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       Electronic Arts Limited

  Annual report and financial statements
|       Registered number 2057591
    52 week period ended 31 March 2018

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                                       Al       04/05/2019
                                            COMPANIES HOUSE

                                                                                                   Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                    Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                     52 week period ended 31 March 2018


Strategic report                                                                                                        1
Directors‘ report                                                                                                       4
Statement of directors‘ responsibilities in respect of the annual report and the financial statements                   6
Independent auditor‘s report to the members ofElectronic Arts Limited                                                   7
Profit and Loss Account and Other Comprehensive Income                                                                 10
Balance Sheet                                                                                                          11
Statement of Changes in Equity                                                                                         12
Notes                                                                                                                  13

                                                                                                   Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                    Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                     32 week period ended 31 March 2018

Strategic report

Principal activities
Electronic Arts Limited is a wholly owned indirect subsidiary of Electronic Arts Inc., a company incorporated in the
United States of America.

Ourprincipal activity is the development, marketing and distribution of video game software and content published by
Electronic Arts Inc., that can be played by consumers on a variety of platforms, including:
     e     Video game consoles such as the PlayStation® 4, PlayStation® 3, Microsoft Xbox One"V, Microsoft Xbox
           360°4, Nintendo WiiTS and Nintendo Wii UUSM
   ~ e   Personal computers ("PCs")
     *   Handheld game players suchas the PlayStation® Portable ("PSP"*"), Nintendo DS"and PlayStation® Vita
           ("PSVTM") and wireless devices suchas cellular phones which exclude smart phones.

Our products for video game consoles, PCs and handhelds are primarily delivered on physical media (disks and
cartridges) that are sold at —retail stores (we call these "packaged goodsproducts"). Games for wireless devices are
available only through electronic delivery.

Our games span a diverse range of categories, including action—adventure, casual, sports, family, fantasy, racing, music,
massively—multiplayer online role—playing, social networking interactive gaming, simulation and strategy.

We develop games under contract at our studio located in Guildford, Surrey.. These games are marketed, published and
distributed in over 35 countries throughout the world by Electronic Arts‘ Global Publishing Organisation.

Business review
                                                                      2018                   2017
                                                                      £000                   £000

Turnover                                                          ©178,903                210,959

Gross profit                                                        62,033                 60,306

Profit (loss) for the financial périod                            (10,036)                   1,303

Expenditure on research and development during the period was £15.3m (2017;: £13.2m).

Other key performance indicators used by management are game review scores suchas those published in industry
trade journals.

In February 2019, the Company closed a taxaudit withHer Majesty‘s Revenueand Customs ("HMRC"). This
resulted in a further cash payment to HMRC of £2—million in respect of additional taxes and interest due for prior
accounting periods. This tax liability is recognised in the current financial statements period ended 31 March 2018.

                                                                                                  Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                   Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                    52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Strategic report (continued)

Principal risks and uncertainties

Our business is highly dependent on the success and availability of video game hardware systems manufactured by
third parties, as well as our ability to develop commercially successful products for these systems.

         We derive most of our revenue from the sale of products for play on video game hardware systems
         manufactured by third parties, such as Sony‘s PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, PlayStation
         Vita, Microsoft‘s Xbox One, Xbox 360, Nintendo‘s Wii and DS. The success of our businessis driven in
         large part by the commercial success and adequate supply of these video game hardware systems. If consumer
         demand for the systems is lower than our expectations, our revenue will suffer and our financial performance
         will be harmed. Alternatively, a system for which we do not distribute video games could be more successful
         than we had initially anticipated, causing us to miss out on meaningful revenue opportunities.

If we do not consistently meet our product release schedules, our market share and future revenue streams will be
adversely affected.

         Our business is highly seasonal, with the highest levels of consumer demand and a significant percentage of
         our sales occurring in the December quarter, In addition, we seek to release many of our products in
         conjunction with specific events, such as the beginningof a sports season or major sporting event. If we miss
         these key selling periods for any reason, including product delays, our sales will suffer disproportionately.
         Likewise, if a key event to which our productrelease schedule is tied were to be delayed or cancelled, our
         sales would also suffer disproportionately.

Our business is intensely competitive and "hit" driven. If we do not deliver "hit" products or if consumers prefer our
competitors‘ products over our own, our market share and revenue levels could suffer.

         Competition in our industry is intense and we expect new competitors to continue to emerge. While new
         products are regularly introduced, only a relatively small number of "hit" titles account for a significant
         portion of total revenue in our industry. Hit products offered by our competitors may take a larger share of
         consumer spending than we anticipate, which could cause revenue generated from our products to fall below
         expectations. If our competitors develop more successful products, offer competitive products at lower price
         points or based on payment models are perceived as offering a better value proposition (such as pay—for—play
         or subscription—based models), or if we do not continue to offer consistently high—quality and well—received
         products, our revenue, margins, and profitability will decline.

If our marketing and advertising efforts fail to resonate with our customers, our business and operating results could
be adversely affected.

        Our products are marketed through a diverse spectrum of advertising and promotional programs such as
        television and online advertising, print advertising, retail merchandising, website development and event
        sponsorship. Our ability to sell our products is dependent in part upon the success of these programs. If the
        marketing for our products fails to resonate with our customers, particularly during the critical holiday season
        or during other key selling periods, these factors could have a material adverse impact on our business and
        operating results.

                                                                                                   Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                    Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                     52week period ended 31 March 2018

Strategic report (continued)

Principal risks and uncertainties (Continued)
The majority of our sales are made to a relatively small numberof key customers. If these customers reduce their
purchases of our products or become unable to pay for them, our business could be harmed.

    e      Retailers have continued to take a more conservative stance in ordering game inventory. Though our products
           are available to consumers through a variety of retailers, the concentration of our sales in a few, large
           customers could lead to a short—term disruption in our sales if one or more of these customers significantly
           reduced their purchases or ceased to carry our products, and could make us more vulnerable to collection risk
           if one or more of these large customers became unable to pay for our products or declared bankruptcy.
           Additionally, our receivables from these large customers incréase significantly in the December quarter as
           they make purthases in anticipation of the holiday selling season: Also, having such a large portion of our
           total net revenue concentrated in a few customers couldreduce our negotiating leverage with these customers.
           If one or more of our key customers experience deterioration in their business, or become unable to obtain
           sufficient financing to maintain their operations, our business could be harmed.

Ourbusiness is subject torisks generally associated with the entertainment industry, any of which could significantly
harm us.

    e      Many of the general risks associated with the entertainment industry are beyond our control. These risks
           ‘could negatively impact our market share and turnover and include: the popularity, price and timing of our
           games and the platforms on which they are played; economic conditions that adversely affect discretionary
           consumerspending; changes in consumer demographics; the availability and popularity of other forms of
           entertainment; and critical reviews and public tastes and preferences, which may change rapidly and cannot
           necessarily be predicted.

Uncertainty and adverse changes in the economy, including the proposed UK withdrawal from the European Union
("Brexit"), could have a material adverse impact on our business performance.

    e      Although the national economic situation is showing some signs of improvement, retailers continue to take
           a more conservative stance in ordering game inventory. Economic distress, which may result in a further
           decrease in demand for our products, particularly during key product launch windows, could have a material
           adverse impact on our market share and financial condition. Uncertainty and adverse changes in the economy
           could also increase our exposure to losses from bad debts which could have an adverse impact on our
           financial position and operating results. The Company is also monitoring the outcome of Brexit, including
           the impact of potential customs delays, cross border sales to Ireland, and UK workforce that includes EU
           nationals. Whilst at present the Company does not expect operations to be materially impacted, any
           uncertainty arising from the outcome of Brexit—could be disruptive to operations or could adversely impact
           sales results.

Ourresults of operations, including our reported operating expenses and net income, and financial condition can be
adversely affected by unfavourable foreign currency fluctuations, especially the Euro and US dollar.

By order of the board on 02 May 2019.

Derek Wai Seng Chan                                                                                        Onslow House
Director                                                                                                    Onslow Street,
                                                                                                        Surrey, GUI1 4TN

                                                                                                    Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                     Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                      52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Directors‘ report

Research and Development
Our studio is engaged in an on—going research and development activities aimed at both improving our main game
engine, Frostbite, and creating new games and gameplay mechanics.
During the period ended 31 March 2018 the directors paid a dividend of £nil (2017: £25m).

Subsequent Events
There are no further subsequent events to discuss.


The directors who held office during the period, and upto the date of signing the financial statements unless otherwise
stated were as follows:

M Wisbey
K Kallweit
J Schatz
S Campbell                        —
M Drummond (appointed 01 May2019)
D Chan         (appointed 17 May 2017)
B OHalbe       (résigned 17 May 2017)
The directors benefited fromqualifying third party indemnity provisions in place during the financial period and at
the date of this report.
Disabled employees

The group gives full consideration to applications for employment from disabled persons where the candidate‘s particular
aptitudes and abilities are consistent with adequately meeting the requirements of the job. Opportunities are available to
disabled employees for training, career development and promotion. Where existing employees become disabled, it is
the group‘s policy to provide continuing employment wherever practicable in the same or an alternative position and to
provide appropriate training to achieve this aim.
Employee involvement
The company operates a framework for employee information and consultation which complies with the requirements
of the Information and Consultation of Employees, Regulations 2004. Regular meetings are held between local
management and employees to allow a free flow of information and ideas. Employees participate directly in the success
of the business through the group‘s profit sharing schemesand are encouraged to invest in the group through participation
in share option schemes.
Political and charitable contributions
The company made charitable donations of £nil (2017: £nil) during the period.
Neither the Company nor any of its subsidiaries made any political donations or incurred any political expenditure
curing the year (2017: £nil).

                                                                                                   Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                   Anniual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                    52 week period ended 31 March 2018

 Directors‘ report (continued)

_ Disclosure of information to auditor (unless exempt from audit)
 The directors who held office at the date of approval of this directors‘ report confirm that, so far as they are each
 aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the company‘s auditor is unaware; and each director has taken
 all the steps that they ought to have taken as a director to makethemselves aware of any relevant audit information
 and to establish that the company‘s auditor is aware of that information.

 Pursuant to Section 487 of the Companies Act 2006, thé‘auditor will be deeméd to be reappointed and KPMG LLP
 will therefore continue in offlce.

 By order of the board on 02 May 2019.

  Derek Wai Seng Chan                                                                                     Onslow House,
  Director                                                                     —                           OnslowStreet,
                                                                                                        Surrey, GUT 4TN

                                                                                                  Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                   Annual report andfinancialstatements
                                                                                    52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Statement of directors‘ responsibilities in respect of the annual report and the financial
statements                            >

The directors are responsible for preparing the Strategic Report, the Directors‘ Report and the financial statements in
accordance with applicable law and regulations.

Company law requires the directors to prepare financial statements for each financial year. Under that law they have
elected to prepare the financial statements in accordance with UK Accounting Standards and applicable law (UK
Generally Accepted Accounting Practice), including FRS 101 Reduced Disclosure Framework:

Under company law the directors must not.approve the financial statements unless they are satisfied that they give a
true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company and of the profit or loss of the company for that period. In
preparing these financial statements, the directors are required to:
     e   select suitable accounting policies and then apply them consistently;
     e   make judgments and estimates that are reasonable and prudeht;
     e   state whether applicable UK Accounting Standards have been followed, subject to any material departures
         disclosed and explained in the financial statements; and
     e   prepare the financial statements on the going concern basis unless it is inappropriate to presume that the
         company will continue in business:.

 The directors are responsible for keeping adequate accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the
 company‘s transactions and disclose with reasonable accuracy atany time the financial position of the company and
 enable them to ensure that the financial statements comply with the Companies Act 2006. They have general
 responsibility for taking such steps as are reasonably open.to them to safeguard the assets of the company and to
 prevent and detect fraud and other irregularities.


                                                                                                    Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                     Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                      52 week period ended 31 March 2018

INDEPENDENT AUDITOR‘S    REPORT                                           TO       THE        MEMBERS                OF
We have audited the financial statements of Electronics Arts Limited ("the company") for the period ended 3 1" March
2018 which comprise the Profit and Loss Account and Other Comprehensive Income, Balance Sheet and Statement
of Changes in Equity and related notes, including the accounting policies in note 1.
In our opinion the financial statements:
e   give a true and fair view of the state of the company‘s affairs as at 3 1" March 2018 and of its loss for the period
    then ended;
e    have been properly prepared in accordance with UK accounting standards, including FRS 101 Reduced
    Disclosure Framework;, and
e   have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Companies Act 2006.
Basis for opinion
We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) ("ISAs (UK)") and applicable
law. Our responsibilities are described below. We have fulfilled our ethical responsibilities under, and are
independent of the company in accordance with, UK ethical requirements including the FRC Ethical Standard. We
believe that the audit evidence we have obtained isa sufficient and appropriate basis for our opinion.
The impact of uncertainties due to the UK exiting the European Union on our audit
Uncertainties related to the effects of Brexit are relevant to understanding our audit of the financial statements. All
audits assess and challenge the reasonableness of estimates made by the directors, related disclosures and the
appropriateness of the going concern basis of preparation of the financial statements. All of these depend on
assessments of the future economic environment and Electronic Arts Limited‘s future prospects and performance.
Brexit is one of the most significant eéconomic events for the UK, and at the date of this report its effects are subject
to unprecedented levels of uncertainty of outcomes, with the full range of possible effects unknown. We applied a
standardised firm—wide approach in response to that uncertainty when assessing Electronic Arts Limited‘s future
prospects and performance. However, no audit should be expected to predict the unknowable factors or all possible
future implications for a company and this is particularly the case in relation to Brexit.
Going concern
The directors have prepared the financial statements on the going concemn basis as they do not intend to liquidate the
company or to cease its operations, and as they have concluded that the company‘s financial position means that this
is realistic. They have also concluded that there are no material uncertainties that could have cast significant doubt
over its ability to continue as a going concern for at least a year from the date of approval of the financial statements
("the going concern period").
We are required to report to you if we have concluded that the use of the going concern basis of accounting is
inappropriate or there is an undisclosed material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt over the use of that basis
for a period of at least a year from the date of approval of the financial statements. In our evaluation of the directors‘
conclusions, we considered the inherent risks to the company‘s business model, including the impact of Brexit, and
analyzed how those risks might affect the company‘s financial resources or ability to continue operations over the
going concern period. We have nothing to report in these respects.
However, as we cannot predict all future events or conditions and as subsequent events may result in outcomes that
are inconsistent with judgements that were reasonable at the time they were made, the absence of reference to a
material uncertainty in this auditor‘s report is not a guarantee that the company will continue in operation.

                                                                                                      Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                       Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                          52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Strategic report and directors‘—report
The directors are responsible for the strategic report and the directors® report. Our opinion on the financial statements
does not cover those reports and we do not express an audit opinion thereon.
Our responsibility is to read the strategic report and the directors‘ report and, in doing so, consider whether, based on
our financial statements audit work, the information therein is materially misstated or inconsistent with the financial
statements or our audit knowledge. Based solely/on that work:
e   _     we have not identified material misstatements in the strategic report and the directors‘ report;

®         in our opinion the information given in those reports for the financial year is consistent withthe financial
          statements; and

e         In our opinion those reports have been prépared in accordance with the Companies Act 2006.

Matters on which we are required to report by exception
Under the Companies Act 2006 we are required to report to you if, in our opinion:
*       adequate accounting records have not been kept, or returns adequate for our audit have not been received from
        branches not visited by us; or            |                              |
e       the financial statements are not in agreemenf with the accounting records and returns; or

e       certain disclosures of directors‘ remuneration specified by law are not made; or
e       We have not received all theinformation and explanations we require for our audit; or
e       The directors were not entitled to take advantage of the small companies‘ exemption from the requirement to
        prepare a strategic report.

We have nothing to report in these respects.
Directors‘ responsibilitiés
As explained more fully in their statement set out on page 6, the directors are responsible for: the preparation of the
financial statements and for being satisfied that they give a true and fair view; such internal control as they determine
is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to
fraud or error; assessing the company‘s ability to continue as a going concern, disclosing, as applicable, matters related
to going concern; and using the going concern basis of accounting unless they either intend to liquidate the company
or to cease operations, or have no realistic alternative but to do so.
Auditor‘s responsibilities

Our objectives are to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue our opinion in an auditor‘s report. Reasonable
assurance is a high level of assurance, but does;not guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with ISAs (UK)
will always detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are
considered material if, individually or in aggregate, they could reasonably be expected to influence the economic
decisions ofusers taken on the basis of the financial statements.

A        fuller    description        of   our   responsibilities   is   provided    on      the     FRC‘s     website    at
www frc.org.uk/auditorsresponsibilities.

                                                                                                     Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                    Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                      52 week period ended 31 March 2018

The purpose of our audit work and to whom we;oweourresponsnbllmes

This report is made solely to the company‘s members, as a body, in accordance with Chapter 3 of Part 16 of the
Companies Act 2006. Our audit work has been undertaken so that we might state to the company‘s members those
matters we are required to state to them in an auditor‘s report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted
by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company and the company‘s members, as
a body, for our audit work, for this report, or for the opinions we have formed.                 —

Simon Baxter (Senior Statutory Auditor)
for and on behalf of KPMG LLP, Statutory, Auditor
Chartered Accountants
Arlington Business Park
2 May 2019

                                                                                      Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                       Annual report andfinancial statemenis
                                                                        52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Profit and Loss Account and Other Comprehensive Income
for period ended 31 March 2018

                                                                              Period ended        Period ended
                                                                                 31 March               1 April
                                                                                      2018                2017
                                                Note                                  £000                £000

Turnover                                                                            178,903           210,959
Cost of sales                                                                     (116,870)          (150,653)

Gross profit                                                                         62,033             60,306 —

Administrative expenses                                                            (62,718)           (59,777)

Operating (loss) / profit                                                             (685)               529

Other interest receivable and similar income                                             129              108
Interest payable and similar charges                                                   (786)              (17)

(Loss) / Profit before taxation                                                      (1,342)              620

Taxation                                                                             (8,694)               683

(Loss) / Profit for the financial period and                                       (10,036)              1,303
other comprehensive income

Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the period.                                (10,036)              1,303

All amounts are derived from continuing operations.

The notes on pages 13 to 28 form part of these financial statements.


                                                                                                   Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                    Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                     52 week period ended 31 March 2018

 Balance Sheet
 at 31 March 2018

                                                       Note                 31 March 2018                 1 April 2017
                                                                         £000         £000             £000          £000
 Fixed assets
 Intangible assets                                                          74                            58
 Tangible assets                                                         4;812                         5,334

                                                                                      4,886                           5.392
 Current assets
 Debiors, Including £2,820,000 (2077 £4,867,000)          12           46,139                        41,652
   due after more than one year (Deferred Tax)
 Cash at bank and in hand                                                   10                          375

                                                                       46,149                        42,027
 Creditors: amounts falling due within one year           13           (24,565)                   — (16.871)

                                                                                     21,584                          25,156
 Net current assets

‘Total assets less current liabilities                                               26,470                          30,548

Provisions for liabilities
Other provisions                                         15             (1,154)                       (1,136)
                                                                                     (1,154)                         (1,136)

Net assets                                                                           25,316                          29,412

‘Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                  16                              10                              10
Profit and loss account                                                              25,306                          29,402

Shareholder‘s funds                                                                  25,316                         29,412

These financial statements wereapproved by the board of directors on 02 May 2019 and were signed onits behalf by:

Derek Wai Seng Chan

ACompany registered number: 2057591

The notes on pages 13 to 28 form part of these financial statements.


                                                                                                 Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                  Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                   52 week period ended 31 March 2018

 Statement of Changes in Equity                                   Called up       Share           Profit            ‘Total
                                                                      share    premium          and loss           equit
                                                                     capital    account         account             quity
                                                                      £000         £000            £000             £000

 Balance at 2 April 2016                                                 10      34,396          13,957           48,363
 Total comprehensive income for the period
 Profit                                                                                —          1,303             1,303
 Other comprehensive income

 Total comprehensive income for the period                                             —          1,303             1,303

 Equity—settled share based payment transactions                                       —          4,842             4,842
 Deferred tax movement recorded directly in equity                                     —            (96)             (96)
 Conversion of share premium                                                    (34,396)         34,396                    —
 Dividends                                                                             —        (25,000)         (25,000)

Total contributions by and distributions to owners                              (34,396)         14,142          (20,254)

 Balance at 1 April 2017                                                10             =         29,402           29,412

Total comprehensive loss for the period
Loss                                                                                   —        (10,036)         (10,036)
Other comprehensive income

Total comprehensive income for the period                                              =        (10,036)         (10,036)

Equity—settled share based payment transactions                                        =          5,402             5,402
Current tax movement recorded directly in equity                                       —            737               737
Deferred tax movement recorded directly in equity                                      —           (199)            (199)

Total contributions by and distributions to owners                                     —          5,940             5,940

 Balance at 31 March 2018                                               10             —         25,306           25,316

The notes on pages 13 to 28 form part of these financial statements.

