User manual


Users Manual

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     © 2014 SkyHawke Technologies, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

 U.S. Pat. 8,758,170; 8,556,752; 8,523,711; 8,172,702; 7,118,498;
            6,456,938; 5,844,483; 5,740,077; 5,507,485

SkyGolf® and SkyCaddie® are registered trademarks of SkyHawke                                          IMPORTANT
Technologies, LLC, registered in the United States and other                         PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE USING
countries, and SkyGolf 360™ and SkyCaddie TOUCH™ are
trademarks of SkyHawke Technologies, LLC. Apple®, iPhone®,                                 YOUR SKYCADDIE TOUCH
iPod® and iPad® are trademarks of Apple, Inc. and are registered in
                                                                          This Product Information Guide contains important safety, handling, and
the United States and other countries. Google Play™ is a trademark        warranty information, as well as software license information, for your
of Google, Inc. Bluetooth® word and logo marks are registered             SkyCaddie TOUCH. Please read carefully before using your SkyCaddie
trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. Use of marks not owned by         TOUCH.
SkyHawke Technologies is under license. Other trademarks and trade
names are those of their respective owners.                               Important Safety and Handling Information
                                                                          WARNING: Failure to follow these safety and handling instructions could result
All content within is copyrighted by SkyHawke Technologies, LLC and       in fire, electric shock, or other personal injury or property damage, including
may not be reprinted without permission. The content of this Guide        damage to your SkyCaddie TOUCH.
(except for the SkyCaddie Product Use and License Agreement and
                                                                          Carrying and Handling your SkyCaddie TOUCH
the SkyCaddie TOUCH Consumer Limited Warranty) is furnished for
                                                                          Your SkyCaddie TOUCH contains sensitive components. Do not disassemble,
informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should   open, crush, puncture, shred, microwave, incinerate, or insert foreign objects
not be construed as a commitment by SkyHawke Technologies, LLC.           into your SkyCaddie TOUCH.
SkyHawke Technologies, LLC assumes no responsibility or liability
for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in the informational       Avoiding Water and Wet Locations
content contained in this Guide.                                          Exposure to water may cause damage to your SkyCaddie TOUCH. Do not
                                                                          use your SkyCaddie TOUCH in rain or other wet locations. Take care not to

                                   2                                                                             3

spill any food or liquid on your SkyCaddie TOUCH. Do not attempt to dry your      The charger may become warm during normal use, however your SkyCaddie
SkyCaddie TOUCH with an external heat source, such as a microwave oven            TOUCH should never become hot. Always allow adequate ventilation around
or hair dryer. SkyCaddie TOUCH devices that are damaged as a result of            the charger and use care when handling. Unplug the charger if any of the
exposure to liquids are not serviceable.                                          following conditions exist:
                                                                                      • The power cord or plug has become frayed or damaged.
Repairing or Modifying your SkyCaddie TOUCH                                           • The adapter is exposed to rain, liquid or excessive moisture.
Never attempt to repair or modify your SkyCaddie TOUCH yourself.                      • The adapter case has become damaged.
Disassembling your SkyCaddie TOUCH will void the warranty. Your SkyCaddie             • You suspect the adapter needs service or repair.
TOUCH does not contain any user-serviceable parts. Service should only
be provided by a SkyGolf® Authorized Service Provider. If your SkyCaddie          Choking Hazards
TOUCH has been punctured, or subjected to a severe fall, do not use it until      Your SkyCaddie TOUCH contains small parts, which may present a choking
you contact an Authorized Service Provider. The rechargeable battery in your      hazard to small children. Keep your SkyCaddie TOUCH and its accessories
SkyCaddie TOUCH is not user-replaceable and should be replaced by a               away from children.
SkyGolf Authorized Service Provider only. For service information, go to                                                                Using Connectors and Ports
                                                                                  Never force a connector into a port on your SkyCaddie TOUCH. Check for
Charging your SkyCaddie TOUCH                                                     obstructions on the port. If the connector and port do not join with reasonable
In charging your SkyCaddie TOUCH, use only a SkyGolf supplied charger             ease, make sure that the connector and port are properly aligned before
specifically designed for your SkyCaddie TOUCH. Use of other chargers             attempting to insert again.
may cause personal injury and property damage, including damage to your
SkyCaddie TOUCH.                                                                  Keeping Your SkyCaddie TOUCH Within Acceptable Temperatures
                                                                                  Operate your SkyCaddie TOUCH in a place where the temperature is between
Read all safety instructions for any products and accessories before using your   0° and 35° C (32° to 95° F). Low or high temperature conditions might shorten
SkyCaddie TOUCH. SkyGolf is not responsible for the operation of third-party      battery life or cause your SkyCaddie TOUCH to stop working properly. Avoid
accessories or their compliance with safety and regulatory standards.             dramatic changes in temperature or humidity when using your SkyCaddie
                                                                                  TOUCH and store it in a cool, dry place at room temperature.
When charging the battery on your SkyCaddie TOUCH with an authorized
SkyGolf charger designed for use with the SkyCaddie TOUCH, make sure that         Exposure to Radio Frequency Energy
the charger is fully assembled before you plug it into a power outlet. Do not     Your SkyCaddie TOUCH contains radio transmitters and receivers, much
connect or disconnect the charger with wet hands.                                 like cell phones, pagers and other similar devices. When on, your SkyCaddie
                                                                                  TOUCH sends and receives radio frequency (RF) energy through its antenna.
                                       4                                                                                 5

