190518039RFM-2_FCC Part 22&24&27&90 Report

FCC ID: XAM500079GR01

Test Report

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                                                             Page 309 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

                                                 LTE Band 66_ Channel Bandwidth: 15 MHz
                                       QPSK                                                                  16QAM
                                                                   Lowest Channel

                                                                    Middle Channel

                                                                   Highest Channel

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 310 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

                                                 LTE Band 66_ Channel Bandwidth: 20 MHz
                                       QPSK                                                                  16QAM
                                                                   Lowest Channel

                                                                    Middle Channel

                                                                   Highest Channel

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 311 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.7.13 LTE Band 71
                                                  LTE Band 71_ Channel Bandwidth: 5 MHz
                                       QPSK                                                                  16QAM
                                                                   Lowest Channel

                                                                    Middle Channel

                                                                   Highest Channel

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 312 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

                                                 LTE Band 71_ Channel Bandwidth: 10 MHz
                                       QPSK                                                                  16QAM
                                                                   Lowest Channel

                                                                    Middle Channel

                                                                   Highest Channel

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 313 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

                                                 LTE Band 71_ Channel Bandwidth: 15 MHz
                                       QPSK                                                                  16QAM
                                                                   Lowest Channel

                                                                    Middle Channel

                                                                   Highest Channel

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 314 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

                                                 LTE Band 71_ Channel Bandwidth: 20 MHz
                                       QPSK                                                                  16QAM
                                                                   Lowest Channel

                                                                    Middle Channel

                                                                   Highest Channel

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 315 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

         Test Requirement:            LTE Band 2 & LTE Band 25: FCC 47 CFR Part 24.238(a)
                                      LTE Band 4 & LTE Band 66: FCC 47 CFR Part 27.53(h)
                                      LTE Band 5 & LTE Band 26: FCC 47 CFR Part 22.917(a)
                                      LTE Band 7 & Band 38 & Band 41: FCC 47 CFR Part 27.53(m)(4)
                                      LTE Band 12 & Band 71: FCC 47 CFR Part 27.53(g)
                                      LTE Band 13: FCC 47 CFR Part 27.53
                                      LTE Band 26: FCC 47 CFR Part 90.691
         Test Method:                 ANSI C63.26-2015 & KDB 971168 D01v03r01
         Receiver Setup:
                   Frequency                      Detector                    RBW                        VBW                     Remark
             0.009 MHz-30 MHz                     Peak                       10 kHz                     30 KHz                     Peak
               30 MHz-1 GHz                     Quasi-peak                  100 kHz                    300 KHz                     Peak
                 Above 1 GHz                        Peak                      1 MHz                     3 MHz                      Peak
         FCC 47 CFR Part 24.238(a), 27.53(h)(1), 22.917(a), 27.53(g), 27.53(c)(2), 90.691:
         The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below
         the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB. The emission limit equal to -13 dBm.

         FCC 47 CFR Part 27.53(m)(4):
         The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below
         the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 55 + 10 log(P) dB. The emission limit equal to -25 dBm.

         FCC 47 CFR Part 27.53:
         (c) The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below
         the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.
         (f) Emissions in the band 1559-1610 MHz shall be limited to −70 dBW/MHz equivalent isotropically radiated
         power (EIRP) for wideband signals. (-70 dBW/MHz = -40dBm/MHz).
         Test Setup:            Refer to section 4.2.1 for details.
         Test Procedures:       KDB 971168 D01v03r01 Section 7
         Equipment Used:        Refer to section 3 for details.
         Test Result:           Pass
         The measurement data as follows:

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 316 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.8.1       LTE Band 2
                                                           LTE Band 2_ 20 MHz_ QPSK
                                            SA            Correction      EIRP
                    Frequency                                                        Limit                           Margin
          No.                            Reading             factor      Result                                                       Ant. Pol.
                       (MHz)              (dBm)             (dB/m)       (dBm)      (dBm)                              (dB)
         Lowest Channel
            1        3720.000             -67.54              13.80             -53.74             -13.00             -40.74          Horizontal
            2        5580.000             -48.31              15.98             -32.33             -13.00             -19.33          Horizontal
            3        7440.000             -65.77              18.97             -46.80             -13.00             -33.80          Horizontal
            4        3720.000             -66.42              15.18             -51.24             -13.00             -38.24           Vertical
            5        5580.000             -48.44              16.87             -31.57             -13.00             -18.57           Vertical
          6      7440.000                 -64.41              18.41             -46.00             -13.00             -33.00           Vertical
         Middle Channel
            1        3760.000             -66.50              13.87             -52.63             -13.00             -39.63          Horizontal
            2        5640.000             -47.58              16.10             -31.48             -13.00             -18.48          Horizontal
            3        7520.000             -64.18              19.09             -45.09             -13.00             -32.09          Horizontal
            4        3760.000             -66.15              15.28             -50.87             -13.00             -37.87           Vertical
           5     5640.000                 -50.45              16.97             -33.48             -13.00             -20.48           Vertical
           6     7520.000                 -65.06              18.48             -46.58             -13.00             -33.58           Vertical
         Highest Channel
            1        3800.000             -64.96              15.39             -49.57             -13.00             -36.57          Horizontal
            2        5700.000             -52.57              17.14             -35.43             -13.00             -22.43          Horizontal
            3        7600.000             -65.22              18.47             -46.75             -13.00             -33.75          Horizontal
            4        3800.000             -64.62              13.95             -50.67             -13.00             -37.67           Vertical
            5        5700.000             -54.27              16.28             -37.99             -13.00             -24.99           Vertical
            6        7600.000             -63.77              19.09             -44.68             -13.00             -31.68           Vertical

