Users Manual


Users Manual

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  W ireless Act ivity + Sleep Tracker

Product Manual

Fitbit One Act ivity & Sleep Tracker Product


  1   Gett ing Started
  1   What’s included
  1   Your F Dashboard

  2   W ireless sync to a computer
  2   Sett ing u p your F itbit One on a computer
  3   Installing F itbit Connect on your computer
  4   Pairing your F itbit One tracker to F itbit Connect
  9   Using your F itbit One with a mobile device
  9   Pairing your Fitbit One to a mobile device
 12   Syncing your F itbit One to an iOS device

 13   Updat ing your F itbit One on a mobile device
 14   Updat ing your F itbit One on a computer
 15   Wearing your F itbit One tracker
 15   Controls and Display
 15   The F itbit One Display
 15   Beginner Mode
 15   Power Saving Mode
 15   Turning off your F itbit One
 16   Display Screens

 17   Silent Alarms
 17   Sett ing u p Silent Alarms from your computer
 18   Sett ing u p Silent Alarms from your mobile device
 19   Tracking Sleep

 19   General F itbit One Informat ion
 19   Battery Life and Power
 19   Memory
 19   Senors and Motors
 20   Size and Weight
 20   Environmental Cond it ions
 20   P C / M a c requirements
 20   Supported Browsers

 20   Help

 21   Federal Communicat ions Commission (FCC) Statement

Gett ing started
What’s included

    Your F itbit One p ac k ag e will contain:
    a. F itbit One W ireless Act ivity + Sleep Tracker
    b. cl ip
    c. wireless USB dongle
    d. sleep wristband
    e. charging cable (to be used only for charging; not for syncing)

               a                                 b                 c                             d

    A quick start guide is also included.

You r F Dashboard
Using your F itbit One in conjunct ion with the free F Dashboard gives y o u the ability to log
and track your physical act ivit ies, food and calorie intake, sleep patterns, b o d y goals and more.

W h e n y ou log into F, your Das hboard wil l show:
    • informat ion s y n c e d from your tracker, includ ing steps taken, d istance traveled and calories burned.
    • a graph of your t ime spent being act ive throughout the day.
    • a F o o d Plan to help y ou keep on track with weight loss or maintenance goals b y monitoring
      calories and act ivity levels.
     • a sleep graph showing your t ime in b e d versus actual sleep, t imes awakened and sleep eff iciency.
     • your friends and groups, with w h o m yo u can interact to make F itbit more fun.


W ireless sync to a computer
Syncing o cc u r s automat ical ly any t ime your F itbit One is within 20 feet of a wireless USB dongle that is
p l u gg e d into your computer ’s USB port. F itbit Connect software must be instal led for your tracker to s y n c
with F

Sett ing u p your Fitbit One on a computer

1. Ensure your F itbit One has suff icient battery charge: hold d o w n the tracker’s button for a few seconds.
If the screen d o e s not il luminate, charge your tracker for at least 5 minutes before sett ing up.
To ch arge your F itbit One, al ign the gold contacts on your tracker with the gold contacts on the inside of
the charging cable, then plug it into your computer ’s USB port.
*Please note that the charging cable is for charging only; it wil l not sync your tracker’s data to F
2. O n c e the tracker’s d isplay turns on, y ou will be ready to set it up.
3. Plug the wireless USB dongle into a USB port on your computer. This needs to be connected to send data
from your tracker to your F itbit account.

4. O n c e your tracker is charged and your wireless USB dongle is p l u g ge d into your computer, cont inue the
setup process b y instal ling F itbit Connect.                                                                         2

Installing Fitbit Connect on your computer
F itbit Connect needs to be instal led o n your computer in order for your tracker to upload data
to your F Dashboard.
To install F itbit Connect:
1. G o to the software download page: www.f

2. Cl ick the pink Download button to get the software for your operat ing system.
3. If y ou are on a PC, o p e n the .zip f ile, then o p e n the .exe f ile that is unzipped.
If F itbit Connect d o e s not appear on your desktop, search for “F itbit Connect” in the Start menu.
If y o u are on a Mac, o p e n the .dmg f ile.
If F itbit Connect d o e s not appear on your desktop, search for “F itbit” in Spotlight.

