

RF Exposure Info

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RF Exposure and Maximum
ERP/EIRP Assessment


IC: 8595A-TOBYL200

Assessment Reference:          MDE_UBLOX_1807_L200_MPEb

Test Laboratory:
7layers GmbH
Borsigstraße 11
40880 Ratingen
The following test results relate only to the devices specified in this document. This report shall not be reproduced in parts
without the written approval of the test laboratory.

7layers GmbH                                       Registergericht registered in:
Borsigstraße 11                                    Geschäftsführer /                            Düsseldorf, HRB 75554
40880 Ratingen, Germany                            Managing Directors:                          USt-IdNr VAT No.:
T +49 (0) 2102 749 0                               Frank Spiller                                DE203159652
F +49 (0) 2102 749 350                             Bernhard Retka                               TAX No. 147/5869/0385                                    Alexandre Norré-Oudard                       A Bureau Veritas Group Company

Table of Contents

0    Summary                                                                3
    0.1   Technical Report Summary                                           3

1    Administrative Data                                                    4
    1.1   Testing Laboratory                                                 4
    1.2   Project Data                                                       4
    1.3   Applicant Data                                                     4
    1.4   Manufacturer Data                                                  4

2    Test object Data                                                       5
    2.1   General EUT Description                                            5
    2.2   EUT Main components                                                5
    2.3   Ancillary Equipment                                                5
    2.4   Auxiliary Equipment                                                6

3    Evaluation Results                                                     7
    3.1   Maximum ERP / EIRP                                                 7
    3.2   RF Exposure Evaluation for Module                                  9
    3.3   RF Exposure Evaluation for multiple transmitters in co-location   11

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                                                                            %layers A Bureau Veritas Group Company

0       Summary

0.1 Technical Report Summary

Type of Report
RF Exposure and Maximum ERP/EIRP Assessment for a GSM/UMTS/LTE radio module. Including RF Exposure
for use with co—located radios on generic host device.

Applicable FCC and IC Rules

For RF Exposure:
OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97—01 August 1997
FCC 47 CFR §1.1307
FCC 47 CFR §1.1310
RSS—102 Issue 5 — March 2015

For Maximum ERP/EIRP:

FCC 47 CFR §22.913
IC SRSP—503 Issue 7, September 2008
FCC 47 CFR §24.232
IC SRSP—510 Issue 5, February 2009
FCC 47 CFR §27.50(d)
RSS—139, Issue 2 / SRSP—513, July 2015

                                         Report version control
     Rev                                                                            Version
     Version             Release date     Changes                                   validity

     MPEb                2019.02.26       Initial version                           Valid

 Responsible for                                       Responsible
 Accreditation Scope*:                                 for Report:

*ERP/EIRP Measurement

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1     Administrative Data
1.1 Testing Laboratory

 Company Name:                                         7layers GmbH

 Address                                               Borsigstr. 11
                                                       40880 Ratingen

 This facility has been fully described in a report submitted to the FCC and IC and accepted under the
 registration number 96716 and IC 3699A-1.

 The test facility is also accredited by the following accreditation organisation:
 Laboratory accreditation no.:                          DAkkS D-PL-12140-01-00

 Responsible for Accreditation Scope:                  Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Retka
                                                       Dipl.-Ing. Robert Machulec
                                                       Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Petz
                                                       Dipl.-Ing. Marco Kullik

 Report Template Version:                              29-02-2017

1.2 Project Data

 Responsible for assessment and report:                Mr. Sören Berentzen

 Date of Report:                                       26-02-2019

1.3 Applicant Data

 Company Name:                                         u-blox AG

 Address:                                              Zürcherstrasse 68,
                                                       CH-8800 Thalwil
 Contact Person:                                       Giulio Comar

1.4 Manufacturer Data
 Company Name:                                         please see applicant data

 Address:                                              please see applicant data

 Contact Person:                                       please see applicant data

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2      Test object Data
2.1 General EUT Description

 Equipment under Test                          GSM/UMTS/LTE Voice/Data Module
 Type Designation:                             TOBY-L200
 Kind of Device:                               GSM/UMTS/LTE Voice/Data Module
 GSM MSC/UMTS/LTE CAT                          33 / 12 / 4
 FCC ID:                                       XPYTOBYL200
 IC Number:                                    8595A-TOBYL200

