

Test Report

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FCC Measurement/Technical Report on

WLAN/Bluetooth/NFC module
EMMY-W161 and EMMY-W163
NFC part
Re por t Re fe r e n ce : MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1


EMMY-W161: 8595A-EMMYW161
EMMY-W163: 8595A-EMMYW163

 Te st La bora t or y :
 7layers GmbH
 Borsigstrasse 11
 40880 Ratingen

 The following test results relate only to the devices specified in this document. This report shall not be reproduced in parts
 without the written approval of the test laboratory.

 7 la ye r s Gm bH                  Geschäftsführer/
 Borsigstraße 11                    Managing Directors:                Registergericht/registered:                          a Bureau Verit as
 40880 Ratingen, Germany            Frank Spiller                      Düsseldorf HRB 75554                                 Group Com pany
 T +49 (0) 2102 749 0               Bernhard Retka                     USt-Id.-Nr./VAT-No. DE203159652
 F +49 (0) 2102 749 350             Alexandre Norré-Oudard             Steuer-Nr./TAX-No. 147/5869/0385           

 Commerzbank AG Account No. 303 016 000 Bank Code 300 400 00        IBAN DE81 3004 0000 0303 0160 00 Swift Code COBADEFF

Ta ble of Con t e n t s

0    Su m m a r y                                                                  3
    0.1     Technical Report Summary                                                3
    0.2     Measurement Summary                                                     4
    Re vision H ist or y                                                            4

1    Adm in ist r a t ive D a t a                                                  5
    1.1   Testing Laboratory                                                        5
    1.2   Project Data                                                              5
    1.3   Applicant Data                                                            5
    1.4   Manufacturer Data                                                         5

2    Te st obj e ct D a t a                                                        6
    2.1   General EUT Description                                                   6
    2.2   EUT Main components                                                       7
    2.3   Ancillary Equipment                                                       7
    2.4   Auxiliary Equipment                                                       7
    2.5   EUT Setups                                                                8
    2.6   Operating Modes                                                           8
    2.7   Special software used for testing                                         8
    2.8   Product labelling                                                         8

3    Te st Re su lt s                                                              9
    3.1   Conducted Emissions AC Power line                                        9
    3.2   Spurious radiated emissions                                             12
    3.3   Occupied bandwidth                                                      16
    3.4   Spectrum mask                                                           17
    3.5   Frequency tolerance                                                     18

4    Te st Equ ipm e n t                                                         21
5    Ph ot o Re por t                                                            23
6    Se t u p D r a w in gs                                                      23
7    FCC a n d I C Cor r e la t ion of m e a su r e m e n t r e qu ir e m e n t s 2 4
8    An n e x m e a su r e m e n t plot s                                        25
    8.1   Radiated emissions                                                      25
    8.2   AC Mains conducted                                                      27
    8.3   Occupied bandwidth                                                      29
    8.4   Spectrum mask                                                           30

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0     Su m m a r y
0 .1 Te ch n ica l Re por t Su m m a r y

Type of Aut h or iza t ion
Certification for an intentional radiator operating at 13.56 MHz

Applica ble FCC Ru le s

Prepared in accordance with the requirements of FCC Rules and Regulations as listed in
47 CFR Ch.1 Parts 2 (10-1-15 Edition) and 15 (10-1-15 Edition). The following subparts
are applicable to the results in this test report.

Part 2, Subpart J - Equipment Authorization Procedures, Certification

Part 15, Subpart C – Intentional Radiators

§ 15.205     Restricted bands of operation

§ 15.207     Conducted limits

§ 15.209     Radiated emission limits; general requirements

§ 15.215     Additional provisions to the general radiated emission limitations

§ 15.225     Operation within the band 13.110-14.010 MHz

ANSI C63.10-2013 is applied

Sum m a r y Te st Re su lt s:

Th e EUT com plie d w it h a ll pe r for m e d t e st s a s list e d in ch a pt e r 0 .2 M e a sur e m e n t
Sum m a r y.

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0 .2 M e a su r e m e n t Su m m a r y

FCC Pa r t 1 5 , Subpa r t C          § 1 5 .2 0 7
Conducted Emissions AC Power line
The measurement was performed according to ANSI C63.10                          2013
OP- M ode             Se t up         Por t                                     Fina l Re sult
op-mode 1             Setup_01        DC power supply                           passed

FCC Pa r t 1 5 , Subpa r t C          § 1 5 .2 0 9
Radiated Emissions
The measurement was performed according to ANSI C63.10                          2013
OP- M ode             Se t up         Por t                                     Fina l Re sult
op-mode 1             Setup_01        NFC antenna                               passed

FCC Pa r t 1 5 , Subpa r t C          § 1 5 .2 1 5
Occupied Bandwidth
The measurement was performed according to ANSI C63.10                          2013
OP- M ode             Se t up         Por t                                     Fina l Re sult
op-mode 1             Setup_02        NFC antenna                               passed

FCC Pa r t 1 5 , Subpa r t C          § 1 5 .2 2 5
Spectrum Mask
The measurement was performed according to ANSI C63.10                          2013
OP- M ode             Se t up         Por t                                     Fina l Re sult
op-mode 1             Setup_01        NFC antenna                               passed

FCC Pa r t 1 5 , Subpa r t C          § 1 5 .2 2 5
Frequency Tolerance
The measurement was performed according to ANSI C63.10                          2013
OP- M ode             Se t up         Por t                                     Fina l Re sult
op-mode 2             Setup_01        NFC antenna                               passed

Re vision H ist or y

                                    Re por t ve r sion con t r ol
 Ve r sion    Re le a se da t e   Ch a n ge D e scr ipt ion           Ve r sion va lidit y
 initial      2016-03-30          --                                  invalid
 Rev.1        2016-04-01          Page 1: Change of FCC ID and IC ID. valid
                                  Page 7: Change of Type Designation
                                  from W161 to EMMY-W161 and
                                  W163 to EMMY-W163.

                                       WOLFGANG PETER
                                       RICHTER                                          DOBRIN TODOROV DOBRINOV

Responsible for                        2016.04.01 18:19:41   Responsible                2016.04.01 18:15:47 +02'00'

Accreditation Scope:                                         for Test Report:

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1     Adm in ist r a t ive D a t a
1 .1 Te st in g La bor a t or y

Company Name:                              7layers GmbH

Address                                    Borsigstr. 11
                                           40880 Ratingen

This facility has been fully described in a report submitted to the FCC and accepted
under the registration number 96716.

