RF Test Report-BT2.1


Test Report

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InnoComm Mobile Technology Corp.




Jan. 28, 2019




                                                                                     Intertek Report No.: 181200216TWN-001
Test Report                                                                                                                    Page: 1 of 32

                                          Radio Spectrum
                                                    TEST REPORT
Applicant:                               InnoComm Mobile Technology Corp.
                                         3F, No. 6, Hsin Ann Rd., Hsinchu Science Park, Hsinchu 30078,

Product:                                 Wireless console module

Model No.:                               Foenix_AN, Foenix_A, Foenix_N, Foenix

Brand Name:                              InnoComm

FCC ID:                                  YAI-CIC22101

Test Method/ Standard: 47 CFR FCC Part 15.249 & ANSI C63.10 2013

Test By:                                 Intertek Testing Services Taiwan Ltd.,
                                         Hsinchu Laboratory
                                         No. 11, Lane 275, Ko-Nan 1 Street, Chia-Tung Li,
                                         Shiang-Shan District, Hsinchu City, Taiwan


Prepared and Checked by:                                                      Approved by:

John Cheng                                                                    Durant Wei
Engineer                                                                      Engineer
This report is for the exclusive use of Intertek's Client and is provided pursuant to the agreement between Intertek and its Client. Intertek's
responsibility and liability are limited to the terms and conditions of the agreement. Intertek assumes no liability to any party, other than
to the Client in accordance with the agreement, for any loss, expense or damage occasioned by the use of this report. Only the Client is
authorized to permit copying or distribution of this report and then only in its entirety. Any use of the Intertek name or one of its marks for
the sale or advertisement of the tested material, product or service must first be approved in writing by Intertek. The observations and test
results in this report are relevant only to the sample tested. This report by itself does not imply that the material, product, or service is or
has ever been under an Intertek certification program.

                                            Intertek Report No.: 181200216TWN-001
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                           Revision History

    Report No.      Issue Date                  Revision Summary
181200016TWN-001   Jan. 28, 2019   Original report

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                                                        Table of Contents

Summary of Tests ....................................................................................................................... 4
1. General Information ............................................................................................................... 5
   1.1 Identification of the EUT .................................................................................................. 5
   1.2 Description of the EUT ..................................................................................................... 5
   1.3 Antenna description ......................................................................................................... 5
   1.4 Peripherals equipment ..................................................................................................... 5
2. Test specifications................................................................................................................... 6
   2.1 Test standard .................................................................................................................... 6
   2.2 Operation mode ............................................................................................................... 6
3. 20dB Bandwidth test .............................................................................................................. 7
   3.1 Operating environment .................................................................................................... 7
   3.2 Test setup & procedure .................................................................................................... 7
   3.3 Measured data of modulated bandwidth test results ...................................................... 7
4. Radiated emission test FCC 15.249 (C) ................................................................................. 11
   4.1 Operating environment .................................................................................................. 11
   4.2 Test setup & procedure .................................................................................................. 11
   4.3 Emission limit ................................................................................................................. 13
   4.3.1 Fundamental and harmonics emission limits.............................................................. 13
   4.3.2 General radiated emission limits ................................................................................. 14
   4.4 Radiated spurious emission test data ............................................................................ 14
   4.4.1 Measurement results: frequency range from 9 kHz to 30 MHz .................................. 14
   4.4.2 Measurement results: frequencies equal to or less than 1 GHz ................................. 16
   4.4.3 Measurement results: frequency above 1GHz ............................................................ 18
   4.4.4 Measurement results: Fundamental ........................................................................... 19
5. Radiated emission on the band edge FCC 15.249(d) ........................................................... 21
   5.1 Operating environment .................................................................................................. 21
   5.2 Radiated emission on the band edge test data .............................................................. 21
6. AC Power Line Conducted Emission ..................................................................................... 26
   6.1 Measuring instrument setting ........................................................................................ 26
   6.2 Test Procedure ................................................................................................................ 26
   6.3 Test Diagram ................................................................................................................... 26
   6.4 Limit ................................................................................................................................ 27
   6.5 Operating Environment Condition ................................................................................. 27
   6.6 Test Results ..................................................................................................................... 28