                              PC                                                Mac
4. Ru n the instal lat ion f ile b y double‐cl icking on it, then fol low the on screen instruct ions.


Pairing your Fitbit One to Fitbit Connect
1. O n ce y o u have d o w n l o a d e d and instal led F itbit Connect, o p e n it up.

2. Right‐cl ick on F itbit Connect, which will be found in your System Tray if you’re on a PC, or in your
Tool bar if y ou are on a Mac.
Mac users can also locate F itbit Connect b y searching for the program in Spotlight.
W i n d o w s users can also search for F itbit Connect b y searching in the Start Menu.
Cl ick on the F itbit icon, then on “Open Main Menu”. F ro m the Main Menu, cl ick “Set U p Device”.

3. On the Acco u n t Setup screen, y o u have the opt ion to create a new account or log in to an exist ing F itbit


4. If y o u select “New to F itbit” you’l l be p r o m p t e d to sign up.
If y o u select “Exist ing User” you’l l be p r o m p t e d to log in.

* If y o u already have a F itbit account and want to use your F itbit One with your exist ing account,
log in using that email address, but please note that there can only be one tracker
per F itbit account. If y ou have another tracker associated with that F itbit account, linking a ne w device
to it wil l unlink the previous tracker. To monitor your F itbit One and another tracker
simultaneously, you’l l need to create a new F itbit account with a different email address.


6. O n c e you’ve entered your email address, y o u will be asked to f ill in a few details about yourself.
This informat ion improves the accu racy of your calorie burn and d istance data.
Yo u can ad just your privacy sett ings within F itbit to control what informat ion is shared with others.

7. After f il ling out your personal informat ion, y o u will be asked to select which device y o u are sett ing up.
Make sure that your wireless USB dongle is p l u gg e d into your computer and that your F itbit One is near it.
If y o u have any trackers in add it ion to your F itbit One, please m o v e them away from your computer at this t ime.
Cl ick the F itbit One t ile.

The software will begin to search for your One.


8. A 4 digit pairing number will appear on your tracker’s d isplay onc e the F itbit Connect has located it.
It may take u p to 30 se c o nds for this number to appear.
If the number d o e s not display, cl ick “I don’t see a number start ing with 0”. At this t ime, make sure that your
tracker is charged and the d isplay is on. F itbit Connect wil l resume looking for your tracker.

9. Enter the number d isplayed on your tracker’s screen, then cl ick “Next”.

10. Your tracker wil l n o w connect to F This can take u p to a minute.


11. O n c e your tracker has been found, enter a greet ing that y o u will see when y o u pick u p your F itbit One.
This greet ing can be your name or any combinat ion of 8 letters or numbers.

12. Your personal ized greet ing will n o w be sent to your tracker. This can take u p to 30 seconds.

13. W h e n your tracker has been l inked with your F itbit account, y o u will see a “You’re all set” screen.
Take some steps with your tracker and s y n c it to your account to see your stats on your Dashboard.


Using your Fitbit One with a mobile device

The F itbit One will s y n c with compat ible Bluetooth Smart devices. Currently, the iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod
Touch, iPad Mini and 3 r d generat ion iPad wil l s y n c to the F itbit One.
Devices that d o not have Bluetooth 4.0/Bluetooth Smart compat ibil ity won’t s y nc d irectly with the F itbit One.
The free F itbit mobile a p p will always s ho w all of your stats that have been s y n c e d using a computer.

