User manual SPB800


Users Manual

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HDA800 User Manual

                       Users Manual
                            HDA800 Evaluation Kit
                     SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

Users Manual                                 HDA800 Evaluation Kit                  SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

Revision History

Revision       Revision date              Description
PA1            2010-11-30                 First Issue
PA4            2010-12-17                 Updated for revision R2B of PC Connection Board
PA5            2011-01-12                 Added XPLAIN example
PB1            2011-02-04                 Updates for release 1.1.3
PC1            2011-06-09                 Updates for release 1.2
PC2            2012-02-01                 Channel range updated

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Copyright © 2009 H&D Wireless AB. All rights reserved.

                                 1543-HDA800 Users Manual                                     page 2 ( 17)
                       Copyright © 2010, 2011 H&D Wireless AB, Sweden, all rights reserved.

Users Manual                                                     HDA800 Evaluation Kit                                    SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution


1     EVALUATION KIT CONTENT .................................................................................................. 4

2     PREPARATIONS ................................................................................................................... 4
2.1          USB driver installation .................................................................................................................................. 4

3     CONNECTING THE KIT .......................................................................................................... 5

4     SPB800 FIRMWARE ............................................................................................................. 6

5     COMMANDS........................................................................................................................ 6
5.1          Serial Port Commands .................................................................................................................................. 9

6     EXAMPLE 1, SERIAL PORT WIRELESS LAN ADAPTER ............................................................ 11
6.1          Web Configuration ...................................................................................................................................... 14

7     FIRMWARE UPGRADE ........................................................................................................ 16

8     KNOWN ISSUES ................................................................................................................. 17

                                               1543-HDA800 Users Manual                                                                   page 3 ( 17)
                               Copyright © 2010, 2011 H&D Wireless AB, Sweden, all rights reserved.

Users Manual                                HDA800 Evaluation Kit                  SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

1 Evaluation Kit Content
       SPB800-E, SPB800 Evaluation board with a 10pos. header socket, to allow easy plug in.
       PC connection board
       USB cable
       USB Flash memory with documentation and reference code

2 Preparations
To communicate with the SPB800E from a PC you need the PC connection board that convert the
SPB800E’s UART signal to USB or RS-232 and provide 3.3V power to the module.

On the PC you need a serial communications application, such as TeraTerm or HyperTerm. TeraTerm can be
downloaded from

   2.1 USB driver installation

If you are running Windows 7, it usually recognize the serial to USB chip and installs the drivers at first
connection. For other operating system there are driver software provided on the USB memory under the
directory called “USB_driver”

If you cannot find the appropriate driver for your system or having other problems with the USB driver
please seek more information at

Remember to set the two jumpers on the PC connection in their right position to enable USB as serial port.
If you rather use the RS-232 port the jumpers should be in the left position. See Figure 2-1.

                                       Figure 2-1: Port selection jumpers

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Users Manual                                HDA800 Evaluation Kit                  SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

3 Connecting the Kit
Connect the Evaluation Kit as follows:

    1. Plug in the SPB800E into the 10-pin header.
    2. Connect the PC Connection board with the USB cable to a USB port on a PC. The USB powers the
       board so no other power source is required.
       Or alternatively:
       Power the PC Connection board from an AC/DC adapter with between 5V – 9V DC output and plus
       on the sleeve and negative on the centre pin. Connect with a serial cable to the PC.

    3. Start a serial communications application such as TeraTerm on PC1.
       In TeraTerm, select “Setup->Serial Port…” in the menu and configure the serial port according to
       the figure below.

        Note that the port number used to communicate with the SPB800E (COM6 in the figure above)
        might be different in some environments, so make sure to try another one if COM6 fails (see figure
        The assigned port can also be found in the Windows Device Manager, under Ports (COM & LPT).

    4. Press the reset button on the PC Connection Card to restart the SPB800E

    5. In the TeraTerm window a series of dots appears one every second

    6. Hit “Return” in the TeraTerm terminal within 5 seconds from the first dot to keep the SPB800E in
       configuration mode. A $ prompt should show in the terminal.

