MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa Final part 22 Test report

FCC ID: XAM300011GR02

Test Report

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   Final Report on
   FCC ID:XAM300011GR02
   Report Reference:                       MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                           According to:
                                           FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H
   Date:                                   September 02, 2013
Test Laboratory:
7Layers AG
Borsigstr. 11
40880 Ratingen
The following test results relate only to the devices specified in this document. This report shall not be reproduced in parts
without the written approval of the test laboratory.

7Layers AG                                         Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender                   Registergericht registered in:
Borsigstrasse 11                                   Chairman of the Supervisory Board:           Düsseldorf, HRB 44096
40880 Ratingen, Germany                            Ralf Mertens                                 USt-IdNr  VAT No.:
Phone: +49 (0) 2102 749 0                          Vorstand Board:                             DE 203159652
Fax: +49 (0) 2102 749 350                          Dr. H.-J. Meckelburg                         TAX No. 147/5869/0385

                                                                                   Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                        According to:
                                                                                  FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

1         Administrative Data
1.1       Project Data

    Project Responsible:                                  Imad Hjije
    Date Of Test Report:                                  2013/09/02
    Date of first test:                                   2013/07/18
    Date of last test:                                    2013/07/29

1.2       Applicant Data
    Company Name:             ecom instruments GmbH
       Street:                Industriestraße 2
       City:                  97959 Assamstadt
       Country:               Germany

    Contact Person:           Mr. Harald Fiederlein
       Phone:                 +49 (0) 6294 4224 973
       Fax:                   +49 (0) 6294 4224 600

1.3       Test Laboratory Data
The following list shows all places and laboratories involved for test result generation:

    7 layers DE
       Company Name :                       7 layers AG
          Street :                          Borsigstrasse 11
          City :                            40880 Ratingen
          Country :                         Germany
       Contact Person :                     Mr. Michael Albert
          Phone :                           +49 2102 749 201
          Fax :                             +49 2102 749 444
          E Mail :                

      Laboratory Details
        Lab ID       Identification         Responsible            Accreditation Info

        Lab 1        Radiated Emissions     Mr. Robert Machulec    DAkkS-Registration no. D-PL-12140-01-01
                                            Mr. Andreas Petz

1.4       Signature of the Testing Responsible

       Patrick Lomax
       responsible for tests performed in: Lab 1

                                                                                                        Page 2 of 30

                                                                                       Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                          According to:
                                                                                   FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

 1.5       Signature of the Accreditation Responsible

             Q M [2Rera)
        Accreditation scope responsible person
        responsible for Lab 1

 2         Test Object Data
 2.1       General OUT Description
 The following section lists all OUTs (Object‘s Under Test) involved during testing.

     OUT: i.roc C170 —Ex

       Type / Model / Family:                     Ci70A
                                                  FCC ID: XAM300011GRO2
       Product Category:                          Handheld Device
        Company Name:                             Please see applicant data

        Contact Person:

       Parameter List:

        Parameter name                            Value
        Parameter for Scope FCC_v2:
        AC Power Supply (via AC/DC Charger)       120 (V)
        Antenna gain 1700 band                    2.0 (dBi)
        Antenna gain 1900 band                    3.2 (dBi)
        Antenna gain 850 band                     —1.0 (dBi)
        highest channel                           251 (848.8MHz) for GSM850, 810        (1909.8MHz) for GSM1900,
                                                  4233 (846.6MHz) for FDDS, 9538        (1907.6MHz) for FDD2
        lowest channel                            128 (824.2MHz) for GSM850, 512        (1850.2MHz) for GSM1900,
                                                  4132 (826.4MHz) for FDDS, 9262        (1852.4MHz)for FDD2
        mid channel                               (190 ()836.6MHZ) for GSM850, 661      (1880.0MHz) for GSM1900,
                                                  4183 (836.6MHz) for FDD5, 9400 (1880MHz) for FDD2
        Powered by Battery                        3.7 (V)

                                                                                                          Page 3 of 30

                                                                                  Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                       According to:
                                                                                 FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

2.2      Detailed Description of OUT Samples

  Sample : a01

      OUT Identifier                            i.roc Ci70 -Ex
      Sample Description                        Standard Sample
      Serial No.                                012775000378490
      HW Status                                 P4
      SW Status                                 D3200-STSUGN-1575
      Nominal Voltage                           3.7 V                  Normal Temp.           25 °C

2.3      OUT Features

  Features for OUT:        i.roc Ci70 -Ex
      Designation Description                                          Allowed Values         Supported Value(s)

      Features for scope: FCC_v2
      CDMA2000     EUT supports CDMA2000 in band 824.7MHz -
      _BC0         848.3MHz (BC0)
      CDMA2000     EUT supports CDMA2000 in band 1851.25MHz -
      _BC1         1908.75MHz (BC1)
      CDMA2000     EUT supports CDMA2000 EV-DO in band
      _EV-         824.7MHz - 848.3MHz (BC0)
      CDMA2000     EUT supports CDMA2000 EV-DO in band
      _EV-         1851.25MHz - 1908.75MHz (BC1)
      EDGE850      EUT supports    EDGE in the band 824 MHz - 849
      EDGE1900     EUT supports    EDGE in the band 1850 MHz -
                   1910 MHz
      FDD2         EUT supports    UMTS FDD2 in the band 1850 MHz
                   - 1910 MHz
      FDD5         EUT supports    UMTS FDD5 in the band 824 MHz -
                    849 MHz
      GSM850       EUT supports    GSM850 band 824MHz - 849MHz
      HSDPA-       EUT supports UMTS FDD2 HSDPA in the band
      FDD2         1850 MHz - 1910 MHz
      HSDPA-       EUT supports UMTS FDD5 HSDPA in the band
      FDD5         824 MHz - 849 MHz
      HSUPA-       EUT supports UMTS FDD2 HSUPA in the band
      FDD2         1850 MHz - 1910 MHz
      HSUPA-       EUT supports UMTS FDD5 HSUPA in the band
      FDD5         824 MHz - 849 MHz
      Iant         Integral Antenna: permanent fixed antenna,
                   which may be built-in, designed as an
                   indispensable part of the equipment
      PCS1900      EUT supports PCS1900 band 1850MHz -
      TantC        temporary antenna connector, which may be
                   only built-in for testing, designed as an example
                   part of the equipment

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                                                                                      Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                           According to:
                                                                                     FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

2.4       Setups used for Testing
    For each setup a relation is given to determine if and which samples and auxiliary equipment is used.
    The left side list all OUT samples and the right side lists all auxiliary equipment for the given setup.