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 317 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.8.2       LTE Band 4
                                                           LTE Band 4_ 20 MHz_ QPSK
                                            SA            Correction      EIRP
                    Frequency                                                        Limit                           Margin
          No.                            Reading             factor      Result                                                       Ant. Pol.
                       (MHz)              (dBm)             (dB/m)       (dBm)      (dBm)                              (dB)
         Lowest Channel
            1        3440.000             -65.44              13.80             -51.64             -13.00             -38.64          Horizontal
            2        5160.000             -54.89              17.11             -37.78             -13.00             -24.78          Horizontal
            3        6880.000             -64.48              18.25             -46.23             -13.00             -33.23          Horizontal
            4        3440.000             -64.73              12.56             -52.17             -13.00             -39.17           Vertical
            5        5160.000             -60.78              16.14             -44.64             -13.00             -31.64           Vertical
          6      6880.000                 -64.01              18.43             -45.58             -13.00             -32.58           Vertical
         Middle Channel
            1        3465.000             -64.75              13.97             -50.78             -13.00             -37.78          Horizontal
            2        5197.500             -56.46              17.17             -39.29             -13.00             -26.29          Horizontal
            3        6930.000             -64.94              18.10             -46.84             -13.00             -33.84          Horizontal
            4        3465.000             -64.95              12.74             -52.21             -13.00             -39.21           Vertical
           5     5197.500                 -62.15              16.21             -45.94             -13.00             -32.94           Vertical
           6     6930.000                 -63.84              18.33             -45.51             -13.00             -32.51           Vertical
         Highest Channel
            1        3490.000             -64.09              14.14             -49.95             -13.00             -36.95          Horizontal
            2        5235.000             -56.99              17.16             -39.83             -13.00             -26.83          Horizontal
            3        6980.000             -64.35              17.94             -46.41             -13.00             -33.41          Horizontal
            4        3490.000             -65.15              12.93             -52.22             -13.00             -39.22           Vertical
            5        5235.000             -56.40              16.20             -40.20             -13.00             -27.20           Vertical
            6        6980.000             -64.54              18.22             -46.32             -13.00             -33.32           Vertical

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

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      5.8.3       LTE Band 5
                                                           LTE Band 5_ 10 MHz_ QPSK
                                            SA            Correction      EIRP
                    Frequency                                                        Limit                           Margin
          No.                            Reading             factor      Result                                                       Ant. Pol.
                       (MHz)              (dBm)             (dB/m)       (dBm)      (dBm)                              (dB)
         Lowest Channel
            1        1658.000             -62.64              2.47              -60.17             -13.00             -47.17          Horizontal
            2        2487.000             -65.85              9.16              -56.69             -13.00             -43.69          Horizontal
            3        3316.000             -66.58              11.97             -54.61             -13.00             -41.61          Horizontal
            4        1658.000             -63.88              4.14              -59.74             -13.00             -46.74           Vertical
            5        2487.000             -66.44              11.48             -54.96             -13.00             -41.96           Vertical
          6      3316.000                 -66.37              13.28             -53.09             -13.00             -40.09           Vertical
         Middle Channel
            1        1673.000             -62.35               2.59             -59.76             -13.00             -46.76          Horizontal
            2        2509.500             -66.05               9.17             -56.88             -13.00             -43.88          Horizontal
            3        3346.000             -65.98              12.08             -53.90             -13.00             -40.90          Horizontal
            4        1673.000             -62.35               4.31             -58.04             -13.00             -45.04           Vertical
           5     2509.500                 -65.34              11.46             -53.88             -13.00             -40.88           Vertical
           6     3341.741                 -65.85              13.36             -52.49             -13.00             -39.49           Vertical
         Highest Channel
            1        1688.000             -63.49               2.71             -60.78             -13.00             -47.78          Horizontal
            2        2532.000             -65.87               9.21             -56.66             -13.00             -43.66          Horizontal
            3        3376.000             -65.82              12.19             -53.63             -13.00             -40.63          Horizontal
            4        1688.000             -63.35               4.49             -58.86             -13.00             -45.86           Vertical
            5        2532.000             -65.72              11.46             -54.26             -13.00             -41.26           Vertical
            6        3376.000             -66.31              13.46             -52.85             -13.00             -39.85           Vertical

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

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      5.8.4       LTE Band 7
                                                           LTE Band 7_ 20 MHz_ QPSK
                                            SA            Correction      EIRP
                    Frequency                                                        Limit                           Margin
          No.                            Reading             factor      Result                                                       Ant. Pol.
                       (MHz)              (dBm)             (dB/m)       (dBm)      (dBm)                              (dB)
         Lowest Channel
            1       5020.000              -64.78              16.89             -47.89             -25.00             -22.89          Horizontal
            2       7530.000              -64.28              18.48             -45.80             -25.00             -20.80          Horizontal
            3       10040.000             -66.29              21.18             -45.11             -25.00             -20.11          Horizontal
            4       5020.000              -65.10              15.89             -49.21             -25.00             -24.21           Vertical
            5       7530.000              -60.47              19.08             -41.39             -25.00             -16.39           Vertical
          6      10040.000                -66.43              22.26             -44.17             -25.00             -19.17           Vertical
         Middle Channel
            1       5070.000              -64.21              16.97             -47.24             -25.00             -22.24          Horizontal
            2       7605.000              -64.46              18.47             -45.99             -25.00             -20.99          Horizontal
            3       10140.000             -65.13              21.13             -44.00             -25.00             -19.00          Horizontal
            4       5070.000              -63.94              15.98             -47.96             -25.00             -22.96           Vertical
           5     7605.000                 -64.37              19.09             -45.28             -25.00             -20.28           Vertical
           6     10140.000                -65.64              22.41             -43.23             -25.00             -18.23           Vertical
         Highest Channel
            1       5120.000              -64.81              17.05             -47.76             -25.00             -22.76          Horizontal
            2       7680.000              -64.02              18.47             -45.55             -25.00             -20.55          Horizontal
            3       10240.000             -63.99              21.12             -42.87             -25.00             -17.87          Horizontal
            4       5120.000              -64.04              16.07             -47.97             -25.00             -22.97           Vertical
            5       7680.000              -64.52              19.10             -45.42             -25.00             -20.42           Vertical
            6       10240.000             -64.82              22.60             -42.22             -25.00             -17.22           Vertical

