Test Report


Test Report

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                                        FCC PART 22 and 90

                                               TEST REPORT


          Hytera Communications Corporation Limited
Hytera Tower, Hi-Tech Industrial Park North, 9108# Beihuan Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen,
                                       518057 China

                                       FCC ID: YAMPD79XISU1

             Report Type:                                       Product Type:
             Class II Permissive Change                         Is Digital Radio

                 Report Number:           RDG161020003-00A1

                     Report Date:         2016-12-21

                                          Jesse Huang

                    Reviewed By:          Manager

                     Prepared By:
                                          Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)
                                          No.248 Chenghu Road, Kunshan, Jiangsu province, China
                                          Tel: +86-0512-86175000
                                          Fax: +86-0512-88934268

Note: This test report is prepared for the customer shown above and for the equipment described herein. It may not be duplicated
or used in part without prior written consent from Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                                                                      Report No.: RDG161020003-00A1

                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................3
 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) .....................................................................................3
 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................................3
 RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S) .............................................................................................................................3
 TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................3
 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ....................................................................................................................................4
 TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................................................................4
SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................................................................5
  DESCRIPTION OF TEST CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................................5
  EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................5
  SUPPORT EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ....................................................................................................................5
  EXTERNAL I/O CABLE..................................................................................................................................................5
  BLOCK DIAGRAM OF TEST SETUP ................................................................................................................................5
SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...............................................................................................................................6

TEST EQUIPMENT LIST ...........................................................................................................................................7
FCC §1.1307(b) & §2.1093 - RF EXPOSURE .............................................................................................................8
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ..............................................................................................................................................8
FCC §2.1053 & §22.861 &§90.210 - RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ...........................................................9
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ..............................................................................................................................................9
  TEST PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................................................................9
  TEST DATA ..................................................................................................................................................................9

FCC Part 22 and 90                                                                                                                                      Page 2 of 10

Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                            Report No.: RDG161020003-00A1

Product Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)
The Hytera Communications Corporation Limited’s product, model number: PD715IS U(1) or the "EUT"
in this report was a Is Digital Radio, which was measured approximately: 141mm (L) x 55 mm (W)
x39mm (H), rated with input voltage: DC 7.4V battery.

Note: The series product, model PD712IS U(1), PD716IS U(1), PD718IS U(1) and PD715IS U(1), they have the
same appearance, PCB, Material to the testing product’s model, and only named differently. Model PD715IS U(1)
was selected for fully testing, which was explained in the attached product similarity declaration letter.

* All measurement and test data in this report was gathered from production sample serial number: 161020003
(Assigned by BACL, Kunshan). The EUT supplied by the applicant was received on 2016-10-20.

This test report is prepared on behalf of Hytera Communications Corporation Limited. in accordance with
Part 2, Part 22 and Part 90 of the Federal Communication Commissions rules.

This is a CIIPC application of the device; the differences between the original device and the current one
are as follows:

  1. Changing the model number from “PD795IS U(1), PD792IS U(1), PD796IS U(1), PD798IS U(1)” to
“PD715IS U(1), PD712IS U(1), PD716IS U(1), PD718IS U(1)”.

  2. Changing the appearance of EUT, which removing the keyboard and screen with the same main board.

For the change made to the device, the test item “RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS” were performed.

Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)
No related submittal(s).

Test Methodology
All tests and measurements indicated in this document were performed in accordance with the Code of
federal Regulations Title 47 Part 2, Sub-part J as well as the following individual parts:

Part 22 – Public Mobile Service
Part 90 – Private Land Mobile Radio Service

Applicable Standards: TIA 603-D.