    Setup No.       List of OUT samples                          List of auxiliary equipment
        Sample No.                   Sample Description          AE No.         AE Description

    A01_rad         (sample #01 (radiated setup))

        Sample: a01                  Standard Sample

3         Results
3.1       General

       Documentation of tested                   Available at the test laboratory.

       Interpretation of the                     The results of the inspection are described on the following
       test results:                             pages, where 'Conformity' or 'Passed' means that the
                                                 certification criteria were verified and that the tested device is
                                                 conform to the applied standard.

                                                 In cases where 'Declaration' is printed, the required documents
                                                 are available in the manufacturers product documentation.

                                                 In cases where 'not applicable' is printed, the test case
                                                 requirements are not relevant to the specific equipment

       Note:                                     1. The laboratory environmental conditions are recorded and
                                                 available in the Interlab system for each performed test.

                                                 2. This product is a variant of a previously tested and certified
                                                 product (FCC ID:XAM300011GR01). The only change to the
                                                 product is the inclusion of a PCI WWAN module from Seirra
                                                 Wireless (FCC ID: N7NMC8355). For this reason, only partial
                                                 testing was performed.

3.2       List of the Applicable Body

       (Body for Scope: FCC_v2)

          Designation                            Description
          FCC47CFRChIPART22PUBLIC MOBILE Part 22, Subpart H - Cellular Radiotelephone Service

3.3       List of Test Specification
          Test Specification:     FCC part 2 and 22
          Version                 10-1-11 Edition
          Title:                  PART 2 - GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS
                                  PART 22 - PUBLIC MOBILE SERVICES

                                                                                                             Page 5 of 30

                                                                      Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                           According to:
                                                                     FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

3.4     Summary
Test Case Identifier / Name                                                      Lab
 Test (condition)                               Result          Date of Test     Ref.        Setup

22.4    Field strength of spurious radiation §2.1053, §22.917
 22.4; Frequency Band = 850, Mode = EDGE,         Passed        2013/07/19      Lab 1       A01_rad
 Channel = 190, Frequency = 836.6MHz
 22.4; Frequency Band = 850, Mode = GSM,          Passed        2013/07/18      Lab 1       A01_rad
 Channel = 190, Frequency = 836.6MHz
 22.4; Frequency Band = BC0, Mode =               Passed        2013/07/29      Lab 1       A01_rad
 CDMA2000, Channel = 384, Frequency =
 22.4; Frequency Band = BC0, Mode =               Passed        2013/07/29      Lab 1       A01_rad
 CDMA2000_EV-DO, Channel = 384, Frequency
 = 836.5MHz
 22.4; Frequency Band = FDD5, Mode =              Passed        2013/07/19      Lab 1       A01_rad
 HSDPA, Channel = 4183, Frequency =
 22.4; Frequency Band = FDD5, Mode =              Passed        2013/07/20      Lab 1       A01_rad
 HSUPA, Channel = 4183, Frequency =
 22.4; Frequency Band = FDD5, Mode = W-           Passed        2013/07/19      Lab 1       A01_rad
 CDMA, Channel = 4183, Frequency =

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                                                                                                            Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                                                 According to:
                                                                                                           FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

3.5        Detailed Results
3.5.1           22.4         Field strength of spurious radiation §2.1053, §22.917

Test: 22.4; Frequency Band = 850, Mode = EDGE, Channel = 190, Frequency = 836.6MHz
 Result:                                         Passed

 Setup No.:                                      A01_rad

 Date of Test:                                   2013/07/19 22:16

 Body:                                           FCC47CFRChIPART22PUBLIC MOBILE SERVICES

 Test Specification:                              FCC part 2 and 22

 Detailed Results:

                                          frequency peak value                  margin to                 antenna         EUT
   detector      trace      bandwidth                              limit /dBm               azimuth /°                              verdict
                                             /MHz        /dBm                   limit /dB                polarization orientation
     peak        maxhold       1000         2509.0       -39.43       -13.00     26.43        -90.0      horizontal     vertical    passed
 no further values have been found with a margin of less than 20 dB

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                                                                                                            Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                                                 According to:
                                                                                                           FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H
Test: 22.4; Frequency Band = 850, Mode = GSM, Channel = 190, Frequency = 836.6MHz
 Result:                                         Passed

 Setup No.:                                      A01_rad

 Date of Test:                                   2013/07/18 19:34

 Body:                                           FCC47CFRChIPART22PUBLIC MOBILE SERVICES

 Test Specification:                              FCC part 2 and 22

 Detailed Results:

                                          frequency peak value                  margin to                 antenna         EUT
   detector      trace      bandwidth                              limit /dBm               azimuth /°                              verdict
                                             /MHz        /dBm                   limit /dB                polarization orientation
     peak        maxhold       1000         2509.0       -32.74       -13.00     19.74         0.0         vertical   horizontal    passed
 no further values have been found with a margin of less than 20 dB

Test: 22.4; Frequency Band = BC0, Mode = CDMA2000, Channel = 384, Frequency = 836.5MHz
 Result:                                         Passed

 Setup No.:                                      A01_rad

 Date of Test:                                   2013/07/29 22:52

 Body:                                           FCC47CFRChIPART22PUBLIC MOBILE SERVICES

 Test Specification:                              FCC part 2 and 22

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                                                                                                            Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                                                 According to:
                                                                                                           FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

 Detailed Results:

                                          frequency peak value                  margin to                 antenna         EUT
   detector      trace      bandwidth                              limit /dBm               azimuth /°                              verdict
                                             /MHz        /dBm                   limit /dB                polarization orientation
     peak        maxhold       1000          995.8       -41.53       -13.00     28.53         0.0       horizontal   horizontal    passed
 no further values have been found with a margin of less than 20 dB