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

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      5.8.5       LTE Band 12
                                                          LTE Band 12_ 10 MHz_ QPSK
                                            SA            Correction     EIRP
                    Frequency                                                        Limit                           Margin
          No.                            Reading            factor      Result                                                        Ant. Pol.
                       (MHz)              (dBm)            (dB/m)       (dBm)       (dBm)                              (dB)
         Lowest Channel
            1        1408.000             -61.67              0.94              -60.73             -13.00             -47.73          Horizontal
            2        2112.000             -64.16              5.78              -58.38             -13.00             -45.38          Horizontal
            3        2816.000             -64.84              9.93              -54.91             -13.00             -41.91          Horizontal
            4        1408.000             -61.53              1.96              -59.57             -13.00             -46.57           Vertical
            5        2112.000             -63.48              8.54              -54.94             -13.00             -41.94           Vertical
          6      2816.000                 -65.05              11.72             -53.33             -13.00             -40.33           Vertical
         Middle Channel
            1        1415.000             -62.47              0.96              -61.51             -13.00             -48.51          Horizontal
            2        2122.500             -64.81              5.83              -58.98             -13.00             -45.98          Horizontal
            3        2830.000             -65.03              9.98              -55.05             -13.00             -42.05          Horizontal
            4        1415.000             -61.36              1.99              -59.37             -13.00             -46.37           Vertical
           5     2122.500                 -64.04              8.58              -55.46             -13.00             -42.46           Vertical
           6     2830.000                 -64.66              11.75             -52.91             -13.00             -39.91           Vertical
         Highest Channel
            1        1422.000             -62.46               0.99             -61.47             -13.00             -48.47          Horizontal
            2        2133.000             -62.95               5.89             -57.06             -13.00             -44.06          Horizontal
            3        2844.000             -64.91              10.03             -54.88             -13.00             -41.88          Horizontal
            4        1422.000             -61.71              2.02              -59.69             -13.00             -46.69           Vertical
            5        2133.000             -63.29              8.63              -54.66             -13.00             -41.66           Vertical
            6        2844.000             -63.84              11.78             -52.06             -13.00             -39.06           Vertical

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 321 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.8.6       LTE Band 13
                                                          LTE Band 13_ 10 MHz_ QPSK
                                            SA            Correction     EIRP
                    Frequency                                                        Limit                           Margin
          No.                            Reading            factor      Result                                                        Ant. Pol.
                       (MHz)              (dBm)            (dB/m)       (dBm)       (dBm)                              (dB)
         Middle Channel
            1        1564.000             -62.46               1.74             -60.72             -13.00             -47.72          Horizontal
            2        2346.000             -64.16               8.36             -55.80             -13.00             -42.80          Horizontal
            3        3128.000             -65.11              11.19             -53.92             -13.00             -40.92          Horizontal
            4        1564.000             -62.52               3.07             -59.45             -13.00             -46.45           Vertical
            5        2346.000             -63.97              10.84             -53.13             -13.00             -40.13           Vertical
            6        3128.000             -64.38              12.61             -51.77             -13.00             -38.77           Vertical

      5.8.7       LTE Band 25
                                                          LTE Band 25_ 20 MHz_ QPSK
                                            SA            Correction     EIRP
                    Frequency                                                        Limit                           Margin
          No.                            Reading            factor      Result                                                        Ant. Pol.
                  (MHz)                   (dBm)            (dB/m)       (dBm)       (dBm)                              (dB)
         Lowest Channel
          1      3720.000                 -61.55              15.18             -46.37             -13.00             -33.37          Horizontal
          2      5580.000                 -48.81              16.87             -31.94             -13.00             -18.94          Horizontal
          3      7440.000                 -63.65              18.41             -45.24             -13.00             -32.24          Horizontal
          4      3720.000                 -63.21              13.80             -49.41             -13.00             -36.41           Vertical
          5      5580.000                 -41.20              15.98             -25.22             -13.00             -12.22           Vertical
          6      7440.000                 -64.09              18.97             -45.12             -13.00             -32.12           Vertical
         Middle Channel
            1        3760.000             -61.57              15.28             -46.29             -13.00             -33.29          Horizontal
            2        5640.000             -54.76              16.97             -37.79             -13.00             -24.79          Horizontal
            3        7520.000             -63.30              18.48             -44.82             -13.00             -31.82          Horizontal
            4        3760.000             -64.33              13.87             -50.46             -13.00             -37.46           Vertical
            5        5640.000             -42.41              16.10             -26.31             -13.00             -13.31           Vertical
           6     7520.000                 -62.36              19.09             -43.27             -13.00             -30.27           Vertical
         Highest Channel
            1        3810.000             -61.65              15.41             -46.24             -13.00             -33.24          Horizontal
            2        5715.000             -51.29              17.19             -34.10             -13.00             -21.10          Horizontal
            3        7620.000             -63.96              18.47             -45.49             -13.00             -32.49          Horizontal
            4        3810.000             -63.21              13.96             -49.25             -13.00             -36.25           Vertical
            5        5715.000             -48.96              16.33             -32.63             -13.00             -19.63           Vertical
            6        7620.000             -64.65              19.10             -45.55             -13.00             -32.55           Vertical

