Test Report


Test Report

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                                                           UL LLC
                                                           333 Pfingsten Rd.
                                                           Northbrook, IL 60062

                                                           (847) 272-8800

                       Order Number:          10343507A

                       Date:                August 14, 2014

                       Model:                  IWL252
                       FCC ID                XKB-IWLTBB
                       IC                   2586D-IWLTBB

       Electromagnetic Compatibility Test Report



                                  Copyright  2012 UL LLC

    UL LLC authorizes the above-named company to reproduce this Report provided it is
                                reproduced in its entirety.

UL LLC                                                               An organization dedicated
333 Pfingsten Rd.                                             to public safety and committed to
Northbrook, IL 60062                                          quality service for over 100 years

Tel: (847) 272-8800

  Order Number:                10343507A                       FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                             Page             2 of 40
  Model Number:                IWL252                          IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:                 Ingenico

                                                        Test Report Details
Tests Performed By:                                 UL LLC
                                                    333 Pfingsten Rd.
                                                    Northbrook, IL 60062
Tests Performed For:                                Ingenico SA
                                                    9, Avenue de la gare
                                                    Rovaltain TGV
                                                    26958 Valence Cedex 9 - France
Applicant Contact:                                  Nicolas Jacquemont
Phone:                                              33 (0)1 58 01 80 00
E-mail:                                             nicolas.jacquemont@ingenico.com
Test Report Date:                                   August 14, 2014
Product Type:                                       Transmitter
Product standards                                   FCC Part 15, RSS-210, RSS-GEN
Model Number:                                       IWL252
FCC ID                                              XKB-IWLTBB
ID                                                  2586D-IWLTBB
Sample Serial Number:                               N/A
EUT Category:                                       RFID
Testing Start Date:                                 June 1, 2014
Date Testing Complete:                              August 14, 2014
Overall Results:                                    Compliant
UL LLC reports apply only to the specific samples tested under stated test conditions. All samples tested were in good operating condition
throughout the entire test program. It is the manufacturer's responsibility to assure that additional production units of this model are manufactured
with identical electrical and mechanical components. UL LLC shall have no liability for any deductions, inferences or generalizations drawn by the
client or others from UL LLC issued reports. This report must not be used by the client to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by
NVLAP, NIST, any agency of the Federal Government, or any agency of any government.

This report may contain test results that are not covered by the NVLAP or A2LA accreditation. The scope of accreditation is limited to the specific
tests that are listed on the NVLAP and/or A2LA websites referenced at the end of this report.

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

   Order Number:                     10343507A                             FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                                      Page                3 of 40
   Model Number:                     IWL252                                IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
   Client Name:                      Ingenico

                                                                     Report Directory
1.0         G E N E R A L - Product Description ..................................................................................................................4

    1.1         Equipment Description ...................................................................................................................................4
    1.2         Equipment Marking Plate ...............................................................................................................................4
    1.3     Device Configuration During Test ..................................................................................................................5
       1.3.1 Equipment Used During Test: ....................................................................................................................5
       1.3.2 Input/Output Ports: .....................................................................................................................................5
       1.3.3 EUT Internal Operating Frequencies: ........................................................................................................6
       1.3.4 Power Interface: .........................................................................................................................................6
    1.4         Block Diagram: ...............................................................................................................................................7
    1.5         EUT Configurations ........................................................................................................................................8
    1.6         EUT Operation Modes ....................................................................................................................................8
    1.7         Rational for EUT Configuration ......................................................................................................................8
2.0         Summary ............................................................................................................................................................9

    2.1         Deviations from standard test methods ..........................................................................................................9
    2.2         Device Modifications Necessary for Compliance ...........................................................................................9
    2.3         Reference Standards .....................................................................................................................................9
    2.4         Results Summary ........................................................................................................................................ 10
3.0         Calibration of Equipment Used for Measurement ........................................................................................... 11
4.0         EMISSIONS TEST RESULTS ......................................................................................................................... 11

    4.1         Test Conditions and Results – MAINS TERMINAL – CONDUCTED EMISSIONS .................................... 12
    4.2         Test Conditions and Results – Frequency Stability .................................................................................... 19
    4.3         Test Conditions and Results – Occupied Bandwidth .................................................................................. 21
  4.4     Test Conditions and Results – RADIATED EMISSIONS ............................................................................ 24
Appendix A ................................................................................................................................................................... 33
  Accreditations and Authorizations ............................................................................................................................ 33
Appendix B Test Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 35

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page         4 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Report Revision History
  Revision                         Description                              Revised By                   Revision Reviewed
    Date                                                                                                         By

1.0     G E N E R A L - Product Description

1.1     Equipment Description
      Equipment Under Test (EUT) is a Terminal. It is both battery powered and AC via AC/DC
      external power supply connected to charging base. It contains a RFID operating at
      13.56MHz.EUT also contains a Bluetooth which is investigated under report 10343507B.