Test: 22.4; Frequency Band = BC0, Mode = CDMA2000_EV-DO, Channel = 384, Frequency =
 Result:                                         Passed

 Setup No.:                                      A01_rad

 Date of Test:                                   2013/07/29 17:53

 Body:                                           FCC47CFRChIPART22PUBLIC MOBILE SERVICES

 Test Specification:                              FCC part 2 and 22

                                                                                                                                              Page 9 of 30

                                                                                                            Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                                                 According to:
                                                                                                           FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

 Detailed Results:

                                          frequency peak value                  margin to                 antenna         EUT
   detector      trace      bandwidth                              limit /dBm               azimuth /°                              verdict
                                             /MHz        /dBm                   limit /dB                polarization orientation
     peak        maxhold       1000          890.0       -34.07       -13.00     21.07       -180.0        vertical     vertical    passed
 no further values have been found with a margin of less than 20 dB

Test: 22.4; Frequency Band = FDD5, Mode = HSDPA, Channel = 4183, Frequency = 836.6MHz
 Result:                                         Passed

 Setup No.:                                      A01_rad

 Date of Test:                                   2013/07/19 23:57

 Body:                                           FCC47CFRChIPART22PUBLIC MOBILE SERVICES

 Test Specification:                              FCC part 2 and 22

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                                                                                                            Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                                                 According to:
                                                                                                           FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

 Detailed Results:

                                          frequency peak value                  margin to                 antenna         EUT
   detector      trace      bandwidth                              limit /dBm               azimuth /°                              verdict
                                             /MHz        /dBm                   limit /dB                polarization orientation
     peak        maxhold       1000          818.2       -32.46       -13.00     19.46        90.0       horizontal     vertical    passed
     peak        maxhold       1000          823.0       -31.61       -13.00     18.61        0.0        horizontal     vertical    passed
     peak        maxhold       1000          851.2       -29.27       -13.00     16.27        90.0       horizontal     vertical    passed
     peak        maxhold       1000          853.0       -30.91       -13.00     17.91        90.0       horizontal     vertical    passed
 no further values have been found with a margin of less than 20 dB

Test: 22.4; Frequency Band = FDD5, Mode = HSUPA, Channel = 4183, Frequency = 836.6MHz
 Result:                                         Passed

 Setup No.:                                      A01_rad

 Date of Test:                                   2013/07/20         0:45

 Body:                                           FCC47CFRChIPART22PUBLIC MOBILE SERVICES

 Test Specification:                              FCC part 2 and 22

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                                                                                                            Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                                                 According to:
                                                                                                           FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

 Detailed Results:

                                          frequency peak value                  margin to                 antenna         EUT
   detector      trace      bandwidth                              limit /dBm               azimuth /°                              verdict
                                             /MHz        /dBm                   limit /dB                polarization orientation
     peak        maxhold       1000          881.3       -37.39       -13.00     24.39        90.0         vertical     vertical    passed
 no further values have been found with a margin of less than 20 dB

Test: 22.4; Frequency Band = FDD5, Mode = W-CDMA, Channel = 4183, Frequency = 836.6MHz
 Result:                                         Passed

 Setup No.:                                      A01_rad

 Date of Test:                                   2013/07/19 23:05

 Body:                                           FCC47CFRChIPART22PUBLIC MOBILE SERVICES

 Test Specification:                              FCC part 2 and 22

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                                                                                                           Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                                                According to:
                                                                                                          FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

Detailed Results:

                                         frequency peak value                  margin to                 antenna         EUT
  detector      trace      bandwidth                              limit /dBm               azimuth /°                              verdict
                                            /MHz        /dBm                   limit /dB                polarization orientation
    peak        maxhold       1000          985.6       -41.70       -13.00     28.70       -180.0      horizontal     vertical    passed
no further values have been found with a margin of less than 20 dB

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                                                                                  Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                       According to:
                                                                                 FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

4         Test Equipment Details
4.1       List of Used Test Equipment

    The calibration, hardware and software states are shown for the testing period.

    Test Equipment Anechoic Chamber
      Lab ID:                 Lab 1
      Manufacturer:           Frankonia
      Description:            Anechoic Chamber for radiated testing
      Type:                   10.58x6.38x6.00 m³
                              Calibration Details                                      Last Execution Next Exec.
                              NSA (FCC, IC)                                            2011/01/10     2014/01/10

      Single Devices for Anechoic Chamber
       Single Device Name     Type                                    Serial Number    Manufacturer

       Air compressor         none                                    -                Atlas Copco
       Anechoic Chamber       10.58 x 6.38 x 6.00 m³                  none             Frankonia
                              Calibration Details                                      Last Execution Next Exec.
                              FCC listing 96716 3m Part15/18                           2011/01/11     2014/01/10
                              IC listing 3699A-1 3m                                    2011/02/07     2014/02/06

       Controller Maturo      MCU                                     961208           Maturo GmbH
       EMC camera             CE-CAM/1                                -                CE-SYS
       EMC camera Nr.2        CCD-400E                                0005033          Mitsubishi
       Filter ISDN            B84312-C110-E1                                           Siemens&Matsushita
       Filter Universal 1A    BB4312-C30-H3                           -                Siemens&Matsushita

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                                                                        Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                             According to:
                                                                       FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

Test Equipment Auxiliary Equipment for Radiated emissions
 Lab ID:                Lab 1
 Description:           Equipment for emission measurements
 Serial Number:         see single devices

 Single Devices for Auxiliary Equipment for Radiated emissions
  Single Device Name    Type                              Serial Number      Manufacturer

  Antenna mast          AM 4.0                            AM4.0/180/11920 Maturo GmbH
  Biconical Broadband   SBA 9119                          9119-005           Schwarzbeck
                        Calibration Details                                  Last Execution Next Exec.
                        Standard Calibration                                 2009/06/04     2014/06/03

  Biconical dipole      VUBA 9117                         9117-108           Schwarzbeck
                        Calibration Details                                  Last Execution Next Exec.
                        Standard Calibration                                 2008/10/27     2013/10/26
                        Standard Calibration                                 2012/01/18     2015/01/17

