SAR Test Report


Test Report

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                                                                                                                                                     Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                                     Page:      1     of      28

                                                               SAR TEST REPORT                                                                                                   «U
             The following samples were submitted and identified on behalf of the client as:

               Product Name                                                    Smart Antenna Tool
               Marketing Name                                                  Smart Antenna Tool
               Brand Name                                                      NetComm
               Model No.                                                      NRB—0206
               Series Model No.                                               AIMWLLR1—35
               Prepared for                                                    NetComm Wireless Limited
               Company Address                                                 18—20 Orion Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066 Australia
                                                                               IEEE/ANSI C95.1—1992, IEEE 1528—2013,
               Standards                                                       KDB248227D01v02r02,KDB865664D01v01r04,
               FCC ID                                                         XIA—NRBO206
               Date of Receipt                                                Aug. 05, 2019
               Date of Test(s)                                                Aug. 19, 2019
               Date of Issue                                                  Aug. 26, 2019
              In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the standards specified above.
                  This report details the results of the testing carried out on one sample, the results contained in this test
             report do not relate to other samples of the same product. The manufacturer should ensure that all products in
             series production are in conformity with the product sample detailed in this report.
                  This report may only be reproduced and distributed in full. If the product in this report is used in any
             configuration other than that detailed in the report, the manufacturer must ensure the new system complies
             with all relevant standards. Any mention of SGS Taiwan Electronic & Communication Laboratory or testing
             done by SGS Taiwan Electronic & Communication Laboratory in connection with distribution or use of the
             product described in this report must be approved by SGS Taiwan Electronic & Communication Laboratory in

             Signed on behalf of SGS
                           Clerk / Ruby Ou                                          Engineer / Jay Tseng                                    Asst. Manager / John Yeh

                              Buby Ou                                                   \(w/(\)/              Teofla/

                                                                                                                                                          Date: Aug. 26, 2019

Unless otherwise stated the results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested and such sample(s) are retained for 90 days only.
EneRmnt | Metmismtieaist—ameul > RidibesiReun — AHE—HLAAcEirH > Ferele —
This document is issued by the Company subject to its General Conditions of Service printed overlea, available on request or accessible at and conditions.him and for electronic format
documents, subject to Terms and Conditions for Electronic Documents at e—document.him. Aitention is drawn to the limitation of liabilty, indemnification and jurisdiction issues defined
therein. Any holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects the Company‘s findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client‘s instructions, if any. The
Company‘s sole responsibilty is to its Client and this document does not exonerate parties to a transaction from exercising all their rights and obligations under the transaction documents. This document cannot
be reproduced except in full, without prior written approval of the Company. Any unauthorized alteration, forgery or falsification of the content or appearance of this documentis unlawful and offenders may be
prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
                              SGS Taiwan Ltd.      No.134,Wu Kung Road, New Taipei Industrial Park, Wuku District, New Taipei City, Talwan 248037# 4t 7> 7. it 6 & 46 & % & € =. 1 % 134 5

             6 MHediicPBRcArd tha s              1 (886—2) 2299—3279                                  1 (886—2) 2298—0488           
                                                                                                                                              Member of SGS Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 2 of 28

                                                                   Revision History
                   Report Number                            Revision                               Description                                    Issue Date
                   EN/2019/80005                              Rev.00                  Initia! creation of document                              Aug. 26, 2019

Unless othenfse tatedtheresuts shour in is tast eport refer onlto the cariletetetesand such sarplete) areretanefor 20 days only
Finmel . neenmemimecwo> Aisfoieiiniion »Aichinaemt + relmeaitt —
This dociment is ssued by the Gompany subletto s Genaral Condlons of Senice prited overlea, avalable on requestor accesse at w se comeris and condiions hm and for elctonks format
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Company‘s sele eeponskilt s t ts Clent ants dosirrent does not conerate partlas to transacton rom exercsing l thir fgits and oblgatons Underthe ransaction decurments. Thi docuirent cannot
be teprduced exeept n fl, wihout pror wrtten approvalo he Conpany. Any unauthorized ateraion, forgary orflsfeaton of thecontet or appearance o hidecument is untawful and aferders may be
prosncutedto thfulest exent t thefaw
                          $6S Talwan Li. No.134.WKung Road, NowTaipelIndustral Park, Wuku Distric, Naw Taipel Ciy, Tamwan 24B03/ar 2k9. #ik t l t.t 194 5t
             6 Nenfien meara 1(nee2) 2200.0079                                             1 (soe—2) 2200.0408      
                                          |                                                                                  Mamber of SG5 Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 3 of 28


            1. G@N@T@L IfOMM@NON ... .0 0000000eeeeeeeeereereereererererererererererererererererererenerenenien 4
                 1.1 TeStHAQ L@BOPAROTY .............ccsssecenncecnnm n m en en en en en en enc

                 1.2 Details of Applicant.
                 1.3 Description of EUT .
                 1.4 Test Environment....
                 1.5 Operation Description
                 1.6 The SAR Measurement System
                 1.7 System Components ...
                 1.8 SAR System Verification.............................
                 1.9 Tissue Simulant Fluid for the Frequency Band .
                 1.10 Evaluation Procedures......
                 1.11 Probe Calibration Procedures.
                 1.12 Test Standards and Limits....
            2. Summary of Results
                 2.1 Decision rules....
                 2.2 Summary of Results...............
                 2.3 Reporting statements of conformity
            3. Instruments L|5124
            4. ME@SUT@M@MS..mmmemememene                                                                                                                                 .25
            5. SAR System Performance Verification
            6. UNC@N@INtY BUUG@L:....sceemememememene
            ADDENIIXGS ....ceeemememenen
                    EN201980005 SAR_Appendix A Photographs.
                    EN201980005 SAR_Appendix B DAE & Probe Cal. Certificate .............
                    EN201980005 SAR_Appendix C Phantom Description & Dipole Cal. Cemflcate

‘iless othervls sred e reaits stou n tast eport eler only o he cartletereted and ouch carieteoretaned for 20 days only
Emes . eeenmernimeewie > Aidomauin in ienA te mire                                               sn —
Te 2ezment it Erved y the Company satiea to e Berire Gonditore af Saver piniad proreateraladle on reavest o accecsble at ons comerms and condiions hm and for elatont fomat
documents, ubjectto Tems and Conditons for Electonle Docaments at yeosos.conttvons Atenten is draun to the Imitaton af aoiiy, inderinfiatonand jutediton Issues defned
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
Company‘s sale reeponshlis t ts Clent and ts docunrent does not evonerate parles to a ransacton fom exeroing al thelr fgits and onigatons underthe ransacton dacirments. Thi decu‘rent canrot
h repredueed exeet n fil, wihout prier witten approvalof the Company. Any unauthorzed aeraion, forgery orflsleaton ofthe contet or appearance o thls document is untawful and oferders may be
prosncutedto thfulest exent t thefaw
                  568 Takan Li.               No.134.WKung Road, NowTaipelIndustral Park, Wuku Distric, Naw Taipel Ciy, Tamwan 24B03/ar 2k9. #ik t l t.t 194 5t
            6 nedand 0 5                      1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                         1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488      
                                          |                                                                                   Mamber of SG5 Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 4 of 28

            1. General Information
                   1.1 Testing Laboratory

                           SGS Taiwan Ltd. Electronics & Communication Laboratory
                           1F, No. 8, Alley 15, Lane 120, Sec. 1, NeiHu Road, Neihu District, Taipei City,
                           11493, Taiwan
                           [Tel                                     +886—2—2209—3279
                           Fax                                      +886—2—2208—0488
                           Internet                                 http/

                   1.2 Details of Applicant

                            Company Name                            NetComm Wireless Limited
                            Company Address                         [18—20 Orion Road, Lane Cove NSW 2066 Australia