Appendix A: Test equipment list ............................................................................................... 30

Appendix B: Measurement Uncertainty ................................................................................... 32

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Summary of Tests

                   Test                Reference                 Results
20dB Bandwidth                   15.215(c)                         Pass
Radiated Emission test           15.249(c), 15.209                 Pass
Emission on the Band Edge        15.249(d)                         Pass
Conducted Emission of AC Power   15.207                            Pass
Antenna Requirement              15.203                            Pass

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1. General Information

1.1 Identification of the EUT

Product:                        Wireless console module
Model No.:                      Foenix_AN
Operating Frequency:            79 channels
Channel Number:                 2402+1k MHz, k=0~78
Access scheme:                  GFSK, π/4DQSP, 8DPSK
Rated Power:                    DC 12V from adapter
Power Cord:                     N/A
Sample receiving date:          Dec. 20, 2018
Sample condition:               Workable
Test Date(s):                   Jan. 05, 2019 ~ Jan. 22, 2019

1.2 Description of the EUT

The customer confirmed the models listed as below were series model to model Foenix_AN
(EUT), the difference between main model and series model are listed as below.
        Model Number                                      Different
           Foenix_AN           Wi-Fi 2.4G(2T2R )/5G ( B1+B4 2T2R) / BT 2.1+4.2 / ANT+ / NFC
            Foenix_A               Wi-Fi 2.4G(2T2R )/5G ( B1+B4 2T2R) / BT 2.1+4.2 /ANT+
            Foenix_N               Wi-Fi 2.4G(2T2R )/5G ( B1+B4 2T2R) / BT 2.1+4.2 /NFC
             Foenix                   Wi-Fi 2.4G(2T2R )/5G ( B1+B4 2T2R) / BT 2.1+4.2

1.3 Antenna description

Antenna Gain : 3.95 dBi
Antenna Type : PCB Antenna
Connector Type : I-PEX

1.4 Peripherals equipment

        No.           Model no.                 Specification
                                                I/P: 100-240V~, 2.0A,50-60Hz
      Adapter         EA10681G-120
                                                O/P: 12V, 4.16A

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2. Test specifications

2.1 Test standard

The EUT was performed according to the procedures in FCC Part 15 Subpart C Paragraph
15.249 for non-spread spectrum devices.

The test of radiated measurements according to FCC Part15 Section 15.33(a) had been
conducted and the field strength of this frequency band were all meet limit requirement,
thus we evaluate the EUT pass the specified test.

2.2 Operation mode

TX mode: EUT use 「cmd.exe」 entering test mode , and write down different cmd to change
different channel.

The signal is maximized through rotation and placement in the three orthogonal axes.

             X axis                         Y axis                          Z axis

After verifying three axes, we found the maximum electromagnetic field was occurred at
Y axis. The final test data was executed under this configuration.

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3. 20dB Bandwidth test

3.1 Operating environment

Temperature:                  25    ℃
Relative Humidity:            50    %
Atmospheric Pressure:        1008   hPa

3.2 Test setup & procedure

Step 1: The 20dB bandwidth was measured using a 50 ohm spectrum analyzer
Step 2: The span range for the SA display shall be between two times and five times
        the OBW.
Step 3: The nominal IF filter bandwidth (3 dB RBW) should be approximately 1 % to 5 % of
        the OBW, unless otherwise specified, depending on the applicable requirement.
Step 4: The test was performed at 1 channel. The maximum 20dB modulation bandwidth is in
        the following Table.

3.3 Measured data of modulated bandwidth test results

          Single TX
                                          Frequency           20dB Occupied Bandwidth
                                            (MHz)                      (MHz)

                                            2402                        0.889
            GFSK                            2441                        0.892
                                            2480                        0.840
                                            2402                        1.097
          π/4-DQPSK                         2441                        1.104
                                            2480                        1.089
                                            2402                        1.120
           8DQPSK                           2441                        1.110
                                            2480                        1.115

Please see the plot below.

