User Manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                                                                QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE

                                          Hytera Communications Corporation Limited.   是海能达通信股份有限公司的注册商标或商标
  2018 Hytera Communications Corporation Limited.                                       2018 海能达 通 信 股份有限 公 司 。版权所有
Address: Hytera Tower,Hi-Tech Industrial Park North,9108#Beihuan Road,
         Nanshan District,shenzhen,People’s Republic of China                          地址: 深 圳 市南山区 高 新 区 北区北环 路9108号海能 达 大 厦
                                                                                       服务热 线 :400-830-7020
                                                                                                                         HP78X DIGITAL PORTABLE RADIO
Z17714 Y28254 L07157

          52 02 0 10 0 60 08 3 A

                                                                 copied, modified, translated, or distributed in any manner        
Copyright Information                                                                                                                   Connect the equipment into an outlet on a different
                                                                 without the prior written consent of the Company.                      circuit to that of the receiver's outlet.
Hytera is the trademark or registered trademark of Hytera
                                                                 We do not guarantee, for any particular purpose, the accuracy,        Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician
Communications Corporation Limited (the Company) in the
                                                                 validity, timeliness, legitimacy or completeness of the                for help.
People's Republic of China (PRC) and/or other countries or
                                                                 third-party products and contents involved in this manual.
                                                                                                                                   Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
areas. The Company retains the ownership of its trademarks
                                                                 If you have any suggestions or would like to receive more
and product names. All other trademarks and/or product                                                                                 This device may not cause harmful interference.
                                                                 information, please visit our website at:
names that may be used in this manual are properties of their                                                                          This device must accept any interference received,
respective owners.                                                                                                                      including interference that may cause undesired

The product described in this manual may include the             FCC Statement                                                          operation.

Company's computer programs stored in memory or other                                                                              Note: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly
                                                                 This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the
media. Laws in PRC and/or other countries or areas protect                                                                         approved by the party responsible for compliance could void
                                                                 limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of FCC
the exclusive rights of the Company with respect to its                                                                            the user's authority to operate the equipment.
                                                                 Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable
computer programs. The purchase of this product shall not be
                                                                 protection against harmful interference in a residential          RF Energy Exposure
deemed to grant, either directly or by implication, any rights
                                                                 installation. This equipment generates and can radiate radio      Awareness and Control
to the purchaser regarding the Company's computer programs.
                                                                 frequency energy. If not installed and used in accordance with    Information and Operational
The Company's computer programs may not be copied,
                                                                 the instructions, it may cause harmful interference to radio      Instructions for Occupational
modified, distributed, decompiled, or reverse-engineered in
                                                                 communications. However, there is no guarantee that               Use
any manner without the prior written consent of the Company.
                                                                 interference will not occur in a particular installation.         NOTICE: This radio is intended for use in
                                                                 Verification of harmful interference by this equipment to
Disclaimer                                                                                                                                      occupational/controlled conditions where
                                                                 radio or television reception can be determined by turning it                  users have full knowledge of their exposure
The Company endeavors to achieve the accuracy and                off and then on. The user is encouraged to try to correct the                  and can exercise control over their exposure to
completeness of this manual, but no warranty of accuracy or      interference by one or more of the following measures:                         meet the occupational limits in FCC and
reliability is given. All the specifications and designs are
                                                                     Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the                  International standards. This radio device is
subject to change without notice due to continuous
                                                                      separation between the equipment and receiver.                            NOT authorized for general population
technological development. No part of this manual may be
                                                                                                                                                consumer use.