Pairing your F itbit One to a mobile device
1. Make sure that your F itbit One is charged b y pressing its button. If the screen d o e s not il luminate after doing
this, charge your F itbit One b y plugging it into the charging cable. The charging cable should be connected to a
computer ’s USB port or any USB charging outlet for at least 5 minutes before sett ing up.
2. O n c e your tracker is charged, download the latest F itbit a p p for your device. If y o u already have the F itbit
app, y ou may need to update it at this t ime. Che c k the App Store to see if there is a F itbit a p p update available.
3. O p e n the F itbit app. If yo u already have a F itbit account and wo uld like to s yn c your F itbit One with that
account, tap the “Log in” button. Please note that only one tracker can be paired to your acco unt at a t ime.
If y o u have mult iple trackers, you’l l need to have mult iple F itbit accounts.
If y o u are new to F itbit (o r have an exist ing F itbit device that y o u would like to cont inue to use with a different
email address), y o u can sign u p for a new account b y tapping the “Get started” button.


4. If y o u are ne w to F itbit, y o u will be asked for your personal informat ion on the fol lowing screen.
5. If y ou don’t already have an account, on the next screen you’l l b e asked for the email address and p as s w o r d
you’d like to use with F itbit.

6. Move your tracker close to your mobile device, then tap “Set u p Now”. If y ou see a “Link No w” button instead,
y o u already have a tracker associated with the email yo u entered at login. Tap “Link Now” to s y n c the tracker to
your F itbit account.


7. Select “One”.
8. After select ing “One”, tap “Start” on the next screen. Your mobile device will begin to search for your

9. W h e n the “ We found a F itbit One” screen appears, tap “Next”.
10. W h e n your tracker has been d iscovered, y ou wil l be asked to enter the number on your tracker’s
d isplay into your mobile device.

11. Your mobile device will n o w link your tracker to your F itbit account.
Cl ick “Done” in the u pp e r right corner of the “You’re all set” screen to return to the F itbit a p p and see any
stats that have been synced.
Cl icking “F itbit One 101” wil l bring u p two screens with basic informat ion about using your One.

Syncing your F itbit O n e to an iOS device
If y o u have an iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad Mini, 3 r d generat ion iPad or iPod Touch, y o u can s y n c the tracker with
your iOS device. If y o u use an older iPhone or iPad, y o u cannot s y n c your tracker d irectly with your mobile
device; y o u will need to s yn c your tracker to F using a computer f irst. Your stats will then be sent to
your F itbit mobile app.

Yo u must have Bluetooth enabled to sync your tracker to your phone.
To enable Bluetooth from the F itbit a p p g o to More > Devices > Use Bluetooth, and toggle to ON.

There is an opt ion for ba c kg ro u n d sync. W ith b a c kg r o u n d s y n c turned on, your mobile device will
period ical ly sync with the tracker even when the a p p is not open.
To enable background syncing, g o to More > Devices > One > B a c kg r o u n d Sync, and toggle to ON.

There is also a force s y n c opt ion, which y o u can tap to force your tracker to s y nc to the F itbit a p p on demand.


Updat ing your F itbit One on a mobile device
Updat ing your tracker will f ix b u g s and a d d n e w features that have been a d d e d to the F itbit One.
F r o m the F itbit app, g o to More > Devices > One.
If a device update is available, y o u will see the opt ion to “Update F itbit One” at the bottom of the screen.
If your tracker is already u p to date, “Update F itbit One” wil l not be an opt ion on your mobile device.

If y o u see the “Update F itbit One” opt ion, bring your tracker near your mobile device and tap “Update F itbit
One”, then tap “Next”.

It is okay to leave this screen during the process; your update wil l cont inue. W h e n your F itbit One
is u p to date, a “You’re all set!” screen wil l appear on your mobile device and your tracker will restart.

Updat ing your Fitbit One on a computer
Yo u can update your F itbit One using the F itbit Connect appl icat ion. If y ou have previously set u p your
device, y ou should already have the F itbit Connect appl icat ion on your computer.
1. Cl ick on the F itbit icon and g o to “Main Menu”.
On a Mac, the F itbit Connect appl icat ion should appear in your Tool bar at top right of your screen.
On a PC, right‐cl ick the F itbit icon should appear in your System Tray.