                                                                                                         Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                          Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                           52 week period ended 31 March 2018

 (forming part of thefinancial statements)

 1          Accounting policies
Electronic Arts Limited (the "Company") is a private company incorporated, domiciled and registered in England in the
UK. The registered number is 2057591 and the registered office is Onslow House, Onslow Street, Guildford, Surrey, GU 1
The Company is exempt by virtue of section 401 of the Companies Act 2006 from the requirement to prepare group
financial statements. These financial statements presentinformation about the Company as an individual undertaking and
not about its group.
The Company‘s ultimate parent undertaking, Electronic Arts Inc., includes the Company in its consolidated financial
statements. The consolidated financial statements of Electronic Arts Inc., are prepared in accordance with US Financial
Reporting Standards and are available to the public and may be obtained from 209 Redwood Shores Parkway, Redwood
City, CA 94065.
These financial statements were prepared in accordance with Financial Reporting Standard 101 Reduced Disclosure
Framework ("FRS 101").
In preparing these financial statements, the Company applies the recognition, measurement and disclosure requirements
of International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU ("Adopted IFRSs"), but makes amendments where
necessary in order to comply with Companies Act 2006 and has set out below where advantage of the FRS 101 disclosure
exemptions has been taken:
e     a Cash Flow Statement and related notes;
e     Disclosures in respect of transactions with wholly owned subsidiaries;
*     Disclosures in respect of capital management;
e     The effects of new but not yet effective IFRSs;

e     Disclosures in respect of the compensation of Key Management Personnel; and
e     Disclosures of transactions with a management entity that provides key management personnel services to the
As the consolidated financial statements of Electronic Arts Inc., include the equivalent disclosures, the Company has also
taken the exemptions under FRS 101 available in respect of the following disclosures:
e     IFRS 2 Share Based Payments in respect of group settled share based payments
e     Certain disclosures required by IAS 36 /Impairment ofassets in respect of the impairment of goodwill and indefinite
      life intangible assets;
e     Certain disclosures required by IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement and the disclosures required by IFRS 7 Financial
      Instrument Disclosures.
The accounting policies set out below have, unless otherwise stated, been applied consistently to all periods presented in
these financial statements.
No judgements have been made by the directors, in the application of these accounting policies that have significant effect
on the financial statements and estimates which would have a significant risk of material adjustment in the next year

1.1         Measurement convention

The financial statements are prepared on the histo,rical cost basis except that the following assets and liabilities are stated
at their fair value: liabilities for cash—settled share—based payments.
1.2         Going concern
The company had net current assets of £21,584,000 as at 31 March 2018 (01 April 2017: £25,156,000). The company‘s
directors therefore have a reasonable expectation that the company has adequate resources to continue in operational
existence for the foreseeable future. Thus they continue to adopt the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the
financial statements.

                                                                                                          Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                           Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                            52 week period ended 31 March 2018

 Notes (continued)
 1          Accounting policies (continued)
 1.3        Foreign currency
 Transactions in foreign currencies are translated to the Company‘s functional currencies at the foreign exchange rate
 ruling at the date of the transaction. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet
 date are retranslated to the functional currency at the foreign exchange rate ruling at that date. Non—monetary assets and
 liabilities that are measured in terms of historical cost in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rate at the
 date of the transaction. Non—monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies that are stated at fair value
 are retranslated to the functional currency at foreign exchange rates ruling at the dates the fair value was determined.
 Foreign exchange differences arising on translation are recognised in the profit and loss account.
 1.4       Non—derivativefinancial instruments
 Non—derivative financial instruments comprise investments in equity and debt securities, trade and other debtors, cash
 and cash equivalents, loans and borrowings, and trade and other creditors.
 Trade and other debtors

 Trade and other debtors are recognised initially at fair value. Subsequent to initial recognition they are medsuled at
 amortised cost using the effective interest method, less any impairment losses.
. Trade and other creditors
 Trade and other creditors are recognised initially at fair value. Subsequent to initial recognition they are measured at
 amortised cost using the effective interest method.
 Investments in debt and equity securities
 Investments in subsidiaries are carried at cost less impairment.
 1.5        Tangiblefixed assets      -
 Tangible fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and accumulated impairment losses.
 Where parts of an item of tangible fixed assets have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate items of
 tangible fixed assets.
 Leases in which the Company assumes substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the leased asset are
 classified as finance leases. Leased assets acquired by way of finance lease are stated at an amount equal to the lower of
 their fair value and the present value of the minimum lease payments at inception. of the lease, less accumulated
 depreciation and less accumulated impairment losses. Lease payments are accounted for asdescribed below.
 Depreciation is charged to the profit and loss account on a straight—line basis over the estimated useful lives of each part
 of an item of tangible fixed assets. Land is not depreciated. Depreciation starts the month after an asset is placed in service.
 The estimated useful lives are as follows:
       e   Leasehold improvement : Shorter of lease term and life

       e   Office and computer equipment: 3—5 years

 Depreciation methods, useful lives and residual values are reviewed at each balance sheet date.
 1.6       Intangible assets, goodwill and negative goodwill
 Goodwill is stated at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. It is not amortised but is tested annually for
 impairment. This is not in accordance with The Large and Medium—sized Companies and Groups (Accounts and
 Reports) Regulations 2008 which requires that all goodwill be amortised. The directors consider that this would fail to
 give a true and fair view of the profit for the year and that the economic measure of performance in any period is
 properly made by reference only to any impairment that may have arisen. It is not practicable to quantify the effect on
 the financial statements of this departure.


                                                                                                          Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                           Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                            52 week period ended 31 March 2018

1:6       Intangible assets, goodwill and negative goodwill (continued)
Research and development

Expenditure on research activities is recognised in the profit and loss account as an expense as incurred.
Expenditure on development activities is capitalised if the product or process is technically and commercially feasible
and the Company intends and has the technical ability and sufficient resources to complete development, future economic
benefits are probable and if the Company can measure reliably the expenditure attributable to the intangible asset during
its development. Development activities involve a plan or design for the production of. new or substantially improved
products or processes. The expenditure capitalised includes the cost of materials, direct labour and an appropriate
proportion of overheads and capitalised borrowing costs. Other development expenditure is recognised in the profit and
loss account as an expense as incurred. Capitalised development expenditure is stated at cnast less accumulated
amortisation and less accumulatedimpairment losses.
The company does not own the Intellectual Property (IP) related to developmentactivities undertaken during the periods
and hence no saleable asset is created. As such there is no future economic benefits to the company, and all development
costs are expensed as incurred.                  '
Other intangible assets
Other intangible assets that are acquired by the Company are stated at cost less accumulated amortisation and less
accumulated impairment losses.
The cost of an intangible asset acquired in a business combination is its fair value at the acquisition date.

Amortisation is charged to the profit and loss account on a straight—line basis over the estimated useful lives of intangible
assets unless such lives are indefinite. Intangible assets with an indefinite useful life and goodwill are systematically
tested for impairment at each balance sheet date. Othér intangible assets are amortised from the month following the date
they are available for use. The estimated useful lives are as follows:
      *   Computer software: 3—4 years

1.7       Government grants

Government grants, in the form of Video Games tax relief (VGTR)and R&D expenditure credit (RDEC), are presented
as deductions from the related expenses.

1.8       Impairment excluding deferred tax assets
Financial assets (including trade and other debtors)
      e   A financial asset not carried at fair value through profit or loss is assessed at each reporting date to determine
          whether there is objective evidence that it is impaired; A financial asset isimpaired if objective evidence indicates
          that a loss event has occurred after the initial recognition of the asset, andthat the loss event had a negative effect
          on the estimated future cash flows of that asset that can be estimated reliably.

      e   An impairment loss in respect of a financial asset measured at amortised cost is calculated as the difference
          between its carrying amount and the present value of the estimated future cash flows discounted at the asset‘s
          original effective interest rate. For financial instruments measured at cost less impairment an impairment is
          calculated as the differencé between its carrying amount and the best éstimate of the amount that the Company
          would receive for the asset if it were to be sold at the reporting date. Interest.on the impaired asset continues to
          be recognised through the unwinding ofthe discount. When a subsequent event causes the amount of impairment
          loss to decrease, the decrease in impairment loss is reversed through profit or loss.

                                                                                                        Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                         Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                          52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Notes (continued)
1       Accounting policies (continued)
1.8      Impairment excluding deferred tax assets (continued)
Non—financial assets
The carrying amounts of the Company‘s non—financial assets, other than deferred tax assets, are reviewed at each reporting
date to determine whether there is any indication of impairment. If any such indication exists, then the asset‘s recoverable
amount is estimated. For goodwill, and intangible assets that have indefinite useful lives or that are not yet available for
use, the recoverable amount is estimated each year at the same time.
The recoverable amount of an asset is the greater ofits value in use and its fair value less costs to sell. In assessing value
in use, the estimated future cash flows are discounted to their present value using a pre—tax discount rate that reflects
current market assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to the asset.
An impairment loss is recognised if the carrying amount ofan asset exceeds its estimated recoverable amount. Impairment
losses are recognised in profit or loss.
An impairment loss in respect of goodwill is reversed if and only if the reasons for the impairment have ceased to apply.
In respect of other assets, impairment losses recognised in prior periods are assessed at each reporting date for any
indications that the loss has decreased or no longer exists. An impairment loss is reversed if there has been a change in
the estimates used to determine the recoverable amount. An impairment loss is reversed only to the extent that the asset‘s
carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined, net of depreciation or
amortisation, if no impairment loss had been recognised.

1.9      Employee benefits
Defined contribution plans
A defined contribution plan is a post—employment benefit plan under which the company pays fixed contributions into a
separate entity and will have no legal or constructive obligation to pay further amounts. Obligations for contributions to
defined contribution pension plans are recognised as an expensein the profit and loss account in the periods during which
services are rendered by employees.
Short—term benefits
Short—term employee benefit obligations are measured on an undiscounted basis and are expensed as the related service
is provided. A liability is recognised for the amount expected to be paid under short—term cash bonus or profit—sharing
plans if the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation to pay this amount as a result of past service provided
by the employee and the obligation can be estimated reliably.
Termination benefits
Termination benefits are recognised as an expense when the Company is demonstrably committed, without realistic
possibility of withdrawal, to a formal detailed plan to either terminate employment before the normal retirement date, or
to provide termination benefits as a result of an offer made to encourage voluntary redundancy. Termination benefits for
voluntary redundancies are recognised as an expense if the company has made an offer of voluntary redundancy, it is
probably that the offer will be accepted, and the number of acceptances can be estimated reliably. If benefits are payable
more than 12 months after the reporting date, then they are discounted to their present value.
Share—based payment transactions
Share—based payment arrangements in which the Company receives goods or services as consideration for its own equity
instruments are accounted for as equity—settled share—based payment transactions, regardless of how the equity
instruments are obtained by the Company.
The grant date fair value of share—based payments awards granted to employees is recognised as an employee expense,
with a corresponding increase in equity, over the period in which the employees become unconditionally entitled to the
awards, The fair value of the awards granted is measured using an option valuation model, taking into account the terms
and conditions upon which the awards were granted. The amount recognised as an expense is adjusted to reflect the actual
number of awards for which the related service and non—market vesting conditions are expected to be met, such that the
amount ultimately recognised as an expense is based on the number of awards that do meet the related service and non—
market performance conditions at the vesting date. For share—based payment awards with non—vesting conditions, the grant
date fair value of the share—based payment is measured to reflect such conditions and there is no true—up for differences
between expected and actual outcomes.

                                                                                                          Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                           Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                            52 week period ended 31 March 2018

 Notes (continued)
 1        Accounting policies (continued)
 1.9      Employee benefits (continued)
Share—based payment transactions (continued)
Share—based payment transactions in which the Company receives goods or services by incurring a liability to transfer
cash or otherassets that is based on the price ofthe Company‘s equity instruments are accounted for as cash—settled share—
based payments. The fair value of the amount payable to employees is recognised as an expense, with a corresponding
increase in liabilities, over the period in which the employees become unconditionally entitled to payment. The liability
is remeasured at each balance sheet date and at settlement date. Any changes in the fair value of the liability are recognised
as personnel expense in profit or loss.                                              °
The Company took advantage of the option available in IFRS 1 to apply IFRS 2 only to equity instruments that were
granted after 7 November 2002 and that had not vested by 29 March 2014. Where the Company grants rights to its parent‘s
equity instruments to its employees the Company accounts for these share—based payments as cash—settled.
1.10      Provisions

A provision is recognised in the balance sheet when the Company has a present legal or constructive obligation as ‘a result
of a past event, that can be reliably measured andit is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to
settle the obligation. Provisions are determined by discounting the expected future cash flows at a pre—tax rate that reflects
risks specific to the liability.
1.11      Turnover

Turnover is principally derived from the sale of packaged interactive software games designed for play on video game
consoles, personal computers, hand held games machines or the licensing of software games designed for play on mobile
phones and internet enabled hand held devices.
Revenue is recognised upon delivery to the end customer, i.ec. when title and risk of loss are transferred. In order to
recognise reventue, Electronic Arts Limited must not have any continuing obligations and it must also be probable that
the amounts receivable will be collected.
The company, in common with other companies in the electronic games industry, has arrangements with its distributors,
which allow for the exchange of products under certain cireumstances. Price protection may also be offered for both
personal computer and video games systems products. Provision is made for anticipated credits arising from these
arrangements and is calculated by reference to estimated distributor stock holdings at the balance sheet date, the rate of
stock sell—through in the channel, past experience and situations of whitch management is aware. Revenue is recognised
net of these allowances and excluding value added tax.
Additional turnover is derived from intercompany services provided for administration, marketing and research &
1.12     Expenses

Operating lease payments
Payments (excluding costs for services and insurance) made under operating leases are recognised in the profit and loss
account on a straight—line basis over the term of the lease. Lease incentives received are recognised in the profit and loss
account as an integral part.of the total lease expéense.
Interest receivable and Interest payable
Interest payable and similar charges include interest payable, finance charges on shares classified as liabilities and finance
leases recognised in profit or loss using the effective interest method, unwinding of the discount on provisions, and net
foreign exchange losses that are recognised in the profit and loss account (see foreign currency accounting policy).
Borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of an asset that takes a
substantial time to be prepared for use, are capitalised as part of the cost of that asset. Other interest receivable and similar
income include interest receivable on funds invested and net foreign exchange gains.
Interest income and interest payable is recognised in profit or loss as it accrues, using the effective interest method.
Dividend income is recognised in the profit and loss account on the date the entity‘s right to receive payments is
established. Foreign currency gains and losses are reported on a net basis.