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 322 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.8.8       LTE Band 26
                                                          LTE Band 26_ 15 MHz_ QPSK
                                            SA            Correction     EIRP
                    Frequency                                                        Limit                           Margin
          No.                            Reading            factor      Result                                                        Ant. Pol.
                       (MHz)              (dBm)            (dB/m)       (dBm)       (dBm)                              (dB)
         Lowest Channel
            1        1629.400             -62.81              2.25              -60.56             -13.00             -47.56          Horizontal
            2        2444.100             -63.98              9.15              -54.83             -13.00             -41.83          Horizontal
            3        3258.800             -65.01              11.77             -53.24             -13.00             -40.24          Horizontal
            4        1629.400             -62.62              3.82              -58.80             -13.00             -45.80           Vertical
            5        2444.100             -64.61              11.52             -53.09             -13.00             -40.09           Vertical
          6      3258.800                 -65.10              13.11             -51.99             -13.00             -38.99           Vertical
         Middle Channel
            1        1638.000             -62.58              2.32              -60.26             -13.00             -47.26          Horizontal
            2        2457.000             -64.28              9.15              -55.13             -13.00             -42.13          Horizontal
            3        3276.000             -64.26              11.83             -52.43             -13.00             -39.43          Horizontal
            4        1638.000             -62.66              3.92              -58.74             -13.00             -45.74           Vertical
           5     2457.000                 -64.28              11.50             -52.78             -13.00             -39.78           Vertical
           6     3276.000                 -64.76              13.16             -51.60             -13.00             -38.60           Vertical
         Highest Channel
            1        1643.000             -58.34              2.36              -55.98             -13.00             -42.98          Horizontal
            2        2464.500             -63.94              9.16              -54.78             -13.00             -41.78          Horizontal
            3        3286.000             -63.77              11.86             -51.91             -13.00             -38.91          Horizontal
            4        1643.000             -61.38               3.97             -57.41             -13.00             -44.41           Vertical
            5        2464.500             -63.99              11.51             -52.48             -13.00             -39.48           Vertical
            6        3286.000             -62.36              13.18             -49.18             -13.00             -36.18           Vertical

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 323 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.8.9       LTE Band 26 (Part 90S)
                                                          LTE Band 26_ 10 MHz_ QPSK
                                            SA            Correction     EIRP
                    Frequency                                                        Limit                           Margin
          No.                            Reading            factor      Result                                                        Ant. Pol.
                       (MHz)              (dBm)            (dB/m)       (dBm)       (dBm)                              (dB)
         Lowest Channel
            1        1663.000             -62.77               2.51             -60.26             -13.00             -47.26          Horizontal
            2        2494.500             -65.04               9.16             -55.88             -13.00             -42.88          Horizontal
            3        3326.000             -64.90              12.01             -52.89             -13.00             -39.89          Horizontal
            4        1663.000             -61.88               4.20             -57.68             -13.00             -44.68           Vertical
            5        2494.500             -63.74              11.47             -52.27             -13.00             -39.27           Vertical
          6      3326.000                 -63.74              13.31             -50.43             -13.00             -37.43           Vertical
         Middle Channel
            1        1673.000             -63.34               2.59             -60.75             -13.00             -47.75          Horizontal
            2        2509.500             -63.61               9.17             -54.44             -13.00             -41.44          Horizontal
            3        3346.000             -64.69              12.08             -52.61             -13.00             -39.61          Horizontal
            4        1673.000             -62.39               4.31             -58.08             -13.00             -45.08           Vertical
           5     2509.500                 -63.88              11.46             -52.42             -13.00             -39.42           Vertical
           6     3346.000                 -64.20              13.37             -50.83             -13.00             -37.83           Vertical
         Highest Channel
            1        1683.000             -62.96               2.66             -60.30             -13.00             -47.30          Horizontal
            2        2524.500             -63.41               9.20             -54.21             -13.00             -41.21          Horizontal
            3        3366.000             -64.90              12.15             -52.75             -13.00             -39.75          Horizontal
            4        1683.000             -62.19               4.42             -57.77             -13.00             -44.77           Vertical
            5        2524.500             -63.95              11.46             -52.49             -13.00             -39.49           Vertical
            6        3366.000             -63.62              13.43             -50.19             -13.00             -37.19           Vertical

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 324 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.8.10 LTE Band 38
                                                          LTE Band 38_ 20 MHz_ QPSK
                                            SA            Correction     EIRP
                    Frequency                                                        Limit                           Margin
          No.                            Reading            factor      Result                                                        Ant. Pol.
                       (MHz)              (dBm)            (dB/m)       (dBm)       (dBm)                              (dB)
         Lowest Channel
            1       5160.000              -63.92              17.11             -46.81             -25.00             -21.81          Horizontal
            2       7740.000              -63.48              18.47             -45.01             -25.00             -20.01          Horizontal
            3       10320.000             -64.84              21.14             -43.70             -25.00             -18.70          Horizontal
            4       5160.000              -63.54              16.14             -47.40             -25.00             -22.40           Vertical
            5       7740.000              -60.81              19.12             -41.69             -25.00             -16.69           Vertical
          6      10320.000                -65.02              22.78             -42.24             -25.00             -17.24           Vertical
         Middle Channel
            1       5190.000              -64.10              17.15             -46.95             -25.00             -21.95          Horizontal
            2       7785.000              -63.18              18.47             -44.71             -25.00             -19.71          Horizontal
            3       10380.000             -64.67              21.18             -43.49             -25.00             -18.49          Horizontal
            4       5190.000              -63.79              16.19             -47.60             -25.00             -22.60           Vertical
           5     7785.000                 -63.25              19.12             -44.13             -25.00             -19.13           Vertical
           6     10380.000                -64.92              22.94             -41.98             -25.00             -16.98           Vertical
         Highest Channel
            1       5220.000              -62.87              17.16             -45.71             -25.00             -20.71          Horizontal
            2       7830.000              -63.14              18.44             -44.70             -25.00             -19.70          Horizontal
            3       10320.000             -63.19              21.14             -42.05             -25.00             -17.05          Horizontal
            4       5220.000              -63.92              16.20             -47.72             -25.00             -22.72           Vertical
            5       7830.000              -57.10              19.10             -38.00             -25.00             -13.00           Vertical
            6       10320.000             -64.51              22.78             -41.73             -25.00             -16.73           Vertical

