Test Report - XKB-IMP40C.pdf


Test Report

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                                                            TEST REPORT
N°: 840228-R1-E                                                                                                             JDE : 135368

Subject                      Electromagnetic compatibility tests according to the standards:
                             FCC CFR 47 Part 15, Subpart B.
                             ANSI C63.4 (2003)

Issued to                                                     INGENICO
                                                              Rovaltain TGV – Le Valvert
                                                              9 avenue de la gare
                                                              26300 ALIXAN
Apparatus under test
 Product                                                     ISMP2 Intelligent Docking Station
 Trade mark                                                  INGENICO
 Manufacturer                                                INGENICO
 Model under test                                            IMP400-01B3143A
 Serial number                                               14347KT00004149

Test date                                                     From April 27 , 2015
Test location                                                 Moirans
Test performed by                                             Majid MOURZAGH
Composition of document                                       19 pages

Last version                                                  None

Document issued on                                            June 30th , 2015

                                  Written by :                                                                          Approved by :
                            Majid MOURZAGH                                                                            Anthony MERLIN
                               Tests operator                                                                       Technical manager

This document shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of the LCIE. This document contains results related only to the item tested. It does not
imply the conformity of the whole production to the item tested. Unless otherwise specified, the decision of conformity takes into account the uncertainty of measures.

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1.   TEST PROGRAM ............................................................................................................................. 3
3.   MEASUREMENT OF CONDUCTED EMISSION .............................................................................. 7
4.   MEASUREMENT OF RADIATED EMISSION (30MHZ-2GHZ) ......................................................... 9
5.   UNCERTAINTIES CHART .............................................................................................................. 14
6.   ANNEX 1 (GRAPHS) ...................................................................................................................... 15

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1.        TEST PROGRAM


Standard:                   - FCC Part 15, Subpart B (Digital Devices)
                            - ANSI C63.4 (2003)

EMISSION TEST                                                                      LIMITS
                                              Frequency               Quasi-peak value             Average value                       PASS
Limits for conducted disturbance             150-500kHz            66.0 dBµV to 56.0 dBµV      56.0 dBµV to 46.0 dBµV                  FAIL
at mains ports                                                                                                                         NA
                                               0.5-5MHz                  56.0 dBµV                   46.0 dBµV
150kHz-30MHz                                                                                                                           NP
                                               5-30MHz                   60.0 dBµV                   50.0 dBµV
                                              Frequency                           Quasi-peak value @3m
                                            30MHz-88MHz                                40.0 dBµV/m                                     PASS
Radiated emissions                                                                                                                     FAIL
                                           88MHz-216MHz                                43.5 dBµV/m
30MHz-1GHz                                                                                                                             NA
                                           216MHz-960MHz                               46.0 dBµV/m                                     NP
                                            Above 960MHz                               54.0 dBµV/m
Radiated emissions                            Frequency               Peak value @3m            Average value @3m                      PASS
1GHz-2GHz*                                                                                                                             FAIL
Highest frequency : 387 MHz                      1-2GHz                   74.0 dBµV/m                       54.0 dBµV/m                NA
(Declaration of provider)                                                                                                              NP
*§15.33: The highest internal source of a testing device is defined like more the highest frequency generated or used in the testing device or on which
the testing device works or agrees.
- If the highest frequency of the internal sources of the testing device is lower than 108 MHz, measurement must be only performed until 1GHz.
- If the highest frequency of the internal sources of the testing device ranges between 108 MHz and 500 MHz, measurement must be only performed
until 2GHz.
- If the highest frequency of the internal sources of the testing device ranges between 500 MHz and 1 GHz, measurement must be only performed
until 5GHz.
If the highest frequency of the internal sources of the testing device is above 1 GHz, measurement must be only performed until 5 times the highest
frequency or 40 GHz, while taking smallest of both.
Highest frequency: 387MHz (Declaration of provider)

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Equipment under test (EUT):
IMP400-01B3143A                                                     Serial Number: 14347KT00004149

                                                  Equipment Under Test

Power supply:
For measurement with different voltage, it will be presented in test method.

 Name                 Type                    Rating                     Reference / Sn                Comments
                                                                            Mean Well
Supply1      AC  DC  Battery         100-240V 50/60Hz                                             Sn: EB4EC71609
                                                                     Model GS90A12-R7BBM1

Inputs/outputs - Cable:

                                                            Length Declared
Access                           Type                                       Shielded Under test          Comments
                                                           used (m)  <3m
Supply1                      AC/DC adaptor                    2                       
 LAN1                            RJ45                         1                       
 LAN2                            RJ45                         1                       
                                                                                                       Not used during
 USB                             USB                            -                           

Auxiliary equipment used during test:

              Type                           Reference                           Sn                     Comments
             Laptop                          TOSHIBA1                             -                        -
             Laptop                          TOSHIBA1                             -                        -
                                                                     CEM iDS1; CEM IDS2; CEM iDS3
           6 x ISMP2                    INGENICO ISMP2                                                       -
                                                                     CEM iDS4; CEM iDS5; CEM iDS6

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Firmware / Software version of EUT: SDK 9.22 based
The EUT is connected to 2 laptop PC with its Ethernet link. (Ping function activated).
6 Auxiliaries are installed to be charged


 None           Modification:

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The field strength is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Factor, and subtracting the Amplifier Gain (if
any) from the measured reading. The basic equation with a sample calculation is as follow:

FS = RA + AF + CF – AG

Where       FS = Field Strength
            RA = Receiver Amplitude
            AF = Antenna Factor
            CF = Cable Factor
            AG = Amplifier Gain

Assume a receiver reading of 52.5dBµV is obtained. The antenna factor of 7.4 and a cable factor of 1.1 is added. The
amplifier gain of 29dB is subtracted, giving field strength of 32 dBµV/m.
FS = 52.5 + 7.4 + 1.1 – 29 = 32 dBµV/m
The 32 dBµV/m value can be mathematically converted to its corresponding level in µV/m.
Level in µV/m = Common Antilogarithm [(32dBµV/m)/20] = 39.8 µV/m.

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Date of test                 :   April 27 , 2015
Test performed by            :   Majid MOURZAGH
Atmospheric pressure (hPa)   :   997
Relative humidity (%)        :   32
Ambient temperature (°C)     :   23


Mains terminals
The EUT and auxiliaries are set:
 80cm above the ground on the non-conducting table (Table-top equipment)
 10cm above the ground on isolating support (Floor standing equipment)
The distance between the EUT and the LISN is 80cm. The EUT is 40cm away for the vertical ground plane.

The EUT is powered by 110Vac./ 60Hz
The EUT is powered through a LISN (measure). Auxiliaries are powered by another LISN.

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The product has been tested according to ANSI C63.4-(2003) and FCC Part 15 subpart B and C. The product has been
tested with 120V/60Hz power line voltage and compared to the FCC Part 15 subpart B §15.107. Measurement
bandwidth was 9kHz from 150kHz to 30MHz. This was followed by a Quasi-Peak, i.e. CISPR measurement for any
strong signal. If the average limit is met when using a Quasi-Peak detector, the EUT shall be deemed to meet both limits
and measurement with the average detector is unnecessary. The LISN (measure) is 50 / 50µH. The Peak data are
shown on plots in annex 1. Quasi-Peak and Average measurements are detailed in a table with frequencies and levels
measured. Interconnecting cables and equipment's were moved to position that maximized emission. A summary of the
worst case emissions found in all test configurations and modes is shown on the following page.

Measurements are performed on the phase (L1) and neutral (N) of power line voltage. Graphs are obtained in PEAK
detection. Measures are also performed in Quasi-Peak and Average for any strong signal.


            DESCRIPTION                         MANUFACTURER                        MODEL                 N° LCIE
                   Cable                                  -                             -                 A5329578
          LISN tri-phase ESH2-Z5                 RHODE & SCHWARZ                   33852.19.53            C2320062
                 Load 50Ω                                 -                             -                 A7152031
           Receiver 20Hz – 8GHz                  ROHDE & SCHWARZ                     ESU8                 A2642019
         Thermo-hygrometer (PM2)                      OREGON                      BAR916HG-G              B4206011
              Transient limiter                  RHODE & SCHWARZ                    ESH3-Z2               A7122204


 None                      Divergence:


Mains terminals:

Measurements are performed on the phase (L1) and neutral (N) of the power line.
Results: (PEAK detection)
  Graph identifier         Line                                         Comments
    Emc# 1                Phase                                       -                                  See annex 1
    Emc# 2                Neutral                                     -                                  See annex 1


The sample of the equipment IMP400-01B3143A, Sn: 14347KT00004149, tested in the configuration presented in this
test report satisfies to requirements of class B limits of the standard FCC Part15B, for conducted emissions.

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Date of test                 :   April 27 , 2015
Test performed by            :   Majid MOURZAGH
Atmospheric pressure (hPa)   :   997
Relative humidity (%)        :   32
Ambient temperature (°C)     :   23


The installation of EUT is identical for pre-characterization measures in a 3 meters semi- anechoic chamber and for
measures on the 10 meters Open site.
The EUT and auxiliaries are set:
 80cm above the ground on the non-conducting table (Table-top equipment)
 10cm above the ground on isolating support (Floor standing equipment)
The EUT is powered by 230Vac.

                                                Test setup on OATS

                                           Test setup in anechoic chamber

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Pre-characterisation measurement: (30MHz –2GHz)
A pre-scan of all the setup has been performed in a 3 meters semi-anechoic chamber for frequency from 30MHz to
2GHz. Test is performed in horizontal (H) and vertical (V) polarization during the test for maximized the emission
measurement. Continuous linear turntable azimuth search was performed with 360 degrees range. Measurement
performed on all axis of EUT used in normal configuration.
The pre-characterization graphs are obtained in PEAK detection and PEAK/AVERAGE from 1GHz to XGHz.

Characterization on 10 meters open site from 30MHz to 1GHz:
The product has been tested according to ANSI C63.4 (2003), FCC part 15 subpart B. Radiated Emissions were
measured on an open area test site. A description of the facility is on file with the FCC. The product has been tested at a
distance of 10 meters from the antenna and compared to the FCC part 15 subpart B §15.109 limits. Measurement
bandwidth was 120kHz from 30 MHz to 1GHz. Test is performed in horizontal (H) and vertical (V) polarization, during
the test for maximized the emission measurement. The height antenna is varied from 1m to 4m. Continuous linear
turntable azimuth search was performed with 360 degrees range. Measurement performed on all axis of EUT used in
normal configuration. A summary of the worst case emissions found in all test configurations and modes is shown.
Frequency list has been created with anechoic chamber pre-scan results.

Characterization on 3 meters full anechoic chamber from 1GHz to 2GHz:
The product has been tested at a distance of 3 meters from the antenna and compared to the FCC part 15 subpart B
§15.109 limits. Measurement bandwidth was 1MHz from 1GHz to 2GHz.
Test is performed in horizontal (H) and vertical (V) polarization. Continuous linear turntable azimuth search was
performed with 360 degrees range. Measurement performed on all axis of EUT used in normal configuration. A
summary of the worst case emissions found in all test configurations and modes is shown.The height antenna is
   On mast, varied from 1m to 4m
   Fixed and centered on the EUT
Frequency list has been created with anechoic chamber pre-scan results.

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               DESCRIPTION               MANUFACTURER      MODEL                N° LCIE
        Amplifier 0.1MHz – 1300 MHz     HEWLETT PACKARD     8447F              A7086006
              Amplifier 1-6GHz          HEWLETT PACKARD       -                A7085016
               Antenna Bi-log                CHASE        CBL6111A             C2040051
           Antenna Bi-Log XWing              TESEQ         CBL6144             C2040146
               Antenna horn                  EMCO           3115               C2042027
                   Cable                   SUCOFLEX         106G               A5329061
               Cable (OATS)                     -             -                A5329623
              Emission Cable              MICRO-COAX        6GHz               A5329654
              Emission Cable              MICRO-COAX        6GHz               A5329655
              Emission Cable              MICRO-COAX        6GHz               A5329656
         Semi-Anechoic chamber #2            SIEPEL           -                D3044015
  Radiated emission comb generator          BARDET            -                A3169050
                   OATS                         -             -                F2000409
       Spectrum Analyzer 9kHz - 6GHz    ROHDE & SCHWARZ     FSL6               A2642020
           Receiver 20-1000MHz          ROHDE & SCHWARZ    ESVS30              A2642006
          Thermo-hygrometer (C2)         LACROSS Techn.    WS-2357             B4206015
   Turntable / Mast controller (OATS)     ETS Lindgren    Model 2066           F2000372
           Antenna mast (OATS)            ETS Lindgren      2071-2             F2000392
        Turntable controller (Cage#2)      ETS Lingren    Model 2066           F2000393
             Turntable (OATS)             ETS Lindgren    Model 2187           F2000403
        Turntable chamber (Cage#2)         ETS Lingren    Model 2165           F2000404
                   Table                      LCIE            -                F2000438

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 None                  Divergence:

4.6.      TEST RESULTS

 4.6.1. Pre-characterization at 3 meters [30MHz-1GHz]
See graphs:
    Graph identifier          Polarization                        Comments
       Emr# 1              Vertical/ Horizontal                                    See annex 1

 4.6.2. Pre-characterization at 3 meters [1GHz-2GHz]
See graphs:
    Graph identifier          Polarization                        Comments
       Emr# 2                    Vertical                                          See annex 1
       Emr# 3                   Horizontal                                         See annex 1

 4.6.3.    Characterization on 10 meters open site from 30MHz to 1GHz

Worst case final data result:
Frequency list has been created with semi-anechoic chamber pre-scan results.
Measurements are performed using a QUASI-PEAK detection.

No Frequency           Limit            Measure     Margin       Angle     Pol.          Ht.      FC    Remark
     (MHz)             QPeak             QPeak      QPeak        Table     Ant.         Ant.     (dB)
                     (dBµV/m)          (dBµV/m)      (dB)         (°)                   (cm)
1      35.941           40.0             38.8         -1.2          0          V         100     16.5   See § 2.3
2      47.921           40.0             38.7         -1.3          0          V         100     10.3   See § 2.3
3      49.900           40.0             37.6         -2.4        180          V         110      9.4   See § 2.3
4      175.000          43.5             34.0         -9.5        270          V         110     11.9   See § 2.3
5      193.500          43.5             36.9         -6.6          0          V         110     11.3   See § 2.3
6      200.000          43.5             31.8        -11.7        200          H         100     11.1   See § 2.3
7      225.000          46.0             39.4         -6.6        270          V         110     13.3   See § 2.3
8      250.000          46.0             35.2        -10.8         45          H         280     15.6   See § 2.3
9      275.000          46.0             44.6         -1.4        110          V         180     16.0   See § 2.3

Note: Measure have been done at 10m distance and corrected according to requirements of 15.209.e)
(M@3m = M@10m+10.5dB)

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 4.6.4. Characterization on 3meters anechoic chamber from 1GHz to 2GHz
Worst case final data result:
The frequency list is created from the results obtained during the pre-characterization in anechoic chamber.
Measurements are performed using a PEAK and AVERAGE detection.

Measurements are performed using a PEAK and Average detection. (RBW = 1MHz)
  No     Frequency        Limit      Measure      Margin       Angle Pol     Ht             Correc.       Comments
           (GHz)        Average      Average     (Mes-Lim) Table Ant. Ant.                   factor
                        (dBµV/m)     (dBµV/m)      (dB)        (deg)        (cm)              (dB)

                                               No Significant Frequency observed

   No      Frequency        Limit       Measure       Margin       Angle    Pol     Ht    Correc.       Comments
             (GHz)          Peak          Peak       (Mes-Lim)     Table    Ant.   Ant.    factor
                          (dBµV/m)      (dBµV/m)       (dB)        (deg)           (cm)     (dB)

                                               No Significant Frequency observed

Note: Measures have been done at 3m distance.


The sample of the equipment IMP400-01B3143A, Sn: 14347KT00004149, tested in the configuration presented in this
test report satisfies to requirements of class B limits of the standard FCC Part15B, for radiated emissions.

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                                                                                                       Incertitude élargie
                                                                                                                                  Incertitude limite
                                                                                                       laboratoire /
                                                                                                                                  du CISPR / CISPR
 Type de mesure / Kind of measurement                                                                  Wide uncertainty
                                                                                                                                  uncertainty limit 
                                                                                                       (k=2)  x
 Mesure des perturbations conduites en tension sur le réseau d’énergie (triphasé)
                                                                                                                3.6 dB                    3.6 dB
 Measurement of conducted disturbances in voltage on the power port (three phases)
 Mesure des perturbations conduites en tension sur le réseau d’énergie (monophasé)
                                                                                                               3.57 dB                    3.6 dB
 Measurement of conducted disturbances in voltage on the power port (single line)
 Mesure des perturbations conduites en tension sur le réseau de télécommunication                                                      A l’étude /
                                                                                                               3.28 dB
 Measurement of conducted disturbances in voltage on the telecommunication port.                                                      Under consid.
 Mesure des perturbations discontinues conduites en tension
                                                                                                               3.47 dB                    3.6 dB
 Measurement of discontinuous conducted disturbances in voltage
 Mesure des perturbations conduites en courant                                                                                         A l’étude /
                                                                                                               2.90 dB
 Measurement of conducted disturbances in current                                                                                     Under consid.
 Mesure du champ électrique rayonné sur le site en espace libre de Moirans
                                                                                                               5.07 dB                    5.2 dB
 Measurement of radiated electric field on the Moirans open area test site
 Mesure du champ électrique rayonné IN SITU de 30 à 1000 MHz                                                A l’étude /
                                                                                                                                          5.2 dB
 IN SITU measurement of radiated electric field from 30 to 1000MHz                                      Under consideration

Les valeurs d’incertitudes calculées du laboratoire étant inférieures aux valeurs d’incertitudes limites établies par le CISPR, la conformité de
l’échantillon est établie directement par les niveaux limites applicables. Ce tableau regroupe l'ensemble des incertitudes maximales pour les essais
réalisables dans le laboratoire, qu’ils aient été ou non réalisés dans le cadre du présent rapport / The uncertainty values calculated by the laboratory
are lower than limit uncertainty values defined by the CISPR. The conformity of the sample is directly established by the applicable limits values. This
table includes all uncertainties maximum feasible for testing in the laboratory, whether or not made in this report

Note - L'incertitude de mesure instrumentale est déterminée selon la CISPR 16-4-2. / The      instrumentation measurement uncertainty is determined
according to CISPR16-4-2

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6.                 ANNEX 1 (GRAPHS)

                                                   CONDUCTED EMISSIONS
Graph name:                           Emc#1                        Test configuration:
Limit:                                EN 55022
Class:                                B
                                              Frequency range: [150kHz - 30MHz]
Voltage / Frequency:                  110VAC / 60Hz                RBW :     10kHz
Line:                                 Phase                        VBW :     30kHz
                                                                                           Civile/EN 55022 - Classe:B - Moyenne/
                                                                                           Civile/EN 55022 - Classe:B - QCrête/
                                                                                           Mes.Peak (Phase 1)
                                                                                           Mes.Avg (Phase 1)

          150kHz                                                                                                            30MHz
                                                              Fréquence (MHz)

                                                      Spurious emissions

                                                 Frequency (MHz)          Peak (dBµV)
                                                      0.154                  45.39

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                                    CONDUCTED EMISSIONS
Graph name:            Emc#2                        Test configuration:
Limit:                 EN 55022
Class:                 B
                               Frequency range: [150kHz - 30MHz]
Voltage / Frequency:   110VAC / 60Hz                RBW :     10kHz
Line:                  Neutral                      VBW :     30kHz
                                                                            Civile/EN 55022 - Classe:B - Moyenne/
                                                                            Civile/EN 55022 - Classe:B - QCrête/
                                                                            Mes.Peak (Neutre)
                                                                            Mes.Avg (Neutre)
                                                                            Peak (Peak/LimAvg) (Neutre)

          150kHz                                                                                             30MHz
                                               Fréquence (MHz)

                                       Spurious emissions

                                 Frequency (MHz)         Peak (dBµV)
                                 0.15                    44.9

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                                    RADIATED EMISSIONS
Graph name:             Emr#1                     Test configuration:
Limit:                  FCC CFR47 Part15B
                                                  (H+V) -
Class:                  B
                               Frequency range: [30MHz - 1GHz]
Antenna polarization:   Horizontal & Vertical     RBW : 100kHz
Azimuth:                0° - 360°                 VBW : 300kHz

                                      Spurious emissions

                  Frequency (MHz)   Peak (dBµV/m)           Position
                       35.933           25.27       Polarisation horizontale
                      125.812           26.59       Polarisation horizontale
                      193.574           32.92       Polarisation horizontale
                        200             31.58       Polarisation horizontale
                        225             39.16       Polarisation horizontale
                        275               38        Polarisation horizontale
                       35.95            39.08        Polarisation verticale
                       47.935           47.42        Polarisation verticale
                      175.044           27.08        Polarisation verticale
                       193.54           37.38        Polarisation verticale
                        200             33.67        Polarisation verticale
                        225             37.98        Polarisation verticale
                        250             33.38        Polarisation verticale
                        275             33.17        Polarisation verticale

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                                         RADIATED EMISSIONS
Graph name:             Emr#2                          Test configuration:
Limit:                  FCC CFR47 Part15B
                                                       Pol (V) -
Class:                  B
                                    Frequency range: [1GHz - 2GHz]
Antenna polarization:   Horizontal & Vertical          RBW :     1MHz
Azimuth:                0° - 360°                      VBW :     3MHz

                                        Spurious emissions

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                                         RADIATED EMISSIONS
Graph name:             Emr#3                          Test configuration:
Limit:                  FCC CFR47 Part15B
                                                       Pol (H) -
Class:                  B
                                    Frequency range: [1GHz - 2GHz]
Antenna polarization:   Horizontal & Vertical          RBW :     1MHz
Azimuth:                0° - 360°                      VBW :     3MHz

                                        Spurious emissions

Document Created: 2015-06-30 14:36:48
Document Modified: 2015-06-30 14:36:48

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