                                                                                                           Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                            Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                             52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Notes (continued)
1            Accounting policies (continued
1.13         Taxation
Tax on the profit or loss for the year comprises current and deferredtax. Tax is recognised in the profit and loss account
except to the extent that it relates to items recognised directly in equity or. other comprehensive income, in which case it
is recognised directly in equity or other.comprehensive income.
Current tax is the expected tax payable or receivable on the taxable income or loss for the year, using tax rates enacted or
substantively enacted at the balance sheet date, and any adjustment to tax payable in respect of previous years.
Deferred tax is provided, without discounting, on temporary differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities
for financial reporting purposes and the amounts used for taxation purposes. The following temporary differences are not
provided for: the initial recognition of goodwill; the initial recognition of assets or liabilities that affect neither accounting
nor taxable profit other than in a business combination, and differences relating to investments in subsidiaries to the extent
that they will probably not reverse in the foreseeable future. The amount of deferred tax provided is based on the expected
manner of realisation or settlement of the carrying amount of assets and liabilities, using tax rates enacted or substantively
enacted at the balance sheet date.
A deferred tax asset is recognised only to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profits will be available against
which the temporary difference can be utilised.

2       Turnover

                                                                                             _ Period ended        Period ended
                                                                                                  31 March               1 Aprit
                                                                                                      2018                 2017
                                                                                                      £000                 £000
            By activity:
            Sale ofgoods                                                                             126,581            161,051
            Rendering of services                                                                     52,322             49,908

      Total turnover                                                                                 178,903            210,959

            By geographical market:
            UK                                                                                       125,402            155,225
            Rest of the World                                                                         53,501             55,734

      Total turnover                                                                                 178,903            210,959

3        Expenses and auditor‘s remuneration
                                                                                             Period ended         Period ended
                                                                                                  31 March              1 April
                                                                                                      2018                2017
    Included in profit/loss are thefollowing:                                                         £000                £000

    Depreciation and other amounts written off tangible assets — owned                                1,816              1,349
    Amortisation ofintangible fixed assets                                                              120                 29
    Hire of plant and machinery — rentals payable under operating leases                                123                132
    Hire of other assets — rentals payable under operating leases                                     1,554              1,585
    Research and development expensed as incurred                                                    15,336             13,216

Auditor‘s remuneration:

Audit ofthese financial statements                                                                       137                148

                                                                                                  Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                   Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                    52 week period ended 31 March 2018

 Notes (continued)

4           Staff numbers and costs
The average number of persons emp]oyed by the Company (including directors) during the year, analysed by category,
was as follows:
                                                                                           Number of employees
                                                                                    Period ended      Period ended
                                                                                       31 March             1 April
                                                                                            2018                2017

Corporate administration                                                                     106                 114
Publishing, saies, development                                                               190                 173
and operations

                                                                                            296                  287

The aggregate payroll costs of these persons were as follows:
                                                                                    Period ended        Period ended
                                                                                       31 March               1 April
                                                                                            2018                2017
                                                                                            £000               +£000

    Wages and salaries                                                                     19,615             18,749
    Share based payments (see note 17)                                                      5,403             4,84 1
    Social security costs                                                                   2,902             2,579
    Contributions to defined contribution plans (see note 17)                               1,953             1,857

                                                                                           29,873            28,026

5         Directors‘ remuneration

                                                                                    Period ended        Period ended
                                                                                       31 March               1 April
                                                                                            2018                2017
                                                                                            £000                £000

Directors‘ remuneration                                                                       803                760
Company contributions to defined contributions plans                                           31                 22

                                                                                             834                 782

 The aggregate of remuneration and amountsreceivable under long term incentive schemes of the highest paid
 director was £335,458 (2017: £482,626), and company pensioncontributions of £12,766 (2017: £8,988) were made
 to a money purchase scheme on his behalf. During the year, the highest paid director exercised share options and
 received shares—under a—long term incentive scheme.

                                                                                                            Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                             Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                              52 week period énded 31 March 2018

    Notes (continued)

    5         Directors‘ remuneration (continued)

                                                                                                    Number of directors
                                                                                               Period ended       Period ended
                                                                                                  31 March             1 April
                                                                                                       2018               2017

    Retirement benefits are accruing to the following number of directors under:.
       Money purchase schemes                                                                                0                2

    The number of directors who exercised share options was                                                  0                2

    During the year, services performed for the Company by K Kallweit and J Schatz were deemed inconsequential.
    As such, no remuneration was paid in respect of qualifying services performed for the Company asdirectors (2017:

6             Other interest receivable and similar income

                                                                                              Period ended        Period endéd
                                                                                                 31 March               1 April
                                                                                                      2018                2017
                                                                                                      £000                £000

        On bank deposits and group undertakings                                                        122                  108
        Other interest receivable                                                                        7                      &

        Total interest receivable and similar income . _                                               129                  108

    7           Interest payable and similar charges

                                                                                              Period ended         Period ended
                                                                                                 31 March                1 April
                                                                                                      2018                 2017
                                                                                                      £000                 £000

        Other interest payable                                                                         768
        Unwind of discount on provisions                                                                18                   17

        Fotal other interest payable and similar charges                                               786                   17

        OtherInterest payable for period represents £768,000 (2017: £nil) relating to a provision for—interest on a tax audit
        with HMRC. The Company agreed the closure of this audit in February 2019.


                                                                                                       Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                        Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                         52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Notes (continued)

8         Taxation

Recognised in the profit and loss account
                                                             Period ended 31 March            ‘Period ended 1 April 2017
                                                            £000                £000             £000               £000
 UK corporation tax                                                  ,
 Current tax on income for the period.                      1,257                                    0
 Adjustments in respect of prior periods                    5,589                                   (1)

                                                                                6,846                                  (1)
 Foreign tax.
 Current tax on incomé for the period                          0                    —                                      —

Total current tax                                                               6,846                                  (1)

Deferred tax.(see note 14)
Origination and reversal of temporary differences              10.                               (840)
Reduction in.tax rate                                            =                                128
Research and development tax credit                         (124)                                    =
Recognition ofpreviously unrecognised tax losses                 —                                 30
Adjustments in respect of prior periods                     1,963                                    —

Total deferredtax                                                               1,848                               (682)

Tax                                                                             8,694                               (683)

Tax recognised directly in equity (i.e., not in comprehensive income)

Current tax recognised directly in equity                                        137                                       —

Deferred tax—recognised directly in equity                                      (199)                                (96)

Reconciliation of tax expense
                                                                                        Period ended        Period ended
                                                                                           31 March               1 April
                                                                                                 2018               2017
                                                                                                 £000               £000

(Loss) / profit for the year                                                                 (10,036)              1,303
Total tax expense / (Gredity                                                                    8,694              (683)

(Loss) / profit excluding taxation                                                            (1,342)                620

Tax using the UK. corporation tax rate of 19—% (2017:20%)                                       (255)                124
Reduction in tax rate on deferred tax balance                                                     130                218
Non—deductible expenses                                                                         1,262              (994)
Tax exempt revenues                                                                                  —                     —
Video games tax credit                                                                              5                      —
Under / (over) provided in prior years — current tax                                            5,589                 (1)
Under / (over) provided in prior years —déferred tax                                            1,963               (30)

Total tax expense / (credit)                                                                    .8,694             (683)


                                                                                                           Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                            Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                             52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Notes (continued)

8     Taxation (Continued)

A reduction in the UK corporation tax rate from 21% to 20% (effective from 1 April 2015) was substantively enacted on
2 July 2013. Further reductions to 19% (effective from 1 Aprii 2017) and to 18% (effective 1 April 2020) were
substantively enacted 26 October 2015, and an additional reduction to 17% (effective 1 April 2020) was substantively
enacted on 6 September 2016. This will reduce the company‘s future current tax charge accordingly. The deferred tax
asset at 31 March 2018 has been calculated based onthese rates.

