11981268 -S5V2 FCC Report_SAR


RF Exposure Info

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     FCC 47 CFR § 2.1093
      IEEE Std 1528-2013

         Smart Watch

      FCC ID: XRAFB504
      Model Name: FB504

 Report Number: 11981268-S5V2
     Issue Date: 2/14/2018

         Prepared for
           Fitbit Inc
  199 Fremont St, 14th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105, U.S.A.

          Prepared by
  FREMONT, CA 94538, U.S.A.
      TEL: (510) 771-1000
      FAX: (510) 661-0888

    NVLAP LAB CODE 200065-0

Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                        Issue Date: 2/14/2018

Revision History
 Rev.    Date             Revisions                                                        Revised By
 V1      2/5/2018         Initial Issue                                                    --
                          Section 1: Updated Highest Reported SAR
                          Section 6.4: Updated maximum output power
 V2      2/5/2018                                                                          Coltyce Sanders
                          Section 9.1: Updated maximum output power
                          Section 10.1: Updated Tune-up limit

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UL Verification Services Inc.                                                                             Doc. No.: 1.0
           This report shall not be reproduced without the written approval of UL Verification Services Inc.

Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                                                                 Issue Date: 2/14/2018

                                                                     Table of Contents

1.          Attestation of Test Results .................................................................................................................... 4

2.          Test Specification, Methods and Procedures ...................................................................................... 5

3.          Facilities and Accreditation ................................................................................................................... 5

4.          SAR Measurement System & Test Equipment .................................................................................... 6
     4.1.      SAR Measurement System ................................................................................................................... 6
     4.2.      SAR Scan Procedures .......................................................................................................................... 7
     4.3.      Test Equipment ..................................................................................................................................... 9

5.          Measurement Uncertainty ...................................................................................................................... 9

6.          Device Under Test (DUT) Information ................................................................................................. 10
     6.1.      DUT Description .................................................................................................................................. 10
     6.2.      Test Rationale ..................................................................................................................................... 10
     6.3.      Wireless Technologies ........................................................................................................................ 10
     6.4.      Maximum Output Power from Tune-up Procedure ............................................................................. 11

7.          RF Exposure Conditions (Test Configurations) ................................................................................ 11

8.          Dielectric Property Measurements & System Check ........................................................................ 12
     8.1.      Dielectric Property Measurements ...................................................................................................... 12
     8.2.      System Check ..................................................................................................................................... 13

9.          Conducted Output Power Measurements .......................................................................................... 14
     9.1.      Wi-Fi 2.4GHz (DTS Band)................................................................................................................... 14
     9.2.      Bluetooth ............................................................................................................................................. 14

10.         Measured and Reported (Scaled) SAR Results ................................................................................. 15
     10.1.        Wi-Fi (DTS Band) ............................................................................................................................ 16
     10.2.        Standalone SAR Test Exclusion Considerations & Estimated SAR ............................................... 16

11.         SAR Measurement Variability .............................................................................................................. 17

12.         Simultaneous Transmission SAR Analysis ....................................................................................... 17

Appendixes ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
     11981268-S5V1 Appendix A: SAR Setup Photos .......................................................................................... 18
     11981268-S5V1 Appendix B: SAR System Check Plots ............................................................................... 18
     11981268-S5V1 Appendix C: Highest SAR Test Plots .................................................................................. 18
     11981268-S5V1 Appendix D: SAR Liquid Tissue Ingredients ....................................................................... 18
     11981268-S5V1 Appendix E: SAR Probe Calibration Certificates ................................................................ 18
     11981268-S5V1 Appendix F: SAR Dipole Calibration Certificates ................................................................ 18

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UL Verification Services Inc.                                                                             Doc. No.: 1.0
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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                         Issue Date: 2/14/2018