Uless othornes stred me reauts shouin ts est reportrefer onl t the cartlete tested and such carinet@areretaned for20 days only
IMromen . nmeeemimerm> eimeaneininex Reckinesmemint                                                mempae —
Te 2ezment it Erved y the Company satiea to e Berire Gonditore af Saver piniad proreateraladle on reavest o accecsble at ons comerms and condiions hm and for elatont fomat
decument, tjectto Tems and Candlions for Slectonle Docireentsat winsgconfloms Atertion is draun to th imtaton of Yanleg, indermnileaton and Jirscieton isues dened
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
Company‘s sale reeponshlis t ts Clent and ts docunrent does not evonerate parles to a ransacton fom exeroing al thelr fgits and onigatons underthe ransacton dacirments. Thi decu‘rent canrot
h repredueed exeet n fil, wihout prier witten approvalof the Company. Any unauthorzed aeraion, forgery orflsleaton ofthe contet or appearance o thls document is untawful and oferders may be
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                           808 Takan Li. No.184.WKung Road, New Taipel Industral Park, Wuku District, Naw Taipel Oiy, Tamwan 24809/a 2k h.92E t 1 E.2194 5t
             6 Neednt ie5 1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                                               1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488     
                                            |                                                                                 Member af SGS Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 5 of 28

                   1.3 Description of EUT

                           Product Name                               Smart Antenna Tool

                           Marketing Name                             Smart Antenna Tool

                           Brand Name                                 NetComm

                           Model No.                                  NRB—0206
                           Series Model No.                           AIMWLLR1—35

                           FCC ID                                     [XIA—NRBO206
                           Mode of Operation                          [AJWLANBO2.11 big/n(2OM/A0M)
                           Duty Cycle                                 WLAN8O2.11 big/n(2OM/4OM)                                                             1
                           TX Frequency Range                         \WLANBO2.11 big/n(20M)                                                2412          —        2462
                                                                      WLAN3O2.11 n(40M)                                                     2422          —        2452
                           Channel Number                             WLAN8O2.11 big/n(20M)
                           (ARFCN)                                    WLAN3O2.11 n(40M)

                                                                            Max. SAR (1g) (Unit: W/Kg)
                             Antenna                              Band                          Measured Reported Channel|                                    Position
                                Main          [WLAN 802.11b                                           0.28               0.29                 6            Right side

‘iless othervls sred e reaits stou n tast eport eler only o he cartletereted and ouch carieteoretaned for 20 days only
Emes . eeenmernimeewie > Aidomauin in ienA te mire                                               sn —
This dociment is ssued by the Company subietto is Genaral Conditons of Senice prited aveneav  avalatle on request or accessileat winw sns comerms and condiions him and for lecton‘ format
documents, ubjectto Tems and Conditons for Electonle Docaments at                                       Atiten is drawn to the Initaton o lablly, indermifeaton and Juredicton issues detned
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prosncutedto thfulest exent t thefaw
                          $6S Talwan Li. No.134.WKung Road, New Talpal Industral Pork, Wuku District, Naw Taipel CityTamwan 24803/ar Jk 224@E t iR. t 194 5t
             6 Neednt ie5 1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                                             1 (soe—2) 2200.0408       
                                                                                                                              Mamber of SG5 Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 6 of 28

                          WLAN802.11 big/in(20M,/40M) conducted power table:
                                                                                     Main Antenna

                                                                                                                             Max. Rated Avg.         Average
                                 Band                     Mode                 Channel       Fr(e&l:(ezr;cy Data Rate|         Power + Max            power
                                                                                                                            Telerance (d8m)           (dBm)

                                                                                   1             2412                              17.00              16.76
                                                         80211b                    6             2437          1Mbps               17.00              16.62
                                                                                   1             2462                              17.00              16.60
                                                                                    1            2412                              17.00              16.15
                                                         802119                     6            2437          6Mbps               17.00              16.04
                                                                                   1             2462                              17.00              16.10
                              2450 MHz                                              1            2412                              17.00              15.50
                                                    802.11n20—HTO                   6            2457           MCSO               17.00              15.30
                                                                                   11            2462                              17.00              15.23
                                                                                    3            2422                              14.00              13.62
                                                    802.11n40—HTO                   6            2457           MCSO               14.00              13.38
                                                                                    9            2452                              14.00              13.04

Uless othornes stred me reauts shouin ts est reportrefer onl t the cartlete tested and such carinet@areretaned for20 days only
IMromen . nmeeemimerm> eimeaneininex Reckinesmemint                                                mempae —
Te 2ezment it Erved y the Company satiea to e Berire Gonditore af Saver piniad proreateraladle on reavest o accecsble at ons comerms and condiions hm and for elatont fomat
decument, tjectto Tems and Candlions for Slectonle Docireentsat winsgconfloms Atertion is draun to th imtaton of Yanleg, indermnileaton and Jirscieton isues dened
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
Company‘s sale reeponshlis t ts Clent and ts docunrent does not evonerate parles to a ransacton fom exeroing al thelr fgits and onigatons underthe ransacton dacirments. Thi decu‘rent canrot
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                           808 Takan Li. No.184.WKung Road, New Taipel Industral Park, Wuku District, Naw Taipel Oiy, Tamwan 24809/a 2k h.92E t 1 E.2194 5t
             6 Neednt ie5 1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                                               1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488     
                                            |                                                                                 Member af SGS Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 7 of 28

                   1.4 Test Environment
                          Ambient Temperature: 22+2° C
                          Tissue Simulating Liquid: 22+2° C

                   1.5 Operation Description
                           Use chipset specific software to control the EUT, and makes it transmit in maximum
                           power. Measurements are performed respectively on the lowest, middle and
                           highest channels of the operating band(s). The EUT is set to maximum power level
                           during all tests, and at the beginning of each test the battery is fully charged.

                          Per FCC guidance, testing for 1—g SAR on all surfaces and side edges with a
                          transmitting antenna located at < 25 mm from that surface or edge, at 5 mm
                          separation from the flat phantom.

                               802.11b DSSS SAR Test Requirements:
                         1. SAR is measured for 2.4 GHz 802.11b DSSS mode using the highest measured
                            maximum output power channel, when the reported SAR of the highest
                            measured maximum output power channel for the exposure configuration is =
                            0.8 Wikg, no further SAR testing is required for 802.11b DSSS in that exposure

                         2. When the reported SAR is > 0.8 Wikg, SAR is required for that exposure
                            configuration using the next highest measured output power channel. When any
                            reported SAR is > 1.2 Wikg, SAR is required for the third channel; i.e., all
                            channels require testing.

                               802.11g/n OFDM SAR Test Exclusion Requirements:

                         3. SAR is not required for 802.11g/n since the highest reported SAR for DSSS is
                            adjusted by the ratio of OFDM to DSSS specified maximum output power and
                            the adjusted SAR is < 1.2 Wikg.

Uless othornes stred me reauts shouin ts est reportrefer onl t the cartlete tested and such carinet@areretaned for20 days only
IMromen . nmeeemimerm> eimeaneininex Reckinesmemint                                                mempae —
Te 2ezment it Erved y the Company satiea to e Berire Gonditore af Saver piniad proreateraladle on reavest o accecsble at ons comerms and condiions hm and for elatont fomat
decument, tjectto Tems and Candlions for Slectonle Docireentsat winsgconfloms Atertion is draun to th imtaton of Yanleg, indermnileaton and Jirscieton isues dened
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
Company‘s sale reeponshlis t ts Clent and ts docunrent does not evonerate parles to a ransacton fom exeroing al thelr fgits and onigatons underthe ransacton dacirments. Thi decu‘rent canrot
h repredueed exeet n fil, wihout prier witten approvalof the Company. Any unauthorzed aeraion, forgery orflsleaton ofthe contet or appearance o thls document is untawful and oferders may be
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                           808 Takan Li. No.184.WKung Road, New Taipel Industral Park, Wuku District, Naw Taipel Oiy, Tamwan 24809/a 2k h.92E t 1 E.2194 5t
             6 Neednt ie5 1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                                               1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488     
                                            |                                                                                 Member af SGS Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 8 of 28

                         4. According to KDB447498 DO1, testing of other required channels is not required
                            when the reported 1—g SAR for the highest output channel is = 0.8 Wikg, when
                            the transmission band is < 100 MHz.
                         5. According to KDB865664 DO1, SAR measurement variability must be assessed
                            for each frequency band. When the original highest measured SAR is 2 0.8 Wikg,
                            repeated that measurement once. Perform a second repeated measurement
                            only if the ratio of largest to smallest SAR for the original and first repeated
                            measurements is > 1.20 or when the original or repeated measurementis 2 1.45
                            Wikg (~10% from the 1—g SAR limit)

