Users Manual


Users Manual

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Product Manual

Fitbit Zip Product Manual


      Gett ing Started
  1   What's Included
 2    Sett ing u p your F itbit Zip
 3    Instal l ing the F itbit Con n ect software
 6    Pairing your F itbit Zip to a mobile device

      Using your Fitbit Zip
 9    Wearin g your F itbit Zip tracker
 9    Battery
 9    Display
 11   W h e n Your Zip Goes to Sleep

      Using the Fitbit Connect Appl icat ion
 10   O pen Main Menu
 10   Syn c N o w
 10   Set U p Device
 10   Device Update
 10   Troubleshoot ing

      General Zip Informat ion
 11   Environmental Cond it ion s
 11   P C / M a c requirements
 11   B rowser s support ed

 12   Federal Commun icat ion s Commission (FCC) an d Industry Can ada ( I C )

 12   Help

Gett ing Started
What's Included

Your F itbit Zip W ireless Act ivity Tracker wil l contain:

• F itbit Zip W ireless Act ivity Tracker

• wireless USB don gle

• battery d oo r tool

• 3V coin battery, CR2025

• belt cl ip

• F itbit Zip Quick Start Guide


Sett ing U p Your F itbit Zip
  1. Re m ov e your Zip from its packaging.
  2. Use the provi ded battery d oo r tool to unlock the battery door. Insert the tool
  into the slot on the b a c k of the unit, an d turn the d o o r counterclockwise.

  3. On ce the d o o r has been removed, insert the provid e d battery into the b a ck
  of the unit, with the “+” sign facing up. The battery wil l rest in the center of the

  4. On c e the battery is in place, al ign the arrow on the battery do or with the ‘un-
  lock’ icon on your Zip to put the battery d o o r in place. Use the battery d o o r tool
  to ‘lock’ the battery d oo r by turning it clock wise unt il the arrow on the d o o r l ines
  u p with the ‘lock’ icon.


  5. On c e the d isplay c o m e s on, you wil l b e ready to pr oc e e d with setup. The f irmware version of
  your Zip wil l appear on the d isplay, fol lowed b y the F itbit Smiley. The series of smiley faces are
  used to represent your act ivity level. The d isplay wil l remain on for 30 minutes after insert ing
  the battery.
  6. Take the USB don gle from the b o x an d plug it into a USB port on your computer.

  7. You are n o w ready to instal l F itbit Connect.

Instal ling the F itbit Connect software
  1. G o to www.f
  2. Select the pink “Down load” link to down load F itbit Connect.
  3. O pen the F itbit Con n ect f ile an d fol low on screen instruct ions.
  4. The f irst t ime y ou op en F itbit Connect, you wil l have the opt ion to create a n e w accoun t
  if you are n e w to F itbit or login to your accoun t if you are an exist ing user.
  If y ou already have a F accoun t an d y o u wan t to use the Zip with your exist ing
  account, pr oc e ed with Zip s etup using that email address.
  *There can only b e on e Tracker per F account. If y ou already have an Ultra or Zip
  associated with F, l inking a n e w device to it wil l unl ink the previous device.
  To monitor your Zip an d your Ultra simultaneously, create a n e w F accoun t with a n e w
  email address.


6. Yo u wil l be pr om pt e d to tel l us a few details about yourself.This informat ion helps to
personal ize your experien ce with your Zip an d makes your calorie burn an d d istance data more
accurate. Before cl icking “Next,” en sure that your Zip is within 5 inches of the U SB dongle
p l ugg e d into your computer. If another Zip is nearby, m o v e it further away.

7. After y ou cl ick “Next” the F itbit software wil l search for your Zip.

8. W h e n your Zip has been d iscovered, y o u wil l b e p r om p te d to enter the 4 d igit pairing
n umber d isplayed on your Zip's screen.


• The pairing n umber wil l d isplay with the rad io icon a n d begin with a 0. It m a y take u p to 30
s e c on d s for this n umber to appear.
• If the n umber d o e s not d isplay, cl ick “I don’t see a number.” Yo u wil l then b e p rom p te d to:
    • Make sure the battery is inserted an d your Zip screen is on.
    • Move n earby Trackers a w ay from the dongle.
    • Make sure that your Zip is r e m ov ed from the cl ip case.

9. After y ou enter the n um ber d isplayed on the screen of your Zip, it wil l b e l inked to your
F itbit account.

10. On ce your Zip has be en l inked with your F account, yo u wil l see an “Al l Set” screen,
which wil l al low y o u to cl ick through to F, where y ou can acc e s s all of the informat ion
s yn c ed from your Zip to your account.


Pairing your F itbit Zip to a mobile device
The F itbit Zip wil l s y n c with compat ible Bluetooth Smart devices. Currently, the iPhone 4S,
iPhone 5, iPod Touch, iPad Mini an d 3 r d generat ion iPad wil l s y n c to the F itbit One.
Devices that d o not have Bluetooth 4.0 /B luetooth Smart compat ibil ity won’t s yn c d irectly with the
F itbit Zip.