1. Attestation of Test Results
Applicant Name                     Fitbit Inc.
FCC ID                             XRAFB504
Model Name                         FB504
                                   FCC 47 CFR § 2.1093
Applicable Standards               Published RF exposure KDB procedures
                                   IEEE Std 1528-2013
                                                                    SAR Limits (W/Kg)
Exposure Category
                                                 Extremities (hands, wrists, ankles, etc.) (10g of tissue)
General population /
Uncontrolled exposure
                                                    Equipment Class - Highest Reported SAR (W/kg)
RF Exposure Conditions
                                                     DTS                                         DSS
Extremity                                            0.055                                       N/A
Date Tested                        1/8/2018
Test Results                       Pass
 UL Verification Services Inc. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in the
 above standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions expressed by UL Verification Services Inc.
 based on interpretations and/or observations of test results. Measurement Uncertainties were not taken into
 account and are published for informational purposes only. The test results show that the equipment tested is
 capable of demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.
Note: The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the conditions and modes of
operation as described herein. This document may not be altered or revised in any way unless done so by UL
Verification Services Inc. and all revisions are duly noted in the revisions section. Any alteration of this document
not carried out by UL Verification Services Inc. will constitute fraud and shall nullify the document. This report must
not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST, any agency of
the Federal Government, or any agency of any government (NIST Handbook 150, Annex A). This report is written
to support regulatory compliance of the applicable standards stated above.
Approved & Released By:                                      Prepared By:

Devin Chang                                                  Tony Soares
Senior Test Engineer                                         Laboratory Technician
UL Verification Services Inc.                                UL Verification Services Inc.

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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                        Issue Date: 2/14/2018

2. Test Specification, Methods and Procedures
The tests documented in this report were performed in accordance with FCC 47 CFR § 2.1093, IEEE STD 1528-
2013, the following FCC Published RF exposure KDB procedures:
   o 248227 D01 802.11 Wi-Fi SAR v02r02
   o 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06
   o 865664 D01 SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz v01r04
   o 865664 D02 RF Exposure Reporting v01r02
In addition to the above, the following information was used:
    o   TCB workshop October, 2016; Page 7, RF Exposure Procedures (Bluetooth Duty Factor)

3. Facilities and Accreditation
The test sites and measurement facilities used to collect data are located at:

             47173 Benicia Street                             47266 Benicia Street
                  SAR Lab A                                        SAR Lab 1
                  SAR Lab B                                        SAR Lab 2
                  SAR Lab C                                        SAR Lab 3
                  SAR Lab D                                        SAR Lab 4
                  SAR Lab E
                  SAR Lab F
                  SAR Lab G
                  SAR Lab H
UL Verification Services Inc. is accredited by NVLAP, Laboratory Code 200065-0.

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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                         Issue Date: 2/14/2018

4. SAR Measurement System & Test Equipment
4.1.    SAR Measurement System
The DASY5 system used for performing compliance tests consists of the following items:

•   A standard high precision 6-axis robot with controller, teach pendant and software. An arm extension for
    accommodating the data acquisition electronics (DAE).
•   An isotropic Field probe optimized and calibrated for the targeted measurement.
•   A data acquisition electronics (DAE) which performs the signal amplification, signal multiplexing, AD-
    conversion, offset measurements, mechanical surface detection, collision detection, etc. The unit is battery
    powered with standard or rechargeable batteries. The signal is optically transmitted to the EOC.
•   The Electro-optical converter (EOC) performs the conversion from optical to electrical signals for the digital
    communication to the DAE. To use optical surface detection, a special version of the EOC is required. The
    EOC signal is transmitted to the measurement server.
•   The function of the measurement server is to perform the time critical tasks such as signal filtering, control of
    the robot operation and fast movement interrupts.
•   The Light Beam used is for probe alignment. This improves the (absolute) accuracy of the probe positioning.
•   A computer running WinXP or Win7 and the DASY5 software.
•   Remote control and teach pendant as well as additional circuitry for robot safety such as warning lamps, etc.
•   The phantom, the device holder and other accessories according to the targeted measurement.