        Now you are ready to configure the SPB800E for one of the examples

                                1543-HDA800 Users Manual                                     page 5 ( 17)
                      Copyright © 2010, 2011 H&D Wireless AB, Sweden, all rights reserved.

Users Manual                                  HDA800 Evaluation Kit                 SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

4 SPB800 Firmware
The SPB800 can be programmed with two different firmwares for different modes.

       One where the host is unaware of the SPB800, which forwards the data it receives on the serial
        port onto a TCP socket. The firmware for this mode is called spb800-serial_to_wifi_rxxx.hlf. This is
        the firmware on the SPB800 when it is delivered in the HDA800 kit.

       The other, where the host is aware of the SPB800 and uses the oWL-pico API to configure and
        control the SPB800, called spb800-pserver_rxxx.hlf, where xxx is the build version corresponding to
        a release, e.g. 1.2

The firmware can be swapped between the versions the same way as described for upgrades in chapter 7

5 Commands
The following commands are available for the SPB800 in configuration mode. For (o)WL-pico API command
please see the (o)WL-pico API Specification.

db              Read/write database
upgrade         fw upgrade xmodem
reset           reset device
help            print a list of available commands
test_mode       sets the unit in test mode (do NOT use without the proper software tools)
nvdiag          onboard non volatile memory check

The db (data base) command splits in several commands

db reset [path]            reset param(s) to default (need to be followed by a db store)
db get [path]              list parameter(s) in the edit list.
db set <path> [args ...]   set single parameter
db load                    read parameters from non-volatile memory (flash)
db store                   write parameters to non-volatile memory (flash)

                                   1543-HDA800 Users Manual                                   page 6 ( 17)
                       Copyright © 2010, 2011 H&D Wireless AB, Sweden, all rights reserved.

Users Manual                                 HDA800 Evaluation Kit                  SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

Figure 5-1: Parameter data base

        At start up the SPB800 read the parameters from the non-volatile memory, see Figure 5-1. To
        change a parameter value it needs to be changed in the edit list and then stored in non-volatile
        memory with the db store command. “db store” stores all the values in the edit list at the same
        time. The current parameters in non-volatile memory can be retrieved with the command “db
        load”. Factory default setting can be retrieved with the command “db reset”. Please not that to
        restore the active settings to factory default the parameters also have to be stored with “db store”.

                                  1543-HDA800 Users Manual                                    page 7 ( 17)
                       Copyright © 2010, 2011 H&D Wireless AB, Sweden, all rights reserved.

Users Manual                                    HDA800 Evaluation Kit                  SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

Figure 5-2: Sample of db get listing

        With “db set” you can set all parameters for the HDA800 to connect to a WiFi Network as well as configure
         the serial port settings.
        Typing an erroneous command will list the available command as a help

Table 5-1: Data base parameters

        Parameter              Values                                 Command
        IP Network parameters
        IP address             IPv4 address                           db set /net/ip <ip>
        Default Gateway        IPv4 address                           db set /net/gw <gw>
        Netmask                IPv4 address                           db set /net/mask <mask>
        Enable DHCP client     Boolean                                db set /net/dhcp <0 or 1>
        DNS server             IPv4 address                           db set /net/dns <dns>
        Disable DHCP server    Boolean                                db set /dhcpd/enable <0 or 1>
        (AP mode only)
        http server port       0 – 65535                              db set /httpd/port <80>
        Wireless LAN parameters
        SSID                   String                                 db set /wl/ssid <ssid>
        Type of key used       none, wep, wpa                         db set /wl/key_type <none, wep, or
        WEP, WPA/WPA2 key              String                         db set /wl/key <key>

                                       1543-HDA800 Users Manual                                  page 8 ( 17)
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Users Manual                                 HDA800 Evaluation Kit                  SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