The SkyCaddie TOUCH can emit radio waves that can affect the operation of      Canada
nearby electronics, including cardiac pacemakers.                              Model: SkyCaddie TOUCH
  • Do not use the SkyCaddie TOUCH within 9 inches of a pacemaker.             FCC ID: X8F-SCTOUCH
  • If you have a pacemaker or other implanted medical device, do not use
    the SkyCaddie TOUCH without first consulting your doctor or the            E.U.
    manufacturer of your medical device. Your SkyCaddie TOUCH has been
    tested and meets the SAR exposure requirements for Bluetooth®
    operation. Your SkyCaddie TOUCH is designed and manufactured to
    comply with applicable limits for exposure to RF energy.
                                                                               Important: Changes or modifications to this product not authorized by
Additional Information                                                         SkyGolf could void the electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and wireless
For more information from the FCC about exposure to RF energy, see:            compliance and negate your authority to operate the product.
                                                                               This product has demonstrated EMC compliance under conditions that
The FCC and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also maintain a        included the use of compliant peripheral devices and shielded cables between
consumer website at        system components. It is important that you use compliant peripheral devices
to address inquiries about the safety of radio emissions. Check the website    and shielded cables between components to reduce the possibility of causing
periodically for updates.                                                      interference to radios, televisions, and other electronic devices.

For information about the scientific research related to RF energy exposure,   FCC Compliance Statement
see the EMF Research Database maintained by the World Health Organization      This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the
at:                                                            following conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
                                                                               this device must accept any interference received, including interference that
Certification and Compliance                                                   may cause undesired operation.
Model: SkyCaddie TOUCH                                                         Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for
FCC ID: X8F-SCTOUCH                                                            a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits
                                                                               are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in
                                                                               a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
                                                                               frequency and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
                                                                               may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is
                                      6                                                                                7

no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this   Warranty Obligator for Region or Country of Purchase
equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception,           Country of Purchase		              Address
which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is              Canada                             Warranty Returns
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following                                            Jancor Agencies
measures:                                                                                                                185 Avro, Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 6A9
  • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.                                                                
  • Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
  • Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit difference from that to           European Union		                     SkyHawke Technologies UK, Ltd.
    which the receiver is connected.                                                                                       Haddenham Business Park
  • Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician to help.                                                      Units 10 C-E, Haddenham,
                                                                                                                           Buckinghamshire HP 17 8LJ
Canadian Compliance Statement                                                                                    
This device complies with the Industry Canada license exempt RSS standards.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not         United States and All 		             Warranty Returns
cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including       Non-European Union, 		               SkyHawke Technologies, LLC
interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.                        Other than Canada		                  274 Commerce Park Drive
                                                                                                                           Ridgeland, MS 39157
European Community Compliance Statement                                                                          
The equipment complies with the RF Exposure Requirement 1999/519/EC,
Council Recommendation of 12 July 1999 on the limitation of exposure of                                     SKYCADDIE® PRODUCT USE AND
the general public to electromagnetic fields (0-300 GHz). This wireless device                                   LICENSE AGREEMENT
complies with the R&TTE Directive.                                                                             (Authorized U.S. Sales Only)

Disposal and Recycling Information                                                    PLEASE READ CAREFULLY THE LICENSE AGREEMENT BELOW
Your SkyCaddie TOUCH should be disposed of separately from household                  BEFORE USING THIS PRODUCT!
waste. When this product reaches its end of life, take it to a collection point       WARNING! PROCEEDING WITH USE OF THE SKYCADDIE® PRODUCT
designated by local authorities that accept spent batteries and other similar         CONTAINED WITHIN THE PACKAGE THAT INCLUDES THIS LICENSE
wastes. Not all collection points accept products for free. The separate              AGREEMENT (THE “SKYCADDIE PRODUCT”) OR THE INSTALLATION OF
collection and recycling of your product at the time of disposal will help            SOFTWARE ASSOCIATED WITH THE SKYCADDIE® PRODUCT (SUCH
conserve natural resources and ensure that it is recycled in a manner that            SOFTWARE AND THE SKYCADDIE PRODUCT ARE SOMETIMES SINGLY
protects human health and environment.                                                AND COLLECTIVELY REFERRED TO AS THE “PRODUCTS”) INDICATES
                                          8                                                                               9

YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THESE LICENSING TERMS. IF YOU DO NOT                          documentation and any fonts, whether on disk, in read only memory, on any
AGREE WITH THESE TERMS, YOU SHOULD NOT USE OR INSTALL THE                        other media or in any other form, that either came with the SkyCaddie®
PRODUCTS, AND YOU SHOULD RETURN THE PACKAGE CONTAINING                           Product or is downloaded or provided in connection with the SkyCaddie®
THE PRODUCTS TO THE POINT OF PURCHASE WITH A DATED RECEIPT                       Product or a SkyGolf, Club SG™ (Beta) or SkyGolf 360 mobile application
WITHIN THIRTY (30) DAYS TO APPLY FOR A REFUND.                                   account (collectively, the “SkyGolf Software” or “Software”) are licensed, not
                                                                                 sold, to you by Licensor for use only under the terms of this License
If you purchased the Products directly from SkyHawke Technologies, LLC via       Agreement, and Licensor reserves all rights not expressly granted to you.
the Licensor’s Internet web site, then you should contact the Customer Service       1) Grant of License — Licensor provides limited access to the SkyGolf
department by e mail: to apply for and arrange              Software and, in connection therewith, the SkyGolf internet web site,
for a refund of your purchase.                                                          and grants a limited license for their use under the terms of this License
                                                                                        Agreement and, if separately purchased, the terms of your SkyCaddie®
IMPORTANT: The license granted hereunder applies only where                             Membership Plan and/or SkyGolf 360 mobile application. To the
SkyGolf Software is installed on a SkyCaddie Product which was                          extent this License Agreement includes the licensing of Software or
purchased by you in an authorized United States sale, you were a                        other components also licensed in connection with a SkyCaddie®
United States resident at the time you purchased the SkyCaddie                          Membership Plan (which includes access to SkyGolf course maps and
Product and you registered the SkyCaddie Product using your bona                        to advanced course management features) and/or a SkyGolf 360
fide U.S. address. In the event you did not purchase the SkyCaddie                      mobile application (which includes statistical analysis and storing
Product in an authorized U.S. sale or were not a U.S. resident at the                   of playing information), you will lose access to such Software and
time of purchase or do not have a U.S. address, no license is granted                   other components (including any SkyGolf course maps downloaded to
with respect to the Products, but you may contact SkyGolf Customer                      your SkyCaddie® device as well as any scores, statistics and other
Service at for options to purchase a                        information you have stored on your SkyGolf, Club SG™ (Beta)
license applicable to your country of residence.                                        or SkyGolf 360 account) on expiration of the term of your SkyCaddie®
                                                                                        Membership Plan or SkyGolf 360 mobile application if not timely
LICENSE AGREEMENT                                                                       renewed. If you do not purchase a SkyCaddie® Membership Plan, or
This License Agreement (this “License Agreement”) is a legal agreement                  if you purchase a Registration Only Membership Plan, and/or if you do
between you and SkyHawke Technologies, LLC (“Licensor”). By using or                    not purchase a SkyGolf 360 mobile application, you will not have
installing the Products, you acknowledge and agree that you have read,                  access to the features and functionality of the SkyCaddie® Membership
understood and agreed to this License Agreement and that this License                   Plan, such as SkyGolf’s course maps and advanced course
Agreement is enforceable like any written negotiated agreement signed by you.           management features, or of the SkyGolf 360 mobile application,
Any and all software (including any embedded software, drivers,                         such as statistical analysis and storing of playing information. Licensor
enhancements, revisions, downloads, modifications or updates),                          reserves the right to stop offering SkyCaddie® Membership Plans and/or
                                     10                                                                                 11