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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                        Issue Date: 2/14/2018

4.2. SAR Scan Procedures
Step 1: Power Reference Measurement
The Power Reference Measurement and Power Drift Measurements are for monitoring the power drift of the device
under test in the batch process. The minimum distance of probe sensors to surface determines the closest
measurement point to phantom surface. The minimum distance of probe sensors to surface is 2.1 mm. This
distance cannot be smaller than the distance of sensor calibration points to probe tip as defined in the probe

Step 2: Area Scan
The Area Scan is used as a fast scan in two dimensions to find the area of high field values, before doing a fine
measurement around the hot spot. The sophisticated interpolation routines implemented in DASY software can find
the maximum locations even in relatively coarse grids. When an Area Scan has measured all reachable points, it
computes the field maximal found in the scanned area, within a range of the global maximum. The range (in dB) is
specified in the standards for compliance testing. For example, a 2 dB range is required in IEEE Standard 1528
and IEC 62209 standards, whereby 3 dB is a requirement when compliance is assessed in accordance with the
ARIB standard (Japan). If only one Zoom Scan follows the Area Scan, then only the absolute maximum will be
taken as reference. For cases where multiple maximums are detected, the number of Zoom Scans has to be
increased accordingly.
Area Scan Parameters extracted from KDB 865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz

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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                        Issue Date: 2/14/2018
Step 3: Zoom Scan
Zoom Scans are used to assess the peak spatial SAR values within a cubic averaging volume containing 1 g and
10 g of simulated tissue. The Zoom Scan measures points (refer to table below) within a cube whose base faces
are centered on the maxima found in a preceding area scan job within the same procedure. When the
measurement is done, the Zoom Scan evaluates the averaged SAR for 1 g and 10 g and displays these values
next to the job’s label.
Zoom Scan Parameters extracted from KDB 865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz

Step 4: Power drift measurement
The Power Drift Measurement measures the field at the same location as the most recent power reference
measurement within the same procedure, and with the same settings. The Power Drift Measurement gives the field
difference in dB from the reading conducted within the last Power Reference Measurement. This allows a user to
monitor the power drift of the device under test within a batch process. The measurement procedure is the same as
Step 1.

Step 5: Z-Scan (FCC only)
The Z Scan measures points along a vertical straight line. The line runs along the Z-axis of a one-dimensional grid.
In order to get a reasonable extrapolation the extrapolated distance should not be larger than the step size in Z-

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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                               Issue Date: 2/14/2018

4.3. Test Equipment
The measuring equipment used to perform the tests documented in this report has been calibrated in accordance
with the manufacturers’ recommendations, and is traceable to recognized national standards.
Dielectric Property Measurements
Name of Equipment                            Manufacturer             Type/Model           Serial No.        Cal. Due Date
S-Parameter Network Analyzer                    Agilent                 8753ES            MY40000980           5/10/2018
Dielectric Probe kit                            SPEAG                  DAK-3.5               1082              10/17/2018
Shorting block                                  SPEAG                DAK-3.5 Short       SM DAK 200 BA         10/17/2018
Thermometer                                 Fisher Scientific          Traceable           150378159           1/30/2018

System Check
Name of Equipment                            Manufacturer             Type/Model           Serial No.        Cal. Due Date
Synthesized Signal Generator                      HP                   N5181A            MY50140630            5/16/2018
Power Meter                                       HP                    437B              3125U12345           8/15/2018
Power Meter                                       HP                    437B              3125U11347           8/10/2018
Power Sensor                                    Agilent                 8481A             2349A36506           8/10/2018
Power Sensor                                    Agilent                 8481A             3318A92374           8/15/2018
Amplifier                                       MITEQ           AMF-4D-00400600-50-30P      1622052              N/A
Bi-directional coupler                      Werlatone, Inc.           C8060-102              2711                N/A
DC Power Supply                            Sorensen Ametek             XT 15-4            1319A02780             N/A

Lab Equipment
Name of Equipment                            Manufacturer             Type/Model           Serial No.        Cal. Due Date
E-Field Probe (SAR Lab 3)                      SPEAG                   EX3DV4                3902              5/30/2018
Data Acquisition Electronics (SAR Lab 3)       SPEAG                    DAE4                 1239              7/27/2018
System Validation Dipole                       SPEAG                   D2450V2                899              3/10/2018
Thermometer (SAR Lab 3)                        EXTECH                  445703              CCS-205             4/13/2018

Name of Equipment                            Manufacturer             Type/Model           Serial No.        Cal. Due Date
Power Meter                                     Agilent                N1912A            MY55196007            7/17/2018
Power Sensor                                    Agilent                N1921A            MY53260010           10/17/2018

5. Measurement Uncertainty
Per KDB 865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz, when the highest measured 1-g SAR within a
frequency band is < 1.5 W/kg and the measured 10-g SAR within a frequency band is < 3.75 W/kg. The expanded
SAR measurement uncertainty must be ≤ 30%, for a confidence interval of k = 2. If these conditions are met,
extensive SAR measurement uncertainty analysis described in IEEE Std 1528-2013 is not required in SAR reports
submitted for equipment approval.

