

RF Exposure Info

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RF Exposure and Maximum
ERP/EIRP Assessment


IC:    8595A-EMMYW165

Assessment Reference:         MDE_UBLOX_1623_MPEa

 Test Laboratory:
 7layers GmbH
 Borsigstrasse 11
 40880 Ratingen

 The following test results relate only to the devices specified in this document. This report shall not be reproduced in part s
 without the written approval of the test laboratory.

 7layers GmbH                       Geschäftsführer/
 Borsigstraße 11                    Managing Directors:                 Registergericht/registered:                          a Bureau Veritas
 40880 Ratingen, Germany            Frank Spiller                       Düsseldorf HRB 75554                                 Group Company
 T +49 (0) 2102 749 0               Bernhard Retka                      USt-Id.-Nr./VAT-No. DE203159652
 F +49 (0) 2102 749 350             Alexandre Norré-Oudard              Steuer-Nr./TAX-No. 147/5869/0385                     www.7layers.com

 Commerzbank AG     Account No. 303 016 000   Bank Code 300 400 00   IBAN DE81 3004 0000 0303 0160 00    Swift Code COBADEFF

Table of Contents

0    Summary                                                                3
    0.1   Technical Report Summary                                           3

1    Administrative Data                                                    4
    1.1   Testing Laboratory                                                 4
    1.2   Project Data                                                       4
    1.3   Applicant Data                                                     4
    1.4   Manufacturer Data                                                  4

2    Test object Data                                                       5
    2.1   General EUT Description                                            5
    2.2   EUT Main components                                                6
    2.3   Ancillary Equipment                                                7
    2.4   Auxiliary Equipment                                                7

3    Evaluation Results                                                     8
    3.1   RF Exposure Evaluation                                             8
    3.2   RF Exposure Evaluation for multiple transmitters in co-location   11

Assessment Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1623_MPEa                                   Page 2 of 13

                                                                              w layers
                                                                                     A Bureau Veritas Group Company

0       Summary

0.1 Technical Report Summary

Type of Report
RF Exposure and Maximum ERP/EIRP Assessment for a Host—based multiradio module with Wi—Fi, Bluetooth
and NFC. Including RF Exposure for use with co—located radios on generic host device.

Applicable FCC Rules and ISED Canada Radio Standards Specification

For RF Exposure:
OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97—01 August 1997
FCC 47 CFR §1.1307
FCC 47 CFR §1.1310
RSS—102 Issue 5 — March 2015

 Responsible for                                       Responsible
 Accreditation Scope:       .           Z             for Report:

Assessment Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1623_MPEa                                                      Page 3 of 13

1     Administrative Data
1.1 Testing Laboratory

 Company Name:                                         7Layers GmbH

 Address                                               Borsigstr. 11
                                                       40880 Ratingen

 This facility has been fully described in a report submitted to the FCC and accepted under the registration
 number 96716.

 The test facility is also accredited by the following accreditation organisation:
 Laboratory accreditation no.:                           DAkkS D-PL-12140-01-00

 Responsible for Accreditation Scope:                  Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Retka
                                                       Dipl.-Ing. Robert Machulec
                                                       Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Petz
                                                       Dipl.-Ing. Marco Kullik

 Report Template Version:                              2016-05-15

1.2 Project Data

 Responsible for assessment and report:                Mr. Imad Hjije

 Date of Report:                                       2016-10-12

1.3 Applicant Data

 Company Name:                                         u-blox AG

 Address:                                              Zürcherstrasse 68,
                                                       CH-8800 Thalwil
 Contact Person:                                       Giulio Comar

1.4 Manufacturer Data
 Company Name:                                         please see applicant data


 Contact Person:

Assessment Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1623_MPEa                                                           Page 4 of 13

2      Test object Data
2.1 General EUT Description

Kind of Device            WLAN 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz, BT, NFC, SRD (5.8 GHz) - Single Antenna
product description
Product name              Host-based multiradio module with Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and NFC
Type                      EMMY-W165

