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RF Exposure and Maximum
ERP/EIRP Assessment


IC: 8595A-LISAU201

Assessment Reference:          MDE_UBLOX_1918_MPE02

Test Laboratory:
7layers GmbH
Borsigstraße 11
40880 Ratingen
The following test results relate only to the devices specified in this document. This report shall not be reproduced in parts
without the written approval of the test laboratory.

7layers GmbH                                       Registergericht registered in:
Borsigstraße 11                                    Geschäftsführer /                             Düsseldorf, HRB 75554
40880 Ratingen, Germany                            Managing Directors:                           USt-IdNr VAT No.:
T +49 (0) 2102 749 0                               Frank Spiller                                 DE203159652
F +49 (0) 2102 749 350                             Bernhard Retka                                TAX No. 147/5869/0385                                    Alexandre Norré-Oudard                        A Bureau Veritas Group Company

Table of Contents

0    Summary                                                                3
    0.1   Technical Report Summary                                          3

1    Administrative Data                                                    4
    1.1   Testing Laboratory                                                4
    1.2   Project Data                                                      4
    1.3   Applicant Data                                                    4
    1.4   Manufacturer Data                                                 4

2    Test object Data                                                       5
    2.1   General EUT Description                                           5
    2.2   EUT Main components                                               5
    2.3   Ancillary Equipment                                               5
    2.4   Auxiliary Equipment                                               6

3    Evaluation Results                                                     7
    3.1   Maximum ERP / EIRP                                                 7
    3.2   RF Exposure Evaluation for Module                                  8
    3.3   RF Exposure Evaluation for multiple transmitters in co-location   10

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                                                                             %layers A Bureau Veritas Group Company

0       Summary

0.1      Technical Report Summary

Type of Report
RF Exposure and Maximum ERP/EIRP Assessment for a GSM/UMTS radio module. Including RF Exposure for use
with co—located radios on generic host device.

Applicable FCC and ISED Rules

For RF Exposure:

OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97—01 August 1997 FCC 47 CFR §1.1307
FCC 47 CFR §1.1310
RSS—102 Issue 5 — March 2015

For Maximum ERP/EIRP:

FCC 47 CFR §22.913
IC SRSP—503 Issue 7, September 2008 FCC 47 CFR §24.232
IC SRSP—510 Issue 5, February 2009 FCC 47 CFR §27.50(d)
RSS—139, Issue 2 / SRSP—513

                                               Report version control
 Version          Release date       Changes                                      Version validity

 —                2019—08—16         Initial version                              Valid

 Responsible for
 Accreditation Scope:            2    +
                                                           for Report:   S       AZ_

Assessment Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1918_MPEO2                                                 Page 3 of 13

1     Administrative Data
1.1 Testing Laboratory

 Company Name:                               7layers GmbH

 Address                                     Borsigstr. 11
                                             40880 Ratingen

 DAkks ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation           D-PL-12140-01-00, D-PL-12140-01-01

 FCC accreditation                           Designation Number: DE0015

 ISED accreditation                          CAB identifier: DE0007
                                             Test Firm Registration: 3699A

 Responsible for Accreditation Scope:        Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Retka
                                             Dipl.-Ing. Robert Machulec
                                             Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Petz
                                             Dipl.-Ing. Marco Kullik

 Report Template Version:                    2017-08-02

1.2 Project Data

 Responsible for assessment and report:      Mr. Roseelan Sathiyaseelan

 Date of Report:                             16.08.2019

1.3 Applicant Data

 Company Name:                               u-blox AG

 Address:                                    Zürcherstrasse 68,
                                             CH-8800 Thalwil
 Contact Person:                             Giulio Comar

1.4 Manufacturer Data
 Company Name:                               please see applicant data


 Contact Person:

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2      Test object Data
2.1 General EUT Description

 Equipment under Test                               LISA-U201 Module
 Type Designation:                                  LISA-U201
 Kind of Device:                                    GSM/UMTS Module
 GSM MSC/UMTS                                       12/8 (HSDPA)/6 (HSUPA)
 FCC ID:                                            XPYLISAU201
 IC Number:                                         8595A-XPYLISAU201

General product description:

The EUT is Cellular radio module supporting GSM/GPRS/WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA

2.2 EUT Main components
Type, S/N, Short Descriptions etc. used in this Test Report

Short Description         Equipment             Type                Serial No.           HW Status    SW Status
                          under Test        Designation
EUT A Code: DE1015115    LISA-U201         U201     358874100011408       214C00           23.41
Remark: EUT A is equipped with a temporary antenna connector. The Module is not sold with a
predefined antenna.

NOTE: The short description is used to simplify the identification of the EUT in this test report.

2.3 Ancillary Equipment

For the purposes of this test report, ancillary equipment is defined as equipment which is used in conjunction
with the EUT to provide operational and control features to the EUT. It is necessary to configure the system in a
typical fashion, as a customer would normally use it. But nevertheless Ancillary Equipment can influence the
test results.

   Short          Equipment           Type           HW Status         SW Status         Serial no.       FCC ID
Description       under Test       Designation
NA                                                                                                    –

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2.4 Auxiliary Equipment

For the purposes of this test report, auxiliary equipment is defined as equipment which is used temporarily to
enable operational and control features especially used for the tests of the EUT which is not used during
normal operation or equipment that is used during the tests in combination with the EUT but is not subject of
this test report. It is necessary to configure the system in a typical fashion, as a customer would normally use it.
But nevertheless Auxiliary Equipment can influence the test results.

     Short         Equipment          Type          Serial no.      HW Status       SW Status        FCC ID
   Description     under Test      Designation
 N/A                                                                                             –

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3         Evaluation Results

3.1 Maximum ERP / EIRP

                Standard                                             Frequency Band
 FCC 47 CFR §22.913                               GSM 850/FDD5 WCDMA/HSUPA/HSDPA
 IC RSS-132, Issue 3
 FCC 47 CFR §24.232                               GSM 1900/FDD2 WCDMA/HSUPA/HSDPA
 IC RSS-133 Issue 6

3.1.1 Test Limits
For the 850MHz band, FCC §22.913 states that the maximum ERP of this device shall not exceed 7 Watts. IC
SRSP-503 Issue 7, states that this device shall not exceed a maximum EIRP of 11.5 Watts
For the purposes of this test report, the 7 Watt ERP limit stipulated in FCC §22.913 has been converted to an
equivalent ERIP value of 11.5 Watts.
For all other limits, refer to the values stipulated in the corresponding tables.

3.1.2 Test Protocol
             Maximum antenna gain to comply with EIRP limits for FCC and Industry Canada

                                                      Maximum               Maximum                                 Maximum
                                                      Conducted             Conducted      Freq of                  antenna gain to
                      Duty Cycle                      output power          output power   highest power FCC EIRP   meet EIRP Limit
Band         Mode     (%)             Frequency (MHZ) (dBm)                 (mW)           (MHz)         limit (mW) (dBi)

    850        GSM            50.0%     824.2 - 848.8            34            2511.8864          848.80   11484          6.6

    1900       GSM            50.0% 1850.2 - 1909.8              31           1258.9254         1909.80     2000          2.0

    FDD 2      UMTS          100.0%     1850 - 1907.6            25           316.22777         1907.60     2000          8.0

    FDD 5      UMTS          100.0%      824 - 846.6             25           316.22777           836.00   11484          15.6

3.1.3 Conclusion
                         Max gain to
             Max gain to                 Max gain to     Maximum
                         be used to
             be used to                  be used to      gain to be
Band                     comply with
             comply with                 comply with     compliant
                         FCC MPE
             EIRP Limits                 IC MPE Limits   with all limits

       850             6.6             4.3             1.0            1.0

    1900               2.0             9.5             6.1            2.0

    FDD 2              8.0            12.8             9.4            8.0

    FDD 5             15.6            10.0             6.7            6.7

Gain expressed in dBi

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3.2 RF Exposure Evaluation for Module

                                            OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 August 1997
                                                 RSS-102 Issue 5 – March 2015

3.2.1 Test limits

Limits specified per RSS-102, Issue 5.

       Frequency range (MHz)                               Power density (W/m²)                          Power density (mW/cm²)
               300 – 6000                                     0.02619 f0.6834                             mW/cm² = W/m² * 0.1

Equation OET bulletin 65, page 18, edition 97-01:                     𝑆=                     =
           S = power density
           P = power input to the antenna
           G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
           R = distance to the centre of radiation of the antenna

3.2.2 Test Protocol
Maximum antenna gain to comply with MPE limits for Industry Canada

                                                           Maximum            Maximum          Equivalent                        Maximum
                                                           Conducted          Conducted        conducted                         antenna gain
                                       Frequency           output power       output power     output power     MPE Limit        to meet MPE Separation
Band           Mode         Duty Cycle (MHZ)               (dBm)              (mW)             (mW)             (mW/cm²)         Limit (dBi)  distance (cm)

         850          GSM         50%              848.8               33.3          2118.36          1059.25           0.2628              1.0           20

        1900          GSM         50%           1909.8                 30.6          1140.25           570.16           0.4575              6.1           20

       FDD 2      UMTS           100%           1907.6                 24.2           263.63           263.63           0.4571              9.4           20

       FDD 5      UMTS           100%              836.0               24.5           281.19           281.19           0.2601              6.7           20