  Broadband Amplifier   JS4-18002600-32-5P                849785             Miteq
  Broadband Amplifier   AFS4-01000400-1Q-10P-4            -                  Miteq
  Broadband Amplifier   JS4-00101800-35-5P                896037             Miteq
  Cable "ESI to EMI     EcoFlex10                         W18.01-            Kabel Kusch
  Antenna"                                                2+W38.01-2
  Cable "ESI to Horn    UFB311A+UFB293C                   W18.02-            Rosenberger Micro-Coax
  Antenna"                                                2+W38.02-2
  Double-ridged horn    HF 906                            357357/001         Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                             Co. KG
                        Calibration Details                                  Last Execution Next Exec.
                        Standard Calibration                                 2012/05/18     2015/05/17

  Double-ridged horn    HF 906                            357357/002         Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                             Co. KG
                        Calibration Details                                  Last Execution Next Exec.
                        Standard Calibration                                 2012/06/26     2015/06/25

  High Pass Filter      4HC1600/12750-1.5-KK              9942011            Trilithic
  High Pass Filter      5HC2700/12750-1.5-KK              9942012            Trilithic
  High Pass Filter      5HC3500/12750-1.2-KK              200035008          Trilithic
  High Pass Filter      WHKX 7.0/18G-8SS                  09                 Wainwright
  Horn Antenna          BBHA 9170
  Schwarzbeck 15-26
  GHz BBHA 9170
  Log.-per. Antenna     HL 562 Ultralog                   100609             Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                             Co. KG
                        Calibration Details                                  Last Execution Next Exec.
                        Standard Calibration                                 2012/12/18     2015/12/17

  Log.-per. Antenna     HL 562 Ultralog                   830547/003         Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                             Co. KG
  Loop Antenna          HFH2-Z2                           829324/006         Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                             Co. KG
                        Calibration Details                                  Last Execution Next Exec.

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                                                                             Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                  According to:
                                                                            FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

 Single Devices for Auxiliary Equipment for Radiated emissions (continued)
  Single Device Name      Type                                 Serial Number      Manufacturer
                          Standard calibration                                    2011/10/27     2014/10/26

  Pyramidal Horn          3160-09                              00083069           EMCO Elektronik GmbH
  Antenna 26,5 GHz
  Pyramidal Horn          3160-10                              00086675           EMCO Elektronik GmbH
  Antenna 40 GHz
  Tilt device Maturo      Antrieb TD1.5-10kg                   TD1.5-          Maturo GmbH
  (Rohacell)                                                   10kg/024/379070

Test Equipment Auxiliary Test Equipment
 Lab ID:                  Lab 1
 Manufacturer:            see single devices
 Description:             Single Devices for various Test Equipment
 Type:                    various
 Serial Number:           none

 Single Devices for Auxiliary Test Equipment
  Single Device Name      Type                                 Serial Number      Manufacturer

  Broadband Power         1506A / 93459                        LM390              Weinschel Associates
  Divider N (Aux)
  Broadband Power         WA1515                               A855               Weinschel Associates
  Divider SMA
  Digital Multimeter 03   Fluke 177                            86670383           Fluke Europe B.V.
                          Calibration Details                                     Last Execution Next Exec.
                          Customized calibration                                  2011/10/19     2013/10/18

  Fibre optic link        FO RS232 Link                        181-018            Pontis
  Satellite (Aux)
  Fibre optic link        FO RS232 Link                        182-018            Pontis
  Transceiver (Aux)
  Isolating Transformer   LTS 604                              1888               Thalheimer
                                                                                  Transformatorenwerke GmbH
  Notch Filter Ultra      WRCA800/960-6EEK                     24                 Wainwright
  Stable (Aux)
  Spectrum Analyser       FSP3                                 836722/011         Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                                  Co. KG
                          Calibration Details                                     Last Execution Next Exec.
                          Standard                                                2012/06/13     2015/06/12

  Vector Signal           SMIQ 03B                             832492/061         Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
  Generator                                                                       Co.KG

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                                                                             Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                  According to:
                                                                            FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

Test Equipment Digital Signalling Devices
 Lab ID:                 Lab 1
 Description:            Signalling equipment for various wireless technologies.

 Single Devices for Digital Signalling Devices
  Single Device Name     Type                                  Serial Number       Manufacturer

  Bluetooth Signalling   CBT                                   100589              Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
  Unit CBT                                                                         Co. KG
                         Calibration Details                                       Last Execution Next Exec.
                         Standard calibration                                      2011/11/24     2014/11/23

  CMW500                 CMW500                                107500              Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                         Calibration Details                                       Last Execution Next Exec.
                         Initial factory calibration                               2012/01/26     2014/01/25

  Digital Radio        CMD 55                                  831050/020          Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
  Communication Tester                                                             Co. KG
                       Calibration Details                                         Last Execution Next Exec.
                         Standard calibration                                      2011/11/28     2014/11/27

  Universal Radio      CMU 200                                 102366              Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
  Communication Tester                                                             Co. KG
                       HW/SW Status                                                Date of Start Date of End
                         Hardware:                                                 2007/07/16
                         B11, B21V14, B21-2, B41, B52V14, B52-2,
                         B53-2, B56V14, B68 3v04, PCMCIA, U65V04
                         K21 4v21, K22 4v21, K23 4v21, K24 4v21, K42     4v21,
                         K43 4v21, K53 4v21, K56 4v22, K57 4v22, K58     4v22,
                         K59 4v22, K61 4v22, K62 4v22, K63 4v22, K64     4v22,
                         K65 4v22, K66 4v22, K67 4v22, K68 4v22, K69     4v22
                         µP1 8v50 02.05.06
  Universal Radio      CMU 200                                 837983/052          Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
  Communication Tester                                                             Co. KG
                       Calibration Details                                         Last Execution Next Exec.
                         Standard calibration                                      2011/12/07    2014/12/06
                         HW/SW Status                                              Date of Start Date of End
                         HW options:                                               2007/01/02
                         B11, B21V14, B21-2, B41, B52V14, B52-2,     B53-2,
                         B54V14, B56V14, B68 3v04, B95, PCMCIA,      U65V02
                         SW options:
                         K21 4v11, K22 4v11, K23 4v11, K24 4v11,     K27 4v10,
                         K28 4v10, K42 4v11, K43 4v11, K53 4v10,     K65 4v10,
                         K66 4v10, K68 4v10,
                         µP1 8v40 01.12.05
                         SW:                                                       2008/11/03
                         K62, K69
  Vector Signal          SMU200A                               100912              Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
  Generator                                                                        Co. KG