‘iless othervls sred e reaits stou n tast eport eler only o he cartletereted and ouch carieteoretaned for 20 days only
Emes . eeenmernimeewie > Aidomauin in ienA te mire                                              sn —
This dociment is ssued by the Company subietto is Genaral Conditons of Senice prited aveneav avalatle on request or accessileat winw sns comerms and condiions him and for lecton‘ format
documents, ubjectto Terms ard Condiions for Electonie Docummentsat                                      Atiten is drawn to the Initaton o lablly, indermifeaton and Juredicton issues detned
therein, Any holer of h document !s advised tat hformation cantained hereen relcts the Company‘s Indings at the tme of ts ntarventon only and witin the Imksol Clents mstuctons,i any.The
Company‘s sele eeponskilt s t ts Clent ants dosirrent does not conerate partlas to transacton rom exercsing l thir fgits and oblgatons Underthe ransaction decurments. Thi docuirent cannot
be teprduced exeept n fl, wihout pror wrtten approvalo he Conpany. Any unauthorized ateraion, forgary orflsfeaton of thecontet or appearance o hidecument is untawful and aferders may be
prosncutedto thfulest exent t thefaw
                          $6S Talwan Li. No.184.WKung Road, New Taipel Industral Park, Wuku District, Naw Taipel Oiy, Tamwan 24809/a 2k h.92E t 1 E.2194 5t
            6 Neednt ie5                      1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                         1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488      
                                          |                                                                                  Member af SGS Group

                                                                                                                                             Report No. :EN/201980005
                                                                                                                                             Page:     9     of      28

                     1.6 The SAR Measurement System
                            A block diagram of the SAR measurement System is given in Fig. a. This SAR
                            Measurement System uses a Computer—controlled 3—D stepper motor system
                            (SPEAG DASY 5 professional system). The model EX3DV4 field probe is used to
                            determine the internal electric fields. The SAR can be obtained from the equation
                            SAR= 0 (|Ei|2)/ p where 0 and p are the conductivity and mass density of the

                            The DASY 5 system for performing compliance tests consists of the following
                            1. A standard high precision 6—axis robot (Staubli RX family) with controller, teach
                               pendant and software. An arm extension is for accommodating the data
                               acquisition electronics (DAE).
                            2. A dosimetric probe, i.e., an isotropic E—field probe optimized and calibrated for
                               usage intissue simulating liquid. The probe is equipped with an optical surface
                               detector system.
                            3. A data acquisition electronics (DAE) which performs the signal amplification,
                               signal multiplexing, AD—conversion, offset measurements, mechanical surface
                               detection, collision detection, etc. The unit is battery powered with standard or
                               rechargeable batteries. The signal is optically transmitted to the EOC.


                                                                      Fig. a The block diagram of SAR system

Unlass othentisestated the results shown in this test raport rforonl t the sarmpla(s) tated and such sample(s)areretained for 80 days only
fntsines . onenantc—nn en + Medienaininer — Ehnd semire c releuin —
This document is ssued by the Company subject to ts General Conditions of Service printed overlaf,available on recuest or accessible at comlerms and condtions him and for electontc format
dociments, subjectto Terms and Coneltons for Eltranic Documents at ware.sus comtorms o.dlociment him,. Atteaionis drawn to the limtation of labiy, indomnfication and urlsdialon Issues dfined
therein. Any holder of this dccument is ecvised that nformation conaine herean reflctsthe Gompany‘ fincings atttme of ts inrvention anly and witin the Ims of Olents instructions, if any. The
Company‘s sole responsilty s to ts Cllet and this documant doos not exonerate partas t a ransactian from exercising allthaifght and obligations under the transaction dociments. This document cannot
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                           §GS Tatwan Ltd.     No.134,Wu Kung Road, New Taipel Industrial Park, Wuku District, New Taipe! City, Tawan 24808M0 1 t 212.# sb & i @29b 194 ut
             6 00leriedtBcik Ti o1             1 (B8e—2) 2200.3270                       1 (see—2) 2zo8.048e    
                                             |                                                                             NMember of 5GS Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 10 of 28

                             . The Electro—optical converter (EOC) performs the conversion between optical
                               and electrical of the signals for the digital communication to the DAE and for the
                               analog signal from the optical surface detection. The EOC is connected to the
                                measurement server.
                            . The function of the measurement server is to perform the time critical tasks such
                              as signal filtering, control of the robot operation and fast movementinterrupts.
                            . A probe alignment unit which improves the (absolute) accuracy of the probe
                            . A computer operating Windows 7.
                              DASY 5 software.
                              Remote control with teach pendant and additional circuitry for robot safety such
                              as warning lamps, etc.
                           10. Tissue simulating liquid mixed according to the given recipes.
                                 Validation dipole kits allowing to validate the proper functioning of the system.

‘iless othervls sred e reaits stou n tast eport eler only o he cartletereted and ouch carieteoretaned for 20 days only
Emes . eeenmernimeewie > Aidomauin in ienA te mire                                               sn —
Te 2ezment it Erved y the Company satiea to e Berire Gonditore af Saver piniad proreateraladle on reavest o accecsble at ons comerms and condiions hm and for elatont fomat
documents, ubjectto Tems and Conditons for Electonle Docaments at yeosos.conttvons Atenten is draun to the Imitaton af aoiiy, inderinfiatonand jutediton Issues defned
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
Company‘s sale reeponshlis t ts Clent and ts docunrent does not evonerate parles to a ransacton fom exeroing al thelr fgits and onigatons underthe ransacton dacirments. Thi decu‘rent canrot
h repredueed exeet n fil, wihout prier witten approvalof the Company. Any unauthorzed aeraion, forgery orflsleaton ofthe contet or appearance o thls document is untawful and oferders may be
prosncutedto thfulest exent t thefaw
                  568 Takan Li.               No.134.WKung Road, NowTaipelIndustral Park, Wuku Distric, Naw Taipel Ciy, Tamwan 24B03/ar 2k9. #ik t l t.t 194 5t
            6 nedand 0 5                      1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                         1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488      
                                          |                                                                                   Mamber of SG5 Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 11 of 28

                   1.7 System Components

                             EX3DV4 E—Field Probe
                              Construction              Symmetrical design with triangular core
                                                        Built—in shielding against static charges
                                                        PEEK enclosure material (resistant to
                                                        organic solvents, e.g., DGBE)

                              Calibration               Basic Broad Band Calibration in air
                                                        Conversion Factors (CF) for HSL
                                                        2450 MHz Additional CF for other
                                                        liquids and frequencies upon request

                              Frequency                 10 MHz to > 6 GHz
                              Directivity               + 0.3 dB in HSL (rotation around probe axis)
                                                        + 0.5 dB in tissue material (rotation normal to probe axis)
                              Dynamic                   10 pWig to > 100 mWig
                              Range                     Linearity: + 0.2 dB (noise: typically < 1 uWig)
                              Dimensions                [Tip diameter: 2.5 mm
                              Application               High precision dosimetric measurements in any exposure scenario
                                                        (eg., very strong gradient fields). Only probe which enables
                                                        compliance testing for frequencies up to 6 GHz with precision of
                                                        better 30%.

‘iless othervls sred e reaits stou n tast eport eler only o he cartletereted and ouch carieteoretaned for 20 days only
Emes . eeenmernimeewie > Aidomauin in ienA te mire                                               sn —
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            6 Neednt ie5 1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                                                1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488     
                                                                                                                              Mamber of SG5 Group

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                              Model                       ELI
                              Construction                The EL1 phantom is used for compliance testing of handheld and
                                                          body—mounted wireless devices in the frequency range of 30 MHz
                                                          to 6 GHz. EL! is fully compatible with the IEC 62209—2
                                                          standard and all known tissue simulating liquids. ELI has been
                                                          optimized regarding its performance and can be integrated into
                                                          our standard phantom tables. A cover prevents evaporation of the
                                                          liquid. Reference markings on the phantom allow installation of
                                                          the complete setup, including all predefined phantom positions
                                                          and measurement grids, by teaching three points. The phantom
                                                          is compatible with all SPEAG dosimetric probes and dipoles.
                              Shell                       2 £ 0.2 mm
                             Filling Volume               Approx. 30 liters
                             Dimensions                   Major axis: 600 mm
                                                          Minor axis: 400 mm

                             DEVICE HOLDER
                              Construction                The device holder (Supporter)
                                                          for Notebook is made by POM
                                                          (polyoxymethylene resin ) ,
                                                          \which is non—metal and
                                                          non—conductive. The height
                                                          can be adjusted to fit varies
                                                          kind of notebooks.