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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                                         Issue Date: 2/14/2018

6. Device Under Test (DUT) Information
6.1.      DUT Description
                                 Overall (Length x Width): 38.5 mm x 41.06 mm
 Device Dimension
                                 Display Diagonal: 35 mm
 Back Cover                      ☒ The Back Cover is not removable.

 Battery Options                 ☒ The rechargeable battery is not user accessible.

                                          S/N                                                  Notes

                                       B2-H3-12                                            Wi-Fi/BT-Sample
 Test sample information
                                       B2-H3-08                                            Wi-Fi/BT-Sample

                                       B2-H3-10                                            Wi-Fi/BT-Sample

 Hardware Version                B2
 Software Version      

6.2.      Test Rationale
The DUT may be supplied with one of four available bracelets. There is a plastic bracelet and three metal
bracelets described as mesh, link and tri-link. See appendix A for pictures of the DUT with each bracelet.
Initial testing was performed using the plastic bracelet. The measurement with the highest reported SAR
was repeated for each of the metallic bracelets.
6.3.      Wireless Technologies
       Wireless                                                                                        Duty Cycle used for SAR
                             Frequency bands                           Operating mode
     technologies                                                                                                testing
                                                        802.11b                                        98.2% (802.11b)
 Wi-Fi                 2.4 GHz                          802.11g                                        98.51%(802.11g)
                                                        802.11n (HT20)                                 98.51%(802.11n)
 Bluetooth             2.4 GHz                                                                         77.07%1
                                                        Version 4.2 LE

1.    The Bluetooth qualifies for SAR Test exclusion. Refer to §10.2 for SAR test exclusion.

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6.4.     Maximum Output Power from Tune-up Procedure
                                              Max. RF Output
 RF Air interface      Mode        Channels
                                               Power (dBm)
                                     1-12          19.0
                                      13           15.0
                                      1,11         18.0
                                      2-9          20.0
                      802.11g         10           19.0
                                      12           15.0
  WiFi 2.4 GHz                        13           3.0
                                       1           18.0
                                      2-9          20.0
                                      10           19.0
                    802.11n HT20
                                      11           17.0
                                      12           15.0
                                      13           3.0
                    GFSK, BDR          All         11.5
                        LE            All          9.0

7. RF Exposure Conditions (Test Configurations)
Refer to “SAR Photos and Ant locations” Appendix for the specific details of the antenna-to-antenna and
antenna-to-edge(s) distances.

     Wireless            RF Exposure          DUT-to-User         Test             Antenna-to-           SAR
   technologies           Conditions           Separation        Position         edge/surface         Required
       WLAN                                        0              Rear                N/A                Yes

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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                                       Issue Date: 2/14/2018

8. Dielectric Property Measurements & System Check
8.1.     Dielectric Property Measurements
The temperature of the tissue-equivalent medium used during measurement must also be within 18°C to 25°C and
within ± 2°C of the temperature when the tissue parameters are characterized.
The dielectric parameters must be measured before the tissue-equivalent medium is used in a series of SAR
measurements. The parameters should be re-measured after each 3 – 4 days of use; or earlier if the dielectric
parameters can become out of tolerance; for example, when the parameters are marginal at the beginning of the
measurement series.
Tissue dielectric parameters were measured at the low, middle and high frequency of each operating frequency
range of the test device.
The dielectric constant (εr) and conductivity (σ) of typical tissue-equivalent media recipes are expected to
be within ± 5% of the required target values; but for SAR measurement systems that have implemented the SAR
error compensation algorithms documented in IEEE Std 1528-2013, to automatically compensate the measured
SAR results for deviations between the measured and required tissue dielectric parameters, the tolerance for εr and
σ may be relaxed to ± 10%. This is limited to frequencies ≤ 3 GHz.