        Mode station, AP          sta, ap                          db set /wl/mode <sta, ap>
        Channel (only in AP       1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11          db set /wl/channel <1-11>
        Serial port parameters
        Baud rate                 9600, 38400, 57600,              db set /uart/baudrate <rate>
                                  115200, 230400
        Data bits                 5, 6, 7 or 8 bit                 db set /uart/databits <5,6,7 or 8>
        Parity                    even, odd, none                  db set /uart/parity <even, odd or
        Stop bits                 1, 2                             db set /uart/stopbits <1 or 2>
        Flow Control              Boolean                          db set /uart/rtscts <0 or 1>
        RS-232/RS-485             rs232, rs485                     db set /uart/mode <rs232, rs485>
        UART duplex               half, full                       db set /uart/duplex <half,full>
        Application parameters
        Protocol mode             None                             db set /proto/active none
                                                                   (should always be set to none for
        TCP socket                String                           db set /proto/none/port
        Server/Client             tcp-server, tcp-client           db set /proto/none/mode
        Server IP address         String DNS/IP                    db set /proto/none/host <ip>
        No dots (turn off         Boolean                          db set /shell/nodots <0,1>
        initial dots)
        Username                  String                           db set /auth/username <username>
        Password                  String                           db set /auth/password <password>
        Http authentication       Basic, digest                    db set /httpd/auth <basic,digest>

   5.1 Serial Port Commands

All serial ports command is in lower case characters.

5.1.1 db command

The “db” command is used to read, modify and store parameters in the data base. The command
expression is

db operation <path> [argument]

Depending on the operation the parameter path and argument may be optional.

5.1.2 db reset <path>

“db reset” resets the parameter indicated in <path> to default. If <path> is omitted all parameters in the
edit set is restored to their default values. To restore the unit completely to its default settings the edit set
has to be stored in non volatile memory with the command “db store”

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Users Manual                                 HDA800 Evaluation Kit                  SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

5.1.3 db get <path>

“db get” shows the parameter indicated in <path> from the edit list. If <path> is omitted all parameters are

5.1.4 db set <path> [args ...]

“db set” sets the parameter give in <path> to the value given in *args+

5.1.5 db set /wl/mode
“db set /wl/mode (ap|sta) is the setting for if the SPB800 should function as a Soft AP or in Station (client)
mode. If this parameter is set there will be an additional delay at reset to change mode.

5.1.6 db load

“db load” retrieve the parameters from the active set to the edit list.

5.1.7 db store

“db store” stores the parameters in the edit list into non-volatile memory.

5.1.8 Reset

The “reset” command restarts the BOX800M which loads the parameters from the active set in the data
base at start up.

5.1.9 Upgrade

The upgrade command set the device ready to receive new firmware via XMODEM. See Fel! Hittar inte
referenskälla. page Fel! Bokmärket är inte definierat. for more information.

5.1.10          Test Mode

To set the device in RF test mode the command test_mode is given. Warning, do not use this mode unless
you have the required software tools. To exit the mode type “quit” in the terminal window. Please note
that the typing when in test mode is not echoed on the terminal.

5.1.11          Help
“help” lists the available commands.

                                 1543-HDA800 Users Manual                                     page 10 ( 17)
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Users Manual                                  HDA800 Evaluation Kit                   SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

6 Example 1, Serial port Wireless LAN adapter
This example describes how to configure the HDA800 Evaluation Kit to a RS-232 – Wireless LAN adapter.
It makes use of a direct method changing the parameter database values with commands from a consol
terminal like TeraTerm or similar. This exemplifies how the SPB800 can be used with a un-aware host.

How to do it:
      Start a serial port terminal on the PC
      Connect the HDA800 to the Serial Port/Serial port adapter on the PC
      Insert the DC plug to power the unit and hit “Return” within 5 seconds. You should read a string of dots .. on
       the terminal and a $ prompt once you have hit return. If you are to late in hitting “Return” the terminal won’t
       do anything.