                           PC                                  Mac
2. F r o m the Main Menu of F itbit Connect, select the opt ion “Check F o r Device Update” and then sign into
your account.

3. Bring your tracker close to your wireless USB dongle and press the tracker’s button to make sure it is on.
4. If your F itbit One is not u p to date, the update wil l begin automat ical ly. The tracker’s d isplay will sh ow a
progress bar while it is updat ing. Ke e p your tracker close to your computer unt il the update is complete.
This can take u p to 5 minutes.


Wearing your Fitbit One
The F itbit One is most accurate when worn on or very close to the torso.
A cl ip designed to keep the tracker secured to your clothing is included in your package.
A sleep wristband for your F itbit One is also included. The wristband is designed for sleep tracking, not for
use during the day.
Ideal places to wear your tracker are:

         • on a belt                    • on a bra                        • in a pocket               • on your wrist
                                                                                                    (during sleep only)

Controls and Display
The F itbit One Display
The F itbit One features an O L E D (Organic Light‐Emitt ing Diode) display. The act ivity stats s h ow n on your
tracker reset every midnight, and your minute‐to‐minute data is stored for u p to 7 days without syncing.

Beginner Mode
W h e n y ou f irst setup your F itbit One, it will be in beginner mode. The name correspond ing to the d isplay
m o d e you’re in will appear (for example, “STEPS” is d isplayed before “7482 ” and the steps icon) in
beginner mode. After the d isplay has cycled through each screen 5 t imes, beginner m o de wil l end, and y o u
will be in normal operat ing mode. In normal mode, the value and icon is d isplayed immed iately for faster
viewing. An y t ime your tracker is reset, it will enter beginner mode. This will happen if y o u shut d o w n and
then restart your tracker, u p g r ade your device, or when the tracker’s battery drains completely.

Po we r Saving Mode
Your tracker’s d isplay will turn off to save p o w e r after several s ec on d s of inact ivity. To see your stats
again, press the tracker’s button.

Turning off your F itbit One
To turn off your F itbit One, place it into the charger (w hich must be p l u gg e d into your computer ’s USB
port). Hold d o w n the tracker’s button for about 12 s e co n d s unt il the d isplay shuts off.
Release the tracker’s button. Your tracker will n o w be off, and will not record any act ivity unt il y o u turn it
back on b y hold ing the button d o w n for a few seconds.


Display Screens
Press the button on the tracker’s face to change the display.
E ac h push cause the d isplay to cycle through one of u p to seven modes:
• Steps
• Floors cl imbed
• Distance
• Calorie burn
• Flower
• Clock
• Silent Alarm
An y of these d isplays can be removed b y going to the Device Sett ings sect ion of your F itbit Dashboard.


The steps d isplayed represent your daily total. Wal king and running steps are d isplayed as a combine d

Floors Cl imbed

The floors d isplayed are a representat ion of the elevat ion you’ve cl imbed from wal king u p stairs and
hills. E ac h floor represents about 10 feet of elevat ion gain. Using a stair exercise machine will not count
towards your floor stats, as there is no actual elevat ion gain.


F itbit One calculates your d istance based on your step count and stride length. Your stride length is
est imated b as e d on your height and gender. Yo u also have the opt ion of entering your o w n stride length
for increased accuracy. Distance units can be set to either miles or kilometers b y changing your sett ings.

Calorie Burn

The total d isplayed represents h o w many calories you’ve burned since midnight, and includes calories
calculated b y your Basal Metabol ic Rate (BMR). This means that w hen y o u wake u p in the morning, y o u

will see calories burned even if y o u haven’t m o v e d around with your tracker on. W h e n you’re act ive,
calories burned from act ivity wil l be a d d e d to rest ing calories burned.


Your flower will g ro w and shrink b as e d on your act ivity level over the past several hours.
There are 10 leaves on a ful ly g r o w n flower. More leaves ind icate higher recent act ivity levels.
Your flower will adapt as yo u b e c o me increasingly act ive, so it will b e c o m e increasingly chal lenging to
ful ly g r o w your flower.