1.2     Equipment Marking Plate

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:                10343507A                      FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                         Page               5 of 40
  Model Number:                IWL252                         IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:                 Ingenico

1.3        Device Configuration During Test

1.3.1      Equipment Used During Test:

         Use          Product Type                Manufacturer                    Model                     Comments
         EUT             Terminal                      Ingenico                   IWL252                        None
         EUT                Base                       Ingenico                   IWL200                        None
         EUT          Power Supply                     Ingenico               192011331                         None
         EUT              Battery                      Intenico               L01J44006                         None
        Note: EUT - Equipment Under Test, AE - Auxiliary/Associated Equipment, or SIM - Simulator (Not Subjected to Test)

1.3.2             Input/Output Ports:

      Port #               Name                 Type*      Cable    Cable                               Comments
                                                          Max. >3m Shielded
                                                           (Y/N)    (Y/N)
          0              Enclosure               N/E           —              —                             None
          1                 Mains                 AC            Y             N                             None
          2                 USB                   IO            Y             Y                             None
          3               Ethernet                TP            Y             N                             None
          4                Phone                  TP            Y             N                             None
      AC     = AC Power Port           DC = DC Power Port                  N/E = Non-Electrical
      I/O    = Signal Input or Output Port (Not Involved in Process Control)
      TP     = Telecommunication Ports

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page            6 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

1.3.3    EUT Internal Operating Frequencies:

           Frequency (MHz)                                                 Description
                  13.56                                                        RFID
                  2400                                                          BT
                  <108                                                 EUT digital circuitry

1.3.4    Power Interface:

         Mode       Voltage        Current      Power       Frequency       Phases                   Comments
          #           (V)            (A)         (W)       (DC/AC-Hz)         (#)
          1         3.6VDC              -          -            DC              1                        Battery
          2         120VAC              -          -         AC-60Hz            1               Via Charging Base

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page   7 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

1.4     Block Diagram:

The diagram below illustrates the configuration of the equipment above.







                                                                                Phone Line

                                      AC adapter

                                       AC Mains

Config #1                       Config #2

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page   8 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

1.5     EUT Configurations

        Mode #                                                     Description
            1        EUT Configured in battery mode
            2        EUT configured on base with IO connections, Phone input connected active phone line,
                     USB and Ethernet active connection to Laptop.

1.6     EUT Operation Modes

        Mode #                                                    Description
            1        EUT programed for RFID TX continuously transmitting.

1.7     Rational for EUT Configuration

        Mode #                                                    Description
            1        The selected EUT configuration was chosen to maximize emissions. X-axis was determined
                     worst case and in battery mode.

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page          9 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

2.0     Summary

The tests listed in the Summary of Testing section of this report have been performed and the results recorded by UL
LLC in accordance with the procedures stated in each test requirement and specification. The applicant determined
the list of tests performed were applicable to the Equipment Under Test. As a result, the subject product has been
verified to comply or not comply as noted in the Summary of Testing with each test specification. The test results
relate only to the items tested.

2.1     Deviations from standard test methods

2.2     Device Modifications Necessary for Compliance

2.3     Reference Standards

      Standard Number          Standard Name                                                              Standard Date
      47 CFR Part 15           Radio Frequency Devices                                                    2013
      RSS-210                  Licence-exempt Radio Apparatus (All Frequency Bands):                      2010
                               Category I Equipment
      RSS-Gen                  General Requirements and Information for the Certification of              2010
                               Radio Apparatus

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:             10343507A                    FCC ID: XKB—IWLTBB                        Page         10 of 40
  Model Number:             IWL252                       IC: 2586D—IWLTBB
  Client Name:              Ingenico

24       Results Summary
     This product is considered Class A

                                     Requirement — T est                                          Result (Compliant / Non—
     Conducted Emissions — Mains                                                                         Compliant
     Frequency Stability                                                                                 Compliant
     200B BW                                                                                             Compliant
     Radiated Emissions                                                                                  Compliant

      Test Engineer:                                                 Reviewer:

       &p7       22e_
      Michael Ferrer (Ext.41312)                                    Bartlomie Mucha(Ext.41216)
      WiSE Program Manager                                          WiSE Staff Engineer
      Consumer Technology Division                                  Consumer Technology Division
      Verification Services                                         Verification Services

Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any
authorized licensee of UL.

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272—8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012—87—EM—F0042

  Order Number:                10343507A                       FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                           Page      11 of 40
  Model Number:                IWL252                          IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:                 Ingenico

3.0       Calibration of Equipment Used for Measurement

All test equipment and test accessories are calibrated on a regular basis. The maximum time between
calibrations is one year or the manufacturers’ recommendation, whichever is less.

All test equipment calibrations are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST);
therefore, all test data recorded in this report is traceable to NIST.


The emissions tests were performed according to following regulations:

--------------------------------------------- North America ---------------------------------------------

47 CFR Part 15        Radio Frequency Devices
RSS-210               Licence-exempt Radio Apparatus (All Frequency Bands): Category I Equipment
RSS-Gen               General Requirements and Information for the Certification of Radio Apparatus

Unless specified otherwise in the individual Methods, the tests shall be conducted under the following ambient
conditions. Confirmation of these conditions shall be verified at the time the test is conducted.

Ambient                                        Relative                                   Barometric
                              22.5 ± 2.5                                   45 ± 15                                 950 ± 150
Temperature, °C                                Humidity, %                                Pressure, mBar

Measurement Uncertainty
         Test                      Range               Equipment            Uncertainty k=2
 Conducted Emissions            150k-30MHz           LISN                   2.29dB
 Conducted Emissions            150k-30MHz           AAN ISN                2.73dB
 Radiated Emissions             9k-30MHz             E-Field Rod            2.88dB
 Radiated Emissions             30-200MHz            Bicon 10m Horz         4.27dB
 Radiated Emissions             30-200MHz            Bicon 10m Vert         4.28dB
 Radiated Emissions             200-1000MHz          LogP 10m Horz          3.33dB
 Radiated Emissions             200-1000MHz          LogP 10m Vert          3.39dB

Sample Calculations
Radiated Field Strength and Conducted Emissions data contained within this report is calculated on the following
       Field Strength (dBuV/m) = Meter Reading (dBuV) + AF (dB/m) - Gain (dB) + Cable Loss (dB)
       Conducted Voltage (dBuV) = Meter Reading (dBuV) + Cable Loss (dB) + LISN IL (dB)
       Conducted Current (dBuA) = Meter Reading (dBuV) + Cable Loss (dB) - Transducer Factor (dBohms)

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                         Page            12 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

4.1      Test Conditions and Results – MAINS TERMINAL – CONDUCTED EMISSIONS

      Test        Measurements were made on a ground plane. All power was connected to the system
      Description through Artificial Mains Network (AMN). Conducted voltage measurements on mains lines
                  were made at the output of the AMN.
      Basic Standard                                                              FCC Part 15
      UL LPG                                                                     80-EM-S0026
                                                   Frequency range on each side of                   Measurement Point
      Fully configured sample scanned over                   150kHz to 30MHz                                  Mains
      the following frequency range
                                                         Limits - Class B
                                                                       Limit (dBµV)
      Frequency (MHz)
                                              Quasi-Peak                                            Average
           0.15-0.5                             66 to 56                                            56 to 46
             0.5-5                                 56                                                    46
             5-30                                  60                                                    50
      Supplementary information:

Table 1 Conducted Emissions EUT Configuration Settings

          Power Interface Mode #                 EUT Configurations Mode #                       EUT Operation Mode #
                       2                                        2                                             1
      Supplementary information: Antenna was terminated

Table 2 Conducted Emissions Test Equipment

                                                                                                                      Cal. Due
            Description              Manufacturer               Model               Identifier       Cal. Date
          EMI Test Receiver         Rohde & Schwarz              ESCI               EMC4328              12/15/13     12/31/14
           Transient Limiter         Electro-Metrics          EM7600-2              EMC4224                N/A          N/A
            HighPass Filter         Solar Electronics         2803-150               885551                N/A          N/A
              Attenuator                   HP                   8494B              2831A00838              N/A          N/A
               LISN - L1                  Solar            8602-50-TS-50-N          EMC4052              01/16/14     01/16/15
               LISN - L2                  Solar            8602-50-TS-50-N          EMC4064              01/16/14     01/16/15

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page   13 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Figure 1 Conducted Emissions Graph Ant terminated

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page           14 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Table 3 Conducted Emissions Data Points Ant terminated

Device on base charging
120V, 60Hz
Red=L1, Green=L2, Cyan=AVE, Orange=QP
Digital Scan

Line - L1 .15 - 1MHz

                                                                Corrected     CISPR                      CISPR
Test         Meter                                              Reading       22/11                      22/11
Frequency Reading(d                    LISN       Cable         (dB(uVolts)   Group 1    Margin          Group 1    Margin
(MHz)        BuV)         Detector     Factor dB Factor dB      )             Class B QP (dB)            Class B AV (dB)
     0.1905       29.45   Av                  0.1       11.6         41.15         64.01      -22.86          54.01      -12.86
     0.2535       24.89   Av                  0.1       11.2         36.19         61.64      -25.45          51.64      -15.45
   0.31875        21.82   Av                  0.1       10.8         32.72         59.74      -27.02          49.74      -17.02
   0.38175        24.52   Av                  0.1       10.8         35.42         58.24      -22.82          48.24      -12.82
   0.44475        16.03   Av                  0.1       10.7         26.83         56.97      -30.14          46.97      -20.14
        0.51      24.84   Av                    0       10.6         35.44            56      -20.56             46      -10.56
     0.6315       25.17   Av                  0.1       10.6         35.87            56      -20.13             46      -10.13
   0.89025        20.17   Av                  0.1       10.6         30.87            56      -25.13             46      -15.13
   0.18971        40.18   QP                  0.1       11.6         51.88         64.05      -12.17          54.05       -2.17
      3.394       17.75   Av                  0.1       10.6         28.45            56      -27.55             46      -17.55
      4.627       17.18   Av                  0.1       10.7         27.98            56      -28.02             46      -18.02
     6.7285       24.06   Av                  0.1       10.8         34.96            60      -25.04             50      -15.04
     10.873       20.47   Av                  0.2        11          31.67            60      -28.33             50      -18.33
  13.91605        34.33   PK                  0.2       11.1         45.63            60      -14.37             50       -4.37