Maximum antenna gain to comply with MPE limits for FCC

                                                              Maximum          Maximum           Equivalent                       Maximum
                                                              Conducted        Conducted         conducted                        antenna gain
                                          Frequency           output power     output power      output power     MPE Limit       to meet MPE Separation
Band           Mode         Duty Cycle    (MHZ)               (dBm)            (mW)              (mW)             (mW/cm²)        Limit (dBi)  distance (cm)

         850          GSM           50%               848.8            33.26          2118.36           1059.25          0.5659             4.3            20

        1900          GSM           50%            1909.8              30.57          1140.25            570.16          1.0000             9.5            20

       FDD 2      UMTS           100.0%            1907.6              24.21           263.63            263.63          1.0000            12.8            20

       FDD 5      UMTS           100.0%               836.0            24.49           281.19            281.19          0.5573            10.0            20

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3.2.3 Conclusion

                            Max gain for   Maximum
               Max gain for
                            Industry       gain to be
Band           FCC MPE
                            Canada MPE     compliant
                            Limits         with all limits

        850              4.3          1.0              1.0

       1900              9.5          6.1              6.1

       FDD 2            12.8          9.4              9.4

       FDD 5            10.0          6.7              6.7

Gain expressed in dBi

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3.3 RF Exposure Evaluation for multiple transmitters in co-location

                                             OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 August 1997
                                                  RSS-102 Issue 5 – March 2015

3.3.1 Co-Location Considerations
The calculation below is used to consider situations in which simultaneous exposure to fields of different
frequencies occur. The calculation is performed by the sum of each relative exposure for each equipment
according to the following criteria.

Seq is the power density of the electromagnetic field at a given distance by a specific transmitter and a defined
Slin is the MPE limit for the frequency being evaluated.

3.3.2 Assumptions

1. Primary transmitter does not support power reduction for multiple time slots on the uplink.
2. Antenna separation from module to human body is ≥ 20cm.
3. Separation distance between co-located transmitting antennas is 0cm.
4. Hypothetical Bluetooth radio is assumed to have an output power of 9.5dBm and an antenna gain of 4dBi.
5. Hypothetical WLAN radio is assumed to have an output power of 19dBm and an antenna gain of 5dBi.

3.3.3 Test Protocol
The below table is to determine the MPE values using the maximum gain values obtained in below. These
values are informational only.

                                                                 Maximum        Max
                                                                 Conducted      Conducted
                                                  Frequency      output power   output power FCC MPE Limit Power Density Separation
Band                Mode           Duty Cycle (%) (MHZ)          (dBm)          (mW)         (mW/cm²)      (mW/cm²)      distance (cm) Verdict
       850             GSM                  50%          848.8          33.26        1059.25     0.5659            0.5293              20Pass
    1900               GSM                  50%         1909.8          30.57          570.16    1.0000            0.1802              20Pass
   FDD 2              UMTS                 100%         1907.6          24.21          263.63    1.0000            0.3317              20Pass
   FDD 5              UMTS                 100%          836.0          24.49          281.19    0.5573            0.5221              20Pass

                                                                 Maximum        Max
                                                                 Conducted      Conducted
                                                  Frequency      output power   output power FCC MPE Limit Power Density     Separation
Band                Mode           Duty Cycle (%) (MHZ)          (dBm)          (mW)         (mW/cm²)      (mW/cm²)          distance (cm) Verdict
              850            GSM            50%          848.8          33.26        1059.25     0.2628             0.2364              20Pass
             1900            GSM            50%         1909.8          30.57          570.16    0.4575             0.1802              20Pass
         FDD 2             UMTS            100%         1907.6          24.21          263.63    0.4571             0.3317              20Pass
         FDD 5             UMTS            100%          836.0          24.49          281.19    0.2601             0.2332              20Pass

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MPE Values for the generic Bluetooth and WLAN radios operating alone. These values are used to calculate the
relative exposure for simultaneous transmission with the primary transmitter.
MPE Calculation for Single Transmitter installed in Generic host for FCC
                                                           ERP Equivalent MPE Limit              antenna gain           Power density Separation
Radio type     Freq (MHz) Duty Cycle ERP (mW)              (mW)           (mW/cm²)               (dBi)                  (mW/cm²)      distance (cm)            Verdict
  Bluetooth         2441              64%           8.91                  3.72     1.0000                 4.0                          0.0019                20 Pass
    WLAN            2412             100%         79.43              79.43         1.0000                 5.0                          0.0500                20 Pass

MPE Calculation for Single Transmitter installed in Generic host for ISED
                                            ERP Equivalent MPE Limit             antenna gain Power density Separation
Radio type     Duty Cycle ERP (mW)          (mW)           (mW/cm²)              (dBi)        (mW/cm²)      distance (cm)                       Verdict
Bluetooth                 64%     8.91           3.72               0.54              4.00                      0.0019             20.00              Pass
WLAN                  100%        79.43          79.43              0.54              5.00                      0.0500             20.00              Pass

Below are the relative exposure values for the primary, secondary and combined primary + secondary
transmitters for both FCC and Industry Canada limits.