1. Down load the latest F itbit a p p for your device. If y ou already have the F itbit app, y ou ma y n eed
to update it at this t ime. C he ck the App Store to see if there is a F itbit a p p update available.
2. O p en the F itbit app. If y ou already have a F itbit accoun t an d would like to syn c your F itbit Zip
with that account, tap the “Log in” button. Please note that only on e tracker can be paired to your
accoun t at a t ime.
If y ou have mult iple trackers, you’l l n eed to have mult iple F itbit accounts.
If y ou are n e w to F itbit (o r have an exist ing F itbit dev i ce that yo u would like to cont inue to use with
a d ifferent email address), y ou can sign up for a n e w accoun t b y tapping the “Get started” button.
3. If y ou are n e w to Fitbit, y o u wil l be asked for your personal informat ion on the fol lowing screen.
4. If y ou don’t already have an account, on the next screen you’l l b e asked for the email address
an d pas s w or d you’d like to use with F itbit.
5. B e sure that the battery has b een inserted in your Zip. Make sure that your Zip is awake b y giving
it a tap.
6. Move your tracker close to your mobile device, then tap “Set up Now”. If y ou see a “Link Now”
button instead, you already have a tracker associated with the email y o u entered at login. Tap “Link
Now” to s y n c the tracker to your F itbit account.
7. Select “Zip”.
8. After select ing “Zip”, tap “Start” on the n ext screen. Your mobile device wil l beg in to search for
your tracker.
9. W h e n the “ We found a F itbit Zip” screen appears, tap “Next”.
10. W h e n your tracker has b een d iscovered, y o u wil l b e asked to enter the n umber on your tracker ’s
d isplay into your mobile device.
11. Your mobile device wil l n o w link your tracker to your F itbit account.
Cl ick “Done” in the u p pe r right corn er of the “You’re al l set” screen to return to the F itbit a p p an d
see an y stats that have been synced.
Cl icking “F itbit Zip 101” wil l bring u p t w o screen s with basic informat ion about using your Zip.


Using your F itbit Zip
Wea r ing your Zip
    • Your Zip is most accurate when worn on or very close to the body. A shirt pocket, bra, pants
    pocket, belt, or waistban d are all ideal places to wear your Zip. Try out a few d ifferent locat ions
    to see what is most comfortable an d secure for you.
    • A belt cl ip is provided, de sign ed to keep it cl ipped to your clothing.
    • Your Zip is sweat, rain, an d splash resistant, but not waterproof. It is not intended to b e worn

    • Your Zip runs on a replaceable 3V coin battery, C R 2025.
    • Your battery should last 4 - 6 months with regular use.
    • A battery icon wil l appear on your Zip d isplay when the battery has drained to 25%.
    A flashing battery icon ind icates that your Zip is very close to bein g completely out of battery
    life, an d that data could b e lost if your Zip is not s y n c ed before replacing the battery.

    • If your Zip battery drains, purchase a n e w 3V coin battery, C R 20 25 . Use the provided battery
    d o or tool to unlock the battery d o or compartment, located on the b a c k of the Zip. Your old
    battery can b e recycled.

The d isplay s ho w s your stats, as wel l as the t ime. Tap your Zip to progress from one screen to
the next.
    • Steps

        • The steps d isplayed represent your daily total. Your Zip resets automat ical ly ea ch da y at


    • Wal k ing an d running steps are d isplayed as a comb i n ed total.
    • Going to your F Dashboar d an d cl icking “Sett ings” can remove the ste p d isplay.
    f ings/device/tracker
• Distance

    • Zip calculates your d istance b as e d on your step coun t an d stride length. Your stride
    length is est imated b as e d on your height, weight, age, an d gender. Yo u also have the o p -
    t ion of entering your o w n stride length for more accuracy. (Link here to Calculat ing Stride
    • Distance can be viewed in either miles or kilometers b y changin g your sett ings.
    f ile/ed it
    • Going to your F Dashboar d an d cl icking “Sett ings” can remove the d istance d is-
    play. f in gs/device/tracker
• Calorie B urn

    • Zip r ecord s h o w man y calories you’ve burn ed b as ed on your act ivit ies throughout the
    d ay an d your Basal Metabol ic Rate (BMR). (l ink to B MR def init ion/explanat ion of B M R)
    • W h e n you manual ly log an act ivity on F, the calorie burn associated with it wil l
    b e a d d e d to your Zip the n ext t ime y o u sync.
    • The total d isplayed is h o w man y calories y o u have burn ed since midnight, includ ing your
    • Going to your F Dashboar d an d cl icking “Sett ings” can remove the calorie d is-
    play. f in gs/device/tracker


    • Clock

        • The clock sh ow s the current t ime. If the t ime is not correct, please s y n c your Zip an d make sure
        that have selected the appropriate t ime zon e in your prof ile.
        f ile/ed it
        • Going to your F Dashboar d an d cl icking “Sett ings” can remove the clock.
        f ings/device/tracker
    • F itbit Smiley

        • These faces wil l change, depen d in g on your act ivity level.
        • Going to your F Dashboar d an d cl icking “Sett ings” can remove the F itbit Smiley d isplay.
        f ings/device/tracker
    • L o w Battery Ind icator

        • W h e n your battery dr op s belo w 25% a low battery ind icator wil l s h o w on the d isplay of your Zip,
        as wel l as on your F prof ile un der “Devices.” A flashing battery ind icates that y ou n eed to
        replace the battery as soon as possible.