Declared EUT data by the supplier

Voltage Type              DC
Voltage Level             normal: 3.3 V DC
                          low: 3.0 V DC
                          high: 3.6 V DC
Modulation Type           Bluetooth LE: GFSK
                          WLAN: DSSS, OFDM, HT20 MCS0 – MCS7, HT40 MCS0 –MCS7
                          please see each test protocol
General product           EMMY-W165 is an ultra-compact multi-radio module providing Wi-
description               Fi, Classic Bluetooth, Bluetooth low energy and NFC mode of
                          It is designed for both simultaneous and independent operations
                          • Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11ac and a/b/g/n
                          • Dual-mode Bluetooth 4.2
                          • NFC
Specific product          EMMY-W165: Shielded module, single antenna pin for WLAN
description for the EUT   802.11 ac/a/b/g/n and Bluetooth communication
The EUT provides the      - DC power supply
following ports:          - antenna port
                          - signal ports
Data rates                Bluetooth LE, GFSK: 1 Mbit/s
                          WLAN b: please see chapter “WLAN Power Table”
                          WLAN g: please see chapter “WLAN Power Table”
                          WLAN n 20 MHz: please see chapter “WLAN Power Table”
                          WLAN n 40 MHz: please see chapter “WLAN Power Table”
Power levels              Bluetooth LE: 5 dBm
                          WLAN: please see chapter “WLAN Power Table”

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2.2 EUT Main components
Type, S/N, Short Descriptions etc. used in this Test Report

Sample Name                          Sample Code                                        Description
DE1015031bb01                        bb01                                               Conducted Sample "#2a"

  Sample Parameter                                                 Value
Antenna                              Antenna connector on evaluation board (target platform):
                                     The following antennas are designated for 2.4 and 5 GHz WLAN
                                     transmission on EMMY-W165, as well as Bluetooth on EMMY-
                                     W165. - Table 2 of Test Object Specification:

Serial No.                           -
HW Version                           03
SW Version                           N/A
Comment                              -
Sample Name                          Sample Code                                        Description
DE1015044aa01                        aa01                                               Conducted Sample "#1"

   Sample Parameter                                               Value
Integral Antenna                     Antenna on evaluation board (target platform):
                                     Antenova, Type A10194, SMD chip antenna, 1.8 dBi Peak gain in
                                     2.4 GHz band, 4.1 dBi Peak gain in 5 GHz band
Serial No.                           -
HW Version                           03
SW Version                           N/A
Comment                              -

NOTE: The short description is used to simplify the identification of the EUT in this test report.

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2.3 Ancillary Equipment

For the purposes of this test report, ancillary equipment is defined as equipment which is used in conjunction
with the EUT to provide operational and control features to the EUT. It is necessary to configure the system in a
typical fashion, as a customer would normally use it. But nevertheless Ancillary Equipment can influence the
test results.

Device                            Details                                                Description
                                  (Manufacturer, Type Model, OUT Code)
Evaluation board (target          u-blox , 03, -, -                                      u-blox EVB-W16

2.4 Auxiliary Equipment

For the purposes of this test report, auxiliary equipment is defined as equipment which is used temporarily to
enable operational and control features especially used for the tests of the EUT which is not used during
normal operation or equipment that is used during the tests in combination with the EUT but is not subject of
this test report. It is necessary to configure the system in a typical fashion, as a customer would normally use it.
But nevertheless Auxiliary Equipment can influence the test results.

Device                             Details                                                Description
                                   (Manufacturer, HW, SW, S/N)
AC/DC power supply                 PeakTech, -, -, 081062045                              PeakTech 6005D
(115 V 60 Hz)

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3      Evaluation Results

3.1 RF Exposure Evaluation

                                 OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 August 1997
                                            FCC 47 CFR §1.1307
                                            FCC 47 CFR §1.1310
                                      RSS-102 Issue 5 – March 2015

3.1.1 Test limits
As specified in Table 1B of 47 CFR 1.1310 – Limits for Maximum Permissible Exposure (MPE), Limits for General
Population/Uncontrolled Exposure.