All emissions measurement was performed at Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan). The
radiated testing was performed at an antenna-to-EUT distance of 3 meters.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                        Report No.: RDG161020003-00A1

Measurement Uncertainty

                                 Item                                       Uncertainty

                                            30MHz~1GHz                        ±5.91dB
          Radiated emission
                                             Above 1G                         ±4.92dB
                              Temperature                                     ±1.0℃
                               Humidity                                        ±6%

Test Facility
The test site used by Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan) to collect test data is located on
the Chenghu Lake Road, Kunshan Development Zone No.248, Kunshan, Jiangsu, China

Test site at Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan) has been fully described in reports
submitted to the Federal Communication Commission (FCC). The details of these reports have been found
to be in compliance with the requirements of Section 2.948 of the FCC Rules on November 06, 2014. The
facility also complies with the radiated and AC line conducted test site criteria set forth in ANSI C63.4-

The Federal Communications Commission has the reports on file and is listed under FCC Registration No.:
815570. The test site has been approved by the FCC for public use and is listed in the FCC Public Access
Link (PAL) database.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                         Report No.: RDG161020003-00A1

Description of Test Configuration
The system was configured for testing in a test mode which has been done in the factory.

Equipment Modifications
No modification was made to the EUT tested.

Support Equipment List and Details

       Manufacturer                Description                   Model               Serial Number

            N/A                    50 ohm Load                    N/A                              N/A

External I/O Cable

               Cable Description                    Length (m)           From Port                       To

                       /                                /                    /                           /

Block Diagram of Test Setup

                                                                                       1.0 Meter


           Non-conductive Table
           150 cm above Ground Plane

                                            1.5 Meter

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                          Report No.: RDG161020003-00A1


                FCC Rules                          Description of Test                Results

            §1.1307(b), §2.1093                       RF Exposure                   Compliance
            §2.1046; § 22.727;
                                                    RF Output Power                 Compliance*
             §2.1047;§90.207                 Modulation Characteristic              Compliance*
         §2.1049;§22.357;§ 22.731;
                                       Occupied Bandwidth & Emission Mask           Compliance*
             §90.209; §90.210
         §2.1051; §22.861;§90.210      Spurious Emission at Antenna Terminal        Compliance*

         §2.1053; §22.861;§90.210           Spurious Radiated Emissions             Compliance

         §2.1055; § 22.355;§90.213                 Frequency Stability              Compliance*

                 §90.214                   Transient Frequency Behavior             Compliance*

Compliance*: Please referred to FCC ID: YAMPD79XISU1, report No.: RSZ160524001-00, granted on 2016-07-
            28,which was tested by Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen).

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                               Report No.: RDG161020003-00A1


                                                                                   Calibration     Calibration
     Manufacturer            Description            Model       Serial Number
                                                                                      Date          Due Date
                                               Radiated Emission Test
   Sonoma Instrunent          Amplifier               330           171377          2015-12-12     2016-12-12
   Rohde & Schwarz       EMI Test Receiver           ESCI           100195          2016-11-11     2017-11-10
     Sunol Sciences      Broadband Antenna            JB3          A090314-2        2016-01-09     2019-01-08
     Sunol Sciences      Broadband Antenna           JB3           A090314-1        2016-01-09     2019-01-08
         Narda              Pre-amplifier                           2001270         2016-09-08     2017-09-08
         EMCO               Horn Antenna             3116          9510-2384        2015-11-07     2018-11-06
   Rohde & Schwarz         Signal Analyzer          FSIQ26          100048          2016-11-11     2017-11-10
          ETS               Horn Antenna             3115               6229        2016-01-11     2017-01-10
          ETS               Horn Antenna             3115          9311-4159        2016-01-11     2017-01-10
          R&S             Auto test Software        EMC32          V 09.10.0          NCR              NCR
       haojintech           Coaxial Cable           Cable-1             001         2016-09-08     2017-09-07

       haojintech           Coaxial Cable           Cable-2             002         2016-09-08     2017-09-07

       haojintech           Coaxial Cable           Cable-3             003         2016-09-08     2017-09-07

    MICRO-COAX              Coaxial Cable           Cable-4             004         2015-11-19     2016-11-18

    MICRO-COAX              Coaxial Cable           Cable-5             005         2015-11-19     2016-11-18

          HP              Signal Generator          E4421B        US38440505        2016-11-11     2017-11-10

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan) attests that all calibrations have
been performed in accordance to requirements that traceable to National Primary Standards and International System
of Units (SI).