W h e n Your Zip Goes to Sleep
To con serve battery life, your Zip sleeps during periods of inact ivity.
    Zip wil l sleep after approximately 20 s e c o n d s if n o steps are recorded, an d 2 min utes after act ivity.
    On c e your Zip is asleep, the d isplay on your Zip wil l remain off unt il moved, unless your Zip has n e w
    data to s y n c to F


Using the Fitbit Connect Applicat ion
The F itbit Con n ect Appl icat ion al lows y o u immed iately s y n c your Zip, set u p a de vice an d
provides acce s s to troubleshoot ing resources.
To use the appl icat ion, cl ick the F itbit icon in the taskbar an d select “Open Main Menu”
from the drop down.

F o r W i n d o w s users only, right-cl ick the F itbit icon to a cce s s the men u items.

F r o m the main menu, y o u have the fol lowing opt ions:
• Sync Now: This opt ion al lows y ou to view your current stats b y immed iately send ing an y n e w in-
format ion gathered on your Zip to your F itbit account. Al though the Zip wil l s y n c every 15 minutes
given the appropriate cond it ions, use this feature wh en y ou wan t to see the most recent data from
your Zip.
• Set up Device: Use this opt ion here to set u p your Zip if you have not already paired your Zip to
a F itbit accoun t (o r if yo u have a replacement).
• Check for Device update: Select this opt ion to check for updates that ma y b e available for your
• Troubleshooting: Onl ine Help: F in d onl ine help via manuals, FAQs, commun ity forums an d d irect
a cc e ss to customer support.
• Expor t Logs: If y o u are having trouble with your Zip, support ma y ask y ou to export logs to pro-
vide more technical support.


General Zip Informat ion

Envir onmental Cond it ions
   • Zip is not waterproof. It should not b e worn while swimming. Zip is splash, rain
   an d sweat proof.
   • Operat ing temperature: 32° to 104° F (0° to 40° C)
   • Non-operat ing temperature: - 0 ° to 130° F (-17.7° to 54.4° C)
   • Relat ive Humid ity: The d evice should not b e su b me rg e d in more than 1 meter of water for
   any amoun t of t ime.
   • Maximum operat ing alt itude: 30,000 feet (9,144 m)
   • Non-operat ing temperature: - 0 ° to 130° F (-17.7° to 54.4° C)
   • c. Size an d We ight
   • Height: 1.5 inches ( 35 . 6 m m )
   • W id th: 1.1 inches (28.9 m m )
   • Depth: 0 . 3 8 inch (9.6 m m )
   • Weight: 0.282 (0.018 lb., 8 gr am s )

P C / Mac requirements
   • W i n d o w s X P an d u p
   • Mac O S X 10.5 an d u p
   • USB Port
   • Internet connect ion

Br owser s sup p or t ed
   • Chrome 12 an d u p
   • F irefox 3.6.18 an d u p
   • Internet Explorer 7 an d u p
   • Safari 5.0.5 an d u p


Feder al Communicat ions Commission (FCC) Statement

This device compl ies with FCC part 15 of the FCC Rules an d Industry Can ada l icense-exempt R SS
standard(s). Operat ion is subject to the fol lowing t w o cond it ions:
(1) This device m a y not cause interference, an d
( 2 ) This device must a cce pt any interference, includ ing interference that ma y cause undesired o p -
erat ion of the device.

Chan ges or mod if icat ions not expressly a pp rov e d b y the party responsible for compl iance could
void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

F o r a Class B d igital device or peripheral, the instruct ions furnished the user shal l include the
fol lowing or similar statement, placed in a prominent locat ion in the text of the manual:

Note: This equipmen t has been tested an d foun d to com p ly with the limits for a Class B d igital
device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are design ed to provide reasonable
protect ion against harmful interference in a resident ial instal lat ion. This equipment generates, uses
an d can rad iate rad io frequen cy en ergy and, if not instal led an d used in acc o rd an c e with the
instruct ions, may cause harmful interference to rad io communicat ions. However, there is n o
guarantee that interference wil l not occ ur in a part icular instal lat ion. If this equipmen t do e s cause
harmful interference to rad io or television recept ion, which can b e determined b y turning the
equipmen t off an d on, the user is en couraged to try to correct the interference b y on e or more of
the fol lowing measures:

• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
• Increase the separat ion betwe en the equipmen t an d receiver.
• Con n ect the equipmen t into an outlet on a circuit d ifferent from that to which the receiver is
• Consul t the dealer or an e xperien ced ra d i o / TV technician for help.

This device meets the FCC an d IC requirements for RF exposur e in publ ic or uncontrol led

Troubleshoot ing and Help
Troubleshoot ing an d assistance for your F itbit On e tracker can b e foun d at help.f


Document Created: 2012-11-05 15:34:35
Document Modified: 2012-11-05 15:34:35

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC