RF protocol


Operational Description

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RF protocol                                                                                   Page 1 of 3

The coding of the RF signal is 4kbps Manchester coding, where a “0” is send as a transition from “carrier on” to
“carrier off” and a “1” is send as a transition from “carrier off” to “carrier on”.

When sending a new packet, the first packet should be repeated three times with a delay of approx. 1ms in between
followed by a new packet every 160 ms (measured from start of package to next start of package). The following
illustrates this (but is not to scale)

             1ms           1ms

When no more packages are to be send by a transmitter a ten-package-burst with a “end-of-packages” is send.

Structure of single packet
Every packet can be described using the following schema:
 Preample     Header          ID+IDCS           Counter         Type                Data                    Checksum
   10 bit     “8 bit”           32 bit            4 bit         4 bit              8-64 bit              8 bit

The fields are byte-oriented and each byte is sent MSB first.

The preamble is always 10 “0”’s to get the receiver’s amplifier to lock onto the sender.

The header bits are used to uniquely identify a start of package. Every time the receiver sees this header, it will assume
that a new package has begun. The header is made by using values that are not possible using the 4kbps Manchester-
coding used by the data-bits.
The coding is as follows: After the last “0” of the preamble a “0” is send at 22/3kbps, then a “0” is send at 2kbps, then a
“0” is send at 22/3kbps , then a “0” is send at 2kbps and lastly a “0” send at 4kbps. In time, this corresponds to 8 bits at
4kbps. (In receiver timing this is easily detectable and not possible during data-transfer).

RF protocol                                                                              Page 2 of 3

The two fields ID and ID-checksum are to uniquely identify a specific transmitter. The IDCS is to make sure, that the
ID-field is correct before waking up from lowpower-mode.
The ID-field is a 19 bit serial number and a 5 bit “series” number, which is given by Linak to a manufacturer when
producing handsets. The IDCS is a CRC-8 (0xEA).
The bytes are as follows:
Byte 0                           Byte 1                       Byte 2                        Byte 3
Serial                           Serial                       Series + Serial               IDCS
Bit 7-0                          Bit 15-8                     Bit 4-0 + Bit 19-16           Bit 7-0

Simple counter incremented in every package send. For every new packet type (when the package data is exchanged,
the counter is reset to 0)

This field contains the type and implicitly the length of the “Data” field.

Type     Data-length                                     Data-content
 0            8                           Same as LIN command 35 (see US 41-07-002)
 1            8                                       Deskline commands
 2          TBD                                              TBD
 3          TBD                                              TBD
 4          TBD                                              TBD
 5          TBD                                              TBD
 6          TBD                                              TBD
 7          TBD                                              TBD
 8          TBD                                              TBD
 9          TBD                                              TBD
 10         TBD                                              TBD
 11         TBD                                              TBD
 12         TBD                                              TBD
 13         TBD                                              TBD
 14         TBD                                              TBD
 15         TBD                                              TBD

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Deskline commands (type field = 1)
The following commands are defined for deskline:
Value                                                         Function
0                                                             Store
1                                                             M1
2                                                             M2
3                                                             M3
4                                                             Store+M1
5                                                             Store+M2
6                                                             Store+M3
7                                                             Ref 1U
8                                                             Ref 1D
9                                                             Ref 2 U
10                                                            Ref 2 D
11                                                            Ref 3 U
12                                                            Ref 3 D
13                                                            Ref 4 U
14                                                            Ref 4 D
15                                                            Ref 5 U
16                                                            Ref 5 D
17                                                            Ref 6 U
18                                                            Ref 6 D
19                                                            Ref 7 U
20                                                            Ref 7 D
21                                                            Ref 8 U
22                                                            Ref 8 D
23                                                            Function 1
24                                                            Function 2
25                                                            Function 3
26                                                            Function 4
27                                                            Function 5
255                                                           Stop

This field is the real “payload” of the packet. It contains the instruction from the handset to the TD. The length and
description of the content is described under “Type”

Packet checksum
This field is intended to verify the integrity of the entire package after the header and is a 1’s complement sum.

Total time for one packet
The total time to send one packet depends on the length of each packet from 18,50ms to 32,50ms.

Document Created: 2009-04-16 16:26:00
Document Modified: 2009-04-16 16:26:00

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