The test facility is also accredited by the following accreditation organisation:
Laboratory accreditation no.:                DAkkS D-PL-12140-01-01

Responsible for Accreditation Scope:       Dipl.-Ing. Bernhard Retka
                                           Dipl.-Ing. Robert Machulec
                                           Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Petz
                                           Dipl.-Ing. Marco Kullik
                                           Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Richter
Report Template Version:                   2015-08-24

1 .2 Pr oj e ct D a t a

Responsible for testing and report:        Dipl.-Ing. Dobrin Dobrinov

Date of Test(s):                           2016-01-04 to 2016-01-12
Date of Report:                            2016-04-01

1 .3 Applica n t D a t a

Company Name:                              u-blox AG
Address:                                   Zürcherstrasse 68
                                           8800 Thalwil

Contact Person:                            Mr. Giulio Comar

1 .4 M a n u fa ct u r e r D a t a
Company Name:                              please see applicant data


Contact Person:

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2     Te st obj e ct D a t a
2 .1 Ge n e r a l EUT D e scr ipt ion

Equ ipm e n t u n de r Te st              WLAN/Bluetooth/NFC module
Type D e sign a t ion :                   EMMY-W161 and EMMY-W163
Kin d of D e vice :                       NFC transceiver at 13.56 MHz
( opt iona l)
Volt a ge Type :                          DC
Volt a ge le ve l:                        3.3 V

Ge n e r a l pr odu ct de scr ipt ion :

EMMY-W161 and EMMY-W163 are ultra-compact multi-radio modules providing Wi-Fi,
Classic Bluetooth, Bluetooth low energy and NFC mode of operation.
It is designed for both simultaneous and independent operations of:
• Wi-Fi IEEE 802.11ac and a/b/g/n
• Dual-mode Bluetooth 4.2

Spe cific pr odu ct de scr ipt ion for t h e EUT:

EMMY-W161: Shielded module, single antenna pin for WLAN 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n and
Bluetooth communication
EMMY-W163: Shielded module, separate antenna pins for WLAN 802.11 ac/a/b/g/n and
Bluetooth communication

According to the applicant, there is no difference between the two modules, regarding
NFC parameters and functionality.

Th e EUT pr ovide s t h e follow in g por t s:

Por t s

- DC power supply
- NFC antenna

Th e m a in com pon e n t s of t h e EUT a r e list e d a nd de scr ibe d in Cha pt e r 2 .2 .

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2 .2 EUT M a in com pon e n t s

Type , S/ N , Sh or t D e scr ipt ion s e t c. u se d in t h is Te st Re por t

      Sh or t        Equ ipm e n t           Type           Se r ia l N o.   H W St a t u s   SW St a t u s    D a t e of
  D e scr ipt ion    u n de r Te st     D e sign a t ion                                                       Re ce ipt
EUT A                RFID               EMMY-W161                    ‒             03              n/a        2015-12-08
(Code:               transceiver
Remark: EUT A is    connected to evaluation board equipped with PCB loop antenna.
EUT B                RFID         EMMY-W163           ‒             03            n/a                         2015-12-08
(Code:               transceiver
Remark: EUT B is    connected to evaluation board equipped with PCB loop antenna.

N OTE: Th e sh or t de scr ipt ion is u se d t o sim plify t h e ide n t ifica t ion of t h e EUT in t h is t e st
r e por t .

2 .3 An cilla r y Equ ipm e n t

For the purposes of this test report, ancillary equipment is defined as equipment which is
used in conjunction with the EUT to provide operational and control features to the EUT.
It is necessary to configure the system in a typical fashion, as a customer would normally
use it. But nevertheless Ancillary Equipment can influence the test results.

    Sh or t       Equ ipm e n t            Type            Se r ia l N o.    H W St a t u s   SW St a t u s    FCC I D
D e scr ipt ion   u n de r Te st      D e sign a t ion
       ‒                ‒                    ‒                   ‒                 ‒               ‒              ‒

2 .4 Au x ilia r y Equ ipm e n t

For the purposes of this test report, auxiliary equipment is defined as equipment which is
used temporarily to enable operational and control features especially used for the tests
of the EUT which is not used during normal operation or equipment that is used during
the tests in combination with the EUT but is not subject of this test report. It is necessary
to configure the system in a typical fashion, as a customer would normally use it.
But nevertheless Auxiliary Equipment can influence the test results.

    Sh or t       Equ ipm e n t            Type            Se r ia l n o.    H W St a t u s   SW St a t u s    FCC I D
D e scr ipt ion   u n de r Te st      D e sign a t ion
AUX 1                Laptop                 Acer           8210205723              -             Linux            -
                                        Mod: LD1
AUX 2               AC/DC                  Liteon          8312774105         Rev:A05               -             -
                    adapter            Technology
AUX 3             Evaluation           EVB-EMMY-                                  02              n/a             -
                    board                   161
AUX 4               AC/DC               PeakTech           081062045               -                -             -
                    power                 6005D

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2 .5 EUT Se t u ps

This chapter describes the combination of EUTs and equipment used for testing. The
rationale for selecting the EUTs, ancillary and auxiliary equipment and interconnecting
cables, is to test a representative configuration meeting the requirements of the
referenced standards.

Se t u p N o.      Com bin a t ion of EUTs                          D e scr ipt ion a n d Ra t ion a le
Setup_01              EUT A + AUX 4                  Setup for Frequency Tolerance, Spectrum Mask, AC Power
                                                                    Line and Occupied BW tests
 Setup_02               EUT B + AUX 4                            Setup for Spurious Emissions tests

2 .6 Ope r a t in g M ode s

This chapter describes the operating modes of the EUTs used for testing.

Op. M ode       D e scr ipt ion of Ope r a t in g M ode s        Re m a r k s
op-mode 1       modulated carrier signal                        EUT is transmitting a periodic modulated signal
                                                                and is continuously reading TAG information.
op-mode 2       CW carrier signal                               EUT is transmitting a non-modulated signal

2 .7 Spe cia l soft w a r e u se d for t e st in g

Using AUX 1 to AUX 3 and a Marvell software provided by the applicant, it is possible to
set the EUT operating modes.