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              20dB Bandwidth @ GFSK_Channel 0

              20dB Bandwidth @ GFSK_Channel 39

              20dB Bandwidth @ GFSK_Channel 78

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              20dB Bandwidth @ π/4-DQPSK_Channel 0

              20dB Bandwidth @ π/4-DQPSK_Channel 39

              20dB Bandwidth @ π/4-DQPSK_Channel 78

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              20dB Bandwidth @ 8DQPSK_Channel 0

              20dB Bandwidth @ 8DQPSK_Channel 39

              20dB Bandwidth @ 8DQPSK_Channel 78

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4. Radiated emission test FCC 15.249 (C)

4.1 Operating environment

Temperature:               25      ℃
Relative Humidity:         50      %
Atmospheric Pressure:     1008     hPa

4.2 Test setup & procedure

Radiated emission from 9kHz to 30MHz uses Loop Antenna:


                                           3 meters

                   EUT &


                                                               RF Test
                                                       □       Receiver

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Radiated emission below 1GHz using Bilog Antenna


                                3 meters           1.0~4.0 meters


                EUT &


                                    Ground Plane

                                                          □         RF Test

Radiated emission above 1GHz using Horn Antenna

                                  3 meters
                                                                               Horn or Bilog
                                                         1-4 meter             Antenna
            EUT &
           Peripherals                                                               HPF and Pre-Amp.
                                                                                       (if necessary)

   1.5 m

                                   Ground Plane



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Radiated emissions were invested cover the frequency range from 30MHz to 1000MHz using
a receiver RBW of 120kHz record QP reading, and the frequency over 1GHz using a spectrum
analyzer RBW of 1MHz and 10Hz VBW record Average reading. (15.209 paragraph), the Peak
reading (1 MHz RBW/ 3 MHz VBW) recorded also on the report.
The EUT for testing is arranged on a turntable. If some peripherals apply to the EUT, the
peripherals will be connected to EUT and the whole system. During the test, all cables were
arranged to produce worst-case emissions. The signal is maximized through rotation. The
height of antenna and polarization is changing constantly for exploring for maximum signal
level. The height of antenna can be up to 4 meters and down to 1 meter.

The measurement for radiated emission will be done at the distance of three meters unless
the signal level is too low to measure at that distance. In the case of the reading under noise
floor, a pre-amplifier is used and/or the test is conducted at a closer distance. And then all
readings are extrapolated back to the equivalent three meter reading using inverse scaling
with distance.

4.3 Emission limit

4.3.1 Fundamental and harmonics emission limits

    Frequency         Field Strength of Fundamental       Field Strength of Harmonics
      (MHz)           (mV/m@3m) (dBuV/m@3m)             (uV/m@3m)        (dBuV/m@3m)

   2400-2483.5             50               94               500               54

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4.3.2 General radiated emission limits

Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be
attenuated by at least 50dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general radiated
emission limits in paragraph 15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

                          Frequency                   15.209 Limits
                             MHz                     (dBμV/m@3m)
                            30-88                          40
                            88-216                        43.5
                           216-960                         46
                          Above 960                        54

1. In the above table, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
2. Distance refers to the distance in meters between the measuring instrument antenna
   and the closed point of any part of the device or system

4.4 Radiated spurious emission test data

4.4.1 Measurement results: frequency range from 9 kHz to 30 MHz

EUT:            Foenix_AN

  Frequency              Correction Reading Corrected              Limit        Margin
                Detector   Factor            Reading              @3m
    (MHz)                 (dB/m)    (dBμV) (dBμV/m)             (dBμV/m)         (dB)
     0.02          PK      19.27     26.48    45.75               121.58        -75.83
     0.06          PK      18.99     23.09    42.08               112.04        -69.96
     0.07          PK      18.97     24.59    43.56               110.70        -67.14
     0.09          PK      18.80     24.29    43.09               108.52        -65.43
     0.11          PK      18.76     22.73    41.49               106.78        -65.29
     0.13          PK      18.77     21.98    40.75               105.33        -64.58
     0.15          PK      18.77     32.55    51.32               104.08        -52.76
     0.21          PK      18.79     26.33    45.12               101.16        -56.04
     0.51         QP       18.69     25.76    44.45                73.45        -29.00
     0.63         QP       18.69     21.33    40.02               71.62         -31.60
     1.28         QP       18.68     20.50    39.18               65.46         -26.28
     1.76         QP       18.67     15.70    34.37               69.54         -35.17