SkyGolf 360 mobile application renewals at any time without notice.        c. You may not assign, distribute, lease, rent, lend, sublicense, or
a. Subject to paragraph 5 below and the other terms of this License           transfer this license to the SkyGolf Software or any of their modules
   Agreement, you are granted a nontransferable, non-exclusive license        or components, except as provided herein or by item (b) above, or
   to use the SkyGolf Software under the terms stated in this License         disclose the SkyGolf Software to any other person or entity, or
   Agreement and, if purchased separately, the terms stated in your           otherwise offer access to or use of, the SkyGolf Software via the
   SkyCaddie® Membership Plan License Agreement and/or                        Internet or via any other network which is available to or accessible
   SkyGolf 360 mobile application for solely personal                         by third parties. Any attempt to do so is a violation of the rights
   noncommercial use in connection with the single SkyCaddie®                 of Licensor and its licensors of the SkyGolf Software. If you breach
   Product. Title, ownership and copyright of the SkyGolf Software and        this restriction, you may be subject to prosecution and damages.
   any scores, statistics and other information stored on your SkyGolf,       You may, however, make a one-time permanent transfer of all of
   Club SG™ (Beta) or SkyGolf 360 account are vested in, and remain           your license rights to the SkyGolf Software to another party in
   with, the Licensor. The rights granted herein are limited to the use       connection with the transfer of ownership of the SkyCaddie® Product,
   of the SkyGolf Software and your SkyGolf, Club SG™ (Beta) or               provided that: (a) the transfer must include the SkyCaddie® Product
   SkyGolf 360 account in accordance with this License Agreement,             and all of the SkyGolf Software, including all its component parts,
   and do not include any rights in any patents or other intellectual         original media, printed materials and this License; (b) you do not
   property rights of Licensor.                                               retain any copies of the SkyGolf Software, full or partial, including
b. Except as and only to the extent expressly permitted in this License       copies stored on a computer or other storage device; (c) the party
   or by applicable law, you may not copy, de-compile, re-compile,            receiving the SkyGolf Software reads and agrees to accept the
   reverse engineer, disassemble, attempt to derive the source code of,       terms and conditions of this License and (d) the transfer is not of
   modify, or create derivative works or translations of the Software         a commercial nature. You agree to reasonably cooperate with
   or SkyGolf course maps. The SkyGolf Software, SkyGolf course               Licensor in inquiries by Licensor regarding your downloading and/or
   maps and other software downloaded from the Licensor’s web                 use of SkyGolf course maps or other SkyGolf Software.
   site may not be used with, transferred or transmitted to any other      d. You agree that Licensor may, from time to time, send
   GPS hardware, GPS software, or any other user or medium, except            communications to you regarding (i) your SkyCaddie® Product, (ii)
   to an authorized SkyCaddie® hardware/software system in your               the SkyGolf Software, (iii) your SkyGolf, Club SG™ (Beta) and/
   name (or the name of a transferee authorized by Licensor) for              or SkyGolf 360 account, (iv) other notifications relevant to the
   personal noncommercial use in accordance with this License                 SkyCaddie® Product you have registered with Licensor, and (v)
   Agreement. Licensor reserves the right to limit the number of SkyGolf      special product or service promotions or offers. These
   course maps downloaded to the SkyCaddie® Product, both in terms            communications may come from either Licensor directly or through
   of total number of courses downloaded and number of courses                third parties providing member benefit services for Licensor. This
   downloaded over any given period of time.                                  permission supersedes any previous opt outs by you.
                               12                                                                         13

e. This License Agreement is effective until expiration, unless sooner        2) LIMITATION OF LIABILITY
   terminated by Licensor. To the extent this License Agreement                  LICENSOR PROVIDES THE SKYGOLF SOFTWARE ON AN “AS IS”
   includes the licensing of Software or other components also licensed          BASIS AND DOES NOT WARRANT THE EXECUTION OR
   in connection with a SkyGolf Membership Plan (including access to             PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. NO WARRANTIES ARE
   SkyGolf course maps and to advanced course management                         EXPRESSED AND NONE SHALL BE IMPLIED. LICENSOR
   features) and/or a SkyGolf 360 mobile application (including                  SPECIFICALLY EXCLUDES ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF
   statistical analysis and storing of playing information), this License        MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
   Agreement with respect to such Software or other components                   SOME JURISDICTIONS DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED
   expires simultaneously with the expiration of such Membership Plan            WARRANTIES SO THE FOREGOING MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. NO
   or mobile application. Additionally, this license terminates,                 ORAL OR WRITTEN INFORMATION OR ADVICE GIVEN BY LICENSOR
   without notice, if you fail to comply with any provision of this              OR A LICENSOR AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL CREATE A
   Agreement. You agree upon expiration or termination to destroy the            WARRANTY. SHOULD THE SKYGOLF SOFTWARE PROVE DEFECTIVE,
   SkyGolf Software, together with all copies, modifications and merged          YOU ASSUME THE ENTIRE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING,
   portions in any form, including any copy in your computer memory or           REPAIR OR CORRECTION. NO REFUNDS SHALL BE GIVEN FOR
   on a hard disk.                                                               SKYGOLF SOFTWARE, OR FOR SUBSCRIPTION FEES PAID FOR
f. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary herein, the license             SKYGOLF COURSE MAP DATABASES. IN NO EVENT SHALL
   granted hereunder shall only apply to the extent the SkyCaddie                LICENSOR’S LIABILITY TO YOU FOR DAMAGES HEREUNDER FOR
   Product on which the SkyGolf Software is installed was purchased by           ANY CAUSE WHATSOEVER EXCEED THE AMOUNT PAID BY YOU
   you in an authorized United States sale, you were a United States             FOR USE OF THE SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT WILL LICENSOR
   resident at the time you purchased the SkyCaddie Product and you              BE LIABLE FOR ANY LOST PROFITS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR
   registered the SkyCaddie Product using your bona fide U.S. address.           CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY
   Post office boxes or other similar addresses shall not qualify as a           TO USE THE SOFTWARE EVEN IF LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF
   bona fide U.S. address, and addresses obtained, rented or leased              THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES.
   from third parties for the purpose of receiving product for subsequent
   delivery outside the U.S. shall not qualify as a bona fide U.S. address.      TO THE EXTENT NOT PROHIBITED BY LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL
   In the event you did not purchase the SkyCaddie Product in an                 LICENSOR BE LIABLE FOR PERSONAL INJURY, OR ANY INCIDENTAL,
   authorized U.S. sale or were not a U.S. resident at the time of               SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER,
   purchase or do not have a U.S. address, no license is granted to the          INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF PROFITS,
   SkyGolf Software, but you may contact SkyGolf Customer Service at             LOSS OF DATA, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION OR ANY OTHER for options to purchase a license                 COMMERCIAL DAMAGES OR LOSSES, ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED
   applicable to your country of residence.                                      TO YOUR USE OR INABILITY TO USE ANY SKYCADDIE® PRODUCT,
                                14                                                                          15