2 .8 Pr odu ct la be llin g

2 .8 .1    FCC I D la be l

Please refer to the customer documentation.

2 .8 .2 I C I D la be l

Please refer to the customer documentation.

2 .8 .3    Loca t ion of t h e la be l on t he EUT

Please refer to the customer documentation.

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3      Te st Re su lt s
3 .1 Con du ct e d Em ission s AC Pow e r lin e

St a n da r d   FCC Part 15, 10-1-15 Edition Subpart C

Th e t e st w a s pe r for m e d a ccor din g t o: ANSI C63.10–2013 + KDB 174176 D01

3 .1 .1 Te st D e scr ipt ion

The test set-up was made in accordance to the general provisions of ANSI C 63.10
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was setup in a shielded room to perform the conducted
emissions measurements in a typical installation configuration. The EUT was powered
from 50µH || 50 Ohm Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN). The LISN’s unused
connections were terminated with 50 Ohm loads.

The measurement procedure consists of two steps. It is implemented into the EMI test
software EMC-32 from R&S.

St e p 1 : Pr e lim ina r y sca n
Intention of this step is, to determine the conducted EMI-profile of the EUT.
EMI receiver settings:
- Detector: Peak – Maxhold & Average
- Frequency range: 150 kHz – 30 MHz
- Frequency steps: 2.5 kHz
- IF–Bandwidth: 9 kHz
- Measuring time / Frequency step: 100 ms (FFT-based)
- Measurement on phase + neutral lines of the power cords

On basis of this preliminary scan the highest amplitudes and the corresponding
frequencies relative to the limit are identified. Emissions above the limit and emissions
which are in the 10 dB range below the limit are considered.

St e p 2 : Fina l m e a su r e m e n t
Intention of this step is, to determine the highest emissions with the settings defined in
the test specification for the frequencies identified in step 1.
EMI receiver settings:
- Detector: Quasi-Peak
- IF Bandwidth: 9 kHz
- Measuring time: 1 s / frequency

At each frequency determined in step 1, four measurements are performed in the
following combinations:
1) Neutral lead - reference ground (PE grounded)
2) Phase lead - reference ground (PE grounded)
3) Neutral lead - reference ground (PE floating)
4) Phase lead - reference ground (PE floating)

The highest value is reported.

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KD B 1 7 4 1 7 6 D 0 1 , Q5 . D e vice s Ope r a t ing Be low 3 0 M H z

For a device with a permanent or detachable antenna operating at or below 30 MHz, the
FCC will accept measurements performed with a suitable dummy load in lieu of the
antenna under the following conditions:
(1) perform the AC power-line conducted tests with the antenna connected to determine
compliance with Section 15.207 limits outside the transmitter's fundamental emission
(2) retest with a dummy load in lieu of the antenna to determine compliance with Section
15.207 limits within the transmitter's fundamental emission band.
For a detachable antenna, remove the antenna and connect a suitable dummy load to the
antenna connector. For a permanent antenna, remove the antenna and terminate the RF
output with a dummy load or network which simulates the antenna in the fundamental
frequency band.

3 .1 .2 Te st Re qu ir e m e n t s / Lim it s

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, §15.207

  Frequency Range (MHz)             QP Limit (dBµV)            AV Limit (dBµV)
        0.15 – 0.5                     66 to 56                   56 to 46
         0.5 – 5                          56                         46
          5 – 30                          60                         50

Used conversion factor: Limit (dBµV) = 20 log (Limit (µV)/1µV).

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3 .1 .3 Te st Pr ot ocol

Temperature:        23 °C
Air Pressure:       1010 hPa
Humidity:           35 %

Op. M ode           Se t up                      Por t
op-mode 1           Setup_01                     DC Port (power line)

Measurements are performed according to KDB 174176 D01

Step (1). Measurements performed with the EUT dedicated antenna
Frequency       QuasiPeak             Average              Limit        Margin         Line         PE
  (MHz)          (dBµV)               (dBµV)              (dBµV)         (dB)

13.454250                 48.64                    ---        60.00         11.36       L1        GND
13.560000                    ---                62.59         50.00        -12.59       N         GND
13.560000                 62.89                    ---        60.00         -2.89       N         GND
13.665750                 49.04                    ---        60.00         10.96       N         GND

Step (2). Measurements provided with a dummy antenna
Frequency        QuasiPeak            Average              Limit        Margin         Line         PE
  (MHz)           (dBµV)              (dBµV)              (dBµV)         (dB)

   0.217500                    ---               23.31         52.91         29.61      L1         GND
   0.339000                 23.36                   ---        59.23         35.87      N          GND
  13.348500                    ---               24.65         50.00         25.35      L1         GND
  13.454250                    ---               22.30         50.00         27.70      L1         GND
  13.454250                 27.39                   ---        60.00         32.61      N          GND
  13.560000                    ---               41.43         50.00          8.57      L1         GND
  13.560000                 41.57                   ---        60.00         18.43      N          GND
  13.665750                 27.40                   ---        60.00         32.60      N          GND
  13.665750                    ---               22.26         50.00         27.74      L1         GND
  13.771500                    ---               24.43         50.00         25.57      L1         GND
  23.583750                    ---               27.86         50.00         22.14      N          GND
  26.907000                    ---               29.66         50.00         20.34      L1         FLO
  27.120750                 46.86                   ---        60.00         13.14      L1         FLO
  27.120750                    ---               46.55         50.00          3.45      L1         FLO
  27.332250                    ---               29.58         50.00         20.42      N          FLO

Remark: Please see annex for the measurement plots.

The conducted emission found in the tables above corresponds clearly to the fixed transmitter frequency of the
EUT. It was determined that this emission on the AC mains is based on radiated coupling into the test setup.
Therefore, for the assessment of the test result, the fixed transmitter frequency of the EUT is not considered.

The chosen operating mode is selected as representative mode to generate “worst-case” conditions, i.e. high
power consumption.