Line - L2 .15 - 1MHz

                                                                Corrected     CISPR                      CISPR
Test         Meter                                              Reading       22/11                      22/11
Frequency Reading(d                    LISN       Cable         (dB(uVolts)   Group 1    Margin          Group 1    Margin
(MHz)        BuV)       Detector       Factor dB Factor dB      )             Class B QP (dB)            Class B AV (dB)
     0.1905       27.47 Av                    0.1       11.6         39.17         64.01      -24.84          54.01      -14.84
     0.2535        19.7 Av                    0.1       11.2            31         61.64      -30.64          51.64      -20.64
   0.31875        17.12 Av                    0.1       10.8         28.02         59.74      -31.72          49.74      -21.72
   0.38175        21.66 Av                    0.1       10.8         32.56         58.24      -25.68          48.24      -15.68
   0.44925         15.4 Av                    0.1       10.7           26.2        56.89      -30.69          46.89      -20.69
        0.51      19.87 Av                    0.1       10.7         30.67            56      -25.33             46      -15.33
   0.63375        21.17 Av                    0.1       10.6         31.87            56      -24.13             46      -14.13
     0.7035       18.94 Av                    0.1       10.6         29.64            56      -26.36             46      -16.36
      0.879       15.23 Av                    0.1       10.6         25.93            56      -30.07             46      -20.07
   0.18971        40.16 QP                    0.1       11.6         51.86         64.05      -12.19          54.05       -2.19
     4.3165       12.37 Av                    0.1       10.7         23.17            56      -32.83             46      -22.83
     7.0615       18.18 Av                    0.1       10.9         29.18            60      -30.82             50      -20.82

PK - Peak detector
QP - Quasi-Peak detector
Av - CISPR average detection

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page   15 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Figure 2 Conducted Emissions Graph Ant not terminated

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page         16 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Table 4 Conducted Emissions Data Points Ant not terminated
Model#Terminal on Base
Mode:RFID 13.56MHz TX on
Voltage:120V 60Hz
Red:Line Green:Neutral

Trace Markers
      Test        Meter       Transducer Gain/Loss Corrected Limit:1      2       3       4       5       6
No. Frequency    Reading       Factor      Factor    Reading (dB(uVolts))
      (MHz)                     (dB)        (dB)
Line - L1 .15 - 1MHz ---------------------------------------------------------
6 .19134        51.46dBuV PK     .1        11.6        63.16      79      66      63.98   53.98   -       -
                                                    Margin (dB) -15.84 -2.84     -.82     9.18    -       -
7 .19134        51.46dBuV PK     .1        11.6        63.16      79      66      63.98   53.98   -       -
                                                    Margin (dB) -15.84 -2.84     -.82     9.18    -       -
8 .25812        45.33dBuV PK     .1        11.1        56.53      79      66      61.49   51.49   -       -
                                                    Margin (dB) -22.47 -9.47     -4.96    5.04    -       -
9 .31727        40.81dBuV PK     .1        10.8        51.71      79      66      59.78   49.78   -       -
                                                    Margin (dB) -27.29 -14.29 -8.07       1.93    -       -
10 .3762        37.06dBuV PK     .1        10.8        47.96      79      66      58.36   48.36   -       -
                                                    Margin (dB) -31.04 -18.04 -10.4      -.4      -       -
11 .68551       33.76dBuV PK     .1        10.6        44.46      73      60      56      46      -       -
                                                    Margin (dB) -28.54 -15.54 -11.54 -1.54        -       -
12 .18807       26.32dBuV Av     .1        11.6        38.02      79      66      64.12   54.12   -       -
                                                    Margin (dB) -40.98 -27.98 -26.1      -16.1    -       -
13 .25107       20.92dBuV Av     .1        11.2        32.22      79      66      61.72   51.72   -       -
                                                    Margin (dB) -46.78 -33.78 -29.5      -19.5    -       -

Line - L1 1 - 30MHz ----------------------------------------------------------
1 13.5611       42.93dBuV PK     .2        11.1        54.23      73      60                         60       50      -    -
                                                    Margin (dB) -18.77 -5.77                        -5.77     4.23    -    -
2 19.25126      36.81dBuV PK     .2        11.4        48.41      73      60                         60       50      -    -
                                                    Margin (dB) -24.59 -11.59                       -11.59   -1.59    -    -
3 27.12186      41.47dBuV PK     .4        11.8        53.67      73      60                         60       50      -    -
                                                    Margin (dB) -19.33 -6.33                        -6.33     3.67    -    -

Line - L2 .15 - 1MHz ---------------------------------------------------------
14 .19001       25.17dBuV Av     .1        11.6        36.87      79      66                         64.04    54.04   -    -
                                                    Margin (dB) -42.13 -29.13                       -27.17   -17.17   -    -
15 .25301       19.15dBuV Av     .1        11.2        30.45      79      66                         61.66    51.66   -    -
                                                    Margin (dB) -48.55 -35.55                       -31.21   -21.21   -    -
16 .18689       48.75dBuV PK     .1        11.6        60.45      79      66                         64.17    54.17   -    -
                                                    Margin (dB) -18.55 -5.55                        -3.72     6.28    -    -
17 .25579       42.87dBuV PK     .1        11.2        54.17      79      66                         61.57    51.57   -    -
                                                    Margin (dB) -24.83 -11.83                       -7.4      2.6     -    -
18 .31833       38.1dBuV PK      .1        10.8        49         79      66                         59.75    49.75   -    -
                                                    Margin (dB) -30      -17                        -10.75   -.75     -    -
19 .38108       35.21dBuV PK     .1        10.8        46.11      79      66                         58.26    48.26   -    -
                                                    Margin (dB) -32.89 -19.89                       -12.15   -2.15    -    -