General product description:

The EUT is Cellular radio module supporting GSM/WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA/LTE

2.2 EUT Main components
Type, S/N, Short Descriptions etc. used in this Test Report

Short Description      Equipment       Type             Serial No.        HW Status     SW Status
                       under Test  Designation
EUT A (Code:          GSM/UMTS/   TOBY-L200        352255060018284         192BA0      V09.41
DE1015003AU12)        LTE Module
EUT B (Code:          GSM/UMTS/   TOBY-L200        352254062486466         192EA1      V16.16
DE1015017ab01)        LTE Module
Remark: EUT A and EUT B are equipped with a temporary antenna connector. The Modules are not sold
with a predefined antenna.

NOTE: EUT A has been used for all supported frequency bands except eFDD4 and eFDD17. EUT B has been used for
frequency band eFDD4 and eFDD17 only.

2.3 Ancillary Equipment

For the purposes of this test report, ancillary equipment is defined as equipment which is used in conjunction
with the EUT to provide operational and control features to the EUT. It is necessary to configure the system in a
typical fashion, as a customer would normally use it. But nevertheless Ancillary Equipment can influence the
test results.

   Short         Equipment        Type          HW Status       SW Status       Serial no.         FCC ID
Description      under Test    Designation
AE 1            AC/DC          UUX324-          -              -               E09-            –
                converter      1215                                            0291981
AE 2            Evaluation     EVB-WL3          NO_EVK_CS      -               -               -
                test board                      _191A00

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2.4 Auxiliary Equipment

For the purposes of this test report, auxiliary equipment is defined as equipment which is used temporarily to
enable operational and control features especially used for the tests of the EUT which is not used during
normal operation or equipment that is used during the tests in combination with the EUT but is not subject of
this test report. It is necessary to configure the system in a typical fashion, as a customer would normally use it.
But nevertheless Auxiliary Equipment can influence the test results.

     Short         Equipment          Type          Serial no.      HW Status       SW Status        FCC ID
   Description     under Test      Designation
 N/A                                                                                             –

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3       Evaluation Results

3.1 Maximum ERP / EIRP

                Standard                                             Frequency Band
 FCC 47 CFR §22.913                               GSM 850/FDD5 WCDMA/HSUPA/HSDPA/LTE
 IC RSS-132, Issue 3
 FCC 47 CFR §24.232                               GSM 1900/FDD2 WCDMA/HSUPA/HSDPA/LTE
 IC RSS-133 Issue 6
 FCC 47 CFR §27.50(d)                             FDD4,7,17 UMTS/LTE
 RSS-139, Issue 2 / SRSP-513

3.1.1 Test Limits
For the 850MHz band, FCC §22.913 states that the maximum ERP of this device shall not exceed 7 Watts. IC
SRSP-503 Issue 7, states that this device shall not exceed a maximum EIRP of 11.5 Watts
For the purposes of this test report, the 7 Watt ERP limit stipulated in FCC §22.913 has been converted to an
equivalent ERIP value of 11.5 Watts.

For all other limits, refer to the values stipulated in the corresponding tables.

3.1.2 Test Protocol
             Maximum antenna gain to comply with EIRP limits for FCC and Industry Canada
                                                     Maximum                                          Maximum
                                                     Conducted   Maximum                              antenna
                                                     output      Conducted    Freq of      FCC EIRP   gain to
                         Duty Cycle   Frequency      power       output       highest      limit      meet EIRP
 Band           Mode     (%)          (MHZ)          (dBm)       power (mW)   power        (mW)       Limit (dBi)
                                        836.2 -
     850          GSM        50.0%       848.8         33.25      2113.489        848.80    11484         7.4
                                       1850.2 -
     1900         GSM        50.0%      1909.8          30.2     1047.1285      1909.80      2000         2.8
                                        1850 -
     FDD 2       UMTS       100.0%      1907.6          24.5     281.83829      1907.60      2000         8.5
                                        1710 -
     FDD 4       UMTS       100.0%      1752.6          24.5     281.83829      1740.00      1000         5.5
     FDD 5       UMTS       100.0%    824 - 846.6       24.5     281.83829        836.00    11484         16.1
    eFDD 2        LTE       100.0%    1850-1910          24      251.18864      1908.00      2000         9.0
    eFDD 4        LTE       100.0%    1710-1755          24      251.18864      1755.00      1000         6.0
    eFDD 5        LTE       100.0%     824 - 849         24      251.18864        826.50    11484         16.6
    eFDD 7        LTE       100.0%    2500-2570          24      251.18864      2535.00      1000         6.0
    eFDD 17       LTE       100.0%     704-716           24      251.18864        716.00     3000         10.8