                                                                                                  Page 17 of 30

                                                                          Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                               According to:
                                                                         FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

Test Equipment Emission measurement devices
 Lab ID:               Lab 1
 Description:          Equipment for emission measurements
 Serial Number:        see single devices

 Single Devices for Emission measurement devices
  Single Device Name   Type                                 Serial Number      Manufacturer

  Personal Computer    Dell                                 30304832059        Dell
  Power Meter          NRVD                                 828110/016         Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                       Calibration Details                                     Last Execution Next Exec.
                       Standard calibration                                    2013/05/03     2014/05/02

  Sensor Head A        NRV-Z1                               827753/005         Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                       Calibration Details                                     Last Execution Next Exec.
                       Standard calibration                                    2013/04/30     2014/04/29

  Signal Generator     SMR 20                               846834/008         Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                               Co. KG
                       Calibration Details                                     Last Execution Next Exec.
                       standard calibration                                    2011/05/12     2014/05/11

  Spectrum Analyzer    ESIB 26                              830482/004         Rohde & Schwarz GmbH &
                                                                               Co. KG
                       Calibration Details                                     Last Execution Next Exec.
                       Standard Calibration                                    2011/12/05    2013/12/04
                       HW/SW Status                                            Date of Start Date of End
                       Firmware-Update 4.34.4 from 3.45 during calibration     2009/12/03

                                                                                              Page 18 of 30

                                           Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                According to:
                                          FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

5     Annex
5.1   Additional Information for Report

                                                               Page 19 of 30

                                                                              Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                   According to:
                                                                             FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

Summary of Test Results

The EUT complied with all performed tests as listed in the summary section of this report.

Technical Report Summary

Type of Authorization :

Certification for a GSM/WCDMA/CDMA2000 cellular radiotelephone device

Applicable FCC Rules

Prepared in accordance with the requirements of FCC Rules and Regulations as listed in 47 CFR Ch.1 Parts 0 to
69. The following subparts are applicable to the results in this test report.

Part 2, Subpart J - Equipment Authorization Procedures, Certification

§   2.1046   Measurement required: RF power output
§   2.1049   Measurement required: Occupied bandwidth
§   2.1051   Measurement required: Spurious emissions at antenna terminals
§   2.1053   Measurement required: Field strength of spurious radiation
§   2.1055   Measurement required: Frequency stability
§   2.1057   Frequency spectrum to be investigated

Part 22, Subpart C – Operational and Technical Requirements

§ 22.355 Frequency tolerance

Part 22, Subpart H – Cellular Radiotelephone Service

§ 22.913 Effective radiated power limits
§ 22.917 Emission limitations for cellular equipment

additional documents

ANSI TIA-603-C-2004

Description of Methods of Measurements


RF Power Output

Standard        FCC Part 22, Subpart H

                                                                                                  Page 20 of 30

                                                                             Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                  According to:
                                                                            FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H
The test was performed according to: FCC §2.1046

Test Description (conducted measurement procedure)

1) The EUT was coupled to a Spectrum Analyser and a Digital Communication Tester through a Power Divider.
Refer to chapter "Setup Drawings".
2) The total insertion losses for signal path 1 and signal path 2 were measured. The values were used to
correct the readings from the Spectrum Analyser and the Digital Communication Tester.
3) A call was established on a Traffic Channel between the EUT and the Digital Communication Tester.
Important Settings:
- Channel (Frequency): please refer to the detailed results
4) The transmitted power of the EUT was recorded by using a spectrum analyser.

Test Description (radiated measurement procedure)

1) The EUT was placed inside an anechoic chamber. Refer to chapter "Setup Drawings". The EUT was coupled
to a Digital Communication Tester which was located outside the chamber via a small signalling antenna.
2) A call was established on a Traffic Channel between the EUT and the Digital Communication Tester.
Important Settings:
- Output Power: Maximum
- Channel: please refer to the detailed results
3) A substitution procedure is used so that the readings from the spectrum analyser are corrected and
represent directly the equivalent radiated power (related to a lamda/2 dipole).
4) The output power was measured in both vertical and horizontal antenna polarisation during the call is
established on the lowest channel, mid channel and on the highest channel. To find the worst case power all
orientations (X, Y, Z) of the EUT have been measured.
5) The test procedure according to TIA-603-C-2004 has been considered.

Test Requirements / Limits

§2.1046 Measurements Required: RF Power Output
(a) For transmitters other than single sideband, independent sideband and controlled carrier radiotelephone,
power output shall be measured at the RF output terminals when the transmitter is adjusted in accordance
with the tune-up procedure to give the values of current and voltage on the circuit elements specified in §
2.1033(c)(8). The electrical characteristics of the output terminals when this test is made shall be stated.
§22.913 Effective radiated power limits
(a)(2) Maximum ERP. … The ERP of mobile transmitters and auxiliary test transmitters must not exceed 7


Emission and Occupied Bandwidth

Standard     FCC Part 22, Subpart H

The test was performed according to: FCC §2.1049

Test Description

1) The EUT was coupled to a Spectrum Analyser and a Digital Communication Tester through a Power Divider.
Refer to chapter "Setup Drawings".
2) The total insertion losses for signal path 1 and signal path 2 were measured. The values were used to
correct the readings from the Spectrum Analyser and the Digital Communication Tester.
3) A call was established on a Traffic Channel between the EUT and the Digital Communication Tester.
Important Settings:
- Output Power: Maximum
- Channel: please refer to the detailed results
4) Important Analyser Settings:
- Resolution Bandwidth: >1% of the manufacturer’s stated occupied bandwidth
5) The maximum spectral level of the modulated signal was recorded as the reference.
6) The emission bandwidth is measured as follows:
the two furthest frequencies above and below the frequency of the maximum reference level where the
spectrum is –26 dB down have to be found.