                                                                                                                                    Device Holder

‘iless othervls sred e reaits stou n tast eport eler only o he cartletereted and ouch carieteoretaned for 20 days only
RSnen . pecenenmeemm — mooimnanntnon Chaiickisenme m                                      sn —
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            6 Neednt ie5                    1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                           1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488      
                                                                                                                              Mamber of SG5 Group

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                   1.8 SAR System Verification
                          The microwave circuit arrangement for system verification is sketched in Fig. b. The
                          daily system accuracy verification occurs within the flat section of the SAM
                          phantom. A SAR measurement was performed to see if the measured SAR was
                          within +/— 10% from the target SAR values. These tests were done at 2450 MHz.
                          The tests were conducted on the same days as the measurement of the DUT. The
                          obtained results from the system accuracy verification are displayed in the table 1
                          (SAR values are normalized to 1W forward power delivered to the dipole). During
                          the tests, the liquid depth above the ear reference points was z 15 cm + 5 mm
                          (frequency = 3 GHz) or 2 10 ocm £ 5 mm (frequency > 3 G Hz) in all the cases. It is
                          seen that the system is operating within its specification, as the results are within
                          acceptable tolerance of the reference values.

                                                        Spacer               >
                                                                         <           s
                                                                                        hn                           30 Prove posttioner

                                                                                                          < Field probe A%
                                                                                                               ~_     > J"    Fiat phantom

                                                       ame                           Dir. coupler
                                     Signal          inss         PA                                                              (—3
                                     generator=Aj)       *J                                                             =x
                                                                                                         Cable                     rev
                                                                 tow                                                                     f
                                                                 pass                                                                    (u)

                                                            Fig. b The block diagram of system verification

Uless othornes stred me reauts shouin ts est reportrefer onl t the cartlete tested and such carinet@areretaned for20 days only
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                                                                                                 pin=250mW              Veasured
                              Valldation        ...\       Frequency          1!‘;1:293'          Measured               SAR—1g          Deviation         Measured
                                   kit                        (MHz)             on 5)’             SAR1g             normalizedto           (%)               Date
                                                                                        9           (mvilg)            TW (mwig)
                              b24sov2           835|     2450 | Body               51                1290                  516             1.18%        Aug. 19, 2019
                                                                  Table 1. Results of system verification

Unless othenfse tatedtheresuts shour in is tast eport refer onlto the cariletetetesand such sarplete) areretanefor 20 days only
Finmel . neenmemimecwo> Aisfoieiiniion »Aichinaemt + relmeaitt —
This dociment is ssued by the Gompany subletto s Genaral Condlons of Senice prited overlea, avalable on requestor accesse at w se comeris and condiions hm and for elctonks format
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                   1.9 Tissue Simulant Fluid for the Frequency Band
                          The dielectric properties for this Head—simulant fluid were measured by using the
                          Agilent Model 85070E Dielectric Probe (rates frequency band 200 MHz to 20 GHz)
                          in conjunction with Network Analyzer.
                          All dielectric parameters of tissue simulates were measured within 24 hours of SAR
                          measurements. The measured conductivity and permittivity are all within + 5% of
                          the target values.
                          The depth of the tissue simulant in the flat section of the phantom was z 15 cm + 5
                          mm (Frequency =3G) or 2 10 ocm £ 5 mm (Frequency >3G) during all tests. (Fig. 2)
                               Tos   Measwement
                                        bae                     MEBSWE!
                                                                rrequency       place, |Conductnity,|
                                                                                DEEENE     Teget Menelny       Messured
                                                                                                      CESCNC |Conductiity,|                      t dever         t dever
                                                                  en                5     a (Sim)         4     a (Sim)
                                                                   22            saze1     19m         sea0s     1933                             200%            0.00%
                                                                   2t            s2744     Tor         serre     19er                             1osw            0.00%
                                                                   2oz           sarer     1923        serez     To                               Toiw            100%
                                                                   azr           saren     192s        sarae     190                              1ozw            To0%
                                                                   mcz           s2.724    19ss        sa.72e    Toss                             Too%            To3%
                                                                   msr           san7      Toss        se.r00    Toso                             Tssw            Tosw
                               Body        19, Aug2019             2ez           sarn      1042        seeoe     19e1                             1eew            0.02%
                                                                   2ear          s2.704    1947        seee2     1ors                             Teew            13i%
                                                                   250           s2.r00    1950        seera     1921                             Tesw            Tsow
                                                                   mse           sze0e     Toss        seer1     1923                             Tesw            Tsiw
                                                                   msr           s2e01     1.980       seeeq     1801                             125%            1s8%
                                                                   se            s2ees     1957        sees1     z0n                              123%            2.20%
                                                   Table 2. Dielectric Parameters of Tissue Simulant Fluid

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                                                          The composition of the tissue simulating liquid:
                            Frequency                                                                                                   Total
                                                   Mode                                                    Preventol
                                (MHz)                              DGMBE              Water           Sait    p—7    Cellulose [Sugar| amount

                               2450M                Body           301.7mi |698.3m1| —                                —                  —              — _|1.0L(Kg)
                                                            Table 3. Recipes for Tissue Simulating Liquid

‘iless othervls sred e reaits stou n tast eport eler only o he cartletereted and ouch carieteoretaned for 20 days only
Emes . eeenmernimeewie > Aidomauin in ienA te mire                                               sn —
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                   1.10 Evaluation Procedures
                             The entire evaluation of the spatial peak values is performed within the
                             Post—processing engine (SEMCAD). The system always gives the maximum
                             values for the 1 g and 10 g cubes. The algorithm to find the cube with highest
                             averaged SAR is divided into the following stages:
                             1. The extraction of the measured data (grid and values) from the Zoom Scan.
                             2. The calculation of the SAR value at every measurement point based on all
                                 stored data (A/D values and measurement parameters)
                             3. The generation of a high—resolution mesh within the measured volume
                             4. The interpolation of all measured values from the measurement grid to the
                                 high—resolution grid
                             5. The extrapolation of the entire 3—D field distribution to the phantom surface
                                 over the distance from sensor to surface
                             6. The calculation of the averaged SAR within masses of 1g and 10g.
                             The probe is calibrated at the center of the dipole sensors that is located 1 to
                             2.7mm away from the probe tip. During measurements, the probe stops shortly
                             above the phantom surface, depending on the probe and the surface detecting
                             system. Both distances are included as parameters in the probe configuration file.
                             The software always knows exactly how far away the measured point is from the
                             surface. As the probe cannot directly measure at the surface, the values between
                             the deepest measured point and the surface must be extrapolated. The angle
                             between the probe axis and the surface normal line is less than 30 degree.
                             In the Area Scan, the gradient of the interpolation function is evaluated to find all
                             the extreme of the SAR distribution. The uncertainty on the locations of the
                             extreme is less than 1/20 of the grid size. Only local maximum within —2 dB of the
                             global maximum are searched and passed for the Cube Scan measurement. in
                             the Cube Scan, the interpolation function is used to extrapolate the Peak SAR
                             from the lowest measurement points to the inner phantom surface (the
                             extrapolation distance). The uncertainty increases with the extrapolation distance.
                             To keep the uncertainty within 1% for the 1 g and 10 g cubes, the extrapolation
                             distance should not be larger than Smm.
                             The maximum search is automatically performed after each area scan
                             measurement. It is based on splines in two or three dimensions. The procedure
                             can find the maximum for most SAR distributions even with relatively large grid
                             spacing. After the area scanning measurement, the probe is automatically moved
                             to a position at the interpolated maximum. The following scan can directly use this
                             position for reference, e.g., for a finer resolution grid or the cube evaluations. The
                             1g and 10g peak evaluations are only available for the predefined cube 7x7x7
                             scans. The routines are verified and optimized for the grid dimensions used in
                             these cube measurements.
                             The measured volume of 30x30x3Omm contains about 30g of tissue.
                             The first procedure is an extrapolation (incl. Boundary correction) to get the points
                             between the lowest measured plane and the surface. The next step uses 3D

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                             interpolation to get all points within the measured volume. In the last step, a 1g
                             cube is placed numerically into the volume and its averaged SAR is calculated.
                             This cube is the moved around until the highest averaged SAR is found. If the
                             highest SAR is found at the edge of the measured volume, the system will issue a
                             warning: higher SAR values might be found outside of the measured volume. In
                             that case the cube measurement can be repeated, using the new interpolated
                             maximum as the center.