Line - L2 1 - 30MHz ----------------------------------------------------------
4 13.5611       38.17dBuV PK     .3        11.1        49.57      73      60                         60       50      -    -
                                                    Margin (dB) -23.43 -10.43                       -10.43   -.43     -    -
5 27.12549      39.57dBuV PK     .3        11.8        51.67      73      60                         60       50      -    -
                                                    Margin (dB) -21.33 -8.33                        -8.33     1.67    -    -

LIMIT 1: CISPR 22/11 Group 1       Class   A   QP
LIMIT 2: CISPR 22/11 Group 1       Class   A   AV
LIMIT 3: CISPR 22/11 Group 1       Class   B   QP
LIMIT 4: CISPR 22/11 Group 1       Class   B   AV
PK - Peak detector
Av - CISPR average detection

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:               10343507A                   FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                       Page         17 of 40
  Model Number:               IWL252                      IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:                Ingenico
Model#Terminal on Base
Mode:RFID 13.56MHz TX on
Voltage:120V 60Hz
Red:Line Green:Neutral

Trace Markers
      Test        Meter       Transducer Gain/Loss Corrected Limit:1      2       3       4       5       6
No. Frequency    Reading       Factor      Factor    Reading (dB(uVolts))
      (MHz)                     (dB)        (dB)
Line - L1 1 - 30MHz ----------------------------------------------------------
1 13.5611       42.93dBuV PK     .2        11.1        54.23      73      60      60      50      -       -
                                                    Margin (dB) -18.77 -5.77     -5.77    4.23    -       -
2 19.25126      36.81dBuV PK     .2        11.4        48.41      73      60      60      50      -       -
                                                    Margin (dB) -24.59 -11.59 -11.59 -1.59        -       -
3 27.12186      41.47dBuV PK     .4        11.8        53.67      73      60      60      50      -       -
                                                    Margin (dB) -19.33 -6.33     -6.33    3.67    -       -

Line - L2 1 - 30MHz ----------------------------------------------------------
4 13.5611       38.17dBuV PK     .3        11.1        49.57      73      60                         60       50     -     -
                                                    Margin (dB) -23.43 -10.43                       -10.43   -.43    -     -
5 27.12549      39.57dBuV PK     .3        11.8        51.67      73      60                         60       50     -     -
                                                    Margin (dB) -21.33 -8.33                        -8.33     1.67   -     -

LIMIT   1:   CISPR   22/11   Group   1   Class   A   QP
LIMIT   2:   CISPR   22/11   Group   1   Class   A   AV
LIMIT   3:   CISPR   22/11   Group   1   Class   B   QP
LIMIT   4:   CISPR   22/11   Group   1   Class   B   AV

PK - Peak detector

Quais-peak Data
  Test        Meter       Transducer Gain/Loss Corrected Limit:1       2      3       4       5       6
Frequency    Reading       Factor      Factor    Reading (dB(uVolts))
  (MHz)                     (dB)        (dB)
Line - L1 1 - 30MHz
13.55973    40.52dBuV QP      .2        11.1      51.82       73       60     60      50      -       -
                                               Margin (dB): -21.18 -8.18     -8.18    1.82    -       -
19.2496     27.53dBuV QP      .2        11.4      39.13       73       60     60      50      -       -
                                               Margin (dB): -33.87 -20.87 -20.87 -10.87       -       -
27.1187     40.8dBuV QP       .4        11.8      53          73       60     60      50      -       -
                                               Margin (dB): -20       -7     -7       3       -       -
Line - L2 1 - 30MHz
13.55918    34.31dBuV QP      .3        11.1      45.71       73       60     60      50      -       -
                                               Margin (dB): -27.29 -14.29 -14.29 -4.29        -       -
27.11918    36.58dBuV QP      .3        11.8      48.68       73       60     60      50      -       -
                                               Margin (dB): -24.32 -11.32 -11.32 -1.32        -       -

LIMIT   1:   CISPR   22/11   Group   1   Class   A   QP
LIMIT   2:   CISPR   22/11   Group   1   Class   A   AV
LIMIT   3:   CISPR   22/11   Group   1   Class   B   QP
LIMIT   4:   CISPR   22/11   Group   1   Class   B   AV

NOTE: "+"      - Indicates an emission level in excess of the applicable limit(s).

QP - Quasi-Peak detector

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:               10343507A                   FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                       Page   18 of 40
  Model Number:               IWL252                      IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:                Ingenico
Average Data
  Test        Meter       Transducer Gain/Loss Corrected Limit:1      2       3       4       5       6
Frequency    Reading       Factor      Factor    Reading (dB(uVolts))
  (MHz)                     (dB)        (dB)
Line - L1 1 - 30MHz
13.55973    34.61dBuV Av      .2        11.1      45.91       73      60      60      50      -       -
                                               Margin (dB): -27.09 -14.09 -14.09 -4.09        -       -
19.2496     14.12dBuV Av      .2        11.4      25.72       73      60      60      50      -       -
                                               Margin (dB): -47.28 -34.28 -34.28 -24.28       -       -
27.1187     37.89dBuV Av      .4        11.8      50.09       73      60      60      50      -       -
                                               Margin (dB): -22.91 -9.91     -9.91    .09     -       -
Line - L2 1 - 30MHz
13.55918    30.44dBuV Av      .3        11.1      41.84       73      60      60      50      -       -
                                               Margin (dB): -31.16 -18.16 -18.16 -8.16        -       -
27.11918    35.03dBuV Av      .3        11.8      47.13       73      60      60      50      -       -
                                               Margin (dB): -25.87 -12.87 -12.87 -2.87        -       -