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3 .2 Spu r iou s r a dia t e d e m ission s

St a n da r d   FCC Part 15, 10-1-11 Edition Subpart C

Th e t e st w a s pe r for m e d a ccor din g t o: ANSI C63.10–2013

3 .2 .1 Te st D e scr ipt ion

The test set-up was made in accordance to the general provisions of ANSI C63.10 in a
typical installation configuration. The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was set up on a non-
conductive table 1.0 x 2.0 m² in the semi-anechoic chamber. The influence of the EUT
support table that is used between 30–1000 MHz was evaluated.
The measurement procedure is implemented into the EMI test software EMC32 from R&S.
Exploratory tests are performed at 3 orthogonal axes to determine the worst-case
orientation of a body-worn or handheld EUT. The final test on all kind of EUTs is also
performed at 3 axes. A pre-check is performed while the EUT is powered from a DC
power source.

1 . M e a su r e m e n t u p t o 3 0 M H z
The Loop antenna HFH2-Z2 is used.

St e p 1 : pre measurement
      Anechoic chamber
      Antenna distance: 3 m
      Detector: Peak-Maxhold
      Frequency range: 0.009 - 0.15 MHz and 0.15 – 30 MHz
      Frequency steps: 0.05 kHz and 2.25 kHz
      IF–Bandwidth: 0.2 kHz and 9 kHz
      Measuring time / Frequency step: 100 ms (FFT-based)
Intention of this step is, to determine the radiated EMI-profile of the EUT. Afterwards the
relevant emissions for the final measurement are identified.

St e p 2 : final measurement
For the relevant emissions determined in step 1, an additional measurement with the
following settings will be performed. Intention of this step is to find the maximum
emission level.
      Open area test side
      Antenna distance: according to the Standard
      Detector: Quasi-Peak
      Frequency range: 0.009 – 30 MHz
      Frequency steps: measurement at frequencies detected in step 1
      IF–Bandwidth: 0.2 - 10 kHz
      Measuring time / Frequency step: 1 s

2 . M e a su r e m e n t a bove 3 0 M H z a n d u p t o 1 GH z

St e p 1 : Preliminary scan
This is a preliminary test to identify the highest amplitudes relative to the limit.
Settings for step 1:
- Antenna distance: 3 m
- Detector: Peak-Maxhold / Quasipeak (FFT-based)
- Frequency range: 30 – 1000 MHz
- Frequency steps: 30 kHz

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- IF–Bandwidth: 120 kHz
- Measuring time / Frequency step: 100 ms
- Turntable angle range: –180° to 90°
- Turntable step size: 90°
- Height variation range: 1 – 3 m
- Height variation step size: 2 m
- Polarisation: Horizontal + Vertical
Intention of this step is, to determine the radiated EMI-profile of the EUT. Afterwards the
relevant emissions for the final measurement are identified.

St e p 2 : Adjustment measurement
In this step the accuracy of the turntable azimuth and antenna height will be improved.
This is necessary to find out the maximum value of every frequency.
For each frequency, which was determined the turntable azimuth and antenna height will
be adjusted. The turntable azimuth will slowly vary by ± 45° around this value. During
this action, the value of emission is continuously measured. The turntable azimuth at the
highest emission will be recorded and adjusted. In this position, the antenna height will
also slowly vary by ± 100 cm around the antenna height determined. During this action,
the value of emission is also continuously measured. The antenna height of the highest
emission will also be recorded and adjusted.
- Detector: Peak – Maxhold
- Measured frequencies: in step 1 determined frequencies
- IF – Bandwidth: 120 kHz
- Measuring time: 100 ms
- Turntable angle range: ± 45 ° around the determined value
- Height variation range: ± 100 cm around the determined value
- Antenna Polarisation: max. value determined in step 1

St e p 3 : Final measurement with QP detector
With the settings determined in step 3, the final measurement will be performed:
EMI receiver settings for step 4:
- Detector: Quasi-Peak (< 1 GHz)
- Measured frequencies: in step 1 determined frequencies
- IF – Bandwidth: 120 kHz
- Measuring time: 1 s

After the measurement a plot will be generated this contains a diagram with the results
of the preliminary scan and a chart with the frequencies and values of the results of the
final measurement.

3 . M e a sur e m e nt a bove 1 GH z
The following modifications apply to the measurement procedure for the frequency range
above 1 GHz:
St e p 1 :
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was set up on a non-conductive support (tilt device) at
1.5 m height in the fully-anechoic chamber.
All steps were performed with one height of the receiving antenna only.
The EUT is turned during the preliminary measurement across the elevation axis, with a
step size of 90 °.
The turn table step size (azimuth angle) for the preliminary measurement is 45 °.
St e p 2 :
Due to the fact, that in this frequency range the test is performed in a fully anechoic
room, the height scan of the receiving antenna instep 2 is omitted. Instead of this, a
maximum search with a step size ± 45° for the elevation axis is performed.
The turn table azimuth will slowly vary by ± 22.5°.
The elevation angle will slowly vary by ± 45°

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EMI receiver settings (for all steps):
- Detector: Peak, Average
- IF Bandwidth = 1 MHz
St e p 3 :
Spectrum analyser settings for step 3:
- Detector: Peak / Average
- Measured frequencies: in step 1 determined frequencies
- IF – Bandwidth: 1 MHz
- Measuring time: 1 s

3 .2 .2 Te st Re qu ir e m e n t s / Lim it s

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, §15.247 (d)
... In addition, radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in Section
15.205(a), must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in Section
15.209(a) (see Section 15.205(c)).

FCC Part 15, Subpart C, §15.209, Radiated Emission Limits

Frequency in MHz    Limit (µV/m)                           Limits (dBµV/m)
                                            distance (m)
0.009 – 0.49        2400/F(kHz)@300m        3              (48.5 – 13.8)@300m
0.49 – 1.705        24000/F(kHz)@30m        3              (33.8 – 23.0)@30m
1.705 – 30          30@30m                  3              29.5@30m

The measured values are corrected with an inverse linear distance extrapolation factor
(40 dB/decade) according FCC 15.31 (2).

Frequency in MHz    Limit (µV/m)                           Limits (dBµV/m)
                                            distance (m)
30 – 88             100@3m                  3              40.0@3m
88 – 216            150@3m                  3              43.5@3m
216 – 960           200@3m                  3              46.0@3m
960 - 26000         500@3m                  3              54.0@3m
26000 - 40000       500@3m                  1              54.0@3m

The measured values above 26 GHz are corrected with an inverse linear distance
extrapolation factor (20 dB/decade).

§15.35(b) ..., there is also a limit on the radio frequency emissions, as measured using
instrumentation with a peak detector function, corresponding to 20 dB above the
maximum permitted average limit....