                   1.11 Probe Calibration Procedures
                             For the calibration of E—field probes in lossy liquids, an electric field with an
                             accurately known field strength must be produced within the measured liquid. For
                             standardization purposes it would be desirable if all measurements which are
                             necessary to assess the correct field strength would be traceable to standardized
                             measurement procedures. In the following two different calibration techniques are

                             1.11.1 Transfer Calibration with Temperature Probes

                                         In lossy liquids the specific absorption rate (SAR) is related both to the
                                         electric field (5) and the temperature gradient (#7— /57 ) in the liquid.

                                                                                                  SAR= Cfi .
                                         whereby a is the conductivity, p the density and c the heat capacity of the

                                         Hence, the electric field in lossy liquid can be measured indirectly by
                                         measuring the temperature gradient in the liquid. Non—disturbing
                                         temperature probes (optical probes or thermistor probes with resistive lines)
                                         with high spatial resolution (<1—2 mm) and fast reaction time (<1 s) are
                                         available and can be easily calibrated with high precision [1]. The setup
                                         and the exciting source have no influence on the calibration; only the
                                         relative positioning uncertainties of the standard temperature probe and the
                                         E—field probe to be calibrated must be considered. However, several
                                         problems limit the available accuracy of probe calibrations with
                                         temperature probes:

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decument, tjectto Tems and Candlions for Slectonle Docireentsat winsgconfloms Atertion is draun to th imtaton of Yanleg, indermnileaton and Jirscieton isues dened
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
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h repredueed exeet n fil, wihout prier witten approvalof the Company. Any unauthorzed aeraion, forgery orflsleaton ofthe contet or appearance o thls document is untawful and oferders may be
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             6 Neednt ie5 1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                                               1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488     
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                                         ®@ The temperature gradient is not directly measurable but must be
                                            evaluated from temperature measurements at different time steps.
                                            Special precaution is necessary to avoid measurement errors caused by
                                            temperature gradients due to energy equalizing effects or convection
                                            currents in the liquid. Such effects cannot be completely avoided, as the
                                            measured field itself destroys the thermal equilibrium in the liquid. With a
                                            careful setup these errors can be kept small.
                                         ® The measured volume around the temperature probe is not well defined.
                                            It is difficult to calculate the energy transfer from a surrounding gradient
                                            temperature field into the probe. These effects must be considered,
                                            since temperature probes are calibrated in liquid with homogeneous
                                            temperatures. There is no traceable standard for temperature rise
                                         ® The calibration depends on the assessment of the specific density, the
                                            heat capacity and the conductivity of the medium. While the specific
                                            density and heat capacity can be measured accurately with
                                            standardized procedures (~ 2% for c; much better for p) , there is no
                                            standard for the measurement of the conductivity. Depending on the
                                            method and liquid, the error can well exceed +5%.
                                         ® Temperature rise measurements are not very sensitive and therefore
                                            are often performed at a higher power level than the E—field
                                            measurements. The nonlinearities in the system (e.g., power
                                            measurements, different components, etc.) must be considered.
                                         Considering these problems, the possible accuracy of the calibration of
                                         E—field probes with temperature gradient measurements in a carefully
                                         designed setup is about £10% (RSS) [2]. Recently, a setup which is a
                                         combination of the waveguide techniques and the thermal measurements
                                         was presented in [3]. The estimated uncertainty of the setup is £5% (RSS)
                                         when the same liquid is used for the calibration and for actual
                                         measurements and £7—9% (RSS) when not, which is in good agreement
                                         with the estimates given in [2].

                             1.11.2 Calibration with Analytical Fields

                                         In this method a technical setup is used in which the field can be calculated
                                         analytically from measurements of other physical magnitudes (e.g., input
                                         power). This corresponds to the standard field method for probe calibration
                                         in air; however, there is no standard defined for fields in lossy liquids.
                                         When using calculated fields in lossy liquids for probe calibration, several
                                         points must be considered in the assessment of the uncertainty:
                                         ® The setup must enable accurate determination of the incident power.
                                         ®@ The accuracy of the calculated field strength will depend on the
                                            assessment of the dielectric parameters of the liquid.
                                         ® Due to the small wavelength in liquids with high permittivity, even small

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IMromen . nmeeemimerm> eimeaneininex Reckinesmemint                                                mempae —
Te 2ezment it Erved y the Company satiea to e Berire Gonditore af Saver piniad proreateraladle on reavest o accecsble at ons comerms and condiions hm and for elatont fomat
decument, tjectto Tems and Candlions for Slectonle Docireentsat winsgconfloms Atertion is draun to th imtaton of Yanleg, indermnileaton and Jirscieton isues dened
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
Company‘s sale reeponshlis t ts Clent and ts docunrent does not evonerate parles to a ransacton fom exeroing al thelr fgits and onigatons underthe ransacton dacirments. Thi decu‘rent canrot
h repredueed exeet n fil, wihout prier witten approvalof the Company. Any unauthorzed aeraion, forgery orflsleaton ofthe contet or appearance o thls document is untawful and oferders may be
proseeited to the fules exent of thefaw
                           808 Takan Li. No.184.WKung Road, New Taipel Industral Park, Wuku District, Naw Taipel Oiy, Tamwan 24809/a 2k h.92E t 1 E.2194 5t
             6 Neednt ie5 1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                                               1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488     
                                          |                                                                                   Mamber of SG5 Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 20 of 28

                                              setups might be above the resonant cutoff frequencies. The field
                                              distribution in the setup must be carefully checked for conformity with the
                                              theoretical field distribution.


                                         1.         N. Kuster, Q. Balzano, and J.C. Lin, Eds., Mobile Communications
                                                 Safety, Chapman & Hall, London, 1997.
                                         2.         K. Meier, M. Burkhardt, T. Schmid, and N. Kuster, \Broadband
                                                 calibration of E—field probes in lossy media", /EEE Transactions on
                                                 Microwave Theory and Techniques, vol. 44, no. 10, pp. 1954{1962,
                                                 Oct. 1996.
                                         3.        K. Jokela, P. Hyysalo, and L. Puranen, \Calibration of specific
                                                 absorption rate (SAR) probes in waveguide at 900 MHz", /EEE
                                                 Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, vol. 47, no. 2, pp.
                                                 432{438, Apr. 1998.

