Users Manual_Part 2


Users Manual

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 Operation                                                                                                                                      en | 17

         Note:                                       ff Tap Sound settings.                              4.8.4 Selecting an equalizer preset
         If you enter a wrong digit, you can                                                             ff Tap Equalizer presets.
         delete it by tapping    .

ff Tap    .

         ff If you have not entered the correct
            security PIN for the device, the
            “Wrong security PIN” notification
            appears briefly and the number of
            remaining input attempts is dis-                  Note:
            played.                                           ff To scroll through the available sound   ff Tap the desired preset.
         ff If you enter an incorrect security PIN               settings, touch the list area and
            5 times, the device will be blocked                  swipe up or down.                                Note:
            and an appropriate notification                   ff Tap 6 to close the sound set-                    Tap   to return to the sound settings.
            displayed. Please contact your                       tings or tap     to return to the
            dealer to get the device unblocked.                  system settings.                        4.8.5 Adjusting the speed depend-
                                                                                                                   ent volume
4.8 Sound settings                                   4.8.1 Adjusting the bass and treble                 This function automatically adjusts the volume
To adjust the sound settings,                        ff In the Bass or Treble item, tap or to            of the car sound system to the speed driven and
ff tap 6.                                               decrease or increase the value.                  the associated driving noises. For example, at
The system settings are displayed.                                                                       an increased speed, the volume is automatically
                                                     4.8.2 Adjusting the balance                         increased to compensate for the increased
                                                     ff In the Balance item, tap     or  to shift the    driving noise (e.g. due to the airstream).
                                                        sound towards the left or right.                 The automatic increase in volume can be
                                                                                                         adjusted in 4 increments (OFF, 1-3).
                                                     4.8.3 Adjusting the fader                           ff Tap Speed dependent volume control.
                                                     ff In the Fader item, tap   or      to shift the
                                                        sound towards the front or rear.

 18 | en                                                                                                                                     Operation

                                                    4.8.7 Volume adjustment for an
                                                             external DVD source
                                                    ff Tap External DVD level.

ff Tap the desired option: Off or Level 1 - 3.                                                        ff Tap Clock.

           Tap   to return to the sound settings.   ff Tap the desired option: Quiet, Normal or
4.8.6 Volume adjustment for the
        AUX source                                  4.8.8 System beep – on/off
ff Tap Aux level.                                   The system confirms certain actions with a
                                                    beep. You can enable or disable this confirma-
                                                    tion beep.
                                                    ff Tap System beep.
                                                    The system beep is enabled when the check                  Note:
                                                    mark is displayed in the checkbox.                         ff To scroll through the available set-
                                                                                                                  tings, touch the list area and swipe
                                                    4.9 Setting the time and date                                 up or down.
                                                    To adjust the time and date settings,                      ff Tap 6 to close the settings or
                                                    ff first switch to the Home menu, if necessary.               tap      to return to the system
                                                    ff Tap 6.                                                     settings.
ff Tap the desired option: Quiet, Normal or         The system settings are displayed.
   Loud.                                                                                              4.9.1 Selecting the date format
                                                                                                      The selected date format refers to the display of
                                                                                                      the date, e.g. in the Calls list of the phone mode.

 Operation                                                                                                                                      en | 19

ff Tap Date format.                               4.9.2 Selecting the time format
                                                  The selected time format refers to the display of
                                                  the time, e.g. in the Home menu.
                                                  ff Tap Time format.

ff Tap the desired date format.                                                                       Select your time zone:
                                                                                                      ff Tap Time zone.
         To scroll through the available date     ff Tap the desired option: 12 h or 24 h.
         formats, touch the list area and swipe
         up or down.                              4.9.3 Setting the time via GPS
                                                  First select “GPS” as the time setting, if neces-
ff Tap    to return to the time and date set-     sary:
   tings.                                         ff Tap Clock setting mode.

                                                                                                      ff Tap the desired time zone.

                                                                                                               To scroll through the available time
                                                                                                               zones, if necessary, touch the list area
                                                                                                               and swipe up or down.