LIMIT   1:   CISPR   22/11   Group   1   Class   A   QP
LIMIT   2:   CISPR   22/11   Group   1   Class   A   AV
LIMIT   3:   CISPR   22/11   Group   1   Class   B   QP
LIMIT   4:   CISPR   22/11   Group   1   Class   B   AV

NOTE: "+"      - Indicates an emission level in excess of the applicable limit(s).

Av - CISPR average detection

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:             10343507A                    FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page       19 of 40
  Model Number:             IWL252                       IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:              Ingenico

4.2      Test Conditions and Results – Frequency Stability

      Test        For Temperature Frequency Stability, measurements were made with the product placed in an
      Description environmental chamber and the temperature varied from –30C to +50C at the normal supply
                  voltage. The frequency drift of the fundamental frequency was measured with a spectrum
                   For Power Supply Frequency Stability, measurements were made in a laboratory environment
                   and the supply voltage varied from 85% to 115%. The ambient temperature was 20C.
      Basic Standard                                                                15.225(e)
                                                  Frequency Stability Limits
      +/- 0.01% of the Operating Frequency (13.56MHz)

Table 5 Frequency Stability Configuration Settings

          Power Interface Mode #                 EUT Configurations Mode #                    EUT Operation Mode #
                       1                                        1                                         1
      Supplementary information: None

Table 6 Frequency Stability Test Equipment

                                                     Test Equipment Used
                           Description      Manufacturer         Model        Identifier Cal Date Cal Due
                     Thermal Chamber Thermotron              SM-32-7800 EMC4232 04/21/14 04/21/15
                     Frequency Counter HP                    5386A      EMC4087 12/19/13 12/31/14
                     Antenna           EMCO                  7405-902   -       N/A      N/A

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page         20 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Table 7 Frequency Stability Data – Frequency vs. Temperature

                                  Frequency       Temperature       Voltage                              Within 0.01%
            Time (min)
                                    (MHz)              (°C)                                              (range below)
          0                        13.5513               20          100%                                     NA
          2                        13.5520               20          100%                                     Yes
          5                        13.5512               20          100%                                     Yes
          10                       13.5518               20          100%                                     Yes
          0                        13.5513               20          92%                                      Yes
          2                        13.5512               20          92%                                      Yes
          5                        13.5520               20          92%                                      Yes
          10                       13.5518               20          92%                                      Yes
          0                        13.5515               20          115%                                     Yes
          2                        13.5518               20          115%                                     Yes
          5                        13.5512               20          115%                                     Yes
          10                       13.5513               20          115%                                     Yes
          0                        13.5521              -20          100%                                     Yes
          2                        13.5525              -20          100%                                     Yes
          5                        13.5516              -20          100%                                     Yes
          10                       13.5523              -20          100%                                     Yes
          0                        13.5507               50          100%                                     Yes
          2                        13.5519               50          100%                                     Yes
          5                        13.5518               50          100%                                     Yes
          10                       13.5503               50          100%                                     Yes
                                                   13.5513 MHz
                                        Range = 13.54994487 – 13.55265513

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:             10343507A                    FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page       21 of 40
  Model Number:             IWL252                       IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:              Ingenico

4.3      Test Conditions and Results – Occupied Bandwidth

      Test        Measurements were made in the laboratory environment. A Dipole (or equivalent) antenna
      Description tuned to the transmit frequency was attached to the input of a spectrum analyzer. The device
                  was operated and the spectrum analyzer resolution bandwidth set per the appropriate
      Basic Standard                                                                 15.215(c)
                                                 Occupied Bandwidth Limits
                                                       Reporting purposes

Table 8 20dB Bandwidth Configuration Settings

          Power Interface Mode #                 EUT Configurations Mode #                    EUT Operation Mode #
                       1                                        1                                         1
      Supplementary information: None

Table 9 20dB Bandwidth Spectrum Analyzer Settings

                           Resolution Bandwidth (MHz)               Occupied Bandwidth Requirements

                                                                        dBc                      %

                                 1% of the Span                          -20                     99
                      Supplementary information: None

Table 10 20dB Bandwidth Test Equipment

                                                     Test Equipment Used
                            Description       Manufacturer       Model         Identifier Cal Date Cal Due
                       Spectrum Analyzer   Agilent              N903A EMC4360 12/21/13 12/21/14
                       Antenna           EMCO                  7405-902 -     N/A      N/A

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page   22 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Figure 3 20dB Bandwidth Graph

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page   23 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Figure 4 99% Bandwidth Graph

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                         Page       24 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