                                           Example of terminal printout

      The following commands are available

Configuration Example:
      In this example we want to configure the HDA800 to work as an Access point with the following
        SSID = my-wifi-net
        Encryption = WPA
        Encryption passphrase =my-secret-key
        IP address we want to assign =
        Subnet mask =
        Default Gateway

      Important! No settings are stored in the flash memory until the command “db store” is given.

      First we need to set the parameter /wl/mode to set the mode to Soft AP.

                                 1543-HDA800 Users Manual                                       page 11 ( 17)
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Users Manual                                   HDA800 Evaluation Kit                 SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

               $ db set /wl/mode ap

      Then we continue with entering the SSID

               $ db set /wl/ssid my-wifi-net

      Then we enter the security encryption type in this case we are using WPA

               $ db set /wl/key_type wpa

      Enter the key

               $ db set /wl/key my-secret-key

      Then we disable the DHCP client as we want to set a static IP address for the HDA800.

               $ db set /net/dhcp 0

      We enter the IP address we have selected for the HDA800. Make sure that is does not collide with any other
       static set address or the address range managed by the networks DHCP server.

               $ db set /net/ip

      We enter the corresponding network mask.

               $ db set /net/mask

      Then we enter the default gateway of the network

               $ db set /net/gw

      We then in a similar fashion set the RS-232 parameters, first the baud rate to 9600 kbps

               $ db set /uart/baudrate 9600

      We turn flow control off

               $ db set /uart/rtscts   0

      The number of data bits to 8

               $ db set /uart/databits 8

      The number of parity bits to none

               $ db set /uart/parity none

      The number of stop bits to 1

               $ db set /uart/stopbits 1

      Finally we defines the HDA800 as server for the TCP socket

               $ db set /proto/none/mode tcp-server

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Users Manual                                       HDA800 Evaluation Kit               SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

      And set the port of the TCP socket to 2001

                $ db set /proto/none/port 2001

      To check our parameters we type “db get” to list all parameters to check. We need to double check that the
       parameter /uart/mode is at its default value rs232.

                $ db get

                PATH                           FLAGS SZ        TYPE   VALUE(S)
                ----------------------------   ---------- --   -----  --------------
                /wl/ssid                       NV         1    SSID   my-wifi-net
                /wl/key                        NV         1     STR   my-secret-key
                /wl/key_type                   NV         1     U8    wpa(2)
                /wl/mode                       NV         1    U8     ap(1)
                /wl/hwaddr                     RO PROC 1       STR N/A
                /wl/rssi                       RO PROC 1       S32 N/A
                /wl/status                     RO PROC 1       STR Disconnected
                /net/dhcp                      NV         1     BOOL 0
                /net/ip                        NV         1    IP
                /net/mask                      NV         1    IP
                /net/gw                        NV         1    IP
                /net/status                    RO PROC 1       STR    N/A
                /proto/active                  NV         1     U8    none(0)
                /proto/none/mode               NV         1    U8     tcp-server1)
                /proto/none/host               NV         1     STR
                /proto/none/port               NV          1   U16     2001
                /uart/baudrate                 NV         1    U32    9600(9600)
                /uart/rtscts                   NV         1    BOOL 0
                /uart/databits                 NV         1    U8     8(8)
                /uart/parity                   NV         1    U8     none(0)
                /uart/stopbits                 NV         1    U8     1(1)
                /uart/mode                     NV         1    U8     rs232(0)
                /uart/duplex                   NV         1    U8     half(0)
                /shell/nodots                  NV         1    BOOL 0
                /hw/board                      RO PROC 1       STR    spb800
                /hw/rev                        RO PROC 1       STR    2238

      Satisfied with the result we enter the parameters into the flash with ”db store”

                $ db store

      We can now disconnect the HDA800 from the serial port and DC power and connect it to any equipment that
       communicates with a RS-232 serial port and access that through a TCP socket on port 2001.

      If the equipment we are to connect the HDA800 to is sensitive for incoming characters it is advisable to turn
       off the printing of the dots at start up by setting the parameter /shell/nodots to 1. Please note that you will
       still be able to get into configuration mode the first five seconds even though there are no dots printed.