Tissue Dielectric Parameters
FCC KDB 865664 D01 SAR Measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz
                                                  Head                                                 Body
    Target Frequency (MHz)
                                       εr                   σ (S/m)                         εr                       σ (S/m)
             150                      52.3                   0.76                          61.9                       0.80
             300                      45.3                   0.87                          58.2                       0.92
             450                      43.5                   0.87                          56.7                       0.94
             835                      41.5                   0.90                          55.2                       0.97
             900                      41.5                   0.97                          55.0                       1.05
             915                      41.5                   0.98                          55.0                       1.06
            1450                      40.5                   1.20                          54.0                       1.30
            1610                      40.3                   1.29                          53.8                       1.40
         1800 – 2000                  40.0                   1.40                          53.3                       1.52
            2450                      39.2                   1.80                          52.7                       1.95
            3000                      38.5                   2.40                          52.0                       2.73
            5000                      36.2                   4.45                          49.3                       5.07
            5100                      36.1                   4.55                          49.1                       5.18
            5200                      36.0                   4.66                          49.0                       5.30
            5300                      35.9                   4.76                          48.9                       5.42
            5400                      35.8                   4.86                          48.7                       5.53
            5500                      35.6                   4.96                          48.6                       5.65
            5600                      35.5                   5.07                          48.5                       5.77
            5700                      35.4                   5.17                          48.3                       5.88
            5800                      35.3                   5.27                          48.2                       6.00

IEEE Std 1528-2013
Refer to Table 3 within the IEEE Std 1528-2013

Dielectric Property Measurements Results:
                                                              Relative Permittivity (єr)                     Conductivity (σ)
   SAR                   Band     Tissue     Frequency
              Date                                                                    Delta                                     Delta
   Lab                   (MHz)     Type        (MHz)     Measured      Target                     Measured        Target
                                                                                       (%)                                       (%)
                                               2450       50.89         52.70         -3.43         2.02           1.95         3.79
     3      1/8/2018     2450      Body        2400       50.97         52.77         -3.42         1.97           1.90         3.84
                                               2480       50.79         52.66         -3.56         2.06           1.99         3.30

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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                                                                 Issue Date: 2/14/2018

8.2.         System Check
SAR system verification is required to confirm measurement accuracy, according to the tissue dielectric media,
probe calibration points and other system operating parameters required for measuring the SAR of a test device.
The system verification must be performed for each frequency band and within the valid range of each probe
calibration point required for testing the device. The same SAR probe(s) and tissue-equivalent media combinations
used with each specific SAR system for system verification must be used for device testing. When multiple probe
calibration points are required to cover substantially large transmission bands, independent system verifications are
required for each probe calibration point. A system verification must be performed before each series of SAR
measurements using the same probe calibration point and tissue-equivalent medium. Additional system verification
should be considered according to the conditions of the tissue-equivalent medium and measured tissue dielectric
parameters, typically every three to four days when the liquid parameters are re-measured or sooner when
marginal liquid parameters are used at the beginning of a series of measurements.

System Performance Check Measurement Conditions:
•        The measurements were performed in the flat section of the TWIN SAM or ELI phantom, shell thickness: 2.0
         ±0.2 mm (bottom plate) filled with Body or Head simulating liquid of the following parameters.
•        The depth of tissue-equivalent liquid in a phantom must be ≥ 15.0 cm for SAR measurements ≤ 3 GHz and ≥
         10.0 cm for measurements > 3 GHz.
•        The DASY system with an E-Field Probe was used for the measurements.
•        The dipole was mounted on the small tripod so that the dipole feed point was positioned below the center
         marking of the flat phantom section and the dipole was oriented parallel to the body axis (the long side of the
         phantom). The standard measuring distance was 10 mm (above 1 GHz) and 15 mm (below 1 GHz) from dipole
         center to the simulating liquid surface.
•        The coarse grid with a grid spacing of 15 mm was aligned with the dipole.
         For 5 GHz band - The coarse grid with a grid spacing of 10 mm was aligned with the dipole.
•        Special 7x7x7 (below 3 GHz) and/or 8x8x7 (above 3 GHz) fine cube was chosen for the cube.
•        Distance between probe sensors and phantom surface was set to 3 mm.
         For 5 GHz band - Distance between probe sensors and phantom surface was set to 2.5 mm
•        The dipole input power (forward power) was 100 mW.
•        The results are normalized to 1 W input power.