    SKYGOLF SOFTWARE AND SOFTWARE UPDATES, HOWEVER                                     laws of countries other than the country in which the SkyCaddie®
    CAUSED, REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY (CONTRACT,                           Product and related accessories are purchased, which shall be deemed
    TORT OR OTHERWISE) AND EVEN IF LICENSOR HAS BEEN ADVISED                           to be the United States. If you intend to use the SkyCaddie® Product and
    OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME JURISDICTIONS DO                          related accessories in a country other than the United States, you are solely
    NOT ALLOW THE LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR PERSONAL INJURY,                         responsible for determining whether use of all features and functionality of
    OR OF INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, SO THIS                                 the SkyCaddie® Product and related accessories are permitted in such
    LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU.                                                   other country.

    THE SKYGOLF SOFTWARE IS NOT INTENDED FOR USE IN THE                            4) U.S. Government Restricted Rights — The SkyGolf Software is provided
    OPERATION OF NUCLEAR FACILITIES, AIRCRAFT NAVIGATION OR                           with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication or disclosure by the
    COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS, AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL SYSTEMS, LIFE                          Government is subject to restrictions set forth in subdivision (c) (1) of The
    SUPPORT MACHINES OR OTHER EQUIPMENT IN WHICH THE FAILURE                          Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at 252.227-7013.
    OF THE SKYGOLF SOFTWARE COULD LEAD TO DEATH, PERSONAL                             Contractor/Manufacturer is SkyHawke Technologies, LLC, 274 Commerce
    INJURY, OR SEVERE PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE.                               Park Drive - Suite M, Ridgeland, MS 39157.

    Please be advised that golf is an inherently dangerous activity, and use of    5) Requirement to Purchase a SkyCaddie® Membership Plan — Some or all
    the SkyCaddie® on a golf course is at your own risk.                              of the SkyGolf Software (including access to SkyGolf course maps and
                                                                                      advanced course management features) may not be used without a
3) Export Control — You may not use or otherwise export or re-export the              current SkyCaddie® Membership Plan, and no license is hereunder granted
   SkyGolf Software except as authorized by United States law. In particular,         thereto without a current SkyGolf® Membership Plan. To the extent any of
   but without limitation, the SkyGolf Software may not be exported or                the SkyGolf Software is included in a SkyCaddie® Membership Plan, you
   re-exported (a) into any U.S. embargoed countries or (b) to anyone on              must separately purchase the SkyCaddie® Membership Plan, and the
   the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or           use and license of such SkyGolf Software is subject to and governed by
   the U.S. Department of Commerce Denied Person’s List or Entity List.               the SkyCaddie® Membership Plan and any license agreement in
   By using the SkyGolf Software, you represent and warrant that you are not          connection with such Membership Plan. If you do not purchase the
   located in any such country or on any such list. You also agree that you will      SkyCaddie® Membership Plan, you will not have access to, and are not
   not use the SkyGolf Software for any purposes prohibited by United States          granted a license hereunder for, such SkyGolf Software.
   and other applicable law, including, without limitation, the development,
   design, manufacture or production of missiles, nuclear, chemical or             6) Requirement to Purchase of a SkyGolf 360 Mobile Application —
   biological weapons. Use of some features and functionality of the                  Some or all features of the SkyCaddie Product and/or the SkyCaddie
   SkyCaddie® Product and related accessories may be restricted by the                Software (including statistical analysis and storing of playing information)
                                       16                                                                                  17