                                                                                                  Page 21 of 30

                                                                              Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                   According to:
                                                                             FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H
7) The occupied bandwidth (99% Bandwidth) is measured as follows:
the occupied bandwidth, that is the frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above its upper
frequency limits, the mean powers are each equal to 0.5 percent of the total mean power.

Test Requirements / Limits

§ 2.1049 Measurements required: Occupied bandwidth

The occupied bandwidth, that is the frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above its upper
frequency limits, the mean powers radiated are each equal to 0.5 percent of the total mean power radiated by
a given emission shall be measured under the following conditions (as applicable):

(h) Transmitters employing digital modulation techniques - when modulated by an input signal such that its
amplitude and symbol rate represent the maximum rated conditions under which the equipment will be
operated. The signal shall be applied through any filter networks, pseudo-random generators or other devices
required in normal service. Additionally, the occupied bandwidth shall be shown for operation with any devices
used for modifying the spectrum when such devices are optional at the discretion of the user.


Spurious emissions at antenna terminals

Standard     FCC Part 22, Subpart H

The test was performed according to FCC §2.1051

Test Description

1) The EUT was coupled to a Spectrum Analyser and a Digital Communication Tester through a Power Divider.
Refer to chapter "Setup Drawings".
2) The total insertion losses for signal path 1 and signal path 2 were measured. The values were used to
correct the readings from the Spectrum Analyser and the Digital Communication Tester.
3) A call was established on a Traffic Channel between the EUT and the Digital Communication Tester.
Important Settings:
- Output Power: Maximum
- Channel: please refer to the detailed results
4) Important Analyser Settings
- [Resolution Bandwidth]:
a) [>=1% of wanted signal bandwidth] in the Span of 1 MHz directly below and above the PCS-Band,
b) otherwise [100 kHz] (or [1 MHz] for accelerated sweep times)
c) [reduced resolution bandwidth] in case the curve of the analyser IF-Filter or the wanted EUT signal leads to
an exceeding of the limit, in this case a correction factor was used
- Sweep Time: depending on the transmitting signal, the span and the resolution bandwidth
5) The spurious emissions peaks were measured in the frequency range from 9 kHz to 10 GHz (up to the 10th
harmonic) during the call was established

Test Requirements / Limits

§ 2.1051 Spurious emissions at antenna terminals

The radio frequency voltage or power generated within the equipment and appearing on a spurious frequency
shall be checked at the equipment output terminals when properly loaded with a suitable artificial antenna.
Curves or equivalent data shall show the magnitude of each harmonic and other spurious emission that can be
detected when the equipment is operated under the conditions specified in Sec. 2.1049 as appropriate. The
magnitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible value need not
be specified.

§ 2.1057 Frequency spectrum to be investigated.

(a) In all of the measurements set forth in Secs. 2.1051 and 2.1053, the spectrum shall be investigated from
the lowest radio frequency signal generated in the equipment, without going below 9 kHz, up to at least the
frequency shown below:
(1) If the equipment operates below 10 GHz: to the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or

                                                                                                   Page 22 of 30

                                                                                Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                     According to:
                                                                               FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H
to 40 GHz, whichever is lower.
(b) Particular attention should be paid to harmonics and subharmonics of the carrier frequency as well as to
those frequencies removed from the carrier by multiples of the oscillator frequency. Radiation at the
frequencies of multiplier stages should also be checked.
(c) The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible value
need not be reported.
(d) Unless otherwise specified, measurements above 40 GHz shall be performed using a minimum resolution
bandwidth of 1 MHz.

§ 22.917 Emission limitations for cellular equipment

(a) The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below
the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB.
Remark of the test laboratory: This is calculated to be -13 dBm.
(b) Compliance with these rules is based on the use of measurement instrumentation employing a resolution
bandwidth of 100 kHz or greater. In the 1 MHz bands immediately outside and adjacent to the frequency block
a resolution bandwidth of at least one percent of the emission bandwidth of the fundamental emission of the
transmitter may be employed. A narrower resolution bandwidth is permitted in all cases to improve
measurement accuracy provided the measured power is integrated over the full required measurement
bandwidth (i.e. 100 kHz or 1 percent of emission bandwidth, as specified). The emission bandwidth is defined
as the width of the signal between two points, one below the carrier center frequency and one above the
carrier center frequency, outside of which all emissions are attenuated at least 26 dB below the transmitter
(c) Licensees in this service may establish an alternative out of band emission limit to be used at specified
band edge(s) in specified geographical areas [...].
(d) If any emission from a transmitter operating in this service results in interference to users of another radio
service, the FCC may require a greater attenuation of that emission than specified in this section.

For reporting only spurious emission levels reaching to the 20dB margin to limit were noted.


Field strength of spurious radiation

Standard     FCC Part 22, Subpart H

The test was performed according to: FCC §2.1053

Test Description

1) The EUT was placed inside an anechoic chamber. Refer to chapter "Setup Drawings". The EUT was coupled
to a Digital Communication Tester which was located outside the chamber via a small signalling antenna.
2) A call was established on a Traffic Channel between the EUT and the Digital Communication Tester.
Important Settings:
- Output Power: Maximum
- Channel: please refer to the detailed results
3) A pre-calibration procedure is used so that the readings from the spectrum analyser are corrected and
represent directly the equivalent radiated power (related to a lamda/2 dipole).
4) All spurious radiation measurements were made with spectrum analyser and the appropriate calibrated
antennas for the frequency range of 30 MHz to 10 GHz (up to the 10th harmonic of the transmit frequency).
The frequency range from 9 kHz to 30 MHz has been examined during the conducted spurious emission
5) Important Analyser Settings
- [Resolution Bandwidth / Video Bandwidth]:
a) [3 kHz / 10 kHz] in the Span of 1 MHz directly below and above the Band,
b) [10 kHz / 30 kHz] in case the curve of the analyser IF-Filter leads to an exceeding of the limit, in this case
a worst case correction factor of 20 dB (1 MHz -> 10 kHz) was used
c) [1 MHz / 3 MHz] otherwise
- Sweep Time: depending on the transmitting signal, the span and the resolution bandwidth
6) The spurious emissions peaks were measured in both vertical and horizontal antenna polarization during
the call is established on the lowest channel, mid channel and on the highest channel. To find the worst case
peaks all orientations (X, Y, Z) of the EUT have been measured.