In February 2019, the Company agreed the closure ofan ongoing tax audit with HMRC. The total tax liability arising
from prior period settlement is recognized in the current financial statements period ended 31 March 2018 and included
as adjustments in respect of prior periods to current and deferred tax expense of £5,589,000 and £1,963,000, respectively.
Following recognition of previously unrecognized deferred tax assets, utilization of operating losses and allowances, as
well as usage of historical prepayments and settlement of amounts receivable from research & development and video
games tax credits, a further cash payment to HMRC of £2 million was required for settlement. This tax liability is included
in the amount due from taxation of £2,398,000 (note 13).

9        Intangible assets
                                                                   Goodwill                 Software                    Total
                                                                        £000                    £000                     £000
 Cost                                                                 .
 Balance at 1 April 2017                                              19,591                    1,606                  21,197
 Additions                                                                  =                     136                      136
 Disposals                                                                  —                 (1,543)                  (1,543)

Balance at 31 March 2018                                                 19,591    .             199                   19,790

Amortisation and impairment
Balance at 1 April 2017                                             (19,591)                 (1,548)                 (21,139)
Amortisation for the year                                                  —                   (120)                    (120)
Disposals                                .                                 —                   1,543                    1,543

Balance at 31 March 2018                                            (19,591)           .       (125)                 (19,716)

Net book value                                                       .
At I Aprit 2017                                                               «—                  58.                      58

At 31 March 2018                                                              —                   74                       74

Amortisation and impairment charge
Goodwill brought forward relates to the acquisition of Studio 33 (UK) Limited on 9 October 2003, the acquisition of the
games development business and related assets and liabilities of Criterion Software Limited on 21 October 2006, the
acquisition of the trade and assets of Electronic Arts Mobile Limited, a fellow group subsidiary, on 28 March 2009, the
acquisition of Playfish Limited, a fellow group subsidiary, on 1 February 2010 and the acquisition of Chillingo Limited,
a fellow group subsidiary, on 30 November 2010.                                                      '

                                                                                                                                 22 .

                                                                                                                Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                                 Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                                  52 week period ended 31 March 2018

 Notes (continued)

 10     >   Tangible fixedassets
                                                                     Leasehold            Office         Computer
                                                                 Improvements         Equipment          Hardware              Total
                                                                          £000             £000              £000               £000
 Balance at 1 April 2017                                                     7,218            1,443           9,659           18,320
 Additions                                                                        —              147          1,150            1,294
 Adjustments                                                                    (3)                —              —                 —

 Balance at 31 March 2018                                                 ~ 7,215             1,590          10,809           19,614

 Balance at 1 April 2017                                                  (4,432)         (1,155)           (7,399)         (12,986)
 Depreciation charge for the year                                           (450)            (92)           (1,274)          (1,816)

 Balance at 31 March 2018                                                 (4,882)         (1,247)           (8,673)         (14,802)

 Net book value
 At 1 April 2017                                                             2,786             288           2,260             5,334

 At 31 March 2018                                                            2,333            343            2,136            4,812

Included in leasehold improvements is £1,119,000(2017: £1,119,000), which—represents capitalisation of the dilapidation
provision. Depreciation of this asset amounted to £160,000 (2017: £120,000) during the period. Net book value at the end
of the period was £839,000 (2017: £999,000).

11          Fixed asset investments

The Company has the following investments in subsidiaries, (* denotes investment held directly by the company):

                                                                                      Class of              Ownership
                                    Principal              Registered
                                     activity                office                                    31 Mar 18      i Apr 2017
                                                  Onslow House, Onslow
 Playfish Limited*             Dormant
                                                  Street, Guildford, GUI 4TN           Ordinary             100%            100%
                                                  Onslow House, Onslow
Chillingo Limited*             Dormant            Street, Guildford, GUI 4TN           Ordinary             100%            100%

                                                  Onslow House, Onslow
 Click Gamer 'I'cchnolog‘ics   Dormant            Street, Guildford, GU1 4TN           Ordinary             100%            100%
                                                  Room 1445, 14/F, Tower A,
 Beijing Playfish Game         Online game        Pacific Center; No. 2(A)             Ordinary             100%            100%
Technology Limited             development
                                                  Gong Ti.Nofth Road,
                                                  Chaoyang District, Beijing,

Electronic Arts Limited*       Development .and   Electronic Arts Ltda,                Ordinary        Liquidated         1 out of
                               distribution of    Avenida Brigadeiro Faria                                              1,220,000
                               video games        Limo no.3144, Jardim
                                                  Paulistano, Sao Paulo


                                                                                                       ‘Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                       Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                        52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Notes (continued)

12       Debtors

                                                                                         31 March                   1 April
                                                                                              2018                    2017

                                                                                              £000                    £000

 Trade debtors                                                                                                       4,667
 Amounts owed by group undertakings                                                         41,698                  26,813
 Other debtors                                                                               1,394                   1,646
 Deferred tax assets (see note 14)                                                           2,820                   4,867
 Prepayments and accrued income                                                                227                   3,659

                                                                                            46,139                  41,652

 Due within one year                                                                       43,321                   36,785
 Due after more than one year                                                                2,820                   4,867

As the sales and return provision for the comparative period ended 31 March 2018 was greater than the total trade
debtors position, the remaining balanceof £4,960,000 was classified within Accruals and deferred income.

13       Creditors: amounts falling due within one year
                                                                                          31 March                   1 April
                                                                                              2018                     2017
                                                                                               £000                   £000

Trade creditors                                                                                  590                  2,410
Amounts owed to group undertakings                                                             4,947                    192
Taxation and social security                                                                   2,398
Accruals and deferred income                                                                  16,630                 14,269

                                                                                              24,565                 16,871

Accruals and deferred income for the comparative period ended 1 April 2017 includes £4,960,000 of total £7,633,000
sales and return provisioning, which was re—classified after trade debtors of £2,673,000 had been fully netted off.