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 325 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.8.11 LTE Band 41
                                                          LTE Band 41_ 20 MHz_ QPSK
                                            SA            Correction     EIRP
                    Frequency                                                        Limit                           Margin
          No.                            Reading            factor      Result                                                        Ant. Pol.
                       (MHz)              (dBm)            (dB/m)       (dBm)       (dBm)                              (dB)
         Lowest Channel
            1       5012.000              -62.91              16.88             -46.03             -25.00             -21.03          Horizontal
            2       7518.000              -61.97              18.48             -43.49             -25.00             -18.49          Horizontal
            3       10024.000             -64.82              21.17             -43.65             -25.00             -18.65          Horizontal
            4       5012.000              -61.47              15.88             -45.59             -25.00             -20.59           Vertical
            5       7518.000              -63.28              19.09             -44.19             -25.00             -19.19           Vertical
          6      10024.000                -65.66              22.22             -43.44             -25.00             -18.44           Vertical
         Middle Channel
            1       5186.000              -63.32              17.15             -46.17             -25.00             -21.17          Horizontal
            2       7779.000              -63.62              18.46             -45.16             -25.00             -20.16          Horizontal
            3       10372.000             -64.51              21.16             -43.35             -25.00             -18.35          Horizontal
            4       5186.000              -64.44              16.19             -48.25             -25.00             -23.25           Vertical
           5     7779.000                 -60.60              19.11             -41.49             -25.00             -16.49           Vertical
           6     10372.000                -65.62              22.91             -42.71             -25.00             -17.71           Vertical
         Highest Channel
            1       5360.000              -63.18              17.11             -46.07             -25.00             -21.07          Horizontal
            2       8040.000              -64.80              18.33             -46.47             -25.00             -21.47          Horizontal
            3       10720.000             -65.02              21.04             -43.98             -25.00             -18.98          Horizontal
            4       5360.000              -65.94              16.18             -49.76             -25.00             -24.76           Vertical
            5       8040.000              -64.52              19.03             -45.49             -25.00             -20.49           Vertical
            6       10720.000             -64.25              22.95             -41.30             -25.00             -16.30           Vertical

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

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      5.8.12 LTE Band 66
                                                          LTE Band 66_ 20 MHz_ QPSK
                                            SA            Correction     EIRP
                    Frequency                                                        Limit                           Margin
          No.                            Reading            factor      Result                                                        Ant. Pol.
                       (MHz)              (dBm)            (dB/m)       (dBm)       (dBm)                              (dB)
         Lowest Channel
            1        3440.000             -66.14              13.80             -52.34             -13.00             -39.34          Horizontal
            2        5160.000             -66.12              17.11             -49.01             -13.00             -36.01          Horizontal
            3        6881.560             -54.01              18.25             -35.76             -13.00             -22.76          Horizontal
            4        3440.000             -66.75              12.56             -54.19             -13.00             -41.19           Vertical
            5        5160.000             -67.97              16.14             -51.83             -13.00             -38.83           Vertical
          6      6881.560                 -55.00              18.43             -36.57             -13.00             -23.57           Vertical
         Middle Channel
            1        3490.000             -63.48              14.14             -49.34             -13.00             -36.34          Horizontal
            2        5235.000             -62.91              17.16             -45.75             -13.00             -32.75          Horizontal
            3        6980.000             -52.11              17.94             -34.17             -13.00             -21.17          Horizontal
            4        3490.000             -63.46              12.93             -50.53             -13.00             -37.53           Vertical
           5     5235.000                 -69.31              16.20             -53.11             -13.00             -40.11           Vertical
           6     6980.000                 -56.18              18.22             -37.96             -13.00             -24.96           Vertical
         Highest Channel
            1        3540.000             -65.89              14.47             -51.42             -13.00             -38.42          Horizontal
            2        5310.000             -65.08              17.13             -47.95             -13.00             -34.95          Horizontal
            3        7080.000             -57.65              17.97             -39.68             -13.00             -26.68          Horizontal
            4        3540.000             -67.02              13.24             -53.78             -13.00             -40.78           Vertical
            5        5310.000             -66.38              16.19             -50.19             -13.00             -37.19           Vertical
            6        7080.000             -59.67              18.31             -41.36             -13.00             -28.36           Vertical