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                      Report No.: RDG161020003-00A1

FCC §1.1307(b) & §2.1093 - RF EXPOSURE
Applicable Standard
According to FCC §1.1307(b) and §2.1093, protable device operates Part 90 should be subjected to
rountine environmental evaluation for RF exposure prior or equipment authorization or use.

Result: Compliance.

Please refer to SAR Report Number: RDG161020003-20BA1.

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Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                        Report No.: RDG161020003-00A1

FCC §2.1053 & §22.861 &§90.210 - RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS
Applicable Standard
FCC §2.1053, §22.861 and §90.210

Test Procedure
The transmitter was placed on a wooden turntable, and it was transmitting into a non-radiating load, which
was also placed on the turntable.

The measurement antenna was placed at a distance of 3 meters from the EUT. During the tests, the antenna
height and polarization as well as EUT azimuth were varied in order to identify the maximum level of
emissions from the EUT .The test was performed by placing the EUT on 3-orthogonal axis.

The frequency range up to teeth harmonic of the fundamental frequency was investigated.

Remove the EUT and replace it with substitution antenna. A signal generator was connected to the
substitution antenna by a non-radiating cable. The absolute levels of the spurious emissions were measured
by the substitution.

Spurious emissions in dB =10 1g (TXpwr in Watts/0.001)-the absolute level

Spurious attenuation limit in dB =50+10 Log10 (power out in Watts) for EUT with a 12.5 kHz channel

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

            Temperature:               27 ℃
       Relative Humidity:              53 %
          ATM Pressure:              101.0 kPa

     The testing was performed by Layne Li on 2016-11-17.
     Test Mode: Transmitting

FCC Part 22 and 90                                                                           Page 9 of 10

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Kunshan)                        Report No.: RDG161020003-00A1

          30 MHz – 5 GHz:

                          Turn       Rx Antenna              Substituted                        FCC Part 90
              Receiver                                                           Absolute
Frequency                Table                          SG    Cable Antenna
              Reading               Height Polar                                   Level        Limit   Margin
  (MHz)                  Angle                         Level   Loss      Gain
              (dBμV)                 (m)     (H/V)                                (dBm)        (dBm)     (dB)
                         Degree                       (dBm)    (dB)      (dB)
                            Analog Modulation 450.0125MHz, Channel Spacing 12.5kHz
     900.03    33.62        272      2.1       H         -62.4   0.45    5.05         -57.80    -20      37.80
     900.03    34.83        327      1.5       V         -61.2   0.45    5.05         -56.60    -20      36.60
 1350.04       41.39        112      2.5       H         -60.6   0.27    7.75         -53.12    -20      33.12
 1350.04       46.52        82       2.1       V         -61.1   0.27    7.75         -53.62    -20      33.62
                            Digital Modulation 450.0125MHz, Channel Spacing 12.5kHz
     900.03    35.36        45       2.1       H         -60.6   0.45    5.05         -56.00    -20      36.00
     900.03    36.12        108      2.1       V         -59.9   0.45    5.05         -55.30    -20      35.30
 1350.04       40.09        260      1.7       H         -61.9   0.27    7.75         -54.42    -20      34.42
 1350.04       44.52        195      1.5       V         -63.1   0.27    7.75         -55.62    -20      35.62

 Absolute Level = SG Level - Cable loss + Antenna Gain
 Margin = Limit- Absolute Level


                                     ***** END OF REPORT *****

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Document Created: 2017-12-21 08:04:57
Document Modified: 2017-12-21 08:04:57

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