      See also 1543- HDA800 Quick Start Guide for more information on this example.

                                       1543-HDA800 Users Manual                                   page 13 ( 17)
                         Copyright © 2010, 2011 H&D Wireless AB, Sweden, all rights reserved.

Users Manual                         HDA800 Evaluation Kit                  SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

   6.1 Web Configuration

                                                   The top frame show the
                                                   status of the device

                                                             Select station or AP mode
                                                             Enter SSID and security type. (only open
                                                             network currently supported)
                                                             Security type and Key
                                                             For AP mode enter desired channel.

                                                   Choose if to use DHCP client or not. If not
                                                   used enter a static IP address, network
                                                   mask and default gateway

                                                                    Set up the serial port
                                                                         Baudrate
                                                                         Parity
                                                                         Data Bits
                                                                         Stop Bits
                                                                         RS232 or RS485 mode
                                                                         Flow control RTS/CTS
                                                                         Duplex mode (half/full)

                                                         If you are to use the BOX800M in proxy
                                                         mode (cable replacement) enter if the
                                                         unit should be server or client. For the
                                                         client you’ll need to enter the IP address
                                                         of the server node. Enter the port to use
                                                         (default is 2000).

                                               If you want to prevent un-authorized changes to the
                                               parameters, enter username and password and
                                               authentication mode. Don’t forget to write down the
                                               username and password as they cannot be recovered
                                               from the system.

                         1543-HDA800 Users Manual                                     page 14 ( 17)
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Users Manual                                    HDA800 Evaluation Kit                 SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

To simplify the setup an un-configured SPB800 starts in soft AP mode, with the following properties:
      SSID: hdconfig-xx-xx-xx (where xx-xx-xx are the last six digits of the SPB800’s MAC address)
      IP address:
      DHCP server

This is the most convenient way to configure the SPB800 as it can be done in situ.

To connect to the BOX800 use a PC or a smart phone with WLAN

            Scan the available networks and connect o hdconfig-xx-xx-xx
            Start a web browser and enter in the address field
            The configuration page opens in the browser
            Enter all the desired data and click on submit.

            A confirmation page with your settings is shown before the BOX800M restart itself with the new settings.
            To change settings or to monitor the unit’s activity opens the web page at the new IP address.

                                   1543-HDA800 Users Manual                                      page 15 ( 17)
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Users Manual                                  HDA800 Evaluation Kit                  SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

7 Firmware Upgrade
To upgrade the firmware of the SPB800E do as follows:

      Connect the SPB800E with the PC Connection board to a Serial port of a PC and start TeraTerm (57600 8N1)
      Power up or power cycle the SPB800E and hit return in TeraTerm within 5 seconds from the first dot is visible
       in the terminal window.
      Enter configuration mode by pressing <enter>
      Type "upgrade". SPB800 will now wait for a file being transferred using the XMODEM protocol.
      In TeraTerm, select File->Transfer->XMODEM ->send and select the firmware image (SPB800-pserver.hlf).
       Make sure the "checksum" radio button is selected.

      The transfer should start when OK is pressed. Note that SPB800 will time out after about 20 seconds if not
       file is sent, in that case restart from typing upgrade and try again.

      When the transfer is complete, the SPB800 will print "completed - rebooting" in the TeraTerm window. Now
       wait until the dots are printed again.

                                 1543-HDA800 Users Manual                                      page 16 ( 17)
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Users Manual                               HDA800 Evaluation Kit                  SPB800 Serial to WiFi solution

8 Known Issues
      IP address, mask and GW fields needs to be filled with a valid IP address even if DHCP client is

                               1543-HDA800 Users Manual                                     page 17 ( 17)
                     Copyright © 2010, 2011 H&D Wireless AB, Sweden, all rights reserved.

Document Created: 2012-02-01 11:40:11
Document Modified: 2012-02-01 11:40:11

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