RF Exposure Information


RF Exposure Info

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                         Maximum Permissive Exposure
Product Name: IPTV STB/PVR

1. According to FCC CFR 47 §1.1310, the criteria listed in the following table shall be used to
   evaluate the environmental impact of human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation as
   specified in 1.1307(b).

                          Table 1_Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure
        Frequency         Electric Field     Magnetic Field      Power Density          A\}erage Time
       Range (MHz)       Strength (V/im)     Strength (A/m)         (mWicm?)              (Minutes)
                      (A) Limits For Occupational / Control Expobures (f = frequency)
          30—300               614                0.163                 1.0
         300—1500                 .                                   f/300
       1500—100,000               .                                    5.0                    6
                (B) Limits For General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure (f = frequency)
          30—300               27.5               0.073                0.2                   30
         300—1500                 .                                   £1500                  30
       1500—100,000               .                                     1.0                  30

  Amino Communications Ltd. declares that the product described above has been
  evaluated and found to comply with the RF exposure limits for humans, as specified based
  on ANSVFCC recommendation.

2. MPE Calculation

   2.1 WIFL5G MPE

   Based on safety distance (r) 20em, the antenna gain (G) is 1.718 Numerical, and the
   highest power output (P) is 801.678mW, the power density (8) is 0.274002mW/cm‘

   RF Exposure Calculations:
   8=(P*G@/(4 a *P)orr=                    yP*G@7(4 * a *8)
   Where :
   Based on safety distance (r)=                      20 cm
   Highest Power Output (P)=                      29.04    dBm =                801.678      mW
   Antenna Gain (G)=                                2.35 dBi —                     1.718     Numerical
   MPE (8) = (P°G) / (4*1"r") =       = (801.67841.718)(4*"20°)—               0.274002       mW/cm

   2.2 BT MPE

   Based on safety distance (r) 20cm, the antenna gain (G) is 1.380 Numerical, and the
   highest power output (P) is 11.246mW, the power density (S)is 0.003088mW/cm*

   RF Exposure Calculations:
   §=(P *G)/(4* a *r)orr=            *@/(4* z *S)

   Where :
   Based on safety distance (r)=              20    cm
   Highest Power Output (P)=               10.51                      11.246   mW
   Antenna Gain (G)=                          14 dBi                   1.380   Numerical
   MPE (8) = (P‘6) / (4*n*?) = | = (11.246"1.380)(4°20")=            0.003088 mW/em

       WIFI 5G             BT              Total             Limit
      (mWiem?)          (mWiem?)         (mWiem?)          (mWiem?)
      0.274002          0.003088         0.277090             <1

Sincerely Yours,

 Pan Chuss
Mr. Ben Cheng
AUDIX Technology Corporation

Document Created: 2018-09-06 11:55:28
Document Modified: 2018-09-06 11:55:28

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