may not be used without a current SkyGolf 360 mobile application                  with Android-based devices, and some Android-based devices may not
installed on a compatible mobile, and no license is hereunder                     be compatible with your SkyCaddie Product. A SkyGolf 360 mobile
granted thereto without a current SkyGolf 360 mobile application.                 application for Android devices may not be immediately available.
To the extent any of the SkyGolf Software is included in a SkyGolf 360
mobile application, you must separately purchase the SkyGolf 360              7) No Responsibility for GPS System — Use of the SkyGolf Software and
mobile application from the Apple App Store in the case of iOS                   the SkyCaddie® Product is dependent on the global positioning system.
devices and Google Play in the case of Android devices, and the use and          The global positioning system is a free service operated and maintained by
license of such SkyGolf Software is subject to and governed by the               the United States Government, which is solely responsible for its accuracy
SkyGolf 360 mobile application license agreement. If you do not                  and maintenance. Licensor shall have no liability or responsibility for any
purchase the SkyGolf 360 mobile application, you will not have                   failure in, or any limitations of, the global positioning system.
access to, and are not granted a license hereunder for, such SkyGolf
Software.                                                                     8) Ownership of Uploaded Data — You agree, for and in consideration of
                                                                                 Licensor offering to you the license granted in accordance with the terms
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT Mobile COMPATIBILITY: Any System                            of this License Agreement, that any data uploaded by you to Licensor or to
Requirements set forth on SkyCaddie Product packaging or otherwise are           any website maintained by Licensor shall be and become the property
minimum requirements only and compatibility with specific devices meeting        solely of Licensor, and you hereby assign, convey and transfer to Licensor
those System Requirements may vary. Additionally, Bluetooth, iOS and             all of your right, title and interest in and to such data, including, without
Android systems change from time to time, and SkyHawke cannot                    limitation, any copyright or other intellectual property rights you may have in
and does not guarantee that the Products will function properly or achieve       such data.
satisfactory performance in the event of an update to either Bluetooth, iOS
or Android systems.                                                           9) Special Notice Regarding Certain Course Maps Contained in the SkyGolf
                                                                                 Course Map Database — Pebble Beach®, Pebble Beach Golf Links®,
Performance of Android-based devices varies from device to device and            Spyglass Hill® Golf Course, The Links at Spanish Bay™, Del Monte™ Golf
from manufacturer to manufacturer. CONSEQUENTLY, SKYHAWKE                        Course, Peter Hay™ Golf Course, and their individual holes, course
CANNOT AND DOES NOT GUARANTEE THAT THE PRODUCTS                                  designs and respective underlying distinctive images are trademarks,
WILL FUNCTION PROPERLY OR COMPLETELY WITH ANDROID-BASED                          service marks, and trade dress of Pebble Beach Company. Used under
DEVICES. Any System Requirements set forth on SkyCaddie Product                  license.
packaging or otherwise are minimum requirements only and do not
constitute a representation that all Android-based devices meeting those      10) Amendments or Modifications to This License Agreement, Modification
System Requirements will satisfactorily function with the Products.               of Software Support — Licensor shall have the right to amend or
SkyCaddie Product compatibility and performance varies when used                  modify this License Agreement from time to time. All such amendments or
                                  18                                                                                 19

    modifications shall be effective on the date the amended or modified End          13) Beta Test Features — One or more features of the Products (including
    User License Agreement and Terms and Conditions is posted to Licensor’s               software applications used in connection with the SkyCaddie® Product)
    website at Licensor reserves the right to change or                  may be in beta test mode (the “beta features”). The beta features are
    discontinue its support of the SkyGolf Software.                                      generally identified in the process either to register your SkyCaddie®
                                                                                          Product or purchase your SkyCaddie® Membership Plan, and the beta
11) Choice of Law — This License Agreement is governed by the laws of                     features identified therein may be changed from time to time. The use and
    the State of Mississippi, without regard to the principles of conflict of laws.       continuation of these beta features are subject to this License Agreement.
    You acknowledge that the Software and updates licensed under this                     As a beta tester, you are invited to use the beta features. The beta features
    License Agreement are provided through computer servers maintained                    are provided “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE,” and we make no warranty of
    in the State of Mississippi, USA and that such jurisdiction has a                     any kind, express or implied, with respect to the beta features. By using the
    significant and meaningful connection with the transaction in which you               beta features, you agree that (i) use of the beta features is at your own risk
    obtained such Software and updates. This License shall not be governed                and for the purpose of evaluating the features and identifying errors, (ii) the
    by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale              beta features may include known and unknown bugs and (iii) Licensor
    of Goods, the application of which is expressly excluded. If for any reason           may discontinue or modify the beta features at any time and from time to
    a court of competent jurisdiction finds any provision, or portion thereof, to         time. Licensor makes no guarantee that the beta features will ever be
    be unenforceable, the remainder of this License Agreement shall continue              released from beta testing as a full feature for use with the SkyCaddie®
    in full force and effect to the fullest extent permitted by law.                      Product. The beta features may initially be provided free of charge. Licensor
                                                                                          may, at any time, discontinue any such free use and may, at any time and
12) Complete Agreement — This License Agreement, together with any                        from time to time, make access to or use of the beta features (and the
    license agreement you entered in connection with a SkyCaddie®                         features upon full release) subject to payment of additional fees or costs.
    Membership Plan or SkyCaddie 360 mobile application, constitutes                                                                                 Revised 08/11/2014
    the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the use
    of the SkyGolf Software licensed hereunder and supersedes all prior
    or contemporaneous understandings regarding such subject matter. No                       SKYCADDIE TOUCH CONSUMER LIMITED WARRANTY
    amendment to or modification of this License Agreement will be binding                             (AUTHORIZED U.S. SALES ONLY)
    unless in writing and signed by Licensor or unless posted on Licensor’s
    website. Any translation of this License Agreement is done for local              SkyHawke Technologies, LLC of 274 Commerce Park Drive, Ridgeland, MS
    requirements and in the event of a dispute between the English and any            39157, (“SkyGolf”) provides a limited consumer hardware warranty to the
    non-English versions, the English version of this License Agreement shall         original registered consumer (non-commercial) user (the “Customer”) of this
    govern.                                                                           SkyCaddie TOUCH product, who purchases the SkyCaddie TOUCH product
                                                                                      in an authorized United States sale, who is a resident of the United States at
                                        20                                                                                    21