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4.4.2 Measurement results: frequencies equal to or less than 1 GHz

The test was performed on EUT under GFSK, π/4DQSP, & 8-DPSK continuously transmitting
mode. Channel 0, 39, 78 were verified. The worst case occurred at GFSK TX Channel 78

EUT:           Foenix_AN
Worst case:    GFSK TX Channel 78

     Ant.      Frequency Spectrum Correction     Reading      Corrected  Limit        Margin
     Pol.                Analyzer   Factor                     Reading   @3m
    (H/V)        (MHz)   Detector  (dB/m)            (dBμV)   (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)         (dB)
  Vertical       47.46       QP         20.37        12.86     33.23      40.00        -6.77
  Vertical      218.18       QP        18.84         11.73     30.57      46.00       -15.43
  Vertical      249.22       QP        20.36         13.53     33.89      46.00       -12.11
  Vertical      375.32       QP        23.32          5.80     29.12      46.00       -16.88
  Vertical      625.58       QP        28.66          5.07     33.73      46.00       -12.27
Remark: Corr. Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss

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EUT:           Foenix_AN
Worst case:    GFSK TX Channel 78

     Ant.      Frequency Spectrum Correction     Reading      Corrected  Limit        Margin
     Pol.                Analyzer   Factor                     Reading   @3m
    (H/V)        (MHz)   Detector  (dB/m)            (dBμV)   (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)         (dB)
  Horizontal     92.08       QP        14.49         11.19     25.68      43.50       -17.82
  Horizontal    249.22       QP        20.36         11.62     31.98      46.00       -14.02
  Horizontal    375.32       QP        23.32          5.62     28.94      46.00       -17.06
  Horizontal    416.06       QP        24.44          4.90     29.34      46.00       -16.66
  Horizontal    625.58       QP        28.66          3.35     32.01      46.00       -13.99
Remark: Corr. Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss

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4.4.3 Measurement results: frequency above 1GHz

EUT:                 Foenix_AN

                 Frequency Spectrum Ant. Correction Reading Corrected Limit Margin
       Mode                Analyzer Pol.   Factor            Reading @ 3 m
                   (MHz) Detector (H/V) (dB/m)      (dBμV) (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)
                    4804      PK     V      5.78     32.74    38.52   74.00  -35.48
                    4804      PK     H      5.78     30.11    35.89   74.00  -38.11
                    4882      PK     V      6.12     31.03    37.15   74.00  -36.85
                    4882      PK     H      6.12     30.92    37.04   74.00  -36.96
                    4960      PK     V      6.46     31.51    37.97   74.00  -36.03
                    4960      PK     H      6.46     30.70    37.16   74.00  -36.84
                    4804      PK     V      5.78     32.29    38.07   74.00  -35.93
                    4804      PK     H      5.78     31.56    37.34   74.00  -36.66
                    4882      PK     V      6.12     31.10    37.22   74.00  -36.78
                    4882      PK     H      6.12     31.18    37.30   74.00  -36.70
                    4960      PK     V      6.46     30.92    37.38   74.00  -36.62
                    4960      PK     H      6.46     31.32    37.78   74.00  -36.22
                    4804      PK     V      5.78     33.66    39.44   74.00  -34.56
                    4804      PK     H      5.78     31.09    36.87   74.00  -37.13
                    4882      PK     V      6.12     30.74    36.86   74.00  -37.14
                    4882      PK     H      6.12     31.49    37.61   74.00  -36.39
                    4960      PK     V      6.46     32.30    38.76   74.00  -35.24
                    4960      PK     H      6.46     31.26    37.72   74.00  -36.28
Remark: Correction Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + High Pass Filter Loss - Pre_Amplifier Gain

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4.4.4 Measurement results: Fundamental