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3.1.3 Conclusion
            Max gain     Max gain     Max gain     Maximum
            to be used   to be used   to be used   gain to be
 Band       to comply    to comply    to comply    compliant
            with EIRP    with FCC     with IC      with all
            Limits       MPE Limits   MPE Limits   limits

    850            7.4          4.3          1.0           1.0

   1900            2.8          9.8          6.4           2.8

   FDD 2           8.5         12.5          9.1           8.5

   FDD 4           5.5         12.5          8.8           5.5

   FDD 5          16.1         10.0          6.7           6.7

  eFDD 2           9.0         13.0          9.6           9.0

  eFDD 4           6.0         13.0          9.4           6.0

  eFDD 5          16.6         10.4          7.1           7.1

  eFDD 7           6.0         13.0         10.5           6.0

  eFDD 17         10.8          9.8          6.7           6.7

The above table lists the gains which conform to both the EIRP limits and the MPE limits for both IC and FCC.
Gain expressed in dBi.

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3.2 RF Exposure Evaluation for Module

                                 OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 August 1997
                                            FCC 47 CFR §1.1307
                                            FCC 47 CFR §1.1310
                                      RSS-102 Issue 5 – March 2015

3.2.1 Test limits
As specified in Table 1B of 47 CFR 1.1310 – Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE), Limits for General
Population/Uncontrolled Exposure.

                       Frequency range (MHz)                Power density (mW/cm²)
                               300 – 1,500                          f/1500
                             1,500 – 100,000                          1.0

Limits specified per RSS-102, Issue 5.

    Frequency range (MHz)                  Power density (W/m²)                  Power density (mW/cm²)
            300 – 6000                        0.02619 f0.6834                     mW/cm² = W/m² * 0.1

                                                              𝑃𝑃𝑃𝑃        𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸𝐸
Equation OET bulletin 65, page 18, edition 97-01:   𝑆𝑆 =              =
                                                            4πœ‹πœ‹πœ‹πœ‹ 2       4πœ‹πœ‹πœ‹πœ‹²
         S = power density
         P = power input to the antenna
         G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
         R = distance to the centre of radiation of the antenna

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3.2.2 Test Protocol
 Maximum antenna gain to comply with MPE limits for Industry Canada
                                                        Maximum          Maximum       Equivalent                 Maximum
                                                        Conducted        Conducted     conducted                  antenna
                                                        output           output        output                     gain to        Separation
                            Duty          Frequency     power            power         power         MPE Limit    meet MPE       distance
 Band          Mode         Cycle         (MHZ)         (dBm)            (mW)          (mW)          (mW/cm²)     Limit (dBi)    (cm)
         850       GSM          50%            848.8          33.3          2113.49        1056.82       0.2628            1.0           20
        1900       GSM          50%           1909.8          30.2          1047.13         523.60       0.4575            6.4           20
      FDD 2       UMTS         100%           1907.6          24.5           281.84         281.84       0.4571            9.1           20
      FDD 4       UMTS         100%           1740.0          24.5           281.84         281.84       0.4293            8.8           20
      FDD 5       UMTS         100%            836.0          24.5           281.84         281.84       0.2601            6.7           20
     eFDD 2           LTE      100%           1908.0          24.0           251.19         251.19       0.4572            9.6           20
     eFDD 4           LTE      100%           1755.0          24.0           251.19         251.19       0.4318            9.4           20
     eFDD 5           LTE      100%            826.5          24.0           251.19         251.19       0.2581            7.1           20
     eFDD 7           LTE      100%           2535.0          24.0           251.19         251.19       0.5552          10.5            20
    eFDD 17         LTE       100%           716.0           24.0        251.19          251.19          0.2340            6.7           20
* Conducted output power values bases on “Tune-up” information provided by manufacturer.

