recognised as the name of the
The required file format is “.csv”.                  corresponding category or subcategory.                ff Switch to navigation mode.
                                                                                                           ff Connect the USB storage device containing
Each line of the file may describe one point of               Notes:                                          the file to the device.
interest containing the following pieces of infor-            ff The csv file or the top-level folder      The device detects the file automatically.
mation:                                                          that represents a top-level category      ff Tap Download to confirm that you want to
ff Longitude                                                     must be stored inside a folder               load the file.
ff Latitude                                                      named “myPOIs”. Place this folder         The progress and completion of the loading
ff Name                                                          in the root directory of a USB stor-      operation are indicated.
ff Address (optional)                                            age device.                               ff Confirm by tapping .
ff Telephone number (optional)                                ff A csv file that contains POI warnings
                                                                 must be stored inside the folder          8.12.3 Point of interest warnings
A line of the file may look like this:                           “myPOIs” or any of its subfolders.                  displayed during the journey
77.61,12.92,Park,Bangalore City,00917829                         The name of this file must begin                    – on/off
                                                                 with “myPOIWarnings_” and end             When the displaying of point of interest warn-
         Notes:                                                  with “.csv” (for example: “myPOI-         ings is enabled, the system displays a warning
         ff Ensure that no piece of information                  Warnings_Curves.csv”). Otherwise          when you approach a point of interest warning’s
            contains a comma. Inside the file,                   the POI warnings cannot be dis-           location.
            commas are exclusively used to                       played.
            separate the different pieces of                                                                       Safety notice
            information from one another.                                                                          The point of interest warnings stored
         ff Coordinates of the southern and                                                                        on the device may be incomplete or
            western hemisphere have to be                                                                          outdated.
            specified by negative values.                                                                          Therefore, please always ensure you
                                                                                                                   observe the actual road conditions and
The name of the csv file represents the name of
                                                                                                                   the traffic regulations that are in force.
the point of interest category. When setting up a

Document Created: 2017-04-04 16:40:10
Document Modified: 2017-04-04 16:40:10

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