System Check Results
The 1-g and 10-g SAR measured with a reference dipole, using the required tissue-equivalent medium at the test
frequency, must be within 10% of the manufacturer calibrated dipole SAR target.

                                                                           Measured Results for 1g SAR                      Measured Results for 10g SAR
    SAR                Tissue     Dipole Type       Dipole                                                                                                         Plot
    Lab                 Type       _Serial #     Cal. Due Data   Zoom Scan     Normalize     Target       Delta   Zoom Scan     Normalize     Target       Delta   No.
                                                                 to 100 mW      to 1 W     (Ref. Value)   ±10 %   to 100 mW      to 1 W     (Ref. Value)   ±10 %

     3      1/8/2018   Body     D2450V2 SN:899    3/10/2018        5.140         51.40        50.30       2.19      2.350         23.50        23.70       -0.84    1

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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                               Issue Date: 2/14/2018

9. Conducted Output Power Measurements
9.1.         Wi-Fi 2.4GHz (DTS Band)
Measured Results
     Band                                         Freq.    Meas. Avg      Max Output   SAR Test
                Mode     Data Rate    Ch #                 Pwr (dBm)
     (GHz)                                       (MHz)                   Power (dBm)   (Yes/No)
                                       1         2412         18.7
               802.11b    1 Mbps       6         2437         18.6          19.0         Yes
                                       11        2462         18.7
                                       1         2412                       18.0
      2.4      802.11g    6 Mbps       6         2437     Not Required      20.0         No
                                       11        2462                       18.0
                                       1         2412                       18.0
                         6.5 Mbps      6         2437     Not Required      20.0         No
                                       11        2462                       17.0

1.    SAR is not required for 802.11g/n modes when the adjusted SAR for 802.11b is < 3 W/kg.
2.    Additionally, SAR is not required for Channels 12 and 13 because the tune-up limit and the measured output power for
      these two channels are no greater than those for the default test channels. Refer to §6.4.

9.2.         Bluetooth
Maximum tune-up tolerance limit is 11.5 dBm. This power level qualifies for exclusion of SAR testing. Refer to
§10.2 for SAR test exclusion.

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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                                     Issue Date: 2/14/2018

10.      Measured and Reported (Scaled) SAR Results
SAR Test Reduction criteria are as follows:
Reported SAR(W/kg) for WWAN= Measured SAR *Tune-up Scaling Factor
Reported SAR(W/kg) for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth= Measured SAR * Tune-up scaling factor * Duty Cycle scaling factor

KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance:
Testing of other required channels within the operating mode of a frequency band is not required when the reported 1-g or 10-g
SAR for the mid-band or highest output power channel is:
•   ≤ 0.8 W/kg or 2.0 W/kg, for 1-g or 10-g respectively, when the transmission band is ≤ 100 MHz
•   ≤ 0.6 W/kg or 1.5 W/kg, for 1-g or 10-g respectively, when the transmission band is between 100 MHz and 200 MHz
•   ≤ 0.4 W/kg or 1.0 W/kg, for 1-g or 10-g respectively, when the transmission band is ≥ 200 MHz