                                                  ff Tap GPS.                                         ff Tap    to return to the time and date set-
                                                  The options for setting the time via GPS are           tings.

 20 | en                                                                                                                                       Operation

Activate or deactivate summer time:                  ff In the Hour or Minute item, tap     or    to     You can manually adjust the display brightness
ff Tap Summer time.                                     adjust the hours or minutes.                     of the current mode:
Summer time is activated when the check mark                                                             ff In the system settings, tap Display.
is displayed in the checkbox.                        4.10 Further system settings
                                                     To adjust the system settings,
4.9.4 Setting the time manually                      ff first switch to the Home menu, if necessary.
First select “Manual” as the time setting, if nec-   ff Tap 6.
essary:                                              The system settings are displayed.
ff Tap Clock setting mode.

                                                                                                         ff In the Brightness item, tap or      to
                                                                                                            decrease or increase the value.

                                                                                                                 The vehicle’s brightness level control
                                                              Note:                                              function is available on the vehicle’s
ff Tap Manual.                                                ff To scroll through the available sys-            instrument cluster. If you use this func-
The options for setting the time manually are                    tem settings, touch the list area and           tion to change the vehicle’s brightness
displayed.                                                       swipe up or down.                               level to maximum, the map display in
                                                              ff Tap 6 to close the system set-                  navigation mode will stay set to day
                                                                 tings.                                          mode. Please refer to the car owner’s
                                                                                                                 manual for details about the vehicle’s
                                                     4.10.1 Adjusting the display bright-                        brightness level control and how to
                                                              ness                                               use it.
                                                     The display is equipped with a day and night
                                                     mode. The display switches between day and          4.10.2 Setting the language
                                                     night mode automatically when the vehicle           Set the language used by the device.
                                                     headlights are switched on or off.                  ff In the system settings, tap Language.

 Operation                                                                                                                                        en | 21

ff Tap the desired language.                      ff Tap the desired option: Metric or Imperial.       ff Enter a four-digit device security PIN and tap
         Note:                                    4.10.4 Security PIN protection – on/                 ff Enter the new security PIN again to confirm
         To scroll through the available lan-               off                                           it, and tap .
         guages, touch the list area and swipe    ff In the system settings, tap Security PIN.
         up or down.                                                                                            Note:
                                                                                                                If the security PIN you entered as con-
4.10.3 Selecting the system of meas-                                                                            firmation differs, a notification is dis-
         urement                                                                                                played, and you can enter the new
The device can use metric or imperial units of                                                                  security PIN again, starting from the
measurement.                                                                                                    very beginning.

         The selected system of measurement is
         used by the navigation system.
                                                  ff Tap Security PIN protection.
ff In the system settings, tap Unit of measure-   Security PIN protection is enabled when the
   ment.                                          check mark is displayed in the checkbox.

                                                  If you enable security PIN protection, you will be
                                                  prompted to enter a new security PIN for the

 22 | en                                                                                                                                        Operation

If you disable security PIN protection, you will be                                                              Note:
prompted to enter the device’s current security                                                                  If you have not entered the correct
PIN:                                                                                                             security PIN for the device, the “Wrong
                                                                                                                 security PIN” notification appears
                                                                                                                 briefly, and you can enter the security
                                                                                                                 PIN again.

                                                                                                        You will be prompted to enter the new security
                                                                                                        PIN for the device.

                                                      ff Tap Change security PIN.
                                                      You will be prompted to enter the device’s cur-
                                                      rent security PIN.
ff Enter the device’s four-digit security PIN.