                       Frequency range (MHz)                Power density (mW/cm²)
                               300 – 1,500                          f/1500
                             1,500 – 100,000                          1.0

Limits specified per RSS-102, Issue 5.

                       Frequency range (MHz)                Power density (mW/cm²)
                               300 – 6000                       0.002619 f0.6834

                                                              𝑃𝐺         𝐸𝐼𝑅𝑃
Equation OET bulletin 65, page 18, edition 97-01:   𝑆=              =
                                                            4πœ‹π‘… 2        4πœ‹π‘…²

         S = power density
         P = power input to the antenna
         G = power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to an isotropic radiator
         R = distance to the centre of radiation of the antenna

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3.1.2 Test Protocol
The below table is to determine the MPE values using the maximum gain values for this product.

Table for FCC Limits
                                                    Maximum     Equivalent              MPE
                                                    Conducted   conducted               Value
                                                    output      output       FCC MPE    using Max   Separation
                                        Frequency   power       power        Limit      gain        distance
Band        Mode           Duty Cycle   (MHZ)       (dBm)       (mW)         (mW/cm²)   (mW/cm²)    (cm)         Verdict
Mode; 20      DSSS, 11
 MHz           Mbps         100.0%       2462.0        23.6       229.09      1.0000      0.108        20        Pass
Mode; 20     OFDM, 36
 MHz           Mbps         100.0%       2437.0        24.9       309.03      1.0000      0.146        20        Pass
Mode; 20
 MHz        OFDM, MCS3      100.0%       2437.0        25.4       346.74      1.0000      0.163        20        Pass
Mode; 40
   MHz      OFDM, MCS4      100.0%       2437.0        23.2       208.93      1.0000      0.098        20        Pass
Bluetooth   GFSK 1-DH1      30.88%       2402.0        10.3        3.31       1.0000      0.002        20        Pass
Mode; 20
 MHz          6 Mbit/s      100.0%       5260.0        17         50.12       1.0000      0.029        20        Pass
Mode; 20     6,5 Mbit/s
 MHz           MCS0         100.0%       5260.0        16.8       47.86       1.0000      0.027        20        Pass
Mode; 40    13,5 Mbit/s
 MHz           MCS0         100.0%       5230.0        16.4       43.65       1.0000      0.025        20        Pass

WLAN ac-    20 MHz; 6,5
 Mode       Mbit/s MCS0     100.0%       5260.0        16.7       46.77       1.0000      0.027        20        Pass

WLAN ac-    40 MHz; 13,5
 Mode       Mbit/s MCS0     100.0%       5230.0        16.4       43.65       1.0000      0.025        20        Pass

WLAN ac-    80 MHz; 433
 Mode       Mbit/s MCS0     100.0%       5690.0        13.2       20.89       1.0000      0.012        20        Pass