The clock s h ow s the current t ime. If the t ime is not correct, s y n c your tracker and make sure that have
selected the appropriate t ime zone in your F itbit prof ile.

Silent Alarms

The F itbit One has a vibrat ing silent alarm that c an be used to wake y o u from sleep without d isturbing
your partner.
Silent alarms can be used separately from sleep tracking; y o u don’t need to record sleep to use your
tracker as an alarm.
Recurring alarms (Monday through Friday, for example) are supported. Yo u may set u p to 8 alarms at a
t ime. Silent alarms can be d isabled b y pressing the button on the tracker.
Yo u can set repeat ing or one t ime alarms from the website or the latest version of the F itbit mobile app.

Sett ing u p Silent Alarms from your computer
• To set u p a silent alarm, g o to your F Dashboard, cl ick “Acc o u n t Sett ings” from the
drop ‐ d o w n menu under your photo and name, then navigate to “Silent Alarms”.
• O n c e y o u are in the “Silent Alarms” sect ion of your A cc o u n t Sett ings, y o u may be p r o m p t e d to update
your device in order to begin using silent alarms. F o r d irect ions on h o w to update your device, see
p ag e s 13 and 14 of this manual.
• O n c e your device has updated, y o u may set alarms from the silent alarms sect ion of your account
sett ings.
• Cl ick the “A d d Alarm” button.                                                                                           17

• Add the t ime you’d like to wake up, select AM or PM, tap either “Once” for a one t ime alarm, or
“Repeats” for a reccuring alarm, then tap the pink “Save” button.
• If y ou are travel ing out of the t ime zone to which your tracker is normal ly set, yo u can cl ick the
“change” link to reflect your current locat ion. Sync your tracker to make sure the t ime zone update is
• Yo u must also s y n c your tracker in order for your alarm to be set and g o off.
• O n c e your alarm has been s y n c e d y o u can check your device to see the next scheduled alarm t ime.

Sett ing u p Silent Alarms from your mobile device
If y o u have a mobile device with Bluetooth 4.0/Bluetooth Smart compat ibil ity, y o u can set silent alarms
from the F itbit app.
1. To set a silent alarm on your phone, o p e n the F itbit app, then tap “More”, then tap “Silent Alarm”.
2. O n c e y o u are in the silent alarm sect ion, y o u may be p r o m p t e d to update your device in order to
begin using silent alarms (s ee p a g e 13 for detailed instruct ions).
3. Tap “A d d a n e w alarm”, the select the day or days and t ime at which y o u want your alarm to g o off.
4. Tap “Save”. A s soon as yo u s y n c your tracker to F itbit, your alarm will be set.


Tracking Sleep
Slip the F itbit One into your wristband at night to record h o w long and wel l y o u sleep.
Over t ime, y ou can apply what y o u learn to help y ou sleep more sound ly.
To reco rd your sleep, d o the fol lowing:
1. Place the tracker into the slot on the wristband and wrap the it around your non‐dominant wrist.
2. O n c e y o u are in b e d and ready to fall asleep, press and hold the tracker’s button for 2 + seconds.
Yo u will see a stopwatch. The other icons wil l blink, ind icat ing that y o u are in sleep mode.
3. W h e n y o u wake up, press and hold the button for 2+ s e c o n d s to stop the sleep record ing. The icons
will stop bl inking to ind icate you’ve exited sleep mode. O n ce y o u exit sleep mode, the F itbit One will
resume d isplaying your daily totals.
4. O n c e the data syncs, graphs on your Dashboard wil l reveal h o w long y o u slept and the number of
t imes y ou w oke up, giving y o u details about your sleep. Last night’s sleep will appear on today’s page.
* If y o u forgot to press the button on your tracker, but were wearing it while y ou slept, y o u can enter the
t imes manual ly on the Track My Sleep p a g e and your data wil l st ill appear o n c e y o u s y n c your tracker.