           If you enter a wrong digit, you can
           delete it by tapping    .

ff Tap      .                                                                                           ff Enter a four-digit device security PIN and tap
           Note:                                                                                        ff Enter the new security PIN again to confirm
           If you have not entered the correct                                                             it, and tap .
           security PIN for the device, the “Wrong    ff Enter the device’s four-digit security PIN.
           security PIN” notification appears                                                                    Note:
           briefly, and you can enter the security             Note:                                             If the security PIN you entered as con-
           PIN again.                                          If you enter a wrong digit, you can               firmation differs, a notification is dis-
                                                               delete it by tapping    .                         played, and you can enter the new
                                                                                                                 security PIN again, starting from the
4.10.5 Changing the device’s secu-                    ff Tap    .                                                very beginning.
          rity PIN
ff In the system settings, tap Security PIN.

 Operation                                                                                                                                       en | 23

4.10.6 Displaying information about                  4.11 Connecting/inserting exter-                    ff WMA files with Digital Rights Management
          open-source software                            nal devices and data storage                      (DRM) from online music shops cannot be
The device uses open-source software. To view             devices                                           played.
information about it,                                                                                    ff WMA files can only be played back, if they
ff in the system settings, tap Open-source                    Note:                                         were created with Windows Media Player
   software.                                                  Only use appropriate connecting               version 9 or 10.
                                                              cables and external devices in regard to   ff Applicable playlist extensions:
         Notes:                                               safety, electromagnetic compatibility         –– .m3u
         ff To scroll through the available infor-            and grade of shielding.                       –– .pls
            mation, touch the list area and                                                                 –– .wpl
            swipe up or down.                        4.11.1 General information
         ff Tap      to return to the system         The device supports the following media file        MP3
            settings.                                formats:                                            ff Codecs
                                                     ff MP3                                                 –– MPEG-1: Layer-1, Layer-2, Layer-3
4.10.7 Reset to the factory settings                 ff WMA                                                 –– MPEG-2: Layer-1, Layer-2, Layer-3
                                                     ff AAC                                                 –– MPEG-2.5: Layer-3
         Note:                                       ff WAV                                              ff Bitrates
         Resetting to the factory settings will      ff 3GPP                                                –– 8 kBit/s to 448 kBit/s with VBR and CBR
         erase all the settings you defined previ-   ff Audiobooks                                       ff Sample rates
         ously.                                      ff MPG                                                 –– up to 48kHz
                                                     ff AVI for H.264/MPEG4 ASP (Xvid)                   AAC
ff In the system settings, tap Reset to factory                                                          ff Codecs
   settings.                                         The following restrictions apply for the data          –– AAC-LC
ff Tap      to confirm that you want to reset the    stored on SD cards and external devices con-        ff Bitrates
   device to the factory settings.                   nected to the USB port:                                –– 8kBit/s to 256kBit/s with VBR and CBR
Wait for a short time for the factory settings to    ff File system: FAT16/32                            ff Sample Rates
be restored.                                         ff Max. 11 folders in depth hierarchy are sup-         –– 8-48kHz
                                                     ff Maximum file / song number: 10000                WMA
                                                     ff Maximum URL / file path length: 1024             ff Codecs
                                                     ff ID3 tags: Version 1 and 2, max. length 256          –– WMA 9 Lossless
                                                                                                            –– WMA 10 Std, 44.1kHz, 64-161 kBit/s
                                                                                                            –– WMA 10 Pro, 48 - 192kBit/s

 24 | en                                                                                                                                         Operation

4.11.2 SD card                                                  ff Ensure the label on the SD card is      To remove an SD card,
                                                                   fully attached. Otherwise the SD        ff press the SD card gently with your fingertip
Inserting and removing an SD card                                  card may become stuck in the slot          into the SD card slot 3.
                                                                   or particles from the label may be      The SD card is released and ejected, and a
           Important notes:                                        left inside the device leading to the   corresponding notification appears briefly in the
           ff Never insert anything other than an                  possible failure of SD-card function-   display.
              SD card into the SD card slot. Doing                 ality.                                  ff Pull the SD card out of the SD card slot 3.
              so could damage the device.                       ff Do not use an SD card that has been
           ff Never use excessive force when                       cracked, deformed or repaired                    Note:
              removing an SD card or else the                      using adhesive tape. Use of a dam-               Remove the SD card as soon as it is
              card slot or the card itself may be                  aged SD card may damage the                      ejected. If an ejected SD card remains
              damaged.                                             device.                                          in the card slot, it may lead to the
           ff When inserting an SD card into the                                                                    touchscreen not functioning properly.
              device, make sure the card is
              aligned and positioned correctly                  Note:
                                                                                                           4.11.3 USB storage device/Apple
              (the correct side must be facing                  If your device is equipped with a navi-
              upwards, and you must insert the                  gation system:
              correct end of the card). If you use              If you want to insert a media SD card,
                                                                                                                    Information about which Apple devices
              force to insert an incorrectly aligned            you may have to remove the SD card
                                                                                                                    the device supports is available at
              and positioned SD card into the                   containing the navigation system’s map
              slot, you may damage the card and                 data first.
              the slot.                                         As long as the SD card containing the      General information
           ff If the “No Card” notification appears             navigation system’s map data is            ff The external devices connected to the USB
              in the display despite your having                removed, you will not be able to use the      port must comply with the USB Mass Storage
              inserted an SD card into the SD card              navigation function.                          Class specification (USB MSC).
              slot, this means that the device                                                             ff Devices connected via USB are supported
              does not recognize the card for          To insert an SD card,                                  according to USB specification V 2.0.
              some reason. Try removing the card       ff slide the SD card with its printed side facing      Devices with USB specification 1.0 and 3.0
              and inserting it again. Please bear in      upwards and its contacts pointing towards           are compatible.
              mind, however, that some SD cards           the device into the SD card slot 3.              ff Devices without FAT16 / FAT32 file system
              may not be compatible with this          A notification appears briefly in the display          are not supported.
              device.                                  when the device detects the SD card.

 Operation                                                                                                                                 en | 25

ff Hard Disk Drives (HDD) are not generally         Enabling the AUX input                         The external DVD input is enabled when the
   supported.                                       ff In media mode, tap    6.                    check mark is displayed in the checkbox.
ff USB hubs are not supported.                                                                     ff Tap 6 to close the menu.

                                                                                                   4.11.6 Connecting a device via Blue-
Connecting and removing a USB storage device                                                              tooth®
or Apple device
To connect a USB storage device or Apple                                                                    Notes:
device,                                                                                                     ff Information about which external
ff connect it to the USB port.                                                                                 devices the device supports is
A notification appears briefly in the display                                                                  available at
when the device detects the USB storage device                                                              ff The procedures described in this
or Apple device.                                    ff Tap Aux active.                                         chapter apply to Bluetooth® mobile
To remove a USB storage device or Apple             The AUX input is enabled when the check mark               phones as well as to Bluetooth®
device,                                             is displayed in the checkbox.                              audio streaming devices such as a
ff pull it out of the USB port.                     ff Tap 6 to close the menu.                                Bluetooth® MP3 player.
An appropriate notification appears briefly in                                                              ff If a smartphone is already con-
the display.                                        4.11.5 Enabling the external DVD                           nected to the device via smartphone
                                                            input                                              integration, it is not possible to
4.11.4 AUX audio source                             ff In media mode, tap 6.                                   establish a Bluetooth® connection
                                                                                                               to another mobile phone.
        Note:                                                                                               ff An existing Bluetooth® connection
        Only applicable if your vehicle is fitted                                                              will be disconnected automatically
        with an AUX input.                                                                                     as soon as another smartphone is
Connecting an AUX source                                                                                       connected via smartphone integra-
ff Use a suitable cable to connect the AUX                                                                     tion.
   source to the AUX input.                                                                        General information
                                                                                                   The device supports Bluetooth® 3.0 + HS and
        Note:                                                                                      the following Bluetooth® profiles and standards:
        If you want to play a connected AUX                                                        ff A2DP 1.2
        source, you must first enable the AUX       ff Tap DVD active.
                                                                                                   ff AVRCP 1.3
        input (see below).                                                                         ff HFP 1.6

Document Created: 2017-04-04 16:39:57
Document Modified: 2017-04-04 16:39:57

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