This radio uses electromagnetic energy in the radio             limits:                                                           Do not remove the RF Exposure Label from the device.
frequency (RF) spectrum to provide communications
                                                                            User awareness instructions should accompany device
between two or more users over a distance. It uses radio
                                                                                                                                   when transferred to other users.
frequency (RF) energy or radio waves to send and receive
                                                                Compliance with RF Exposure                                       Do not use this device if the operational requirements
calls. RF energy is one form of electromagnetic energy.
                                                                                                                                   described herein are not met.
Other forms include, but are not limited to, sunlight and       Standards
x-rays. RF energy, however, should not be confused with                                                                        Operating Instructions:
                                                                Hytera's radio complies with the following RF energy
these other forms of electromagnetic energy, which when                                                                           Transmit no more than the rated duty factor of 50% of the
                                                                exposure standards and guidelines:
used improperly, can cause biological damage. Very high                                                                            time. To transmit (talk), push the Push-To-Talk (PTT)
                                                                    United States Federal Communications Commission,
levels of x-rays, for example, can damage tissues and genetic                                                                       key. To receive calls, release the PTT key. Transmitting
                                                                     Code of Federal Regulations; 47 CFR § 1.1307, 1.1310
material.                                                                                                                           50% of the time, or less, is important because the radio
                                                                     and 2.1093
Experts in science, engineering, medicine, health, and                                                                              generates measurable RF energy only when transmitting
                                                                         American National Standards Institute (ANSI) /
industry work with organizations to develop standards for                                                                           (in terms of measuring for standards compliance).
                                                                          Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
safe exposure to RF energy. These standards provide                                                                                Keep the radio unit at least 2.5 cm away from the face.
                                                                          (IEEE) C95. 1:2005; Canada RSS102 Issue 5
recommended levels of RF exposure for both workers and                                                                              Keeping the radio at the proper distance is important as
                                                                          March 2015
the general public. These recommended RF exposure levels                                                                            RF exposure decreases with distance from the antenna.
include substantial margins of protection.                          Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
                                                                                                                                    The antenna should be kept away from the face and eyes.
                                                                     C95.1:2005 Edition
All Hytera radios are designed, manufactured, and tested to                                                                        When worn on the body, always place the radio in a
ensure they meet government-established RF exposure levels.     RF Exposure Compliance and                                          Hytera-approved holder, holster, case, or body harness or
In addition, manufacturers also recommend specific                                                                                  by use of the correct clip for this product. Use of
                                                                Control Guidelines and Operating
operating instructions to users of radios. These instructions                                                                       non-approved accessories may result in exposure levels
are important because they inform users about RF energy         Instructions                                                        which exceed the FCC's occupational/controlled
exposure and provide simple procedures on how to control it.                                                                        environmental RF exposure limits.
                                                                To control your exposure and ensure compliance with the
Please refer to the following websites for more information                                                                        Use of non-approved antennas, batteries, and accessories
                                                                occupational/controlled environmental exposure limits,
on what RF energy exposure is and how to control your                                                                               causes the radio to exceed the FCC RF exposure
                                                                always adhere to the following procedures.
exposure to assure compliance with established RF exposure                                                                          guidelines.
                                                                                                                                   Contact your local dealer for the optional accessories of
                                                                                                                                    the product.

ISEDC Statement                                                       EU Regulatory Conformance
The device has been tested and complies with SAR limits,              As certified by the qualified laboratory, the product is in
users can obtain Canadian information on RF exposure and              compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant
compliance                                                            provisions of the following directives: 2014/53/EU,
Après examen de ce matériel aux conformité aux limites DAS            2006/66/EC, 2011/65/EU, and 2012/19/EU.
et/ou aux limites d’intensité de champ RF, les utilisateurs           Please note that the above information is applicable to EU
peuvent sur l’exposition aux radiofréquences et la conformité         countries only.
and compliance d’acquérir les informations correspondantes

This device complies with Innovation, Science and Economic
Development Canada Compliance license-exempt RSS
standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two
    This device may not cause harmful interference.

    This device must accept any interference received,
     including interference that may cause undesired

Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada
applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence.
L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes: (1)
l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et (2) l'utilisateur
de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,
même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le

Product Overview        No.                Part Name              No.               Part Name
                         1    Side Key 1 (SK1)                     13   Microphone
Product Layout           2    Push-to-Talk (PTT) Key               14   Back/Subgroup Key
                         3    Side Key 2 (SK2)                     15   On-Off/P2/End Key
                         4    Top Key (TK)                         16   Navigation Keys
                         5    Smart Knob                           17   Battery Latch
                         6    LCD Display                          18   Strap Hole 1
                         7    OK/Menu Key                          19   Strap Hole 2
                         8    P1/Answer Key                        20   Accessory Connector
                         9    Numeric Keypad                       21   Belt Clip
                         10   Speaker                              22   Battery
                         11   LED Indicator                        23   Charging Piece
                         12   Antenna                              /    /

                       Programmable Keys
                       For enhanced convenience, you can request your dealer to program the following
                       keys as shortcuts to radio features: TK, SK1, SK2, P1/Answer key, P2/End key, Up
                       key, and Down key. Consult your dealer for assignable radio features.