EUT:               Foenix_AN

                 Frequency   Spectrum    Ant.   Correction Reading Corrected    Limit     Margin
       Mode                  Analyzer    Pol.     Factor           Reading   @3m
                  (MHz)      Detector   (H/V)    (dB/m)    (dBμV) (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)         (dB)
                               PK         V       34.37    48.46     82.83     114.00      -31.17
                               AV         V       34.37     0.36     34.73      94.00      -59.27
   GFSK_Ch0        2402
                               PK         H       34.37    45.47     79.84     114.00      -34.16
                               AV         H       34.37     0.11     34.48      94.00      -59.52
                               PK         V       34.36    49.74     84.10     114.00      -29.90
                               AV         V       34.36     0.43     34.79      94.00      -59.21
  GFSK_Ch39        2441
                               PK         H       34.36    52.01     86.37     114.00      -27.63
                               AV         H       34.36     0.63     34.99      94.00      -59.01
                               PK         V       34.35    49.88     84.23     114.00      -29.77
                               AV         V       34.35     0.45     34.80      94.00      -59.20
  GFSK_Ch78        2480
                               PK         H       34.35    53.11     87.46     114.00      -26.54
                               AV         H       34.35     0.66     35.01      94.00      -58.99
                               PK         V       34.37    48.58     82.95     114.00      -31.05
                               AV         V       34.37     0.24     34.61      94.00      -59.39
 π/4-DQPSK_Ch0     2402
                               PK         H       34.37    48.56     82.93     114.00      -31.07
                               AV         H       34.37     0.08     34.45      94.00      -59.55
                               PK         V       34.36    50.09     84.45     114.00      -29.55
                               AV         V       34.36     0.56     34.92      94.00      -59.08
π/4-DQPSK_Ch39                 PK         H       34.36    48.84     83.20     114.00      -30.80
                               AV         H       34.36     0.55     34.91      94.00      -59.09
                               PK         V       34.35    49.97     84.32     114.00      -29.68
                               AV         V       34.35     0.60     34.95      94.00      -59.05
π/4-DQPSK_Ch78                 PK         H       34.35    52.74     87.09     114.00      -26.91
                               AV         H       34.35     0.82     35.17      94.00      -58.83
                               PK         V       34.37    47.42     81.79     114.00      -32.21
                               AV         V       34.37     0.22     34.59      94.00      -59.41
  8DPSK_Ch0        2402
                               PK         H       34.37    47.48     81.85     114.00      -32.15
                               AV         H       34.37     0.13     34.50      94.00      -59.50
                               PK         V       34.36    50.25     84.61     114.00      -29.39
                               AV         V       34.36     0.34     34.70      94.00      -59.30
  8DPSK_Ch39       2441
                               PK         H       34.36    51.44     85.80     114.00      -28.20
                               AV         H       34.36     0.47     34.83      94.00      -59.17

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                 Frequency    Spectrum      Ant.   Correction Reading Corrected     Limit     Margin
     Mode                      Analyzer     Pol.     Factor            Reading   @3m
                   (MHz)       Detector    (H/V)    (dB/m)     (dBμV) (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m)         (dB)
                                  PK         V       34.35     50.45     84.80     114.00      -29.20
                                  AV         V       34.35      0.50     34.85      94.00      -59.15
  8DPSK_Ch78        2480
                                  PK         H       34.35     52.68     87.03     114.00      -26.97
                                  AV         H       34.35      0.74     35.09      94.00      -58.91
Remark: Correction Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss

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   5. Radiated emission on the band edge FCC 15.249(d)

   5.1 Operating environment

   Temperature:                25     ℃
   Relative Humidity:          50     %
   Atmospheric Pressure:      1008    hPa

   5.2 Radiated emission on the band edge test data

   Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be
   attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental (2470MHz) or to the general
   radiated emission limits in §15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