Test Requirements / Limits

                                                                                                      Page 23 of 30

                                                                               Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                    According to:
                                                                              FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

§ 2.1053 Measurements required: Field strength of spurious radiation.

Measurements shall be made to detect spurious emissions that may be radiated directly from the cabinet,
control circuits, power leads, or intermediate circuit elements under normal conditions of installation and
operation. Curves or equivalent data shall be supplied showing the magnitude of each harmonic and other
spurious emission. For this test, single sideband, independent sideband, and controlled carrier transmitters
shall be modulated under the conditions specified in paragraph (c) of Sec. 2.1049, as appropriate. For
equipment operating on frequencies below 890 MHz, an open field test is normally required, with the
measuring instrument antenna located in the far-field at all test frequencies. In the event it is either
impractical or impossible to make open field measurements (e.g. a broadcast transmitter installed in a
building) measurements will be accepted of the equipment as installed. Such measurements must be
accompanied by a description of the site where the measurements were made showing the location of any
possible source of reflections which might distort the field strength measurements. Information submitted shall
include the relative radiated power of each spurious emission with reference to the rated power output of the
transmitter, assuming all emissions are radiated from halfwave dipole antennas.
(b) The measurements specified in paragraph (a) of this section shall be made for the following equipment:
(2) All equipment operating on frequencies higher than 25 MHz.

§ 2.1057 Frequency spectrum to be investigated.

(a) In all of the measurements set forth in Secs. 2.1051 and 2.1053, the spectrum shall be investigated from
the lowest radio frequency signal generated in the equipment, without going below 9 kHz, up to at least the
frequency shown below:
(1) If the equipment operates below 10 GHz: to the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or
to 40 GHz, whichever is lower.
(b) Particular attention should be paid to harmonics and subharmonics of the carrier frequency as well as to
those frequencies removed from the carrier by multiples of the oscillator frequency. Radiation at the
frequencies of multiplier stages should also be checked.
(c) The amplitude of spurious emissions which are attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible value
need not be reported.
(d) Unless otherwise specified, measurements above 40 GHz shall be performed using a minimum resolution
bandwidth of 1 MHz.

§ 22.917 Emission limitations for cellular equipment

(a) The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below
the transmitting power (P) by a factor of at least 43 + 10 log(P) dB.
This is calculated to be -13 dBm (effective radiated power) which corresponds to 84.6 dBµV/m (field strength)
in a distance of 3 m.

(b) Compliance with these rules is based on the use of measurement instrumentation employing a resolution
bandwidth of 100 kHz or greater. In the 1 MHz bands immediately outside and adjacent to the frequency block
a resolution bandwidth of at least one percent of the emission bandwidth of the fundamental emission of the
transmitter may be employed. A narrower resolution bandwidth is permitted in all cases to improve
measurement accuracy provided the measured power is integrated over the full required measurement
bandwidth (i.e. 100 kHz or 1 percent of emission bandwidth, as specified). The emission bandwidth is defined
as the width of the signal between two points, one below the carrier center frequency and one above the
carrier center frequency, outside of which all emissions are attenuated at least 26 dB below the transmitter
(c) Licensees in this service may establish an alternative out of band emission limit to be used at specified
band edge(s) in specified geographical areas [...].
(d) If any emission from a transmitter operating in this service results in interference to users of another radio
service, the FCC may require a greater attenuation of that emission than specified in this section.

For reporting only spurious emission levels reaching to the 20dB margin to limit were noted.


Frequency stability

Standard     FCC Part 22, Subpart H

The test was performed according to FCC §2.1055

                                                                                                      Page 24 of 30

                                                                              Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                   According to:
                                                                             FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H
Test Description

1) The EUT was placed inside a temperature chamber.
2) The EUT was coupled to a Digital Communication Tester. Refer to chapter "Setup Drawings".
3) The climatic chamber was cycled down/up to a certain temperature, starting with the EUT minimum
4) After the temperature was stabilized the EUT was switched on and a call was established on a Traffic
Channel between the EUT and the Digital Communication Tester.
Important Settings:
- Output Power: Maximum
- Mid Channel
5) The frequency error of the EUT was recorded by using an internal measurement function of the Digital
Communication Tester immediately after the call was established, five minutes after the call was established
and ten minutes after the call was established.
6) This measurement procedure was performed for temperature variation from –30°C to +50°C in increments
of 10°C, if not otherwise stated in the detailed results.
When the EUT did not operate at certain temperature levels, these measurements were left out.

Test Requirements / Limits

§2.1055 Measurements required: Frequency stability

(a) The frequency stability shall be measured with variation of ambient temperature as follows:
(1) From -30° to +50° centigrade for all equipment except that specified in paragraphs (a) (2) and (3) of this
(b) Frequency measurements shall be made at the extremes of the specified temperature range and at
intervals of not more than 10° centigrade through the range. A period of time sufficient to stabilize all of the
components of the oscillator circuit at each temperature level shall be allowed prior to frequency
measurement. The short term transient effects on the frequency of the transmitter due to keying (except for
broadcast transmitters) and any heating element cycling normally occurring at each ambient temperature level
also shall be shown. Only the portion or portions of the transmitter containing the frequency determining and
stabilizing circuitry need be subjected to the temperature variation test.
(d) The frequency stability shall be measured with variation of primary supply voltage as follows:
(1) Vary primary supply voltage from 85 to 115 percent of the nominal value for other than hand carried
battery equipment.
(2) For hand carried, battery powered equipment, reduce primary supply voltage to the battery operating end
point which shall be specified by the manufacturer.
(3) The supply voltage shall be measured at the input to the cable normally provided with the equipment, or
at the power supply terminals if cables are not normally provided. Effects on frequency of transmitter keying
(except for broadcast transmitters) and any heating element cycling at the nominal supply voltage and at each
extreme also shall be shown.

§22.355 Frequency tolerance

…the carrier frequency of each transmitter in the Public Mobile Service must be maintained within the
tolerances given in table C-1 of this section.

