MPE Calculation

FCC ID: Y47RN3304148

RF Exposure Info

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RF Exposure

Report No.: FCC_MPE_SL18050101-SPC-004
Supersede Report No.: None
  Applicant                                                 :    SpiderCloud Wireless, Inc.
  Product Name                                              :    SpiderCloud Radio Node
  Model No.                                                 :    SCRN-330-4148
  RF Exposure Requirements                                  :    47 CFR §1.1307(b)
  RF Exposure Limits                                        :    47 CFR §1.1310
  RF Radiation Exposure Guidelines                          :    FCC OST/OET Bulletin Number 65
  Issue Date                                                :    08/08/2018
  Test Result                                               :    ☒ Pass           ☐ Fail
  Equipment complied with the specification                 [X   ]
  Equipment did not comply with the specification [ ]

  This Test Report is Issued Under the Authority of:

                        Gary Chou                                                        Chen Ge
                       Test Engineer                                              Engineering Reviewer
                                      This test report may be reproduced in full only
                      Test result presented in this test report is applicable to the tested sample only

                                                   Issued By:
                                              SIEMIC Laboratories
                                   775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, 95035 CA

       775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

                             Visit us at:; Follow us at:

                                                                     Test report No.     FCC_MPE_SL18050101-SPC-004
                                                                     Page                2 of 9

                                         Laboratory Introduction
SIEMIC, headquartered in the heart of Silicon Valley, with superior facilities in US and Asia, is one of the leading independent testing
and certification facilities providing customers with one-stop shop services for Compliance Testing and Global Certifications.

In addition to testing and certification, SIEMIC provides initial design reviews and compliance management throughout a project. Our
extensive experience with China, Asia Pacific, North America, European, and International compliance requirements, assures the
fastest, most cost effective way to attain regulatory compliance for the global markets.

                                   Accreditations for Conformity Assessment
           Country/Region                  Accreditation Body                                        Scope
                 USA                            FCC, A2LA                                 EMC, RF/Wireless, Telecom
              Canada                         IC, A2LA, NIST                               EMC, RF/Wireless, Telecom
               Taiwan                       BSMI, NCC, NIST                                EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety
             Hong Kong                         OFTA, NIST                                     RF/Wireless, Telecom
              Australia                        NATA, NIST                                  EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety
               Korea                         KCC/RRA, NIST                              EMI, EMS, RF, Telecom, Safety
               Japan                     VCCI, JATE, TELEC, RFT                            EMI, RF/Wireless, Telecom
               Mexico                    NOM, COFETEL, Caniety                         Safety, EMC, RF/Wireless, Telecom
               Europe                           A2LA, NIST                                 EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety
                Israel                          MOC, NIST                                  EMC, RF, Telecom, Safety

                                    Accreditations for Product Certifications
              Country                       Accreditation Body                                     Scope
                USA                           FCC TCB, NIST                                   EMC, RF, Telecom
              Canada                           IC FCB, NIST                                   EMC, RF, Telecom
             Singapore                           iDA, NIST                                    EMC, RF, Telecom
                EU                                  NB                                      EMC & R&TTE Directive
               Japan                          MIC (RCB 208)                                     RF, Telecom
             Hong Kong                        OFTA (US002)                                      RF, Telecom

          775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

                                Visit us at:; Follow us at:

                                                                                             Test report No.         FCC_MPE_SL18050101-SPC-004
                                                                                             Page                    3 of 9

1     REPORT REVISION HISTORY .......................................................................................................................................4
2     EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................................5
3     CUSTOMER INFORMATION ..........................................................................................................................................5
4     TEST SITE INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................5
5     MODIFICATION .............................................................................................................................................................5
6     EUT INFORMATION ......................................................................................................................................................6
    6.1    EUT Description ........................................................................................................................................................6
    6.2    Radio Description ......................................................................................................................................................6
7     FCC RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION ................................................................................................................................7
    7.1    Limits .......................................................................................................................................................................7
    7.2    MPE Calculation Formula ...........................................................................................................................................7
    7.3    MPE Calculations ......................................................................................................................................................7
    7.4    MPE Calculation Results ............................................................................................................................................7
ANNEX A. SIEMIC ACCREDITATION .....................................................................................................................................8

            775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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                                                            Test report No.   FCC_MPE_SL18050101-SPC-004
                                                            Page              4 of 9

1   Report Revision History
              Report No.                            Report Version               Description               Issue Date
      FCC_MPE_SL18050101-SPC-004                        None                       Original                08/08/2018

      775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

                          Visit us at:; Follow us at:

                                                                Test report No.   FCC_MPE_SL18050101-SPC-004
                                                                Page              5 of 9

2    Executive Summary

The purpose of this test program was to demonstrate compliance of following product
 Company:         SpiderCloud Wireless, Inc.
 Product:         SpiderCloud RadioNode
 Model:           SCRN-330-4148

against the current Stipulated Standards. The specified model product stated above has demonstrated compliance with
the Stipulated Standard listed on 1st page.

3    Customer information

Applicant Name            :   SpiderCloud Wireless
Applicant Address         :   475 Sycamore Dr, Milpitas, CA, 95035, USA
Manufacturer Name         :   SpiderCloud Wireless
Manufacturer Address      :   475 Sycamore Dr, Milpitas, CA, 95035, USA

4    Test site information

Lab performing tests             :    SIEMIC Laboratories
Lab Address                      :    775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035
FCC Test Site No.                :    881796
IC Test Site No.                 :    4842D-2
VCCI Test Site No.               :    A0133

5    Modification

    Index                      Item                                        Description                          Note

         775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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                                                                Test report No.   FCC_MPE_SL18050101-SPC-004
                                                                Page              6 of 9

6      EUT Information

6.1     EUT Description

 Product Name                         SpiderCloud RadioNode
 Model No.                            SCRN-330-4148
 Trade Name                           SpiderCloud
 Serial No.                           N/A
 Input Power                          56V DC
 Power Adapter Manu/Model             N/A
 Date of EUT received                 10/20/2015
 Equipment Class/ Category            LTE/Category A
 Operating Frequencies                TX (2496 MHz to 2690 MHz), RX (2496 MHz to 2690 MHz)
                                      TX (3550 MHz to 3700 MHz), RX (3550 MHz to 3700 MHz)
 Port/Connectors                      N/A
 Remark                               NONE

6.2     Radio Description

            Item                              LTE                                     LTE

Operating Band /Radio Type                LTE Band 41                             LTE Band 48
         Bandwidth                    5MHz, 10MHz, 20MHz                         10MHz, 20MHz
         Modulation                   QPSK/16QAM/64QAM                        QPSK/16QAM/64QAM
        Antenna Type            Internal Omni-directional antenna       Internal Omni-directional antenna
        Antenna Gain                          5 dBi                                   5 dBi
                                   TX: 2496 MHz to 2690 MHz                TX: 3550 MHz to 3700 MHz
      Frequency TX(MHz)
                                   RX: 2496 MHz to 2690 MHz                RX: 3550 MHz to 3700 MHz

          775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

                              Visit us at:; Follow us at:

                                                                      Test report No.     FCC_MPE_SL18050101-SPC-004
                                                                      Page                7 of 9

7      FCC RF Exposure Evaluation

7.1      Limits
RF Exposure Requirements:                                                                       47 CFR §1.1307(b)

RF Radiation Exposure Limits:                                                                   47 CFR §1.1310

RF Radiation Exposure Guidelines:                                                               FCC OST/OET Bulletin Number 65

EUT Frequency Band:                                                                             1500 ~ 100,000 MHz
Power Density Limit:                                                                            1 mW/ cm2

7.2      MPE Calculation Formula

Equation:            S = PG / 4R2 or R = √PG / 4S
          Where,     S = Power Density
                     P = Power Input to Antenna
                     G = Antenna Gain
                     R = distance to the center of radiated antenna

7.3      MPE Calculations
Distance: 25cm
                            Frequency          Meas Output          Antenna             Directional                   Power Density
      Radio Mode                                                                                        Density
                              (MHz)            Power (dBm)         Gain (dBi)           Gain (dBi)                    Limit(mw/cm2 )
                                                                                                       (mw/cm2 )
      LTE Band 41           2496-2690              27.76                 5                  8             0.47              1
      LTE Band 48           3550-3700              21.73                 5                  8             0.12              1

Total max power density= 0.47 mW/cm2 < 1mW/ cm2
The different radios from different bands are not transmitting simultaneously.

7.4      MPE Calculation Results

The Above Result(s) show that the Device complies with the MPE requirement(s).

          775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

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                                                                Test report No.      FCC_MPE_SL18050101-SPC-004
                                                                Page                 8 of 9

Annex A. SIEMIC Accreditation

        Accreditations         Document                                           Scope / Remark

ISO 17025 (A2LA)                           Please see the documents for the detailed scope

ISO Guide 65 (A2LA)                        Please see the documents for the detailed scope

TCB Designation                            A1, A2, A3, A4, B1, B2, B3, B4, C

FCC DoC Accreditation                      FCC Declaration of Conformity Accreditation

FCC Site Registration                      3 meter site

FCC Site Registration                      10 meter site

IC Site Registration                       3 meter site

IC Site Registration                       10 meter site

                                           Radio & Telecommunications Terminal Equipment:
                                           EN45001 – EN ISO/IEC 17025
                                           Electromagnetic Compatibility:
                                           EN45001 – EN ISO/IEC 17025

Singapore iDA
                                           Phase I, Phase II
CB(Certification Body)

Vietnam MIC
                                           Please see the document for the detailed scope
CAB Accreditation

                                           (Phase II) OFCA Foreign Certification Body for Radio and Telecom
Hong Kong OFCA
                                           (Phase I) Conformity Assessment Body for Radio and Telecom

                                           Radio: Scope A – All Radio Standard Specification in Category I
Industry Canada CAB
                                           Telecom: CS-03 Part I, II, V, VI, VII, VIII

         775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

                             Visit us at:; Follow us at:

                                                                Test report No.   FCC_MPE_SL18050101-SPC-004
                                                                Page              9 of 9

                                           Radio: A1. Terminal equipment for purpose of calling
Japan Recognized Certification
                                           Telecom: B1. Specified radio equipment specified in Article 38-2, Paragraph 1, Item
Body Designation
                                           1 of the Radio Law

                                           EMI: KCC Notice 2008-39, RRL Notice 2008-3: CA Procedures for EMI
                                           KN22: Test Method for EMI
                                           EMS: KCC Notice 2008-38, RRL Notice 2008-4: CA Procedures for EMS
                                           KN24, KN61000-4-2, -4-3, -4-4, -4-5, -4-6, -4-8, -4-11: Test Method for EMS

Korea CAB Accreditation                    Radio: RRL Notice 2008-26, RRL Notice 2008-2, RRL Notice 2008-10,
                                           RRL Notice 2007-49, RRL Notice 2007-20, RRL Notice 2007-21, RRL Notice 2007-
                                           80, RRL Notice 2004-68

                                           Telecom: President Notice 20664, RRL Notice 2007-30, RRL Notice 2008-7 with
                                           attachments 1, 3, 5, 6; President Notice 20664, RRL Notice 2008-7 with attachment 4

                                           LP0002, PSTN01, ADSL01, ID0002, IS6100, CNS14336, PLMN07, PLMN01,
Taiwan NCC CAB Recognition

Taiwan BSMI CAB Recognition                CNS 13438

                                           R-3083: Radiation 3 meter site
Japan VCCI                                 C-3421: Main Ports Conducted Interference Measurement
                                           T-1597: Telecommunication Ports Conducted Interference Measurements

                                           EMC: AS/NZS CISPR 11, AS/NZS CISPR 14.1, AS/NZS CISPR22, AS/NZS
                                           61000.6.3, AS/NZS 61000.6.4

                                           Radio communications: AS/NZS 4281, AS/NZS 4268, AS/NZS 4280.1,
                                           AS/NZS 4280.2, AS/NZS 4295, AS/NZS 4582, AS/NZS 4583, AS/NZS 4769.1,
Australia CAB Recognition
                                           AS/NZS 4769.2, AS/NZS 4770, AS/NZS 4771

                                           Telecommunications: AS/ACIF S002:05, AS/ACIF S003:06, AS/ACIF S004:06
                                           AS/ACIF S006:01, AS/ACIF S016:01, AS/ACIF S031:01, AS/ACIF S038:01,
                                           AS/ACIF S040:01, AS/ACIF S041:05, AS/ACIF S043.2:06, AS/ACIF S60950.1

                                           AS/ACIF S002, AS/ACIF S003, AS/ACIF S004, AS/ACIF S006, AS/ACIF
Australia NATA Recognition                 S016,AS/ACIF S031, AS/ACIF S038, AS/ACIF S040, AS/ACIF S041, AS/ACIF

        775 Montague Expressway, Milpitas, CA 95035, USA • Phone: (+1) 408 526 1188 • Facsimile (+1) 408 526 1088

                             Visit us at:; Follow us at:

Document Created: 2018-08-08 18:38:31
Document Modified: 2018-08-08 18:38:31

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