Used conversion factor: Limit (dBµV/m) = 20 log (Limit (µV/m)/1µV/m)

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3 .2 .3 Te st Pr ot ocol

Temperature:           23 °C
Air Pressure:          1009 hPa
Humidity:              38 %

3 .2 .3 .1 M e a sur e m e nt up t o 3 0 M H z

Op. M ode              Se t up                               Por t
op-mode 1              Setup_01                              Enclosure

  Pola r i-   Fr e que n cy          Cor r e ct e d va lue           Lim it    Lim it      Lim it   D e lt a t o   D e lt a t o
  sa t ion        MHz                    dBµ V/ m                   dBµ V/    dBµ V/      dBµ V/      lim it         lim it
                                                                       m         m           m          dB             dB
                                QP          Pe a k       AV           QP       Pe a k       AV      QP/ Pe a k         AV

    0°             –             –            –              –         –         –           –           –              –
    90°            –             –            –              –         –         –           –           –              –

Remark: No spurious emissions in the range 20 dB below the limit found therefore step 2 was not
        performed. Please refer to the plot in the annex.

3 .2 .3 .2 M e a sur e m e n t a bove 3 0 M H z

Op. M ode              Se t up                               Por t
op-mode 1              Setup_01                              Enclosure

  Pola r i-   Fr e que n cy          Cor r e ct e d va lue           Lim it    Lim it      Lim it   D e lt a t o   D e lt a t o
  sa t ion        MHz                    dBµ V/ m                   dBµ V/    dBµ V/      dBµ V/      lim it         lim it
                                                                       m         m           m          dB             dB
                                QP          Pe a k       AV           QP       Pe a k       AV      QP/ Pe a k         AV

 Horizontal     352.56          38.4          –              –       46.0        –           –         7.62             –
 Horizontal     352.56          35.8          –              –       46.0        –           –         10.2             –

Remark: No further spurious emissions in the range 20 dB below the limit found.

3 .2 .4 Te st r e su lt : Spu r iou s r a dia t e d e m ission s
                         FCC Pa r t 1 5 , Su bpa r t C           Op. M ode              Re su lt
                                                                 op-mode 1              passed

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                                                   Page 15 of 30

3 .3      Occu pie d ba n dw idt h

St a n da r d       FCC Part 15, 10-1-15 Edition Subpart C

Th e t e st w a s pe r for m e d a ccor din g t o: FCC §15.31

3 .3 .1     Te st D e scr ipt ion
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was setup in a shielded room to perform the occupied
bandwidth measurements.
The reference level is the level of the highest amplitude signal observed from the
transmitter at either the fundamental frequency or first-order modulation products in all
typical modes of operation, including the unmodulated carrier, even if atypical.
The results recorded were measured with the modulation which produces the worst-case
(widest) occupied bandwidth.

3 .3 .2     Te st Re quir e m e n t s / Lim it s
FCC Part 15, Subpart C, §15.215 (c)
Intentional radiators operating under the alternative provisions to the general emission
limits, as contained in §§ 15.217 through 15.257 and in Subpart E of this part, must be
designed to ensure that the 20 dB bandwidth of the emission, or whatever bandwidth
may otherwise be specified in the specific rule section under which the equipment
operates, is contained within the frequency band designated in the rule section under
which the equipment is operated. …

3 .3 .3     Te st Pr ot ocol

Temperature:           22 °C
Air Pressure:          1013 hPa
Humidity:              45 %

Op. M ode              Se t up                         Por t
op-mode 1              Setup_02                        Enclosure

       2 0 dB ba n dw idt h               9 9 % ba n dw idt h                     Re m a r k s
              kHz                                kHz
            432.960                            492.051             The 20 dB bandwidth from 13.34322 MHz
                                                                    to 13.77618 MHz is contained within the
                                                                   designated frequency band 13.110 MHz to
                                                                                 14.010 MHz.

Remark: Please see annex for the measurement plot.

3 .3 .4 Te st r e su lt : Occu pie d ba ndw idt h
                    FCC Pa r t 1 5 , Su bpa r t C   Op. M ode               Re su lt
                                                    op-mode 1               passed

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                                    Page 16 of 30

3 .4      Spe ct r u m m a sk

St a n da r d        FCC Part 15, 10-1-15 Edition Subpart C

Th e t e st w a s pe r for m e d a ccor din g t o: FCC §15.225

3 .4 .1    Te st D e scr ipt ion

The test set-up was made in accordance to the general provisions of ANSI C 63.10–2013.
The Equipment Under Test (EUT) was set up on a non-conductive table in the anechoic
The radiated emissions measurements were made in a typical installation configuration.
The measurement procedure is implemented into the EMI test software ES-K1 from R&S.
The Loop antenna HFH2-Z2 is used.

-   Anechoic chamber
-   Antenna distance: 3 m
-   Detector: Peak-Maxhold
-   Frequency range: 13.06 – 14.06 MHz
-   Frequency steps: 5 kHz
-   IF–Bandwidth:10 kHz
-   Measuring time / Frequency step: 100 ms

3 .4 .2    Te st Lim it s
FCC Part 15, Subpart C, §15.225 (a-d), and §15.209, corrected by the means of the
extrapolation of §15.31 due to the reduced measuring distance from 30 m to 3 m with an
inverse linear distance extrapolation factor (40 dB/decade).

3 .4 .3 Te st Pr ot ocol

Temperature:            22 °C
Air Pressure:           1013 hPa
Humidity:               40 %

Op. M ode               Se t up                       Por t
op-mode 1               Setup_01                      Enclosure

       M a x im u m va lu e                    Lim it                    Re m a r k s
       dBµ V/ m @ 3 0 m                   dBµ V/ m @ 3 0 m
              15.56                             84.0              measuring distance 3 m

Remark: Please see annex for the measurement plot.