Basic Operations                                            LED Indicator                Charging Status              Locking or Unlocking the
                                                                               or above.                              Keypad
Charging the Battery                                      Glows green          The battery is fully charged.          When the keypad is not in use, it is recommended that
                                                                               No battery is placed on the            you lock it to avoid unintended operations.
                                                          Flashes red slowly
                                                                               charger.                               To allow the keypad to be locked automatically, do as
    l Read the Safety Information Booklet before
      charging.                                           Flashes red rapidly The battery fails to be charged.        follows:

    l Use the approved charger to charge the                                                                          1. Go to Menu > Settings > Basic Settings >
      battery.                                            Turning the Radio On or Off                                    Keypad Lock.
    l The remaining lithium-ion battery power is                                                                      2. Enable AutoLock, and then go to Timed to set
                                                          To turn the radio on or off, press and hold      .
      limited to 30% pursuant to the new lithium                                                                         the auto lock time.
        battery shipment regulation approved by
                                                          Adjusting the Volume                                        If you do not operate the radio or if the radio receives
        International Air Transport Association                                                                       no call or message within the auto lock time, the
        (IATA).                                           To increase or decrease the volume, rotate the Smart
                                                                                                                      keypad is locked automatically.
                                                          knob clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Before initial use, charge the battery. You can charge
                                                                                                                      To manually lock or unlock the keypad, do one of the
either the standalone battery or the radio with battery   Selecting the Contact or                                    following:
attached. It is recommended that the radio remain
powered off during charging.                              Channel                                                     l Press the preprogrammed Keypad Lock key.
                                                          To select the contact or channel, press the Smart           l On the home screen, press the OK/Menu key,
The LED indicator on the charger shows the charging
                                                          knob, and then rotate the knob.                                 and then press        .
status. For details, see the following table.

  LED Indicator             Charging Status
                                                              If you do not rotate the knob within 5s or if you
Glows red            The battery is being charged.            press it again within 5s, you can rotate it to adjust
Glows orange         The battery is charged to 90%            the volume.


                                                        l Press the preprogrammed Operation Mode                l   Press the preprogrammed Zone Up or Zone
                                                          Switch key.                                               Down key.
    l If the Keypad Lock Backup feature is              l Go to Menu > Mode, and then select the mode.          Selecting a Channel
      enabled by your dealer, the radio
      automatically saves the last settings of                                                                  Before selecting a channel, make sure that the
      keypad lock upon power-off.                           If the Zone/Subgroup Switch Mode feature is         current zone contains the channel.
    l You can go to Menu > Settings > Basic                 enabled, you can switch the operation mode by       To select a channel, do one of the following:
      Settings > Keypad Lock > Optional Key to              switching the contact through the menu or the
                                                                                                                l   Press and rotate the Smart knob.
      set whether the corresponding keys and                Smart knob.
                                                                                                                l   Go to Menu > Zone, select the zone, and then
      knobs still work when the keypad is locked.       To allow the radio to automatically switch to a mode        select the channel.
                                                        based on signal strength, do one of the following:
Using the Keypad                                                                                                l   Press the preprogrammed Channel Up or
You can use the keypad to enter contact aliases and     l Press the preprogrammed Mode Auto Switch                  Channel Down key.
IDs, or edit messages.                                    key.                                                  l   Press the preprogrammed Preset Channel key.
                                                        l Go to Menu > Mode, and then enable Auto
l To switch the input method between alphabetic
    mode and numeric mode, press         .                                                                          If the Voice Notify feature is enabled, the radio
                                                        Conventional Mode                                           automatically announces the current channel
l To enter special characters, press         in
    alphabetic mode.                                    In conventional mode, a zone is a group of channels         upon power-on and channel change.
                                                        within the same operational area. The radio receives
l To enter a space, press         in alphabetic mode.                                                           Trunking Mode
                                                        and transmits data and voice on the selected channel.
Switching the Operation Mode                                                                                    In trunking mode, the radio hunts for available base
                                                        Selecting a Zone                                        stations (BS) automatically. After registration, the
The radio can operate in conventional mode, or
                                                        To select a zone, do one of the following:              radio can receive and transmit data and voice.
trunking mode if enabled by your dealer.
                                                        l   Go to Menu > Zone, select the zone, and then        Selecting a Group or Private Contact
To switch the operation mode, do one of the
                                                            select Set Default.                                 To select a group contact or a private contact, do one
                                                                                                                of the following:


l   Press and rotate the Smart knob.
                                                          Icon                  Radio Status                 Icon                   Radio Status
l   On the home screen, press the Back/Subgroup
    key or go to Menu > Subgroup, select the                     The battery power is low.                          There is/are missed call(s).
    subgroup, and then select the group or private               The battery power runs out. Recharge or            There is/are unread short message(s).
    contact.                                                     replace the battery.
                                                                                                                    The Inbox is full.
l   Press the preprogrammed Group/Private Up or
                                                                 The radio detects no signal.
    Group/Private Down key.                                                                                 For details on other LCD icons, refer to the User
                                                                 The number of bars indicates the signal    Manual.
Selecting a Subgroup
A subgroup consists of multiple groups or private
contacts.                                                        The radio operates in Low Power mode.      LED Indications
To select a subgroup, do one of the following:                   The radio operates in High Power mode.
                                                                                                              LED Indicator                Radio Status
l   On the home screen, press the Back/Subgroup                  The keypad is locked.
    key or go to Menu > Subgroup, select the                                                                Flashes green          The radio is being turned on.
                                                                 An accessory is connected.
    subgroup, and then select Set Default.                                                                                         The radio is standby in
                                                                                                            Flashes green slowly
l   Press the preprogrammed Subgroup Up or                       The Mode Auto Switch feature is enabled.                          trunking mode.
    Subgroup Down key.                                           The radio is scanning or hunting.          Glows green            The radio is receiving.

                                                                 The VOX feature is enabled.                Glows red              The radio is transmitting.
Status Indications
                                                                                                                                   The radio is establishing a call
                                                                 The radio is mute.
                                                                                                                                   in trunking mode. (This
LCD Icons                                                                                                   Flashes red
                                                                 The radio operates in Meeting mode.                               indication is applicable only to
 Icon                   Radio Status                                                                                               the calling radio.)
                                                                 The radio operates in Outdoor mode.
        The fuller the battery bar is, the stronger the          The radio is in Emergency mode.            Flashes orange         The radio is scanning, hunting,
        battery power remains.                                                                              slowly                 or roaming.
                                                                                                            Flashes orange         l Conventional mode: The


                                                      mouth. This ensures optimal voice quality on the             l Trunking mode: Go to Menu > Subgroup, select
  LED Indicator              Radio Status
                                                      receiving radio.                                               the subgroup and group contact, and then press
                         radio is working in
                         emergency mode.                                                                                   or the PTT key.
                     l Trunking mode: The called             In trunking mode, if the radio is not registered or   Through Manual Dial
                       radio is establishing a Full          attached, or an empty group is selected, you          l Conventional mode: With the dial authority for
                       Off Air Call Set-Up                   cannot initiate a call.                                 group call enabled, on the home screen, use the
                       (FOACSU) call.                                                                                numeric keypad to enter the group ID, and then
                     Call hang time: No voice is      Call on Digital Channel                                        press and hold the PTT key.
                     being transmitted or received                                                                 l Trunking mode: On the home screen, use the
                                                      You can initiate or receive the following types of
                     on the channel during a call.                                                                   numeric keypad to enter the group ID, and then
Glows orange                                          calls on a digital channel:
                     Within such a period, you can
                                                      l Group call: a call from an individual user in a               press     or the PTT key.
                     press and hold the PTT key
                                                        group to all the other members in the group.
                     and speak.
                                                      l Private call: a call from an individual user to
Flashes blue every 3 The BT feature is enabled, but                                                                    To input an ID that complies with the dialing
                                                        another individual user.
seconds              no BT device is connected.                                                                        rules, consult your dealer for details.
                                                      Initiating a Group Call
Flashes blue every
                     A BT device is connected.
1.5 seconds                                           Through Preset Contact                                         Receiving a Group Call
Flashes blue every   The BT feature is being          Press and rotate the Smart knob to select the channel
                                                                                                                     You can receive a group call without any
0.1 second           disabled.                        or group contact, and then press and hold the PTT

Call Services                                         Through Contact List
                                                      l Conventional mode: Go to Menu > Contact >
When you are speaking during a call, keep the
                                                        Favorite/Contact, select the group contact, and
microphone about 2.5 cm to 5 cm away from your
                                                        then press and hold the PTT key.


Ending a Group Call                              Through Contact List                                Trunking Mode
Conventional Mode                                Go to Menu > Contact > Favorite /Contact ,          l FOACSU
                                                 select the private contact, and then press and         When receiving a FOACSU private call, the
A group call ends when the call hang time
                                                 hold the PTT key.
expires.                                                                                                radio vibrates and rings. Press        or the
                                                 Through Manual Dial                                    PTT key within the preset time to answer the
Trunking Mode
                                                 l Conventional mode: With the dial authority           call.
A group call ends in one of the following
                                                   for private call enabled, use the numeric         l OACSU
                                                   keypad to enter the private ID, and then
                                                                                                        When receiving an Off Air Call Set- Up
l The call hang time expires.                      press and hold the PTT key.
                                                                                                        (OACSU) private call, you can answer it
l The calling party ends the call.               l Trunking mode: On the home screen, use the
                                                                                                        without any operation. The call is established
l The call duration exceeds the preset time.       numeric keypad to enter the private ID, and
l The BS signal is lost.
                                                     then press     or the PTT key.
l A preemptive or emergency call interrupts                                                          Ending a Private Call
  the call.                                                                                          Conventional Mode
l The calling party changes the contact with         To input an ID that complies with the dialing
                                                                                                     A private call ends when the call hang time
  the Clear Down Via Group Switch feature            rules, consult your dealer for details.
                                                 Receiving a Private Call                            Trunking Mode
Initiating a Private Call
                                                 Conventional Mode                                   A private call ends in one of the following
Through Preset Contact
Press and rotate the Smart knob to select the    You can receive a private call without any
                                                                                                     l The call hang time expires.
channel or private contact, and then press and   operation.
                                                                                                     l The calling or called party ends the call.
hold the PTT key.
                                                                                                     l The call duration exceeds the preset time.