           Frequency Spectrum Ant. Correction Reading Corrected Limit  Margin                      Restricted
  Mode               Analyzer Pol.   Factor            Reading @ 3 m                                  band
             (MHz)   Detector (H/V) (dB/m)    (dBμV) (dBμV/m) (dBμV/m) (dB)                          (MHz)
            2376.86        PK       H       34.37     11.40     45.77       74      -28.23
            2354.24       AV        H       34.37      -2.81    31.56       54      -22.44
            2386.35        PK       H       34.35     11.11     45.46       74      -28.54
            2487.45       AV        H       34.35      -2.61    31.74       54      -22.26
            2346.97        PK       H       34.37     11.62     45.99       74      -28.01
            2353.58       AV        H       34.37      -2.82    31.55       54      -22.45
π/4-DQPSK 2497.77          PK       H       34.35     11.42     45.77       74      -28.23
            2488.33       AV        H       34.35      -2.59    31.76       54      -22.24
            2352.67        PK       H       34.37     10.82     45.19       74      -28.81
            2383.19       AV        H       34.37      -2.79    31.58       54      -22.42
            2498.21        PK       H       34.35     11.73     46.08       74      -27.92
            2488.00       AV        H       34.35      -2.59    31.76       54      -22.24
Remark: Correction Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss

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               Bandedge @ mode GFSK Ch0 Peak

              Bandedge @ mode GFSK Ch0 Average

              Bandedge @ mode GFSK Ch78 Peak

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               Bandedge @ mode GFSK Ch78 Average

               Bandedge @ mode π/4-DQPSK Ch0 Peak

              Bandedge @ mode π/4-DQPSK Ch0 Average

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               Bandedge @ mode π/4-DQPSK Ch78 Peak

              Bandedge @ mode π/4-DQPSK Ch78 Average

                 Bandedge @ mode 8DPSK Ch0 Peak

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              Bandedge @ mode 8DPSK Ch0 Average

               Bandedge @ mode 8DPSK Ch78 Peak

              Bandedge @ mode 8DPSK Ch78 Average

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6. AC Power Line Conducted Emission
6.1 Measuring instrument setting

             Receiver Function                                  Setting
                  Detector                                        QP
              Start frequency                                  0.15MHz
              Stop frequency                                    30MHz
               IF bandwidth                                      9 kHz
                Attenuation                                      10dB

6.2 Test Procedure

 Step 1   Configure the EUT according to ANSI C63.10:2013. The EUT or host of EHT has to
          be placed 0.4 meter far from the conducting wall of the shielding room and at
          least 80 centimeters from any other grounded conducting surface.
 Step 2   Connect EUT or host of EUT to the power mains through a line impedance
          stabilization network.
 Step 3   All the companion devices are connected to the other LISN. The LISN should
          provide 50Uh/50ohms coupling impedance.
 Step 4   The frequency range from 150 kHz to 30MHz was searched.
 Step 5   Set the test-receiver system to peak detector and specified bandwidth with
          maximum hold mode.
 Step 6   The measurement has to be done between each power line and ground at the
          power terminal.

6.3 Test Diagram

                   AC Power
                               LISN             Adapter                 EUT


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6.4 Limit

            Frequency                          Conducted Limit (dBuV)
              (MHz)                     Q.P.                            Ave.
            0.15~0.50                  66 – 56                      56 – 46
            0.50~5.00                    56                             46
            5.00~30.0                    60                             50

6.5 Operating Environment Condition

Temperature (℃) :               26
Relative Humidity (%) :         68
Atmospheric Pressure (hPa) :    1010

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6.6 Test Results

     Phase:                  Live Line
     Model No.:              Foenix_AN
     Test Condition:         Tx mode

1. Corr. Factor (dB) = LISN Factor (dB) + Cable Loss (dB)
2. Level (dBuV) = Corr. Factor (dB) + Reading (dBuV)
3. Margin (dB) = Level (dBuV) – Limit (dBuV)

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     Phase:                  Neutral Line
     Model No.:              Foenix_AN
     Test Condition:         Tx mode

1. Corr. Factor (dB) = LISN Factor (dB) + Cable Loss (dB)
2. Level (dBuV) = Corr. Factor (dB) + Reading (dBuV)
3. Margin (dB) = Level (dBuV) – Limit (dBuV)

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  Appendix A: Test equipment list

Test Equipment/                                                         Calibration
                       Brand            Model No.         Serial No.                   Calibration
    Test site                                                              Date
                   Rohde & Schwarz          ESCI           100018        2018/11/14     2019/11/13
                   Rohde & Schwarz         FSP30           100245        2018/02/23     2019/02/22
 Horn Antenna
                    SHWARZBECK          BBHA 9120 D       9120D-456      2018/01/23     2019/01/22
 Horn Antenna
                    SHWARZBECK           BBHA 9170       BBHA9170159     2017/09/04     2020/09/02
                    SHWARZBECK           VULB 9168        9168-172       2018/04/23     2019/04/22

 Pre-Amplifier         EMC Co.          EMC12635SE         980205        2018/12/10     2019/12/09

 Pre-Amplifier         MITEQ                               828825        2018/08/28     2019/08/27

 Power Meter           Anritsu           ML2495A           0844001       2018/10/29     2019/10/28

 Power Sensor          Anritsu           MA2411B           0738452       2018/10/29     2019/10/28

Signal Analyzer        Agilent            N9030A         MY51380492      2018/08/24     2019/08/23

966-2(A) Cable
                       SUHNER          SMA / EX 100          N/A         2018/08/07     2019/08/06

 966-2(B) Cable
                       SUHNER         SUCOFLEX 104P        CB0005        2018/08/07     2019/08/06

   RF Cable
                       SUHNER          SUCOFLEX 102        CB0006        2018/05/03     2019/05/02
Semi-Anechoic           966_2           CEM-966_2            N/A         2018/03/05     2019/03/04
High Pass Filter     Wainwright                              N/A         2018/06/01     2019/05/31
  Active Loop       SCHWARZBECK
                                         FMZB1519         1519-067       2018/04/17     2019/04/16
   Antenna         MESS-ELEKTRONIC
Note: No Calibration Required (NCR)

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 Test Equipment/                                               Calibration
                     Brand         Model No.      Serial No.                 Calibration
     Test site                                                    Date

  EMI Receiver        R&S               ESCI       100059      2018/11/07    2019/11/06

                      R&S              ENV216      101159      2018/06/01    2019/05/31

                      R&S              ESH3-Z5   825562/003    2018/09/03    2019/09/02
                      N/A               N/A          N/A          NCR           NCR
 Shielded Room

  CON-1 Cable       SUHNER       SUCOFLEX-104     26438414     2018/05/03    2019/05/02

  Test software      Audix               e3      4.20040112L      NCR           NCR

Note: No Calibration Required (NCR).

                                                     Intertek Report No.: 181200216TWN-001
TEST REPORT                                                                     Page: 32 of 32

Appendix B: Measurement Uncertainty

This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95 %
confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2.

                                     Item                                          Uncertainty
Vertically polarized radiated disturbances from 30MHz~1GHz in a semi-anechoic
                                                                                      5.14 dB
chamber at a distance of 3m
Horizontally polarized radiated disturbances from 30MHz~1GHz in a
                                                                                      5.22 dB
semi-anechoic chamber at a distance of 3m
Vertically polarized Radiated disturbances from 1GHz~18GHz in a semi-anechoic
                                                                                      3.64 dB
chamber at a distance of 3m
Horizontally polarized Radiated disturbances from 1GHz~18GHz in a
                                                                                      3.64 dB
semi-anechoic chamber at a distance of 3m
Vertically polarized Radiated disturbances from 18GHz~40GHz in a
                                                                                      2.68 dB
semi-anechoic chamber at a distance of 3m
Horizontally polarized Radiated disturbances from 18GHz~40GHz in a
                                                                                      2.68 dB
semi-anechoic chamber at a distance of 3m
Radiated disturbances from 9kHz~30MHz in a semi-anechoic chamber at a
                                                                                      3.54 dB
distance of 3m
Emission on the Band Edge Test                                                        3.64 dB

20dB Bandwidth                                                                        1.22 dB

AC Power Line Conducted Emission                                                      2.48 dB

Document Created: 2019-02-25 16:40:15
Document Modified: 2019-02-25 16:40:15

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