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

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      5.8.13 LTE Band 71
                                                          LTE Band 71_ 20 MHz_ QPSK
                                            SA            Correction     EIRP
                    Frequency                                                        Limit                           Margin
          No.                            Reading            factor      Result                                                        Ant. Pol.
                       (MHz)              (dBm)            (dB/m)       (dBm)       (dBm)                              (dB)
         Lowest Channel
            1        1346.000             -60.70              0.75              -59.95             -13.00             -46.95          Horizontal
            2        2019.000             -64.04              5.31              -58.73             -13.00             -45.73          Horizontal
            3        2692.000             -64.80              9.56              -55.24             -13.00             -42.24          Horizontal
            4        1346.000             -61.26              1.73              -59.53             -13.00             -46.53           Vertical
            5        2019.000             -63.23              8.18              -55.05             -13.00             -42.05           Vertical
          6      2692.000                 -63.15              11.55             -51.60             -13.00             -38.60           Vertical
         Middle Channel
            1        1361.000             -60.52              0.80              -59.72             -13.00             -46.72          Horizontal
            2        2041.500             -63.14              5.41              -57.73             -13.00             -44.73          Horizontal
            3        2717.029             -65.22              9.63              -55.59             -13.00             -42.59          Horizontal
            4        1361.000             -61.19              1.79              -59.40             -13.00             -46.40           Vertical
           5     2041.500                 -63.44              8.26              -55.18             -13.00             -42.18           Vertical
           6     2717.029                 -64.16              11.58             -52.58             -13.00             -39.58           Vertical
         Highest Channel
            1        1381.000             -60.04              0.86              -59.18             -13.00             -46.18          Horizontal
            2        2071.500             -62.90              5.57              -57.33             -13.00             -44.33          Horizontal
            3        2762.000             -62.69              9.77              -52.92             -13.00             -39.92          Horizontal
            4        1381.000             -61.60              1.87              -59.73             -13.00             -46.73           Vertical
            5        2071.500             -62.24              8.39              -53.85             -13.00             -40.85           Vertical
            6        2762.000             -64.69              11.65             -53.04             -13.00             -40.04           Vertical

       1. Correct Factor = Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Gain, the value was added to Original Receiver
          Reading by the software automatically.
       2. Result = Reading + Correct Factor.
       3. Margin = Result – Limit

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 328 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

                                      FCC 47 CFR Part 2.1055 &
                                      FCC 47 CFR Part 22.355 &
         Test Requirement:            FCC 47 CFR Part 24.235 &
                                      FCC 47 CFR Part 27.54,

         Test Method:          ANSI C63.26-2015 & KDB 971168 D01v03r01
         FCC 47 CFR Part 22.355, FCC 47 CFR Par 90.213
         The carrier frequency shall not depart from the reference frequency in excess of ±2.5 ppm for mobile stations.

         FCC 47 CFR Part 24.235, FCC 47 CFR Part 27.54
         The frequency stability shall be sufficient to ensure that the fundamental emission stays within the authorized
         frequency block.

         Test Setup:                  Refer to section 4.2.2 for details.
         Test Procedures:
         1)    Use CMW 500 or CMU 200 with Frequency Error measurement capability.
              a) Temp. = −30°to + 50°C
              b) Voltage =low voltage, 3.5 Vdc, Normal, 3.7 Vdc and High voltage, 4.2 Vdc.
         2) Frequency Stability vs Temperature:
         The EUT is place inside a temperature chamber. The temperature is set to 20ºC and allowed to stabilize.
         After sufficient soak time, the transmitting frequency error is measured. The temperature is increased by 10
         degrees, allowed to stabilize and soak, and then the measurement is repeated. This is repeated until +50ºC
         is reached.
         3) Frequency Stability vs Voltage:
         The peak frequency error is recorded (worst-case).
         Equipment Used:      Refer to section 3 for details.
         Test Result:         Pass

      5.9.1       LTE Band 2
                                                Voltage       Temperature         Deviation         Deviation           Limit
          Modulation        Frequency                                                                                                  Pass/ Fail
                              (MHz)              (Vdc)            (℃)          (Hz)                   (ppm)             (ppm)
                                                             LTE Band 2 / 20MHz / Full RB
                                                   VL                             2                  0.0011                                 Pass
                                                   VN              TN             3                  0.0016                                 Pass
                                                   VH                             5                  0.0027                                 Pass
                                                                   50            -3                  -0.0016                                Pass
                                                                   40            -6                  -0.0032                                Pass
                              18900 /                              30             7                  0.0037                                 Pass
              QPSK                                                                                                       N/A
                              1880.0                               20             4                  0.0021                                 Pass
                                                   VN              10             6                  0.0032                                 Pass
                                                                    0             3                  0.0016                                 Pass
                                                                   -10            4                  0.0021                                 Pass
                                                                   -20            3                  0.0016                                 Pass
                                                                   -30            6                  0.0032                                 Pass

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 329 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.9.2       LTE Band 4
                                                Voltage       Temperature         Deviation         Deviation           Limit
          Modulation        Frequency                                                                                                  Pass/ Fail
                              (MHz)              (Vdc)            (℃)          (Hz)                   (ppm)             (ppm)
                                                             LTE Band 4 / 20MHz / Full RB
                                                   VL                            6                    0.0035                                Pass
                                                   VN              TN            7                    0.0040                                Pass
                                                   VH                            9                    0.0052                                Pass
                                                                   50            4                    0.0023                                Pass
                                                                   40            6                    0.0035                                Pass
                              20175 /                              30            3                    0.0017                                Pass
             QPSK                                                                                                        N/A
                              1732.5                               20            7                    0.0040                                Pass
                                                   VN              10            8                    0.0046                                Pass
                                                                    0            4                    0.0023                                Pass
                                                                   -10           3                    0.0017                                Pass
                                                                   -20           5                    0.0029                                Pass
                                                                   -30           7                    0.0040                                Pass

      5.9.3       LTE Band 5
                                                Voltage       Temperature         Deviation         Deviation           Limit
          Modulation        Frequency                                                                                                       Result
                              (MHz)              (Vdc)            (℃)          (Hz)                   (ppm)             (ppm)
                                                             LTE Band 5 / 10MHz / Full RB
                                                   VL                            -7                  -0.0084             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                   VN              TN           -12                  -0.0143             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                   VH                           -10                  -0.0120             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   50           -14                  -0.0167             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   40           -15                  -0.0179             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   30           -12                  -0.0143             ± 2.5              Pass
             QPSK          20525 / 836.5
                                                                   20           -11                  -0.0132             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                   VN              10            -9                  -0.0108             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                    0            -7                  -0.0084             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   -10           -6                  -0.0072             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   -20          -12                  -0.0143             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   -30          -14                  -0.0167             ± 2.5              Pass

