SAR test exemption calculation rev


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                           Evaluation For: BI Inc.
                                                                                        Product: BI LOC8 Tracker

              FCC RF Exposure Information Per KDB447498 D01 v06
                                                   Rev 7/06/18

Operational Description
The BI LOC8 Tracker is an ankle-worn tracking device. The unit utilizes GPS data and other location
monitoring technologies to accurately track an offender moving within local communities. The
maximum transmission rate is once per minute, but only occurs when the offender is in violation.

RF Exposure Conditions
The BI locator ankle-worn tracking device is intended for operation in the general population / uncontrolled
RF exposure environment with an LTE Cat M1/NB1 cellular transmitter being used.

Antenna Separation Distances
5 mm to Ankle (cellular) – worst case consideration

Transmission Mode
The tracker utilizes an internal LTE cellular transmitter module (FCC: XPY2AGQN4NNN). The cellular
transmits data in the Cat M1/NB1 modes. There is no voice communication.

LTE Radio Duty Cycle
The device has a maximum transmission rate of once per minute. The maximum on-air
transmission time is 1.75/1.25 seconds in the low/high bands. This leads to a worst case on-air duty
cycle of 2.9% / 2.1%. See the duty cycle transmission time measurements at the end of this

         Information regarding the worst-case duty cycle was provided by the host manufacture BI.

            Worst Case Duty Cycle
             Low Band Duty Cycle = Transmission Time / TOTAL Time = 1.75s/60s = 0.029
             High Band Duty Cycle = Transmission Time / TOTAL Time = 1.25s/60s = 0.021

Justification for the Maximum Duty Cycle
In this application, the cell module is used to communicate location data from the tracking device to a host
computer. The location data points can be acquired at variable rates, the maximum rate being 4 points per
minute and the typical rate being 1 point per minute. The maximum call rate occurs when the client is in an
exclusion zone, and the location information is communicated to the host once each minute. Under normal
conditions, location information is acquired once each minute, and the data is communicated to the host at
longer intervals, say, 15 minutes or 1 hour. The highest duty cycle will occur when only 4 location points are
called in once each minute, since message overhead remains relatively fixed, regardless of the number of
location points per communication session. All location point acquisition rates and call-in frequency are
determined by the firmware that controls the tracker operation.

The maximum duty cycle occurs when the unit is calling in 4 location points at the minimum reporting
time of 1 minute. The maximum time for this communication with the host is 1.75 (850 MHz)/1.25 (1900
MHz) seconds, resulting in a maximum connect time duty cycle of 2.9/2.1 percent.
These duty cycles were derived by measuring multiple message connection and return ACK times from

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                                                                                      Evaluation For: BI Inc.
                                                                                   Product: BI LOC8 Tracker

the host for the 4-location points-per-minute being called in to the host once each minute. This maximum
measured connection time was less than 0.875 (850 MHz)/.625 (1900 MHz) seconds. For margin, these
times are doubled to 1.75/1.25 sec. (See test data attached: “LOC8 Exclusion Zone Transmission Time

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                                                                                          Evaluation For: BI Inc.
                                                                                       Product: BI LOC8 Tracker

                       SAR EXCLUSION ANALYSIS, u-BLOX SARA-R410M-02B IN LOC8

1)      KDB 447498 Requirement per para. 4.3.1:

                   .                  ,
                                                × [√f(GHz)] ≤ 7.5 for 10-g extremity
            .                             ,

2)      This LOC8 SAR Exclusion Analysis uses the max power levels and frequencies from the u-Blox
        SARA-R410M-02B SAR Report on file at the FCC OET Exhibits List for
2)      Bands 2, 4, 5, 12, and 13 are used in this application. Representative transmit times were
        measured in both a low band (band 5) and a high band (band 2).
3)      The highest frequency in each of the two bands is used in the exclusion equation calculation.

In the low bands

LTE Band 5:
Maximum conducted measured output power = 316.2mW
Worst case duty cycle = 2.9%
Worst case source-base time-averaged output power = 316.2mW × 0.029 = 9.2mW
Upper limit test frequency = 848.3 MHz
Exclusion threshold calculation: [(9.2)/(5)] ×√0.8483= 1.7
      1.7 ≤ 7.5

In the high bands:

LTE Band 2:
Maximum conducted measured output power = 316.2mW
Worst case duty cycle = 2.1%
Worst case source-base time-averaged output power = 316.2mW × 0.021 = 6.64mW
Upper limit test frequency = 1.9093 GHz
Exclusion threshold calculation: [(6.64)/(5)] ×√1.9093 = 1.8
      1.8 ≤ 7.5

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                                                                                      Evaluation For: BI Inc.
                                                                                   Product: BI LOC8 Tracker

              LOC8 Exclusion Zone Transmission Time Measurement

When LOC8 is in an exclusion zone, GPS is logged every 15 seconds and is transmitted every minute to
the host. The packet has a 9-byte header, a 1-byte terminator, and each GPS point requires 24 bytes,
making the total packet 106 bytes sent every minute.

For ease of testing, the payload is simulated and actually makes a 110-byte packet. Time is recorded
from when the packet is sent, to when a response is received. The exact transmission time is not
recorded, but it must be less than the recorded times. The times vary because this includes latency of
the network, host processing, and receiving a response. The following are 12 recorded times using this

                                             Band 850 MHz:

                                           Sample     Time (s)
                                              1        0.375
                                              2       0.3125
                                              3         0.25
                                              4        0.875
                                              5        0.375
                                              6       0.3125
                                              7       0.6875
                                              8       0.4375
                                              9       0.3125
                                              10      0.3125
                                              11       0.375
                                            12       0.375
average = 0.417; max = 0.875 sec
As additional margin, the maximum measured total turn-around time will be doubled. Therefore, the
worst case transmit time at 850 MHz will be less than 1.75 seconds. The resultant maximum duty
cycle is 1.75 / 60 = 0.029, = 2.9%.

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                                                                                     Evaluation For: BI Inc.
                                                                                  Product: BI LOC8 Tracker

                                   Repeating the test with 1900MHz:

                                                       Tim (s)
                                                   1    0.3125
                                                   2     0.375
                                                   3    0.3125
                                                   4    0.3125
                                                   5      0.25
                                                   6    0.3125
                                                   7    0.3125
                                                   8     0.375
                                                   9      0.25
                                                10       0.625
                                                11      0.3125
                                                 12    0.5625
Average = 0.359; max = 0.625 sec
As additional margin, the measured total turn-around time will be doubled. Therefore, the worst case
transmit time at 1900 MHz will be less than 1.25 seconds. The resultant maximum duty cycle is
1.25 / 60 = 0.021, = 2.1%.

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Document Created: 2018-07-06 17:01:19
Document Modified: 2018-07-06 17:01:19

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