Uless othornes stred me reauts shouin ts est reportrefer onl t the cartlete tested and such carinet@areretaned for20 days only
IMromen . nmeeemimerm> eimeaneininex Reckinesmemint                                                mempae —
Te 2ezment it Erved y the Company satiea to e Berire Gonditore af Saver piniad proreateraladle on reavest o accecsble at ons comerms and condiions hm and for elatont fomat
decument, tjectto Tems and Candlions for Slectonle Docireentsat winsgconfloms Atertion is draun to th imtaton of Yanleg, indermnileaton and Jirscieton isues dened
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
Company‘s sale reeponshlis t ts Clent and ts docunrent does not evonerate parles to a ransacton fom exeroing al thelr fgits and onigatons underthe ransacton dacirments. Thi decu‘rent canrot
h repredueed exeet n fil, wihout prier witten approvalof the Company. Any unauthorzed aeraion, forgery orflsleaton ofthe contet or appearance o thls document is untawful and oferders may be
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                           808 Takan Li. No.184.WKung Road, New Taipel Industral Park, Wuku District, Naw Taipel Oiy, Tamwan 24809/a 2k h.92E t 1 E.2194 5t
             6 Neednt ie5 1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                                               1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488     
                                            |                                                                                 Member af SGS Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 21 of 28

                   1.12 Test Standards and Limits
                             According to FCC 47CFR §2.1093(d) The limits to be used for evaluation are
                             based generally on criteria published by the American National Standards
                             Institute (ANSN) for localized specific absorption rate ("SAR") in Section 4.2 of
                             "IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio
                             Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz," ANSU/IEEE C95.1, By the
                             Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., New York, New York 10017.
                             These criteria for SAR evaluation are similar to those recommended by the
                             National Council on Rediation Protection and Measurements (NCRP) in
                             "Biological Effects and Exposure Criteria for Radio frequency Electromagnetic
                             Fields," NCRP Report No. 86, Section 17.4.5. Copyright NCRP, 1986, Bethesda,
                             Maryland 20814. SAR is a measure of the rate of energy absorption due to
                             exposure to an RF transmitting source. SAR values have been related to
                             threshold levels for potential biological hazards. The criteria to be used are
                             specified in paragraphs (d)(1) and (d)(2) of this section and shall apply for
                             portable devices transmitting in the frequency range from 100 kHz to 6 GHz.
                             Portable devices that transmit at frequencies above 6 GHz are to be evaluated in
                             terms of the MPE limits specified in § 1.1310 of this chapter. Measurements and
                             calculations to demonstrate compliance with MPE field strength or power density
                             limits for devices operating above 6 GHz should be made at a minimum distance
                             of 5 om from the radiating source.
                             (1) Limits for Occupational/Controlled exposure: 0.4 Wikg as averaged over the
                                   whole—body and spatial peak SAR not exceeding 8 Wikg as averaged over
                                   any 1 gram of tissue (defined as a tissue volume in the shape of a cube).
                                    Exceptions are the hands, wrists, feet and ankles where the spatial peak
                                   SAR shall not exceed 20 Wikg, as averaged over an 10 grams of tissue
                                    (defined as a tissue volume in the shape of a cube).
                             (2) OccupationaliControlled limits apply when persons are exposed as a
                                   consequenceof their employment provided these persons are fully aware of
                                   and exercise control over their exposure. Awareness of exposure can be
                                   accomplished by use of warning labels or by specific training or education
                                   through appropriate means, such as an RF safety program in a work
                             (3) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled exposure: 0.08 Wikg as
                                   averaged over the whole—body and spatial peak SAR not exceeding 1.6
                                   Wikg as averaged over any 1 gram of tissue (defined as a tissue volume in
                                   the shape of a cube). Exceptions are the hands, wrists, feet and ankles
                                   where the spatial peak SAR shall not exceed 4 Wikg, as averaged over any
                                    10 grams of tissue (defined as a tissue volume in the shape of a cube).
                                   General Population/Uncontrolled limits apply when the general public may
                                    be exposed, or when persons that are exposed as a consequence of their
                                   employment may not be fully aware of the potential for exposure or do not

Uless othornes stred me reauts shouin ts est reportrefer onl t the cartlete tested and such carinet@areretaned for20 days only
IMromen . nmeeemimerm> eimeaneininex Reckinesmemint                                                mempae —
Te 2ezment it Erved y the Company satiea to e Berire Gonditore af Saver piniad proreateraladle on reavest o accecsble at ons comerms and condiions hm and for elatont fomat
decument, tjectto Tems and Candlions for Slectonle Docireentsat winsgconfloms Atertion is draun to th imtaton of Yanleg, indermnileaton and Jirscieton isues dened
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
Company‘s sale reeponshlis t ts Clent and ts docunrent does not evonerate parles to a ransacton fom exeroing al thelr fgits and onigatons underthe ransacton dacirments. Thi decu‘rent canrot
h repredueed exeet n fil, wihout prier witten approvalof the Company. Any unauthorzed aeraion, forgery orflsleaton ofthe contet or appearance o thls document is untawful and oferders may be
proseeited to the fules exent of thefaw
                           808 Takan Li. No.184.WKung Road, New Taipel Industral Park, Wuku District, Naw Taipel Oiy, Tamwan 24809/a 2k h.92E t 1 E.2194 5t
             6 Neednt ie5 1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                                               1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488     
                                            |                                                                                 Member af SGS Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 22 of 28

                                      exercise control over their exposure. Warning labels placed on consumer
                                      devices such as cellular telephones will not be sufficient reason to allow
                                      these devices to be evaluated subject to limits for occupational/controlled
                                      exposure in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. (Table 4.)

                                                                                             Uncontrolled                                           .
                                                                                                 .                                   Controlled Environment
                                          Human Exposure                                     Environment                                          .
                                                                                                          .                               Occupational
                                                                                          General Population
                                         Spatial Peak SAR
                                                   (Brain                                         1.60 Wikg                                      8.00 Wikg
                                      Spatial Average SAR
                                             (Whole Body)                                         0.08 Wikg                                      0.40 Wikg
                                         Spatial Peak SAR
                                   (Hands/FeetAnklerist)                                          4.00 Wikg                                     20.00 Wikg
                                                                         Table 4. RF exposure limits

                                       1. Uncontrolled environments are defined as locations where there is potential exposure of
                                          individuals who have no knowledge or control of their potential exposure.
                                       2. Controlled environments are defined as locations where there is potential exposure of
                                          individuals who have knowledge of their potential exposure and can exercise control
                                          over their exposure.

Uless othornes stred me reauts shouin ts est reportrefer onl t the cartlete tested and such carinet@areretaned for20 days only
IMromen . nmeeemimerm> eimeaneininex Reckinesmemint                                                mempae —
Te 2ezment it Erved y the Company satiea to e Berire Gonditore af Saver piniad proreateraladle on reavest o accecsble at ons comerms and condiions hm and for elatont fomat
decument, tjectto Tems and Candlions for Slectonle Docireentsat winsgconfloms Atertion is draun to th imtaton of Yanleg, indermnileaton and Jirscieton isues dened
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
Company‘s sale reeponshlis t ts Clent and ts docunrent does not evonerate parles to a ransacton fom exeroing al thelr fgits and onigatons underthe ransacton dacirments. Thi decu‘rent canrot
h repredueed exeet n fil, wihout prier witten approvalof the Company. Any unauthorzed aeraion, forgery orflsleaton ofthe contet or appearance o thls document is untawful and oferders may be
proseeited to the fules exent of thefaw
                           808 Takan Li. No.184.WKung Road, New Taipel Industral Park, Wuku District, Naw Taipel Oiy, Tamwan 24809/a 2k h.92E t 1 E.2194 5t
             6 Neednt ie5 1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                                               1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488     
                                            |                                                                                 Member af SGS Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 23 of 28

            2. Summary of Results
                  2.1 Decision rules
                  Reported measurement data comply with IEEE 1528—2013:
                  Determining compliance shall be based on the results of the compliance measurement,
                  not taking into account measurement instrumentation uncertainty.

                  2.2 Summary of Results

                   Main Antenna
                                                                                o                   Fre       Max, Rated Aus     Measized                  Averaged SAR over 19      Por
                     Antema                Mode                   Postion        fmf;‘fe   on      (NHZ)       Power + Max       Aus Pover      Scalng               (Wigy           Jage
                                                                                                              Towarce cBm)         wom                     Weasired      Resorea
                                                                 Frout side         s       s       2«r            i7              1682        mizm          |_ons           ons       —
                                                                 Rigit side         s       1_|     202            i7              1676        wsesn         |_oze           ozs       —
                       Man            wiansoe.tte
                                                                 Rigit side         s       s       2«r            i7              1682        mss           |_oxe           ozes     2s
                                                                 Rigit side         s       m       2«             i7              iss         wra0%         |_ozs           oze       —

                             reported SAR _ P2(mW) _ 10(
                   Scaling =                                 Jasm)
                            measured SAR _ PiGmW)
                   Reported SAR = measured SAR * (scaling)
                   Where P2 is maximum specified power, P1 is measured conducted power

                  2.3 Reporting statements of conformity
                  The conformity statement in this report is based solely on the test results, measurement
                  uncertainty is excluded.