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Table for IC Limits

                                               Maximum     Equivalent              MPE
                                               Conducted   conducted               Value
                                               output      output       IC MPE     using Max   Separation
                          Duty     Frequency   power       power        Limit      gain        distance
  Band         Mode       Cycle    (MHZ)       (dBm)       (mW)         (mW/cm²)   (mW/cm²)    (cm)          Verdict
   WLAN b-
   Mode; 20    DSSS, 11
      MHz       Mbps                2462.0       23.6        229.09      0.5442      0.108         20        PASS
   WLAN g-
   Mode; 20     OFDM,
      MHz      36 Mbps              2437.0       24.9        309.03      0.5404      0.146         20        PASS
   WLAN n-
   Mode; 20     OFDM,
      MHz       MCS3                2437.0       25.4        346.74      0.5404      0.163         20        PASS
   WLAN n-
   Mode; 40    OFDM,
      MHz       MCS4      100.0%    2437.0       23.2        208.93      0.5404      0.098         20        PASS
               GFSK 1-
   Bluetooth    DH1       30.88%    2402.0       10.3         3.31       0.5351      0.002         20        PASS
   WLAN a-
   Mode; 20
      MHz      6 Mbit/s   100.0%    5260.0        17         50.12       0.9142      0.029         20        PASS
   WLAN n-        6,5
   Mode; 20     Mbit/s
      MHz       MCS0      100.0%    5260.0       16.8        47.86       0.9142      0.027         20        PASS
   WLAN n-       13,5
   Mode; 40     Mbit/s
      MHz       MCS0      100.0%    5230.0       16.4        43.65       0.9107      0.025         20        PASS
               20 MHz;
   WLAN ac-     Mbit/s
     Mode       MCS0      100.0%    5260.0       16.7        46.77       0.9142      0.027         20        PASS
               40 MHz;
   WLAN ac-     Mbit/s
     Mode       MCS0      100.0%    5230.0       16.4        43.65       0.9107      0.025         20        PASS
               80 MHz;
   WLAN ac-     Mbit/s
     Mode       MCS0      100.0%    5690.0       13.2        20.89       0.9647      0.012         20        PASS

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3.2 RF Exposure Evaluation for multiple transmitters in co-location

                                 OET Bulletin 65 Edition 97-01 August 1997
                                            FCC 47 CFR §1.1307
                                            FCC 47 CFR §1.1310
                                      RSS-102 Issue 5 – March 2015

3.2.1 Co-Location Considerations
The calculation below is used to consider situations in which simultaneous exposure to fields of different
frequencies occur. The calculation is performed by the sum of each relative exposure for each equipment per
the following criteria.

Seq is the power density of the electromagnetic field at a given distance by a specific transmitter and a defined
Slin is the MPE limit for the frequency being evaluated.

3.2.2 Assumptions

1. Primary transmitter does not support power reduction for multiple time slots on the uplink.
2. Antenna separation from module to human body is ≥ 20cm.
3. Separation distance between co-located transmitting antennas is 0cm.

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3.2.3 Test Protocol
Below are the relative exposure values for the primary, secondary and combined primary + secondary
transmitters for both FCC and Industry Canada limits.

                           Relative exposure for Primary Transmitter for FCC

                                                                           Seq            Slin           ----------
                                              Power         Frequency
 OP-Mode             Mode                     (mW)          (MHZ)          (mW/cm²)       (mW/cm²)        SLin            Verdict
  WLAN b-Mode; 20
        MHz             DSSS, 11 Mbps           229.0868         2462.0       0.1078        1.0000     0.10782774         Pass
  WLAN g-Mode; 20
        MHz             OFDM, 36 Mbps           309.0295         2437.0       0.1455        1.0000     0.14545562         Pass
  WLAN n-Mode; 20
        MHz                OFDM, MCS3           346.7369         2437.0       0.1632        1.0000     0.16320389         Pass
  WLAN n-Mode; 40
        MHz                OFDM, MCS4           208.9296         2437.0       0.0983        1.0000     0.09834007         Pass
     Bluetooth             GFSK 1-DH1             3.3113         2402.0       0.0016        1.0000     0.00155859         Pass
  WLAN a-Mode; 20
        MHz                  6 Mbit/s            50.1187         5260.0       0.0288        1.0000     0.02875613         Pass
  WLAN n-Mode; 20
        MHz             6,5 Mbit/s MCS0          47.8630         5260.0       0.0275        1.0000      0.0274619         Pass
  WLAN n-Mode; 40
        MHz            13,5 Mbit/s MCS0          43.6516         5230.0       0.0250        1.0000     0.02504555         Pass
                      20 MHz; 6,5 Mbit/s
   WLAN ac-Mode              MCS0                46.7735         5260.0       0.0268        1.0000     0.02683679         Pass
                      40 MHz; 13,5 Mbit/s
   WLAN ac-Mode              MCS0                43.6516         5230.0       0.0250        1.0000     0.02504555         Pass
                      80 MHz; 433 Mbit/s
   WLAN ac-Mode              MCS0                20.8930         5690.0       0.0120        1.0000     0.01198755         Pass