                                                                                                                Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                                 Annual report andfinancial statements.
                                                                                                  52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Notes (continued)

 14        Deferred tax assets and liabilities
Recognised deferred tax assets and liabilities
Deferred tax assets and liabilities are attributable to the following:

                                             Assets                 Liabilities             No                       Net
                                     Period ended Period Ended ‘Period ended            Period ended Period ended             Period ended
                                           31 March       1 April        31 March            1 April        31 March               1 April
                                               2018         2017             2018              2017              2018                2017
                                              £000         £000             £000              £000              £000                 £000

 Tangible fixed assets                         939         1,681                 —                 —              939              1,681
 Share—based payments                        1,570         1,937                 =                 —            1,570              1,937
 Deferredgovernment grants                     221           263                 —                 —              221                263
 Provisions                                                     —                —                 L                                    L
 Tax value of loss carry—forwards                5           843                 —                 —                  5              843
 Other                                          85           143                 —                 =                 85              143

 Tax (assets) / liabilities                  2,820        4,867                  —                 —           2,820               4,867

 Net tax (assets) / liabilities              2,820        4,867                  —                 >           2,820               4,867

Movement in deferredtax during the year
    —                                                                                Recognised        Recognised
                                                              1 April 2017             in income         in equity 31 March 2018
                                                                      £000                  £000             £000           £000

Tangible fixed assets                                                    1,681             (742)                                    939
Share—based payments                                                     1,937             (168)             (199)                1,570
Deferred government grants                                                 263              (42)                                   221
Provisions                                                                   —                 —                                       —
Tax value ofloss carry—forwards utilised                                   843             (838)                                      5.
Other                                                                      143              (58)                                     85

                                                                         4,867           (1,848)             (199)                2,820

Movement in deferredtax during the prior year
                                                                                     Recognised        Recognised
                                                              2 Abril 2016            in income          in equity         J Aprit 2017
                                                                      £000                 £000              £000                  £000

Tangible fixed assets                                                    1,564              117                  —                1,681
Share—based payments                                                     1,710              323               (96)                1,937
Deferred government grants                                                 160              103                  —                  263
Provisions _                                                                 —                                   =                     —
Tax value of loss carry—forwards                                           616              227                  —                  843
Other                                                                      126              17                   —                  143

                                                                         4,176              787               (96)                4,867


                                                                                                     Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                      Annual report andfinancial statemenis
                                                                                       52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Notes (continued)

15        Provisions

 Balance at 1 April 2017                          —                                                                        1,136
 Unwinding of discounted amount                                                                                               18

 Balance at 31 March 2018                                                                                           )0     1,154

The dilapidations provision of £1,154,000 represents the—estimated costs required to reinstate the leased premises to a
state as required under the lease, which expires.on31 ‘May.2026.

16       Capital and reserves
Share capital
                                                                                       31 March                ~_        1A April
                                                                                            2018                            2017
                                                                                           £000            —                £000
 Allotted, calted up andfully paid
  10,003 ordinary shares of £1 each                                                            10                             10

                                                                                               10                             10

17       Employee benefits
Defined contribution plans

The Company operates a number of defined contribution pension plans. The total expense relating to these plans:in the
current year was £1,953,000 (2017: £1,857,000).

Share based payments
Employee Stock Purchase Plan
Since September 1991, employees have been offered the ability to participate in an employee stock purchase plan.
Under the terms of, the 2000 Employee Stock Purchase Plan ("ESPP"), eligible employees may authorise payroll
deductions of up to 10 percent oftheir compensation to purchase shares at 85 percent of the lower of the fair market
value of the common stock of Electronic Arts Inc., on the date of commencement of the offering or on the last day of
each six—month purchase period.
The weighted average share price at the date of exercise during the year was $121.96 (20/7: $83.72).
Stock Option Plans
The 2000 Equity Incentive Plan ("The Equity Plan") permits the grant to employees of options of common stock of
Electronic Arts Inc., restricted stock, restricted stock units and stock appreciation rights to employees, offices and
directors. Pursuant to the Equity Plan, incentive stock options may be granted to employees, officers and directors, at
not less than 100 percent of the fair market value on the date of grant.
Options granted under the Equity Plan generally expire 10 years from the date of the grant and are generally exercisable
as to 24 percent of the shares after 12 months and then rateably over the following 38 months.
The weighted average share price at the date of exercise of share options exercised during the year was $88.74 (2077:;
The options outstanding at the year end have an exercise price in the range of$16.06 to $47.06 and a weighted average
contractual life of 4.8 years,


                                                                                                          Electronic Aris Limited
                                                                                         Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                          52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Notes (continued)

17      Employee benefits (continued)

Restricted Stock Units and Restricted Stock
Restricted Stock Units and Restricted Stock (collectively reférred toas "restricted stock rights") are granted under the
Equity Plan to employees. Restricted stock— units entitle holders to receive shares of common stock in Electronic Arts
at the end of a specified period of time at a zero exercise price. Upon vesting, the equivalent number of common shares
is typically issued net of tax withholdings. Restricted stock is issued and outstanding upon grant; however restricted
stock award holders are restricted from selling shares until they vest. Upon vesting, the company will typically withhold
shares to satisfy tax withholding requirements. Restricted stock rights are subject to forfeiture and transfer restrictions.
Vesting for restricted stock rights is based on the holders‘ continued employment with the company. If the vesting
conditions are not met, unvested restricted stock rights will beforfeited. Generally, restricted stock rights vest according
to one of the following vesting schedules:
100 percent after one year;
Three—year vesting with 25 percent vesting at the end of each of the first and second years and the remaining 50 percent
vesting at the end of the third year, or 1/3 vesting each year;
Four—year vesting with 25 percent vesting at the end of each year.

The weighted average share price at the date of exercise of share options exercised during the year was $113.17 (2017:
The options outstanding at the year end have a weighted average contractual life of 0.8 years.

18          Operating Leases
Non—cancellable operating lease rentals are payablé as—follows:
                                                                                          Period ended         Period ended
                                                                                              31 March               1 April
                                                                                                  2018                 2017
                                                                                                  £000                 £000

 Less than one year                                                                               1,680               1,680
 Between one and five years                                                                       6,719               6,719
 More than five years                                                                               279               1,960

                                                                                                  8,678              10,359

The Company leases its office at Onslow House, and a number ofservers under operating leases.
During the year £1,554,000 (2017: £1,585,000) was recognised as an expense in the profit and loss account in respect of
operating leases.

19         Commitments
The company did not have any contracted capital expenditure at the period end (2017: £nil).

20         UlItimate parent company and parent company of larger group
The immediate parent company is Electronic Arts Nederland BV, a company registered in the Netherlands at Evert Van
De Beekstraat 104, 1118 CN Schiphol, Netherlands.
The ultimate controlling party is Electronic Arts Inc., a company incorporated in the USA. The largest group in which
the results of the— company are consolidated is that headed by Electronic Arts Inc. The consolidated accounts of Electronic
Arts Inc. are available to the public and copies may be obtained from Electronic Arts Inc. at 209 Redwood Shores
Parkway, Redwood City, CA 94065.


                                                                                                      Electronic Arts Limited
                                                                                       Annual report andfinancial statements
                                                                                        52 week period ended 31 March 2018

Notes (continued)

21       Accounting estimates and judgements.
Estimates and judgements are continually evaluated and are based on historical experience and other factors, including
expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable under the circumstances. The estimates and assumptions
that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the
next financial year are addressed below.                                 |
Sales Return Allowance (SRA)

To promote sell through to end users of our products, customers are offered credit to perform price promotions or
permanent mark downs in their selling prices. When calculating the SRA provision, (reduction of net revenue),
management considers the anticipated saleability of current stock in channel based on its historical and current seli
through rates as well as otherfactors (e.g. new / upcoming releases).

                                                                                                                          28 .

Document Created: 2019-09-27 18:19:52
Document Modified: 2019-09-27 18:19:52

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