 Maximum antenna gain to comply with MPE limits for FCC
                                                        Maximum          Maximum       Equivalent                 Maximum
                                                        Conducted        Conducted     conducted                  antenna
                                                        output           output        output                     gain to        Separation
                            Duty          Frequency     power            power         power         MPE Limit    meet MPE       distance
 Band          Mode         Cycle         (MHZ)         (dBm)            (mW)          (mW)          (mW/cm²)     Limit (dBi)    (cm)
         850       GSM              50%         848.8         33.25          2113.49       1056.82       0.5659            4.3           20
        1900       GSM              50%        1909.8          30.2          1047.13        523.60       1.0000            9.8           20
      FDD 2       UMTS        100.0%           1907.6          24.5           281.84        281.84       1.0000          12.5            20
      FDD 4       UMTS        100.0%           1740.0          24.5           281.84        281.84       1.0000          12.5            20
      FDD 5       UMTS        100.0%            836.0          24.5           281.84        281.84       0.5573          10.0            20
     eFDD 2           LTE     100.0%           1908.0               24        251.19        251.19       1.0000          13.0            20
     eFDD 4           LTE     100.0%           1755.0               24        251.19        251.19       1.0000          13.0            20
     eFDD 5           LTE     100.0%            826.5               24        251.19        251.19       0.5510          10.4            20
     eFDD 7           LTE     100.0%           2535.0               24        251.19        251.19       1.0000          13.0            20
   eFDD 17            LTE     100.0%            716.0               24        251.19        251.19       0.4773            9.8           20

* Conducted output power values bases on “Tune-up” information provided by manufacturer.

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3.2.3 Conclusion
                             Max gain     Maximum
                Max gain     for          gain to be
 Band           for FCC      Industry     compliant
                MPE Limits   Canada       with all
                             MPE Limits   limits

         850           4.3          1.0           1.0

        1900           9.8          6.4           6.4

        FDD 2         12.5          9.1           9.1

        FDD 4         12.5          8.8           8.8

        FDD 5         10.0          6.7           6.7

    eFDD 2            13.0          9.6           9.6

    eFDD 4            13.0          9.4           9.4

    eFDD 5            10.4          7.1           7.1

    eFDD 7            13.0         10.5         10.5

   eFDD 17             9.8          6.7           6.7

Gain expressed in dBi

3.3 RF Exposure Evaluation for multiple transmitters in co-location

                                     OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 August 1997
                                          RSS-102 Issue 5 – March 2015

3.3.1 Co-Location Considerations
The calculation below is used to consider situations in which simultaneous exposure to fields of different
frequencies occur. The calculation is performed by the sum of each relative exposure for each equipment
according to the following criteria.

Seq is the power density of the electromagnetic field at a given distance by a specific transmitter and a defined
Slin is the MPE limit for the frequency being evaluated.

3.3.2 Assumptions

1. Primary transmitter does not support power reduction for multiple time slots on the uplink.
2. Antenna separation from module to human body is ≥ 20cm.
3. Separation distance between co-located transmitting antennas is 0cm.
4. Hypothetical Bluetooth radio is assumed to have an output power of 9.5dBm and an antenna gain of 4dBi.
5. Hypothetical WLAN radio is assumed to have an output power of 19 dBm and an antenna gain of 5dBi.
6. Where the maximum allowable gain permitted with respect to EIRP is lower than the maximum allowable
gain for relative exposure, the lower gain respecting the EIRP limit shall be used to make the calculation.