3 .4 .4 Te st r e su lt : Spe ct r u m m a sk
                    FCC Pa r t 1 5 , Su bpa r t C   Op. M ode      Re su lt
                                                    op-mode 1      passed

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                           Page 17 of 30

3 .5      Fr e qu e n cy t ole r a n ce

St a n da r d      FCC Part 15, 10-1-15 Edition Subpart C

Th e t e st w a s pe r for m e d a ccor din g t o: FCC §15.225

3 .5 .1    Te st D e scr ipt ion

The Equipment Under Test (EUT) is placed in a temperature chamber.
The frequency drift during temperature and voltage variation is measured by the means
of a spectrum analyzer with frequency counter function.
The temperature was varied from –40 °C to +85 °C. At +20 °C the extreme power
supply voltages of 3.0 V and 3.6 V are applied. After reaching each target temperature
and waiting sufficient time allowing the temperature to stabilize, one measurement is
performed immediately after powering on the EUT, and three further measurements are
performed after 2, 5 and 10 minutes continuous operation of EUT.

3 .5 .2    Te st Lim it s
FCC Part 15, Subpart C, §15.225 (e): The frequency tolerance of the carrier signal shall
be maintained within ±0.01% of the operating frequency over a temperature variation of
-20 degrees to +50 degrees C at normal supply voltage, and for a variation in the
primary supply voltage from 85% to 115% of the rated supply voltage at a temperature
of 20 degrees C.

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                             Page 18 of 30

3 .5 .3    Te st Pr ot ocol

 Temperature:          -40°C to +85°C
 Air Pressure:          1009 hPa
 Humidity:              38 %

 Op. M ode             Se t up               Por t
 op-mode 2             Setup_01              Enclosure

 Te m pe r a t u r e     Volt a ge       Tim e    Fr e qu e n cy   D e lt a   Ve r dict
      / °C                 / V          / m in.      / MHz         / Hz
        50                3.30             0      13.559882        -118       Passed
        50                3.30             2      13.559880        -120       Passed
        50                3.30             5      13.559879        -121       Passed
        50                3.30            10      13.559878        -122       Passed
        40                3.30             0      13.559924         -76       Passed
        40                3.30             2      13.559920         -80       Passed
        40                3.30             5      13.559919         -81       Passed
        40                3.30            10      13.559918         -82       Passed
        30                3.30             0      13.559997          -3       Passed
        30                3.30             2      13.559976         -24       Passed
        30                3.30             5      13.559974         -26       Passed
        30                3.30            10      13.559972         -28       Passed
        20                3.60             0      13.560031          31       Passed
        20                3.60             2      13.560030          30       Passed
        20                3.60             5      13.560029          29       Passed
        20                3.60            10      13.560029          29       Passed
        20                3.30             0      13.560032          32       Passed
        20                3.30             2      13.560031          31       Passed
        20                3.30             5      13.560029          29       Passed
        20                3.30            10      13.560030          30       Passed
        20                3.00             0      13.560031          31       Passed
        20                3.00             2      13.560030          30       Passed
        20                3.00             5      13.560029          29       Passed
        20                3.00            10      13.560030          30       Passed
        10                3.30             0      13.560086          86       Passed
        10                3.30             2      13.560085          85       Passed
        10                3.30             5      13.560084          84       Passed
        10                3.30            10      13.560084          84       Passed
         0                3.30             0      13.560130         130       Passed
         0                3.30             2      13.560127         127       Passed
         0                3.30             5      13.560127         127       Passed
         0                3.30            10      13.560127         127       Passed
       -10                3.30             0      13.560153         153       Passed
       -10                3.30             2      13.560152         152       Passed
       -10                3.30             5      13.560152         152       Passed
       -10                3.30            10      13.560152         152       Passed
       -20                3.30             0      13.560141         141       Passed
       -20                3.30             2      13.560143         143       Passed
       -20                3.30             5      13.560144         144       Passed
       -20                3.30            10      13.560144         144       Passed

Continue on the next page

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                          Page 19 of 30

Additional measurements to prove the EUT working ability from -40° C to +85° C

 Temperature            Voltage                   Time     Frequency       Delta      Verdict
    / °C                  /V                     / min.      / MHz         / Hz
        85                 3.3                     0           13.559920     -80      Passed
        85                 3.3                     2           13.559937     -63      Passed
        85                 3.3                     5           13.559945     -55      Passed
        85                 3.3                    10           13.559945     -55      Passed
        80                 3.3                     0           13.559899    -101      Passed
        80                 3.3                     2           13.559904     -96      Passed
        80                 3.3                     5           13.559906     -94      Passed
        80                 3.3                    10           13.559908     -92      Passed
        70                 3.3                     0           13.559862    -138      Passed
        70                 3.3                     2           13.559863    -137      Passed
        70                 3.3                     5           13.559864    -136      Passed
        70                 3.3                    10           13.559866    -134      Passed
        60                 3.3                     0           13.559859    -141      Passed
        60                 3.3                     2           13.559858    -142      Passed
        60                 3.3                     5           13.559858    -142      Passed
        60                 3.3                    10           13.559858    -142      Passed
       -30                 3.3                     0           13.560103     103      Passed
       -30                 3.3                     2           13.560106     106      Passed
       -30                 3.3                     5           13.560106     106      Passed
       -30                 3.3                    10           13.560106     106      Passed
       -40                 3.3                     0           13.560029      29      Passed
       -40                 3.3                     2           13.560033      33      Passed
       -40                 3.3                     5           13.560030      30      Passed
       -40                 3.3                    10           13.560031      31      Passed

Remark:           The limit is a delta of max. ±1356 Hz (0.01 %).

3 .5 .4 Te st r e su lt : Fr e qu e n cy t ole r a n ce
                 FCC Pa r t 1 5 , Su bpa r t C     Op. M ode               Re su lt
                                                   op-mode 2               passed

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                                Page 20 of 30