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 330 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.9.4       LTE Band 7
                                                Voltage       Temperature         Deviation         Deviation           Limit
          Modulation        Frequency                                                                                                       Result
                              (MHz)              (Vdc)            (℃)          (Hz)                   (ppm)             (ppm)
                                                             LTE Band 7 / 20MHz / Full RB
                                                   VL                            -5                  -0.0020                                Pass
                                                   VN              TN            -4                  -0.0016                                Pass
                                                   VH                            -8                  -0.0032                                Pass
                                                                   50            -3                  -0.0012                                Pass
                                                                   40            -5                  -0.0020                                Pass
                                                                   30            -4                  -0.0016                                Pass
             QPSK          21100 / 2535                                                                                  N/A
                                                                   20            -7                  -0.0028                                Pass
                                                   VN              10            -5                  -0.0020                                Pass
                                                                    0            -8                  -0.0032                                Pass
                                                                   -10           -4                  -0.0016                                Pass
                                                                   -20           -7                  -0.0028                                Pass
                                                                   -30           -9                  -0.0036                                Pass

      5.9.5       LTE Band 12
                                                Voltage       Temperature         Deviation         Deviation           Limit
          Modulation        Frequency                                                                                                       Result
                              (MHz)              (Vdc)            (℃)          (Hz)                   (ppm)             (ppm)
                                                            LTE Band 12 / 10MHz / Full RB
                                                   VL                            -7                  -0.0099                                Pass
                                                   VN              TN           -13                  -0.0184                                Pass
                                                   VH                           -12                  -0.0170                                Pass
                                                                   50            -9                  -0.0127                                Pass
                                                                   40           -12                  -0.0170                                Pass
                                                                   30           -13                  -0.0184                                Pass
             QPSK          23095 / 707.5                                                                                 N/A
                                                                   20           -10                  -0.0141                                Pass
                                                   VN              10           -12                  -0.0170                                Pass
                                                                    0           -17                  -0.0240                                Pass
                                                                   -10          -16                  -0.0226                                Pass
                                                                   -20          -13                  -0.0184                                Pass
                                                                   -30          -17                  -0.0240                                Pass

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 331 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.9.6       LTE Band 13
                                                Voltage       Temperature         Deviation         Deviation           Limit
          Modulation        Frequency                                                                                                       Result
                              (MHz)              (Vdc)            (℃)          (Hz)                   (ppm)             (ppm)
                                                            LTE Band 13 / 10MHz / Full RB
                                                   VL                            -5                  -0.0064                                Pass
                                                   VN              TN            -4                  -0.0051                                Pass
                                                   VH                            -8                  -0.0102                                Pass
                                                                   50           -12                  -0.0153                                Pass
                                                                   40            -9                  -0.0115                                Pass
                                                                   30           -11                  -0.0141                                Pass
             QPSK           23230 / 782                                                                                  N/A
                                                                   20           -10                  -0.0128                                Pass
                                                   VN              10            -6                  -0.0077                                Pass
                                                                    0            -8                  -0.0102                                Pass
                                                                   -10          -13                  -0.0166                                Pass
                                                                   -20          -12                  -0.0153                                Pass
                                                                   -30          -10                  -0.0128                                Pass

      5.9.7       LTE Band 25
                                                Voltage       Temperature         Deviation         Deviation           Limit
          Modulation        Frequency                                                                                                       Result
                              (MHz)              (Vdc)            (℃)          (Hz)                   (ppm)             (ppm)
                                                            LTE Band 25 / 20MHz / Full RB
                                                   VL                            7                    0.0037                                Pass
                                                   VN              TN            4                    0.0021                                Pass
                                                   VH                            8                    0.0043                                Pass
                                                                   50            3                    0.0016                                Pass
                                                                   40            4                    0.0021                                Pass
                              26340 /                              30            5                    0.0027                                Pass
             QPSK                                                                                                        N/A
                              1880.0                               20            5                    0.0027                                Pass
                                                   VN              10            2                    0.0011                                Pass
                                                                    0            3                    0.0016                                Pass
                                                                   -10           7                    0.0037                                Pass
                                                                   -20           4                    0.0021                                Pass
                                                                   -30           9                    0.0048                                Pass

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 332 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.9.8       LTE Band 26
                                                Voltage       Temperature         Deviation         Deviation           Limit
          Modulation        Frequency                                                                                                       Result
                              (MHz)              (Vdc)            (℃)          (Hz)                   (ppm)             (ppm)
                                                            LTE Band 26 / 15MHz / Full RB
                                                   VL                            -9                  -0.0108             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                   VN              TN           -11                  -0.0132             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                   VH                           -12                  -0.0143             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   50            -8                  -0.0096             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   40           -13                  -0.0155             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   30           -13                  -0.0155             ± 2.5              Pass
             QPSK          26915 / 836.5
                                                                   20           -19                  -0.0227             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                   VN              10           -13                  -0.0155             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                    0            -8                  -0.0096             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   -10          -11                  -0.0132             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   -20          -15                  -0.0179             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   -30          -14                  -0.0167             ± 2.5              Pass