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3.3.3 Test Protocol
The below table is to determine the MPE values using the maximum gain values obtained in below.
OP mode-1 – FOR FCC ONLY
                                                           Maximum          Max
                                                           Conducted        Conducted
                                                           output           output        FCC MPE     Power         Separation
                             Duty            Frequency     power            power         Limit       Density       distance
 Band           Mode         Cycle (%)       (MHZ)         (dBm)            (mW)          (mW/cm²)    (mW/cm²)      (cm)           Verdict
    850          GSM             50%               848.8         33.25         1056.82      0.5659         0.5282             20   Pass
   1900          GSM             50%             1909.8           30.2          523.60      1.0000         0.1990             20   Pass
   FDD 2         UMTS           100%             1907.6           24.5          281.84      1.0000         0.3979             20   Pass
   FDD 4         UMTS           100%             1740.0           24.5          281.84      1.0000         0.1989             20   Pass
   FDD 5         UMTS           100%               836.0          24.5          281.84      0.5573         0.5234             20   Pass
  eFDD 2          LTE           100%             1908.0                24       251.19      1.0000         0.3979             20   Pass
  eFDD 4          LTE           100%             1755.0                24       251.19      1.0000         0.1989             20   Pass
  eFDD 5          LTE           100%               826.5               24       251.19      0.5510         0.5115             20   Pass
  eFDD 7          LTE           100%             2535.0                24       251.19      1.0000         0.1989             20   Pass
  eFDD 17         LTE           100%               716.0               24       251.19      0.4773         0.4474             20   Pass

OP mode-1 – FOR Industry Canada ONLY
                                                           Conducted        Max
                                                           output           Conducted     FCC MPE      Power        Separation
                             Duty            Frequency     power            output        Limit        Density      distance
 Band           Mode         Cycle (%)       (MHZ)         (dBm)            power (mW)    (mW/cm²)     (mW/cm²)     (cm)           Verdict
          850      GSM            50%              848.8         33.25          1056.82     0.2628         0.2360             20   Pass
        1900       GSM            50%             1909.8           30.2          523.60     0.4575         0.1990             20   Pass
        FDD 2     UMTS           100%             1907.6           24.5          281.84     0.4571         0.3979             20   Pass
        FDD 4     UMTS           100%             1740.0           24.5          281.84     0.4293         0.1989             20   Pass
        FDD 5     UMTS           100%              836.0           24.5          281.84     0.2601         0.2338             20   Pass
    eFDD 2             LTE       100%             1908.0               24        251.19     0.4572         0.3979             20   Pass
    eFDD 4             LTE       100%             1755.0               24        251.19     0.4318         0.1989             20   Pass
    eFDD 5             LTE       100%              826.5               24        251.19     0.2581         0.2285             20   Pass
    eFDD 7             LTE       100%             2535.0               24        251.19     0.5552         0.1989             20   Pass
   eFDD 17             LTE       100%              716.0               24        251.19     0.2340         0.2093             20   Pass
MPE Values for the generic Bluetooth and WLAN radios operating alone. These values are used to calculate the
relative exposure for simultaneous transmission with the primary transmitter.
 MPE Calculation for Single Transmitter installed in Generic host for FCC
                                                           ERP                            Maximum                   Separation
                 Freq          Duty            ERP         Equivalent       MPE Limit     antenna      Power        distance
 Radio type      (MHz)         Cycle           (mW)        (mW)             (mW/cm²)      gain         density      (cm)           Verdict
  Bluetooth        2441                64%          8.91           3.72       1.0000          4.0          0.0019             20   Pass
   WLAN            2412            100%            79.43         79.43        1.0000          5.0          0.0500             20   Pass
 MPE Calculation for Single Transmitter installed in Generic host for IC
                                              ERP                            Maximum                  Separation
                Duty         ERP              Equivalent    MPE Limit        antenna      Power       distance
 Radio type     Cycle        (mW)             (mW)          (mW/cm²)         gain         density     (cm)          Verdict
 Bluetooth             64%      8.91             3.72           0.54            4.00         0.0019      20.00         Pass
 WLAN              100%        79.43             79.43          0.54            5.00         0.0500      20.00         Pass

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Below are the relative exposure values for the primary, secondary and combined primary + secondary
transmitters for both FCC and Industry Canada limits.