the time of purchase and who registers the SkyCaddie product with SkyGolf          LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS:
using a bona fide United States address within thirty (30) days of purchase.       This Consumer Limited Warranty excludes (1) cosmetic or physical damage to
This warranty is non-transferable and does not apply to product used in any        the surface of the product, including cracks or scratches on the LCD screen
manner other than by an individual consumer.                                       or outside casing; (2) damage caused by misuse, neglect, improper installation
                                                                                   or testing, unauthorized attempts to modify the product, attempted servicing
HARDWARE:                                                                          by anyone other than an authorized service representative of SkyGolf or any
Subject to the exclusions, limitations, and conditions stated herein, SkyGolf      other cause beyond the range of the intended use; (3) damage caused by
warrants this SkyCaddie TOUCH product to be free from defects in                   accident, fire, water or liquids, power changes, other hazards, or acts of God;
workmanship and materials, under normal consumer (non-commercial) use, for         (4) use of the product with any non-SkyCaddie device, component (such
a period of six (6) months from the original purchase date.                        as chargers or connection cables), or service if such device, component or
                                                                                   service causes the problem; (5) use of this product for any non-consumer,
AVAILABLE EXTENDED WARRANTY UPGRADE:                                               commercial or rental purpose; (6) the battery or battery charging system; (7)
Consumers who register their SkyCaddie TOUCH product within thirty (30)            modifications or restrictions that may need to be made to the GPS receiver
days of the original purchase date may optionally purchase an upgrade to a         module due to a change in the Global Positioning System made by the
twelve (12) month limited warranty at the time of registration. The extended       United States Government or any other governing bodies or (8) compatibility
warranty does not include accessories and components. Extended warranties          issues with mobile devices like mobiles or tablet computers, or with mobile
are only available for new SkyCaddie TOUCH models and only if the extended         device applications like mobile or tablet computer applications. Any third-
warranty is purchased through SkyGolf within 30 days of the original purchase      party products, including software included with SkyCaddie products are
of the eligible SkyCaddie device. Extended warranties are subject to all of the    not covered by this Consumer Limited Warranty, and SkyGolf makes no
terms and conditions of the original 6 month limited warranty but extend the       representations or warranties on behalf of such third parties. Any warranty on
warranty period from 6 months from the original purchase date to 12 months         such products is from the supplier or licensor of the third-party product.
from the original purchase date. Extended warranties are not available on
SkyCaddie models other than new SkyCaddie TOUCH models and are not                 Important: Do not open the SkyCaddie case. Opening the SkyCaddie
available on any used SkyCaddie TOUCH model. In the event an extended              case may cause damage that is not covered by this warranty. Only
warranty is purchased on a non-eligible device or outside the 30 day eligibility   SkyGolf or an authorized SkyGolf service center should perform
period, SkyGolf may void the extended warranty, and the purchaser’s sole           service on this SkyCaddie product. Opening the SkyCaddie case shall
remedy shall be limited to return of the purchase price of the extended            void this warranty.
                                                                                   The Global Positioning System is a free service operated and maintained by
                                                                                   the United States Government, which is solely responsible for its accuracy and
                                       22                                                                                23

BONA FIDE U.S. RESIDENCY:                                                            Replacement products or parts may be new or reconditioned. Parts removed
Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary herein, the limited warranty           by SkyGolf shall become the sole property of SkyGolf.
provided for herein shall only apply to the extent the SkyCaddie TOUCH was
purchased by a consumer Customer in an authorized United States sale, the            SkyGolf’s repair or replacement of defective parts does not extend the term of
Customer is a United States resident at the time of purchase and the Customer        this Limited Warranty, which shall expire upon the expiration of the applicable
registered the SkyCaddie TOUCH using the Customer’s bona fide U.S.                   Consumer Limited Warranty period from the date of original purchase.
address. Post office boxes or other similar addresses shall not qualify as a
bona fide U.S. address, and addresses used, obtained, rented or leased by or         No oral or written information or advice given by SkyGolf or its dealers,
from third parties for the purpose of receiving product for subsequent delivery      distributors, employees or agents shall in any way extend, modify or add to this
outside the U.S. shall not qualify as a bona fide U.S. address.                      Limited Warranty.

EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES AND PROCEDURE:                                                    You should protect any data, including golf round data, stored on your
In the event of a covered defect during the warranty period, SkyGolf will, at its    SkyCaddie device by downloading to your SkyGolf, ClubSG (Beta), or SkyGolf
sole option, repair or replace the product at no charge to Customer for parts or     360 mobile application account before delivering your SkyCaddie for service,
labor. To obtain warranty service for SkyCaddie products, the Customer must          as you will either receive a refurbished SkyCaddie device under SkyGolf’s
contact SkyGolf customer service center at for           Back-in-Play program or the contents of your original device may be deleted
a return authorization code, and return the unit shipping prepaid, with proof of     during repair.
the date of original purchase, return authorization code, and Customer return
address to: Warranty Returns, SkyHawke Technologies LLC, 274 Commerce                WARRANTY LIMITATION:
Park Drive, Ridgeland, MS 39157. Shipping labels must contain the return             THE FOREGOING WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES ARE EXCLUSIVE AND IN
authorization code. ANY shipments sent for warranty service WITHOUT the              LIEU OF ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING
appropriate return authorization code will be refused and returned to Customer       WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
at Customer’s expense. SkyGolf will not be responsible for any loss or damage        PURPOSE, PERFORMANCE, ACCURACY CORRESPONDENCE WITH
to the product incurred while the product is in transit from Customer for repairs.   DESCRIPTION, AND NONINFRINGEMENT, ALL OF WHICH ARE EXPRESSLY
Customer should, as a precaution, purchase adequate insurance for the unit           DISCLAIMED.
while it is in transit.
                                                                                     IN NO EVENT SHALL SKYGOLF BE LIABLE, WHETHER IN CONTRACT OR
SkyGolf’s total obligation under this warranty shall be, at SkyGolf’s sole           TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) FOR DAMAGES IN EXCESS OF THE
discretion, to repair or replace the product or part with a comparable product       PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT, ACCESSORY OR SOFTWARE,
or part, or if neither repair nor replacement is reasonably available, SkyGolf       OR FOR ANY INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR
may refund to Customer the purchase price paid for the product or part.              PUNITIVE DAMAGES OF ANY KIND OR LOSS OF REVENUE OR PROFITS,
                                       24                                                                                   25

LOSS OF BUSINESS, LOSS OF INFORMATION OR DATA, SOFTWARE OR                        SkyCaddie product will function properly or achieve satisfactory performance
APPLICATIONS OR OTHER FINANCIAL LOSS ARISING OUT OF OR IN                         while connecting via Bluetooth to iOS or Android devices. ALL WARRANTIES
MAY BE DISCLAIMED BY LAW.                                                         application for Android devices may not be immediately available.

DAMAGES, SKYGOLF’S ENTIRE LIABILITY SHALL BE LIMITED TO COSTS                     This Registered User Limited Warranty shall be governed by the laws of the
OF REPLACEMENT REPAIR, OR REFUND OF THE PURCHASE PRICE PAID,                      State of Mississippi, U.S.A., and by the laws of the United States, excluding
AT THE SOLE OPTION OF THE COMPANY.                                                their conflicts of laws principles. The United Nations Convention on Contracts
                                                                                  for the International Sale of Goods is hereby excluded in its entirety from
THIS WARRANTY APPLIES ONLY TO SKYCADDIE PRODUCTS WHICH                            application to this Limited Warranty. The country of purchase of this SkyCaddie
ARE PURCHASED IN AN AUTHORIZED UNITED STATES SALE, ARE                            product shall be deemed the United States.
PURCHASED BY A UNITED STATES RESIDENT AT THE TIME OF                                                                                            Revised 8-12-2014

Some states and jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of
incidental or consequential damages, or limitation on the length of an implied
warranty, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This
warranty may give you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights
that vary from state to state or from one jurisdiction to another.

Any System Requirements set forth on SkyCaddie packaging or otherwise
relating to SkyCaddie products that communicate with or connect via
Bluetooth® to mobile devices, such as mobiles and tablet computers, whether
iOS, Android™ or other, are minimum requirements only and compatibility
with specific devices meeting those System Requirements may vary by
mobile device and its operating system, which changes often and outside
the control of SkyGolf. Accordingly, SkyGolf does not warrant that your
                                      26                                                                                27

The True Measure of the Game®

                                v. 1.1-081914

Document Created: 2015-03-11 16:04:10
Document Modified: 2015-03-11 16:04:10

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