Relative exposure for Primary Transmitter for FCC

                             Output Power       Frequency           Seq                   Slin                           -----------
OP-Mode        Mode          (mW)               (MHZ)               (mW/cm²)              (mW/cm²)                         SLin          Verdict
     850            GSM             1059.2537               848.8                0.5293          0.5659                    0.935441 Pass
     1900           GSM              570.1643              1909.8                0.1802          1.0000                  0.1802024 Pass
    FDD 2           UMTS             263.6331              1907.6                0.3317          1.0000                  0.3317115 Pass
    FDD 5           UMTS             281.1901               836.0                0.5221          0.5573                  0.9367323 Pass

Relative exposure for Primary Transmitter for ISED

                          Output Power Frequency            Seq                                           -----------
OP-Mode      Mode         (mW)         (MHZ)                (mW/cm²)             Slin (mW/cm²)              SLin         Verdict
    850        GSM              1059.2537           848.8             0.2364         0.2628               0.8995999Pass
   1900        GSM               570.1643          1909.8             0.1802         0.4575               0.3939108Pass
   FDD 2      UMTS               263.6331          1907.6             0.3317         0.4571               0.7256714Pass
   FDD 5      UMTS               281.1901           836.0             0.2332         0.2601               0.8965185Pass

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      Relative exposure for Secondary transmitter FCC
                               Seq                                     -----------
Transmitter   Output power (mW/cm²)               Slin (mW/cm²)          SLin
  Bluetooth             3.72             0.0019      1.0000                  0.0019
       WLAN          79.43               0.0500      1.0000                  0.0500

Simultaneous exposure of Primary and Secondary transmitter installed in generic host
device for ISED and FCC.

  Simultaneous exposure of Primary and Secondary transmitter installed in generic host
                                    device for ISED

                                                                                              Maximum              Maximum
                                                   Frequency                                  Spri/Slim_pri + (Spri/Slim_pri) +
Primary Band Primary Mode Transmitter              (MHZ)           Seq / SLin                 Ssec / Slin_Sec (Ssec / Slin_Sec) < 1
                                     Bluetooth         2441                          0.0034
     850          GSM                  Wlan            2412                          0.0924       0.9954           Compliant

                                     SARA-U201         848.8                         0.8996
                                     Bluetooth         2441                          0.0034
    1900          GSM                  Wlan            2412                          0.0924       0.4897           Compliant

                                     SARA-U201        1909.8                         0.3939
                                     Bluetooth         2441                          0.0034
    FDD 2         UMTS                 Wlan            2412                          0.0924       0.8215           Compliant

                                     SARA-U201        1907.6                         0.7257
                                     Bluetooth         2441                          0.0034
    FDD 5         UMTS                 Wlan            2412                          0.0924       0.9923           Compliant

                                     SARA-U201          836                          0.8965

Simultaneous exposure of Primary and Secondary transmitter installed in generic
                             host device for FCC
                                                                                       Maximum         (Spri/Slim_pri)
                                           Frequency                                   Spri/Slim_pri + + (Ssec /
Primary Band Primary Mode All Transmitters (MHZ)                  Seq / SLin           Ssec / Slin_Sec Slin_Sec) < 1
                                 Bluetooth            2441                   0.0019
     850          GSM                 Wlan            2412                   0.0500
                                 SARA-U201            848.8                  0.9354           0.9873       Compliant
                                 Bluetooth            2441                   0.0019
    1900          GSM                 Wlan            2412                   0.0500
                                 SARA-U201           1909.8                  0.1802           0.2320       Compliant

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                            Bluetooth         2441     0.0019
   FDD 2       UMTS            Wlan           2412     0.0500
                           SARA-U201          1907.6   0.3317   0.3835   Compliant
                            Bluetooth         2441     0.0019
   FDD 5       UMTS            Wlan           2412     0.0500
                           SARA-U201          836.0    0.9367   0.9886   Compliant

 When operating the primary transmitter simultaneously with a generic Bluetooth and WLAN
 radio, the following antenna gains can be used with the module SARA-U260 while still
 complying with the exposure limits.

                         dBi (For Industry
OP-Mode    dBi (For FCC) Canada)
   850               4.0                0.5
   1900              2.0                2.0
   FDD 2             8.0                8.0
   FDD 5             9.7                6.2

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Document Created: 2019-09-14 14:21:49
Document Modified: 2019-09-14 14:21:49

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