General Fitbit One Informat ion
Battery Life and Pow er
The F itbit One is p o w e r e d b y a rechargeable Lithium‐ion polymer battery, which is built into the device.
It should be charged with the charging cable, which plugs into your computer ’s USB port and can also
be p l u gg e d into any charging device that has a USB port. A battery ind icator will appear on your tracker
when it is f irst p l ug ge d into the charging cable. Yo u can press the tracker’s button while it is charging to
see its current battery level.
If y o u press your tracker’s button and d o not see anything illuminate, or if y o u see a low or empty
battery symbol on your tracker’s display, plug the tracker into the charging cable. Ideal ly, an empty
tracker should be charged for 1–2 hours for maxi mum performance and battery life. The battery typical ly
lasts 5 – 7 days between charges.

We r e co m m en d syncing your data regularly, though as long as the F itbit One has battery power, it
tracks u p to 7 days of detailed, minute‐by‐minute data. The tracker will save a summary of your daily
calories, distance, floors cl imbed, and steps taken for u p to 30 days between syncs.

Sensors & Motors
The F itbit One uses a MEMS 3‐axis accelerometer that measures your mot ion patterns to determine
your calories burned, d istance traveled, steps taken, and sleep quality. Its alt imeter also measures stairs
cl imbed. The F itbit One contains a cyl indrical vibrat ion motor, which al lows it to vibrate when alarms are
set to g o off.


Size and Weig ht
• Height
  1.89 inches (48mm)
• W id th
  0 . 7 6 inch (19.3 m m)
• Depth
  0 . 3 8 inch (9.65 m m)
• Weight
  0.28 oz. ( 0 . 02 lb, 8 g r ams )

Environmental Cond it ions
The F itbit One is not waterproof. It shouldn’t be worn while swimming. It is, however, rain, splash, and

• Operat ing Temperature
  ‐4° to 113° F ( ‐ 20° to 4 5 ° C)
• Non‐Operat ing Temperature
  ‐22° to 140° F ( ‐ 3 0 ° to 6 0 ° C)
• Relat ive Humid ity
  One is splash‐proof, and should not be su bme rg e d more than one meter.
• Maximum Operat ing Alt itude
  30,000 feet (9,144 m).

P C & Mac Requirements

Supported Browsers

Troubleshoot ing and Help
Troubleshoot ing and assistance for your F itbit One tracker can be found at help.f

     Model Name: FB103

     Federal Communicat ions Commission (FCC) Statement

     This device compl ies with FCC part 15 of the FCC Rules and Industry Canada l icense‐exempt RSS standard(s).
     Operat ion is subject to the fol lowing two cond it ions:
     1. This device may not cause interference, and
     2. This device must accep t any interference, includ ing interference that m ay cau se undesired operat ion of the

     Changes or mod if icat ions not expressly ap p r ove d b y the party responsible for compl iance could void the user’s
     authority to operate the equipment.

     F o r a Class B digital device or peripheral, the instruct ions furnished the user shal l include the fol lowing or similar
     statement, placed in a prominent locat ion in the text of the manual:

     Note: This equipment has been tested and found to c o m p l y with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant
     to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protect ion against harmful interfer‐
     ence in a resident ial installat ion. This equipment generates, uses and can rad iate rad io frequency energy and, if
     not instal led and used in accordance with the instruct ions, m ay cause harmful interference to rad io communi‐
     cat ions. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occ u r in a part icular installat ion. If this equip‐
     ment d o e s cause harmful interference to rad io or television recept ion, which can be determined b y turning the
     equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference b y one or more of the fol lowing
         • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
         • Increase the separat ion between the equipment and receiver.
         • Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
         • Consul t the dealer or an experienced r a d i o / T V technician for help.

     This device meets the FCC and IC requirements for RF exposure in publ ic or uncontrol led environments.


Document Created: 2012-11-07 10:49:16
Document Modified: 2012-11-07 10:49:16

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC