06_MPE report.pdf


RF Exposure Info

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                RF Exposure Evaluation Report


                                   u-blox AG

                       Model Name: LISA-U200
                      Marketing Name: LISA-U200
        Description: GSM/WCDMA/HSPA Data and Voice Module

                           FCC ID: XPYLISAU200
                           IC ID: 8595A-LISAU200

   1. FCC OET Bulletin 65 Supplement
   2. FCC CFR Part 1 (1.1307 &1.1310), Part 2 (2.1091)
   3. RSS-102- Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance of Radiocommunication Apparatus
      Issue 4 March 2010, Ch, 2.5 and Ch. 4

Test Report #: EMC_ CETEC_046_12001_FCC_MPE                    FCC ID: XPYLISAU200
Date of Report : 2012-07-20                                    IC ID: 8595A-LISAU200

1     Administrative Data

1.1    Identification of the Testing Laboratory Issuing the Test Report

Company Name:                         CETECOM Inc.
Department:                           Compliance
Address:                              411 Dixon Landing Road
                                      Milpitas, CA 95035
Telephone:                            +1 (408) 586 6200
Fax:                                  +1 (408) 586 6299
Test Lab Manager:                     Sajay Jose
Test Engineer:                        David Lang

1.2    Identification of the Client

Applicant’s Name:                     u-blox AG

Street Address:                       Zuercherstrasse 68

City/Zip Code                         8800 Thalwil

Country                               SWITZERLAND

Contact Person:                       Giulio Comar

Phone No.                             +39 040 2529400

e-mail:                               giulio.comar@u-blox.com

1.3    Identification of the Manufacturer

Manufacturer’s Name:

Manufacturers Address:
                                      Same as Client.
City/Zip Code


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Test Report #: EMC_ CETEC_046_12001_FCC_MPE               FCC ID: XPYLISAU200
Date of Report : 2012-07-20                               IC ID: 8595A-LISAU200

2     Equipment under Test (EUT)

2.1    Specification of the Equipment under Test

Marketing Name:

Model No:                            LISA-U200

HW Revision:                         146AB0
SW Revision:                         22.40*
FCC-ID:                              XPYLISAU200

IC-ID:                               8595A-LISAU200

EUT S/N tested:                      127

Product Description:                 GSM/WCDMA/HSPA Data and Voice Module

Frequency Range / number of          GSM/GPRS/EGPRS 850/900/1800/1900
channels:                            UMTS FDD Bands 800/850/900/1900/2100

                                     EUT will not be sold with antenna. A λ/4 antenna was
Antenna Type:
                                     used for test purpose.

Co-located Transmitters/              Yes
Antennas?                             No
Power supply:                        3.8V DC
Rated Operating temperature
range:                               -20°C to + 65°C

Prototype / Production unit:
                                      Fixed Installation
Device Category:                      Mobile
                                      Portable
                                      Occupational/ Controlled
Exposure Category:
                                      General Population/ Uncontrolled

*Note: All testing was performed using EUT#1 with FW Ver. 22.30. Per manufacturer SW
change declaration, FW Ver. 22.40 does not have any impact on the performance
characteristics reported in this test report.

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Test Report #: EMC_ CETEC_046_12001_FCC_MPE                      FCC ID: XPYLISAU200
Date of Report : 2012-07-20                                      IC ID: 8595A-LISAU200

3    Assessment

This report serves as the Technical Information regarding RF Exposure evaluation of
the below identified device in FDD IV operation according to the rules as stipulated in

      FCC OET Bulletin 65 Supplement
      FCC CFR Part 1 (1.1307 &1.1310), Part 2 (2.1091)
      RSS-102- Radio Frequency Exposure Compliance of Radiocommunication Apparatus
       Issue 4 March 2010, Ch, 2.5 and Ch. 4

The following device meets the conditions for exemption from routine evaluation in FDD
Band IV operation.

         Company                          Description                         Model #
                                  GSM/WCDMA/HSPA Data and Voice
        u-blox AG                                                            LISA-U200

                                                Sajay Jose
    2012-07-20             Compliance       (Test Lab Manager)
       Date                 Section               Name                       Signature

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Test Report #: EMC_ CETEC_046_12001_FCC_MPE                          FCC ID: XPYLISAU200
Date of Report : 2012-07-20                                          IC ID: 8595A-LISAU200

4     RF Exposure Evaluation Requirements

4.1     FCC:

Calculations can be made to predict RF field strength and power density levels around typical RF
sources using the general equations (3) and (4) on page 19 of the following FCC document:
“OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01 - Evaluating Compliance with FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure
to Radio frequency Electromagnetic Fields”.

The table below is excerpted from Table 1B of 47 CFR 1.1310 titled Limits for Maximum Permissible
Exposure (MPE), Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure:

    Frequency Range (MHz)          Power density (mW/cm2)           Averaging time (minutes)
            300 – 1500                   f (MHz) /1500                           30
         1500 – 100.000                        1.0                               30

Using the equation from page 19 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01:

                                                     4R 2
where: S = power density (in appropriate units, e.g. mW/cm2)
       P = power input to the antenna (in appropriate units, e.g., mW)
       G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
       R = distance to the center of radiation of the antenna (appropriate units, e.g., cm)

   1. This device is to be used only for fixed and mobile applications.
   2. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must be installed to provide a separation distance of at
      least 20 cm from all the persons and must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with
      any other antenna or transmitter.

Additionally, according to § 2.1091:
The limit for <1.5 GHz mobile operations where no routine evaluation is required is: 1.5W ERP
The limit for >1.5 GHz mobile operations where no routine evaluation is required is: 3W ERP

4.2     IC:

RSS-102 Section 2.5.2
RF exposure evaluation is required if the separation distance between the user and the device's
radiating element is greater than 20 cm, except when the device operates as follows:
     below 1.5 GHz and the maximum EIRP of the device is equal to or less than 2.5 W;
     at or above 1.5 GHz and the maximum EIRP of the device is equal to or less than 5 W.

RSS-102 4.2: RF Field strength limits for devices used by the General Public (Uncontrolled
Power density
       300MHz- 1500 MHz= f/150 W/m2
       1500 MHz- 1500000 MHz= 10 W/m2

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Test Report #: EMC_ CETEC_046_12001_FCC_MPE                     FCC ID: XPYLISAU200
Date of Report : 2012-07-20                                     IC ID: 8595A-LISAU200

5     Measurement          procedure:

5.1        Radiated power measurement- ERP/EIRP-

                                        Anechoic Chamber
                                                                        Bilog or horn antenna

                                        Signaling     EUT


      1.    Connect the equipment as shown in the above diagram with the EUT’s antenna in
            center of the turn table.
      2.    Adjust the settings of the Digital Radio Communication Tester (DRT) to set the
            EUT to its maximum power at the required channel.
      3.    Set the spectrum analyzer to the channel frequency. Set the analyzer to measure
            peak hold with the required settings.
      4.    Rotate the EUT 360. Record the peak level in dBm (LVL).
      5.    Replace the EUT with a vertically polarized half wave dipole or known gain
            antenna. The center of the antenna should be at the same location as the center of
            the EUT’s antenna.
      6.    Connect the antenna to a signal generator with known output power and record the
            path loss in dB (LOSS). LOSS = Generator Output Power (dBm) – Analyzer
            reading (dBm).
      7.    Determine the ERP using the following equation:
            ERP (dBm) = LVL (dBm) + LOSS (dB)
      8.    Determine the EIRP using the following equation:
            EIRP (dBm) = ERP (dBm) + 2.14 (dB)
      9.    Measurements are to be performed with the EUT set to the low, middle and high
            channel of each frequency band.
      Measurement uncertainty: +/-3.0 dB

      (Note: Steps 5 and 6 above are performed prior to testing and LOSS is recorded by test
      software. Steps 3, 4, 7 and 8 above are performed with test software.)