Uless othornes stred me reauts shouin ts est reportrefer onl t the cartlete tested and such carinet@areretaned for20 days only
IMromen . nmeeemimerm> eimeaneininex Reckinesmemint                                              mempae —
Te 2ezment it Erved y the Company satiea to e Berire Gonditore af Saver piniad proreateraladle on reavest o accecsble at ons comerms and condiions hm and for elatont fomat
documents, ubjectto Tems and Conditons for Electonle Docaments at yeosos.conttvons Atenten is draun to the Imitaton af aoiiy, inderinfiatonand jutediton Issues defned
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
Company‘s sale reeponshlis t ts Clent and ts docunrent does not evonerate parles to a ransacton fom exeroing al thelr fgits and onigatons underthe ransacton dacirments. Thi decu‘rent canrot
be teprduced exeept n fl, wihout pror wrtten approvalo he Conpany. Any unauthorized ateraion, forgary orflsfeaton of thecontet or appearance o hidecument is untawful and aferders may be
prosncutedto thfulest exent t thefaw
                         $6S Talwan Li. No.134.WKung Road, NowTaipelIndustral Park, Wuku Distric, Naw Taipel Ciy, Tamwan 24B03/ar 2k9. #ik t l t.t 194 5t
            6 Nenfien meara 1(nee2) 2200.0079                                             1 (soe—2) 2200.0408      
                                          |                                                                                 Mamber of SG5 Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 24 of 28

            3. Instruments List
                     Manufacturer                       Device                       Type             Serial number Dat_e of !aSt Dat§ of neXt
                                                                                                                     calibration calibration

                          sPEAG               D°S'mgt2f)f'F'e'd ExsDv4                                        3938               |Oct.24,2018|Oct.23,2019
                          sPEAG               SyStegi:;!datm D2450v2                                           835              |Jun.27,2019|Jun.26,2020)
                          speag                 Detagequisition
                                                                                     pagy                     1260              |Nov.30,2018/Nov.29,2019
                                                                                  DASY 52                                         Calibration Calibration
                          SPEAG                       Software                    V52.10.2                     N/A               not required |not required
                          sPEAG                       Phantom                          EL1                     nja                Calibration Calibration
                                                                                                                                 not required |not required

                          Agilent              Network Analyzer|                     E5071C            MY46107530 |Feb.23,2019Feb.22,2020
                             .                        Dielectric                                                   Calibration Calibration
                          Agilent                     Probe Kit                    85070E              MY44300677 not required |not required
                          Agilent               Dual—directional                     772D              MY46151242 |Aug.28,2018Aug.27,2019

                                                        coupler                      778D              MY48220468 |Aug.28,2018Aug.27,2019
                          Agilent               Signal Generator|                  NS181A              MY50141235 |Apr.22,2019|Apr.21,2020

                          Agilent                  Power Meter                     E4417A              MY51410006 |Feb.19,2019Feb.18,2020

                                                                                                       MY51470001 |Feb.19,2019Feb.18,2020
                          Agilent                 Power Sensor                     E9301H
                                                                                                       MY51470002 |Feb.19,2019Feb.18,2020
                      Changzhou                          Digital
                         Xinwang                   thermometer                  DTM—303A                   TP130074               [Mar.26,2019Mar.25,2020

‘iless othervls sred e reaits stou n tast eport eler only o he cartletereted and ouch carieteoretaned for 20 days only
mel . meennermimecm> Aisdbintiniioen Chaiickisenme m                                               sn —
This dociment is ssued by the Company subietto is Genaral Conditons of Senice prited aveneav    avalatle on request or accessileat winw sns comerms and condiions him and for lecton‘ format
documents, ubjectto Tems and Conditons for Electonle Docaments at comterms Atenton is dravn to the Imtaton af fadiiy, indermnflaton and jutedton Issuee detined
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
Company‘s sele eeponskilt s t ts Clent ants dosirrent does not conerate partlas to transacton rom exercsing l thir fgits and oblgatons Underthe ransaction decurments. Thi docuirent cannot
be teprduced exeept n fl, wihout pror wrtten approvalo he Conpany. Any unauthorized ateraion, forgary orflsfeaton of thecontet or appearance o hidecument is untawful and aferders may be
prosncutedto thfulest exent t thefaw
                          $6S Talwan Li. No.134.WKung Road, NowTaipelIndustral Park, Wuku Distric, Naw Taipel Ciy, Tamwan 24B03/ar 2k9. #ik t l t.t 194 5t
            6 Neednt ie5 1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                                                1 (soe—2) 2200.0408       
                                                                                                                                Mamber of SG5 Group

                                                                                                                                     Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                     Page:          25     of     28

            4. Measurements
                                                                                                                                                      Date: 2019/8/19
            WLAN 802.11b_Body_Right side_CH 6_Main_5mm
            Communication System: WLAN 2.45G; Frequency: 2437 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
            Medium parameters used: f = 2437 MHz; a = 1.959 S/m; & = 53.7; p = 1000 Kg/m3
            Phantom section: Flat Section
            Ambient temperature: 21.7°C; Liquid temperature: 22.2°C

             DASYS Configuration:
                   +     Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3938;ConvF(7.3, 7.3, 7.3);Calibrated: 2018/10/24
                   «_    Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                   +     Electronics: DAE4 $n1260; Calibrated: 2018/11/30
                   «_    Phantom: ELI
              & DASY52 52.10.2(1495); SEMCAD X 14.6.12(7463)
            Area Scan (81x101x1): Interpolated grid: dx=12 mm, dy=12 mm
             Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 0.441 Wikg

            Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm, dy=S5mm, dz=5mm
             Reference Value = 11.58 V/m; Power Drift = 0.11 dB
             Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 0.679 W/kg
            SAR(1 g) = 0.282 Wkg; SAR(10 g) = 0.110 W/kg
             Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 0.466 Wikg





                                  0 dB = 0.466 Wikg = —3.32 dBWikg

Unless othantisestated the results shown in thitast report eferony to the sarmple(s tasted and such sample(s) are retained for 20 days only
Intrans . ifsumetnnztnan bonesdfiny — AeAbtedemt — nasbem —
This document is issued by the Company subjectto ts General Gondlilons of Serice printed overiat, avalable on request or accessible at wiew sos.comferms and condions him and for elecronic format
decument, subject to Terms and Conditons for Elecronic Documents at wiew.sus comterms e—documenthim Atterionis dn to the lintatn of Tabliy, indemifeaton and firediction isues detned
therein. Any holder of this document is advised that Information cantained hereon ralects the Gompany‘s Indlngs atthe tme of s interventin only and wthin te lits ol Onts instuctons, £ any. The
Gompany‘s sle responshliy is to ts Ofent andthis document does nat exonerate partes to a ransaction from exercsing alltheirghtsand obigations under the tansaction documents. Ths document cannot
be reprodiced exeent in fil, wihout prior wite agproval o the Company. Any unauthorized alteraion, forgary or fakication ofthe content orappearance ofthis documentis unlawful and ofenders may be
presecuted to th fulest extent ofthe w
                            5GS Talwn Lid.       No.134,Wu Kung Road, New Taipei Industral Park, Wukus District, New Taipei City, Tawan 24803/0¢ 41 2.0 4f 1 &# M xz.84 134 it
             6 tmttRt ho id                      1 (B86—2) 2200—az70                         1 (se6—2) 2oos.oree       
                                             |                                                                                   Member of 8GS Group

                                                                                                                                      Report No. :EN/2019/800065
                                                                                                                                      Page: 26 of 28

            5. SAR System Performance Verification
                                                                                                                                                 Date: 2019/8/19
            Dipole 2450 MHz_SN:835
            Communication System: CW, Frequency: 2450 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
            Medium parameters used: f= 2450 MHz; 0 = 1.981 S/m; e, = 53.674; p = 1000 kg/m3
            Phantom section: Flat Section
            Ambient temperature: 21.7°C; Liquid temperature: 22.2°C

            DASYS5 Configuration:
                   +     Probe: EX3DV4 — SN3938;ConvF(7.3, 7.3, 7.3);Calibrated: 2018/10/24
                   «_    Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
                   &     Electronics: DAE4 Sn1260; Calibrated: 2018/11/30
                   &     Phantom: ELI
              «_ DASY52 52.10.2(1495); SEMCAD X 14.6.12(7463)
            Pin=250mW/Area Scan (51x51x1): Interpolated grid: dx=12 mm, dy=12 mm
            Maximum value of SAR (interpolated) = 21.1 Wikg

            Pin=250mW/Zoom Scan (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurementgrid: dx=5mm, dy=5mm,
            Reference Value = 99.64 V/m; Power Drift= 0.06 dB
            Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 26.9 Wikg
            SAR(1 g) = 12.9 Wikg; SAR(10 g) = 5.88 W/kg
            Maximum value of SAR (measured) = 19.8 Wikg





                                  0 dB = 19.8 Wikg = 12.97 dBWikg

Unless othentse tated theresuts shoun in hi tetreport referonlyto the sariple(s fested and such sample(s are retaned fr 8 days only
Finmel > nenemenmeremie > Meeiiinireninos » iobeAsee > enttd —
This document is ssued by the Compary subiet to ts General Condiions of Servce pited overlea, avalable on request or accesslleat uin sas comhorms and condtions his and for lectrone fortat
documents, ubjectto Tems and Conditons for Eectonic Documents at yeosos.conttwons Atenten is draun to the Imitaton af aoiiy, nderinileaton and Jiredicton ssues defied
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised that nformaten cortained nereon rafectsthe Company fncings athe tnve o erenton anly and witin he imof Glents nstuetons, i any. The
Company‘s sale reeponsili is t ts Clent and thidacurment does nt exenerate paties o a ransacton from exerciing al hariits and abigatons under e ransacton docurtents The docuivent cannot
he repredueed exeet n fil, wihout ie witten agproval ofthe Company. Ary unaithorinaeraion, frgery orfalifatonaf tcantent ar appearance of the docurment s unluful and afterders may be
prosncutedto thfulest exent t thefaw
                  568 Takan Li.                No.134.Wu Kung Road, NowTaipelIndustral Park, Wuku District, Naw Taipel Ciy, Tawan 248087 t hxre.ih t i) tx s 104 t
            6 nedand 0 5                       1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                          1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488       
                                           |                                                                                    Mamber of S85 Group

                                                                                                                                   Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                   Page: 27 of 28

            6. Uncertainty Budget
                                                          Measurement Uncertaity evaluation template for DUT SAR test (03—2G)
                        a                           c             n             e                    u           s           heettre         |eorgre           k
                        {source o Uncertainty       [rerancer |Provanity                                                     Gtndard         |Sandard
                                                    uncetainty [oretibatiol    2%      IPYY208 1209              E009        lincerainy      Iincertanty      [CV
                        tessurement system
                        Probe catbration                 soou|       n          1                1           1           1           soon            sou|      =
                        |sotrapy , axiot                 ssoul       r         /s            1700            1           1           2020            200|      =
                        |sotrapy, Hemisptericar|         s.60#)      .R        /s            1700            1           1           ssan            ssm|      |=
                        Mouiation Response               zo4         r         /s            1700            1           1           1409            noul      s
                        lBowndary Erect                  noou|        r        /s            1700            1           1           asou            ossul     |=
                        Linesrty                         arou|        r        /s            1700            1           1           270             zanu|     =
                        Ioetecton Limts                  nook|       oR        3             1700            1           1           asey            ossul     |=
                        IReadost Elestronics             xd          n          1                1           1           1           esou            oxnl      s
                        IResponsetime                    css          r        /s            1700            1           1           assnl           casul     =
                        Integration Tme                  2e0u|        r        /s            1700            1           1           1500            104|      s
                        cioss A evaiuation)
                                                         ursw|       oR        /3            KE              1           1           101%            108|      /«
                        IRF ambient condtion —           acou|        r        3             1700            1           1           1700            1mu)      s
                        ie  ambent condtions —
                        Fertectons                       scox|       r         /3            KE              1           1           1709            19u)      «
                        Prove postioner                      .                                                                          —                «l    2
                        echanical restrictons            2s          _®        /2            UZ]             N           N           229             22%
                        rove   Posttong win
                        Whpvimennin                      2o0u|.       r        /3            1700            1           1           167             18794l    z
                        Prostprocessing                  noou|        r        /s            1700            1           1           asou            ossul     |=
                        vaxsar Eva                       nook|       oR        3             1700            1           1           asey            ossul     |=

                        [test Sarmple related
                        frest sample posttoring          2e0u|       n          1                1           1           1           2007            2008     ie
                        pevce Hader Uncertainty]         3.602]      N          1               1            1           1           as07}           ssou|    ie
                        lort orouput power               soou|       r         /s            1700            1           1           2009            2ou|      =—

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Unless othenvise stated theresuts chown in is est eport refeonto he sarilete) teted and such samplete) areretanefor 20 days only
IMromen . nmeeemimerm> eimeaneininex Reckinesmemint — mempae —
This document is ssued by the Compary subietto s General Condlions of Senice pinted overiea, avalable on reguiestor cessle at on oos comherts and condions im and for electonk format
decument, tjectto Tems and Candlions for Slectonle Docireentsat winsgconfloms Atertion is draun to th imtaton of Yanleg, indermnileaton and Jirscieton isues dened
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
Company‘s sale reeponshlis t ts Clent and ts docunrent does not evonerate parles to a ransacton fom exeroing al thelr fgits and onigatons underthe ransacton dacirments. Thi decu‘rent canrot
h repredueed exeet n fil, wihout prier witten approvalof the Company. Any unauthorzed aeraion, forgery orflsleaton ofthe contet or appearance o thls document is untawful and oferders may be
proseeited to the fules exent of thefaw
                            808 Takan Li. No.184.WKung Road, New Taipel Industral Park, Wuku District, Naw Taipel Oiy, Tamwan 24809/a 2k h.92E t 1 E.2194 5t
             6 Neednt ie5 1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                                               1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488     
                                            |                                                                                 Member af SGS Group

                                                                                                                                 Report No. :EN/2019/80005
                                                                                                                                 Page: 28 of 28

                         Refer to separated files for the following appendixes

                         EN201980005 SAR_Appendix A Photographs

                         EN201980005 SAR_Appendix B DAE & Probe Cal. Certificate

                         EN201980005 SAR_Appendix C Phantom Description & Dipole Cal. Certificate

                                                                            — End of report —

Uless othornes stred me reauts shouin ts est reportrefer onl t the cartlete tested and such carinet@areretaned for20 days only
IMromen . nmeeemimerm> eimeaneininex Reckinesmemint                                                mempae —
Te 2ezment it Erved y the Company satiea to e Berire Gonditore af Saver piniad proreateraladle on reavest o accecsble at ons comerms and condiions hm and for elatont fomat
decument, tjectto Tems and Candlions for Slectonle Docireentsat winsgconfloms Atertion is draun to th imtaton of Yanleg, indermnileaton and Jirscieton isues dened
Therin An‘ hatler of his documrent !s advised tat nformation cantaied nereen reteeis the CompanyIncings atthe imie of ts nterventon only n witin theks of Clen‘s nstuetns, i any. The
Company‘s sale reeponshlis t ts Clent and ts docunrent does not evonerate parles to a ransacton fom exeroing al thelr fgits and onigatons underthe ransacton dacirments. Thi decu‘rent canrot
h repredueed exeet n fil, wihout prier witten approvalof the Company. Any unauthorzed aeraion, forgery orflsleaton ofthe contet or appearance o thls document is untawful and oferders may be
proseeited to the fules exent of thefaw
                           808 Takan Li. No.184.WKung Road, New Taipel Industral Park, Wuku District, Naw Taipel Oiy, Tamwan 24809/a 2k h.92E t 1 E.2194 5t
             6 Neednt ie5 1 (Bee—2) 2200.z07e                                               1 (Bee—2) 2208.0488     
                                          |                                                                                   Mamber of SG5 Group

Document Created: 2019-09-16 18:04:26
Document Modified: 2019-09-16 18:04:26

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