 Relative exposure for Primary Transmitter for FCC
                              Output        Frequency                   Slin       ----------
 OP-Mode       Mode           Power         (MHZ)        Seq            (mW/cm²)     SLin       Verdict
    850         GSM            1056.8175         848.8     0.5282         0.5659   0.9334898    Pass
    1900        GSM             523.6004        1909.8     0.1990         1.0000   0.1989576    Pass
   FDD 2        UMTS            281.8383        1907.6     0.3979         1.0000   0.3978877    Pass
   FDD 4        UMTS            281.8383        1740.0     0.1989         1.0000   0.1989438    Pass
   FDD 5        UMTS            281.8383         836.0     0.5234         0.5573   0.9390932    Pass
   eFDD 2        LTE            251.1886        1908.0     0.3979         1.0000   0.3978877    Pass
   eFDD 4        LTE            251.1886        1755.0     0.1989         1.0000   0.1989438    Pass
   eFDD 5        LTE            251.1886         826.5     0.5115         0.5510   0.9282653    Pass
   eFDD 7        LTE            251.1886        2535.0     0.1989         1.0000   0.1989438    Pass
  eFDD 17        LTE            251.1886         716.0     0.4474         0.4773   0.9372897    Pass

 Relative exposure for Primary Transmitter for IC
                              Output        Frequency                   Slin       ----------
 OP-Mode       Mode           Power         (MHZ)        Seq            (mW/cm²)     SLin       Verdict
    850         GSM            1056.8175         848.8     0.2360         0.2628   0.8977235    Pass
    1900        GSM             523.6004        1909.8     0.1990         0.4575   0.4349085    Pass
   FDD 2        UMTS            281.8383        1907.6     0.3979         0.4571   0.8704423    Pass
   FDD 4        UMTS            281.8383        1740.0     0.1989         0.4293   0.4634508    Pass
   FDD 5        UMTS            281.8383         836.0     0.2338         0.2601    0.898778    Pass
   eFDD 2        LTE            251.1886        1908.0     0.3979         0.4572   0.8703176    Pass
   eFDD 4        LTE            251.1886        1755.0     0.1989         0.4318   0.4607401    Pass
   eFDD 5        LTE            251.1886         826.5     0.2285         0.2581   0.8852062    Pass
   eFDD 7        LTE            251.1886        2535.0     0.1989         0.5552   0.3583575    Pass
  eFDD 17        LTE            251.1886         716.0     0.2093         0.2340   0.8943604    Pass

  Relative exposure for Secondary transmitter FCC
               Output                       Slin         ----------
 Transmitter   power           Seq          (mW/cm²)       SLin
  Bluetooth            3.72        0.0019     1.0000           0.0019
      WLAN            79.43        0.0500     1.0000           0.0500

   Relative exposure for Secondary transmitter IC
               Output                       Slin         ----------
 Transmitter   power           Seq          (mW/cm²)       SLin
  Bluetooth            3.72        0.0019     0.5410     0.0034319
      WLAN            79.43        0.0500     0.5410     0.0923701

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      Simultaneous exposure of Primary and Secondary transmitter
                installed in generic host device for FCC
                                                 Maximum       Maximum            Maximum
                                                               Spri/Slim_pri   (Spri/Slim_pri)
 Primary    Primary        All       Frequency                 + Ssec /            + (Ssec /
 Band       Mode      Transmitters   (MHZ)       Seq / SLin    Slin_Sec         Slin_Sec) < 1
                       Bluetooth       2441           0.0019
    850       GSM        Wlan          2412           0.0500
                      TOBY-L200        848.8          0.9335      0.9853         Compliant
                       Bluetooth       2441           0.0019
   1900       GSM        Wlan          2412           0.0500
                      TOBY-L200       1909.8          0.1990      0.2508         Compliant
                       Bluetooth       2441           0.0019
   FDD 2      UMTS       Wlan          2412           0.0500
                      TOBY-L200       1907.6          0.3979      0.4497         Compliant
                       Bluetooth       2441           0.0019
   FDD 4      UMTS       Wlan          2412           0.0500
                      TOBY-L200       1740.0          0.1989      0.2508         Compliant
                       Bluetooth       2441           0.0019
   FDD 5      UMTS       Wlan          2412           0.0500
                      TOBY-L200        836.0          0.9391      0.9909         Compliant
                       Bluetooth       2441           0.0019
  eFDD 2       LTE       Wlan          2412           0.0500
                      TOBY-L200       1908.0          0.3979      0.4497         Compliant
                       Bluetooth       2441           0.0019
  eFDD 4       LTE       Wlan          2412           0.0500
                      TOBY-L200       1755.0          0.1989      0.2508         Compliant
                       Bluetooth       2441           0.0019
  eFDD 5       LTE       Wlan          2412           0.0500
                      TOBY-L200        826.5          0.9283      0.9801         Compliant
                       Bluetooth       2441           0.0019
  eFDD 7       LTE       Wlan          2412           0.0500
                      TOBY-L200       2535.0          0.1989      0.2508         Compliant
                       Bluetooth       2441           0.0019
  eFDD 17      LTE       Wlan          2412           0.0500
                      TOBY-L200        716.0          0.9373      0.9891         Compliant