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Test Report #: EMC_ CETEC_046_12001_FCC_MPE                                     FCC ID: XPYLISAU200
Date of Report : 2012-07-20                                                     IC ID: 8595A-LISAU200

5.2     Radiated power Calculation- ERP/EIRP-

                                        Test Setup for Conducted Measurements


                                               Attenuator                Splitter

                                                              Spectrum                  Power Meter

      1. Connect the equipment as shown in the above diagram.
      2. Adjust the settings of the Digital Radio Communication Tester (DRT) to connect the
         EUT at the required channel (OR) alternatively use the EUT to set to transmit at a
         specific mode.
      3. Measure conducted power using the power meter or the Spectrum Analyzer.
      4. ERP/EIRP is calculated by adding the antenna gain to the measured conducted power.
         EIRP= Measured conducted power+ Antenna Gain (dBi)
         (Antenna gain based on measurement or data from the antenna manufacturer.)
         ERP= EIRP- 2.14

5.3     Measurement Equipment information:

Instrument/Ancillary           Model                Manufacturer           Serial No.          Cal Date
Radio Communication Tester     CMU 200              Rohde & Schwarz        101821              May 2011             2 Years
EMI Receiver/Analyzer          ESIB 40              Rohde & Schwarz        100107              May 2011             2 Years
Spectrum Analyzer              FSU                  Rohde & Schwarz        200302              May 2011             2 Years
Loop Antenna                   6512                 EMCO                   00049838            Aug 2011             3 years
Biconilog Antenna              3141                 EMCO                   0005-1186           Apr 2012             3 years
Horn Antenna (1-18GHz)         3115                 ETS                    00035114            Mar 2012             3 years
Horn Antenna (1-18GHz)         3115                 ETS                    00035111            Apr 2012             3 years
Horn Antenna (18-40GHz)        3116                 ETS                    00070497            Aug 2011             3 years
Communication Antenna          IBP5-900/1940        Kathrein               n/a                 n/a                  n/a
High Pass Filter               5HC2700              Trilithic Inc.         9926013             Part of system calibration
High Pass Filter               4HC1600              Trilithic Inc.         9922307             Part of system calibration
Pre-Amplifier                  JS4-00102600         Miteq                  00616               Part of system calibration
Power Smart Sensor             R&S                  NRP-Z81                100161              May 2011            2 Years

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   Test Report #: EMC_ CETEC_046_12001_FCC_MPE                     FCC ID: XPYLISAU200
   Date of Report : 2012-07-20                                     IC ID: 8595A-LISAU200

   5.4    Measurement Summary:

                                                 Limits (IC)                            Limits (FCC)
                                                  (where no                            (where no routine
                          Peak Radiated Power-                   Peak Radiated Power
Band of operation                                   routine                              evaluation is
                                 EIRP                                   ERP
                                                 evaluation is                             required)
    MHz                       dBm       mW            W           dBm        mW               W
                              18.5      70.8          5           20.6       114.8            3

   Since the Peak ERP <3W (FCC) and Peak EIRP <5W (IC), this device is exempt from
   Routine evaluation.

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Test Report #: EMC_ CETEC_046_12001_FCC_MPE                               FCC ID: XPYLISAU200
Date of Report : 2012-07-20                                               IC ID: 8595A-LISAU200

Compliance with MPE limits can be guaranteed as the calculation below shows:

1700 MHz frequency band

Maximum output power considerations:

                    Maximum              Maximum                     Equivalent conducted output
    Mode         conducted output     conducted output               power (Maximum conducted
                   power (dBm)          power (mW)                 output power x duty cycle) (mW)

   FDD                 22.7               186.21          100%                  186.21

P                  Maximum power input to the antenna:                               186.21      mW
R                  Distance:                                                               20    cm
S                  MPE limit for uncontrolled exposure:                                     1    mW/cm2

G1                 Antenna gain (dBi) to comply with MPE limits:                         14.30   dBi

EIRP power limit according to §2.1091:                                                      3    W EIRP

G2                 Antenna gain (dBi) to comply with ERP limits:                         14.22   dBi
                   (EIRP = Equivalent conducted output power x Antenna gain )

EIRP power limit according to §27.50:                                                       1    W EIRP

G3                 Antenna gain (dBi) to comply with EIRP limits:                         7.30   dBi
                   (EIRP = Maximum conducted output power x Antenna gain)

G1900 MHz band     Min (G1, G2, G3)                                                       7.30   dBi

Therefore the maximum antenna gain for mobile operation to comply with MPE and ERP limits shall not exceed
7.30 dBi.

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Document Created: 2012-07-20 15:58:57
Document Modified: 2012-07-20 15:58:57

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