4.4      Test Conditions and Results – RADIATED EMISSIONS

      Test           Measurements were made in a 10-meter semi-anechoic chamber that complies to CISPR
      Description    16/ANSI C63.4. Preliminary (peak) measurements were performed at an antenna to EUT
                     separation distance of 3 and 10-meter. The EUT was rotated 360° about its azimuth with the
                     receive antenna located at various heights in both horizontal and vertical polarities. Final
                     measurements (quasi-peak or average as noted) were then performed by rotating the EUT
                     360° and adjusting the receive antenna height to 1m for below 30MHz and from 1 to 4-
                     meters for above 30MHz. All frequencies were investigated in both horizontal and vertical
                     antenna polarity, where applicable.
      Basic Standard                                                           FCC Part 15.225
      UL LPG                                                                    80-EM-S0029
                                                              Frequency range                         Measurement Point
      Fully configured sample scanned                          9kHz – 30MHz                         (3 meter measurement
      over the following frequency range                                                                  distance)
      Fully configured sample scanned                          30MHz – 1GHz                         (10 meter measurement
      over the following frequency range                                                                   distance)
                       Frequency (MHz)                                                 Limit (dBµV/m)

                                                                                     General Emissions
                         0.009 – 0.490                                                  128.5 – 93.8
                         0.490 – 1.705                                                    73.8 – 63
                           1.705 – 30                                                        69.5
                             30 – 88                                                         29.6
                            88 – 216                                                         33.1
                            216-960                                                          35.6
                            960-1000                                                        43.53
                        13.553 – 13.567                                                      124
                        13.110 – 13.410                                                     80.506
                        13.710 – 14.010
                        13.410 – 13.553                                                     90.47
                        13.567 – 13.710
      Supplementary information: Use Avg. detector for frequencies 9-90kHz, 110-490kHz, all others use Quasi-
      peak detector

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page             25 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Table 11 Radiated Emissions EUT Configuration Settings

          Power Interface Mode #                 EUT Configurations Mode #                    EUT Operation Mode #
                       1                                        1                                          1
     Supplementary information: None

Table 12 Radiated Emissions Test Equipment

                       Description           Manufacturer           Model       Identifier Cal Date Cal Due
                   EMI Test Receiver Rohde & Schwarz   ESU    EMC4323 12/20/14                           12/31/14
                    Bicon Antenna        Chase       VBA6106A EMC4078 04/01/14                           04/01/15
                    Log-P Antenna        Chase       UPA6109 EMC4258 12/11/13                            12/31/14
                    Loop Antenna         EMCO         6502/1  EMC4026 03/18/14                           03/18/15

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:             10343507A                    FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page          26 of 40
  Model Number:             IWL252                       IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:              Ingenico

Table 13 Radiated Emissions Data Points
Fundamental Measurements

Test        Meter              Antenna                      Reading
Frequency Reading              Factor     Cable             dB(uVolts/ FCC Part Margin Azimuth
(MHz)       (dBuV)    Detector dB/m       Factor dB         meter)       15 3M     (dB)       [Degs]     Notes
  13.559548     58.32 QP             11.2       -1.5               68.02       124     -55.98        187           1
  13.559516        64 QP             11.2       -1.5                73.7       124      -50.3        268           2
  13.559516     63.62 QP             11.2       -1.5               73.32       124     -50.68        266           3

1 - x-axis flat, ant loop upright
2 - Y-axis side, ant loop upright
3 - Z-axis Upright, ant loop upright

QP - Quasi-Peak detector

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page   27 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Figure 5 Radiated Emissions Graph

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page   28 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Table 14 Radiated Emissions Data Points

              Test        Meter                    Antenna               Reading
Marker        Frequency Reading(                   Factor     Cable      dB(uVolts/             Margin      Azimuth
No.           (MHz)       dBuV)       Detector     dB/m       Factor dB meter)       TX limit (dB)          [Degs]
          1         13.56    63.98    PK                 11.2        1.5       76.68        124    -47.32   0-360
          2        13.065    22.78    PK                 11.2        1.3       35.28       69.5    -34.22   0-360
          3        13.347    37.54    PK                 11.2        1.4       50.14       80.5    -30.36   0-360
          4        13.494    41.34    PK                 11.2        1.5       54.04       90.5    -36.46   0-360
          5        13.629    43.17    PK                 11.2        1.5       55.87       90.5    -34.63   0-360
          6        13.776    41.66    PK                 11.1        1.4       54.16       80.5    -26.34   0-360
          7        14.055    29.58    PK                 11.1        1.5       42.18       69.5    -27.32   0-360

PK - Peak detector

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

         1ZZUL EMC                                                                  8 Aug 2814    89:44:36

               i     i      f_|        i        Do          Radiated Emissions
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RE RFTD Sk—30ftiz 6—6—14.08T *                                                                   Rev 9.5 B4 Deo 2813

 core eopun evie ue w e vuze

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page     30 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Table 15 Radiated Emissions Data Points

              Test         Meter               Antenna               Reading
Marker        Frequency Reading(               Factor     Cable      dB(uVolts/ FCC Part Margin           Azimuth
No.           (MHz)        dBuV)      Detector dB/m       Factor dB meter)       15 3M     (dB)           [Degs]
          2      0.009254     46.77   PK             22.1       -0.1       68.77    128.26     -59.49     0-360
          3      0.023989     47.08   PK             16.4       -0.1       63.38    119.99     -56.61     0-360
          4       0.26313      38.9   PK             11.9       -0.7        50.1      99.2      -49.1     0-360
          1      13.55777     64.08   PK             11.2       -1.5       73.78       124     -50.22     0-360
          5       1.27818     25.36   PK             12.5       -1.7       36.16     65.47     -29.31     0-360
          6         5.6305    26.57   PK             11.9       -1.5       36.97     69.54     -32.57     0-360
          7       7.63569      28.4   PK             11.5       -1.6        38.3     69.54     -31.24     0-360

PK - Peak detector

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page   31 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Figure 7 Radiated Emissions Graph

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:                 10343507A                FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page            32 of 40
  Model Number:                 IWL252                   IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:                  Ingenico

Table 16 Radiated Emissions Data Points

RFID Y-Axis Side
Red:Horizontal Green:Vertical

           Test        Meter               Antenna                 Reading CFR 47
           Frequency Reading(d             Factor     Cable factor dB(uVolts/ Part 15 Margin Azimuth          Height
Marker No. (MHz)       BuV)       Detector dB/m       dB           meter)      10m       (dB)        [Degs]   [cm]         Polarity
         1     40.6675       33.9 PK             13.8        -30.1        17.6     29.55      -11.95 0-360             250 H
         3      67.825      31.84 PK              6.1          -30        7.94     29.55      -21.61 0-360             250 H
         2     40.6675      40.85 PK             13.8        -30.1      24.55      29.55          -5 0-360              99 V
         4      67.825      36.45 PK              6.1          -30      12.55      29.55         -17 0-360             249 V
         5      113.81      36.05 PK             12.6        -29.8      18.85      33.07      -14.22 0-360              99 V
         6 135.6125         34.93 PK             14.3        -29.7      19.53      33.07      -13.54 0-360              99 V

PK - Peak detector

Test       Meter                Antenna               Reading
Frequency Reading               Factor     Cable      dB(uVolts/ CFR 47 Part Margin Azimuth Height
(MHz)      (dBuV)      Detector dB/m       factor dB meter)       15 10m (dB)          [Degs]     [cm]     Polarity
 40.677903       39.97 QP             13.8      -30.1       23.67      29.55     -5.88        187      100 V

QP - Quasi-Peak detector

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page   33 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

Appendix A
Accreditations and Authorizations

                                               NVLAP Lab code: 100414-0

NVLAP: The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) administers the National Voluntary
Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP). NVLAP is comprised of laboratory accreditation programs
(LAPs) which are established on the basis of requests and demonstrated need. Each LAP includes
specific calibration and/or test standards and related methods and protocols assembled to satisfy the
unique needs for accreditation in a field of testing or calibration. NVLAP accredits public and private
laboratories based on evaluation of their technical qualifications and competence to carry out specific
calibrations or tests. Accreditation criteria are established in accordance with the U.S. Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR, Title 15, Part 285), NVLAP Procedures and General Requirements, and encompass
the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. For a full scope listing see

FCC: Details of the measurement facilities used for these tests have been filed with the Federal
Communications Commission’s Laboratory in Columbia, Maryland (Ref. No. 91044).

Industry of Canada: Accredited by Industry Canada for performance of radiated measurements. Our test
site complies with RSP 100, Issue 7, Section 3.3. File #: IC 2180A

VCCI: Accepted as an Associate Member to the VCCI. The measurement facilities detailed in this test
report have been registered in accordance with Regulations for Voluntary Control Measures, Article 8.
Registration Nos.: A0140.

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

  Order Number:            10343507A                     FCC ID: XKB-IWLTBB                        Page   34 of 40
  Model Number:            IWL252                        IC: 2586D-IWLTBB
  Client Name:             Ingenico

ICASA: ICASA (Independent Communications Authority of South Africa) has appointed UL as a
Designated Test Laboratory to test Telecommunications equipment for type approval in compliance with
CISPR 22 to assist in fulfilling its mandate under section 54(1) of the Telecommunications Act, 1996 (Act
103 of 1996).

NIST/CAB: Validated by the European Commission as a U.S. Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) of the
U.S.-EU Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) for the Electromagnetic Compatibility - Council Directive
2004/108/EC, Annex III (2-3). Also validated for the Telecommunication Equipment-Council Directive
99/5/EC, Annex III and IV, Identification Number: 0983.
NIST/CAB: Provisioned to act as a U.S. Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) under Appendix B, Phase I
Procedures, of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) MRA between the American Institute in
Taiwan (AIT) and the United States. Our laboratory is considered qualified to test equipment subject to
the applicable EMC regulations of the Chinese Taipei Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection
(BSMI) which require testing to CNS 13438 (CISPR 22).
NIST/CAB: Recognized by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) under the Asia Pacific
Economic Cooperation Mutual Recognition Agreement (APEC MRA). Our laboratory is provisionally
designated to act as a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) under Appendix B, Phase I Procedures, of the
APEC MRA. Our scope of designation includes IDA TS EMC (CISPR 22), IEC 61000-4-2, -4-3, -4-4, -4-5,
and -4-6

           UL LLC 333 Pfingsten Rd. Northbrook, IL 60062 USA Tel.: 847 272-8800 Rev. No 1.0Rev. No 1.0
 EMC Report 2012-87-EM-F0042

Document Created: 2019-08-31 14:44:14
Document Modified: 2019-08-31 14:44:14

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