

Test Setup Photos

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Phot o Report on

Host - based m ult iradio m odule wit h
Wi- Fi, Bluet oot h and NFC

EMMY- W163

in Bluet oot h m ode

Test Set ups
Re por t Re fe r e n ce : MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCb_Phot o_Report

 Te st La bor a t or y :
 7layers Gm bH
 Bor sigst rasse 11
 40880 Rat ingen
 Germ any

 Not e:
 The follow ing t est r esult s r elat e only t o t he dev ices specified in t h is docum ent . This r epor t shall n ot be r epr oduced in part s
 w it hout t he wr it t en appr oval of t he t est laborat or y.

 7 la ye r s Gm bH                       Geschäft sführer/
 Borsigst raße 11                        Managing Direct or s:                    Regist ergericht / regist ered:                              a Bureau Verit as
 40880 Rat ingen, Germ any               Frank Spiller                            Düsseldorf HRB 75554                                         Group Com pany
 T + 49 ( 0) 2102 749 0                  Bernhard Ret k a                         USt - I d.- Nr./ VAT- No. DE203159652
 F + 49 ( 0) 2102 749 350                Alexandre Norré- Oudard                  St euer- Nr./ TAX- No. 147/ 5869/ 0385             

 Com m erzbank AG     Account No. 303 016 000       Bank Code 300 400 00      I BAN DE81 3004 0000 0303 0160 00        Swift Code COBADEFF

Ph ot o 1 : Test set up for conduct ed m easurem ent s at AC Port of lab power supply

Ph ot o 2 : Test set up for conduct ed m easurem ent s ( AC power line connect ed t o LI SN)

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCb_Phot o_Report                              Page 2 of 4

Ph ot o 3 : Test set up for radiat ed m easurem ent s ( below 1 GHz)

Ph ot o 4 : Test set up for radiat ed m easurem ent s below 1 GHz, rear side view)

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCb_Phot o_Report                             Page 3 of 4

Ph ot o 5 : Test set up for radiat ed m easurem ent s above 1 GHz

Ph ot o 6 : Test set up for radiat ed m easurem ent s above 1 GHz, det ailed view

Test report Reference: MDE_UBLOX_1551_FCCb_Phot o_Report                            Page 4 of 4

Document Created: 2017-12-14 05:28:48
Document Modified: 2017-12-14 05:28:48

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