4      Te st Equ ipm e n t

1             Ra dia t e d Em ission s

              Lab to perform radiated emission tests
Re f.N o.     D e vice N a m e   D e scr ipt ion  M a n u fa ct u r e r   Se r ia l N u m be r    Ca libr a t ion
1.1         Fully Anechoic     8.80m x 4.60m x Albatross Projects P26971-647-001-PRB
            Room               4.05m (l x w x h)
1.2         AM 4.0             Antenna mast       Maturo GmbH     AM4.0/180/11920513
1.3         ESR 7              EMI Receiver /     Rohde & Schwarz 101424             2016-11-13
                               Spectrum Analyzer
1.4         Anechoic Chamber 10.58 x 6.38 x       Frankonia       none               2017-01-09
                               6.00 m³
1.5         ESIB 26            Spectrum Analyzer Rohde & Schwarz 830482/004          2017-12-08
1.6         Tilt device Maturo Antrieb TD1.5-     Maturo GmbH     TD1.5-
            (Rohacell)         10kg                               10kg/024/3790709
1.7         AS 620 P           Antenna mast       HD GmbH         620/37
1.8         NRV-Z1             Sensor Head A      Rohde & Schwarz 827753/005         2016-05-11
1.9         JS4-18002600-32- Broadband            Miteq           849785
            5P                 Amplifier 18 GHz -
                               26 GHz
1.10        HL 562             Ultralog new       Rohde & Schwarz 830547/003         2018-06-30
                               biconicals         GmbH & Co. KG
1.11        Opus10 THI         ThermoHygro        Lufft Mess- und 12482              2017-03-10
            (8152.00)          Datalogger 12      Regeltechnik
                               (Environ)          GmbH
1.12        HFH2-Z2            Loop Antenna       Rohde & Schwarz 829324/006         2017-11-27
                                                  GmbH & Co. KG
1.13        FSW 43             Spectrum Analyzer Rohde & Schwarz 103779              2016-11-17
1.14        Opus10 TPR         ThermoAirpressure Lufft Mess- und 13936               2017-02-27
            (8253.00)          Datalogger 13      Regeltechnik
                               (Environ)          GmbH
1.15        Chroma 6404        AC Power Source Chroma ATE INC. 64040001304
1.16        3160-10            Standard Gain /    EMCO Elektronik 00086675
                               Pyramidal Horn     GmbH
                               Antenna 40 GHz
1.17        HL 562 Ultralog    Log.-per. Antenna Rohde & Schwarz 100609              2016-03-18
                                                  GmbH & Co. KG
1.18        HF 907             Double-ridged      Rohde & Schwarz 102444             2018-05-11
                               horn               GmbH & Co. KG
1.19        DE 325             Dreheinheit        HD GmbH

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                                 Page 21 of 30

2         Ra dio La b
          Conducted Radio Test Lab
Re f.N o.    D e vice N a m e    D e scr ipt ion   M a n u fa ct u r e r       Se r ia l N u m be r     Ca libr a t ion
2.1         A8455-4             4 Way Power                                -
                                Divider (SMA)
2.2         SMB100A             Signal Generator Rohde & Schwarz           107695                     2017-06-06
                                9 kHz - 6 GHz      GmbH & Co. KG
2.3         VT 4002             Climatic Chamber Vötsch                    58566002150010 2016-03-11
2.4         SMP03               Signal Generator Rohde & Schwarz           833680/003     2016-10-29
                                2 GHz - 27 GHz GmbH & Co. KG
2.5         FSV30               Signal Analyzer    Rohde & Schwarz         103005                     2018-02-10
                                10 Hz - 30 GHz
2.6         SMBV100A            Vector Signal      Rohde & Schwarz         259291                     2016-08-23
                                Generator 9 kHz - GmbH & Co. KG
                                6 GHz
2.7         Voltcraft M-3860M   Digital Multimeter Voltcraft               IJ096055
                                01 (Multimeter)
2.8         Chroma 6404         AC Power Source Chroma ATE INC.            64040001304
2.9         Datum, Model: MFS   Rubidium           Datum-Beverly           5489/001                   2016-06-25
2.10        WA1515              Broadband Power Weinschel                  A855
                                Divider SMA        Associates
2.11        FSIQ26              Spectrum           Rohde & Schwarz         840061/005                 2017-04-02
                                Analyzer 7layers, GmbH & Co. KG
                                Ratingen OIL_RE

3             R& S TS8 9 9 7
              EN300328/301893 Test Lab
Re f.N o.     D e vice N a m e  D e scr ipt ion    M a n u fa ct u r e r       Se r ia l N u m be r     Ca libr a t ion
3.1         OSP120              Switching Unit     Rohde & Schwarz 101158                             2016-08-21
                                with integrated    GmbH & Co. KG
                                power meter
3.2         A8455-4             4 Way Power                        -
                                Divider (SMA)
3.3         Opus10 THI          ThermoHygro        Lufft Mess- und 7482           2017-02-27
            (8152.00)           Datalogger 03      Regeltechnik
                                (Environ)          GmbH
3.4         SMB100A             Signal Generator Rohde & Schwarz 107695           2017-06-06
                                9 kHz - 6 GHz      GmbH & Co. KG
3.5         VT 4002             Climatic Chamber Vötsch            58566002150010 2016-03-11
3.6         FSV30               Signal Analyzer    Rohde & Schwarz 103005         2018-02-10
                                10 Hz - 30 GHz
3.7         SMBV100A            Vector Signal      Rohde & Schwarz 259291         2016-08-23
                                Generator 9 kHz - GmbH & Co. KG
                                6 GHz
3.8         Voltcraft M-3860M   Digital Multimeter Voltcraft       IJ096055
                                01 (Multimeter)
3.9         1515 / 93459        Broadband Power Weinschel          LN673
                                Divider SMA        Associates
3.10        Datum, Model: MFS   Rubidium           Datum-Beverly   5489/001       2016-06-25

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                                       Page 22 of 30

5      Ph ot o Re por t

Photos are included in an external report.

6      Se t u p D r a w in gs

D r a w in g 1 :   Setup in the Anechoic chamber:
                   Measurements below 1 GHz: Semi-anechoic, conducting ground plane.
                   Measurements above 1 GHz: Fully-anechoic, absorbers on all surfaces.

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                Page 23 of 30

7      FCC a nd I C Cor r e la t ion of m e a su r e m e n t r e qu ir e m e n t s

The following tables show the correlation of measurement requirements Radio equipment
operating in the Band 13.110-14.010 MHz from FCC and IC.

Ra dio e qu ipm e n t

M e a sur e m e n t             FCC r e fe r e n ce        I C r e fe r e nce
Conducted emissions on AC       § 15.207                   RSS-Gen Issue 4: 8.8
Additional provisions to the    § 15.215                   RSS-Gen Issue 4: 6.6
general radiated emission
Out-of-band emissions           § 15.225 (d)               RSS Gen Issue 4:
                                                           RSS-210 Issue 8: A2.6
In-band emissions               § 15.225 (a) / (b) / (c)   RSS-210 Issue 8: A2.6
Frequency Stability             § 15.225 (e)               RSS-210 Issue 8: A2.6
Antenna requirement             § 15.203 / 15.204          RSS-Gen Issue 4: 8.3
Receiver spurious emissions     –                          RSS-210 Issue 8: 2.3;
                                                           RSS Gen Issue 4: 5/7 *)
Handling of active and          § 15.225 (f)               RSS Gen Issue 4: 8.7
passive tag devices of RFID

*) Receivers are exempted from certification besides if operating in stand-alone mode in
the frequency range 30–960 MHz or if these are scanner receivers.