                  Relative exposure for Primary Transmitter for Industry Canada
                                                                        Seq        Slin               ----------
                                            Power          Frequency
 OP-Mode            Mode                    (mW)           (MHZ)        (mW/cm²)   (mW/cm²)             SLin             Verdict
 WLAN b-Mode; 20
       MHz            DSSS, 11 Mbps            229.0868       2462.0      0.1078       0.5442        0.198147575         Pass
 WLAN g-Mode; 20
       MHz            OFDM, 36 Mbps            309.0295       2437.0      0.1455       0.5404        0.269164602         Pass
 WLAN n-Mode; 20
       MHz             OFDM, MCS3              346.7369       2437.0      0.1632       0.5404         0.30200765         Pass
 WLAN n-Mode; 40
       MHz             OFDM, MCS4              208.9296       2437.0      0.0983       0.5404        0.181977605         Pass
    Bluetooth          GFSK 1-DH1                3.3113       2402.0      0.0016       0.5351        0.002912805         Pass
 WLAN a-Mode; 20
       MHz                 6 Mbit/s             50.1187       5260.0      0.0288       0.9142        0.031453817         Pass
 WLAN n-Mode; 20
       MHz            6,5 Mbit/s MCS0           47.8630       5260.0      0.0275       0.9142        0.030038162         Pass
 WLAN n-Mode; 40
       MHz           13,5 Mbit/s MCS0           43.6516       5230.0      0.0250       0.9107        0.027502423         Pass
                    20 MHz; 6,5 Mbit/s
  WLAN ac-Mode             MCS0                 46.7735       5260.0      0.0268       0.9142         0.02935441         Pass
                    40 MHz; 13,5 Mbit/s
  WLAN ac-Mode             MCS0                 43.6516       5230.0      0.0250       0.9107        0.027502423         Pass
                    80 MHz; 433 Mbit/s
  WLAN ac-Mode             MCS0                 20.8930       5690.0      0.0120       0.9647        0.012426571         Pass

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                         Simultaneous exposure for FCC
                                       Maximum                Maximum              (Spri/Slim_pri)
                           Frequency                          Spri/Slim_pri +       + (Ssec /
 OP-Mode     Transmitter   (MHZ)       Seq / SLin             Ssec / Slin_Sec      Slin_Sec) < 1

               GFSK 1-
 Bluetooth      DH1          2402                   0.0016
                                                                  0.1648            Compliant
 WLAN n-
 Mode; 20      OFDM,
  MHz           MCS3         2437                   0.1632
               GFSK 1-
 Bluetooth      DH1          2402                   0.0016
 WLAN a-
 Mode; 20
    MHz       6 Mbit/s       5260                   0.0288        0.0303            Compliant

             Simultaneous exposure for Industry Canada
                                         Maximum             Maximum            (Spri/Slim_pri)
                           Frequency                         Spri/Slim_pri +     + (Ssec /
 OP-Mode     Transmitter   (MHZ)         Seq / SLin          Ssec / Slin_Sec    Slin_Sec) < 1

 Bluetooth   GFSK 1-DH1        2402             0.0029
                                                                 0.3049          Compliant
 WLAN n-
 Mode; 20      OFDM,
  MHz          MCS3            2437             0.3020

 Bluetooth   GFSK 1-DH1        2402             0.0029
 WLAN a-
 Mode; 20
    MHz       6 Mbit/s         5260             0.0315           0.0344          Compliant


 The calculations above demonstrate that the highest calculated power density for the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi and 5
 GHz Wi-Fi in combination with the highest calculated Bluetooth Power density are under the limits for
 General Population/Uncontrolled exposure. Thus, it can be concluded that all other modes, data rates
 and channel combinations supported by this device are also under these limits.

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Document Created: 2016-10-12 17:22:34
Document Modified: 2016-10-12 17:22:34

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