l The BS signal is lost.                                                                                               Alternatively, press the OK/Menu key to enter
                                                            Emergency Call
l A preemptive or emergency call interrupts                                                                            the contact list, and then select the contact.
  the call.                                                 In case of an emergency, you can initiate an           3. In the message content field, enter the message
                                                            emergency call to seek help from your companion or        content.
l The calling or called party changes the
                                                            the control centre. With the highest priority, the        Alternatively, select Insert, and then insert a
  contact with the Clear Down Via Private
                                                            emergency call can be initiated even when the radio       quick text message or status message.
  Switch feature enabled.
                                                            is transmitting or receiving.                          4. Select Send.
Call on Analog Channel                                      This feature is configured and enabled by your
                                                                                                                   Replying to a Message
(Conventional Only)                                         dealer. For details, refer to the User Manual.
                                                                                                                   To reply to a message, do as follows:
Call without Signaling
                                                            Message Services                                       1. Go to Menu > Message > Msg, and then select
 On an analog channel without signaling, you can                                                                      the message.
initiate a call to all the other users on the channel. Do   The radio can send and receive short messages.
                                                                                                                   2. Select Reply, and then enter the text content or
as follows:                                                 l Text message: a message containing text or              insert a quick text message or status message.
1. Rotate the Smart knob to select the channel.               number.                                              3. Select Send.
2. Press and hold the PTT key.                              l Quick text message: a frequently used text
                                                              message that can be created, edited, and deleted.    Managing a Message
Call with Signaling                                         l Status message (trunking only): a predefined code    Go to Menu > Message > Msg, select a message,
On an analog channel with signaling, you can initiate         that transfers the message content.                  press the Up key, and then manage the message as
a call to a specific contact on the channel. Do as                                                                 follows:
follows:                                                    Sending a Message
                                                                                                                   l To forward the message, select Forward, and
                                                            To send a message, do as follows:                        then add the contact.
1. Press the preprogrammed Contact List key, or
   go to Menu > Contact > Favorite/Contact.                 1. Go to Menu > Message > Msg New.                     l To resend the message, select Resend.
2. Select the contact.                                      2. In the recipient field, enter the contact ID, and   l To delete the message, select Delete.
3. Press and hold the PTT key or the                            then press        to switch the contact type.      l To delete all messages, select Delete All.
   preprogrammed One Touch Call key.


BT                                                           Setting Visibility
                                                             After the BT feature is enabled, the radio waits for
     l To derive optimal communication quality, it is        connection. When waiting time expires, the radio enters the
       recommended to use the BT devices specified by        standby state to save power and ensure the security of BT
       the Company.                                          connection. In this case, the radio is invisible to other BT
     l If other company’s BT earpieces are used, you         devices.
       must use them with the wireless ring PTT of the
                                                             To respond to the BT connection request any time, you can
       Company. Otherwise, transmission is
                                                             set the radio to be always visible after being turned on. To
       unavailable via the earpieces.                        set visibility, on the home screen, press the Menu key, go
BT is a wireless technology that supports short-distance     to Accessory > BT > Visibility, and then select On.
communications and data exchange between devices. With
the built-in BT module, you can connect the terminal to a
BT device.

To enable the BT feature, press the preprogrammed BT
key, or go to Menu > BT, and then enable BT.

    The BT feature only applies to radios with BT.

Connecting to a BT Device
1. Turn on the BT device and enter the pairing status. For
   detailed operations, refer to the corresponding
   accessory manual.
2. On the home screen, press the Menu key, and then go
   to Accessory > BT > Pairing to search for BT devices.
3. Select the required BT device in the device list, and
   then accept the connection request.

Document Created: 2019-08-05 17:14:57
Document Modified: 2019-08-05 17:14:57

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