Table C-1.- Frequency Tolerance for Transmitters in the Public Mobile Services
Frequency range (MHz)        Base, fixed (ppm)     Mobile up to 3 watts (ppm)      Mobile above 3 watts (ppm)
25 to 50                           20.0                  20.0                             50.0
50 to 450                          5.0                   5.0                              50.0
450 to 512                         2.5                   5.0                              5.0
821 to 896                         1.5                   2.5                              2.5
928 to 929                         5.0                   n/a                              n/a
929 to 960                         1.5                   n/a                              n/a
2110 to 2220                       10.0                  n/a                              n/a

For the mid channel (836.6 MHz) the frequency tolerance is 2.5 ppm (2091.5 Hz).


Band edge compliance

Standard     FCC Part 22, Subpart H

                                                                                                    Page 25 of 30

                                                                          Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                               According to:
                                                                         FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

The test was performed according to: FCC §22.913

Test Description

1) The EUT was coupled to a Spectrum Analyser and a Digital Communication Tester through a Power Divider.
Refer to chapter "Setup Drawings".
2) The total insertion losses for signal path 1 and signal path 2 were measured. The values were used to
correct the readings from the Spectrum Analyser and the Digital Communication Tester.
3) A call was established on a Traffic Channel between the EUT and the Digital Communication Tester.
Important Settings:
- Output Power: Maximum
- Channel: please refer to the detailed results
4) Important Analyser Settings:
- Resolution Bandwidth = Video Bandwidth: >1% of the manufacturer’s stated occupied bandwidth

Test Requirements / Limits

§ 22.917 Emission limitations for cellular equipment

Refer to chapter "Field strength of spurious radiation".

                                                                                              Page 26 of 30

                                                                                           Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                                According to:
                                                                                          FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

Subtests HSDPA

 Sub-       c            d             d          c/d         HS                   CM (dB)            MPR (dB)
 test                                    (SF)                      (Note1, Note 2)       (Note 3)           (Note 3)
 1          2/15          15/15          64          2/15          4/15                  0.0                0.0
 2          12/15         15/15          64          12/15         24/15                 1.0                0.0
            (Note         (Note 4)                   (Note 4)
 3          15/15         8/15           64          15/8          30/15                 1.5                0.5
 4          15/15         4/15           64          15/4          30/15                 1.5                0.5
 Note 1:   ? ACK, ? NACK and ? CQI = 30/15 with    hs = 30/15 *  c .
 Note 2:   For the HS-DPCCH power mask requirement test in clause 5.2C, 5.7A, and the Error Vector
           Magnitude (EVM) with HS-DPCCH test in clause 5.13.1A, and HSDPA EVM with phase
           discontinuity in clause 5.13.1AA, ? ACK and ? NACK = 30/15 with      hs = 30/15 *  c , and ?   CQI   = 24/15

           with    hs = 24/15 *  c .
 Note 3:   CM = 1 for c/d =12/15, hs/c=24/15. For all other combinations of DPDCH, DPCCH and HS-
           DPCCH the MPR is based on the relative CM difference. This is applicable for only UEs that support
           HSDPA in release 6 and later releases.
 Note 4:   For subtest 2 the c/ d ratio of 12/15 for the TFC during the measurement period (TF1, TF0) is
           achieved by setting the signalled gain factors for the reference TFC (TF1, TF1) to c = 11/15 and d
           = 15/15.


Subtests HSUPA

                                                                                                 Number of E-
                             Loopback         Rel99          HSDPA                               DPDCH
 Subtest   Mode              Mode             RMC            FRC           HSUPA Test            Channels
 1         Rel6 HSUPA        Test Mode 1      RMC            H-Set1        HSUPA Loopback        1
 2         Rel6 HSUPA        Test Mode 1      RMC            H-Set1        HSUPA Loopback        1
 3         Rel6 HSUPA        Test Mode 1      RMC            H-Set1        HSUPA Loopback        2
 4         Rel6 HSUPA        Test Mode 1      RMC            H-Set1        HSUPA Loopback        1
 5         Rel6 HSUPA        Test Mode 1      RMC            H-Set1        HSUPA Loopback        1

           Max UL
           Data Rate
 Subtest   (kb/s)            βc/βd            βhs            βed           CM
 1         242.1             11/15            22/15          1309/225      1
 2         161.3             6/15             12/15          94/75         3
 3         524.7             15/9             30/15          47/15         2
 4         197.6             2/15             4/15           56/75         3
 5         299.6             15/15            30/15          134/15        1

                                                                                                                            Page 27 of 30

                                                               Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                    According to:
                                                              FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

Setup Drawings

                 Principle set-up for radiated measurements

                                                                                   Page 28 of 30

                                                                   Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                        According to:
                                                                  FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

Principle set-up for conducted measurements under nominal conditions

Principle set-up for tests under extreme test conditions

                                                                                       Page 29 of 30

                                                                            Reference: MDE_ECOM_1203_FCCa
                                                                                                 According to:
                                                                           FCC 47 CFR Ch.1 Part 22, Subpart H

6         Index
1 Administrative Data                                                                                     2

    1.1 Project Data                                                                                      2

    1.2 Applicant Data                                                                                    2

    1.3 Test Laboratory Data                                                                              2

    1.4 Signature of the Testing Responsible                                                              2

    1.5 Signature of the Accreditation Responsible                                                        3

2 Test Object Data                                                                                        3

    2.1 General OUT Description                                                                           3

    2.2 Detailed Description of OUT Samples                                                               4

    2.3 OUT Features                                                                                      4

    2.4 Setups used for Testing                                                                           5

3 Results                                                                                                 5

    3.1 General                                                                                           5

    3.2 List of the Applicable Body                                                                       5

    3.3 List of Test Specification                                                                        5

    3.4 Summary                                                                                           6

     3.5 Detailed Results                                                                                 7

     3.5.1 22.4    Field strength of spurious radiation §2.1053, §22.917                                  7

4 Test Equipment Details                                                                                 14

    4.1 List of Used Test Equipment                                                                      14

5 Annex                                                                                                  19

    5.1 Additional Information for Report                                                                19

6 Index                                                                                                  30

                                                                                                Page 30 of 30

Document Created: 2013-09-02 11:35:26
Document Modified: 2013-09-02 11:35:26

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