      5.9.9       LTE Band 26 (Part 90S)
                                                Voltage       Temperature         Deviation         Deviation           Limit
          Modulation        Frequency                                                                                                       Result
                              (MHz)              (Vdc)            (℃)          (Hz)                   (ppm)             (ppm)
                                                            LTE Band 26 / 10MHz / Full RB
                                                   VL                           -11                  -0.0134             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                   VN              TN           -15                  -0.0183             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                   VH                           -13                  -0.0159             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   50            -9                  -0.0110             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   40           -10                  -0.0122             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   30           -11                  -0.0134             ± 2.5              Pass
             QPSK           26740 / 819
                                                                   20           -15                  -0.0183             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                   VN              10           -14                  -0.0171             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                    0           -18                  -0.0220             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   -10          -15                  -0.0183             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   -20          -16                  -0.0195             ± 2.5              Pass
                                                                   -30          -12                  -0.0147             ± 2.5              Pass

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 333 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.9.10 LTE Band 38
                                                Voltage       Temperature         Deviation         Deviation           Limit
          Modulation        Frequency                                                                                                       Result
                              (MHz)              (Vdc)            (℃)          (Hz)                   (ppm)             (ppm)
                                                            LTE Band 38 / 20MHz / Full RB
                                                   VL                           -10                  -0.0039                                Pass
                                                   VN              TN            -8                  -0.0031                                Pass
                                                   VH                            -7                  -0.0027                                Pass
                                                                   50            -5                  -0.0019                                Pass
                                                                   40            -7                  -0.0027                                Pass
                                                                   30            -4                  -0.0015                                Pass
             QPSK           38000 /2595                                                                                  N/A
                                                                   20           -12                  -0.0046                                Pass
                                                   VN              10            -9                  -0.0035                                Pass
                                                                    0            -7                  -0.0027                                Pass
                                                                   -10           -6                  -0.0023                                Pass
                                                                   -20           -8                  -0.0031                                Pass
                                                                   -30          -10                  -0.0039                                Pass

      5.9.11 LTE Band 41
                                                Voltage       Temperature         Deviation         Deviation           Limit
          Modulation        Frequency                                                                                                       Result
                              (MHz)              (Vdc)            (℃)          (Hz)                   (ppm)             (ppm)
                                                            LTE Band 41 / 20MHz / Full RB
                                                   VL                            8                    0.0031                                Pass
                                                   VN              TN            4                    0.0015                                Pass
                                                   VH                            6                    0.0023                                Pass
                                                                   50            4                    0.0015                                Pass
                                                                   40            5                    0.0019                                Pass
                                                                   30            7                    0.0027                                Pass
             QPSK          40620 / 2593                                                                                  N/A
                                                                   20            9                    0.0035                                Pass
                                                   VN              10            7                    0.0027                                Pass
                                                                    0            6                    0.0023                                Pass
                                                                   -10           5                    0.0019                                Pass
                                                                   -20          10                    0.0039                                Pass
                                                                   -30           9                    0.0035                                Pass

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 334 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

      5.9.12 LTE Band 66
                                                Voltage       Temperature         Deviation         Deviation           Limit
          Modulation        Frequency                                                                                                       Result
                              (MHz)              (Vdc)            (℃)          (Hz)                   (ppm)             (ppm)
                                                            LTE Band 66 / 20MHz / Full RB
                                                   VL                           -14                  -0.0080                                Pass
                                                   VN              TN            -7                  -0.0040                                Pass
                                                   VH                            -8                  -0.0046                                Pass
                                                                   50           -11                  -0.0063                                Pass
                                                                   40           -13                  -0.0074                                Pass
                                                                   30            -9                  -0.0052                                Pass
             QPSK          132322 / 1745                                                                                 N/A
                                                                   20            -4                  -0.0023                                Pass
                                                   VN              10            -7                  -0.0040                                Pass
                                                                    0            -8                  -0.0046                                Pass
                                                                   -10          -12                  -0.0069                                Pass
                                                                   -20          -14                  -0.0080                                Pass
                                                                   -30           -7                  -0.0040                                Pass

      5.9.13 LTE Band 71
                                                Voltage       Temperature         Deviation         Deviation           Limit
          Modulation        Frequency                                                                                                       Result
                              (MHz)              (Vdc)            (℃)          (Hz)                   (ppm)             (ppm)
                                                            LTE Band 71 / 20MHz / Full RB
                                                   VL                           -13                  -0.0190                                Pass
                                                   VN              TN           -11                  -0.0161                                Pass
                                                   VH                           -12                  -0.0176                                Pass
                                                                   50            -9                  -0.0132                                Pass
                                                                   40            -5                  -0.0073                                Pass
                                                                   30            -4                  -0.0059                                Pass
             QPSK          133322 / 683                                                                                  N/A
                                                                   20            -3                  -0.0044                                Pass
                                                   VN              10            -3                  -0.0044                                Pass
                                                                    0            -5                  -0.0073                                Pass
                                                                   -10           -7                  -0.0102                                Pass
                                                                   -20           -3                  -0.0044                                Pass
                                                                   -30           -6                  -0.0088                                Pass

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

                                                             Page 335 of 335                         Report No.: 190518039RFM-2

          See test photos attached in Appendix 1 for the actual connections between Product and support equipment.


                                          Refer to Appendix 2 for EUT external and internal photos.

                                                                 *** End of Report ***

       The test report is effective only with both signature and specialized stamp. The result(s) shown in this report refer
       only to the sample(s) tested. Without written approval of UnionTrust, this report can’t be reproduced except in full.

Shenzhen UnionTrust Quality and Technology Co., Ltd.
Address: 16/F, Block A, Building 6, Baoneng Science and Technology Park, Qingxiang Road No.1, Longhua New District, Shenzhen, China
Tel: +86-755-28230888                  Fax: +86-755-28230886                  E-mail: info@uttlab.com               Http://www.uttlab.com

Document Created: 2019-09-27 22:11:02
Document Modified: 2019-09-27 22:11:02

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