Assessment Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1807_L200_MPEb                                                   Page 14 of 16

      Simultaneous exposure of Primary and Secondary transmitter
                 installed in generic host device for IC
                                                Maximum       Maximum            Maximum
                                                              Spri/Slim_pri   (Spri/Slim_pri)
 Primary    Primary                 Frequency                 + Ssec /            + (Ssec /
 Band       Mode      Transmitter   (MHZ)       Seq / SLin    Slin_Sec         Slin_Sec) < 1
                      Bluetooth       2441           0.0034
    850       GSM        Wlan         2412           0.0924      0.9935         Compliant

                      TOBY-L200       848.8          0.8977
                      Bluetooth       2441           0.0034
   1900       GSM        Wlan         2412           0.0924      0.5307         Compliant

                      TOBY-L200      1909.8          0.4349
                      Bluetooth       2441           0.0034
   FDD 2      UMTS       Wlan         2412           0.0924      0.9662         Compliant

                      TOBY-L200      1907.6          0.8704
                      Bluetooth       2441           0.0034
   FDD 4      UMTS       Wlan         2412           0.0924      0.5593         Compliant

                      TOBY-L200       1740           0.4635
                      Bluetooth       2441           0.0034
   FDD 5      UMTS       Wlan         2412           0.0924      0.9946         Compliant

                      TOBY-L200       836            0.8988
                      Bluetooth       2441           0.0034
  eFDD 2       LTE       Wlan         2412           0.0924      0.9661         Compliant

                      TOBY-L200       1908           0.8703
                      Bluetooth       2441           0.0034
  eFDD 4       LTE       Wlan         2412           0.0924      0.5565         Compliant

                      TOBY-L200       1755           0.4607
                      Bluetooth       2441           0.0034
  eFDD 5       LTE       Wlan         2412           0.0924      0.9810         Compliant

                      TOBY-L200       826.5          0.8852
                      Bluetooth       2441           0.0034
  eFDD 7       LTE       Wlan         2412           0.0924      0.4542         Compliant

                      TOBY-L200       2535           0.3584
                      Bluetooth       2441           0.0034
  eFDD 17      LTE       Wlan         2412           0.0924      0.9902         Compliant

                      TOBY-L200       716            0.8944

Assessment Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1807_L200_MPEb                                                  Page 15 of 16

 When operating the primary transmitter simultaneously with a generic Bluetooth and WLAN
 radio, the following antenna gains can be used with the module TOBY-L200 while still
 complying with the exposure limits.

                        dBi (For
            dBi (For    Industry
 OP-Mode    FCC)        Canada)
   850            4.0         0.5
   1900           2.8         2.8
   FDD 2          8.5         8.5
   FDD 4          5.5         5.5
   FDD 5          9.7         6.2
  eFDD 2          9.0         9.0
  eFDD 4          6.0         6.0
  eFDD 5         10.1         6.6
  eFDD 7          6.0         6.0
  eFDD 17         9.5         6.2

Assessment Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1807_L200_MPEb                                     Page 16 of 16

Document Created: 2019-03-28 15:39:33
Document Modified: 2019-03-28 15:39:33

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