KDB 248227 D01 SAR meas for 802.11:
SAR test reduction for 802.11 Wi-Fi transmission mode configurations are considered separately for DSSS and OFDM. An initial
test position is determined to reduce the number of tests required for certain exposure configurations with multiple test positions.
An initial test configuration is determined for each frequency band and aggregated band according to maximum output power,
channel bandwidth, wireless mode configurations and other operating parameters to streamline the measurement requirements.
For 2.4 GHz DSSS, either the initial test position or DSSS procedure is applied to reduce the number of SAR tests; these are
mutually exclusive. For OFDM, an initial test position is only applicable to next to the ear, UMPC mini-tablet and hotspot mode
configurations, which is tested using the initial test configuration to facilitate test reduction. For other exposure conditions with a
fixed test position, SAR test reduction is determined using only the initial test configuration.
     The multiple test positions require SAR measurements in head, hotspot mode or UMPC mini-tablet configurations may be
reduced according to the highest reported SAR determined using the initial test position(s) by applying the DSSS or OFDM SAR
measurement procedures in the required wireless mode test configuration(s). The initial test position(s) is measured using the
highest measured maximum output power channel in the required wireless mode test configuration(s). When the reported SAR
for the initial test position is:

    •    ≤ 0.4 W/kg, further SAR measurement is not required for the other test positions in that exposure configuration and
         wireless mode combination within the frequency band or aggregated band. DSSS and OFDM configurations are
         considered separately according to the required SAR procedures.
    •    > 0.4 W/kg, SAR is repeated using the same wireless mode test configuration tested in the initial test position to
         measure the subsequent next closet/smallest test separation distance and maximum coupling test position, on the
         highest maximum output power channel, until the reported SAR is ≤ 0.8 W/kg or all required test positions are tested.
         o For subsequent test positions with equivalent test separation distance or when exposure is dominated by coupling
              conditions, the position for maximum coupling condition should be tested.
         o When it is unclear, all equivalent conditions must be tested.
    •    For all positions/configurations tested using the initial test position and subsequent test positions, when the reported
         SAR is > 0.8 W/kg, measure the SAR for these positions/configurations on the subsequent next highest measured
         output power channel(s) until the reported SAR is ≤ 1.2 W/kg or all required test channels are considered.
         o The additional power measurements required for this step should be limited to those necessary for identifying
              subsequent highest output power channels to apply the test reduction.
    •    When the specified maximum output power is the same for both UNII 1 and UNII 2A, begin SAR measurements in UNII
         2A with the channel with the highest measured output power. If the reported SAR for UNII 2A is ≤ 1.2 W/kg, SAR is not
         required for UNII 1; otherwise treat the remaining bands separately and test them independently for SAR.
    •    When the specified maximum output power is different between UNII 1 and UNII 2A, begin SAR with the band that has
         the higher specified maximum output. If the highest reported SAR for the band with the highest specified power is ≤
         1.2 W/kg, testing for the band with the lower specified output power is not required; otherwise test the remaining bands
         independently for SAR.

To determine the initial test position, Area Scans were performed to determine the position with the Maximum Value of SAR
(measured). The position that produced the highest Maximum Value of SAR is considered the worst case position; thus used as
the initial test position.

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UL Verification Services Inc.                                                                             Doc. No.: 1.0
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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                                                          Issue Date: 2/14/2018

10.1. Wi-Fi (DTS Band)
                                                                                                         Power (dBm)     10-g SAR (W/kg)
             RF Exposure     Dist.                   Wrist-Band                 Freq.                                                       Plot
     Mode                            Test Position                     Ch #.            Duty Cycle   Tune-up
              Conditions    (mm)                      Tested                   (MHz)                             Meas.   Meas.     Scaled   No.
                                                                        1      2412.0     98.2%       19.0        18.7   0.050     0.055     1
                                                         Plastic        6      2437.0     98.2%       19.0       18.6    0.041     0.046
 802.11b                                                                11     2462.0     98.2%       19.0       18.7    0.036     0.039
              Extremity       0          Rear
 1 Mbps                                                  Mesh           1      2412.0     98.2%       19.0       18.7    0.013     0.014
                                                          Link          1      2412.0     98.2%       19.0       18.7    0.012     0.013
                                                      Tri-Link          1      2412.0     98.2%       19.0       18.7    0.011     0.012

1.    When the 802.11b reported SAR of the highest measured maximum output power channel is ≤ 2.0 W/kg, no further SAR testing is required.
2.    SAR testing is not required for OFDM mode(s) when the highest reported SAR for DSSS is adjusted by the ratio of OFDM to DSSS
      specified maximum output power and the adjusted SAR is ≤ 3 W/kg.

10.2.         Standalone SAR Test Exclusion Considerations & Estimated SAR
The 1-g and 10-g SAR test exclusion thresholds for 100 MHz to 6 GHz at test separation distances
≤ 50 mm are determined by:
[(max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW) / (min. test separation distance, mm)]·[√f(GHz)] ≤ 3.0, for 1-g SAR
and ≤ 7.5 for 10-g extremity SAR, where
      •     f(GHz) is the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz
      •     Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before calculation
      •     The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison
The test exclusions are applicable only when the minimum test separation distance is ≤ 50 mm and for
transmission frequencies between 100 MHz and 6 GHz. When the minimum test separation distance is < 5 mm, a
distance of 5 mm is applied to determine SAR test exclusion.

When the standalone SAR test exclusion is applied to an antenna that transmits simultaneously with other
antennas, the standalone SAR must be estimated according to following to determine simultaneous transmission
SAR test exclusion:
      •     (max. power of channel, including tune-up tolerance, mW) / (min. test separation distance, mm)]·[√f(GHz)/x] W/kg for test
            separation distances ≤ 50 mm;
                     where x = 7.5 for 1-g SAR, and x = 18.75 for 10-g SAR.
      •     0.4 W/kg for 1-g SAR and 1.0 W/kg for 10-g SAR, when the test separation distances is > 50 mm.

                                                                   Max. tune-up tolerance Power          Min. test       SAR test
                     RF Exposure             Frequency
RF Air interface                                                                                        separation       exclusion
                      Conditions               (GHz)
                                                                      (dBm)             (mW)          distance (mm)       Result*

     Bluetooth            Extremity              2.480                 11.5              14                  0               4.4

*: The computed value is ≤ 7.5; therefore, this qualifies for Standalone SAR test exclusion.

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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                         Issue Date: 2/14/2018

11.          SAR Measurement Variability
In accordance with published RF Exposure KDB 865664 D01 SAR measurement 100 MHz to 6 GHz. These
additional measurements are repeated after the completion of all measurements requiring the same head or body
tissue-equivalent medium in a frequency band. The test device should be returned to ambient conditions (normal
room temperature) with the battery fully charged before it is re-mounted on the device holder for the repeated
measurement(s) to minimize any unexpected variations in the repeated results.

1) Repeated measurement is not required when the original highest measured SAR is <0.8 or 2 W/kg (1-g or 10-g
   respectively); steps 2) through 4) do not apply.
2) When the original highest measured SAR is ≥ 0.8 or 2 W/kg (1-g or 10-g respectively), repeat that
   measurement once.
3) Perform a second repeated measurement only if the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the original and first
   repeated measurements is > 1.20 or when the original or repeated measurement is ≥ 1.45 or 3.6 W/kg (~ 10%
   from the 1-g or 10-g respective SAR limit).
4) Perform a third repeated measurement only if the original, first, or second repeated measurement is ≥ 1.5 or
   3.75 W/kg (1-g or 10-g respectively) and the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the original, first and second
   repeated measurements is > 1.20.

 Frequency                                                                Repeated     Highest
    Band       Air Interface     RF Exposure Conditions   Test Position     SAR       Measured
   (MHz)                                                                  (Yes/No)   SAR (W/kg)

   2400      Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n         Extremity              Rear          No         0.050

Repeated Measurement is not required since measured SAR is < 2.0 W/kg.

12.          Simultaneous Transmission SAR Analysis
This device does not support Simultaneous Transmission.

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Report No.: 11981268-S5V2                                                                        Issue Date: 2/14/2018

Refer to separated files for the following appendixes.

11981268-S5V1 Appendix A: SAR Setup Photos

11981268-S5V1 Appendix B: SAR System Check Plots

11981268-S5V1 Appendix C: Highest SAR Test Plots

11981268-S5V1 Appendix D: SAR Liquid Tissue Ingredients

11981268-S5V1 Appendix E: SAR Probe Calibration Certificates

11981268-S5V1 Appendix F: SAR Dipole Calibration Certificates

                                                END OF REPORT

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Document Created: 2018-02-14 16:14:19
Document Modified: 2018-02-14 16:14:19

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