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                Page 24 of 30

8     An n e x m e a su r e m e n t plot s
8 .1 Ra dia t e d e m ission s

8 .1 .1 Ra dia t e d e m ission s ( f < 3 0 M H z)

                                                                                          13.560000 MHz
                                                                                          14.665 dBµV/m
                         40     FCC_15.209_Peak@300m_9kHz-490kHz

                         20      FCC_15.209_AV@300m_9kHz-490kHz                                   27.120000 MHz
       Level in dBµV/m

                                                                                                  -0.848 dBµV/m




                           9k   20   30   50   100k   200 300   500    1M    2M 3M   5M     10M     20 30M
                                                          Frequency in Hz

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                                    Page 25 of 30

8 .1 .2 Ra dia t e d e m ission s ( f > 3 0 M H z)

EUT in a vertical position



       Level in dBµV/m





                         30M   50   60   80   100M            200      300   400   500     800   1G
                                                     Frequency in Hz

EUT in a horizontal position



       Level in dBµV/m





                         30M   50   60   80   100M            200      300   400   500     800   1G
                                                     Frequency in Hz

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                            Page 26 of 30

8 .2 AC M a in s con du ct e d

Measurement performed with a real antenna.




        Level in dBµV





                        150k      300 400 500   800 1M        2M        3M 4M 5M 6        8 10M          20M   30M
                                                         Frequency in Hz

Measurement performed with a real antenna (zoomed).



        Level in dBµV





                          8.823   10      11     12      13        14       15       16       17          18 18.608
                                                         Frequency in MHz

Note: Measured levels above the limit are from modulated carrier signal.

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                                            Page 27 of 30

Measurement performed with a 50 Ω dummy antenna




       Level in dBµV






                       150k            300 400 500         800 1M          2M      3M 4M 5M 6         8 10M            20M    30M
                                                                       Frequency in Hz

Fina l Re sult
Frequency QuasiPeak Average Limit Margin                              Meas. Time Bandwidth Line       PE    Corr.          Comment
  (MHz)    (dBµV)   (dBµV) (dBµV)  (dB)                                 (ms)       (kHz)                    (dB)

   0.217500                      ---      23.31    52.91      29.61       1000.0         9.000   L1   GND     10.1   16:54:48 - 06/01/2016
   0.339000                   23.36          ---   59.23      35.87       1000.0         9.000   N    GND     10.1   16:54:13 - 06/01/2016
  13.348500                      ---      24.65    50.00      25.35       1000.0         9.000   L1   GND     10.7   16:54:53 - 06/01/2016
  13.454250                      ---      22.30    50.00      27.70       1000.0         9.000   L1   GND     10.7   16:54:58 - 06/01/2016
  13.454250                   27.39          ---   60.00      32.61       1000.0         9.000   N    GND     10.7   16:54:19 - 06/01/2016
  13.560000                      ---      41.43    50.00       8.57       1000.0         9.000   L1   GND     10.7   16:55:02 - 06/01/2016
  13.560000                   41.57          ---   60.00      18.43       1000.0         9.000   N    GND     10.7   16:54:24 - 06/01/2016
  13.665750                   27.40          ---   60.00      32.60       1000.0         9.000   N    GND     10.7   16:54:30 - 06/01/2016
  13.665750                      ---      22.26    50.00      27.74       1000.0         9.000   L1   GND     10.7   16:55:07 - 06/01/2016
  13.771500                      ---      24.43    50.00      25.57       1000.0         9.000   L1   GND     10.7   16:55:11 - 06/01/2016
  23.583750                      ---      27.86    50.00      22.14       1000.0         9.000   N    GND     11.1   16:55:16 - 06/01/2016
  26.907000                      ---      29.66    50.00      20.34       1000.0         9.000   L1   FLO     11.2   16:54:35 - 06/01/2016
  27.120750                   46.86          ---   60.00      13.14       1000.0         9.000   L1   FLO     11.2   16:54:07 - 06/01/2016
  27.120750                      ---      46.55    50.00       3.45       1000.0         9.000   L1   FLO     11.2   16:54:39 - 06/01/2016
  27.332250                      ---      29.58    50.00      20.42       1000.0         9.000   N    FLO     11.2   16:54:44 - 06/01/2016

 Hardware Setup:                                       EMI_Conducted_EN_FCC_ESH3-Z5
 Measurement Type:                                     2 Line LISN
 Frequency Range:                                      150 kHz - 30 MHz
 Graphics Level Range:                                 0 dBµV - 80 dBµV

 Preview Measurements:
    Scan Test Template:                                FCC_Part207_Pre_ESH3-Z5

 Final Measurements:
    Template for Single Meas.:                         FCC_Part207_Final_ESH3-Z5

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                                                           Page 28 of 30

8 .3 Occu pie d ba n dw idt h

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1   Page 29 of 30

8 .4 Spe ct r u m m a sk





       Level in dBµV/m






                           13   13.1   13.2   13.3   13.4    13.5    13.6      13.7   13.8   13.9   14      14.1
                                                            Frequency in MHz

 Frequency MaxPeak QuasiPeak Limit Margin               Meas. Bandwidth Height Pol Azimuth Corr.        Comment
   (MHz)    (dBµV/m) (dBµV/m) (dBµV (dB)                Time    (kHz)    (cm)       (deg)   (dB)
                                /m)                     (ms)
  13.560000        ---   13.76 84.00  70.24             1000.0    10.000 100.0 H       53.0 -19.9 10:39:14 - 05/01/2016
  13.560000     15.56       --- 84.00 68.44             1000.0    10.000 100.0 H       53.0 -19.9 10:39:14 - 05/01/2016

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCe_Rev.1                                                         Page 30 of 30

Document Created: 2017-12-14 05:29:58
Document Modified: 2017-12-14 05:29:58

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